Soft Skills Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This presentation offers a new vision of how linguistic mediation can be implemented in the classroom and help students not only gain language proficiency, but also acquire other skills they will need in their future professional lives.

"The professional development and the improvement of the quality of adult learning staff have been recognised as a priority at European level. However, at European and national levels there is not always a clear view of the competences... more

"The professional development and the improvement of the quality of adult learning staff have been recognised as a priority at European level. However, at European and national levels there is not always a clear view of the competences needed to fulfill the professional tasks in adult learning, partly due to the diversity of the field. In several European countries, competence profiles and standards for adult learning staff (referred to hereafter as adult learning professionals) have been developed and implemented, although their scope of application differs considerably between institutional and regional levels. Therefore, the European Commission decided to finance a study on key competences for adult learning staff. The aim of this study is to come up with a set of key competences which can functions as a reference for Europe and which can be used by Member States on a voluntary basis.
The study has been carried out by Research voor Beleid in partnership with the University of Glasgow, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and the University of Leiden. During the last year the research team has studied a large number of documents on the duties, tasks, responsibilities, roles, competences and work environments of adult learning professionals, described them in a narrative, organised an expert meeting for modeling the key competences and discussed the outcomes of this modeling exercise with a broad group of stakeholders all over Europe. Overall the research team’s opinion is that this study has triggered an intensive and stimulating professional debate, and we are confident that the set of key competences could play an important role in structuring future debates and developing policies for improving the quality of adult learning.
This report contains the outcomes of this study:
- Chapter 1 presents as an executive summary the set for key competences of adult learning professionals.
- Chapters 2 to 6 contain the report on the study on key competences of adult learning professionals.
- Chapter 7 and 8 provides information about the sources and literature used in this study.
- In the last chapter a short description is given of the educational programmes and job descriptions used to ground the set of key competences in empirical reality. These educational programmes and job descriptions have been taken up as case-studies in the report."

This paper introduces empathic design as a framework and a strategy that can be adopted by the emerging field of experience design (XD) to create meaningful experiences connected with people's lives and needs. The paper presents the... more

This paper introduces empathic design as a framework and a strategy that can be adopted by the emerging field of experience design (XD) to create meaningful experiences connected with people's lives and needs. The paper presents the rationale behind the emergence of empathic design, the traits that characterize this approach to design, a collection of empathic design methods and practices, and a critical discussion of the limitations of empathy in design. Methodologically, this paper is based on a systematic literature review on empathic design, human-centred design, and empathy, which is synthesized and focused its application in experience design. Ultimately, this paper intends to contribute to the broader discussion of how traditional design practices are adapting and evolving to respond to new realities, and how new design paradigms are needed to address the very complex challenges that we face in the 21st century.

Shaping and developing communication skills in non-linguistic faculties in higher education institutions remain relevant. Thus, the theoretical and methodological guidelines for training English professionally-oriented spoken production... more

Shaping and developing communication skills in non-linguistic faculties in higher education institutions remain relevant. Thus, the theoretical and methodological guidelines for training English professionally-oriented spoken production are among significant problems. Intending to overcome some related challenges, we conducted this study to investigate the efficiency of using presentational speeches based on authentic video materials. The main aim of the research was to analyze the problem from methodological and didactic perspectives and substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of the professional training of monolingual students through the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. To achieve the objectives of this study, in the first stage, we determined the efficiency of pedagogical conditions for developing the foreign language competence of students. Then we verified the efficiency of using presentational speeches in teaching Spoken Production. At the last stage, we analyzed the effectiveness of the proposed methods of forming and developing foreign language competence (Spoken Production) by using presentational speeches. The study sample included 45 students of the Sociology and Law Faculty in the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". We obtained the results that confirmed the efficiency of the presentational speech approach in teaching spoken production. Our study revealed that the presentational speech approach facilitates enhancement in the level of students' professional competence. These findings provide a good starting point for discussion and further research.

TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result... more

TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result of the implementation of the Bologna Process, Higher Education Institutions in Europe are required to be more focused on skills and

The task of schools, universities and educational institutions should be to support people in their growth by helping them to develop their potential and providing them with a wide range of skills for a successful integration in the... more

The task of schools, universities and educational institutions should be to support people in their growth by helping them to develop their potential and providing them with a wide range of skills for a successful integration in the society. This objective must be constantly adapted to the new challenges created by the ever-changing social and cultural scenario. Today, more than ever, we live in a complex society where everything evolves promptly, making previously indispensable knowledge and skills rapidly obsolete. The system of education must be transformed profoundly in order to pursue a vision of education that goes beyond the predominant utilitarian and economic one, to integrate the multiple dimensions of human existence and to promote the harmonious development of the person in relationship to the world. The Recommendations of the Council of the European Union of May 22, 2018 on key competences for lifelong learning make it clear that, in order to ensure resilience and the ability to adjust to change, the skills that are now required are entrepreneurial, social and civic skills. It should be noted that the competences mentioned by the Council of the European Union are meta-competences and personal skills. How can the educational system create the conditions for the development of the human being, his resilience and skills? Are there already educational approaches that can foster an integral growth? A pedagogical approach that places the development of the human being in all his dimensions at the center of its structure, valuing the empowerment of the subject who actively contributes to the construction of himself and the community in which he lives, can be identified in Service-Learning. In practical terms, it is a learning/teaching approach that combines Service (solidarity service to the community, citizenship) with Learning (the acquisition of professional, methodological, social and didactic skills) in order to help students develop knowledge and skills through a solidarity service offered to the community. Service-Learning, which has been developing around the world since the end of the 1960s, has its roots in the civic concern of the North American pedagogist John Dewey and in the South American educator and philosopher Paulo Freire's concept of transforming the world through reflection and action. Both are today the two main points of reference for the most pragmatic and critical currents of this pedagogical proposal, although they have never explicitly theorized it. The two scholars understood the "educational process as a bearer of action and reflection", insisting on the fact that theory and practice must complement each other as they both "build their philosophies around concepts related to experience, growth, communication, mediation and problem solving. Today, the Service-Learning approach has become a worldwide pedagogical movement, taking on its own characteristics in different cultural contexts.

This article is intended to initiate discussion on potential interaction between technoscience (geosciences, in particular) and philosophy of science. The author reviews ideas of such interaction which are of interest to the world... more

This article is intended to initiate discussion on potential interaction between technoscience (geosciences, in particular) and philosophy of science. The author reviews ideas of such interaction which are of interest to the world scientific community at this time and raise debates in the top business magazines in the world. Scientists and engineers fill inclination to appeal to philosophy when muse on: the way ideology
influences an industry, economy and business; self-control and censorship in professional relationship between people; efficiency of thinking and brainwork management toward serene reasoning and
understanding of different opinions and arguments of partners and public; development of soft skills, including communication and cooperation skills, problem-solving, conflict resolution, respect for different cultures and philosophies, pliable perception and thinking; combating myths, i.e. pictorial and convincing descriptions of the world or its parts without any scientific grounding; how to interact with the public and non-professionals, to sustain tension and assert expert solutions through social interfaces created in industries; how to assess the importance and effectiveness of achieving both short-term and longterm goal objectives; on how to adjust oneself in cultural, historical, mythological, religious and other local and global contexts; how research and engineering activities affect large-scale human behavior, satisfaction of people needs and the very understanding of what is human and what is engineering. The article emphasizes the lack of a clear discussion of the concept underlain the Soviet period idea of a new
society, meanwhile the idea was and is the backbone of vision and foresight of engineers educated in the Soviet and post-Soviet times. The customary positivistic attitude of professionals to their activities, upon
a closer view, discloses the whole entwinement of various ideas and concepts.

This paper introduces empathic design as a framework and a strategy that can be adopted by the emerging field of experience design (XD) to create meaningful experiences connected with people’s lives and needs. The paper presents the... more

This paper introduces empathic design as a framework and a strategy that can be adopted by the emerging field of experience design (XD) to create meaningful experiences connected with people’s lives and needs. The paper presents the rationale behind the emergence of empathic design, the traits that characterize this approach to design, a collection of empathic design methods and practices, and a critical discussion of the limitations of empathy in design. Methodologically, this paper is based on a systematic literature review on empathic design, human-centred design, and empathy, which is synthesized and focused its application in experience design. Ultimately, this paper intends to contribute to the broader discussion of how traditional design practices are adapting and evolving to respond to new realities, and how new design paradigms are needed to address the very complex challenges that we face in the 21st century.

