Spacecraft Propulsion Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Three electromagnetic propulsion technologies, solid propellant pulsed plasma thrusters (PPT), magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters, and pulsed inductive thrusters (PIT) have been developed for application to auxiliary and primary... more

Three electromagnetic propulsion technologies, solid propellant pulsed plasma thrusters (PPT), magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters, and pulsed inductive thrusters (PIT) have been developed for application to auxiliary and primary spacecraft propulsion. Both the PPT and MPD thrusters have been flown in space, though only PPTs have been used on operational satellites. The performance of operational PPTs is quite poor, providing only about 8 percent efficiency at about 1000 sec specific impulse. Laboratory PPTs yielding 34 percent efficiency at 5170 sec specific impulse have been demonstrated. Laboratory MPD thrusters have been demonstrated with up to 70 percent efficiency and 7000 sec specific impulse. Recent PIT performance measurements using ammonia and hydrazine propellants are extremely encouraging, reaching 50 percent efficiency for specific impulses between 4000 and 8000 sec.

A short review of the status of electric propulsion (EP) is presented to serve as an introduction to the more specialized technical papers. The principles of operation and the several types of thrusters that are either operational or... more

This paper represents a joint effort of various scholars, independent scientists and a student operating through the Interstellar Travel MeetUp group, based in Washington, D.C. in the United States of America. The project was presented... more

This paper represents a joint effort of various scholars, independent scientists and a student operating through the Interstellar Travel MeetUp group, based in Washington, D.C. in the United States of America. The project was presented during the 68th International Astronautical Federation Congress, which took place in Guadalajara, Mexico in 2016. Our paper provides a systematic evaluation of power systems in terms of their power generation capacity, size, risks and availability led to the finding that no current one single power system can be relied upon for interstellar travel. Our contribution offers considerations on topics such as space resupply stations, wireless power transmission to spaceships (while at high velocity, using tracking/tethering with lasers), as well as harvesting drones. Futuristic propulsion technologies like the ionic levitation, laser, warp and solar concentrator are considered as alternatives for current propulsion systems. In addition to placing an emphasis on fundamental physics and propulsion research, the authors propose two novel initiatives that will advance interstellar technology while producing already-valuable technologies for terrestrial and orbital use: 1) An educational development initiative – The ‘Nicola Energy City Kit’is based on existing wireless power transmission technology and existing CanSat technology – to advance wireless power and data transmission for terrestrial and interstellar use. These technologies can affordably be tested on Earth first, and then in space. We propose a broad-based open education program that also motivates students to engage in STEM-related jobs. 2) A mobile save testing bed (‘sandbox’) for radical energy concepts – The UMPH lab is an unmanned outpost that accumulates large quantities of matter in save distance from Earth and conducts autonomous experiments, while harvesting energy or matter for the science and in-orbit resupplies.

This is a seminar & talk that I have prepared on Nuclear Power and Nuclear Propulsion Applications in Space. It has been presented as seminar and as a conference talk in various locations. It centers around using gaseous core reactors in... more

This is a seminar & talk that I have prepared on Nuclear Power and Nuclear Propulsion Applications in Space. It has been presented as seminar and as a conference talk in various locations. It centers around using gaseous core reactors in spacecraft for propulsion for long range space missions. Contact me at for further help and information on Space Nuclear Propulsion Topics

An accurate forecast of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation requires precise measurements of the magnetic energy buildup and release in the active regions of the solar atmosphere. We designed a new space weather mission that... more

An accurate forecast of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation requires precise measurements of the magnetic energy buildup and release in the active regions of the solar atmosphere. We designed a new space weather mission that performs such measurements using new optical instruments based on the Hanle and Zeeman effects. The mission consists of two satellites, one orbiting the L1 Lagrangian point (Spacecraft Earth, SCE) and the second in heliocentric orbit at 1AU trailing the Earth by 80 (Spacecraft 80, SC80). Optical instruments measure the vector magnetic field in multiple layers of the solar atmosphere. The orbits of the spacecraft allow for a continuous imaging of nearly 73% of the total solar surface. In-situ plasma instruments detect solar wind conditions at 1AU and ahead of our planet. Earth-directed CMEs can be tracked using the stereoscopic view of the spacecraft and the strategic placement of the SC80 satellite. Forecasting of geoeffective space weather events is possible thanks to an accurate surveillance of the magnetic energy buildup in the Sun, an optical tracking through the interplanetary space, and in-situ measurements of the near-Earth environment.

This paper presents a new cold gas concept of a heated gas propulsion system for the 6U SAMSON nano-satellite. In this type of system, the entire propellant tank is heated to an operational temperature prior to system operation and let to... more

This paper presents a new cold gas concept of a heated gas propulsion system for the 6U SAMSON nano-satellite. In this type of system, the entire propellant tank is heated to an operational temperature prior to system operation and let to cool down immediately afterwards. The current analysis shows that it is possible to meet mission requirements by using 310 gr of CO2 contained in a capsule-shaped propellant tank. The study shows that the required thrust of 80 mN can be obtained by choosing a nozzle geometry with aspect ratio of 400 and nozzle diameter of 0.25 mm. The resulting specific impulse of such a configuration is approximately 67 sec. It also analyzes the benefits of operating the propulsion system at various operational temperatures between 40°C and 80°C. The analysis shows that low operational temperatures lead to a relatively lightweight propulsion system, short operation readiness durations, and low attainable ∆V per operation. On the other hand, high operational temperatures lead to a heavier system, longer operation readiness duration, and high attainable ∆V per operation.

Over the past 70 years, solid rocket motors (SRMs) proved to be a reliable and cost-effective propulsion system for a wide range of rocket-based applications starting from small tactical weapons up to current large space boosters. Many... more

Over the past 70 years, solid rocket motors (SRMs) proved to be a reliable and cost-effective propulsion system for a wide range of rocket-based applications starting from small tactical weapons up to current large space boosters. Many designers and manufacturers from different organizations prefer the SRM option when compared to other types of rocket propulsion systems. Although SRMs are relatively simple in principle, their modern types are complex systems that must incorporate several technical disciplines and teams to meet stringent mission requirements and design criteria. To