In this paper we primarily report on the practical outcomes of Software Studio undergraduate course, but also on a graduate Software Engineering for Internet Applications course, both of which are taught collaboratively by IT and non-IT... more

In this paper we primarily report on the practical outcomes of Software Studio undergraduate course, but also on a graduate Software Engineering for Internet Applications course, both of which are taught collaboratively by IT and non-IT faculty members. In the latter, students are assigned to projects proposed by actual customers and work together in teams to deliver quality results under time and resource constraints. We are interested in the learning results, such as skills acquired, e.g. by analysing the interaction between students and customers to determine how and to what degree the students transform through project based collaborative learning. As for the former course, we intend to determine the added value of collaborative teaching, aiming at equipping the participants with both technical and non-technical skills required for their prospective jobs. The primary goal is, therefore, to allow students to manage a relatively large number of tools with little prior knowledge an...

The Hiring process is a crucial part of a company's success. Thus, it is imperative that companies must have an active strategy order to have an effective hiring process. An Hr manager is one of the vital people that are needed to... more

The Hiring process is a crucial part of a company's success. Thus, it is imperative that companies must have an active strategy order to have an effective hiring process. An Hr manager is one of the vital people that are needed to establish an effective hiring process. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to help improve the selection process specifically by means of understanding the relative value of hard and soft skills. The understanding of the relative value will support improve the selection process because companies will have an in-depth understanding of the needs of their corporation regarding employee skills. The study will help companies improve recruiting process it will also benefit future researcher to establish the similar study to be conducted on other business sectors other than manufacturing sector. It is revealed in the research that the relative value of hard and soft skills is almost similar. On the contrary, it also shows that the effects are much incl...

Project work per il Master di Alta Formazione Gestione, Sviluppo e Amministrazione delle Risorse Umane. Analisi della formazione e delle soft skills acquisite in ambito associazionistico e loro utilità nel mercato del lavoro. Studio del... more

Project work per il Master di Alta Formazione Gestione, Sviluppo e Amministrazione delle Risorse Umane.
Analisi della formazione e delle soft skills acquisite in ambito associazionistico e loro utilità nel mercato del lavoro.
Studio del caso Parlamento Europeo Giovani e Alumni Parlamento Europeo Giovani Italia

In every industry, effective teams depend upon a collection of non-technical competencies often described as soft skills: leadership, verbal and written communication, collaboration, analytical thinking, creativity, decision-making,... more

In every industry, effective teams depend upon a collection of non-technical competencies often described as soft skills: leadership, verbal and written communication, collaboration, analytical thinking, creativity, decision-making, problem-solving, and flexibility. Though the importance of soft skills is widely acknowledged, soft skills curricula are either non-existent or underdeveloped in most universities. This soft skills training gap leaves students under-prepared and often over-confident as they enter the workforce. In response to this gap in our department at The University of Texas at Austin, we defined and implemented an emergent, project-based pedagogical framework to recruit an interdisciplinary roster of students and deliver relevant soft skills training. Using "agile" methodologies within a student-derived, flat organizational structure, our students rapidly developed essential soft skills while engaged with an ambitious and high-risk project to design and build three performance-ready velociraptor dinosaur suits. We discuss lessons learned, alongside successes, to help others develop similar frameworks to close soft skill gaps within higher education curricula regardless of discipline.

This book provides a guide for polytechnic lecturers to teach soft skills. It encompasses a whole range of skills, including assertiveness, influencing and persuading, negotiating, presenting and public speaking, networking and managing... more

This book provides a guide for polytechnic lecturers to teach soft skills. It encompasses a whole range of skills, including assertiveness, influencing and persuading, negotiating, presenting and public speaking, networking and managing a team. Overall, the activities in the lesson plans are developed to offer insights for both the lecturers and the students in gaining a better understanding of the ways people think and behave and presenting themselves and their ideas in a way that will have the best impact.

W artykule podjęto problematykę wyzwań przyszłości w zakresie kształtowania kluczowych kompetencji oraz wskazano na współczesne procesy społeczno-gospodarcze i kulturowe, które w największym stopniu warunkują zapotrzebowanie na nowe... more

W artykule podjęto problematykę wyzwań przyszłości w zakresie
kształtowania kluczowych kompetencji oraz wskazano na współczesne
procesy społeczno-gospodarcze i kulturowe, które w największym
stopniu warunkują zapotrzebowanie na nowe kompetencje pracowników.
Zależność między przedsiębiorczością a rozwojem społeczno-
-gospodarczym dowodzi, że w procesie tym ważną rolę odgrywa przedsiębiorczy
człowiek, a wiele istotnych na współczesnym rynku pracy
kompetencji ma ścisły związek z szeroko rozumianą przedsiębiorczością.
Na tym tle przedstawiono miejsce przedsiębiorczości w polskim
systemie edukacji w świetle nowej podstawy programowej i wskazano
na jej zwiększającą się rolę w przyszłości.

Σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές της παγκοσμιοποιημένης ψηφιακής κοινωνίας η διαδικασία της μάθησης για εκπαιδευτικούς δεν εξαντλείται με την ολοκλήρωση της πανεπιστημιακής τους εκπαίδευσης. Τα διευθυντικά στελέχη εκπαίδευσης, όντας εκπαιδευτικοί... more

Σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές της παγκοσμιοποιημένης ψηφιακής κοινωνίας η διαδικασία της μάθησης για εκπαιδευτικούς δεν εξαντλείται με την ολοκλήρωση της πανεπιστημιακής τους εκπαίδευσης. Τα διευθυντικά στελέχη εκπαίδευσης, όντας εκπαιδευτικοί λειτουργοί και διοικητικοί υπάλληλοι οφείλουν να ενημερώνονται διαρκώς ως προς τις τρέχουσες τάσεις της επιστήμης τους, αλλά και για ζητήματα που σχετίζονται με το νευραλγικό χώρο της εκπαίδευσης γενικότερα. Υπό το σκεπτικό αυτό, η διαρκής επιμόρφωση επιβάλλεται να αποτελεί ένα αναπόσπαστο και οργανικό τμήμα της προσωπικής και επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης των ηγετών εκπαίδευσης. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι η παρουσίαση του εκπαιδευτικού σχεδιασμού ενός ψηφιακού περιβάλλοντος μάθησης για την υλοποίηση ενός προγράμματος κατάρτισης των διευθυντικών στελεχών στις κοινωνικές και ψηφιακές δεξιότητες του 21ου αιώνα. Η ομάδα-στόχος της επιμόρφωσης ήταν οι κατέχοντες ηγετική θέση σε σχολεία Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Θεσσαλονίκης. Τα συμπεράσματα της παρούσας μελέτης επιχείρησαν να ρίξουν φως στον επιστημονικό διάλογο σχετικά με ζητήματα που αφορούν στη μεθοδολογία του σχεδιασμού επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων για σχολικούς ηγέτες. Ειδικότερα, η μελέτη επιχείρησε να συνεισφέρει προς την κατεύθυνση ανάπτυξης ενός νέου εκπαιδευτικού πλαισίου επιμόρφωσης και κατάρτισης ηγετικών στελεχών εκπαίδευσης στο σύγχρονο εκπαιδευτικό γίγνεσθαι. Η μελέτη απευθύνεται στους εξ Αποστάσεως σχεδιαστές επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων, στους ερευνητές, στην επιστημονική κοινότητα και στους ιθύνοντες για τη χάραξη της εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής, προκειμένου να εγείρει προβληματισμό για την αναγκαιότητα ύπαρξης προγραμμάτων επιμόρφωσης για τα στελέχη της εκπαίδευσης ως προς την ανάπτυξη των κοινωνικών και ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων τους, οι οποίες είναι χρήσιμες όχι μόνο για τον επαγγελματικό τους στίβο, αλλά και για την κοινωνική τους ζωή και τις διαπροσωπικές τους σχέσεις.

This paper explores the issue of interlocal collaboration in non-metro areas and argues that the concept of community and related “soft skills” that go along with it, are critical to understanding how increased collaboration can be... more

This paper explores the issue of interlocal collaboration in non-metro areas and argues that the concept of community and related “soft skills” that go along with it, are critical to understanding how increased collaboration can be encouraged. An action research process piloted in two Iowa counties provides the basis for this study and offers rich qualitative insight into some of the factors that influence non-metro interlocal collaboration. *The financial support of the Iowa Department of Management, along with the participation of the local governments of Boone and Poweshiek Counties (Iowa), is gratefully acknowledged. Facilitating Interlocal Collaboration

This paper examines the latest research on the digital skills crisis, focusing on the factors that contribute to digital exclusion. Through an extensive analysis of current literature on the digital divide, the authors discuss digital... more

This paper examines the latest research on the digital skills crisis, focusing on the factors that contribute to digital exclusion. Through an extensive analysis of current literature on the digital divide, the authors discuss digital skills gaps, namely the exclusion of a sizeable part of the workforce from the digital market economy—and women in particular. Studies indicate that exclusion from the digital market is augmented and reinforced when combining the gender dimension with other exclusionary factors such as disability, age, race and socioeconomic background. Research confirms that the gender imbalance in ICT and related sectors persists today, despite decades of equal opportunity policies, legislation and government initiatives. Women are still underrepresented and digitally excluded and efforts to attract, recruit and retain girls and women in ICT and STEM seem to be failing, reinforcing the gender gaps: participation gap, pay gap, and leadership gap, a result of the deep-...

1. RECLUTAMIENTO BASADO EN EVALUACIONES EN CREATIVIDAD Los primeros estudios sistemáticos sobre el desarrollo de la creatividad, se remontan a comienzos de 1950. Estudios marcados por las perspectivas psicológicas que estudiaron al ser... more

1. RECLUTAMIENTO BASADO EN EVALUACIONES EN CREATIVIDAD Los primeros estudios sistemáticos sobre el desarrollo de la creatividad, se remontan a comienzos de 1950. Estudios marcados por las perspectivas psicológicas que estudiaron al ser humano creativo: sus rasgos específicos, sus características, sus actitudes, sus habilidades. Al respecto, las primeras líneas de investigación acerca de la creatividad, han estado íntimamente relacionadas con los aportes realizados previamente en el campo de la inteligencia; caracterizando a la creatividad como un aspecto que operaba "más allá" de la inteligencia (al respecto, es significativo el título de la obra de J.P. Guilford, precursor de estos estudios: The way beyond IQ). Encontramos, en la literatura especializada en creatividad, distintas prácticas para reclutar recursos humanos teniendo en cuenta algún aspecto vinculado a la creatividad. Estas prácticas representan las posturas más extremas y menos vigentes en la actualidad-según las cuales la organización debe detectar y reclutar personas con talento creativo dado que éste es el único modo de conseguir que exista creatividad en la organización-hasta prácticas en donde el reclutamiento está enfocado a incorporar a la organización a personas con ciertas características que permitan, luego, una mejor integración a equipos que deben producir resultados innovadores (independientemente de que estas características estén, en sí mismas, relacionadas con la creatividad). En primer lugar, Comella (1966, 341) es explícito acerca las posturas que consideran inútil intentar influenciar en la creatividad de las personas dentro de la organización si no existe un potencial creativo previo que, además y según el autor, puede ser identificado. Sostiene directamente que la administración no puede pensar en extraer innovadores del personal que contrata al azar: debe reclutar gente en función de su creatividad. Y, para lograr dicho objetivo, se debe aprender a identificar a aquellos individuos que tengan talento creativo fuera de lo común. Para esto, aconseja la utilización de tests psicológicos pero, sobre todo, aprender a comprender el proceso creativo y el tipo de personalidad que lo origina. Esto permite reconocer el talento creativo pero, también, atraer al individuo creador e interesarlo en proyectos de la compañía. Johnson (1995, 285-286), a su vez propone nueve atributos que indicarían el potencial creativo de la persona a ser reclutada: la habilidad para ver las cosas y las situaciones de manera diferente, un alto nivel de curiosidad, un insaciable apetito por el conocimiento, un estilo contestatario y en contra del status quo, cierta tendencia a tratar nuevas cosas antes

This study examined students’ generic skills (communication, IT, numeracy, learning how to learn, problem solving, working with others, and subject-specific competencies) at National University of Indonesia (UI). Students’ self-reports... more

This study examined students’ generic skills (communication, IT, numeracy, learning how to learn, problem solving, working with others, and subject-specific competencies) at National University of Indonesia (UI). Students’ self-reports demonstrated that UI students rated their overall generic skills practices at the bottom of high mean score. Among seven skills, four skills were applied by the students at high level; they were communication, IT, Numeracy and team work skills, but still its mean score were at bottom level of high level. Moreover, three of seven generics skills were performed at medium level; they are numeracy, learning how to learn and problem solving and subject-specific competencies. . Finally, this study suggests that university should formulate and implement generic skills development into action in order to attain intended outcomes of higher education namely employablity, lifelong learning and good citizenship.

Often, in spite of having the right set of qualifications, technical skills and experiences, certain candidates fails to impress the interviewers during job-interviews. There is no denying of the fact that when it comes to finally secure... more

Often, in spite of having the right set of qualifications, technical skills and experiences, certain candidates fails to impress the interviewers during job-interviews. There is no denying of the fact that when it comes to finally secure a job; almost everything depends upon the candidate’s performance during the interview process. Therefore, besides recognizing the importance of interviews; it is also widely believed that with proper understanding, preparation and practice, a person’s interview skills and employability can be greatly enhanced. With this objective, this article brings forth a valuable compilation of 25 important interview questions and suggestions for their effective answering. Most of the questions selected here are basically collected and shortlisted through a process of focus group discussion. The questions are general and contemporary in nature and are mostly suitable for junior to middle-level management positions, across various private sector organizations in India.

This paper aims to examine the main strategies multinational companies implement to enter new markets, and more specifically emerging ones, by reviewing the determinants of the strategic choice between establishing a joint venture formed... more

This paper aims to examine the main strategies multinational companies implement to enter new markets, and more specifically emerging ones, by reviewing the determinants of the strategic choice between establishing a joint venture formed by a multinational and a local partner, and the merger/acquisition of a local firm. By reviewing the relevant literature, we explore the strategies that Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) follow to enter new markets in emerging economies. Finally we put the literature in test by presenting a case study of a clothing retail company that has been a platform for multinationals wishing to enter the market of Mexico.

Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına... more

Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına rağmen Debra Safer, Christy Telch ve Eunice Chen bunu deneysel bazda yapan ilk kişilerdir. Standart diyalektik davranış terapisinin, tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğu ve blumia nervoza semptomlarını tedavi etme yollarının yapılandırılmış bir özetini sunan bu kitap ile alandaki ihtiyaca cevap vermişlerdir. Bu alanda çalışan klinik psikologların ve danışmanların mutlaka okuması gereken önemli bir kaynak olmakla birlikte bu alanda okuyan öğrenciler için de farklı bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır.
Dokuz bölümden oluşan bu kitapta tedavi kapsamlı olarak ele alınmıştır. Genel çerçevede, olumsuz duygularla başa çıkmanın daha uyumsal yollarını öğreten becerilerin kazanımı ile tıkanırcasına yeme ve boşaltmayı durdurma hedefine ulaşma yolu adım adım çizilmiştir. Blumia nervoza ve tıkanırcasına yeme bozukluğuna sahip insanların karılaştığı sorunlar ve mevcut tedavi yöntemleri ele alınarak okuyucuya genel bir bakış açısı kazandırılır. Standart terapinin detaylı bir şekilde tanıtımından sonra bunun adaptasyonunun neden gerekli olduğu, adapte etmenin mantığı mevcut kanıtlar ile sunulur. Daha sonra, tedavi öncesi ve başlangıç oturumlarından tedaviyi sonlandırmaya kadar olan süreç aşama aşama ele alınır. Nüksetmeyi önleme kısmına değinilir. Son olarak kapsamlı vaka örnekleri ile anlatılanların sağlam temeller üzerine oturması sağlanır.
Amacına uygun şekilde düzenlen bu kitap, diyalektik davranış terapisi adapte edilirken belirli sınırlar çizmek yerine okuyucuya geliştirilebilir bir zemin hazırlar. Bu yönüyle tedaviyi uygulamaya ve geliştirmeye teşvik eder. Açıklayıcı vaka örnekleri ve kanıtlar ile tedaviyi tüm ayrıntılarıyla sunarak farklı alanlardan okuyuculara hitap eden bu titiz çalışma özellikle alandaki uzmanlara klinik psikologlara, danışmanlara ve araştırmacılar için bir rehber niteliğinde olacak niteliktedir.

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük etmektedir. "Öğrenme Psikolojisi" adlı bu kitap, alandaki en temel ve güncel araştırma bulgularını da kapsayarak eğitim, edebiyat ve tıp fakülteleri gibi değişik alanların birçok programında lisans ve lisansüstü düzeyde kullanılabilecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır.
Okuyucu merkezli olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, tüm yaşlardaki öğrenicilerin bilgi ve becerileri nasıl edindiklerini ve öğrenme sürecinde etkili olabilen inanç, motivasyon, tutum ve tavır gibi faktörleri kapsamaktadır.
Öğrenme konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen okuyucunun, temel bir psikoloji bilgisine sahip olması ön koşulu yoktur. Kitapta öğrenme kuramlarının tarihsel temellerinden başlayarak güncel öğrenme yaklaşımlarına rahatlıkla geçiş yapılabilir. Alandaki bir profesör, öğrenme ile ilgili en son araştırma bulgularına bu kitapta ulaşabilirken; üniversite eğitimine yeni başlamış bir öğrenci de öğrenme ile ilgili en temel konulara rahatlıkla erişebilir.

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Resumen —Si las reuniones dentro de las organizaciones cumplieran cabalmente con sus propósitos serían de un alto valor estratégico, sin embargo, frecuentemente son consideradas ineficientes e ineficaces. Las organizaciones invierten... more

Resumen —Si las reuniones dentro de las organizaciones cumplieran cabalmente con sus propósitos serían de un alto valor estratégico, sin embargo, frecuentemente son consideradas ineficientes e ineficaces. Las organizaciones invierten tiempo y recursos en mejorar sus procesos productivos y organizacionales pero no en optimizar sus reuniones y cuando lo hacen usualmente no logran los resultados esperados. A simple vista parece un tema de fácil solución pero no lo es, ya que se conecta con la complejidad de los seres humanos. La concepción tradicional asocia una reunión a un espacio temporal o físico donde se abordan temas de una tabla o temario. Mediante la propuesta que hemos trabajado exitosamente en las organizaciones planteamos que las reuniones son ritos de redes conversacionales y procesos organizacionales, concepción que abre una amplia gama de posibilidades y oportunidades de optimización. Abstract — If the meetings within the organizations properly fulfill their purposes would be of a high strategic value. However, they are often considered as inefficient and ineffective. The organizations invest time and resources in improving their productions and organizational processes but not in optimizing their meetings. When they do so, usually they do not get the results expected. At first glance, it seems an issue of an easy solution but it is not, because it is connected to the complexity of human beings. The traditional conception associates a meeting with a time or physical space where issues that are in a list of topics are addressed. Through the proposal that we have successfully worked in the organizations we outline that the meetings are rites of conversational networks and organizational processes. This understanding opens a wide range of possibilities and opportunities of optimization.

The 2020 South African Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) presented five development pillars for the South African 4IR strategy, with the People and Skills pillar emphasising the role of the education sector... more

The 2020 South African Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) presented five development pillars for the South African 4IR strategy, with the People and Skills pillar emphasising the role of the education sector in South Africa's successful global participation in the 4IR. The report identifies a lack of soft skills such as creativity and problem-solving in new graduates, adversely affecting their work-preparedness and employability. The World Economic Forum's 15 top skills for 2025 also placed soft skills as the top six future workplace skills. Tertiary educators have the opportunity and responsibility to prepare graduates for this shift to the 4IR-workplace by developing soft skills relevant to their discipline. Soft skills literature is obscured by differences in terminology and definitions across disciplines and locations. The lack of consistency hampers educators in identifying soft skills relevant to their field and the appropriate pedagogy to teach them. This paper employs an integrative literature review to synthesise soft skill categories relevant to the current and 4IR-adapted interior design workplace while also identifying sources that include pedagogy to facilitate teaching these skills. Findings include two approaches to soft skills specific to interior design and interior architecture, namely an individual skills approach and a skills category approach. The study's contribution includes an increased awareness of soft skills in the context of 4IR and interior design, but also design disciplines in general. The identified pedagogy-related sources can support educators in preparing South African interior design graduates for the current and 4IR-adapted workplace. This study proposes a conceptual 4IR-soft skills model that expands on the existing CORE model by Parlamis and Monnot. The strategy encompasses four integral relationships needed for 4IR soft skills development, specifically the individual-to-Self, individual-to-Organisation, individual-to-Person, and individual-to-Technology relationships, called the SPOT model. The study concludes with an application strategy for the model to assist educators in determining context-specific and disciplinespecific soft skills that can be developed in the classroom.

Responses to today's top10 most frequently asked questions about critical thinking: 1. Can experts agree on a definition? 2. Who benefits from developing strong critical thinking? 3. What skills are used in thinking critically? 4. What... more

Responses to today's top10 most frequently asked questions about critical thinking: 1. Can experts agree on a definition? 2. Who benefits from developing strong critical thinking? 3. What skills are used in thinking critically? 4. What about creativity and emotion -- are they part of critical thinking?" 5. Words like "courageously," "systematically," "confidently," and "maturity of judgment" in earlier responses suggest critical thinking is more than just skills. Yes or No? 6. What are those critical thinking habits or disciplines of mind? 7. Can we teach critical thinking? 8. What about just using experience and intuition? 9. Are you saying snap judgments cannot be good judgments too? 10. Can critical thinking be measured?

In this introduction, we outline the most relevant concepts for this special issue on integration and the politics of difference. This introduction characterizes " integration " as a dominant policy orientation and discursive regime... more

In this introduction, we outline the most relevant concepts for this special issue on integration and the politics of difference. This introduction characterizes " integration " as a dominant policy orientation and discursive regime concerned primarily with understandings of language, communication, and skill which constitute a (trans)national politics of difference. In various sites and national contexts of the global north, migrant " integration " policies render difference and mobility the site of both discursive elaboration and management. This introduction highlights the salience of critical ethnographic analyses for understanding " integration " beyond policy realms, arguing for attention to situated practices, emergent social categories and types, political-economic stakes, logics of linguistic (dis)engagement, and the reproduction of mono-and multilingual social orders. In particular, we propose to untangle this complex by describing three central processes that run through all of the contributions and which, we suggest, are indispensable for the analysis of current and emergent regimes of integration: processes of categorization, of selection, and of activation.

Postsecondary educators and policymakers are increasingly focused on ensuring that college students graduate with the skills demanded by employers, especially the so-called “soft skills.” In this position piece we argue that this Soft... more

Postsecondary educators and policymakers are increasingly focused on ensuring that college students graduate with the skills demanded by employers, especially the so-called “soft skills.” In this position piece we argue that this Soft Skills Paradigm be rejected, given its simplistic and de-contextualized conception of human competence and lack of attention to teaching and learning and power dynamics. Instead, we support a view, which we call the Cultural Capital Paradigm, that portrays skills as complex forms of skill and aptitude that are differentially defined by different professions, acquired through socialization processes and skilled instruction, and normatively conceptualized by those in positions of power. In order to better serve the interests of students and society, we argue that it is time for a paradigm shift in how the field views skills, college, and careers.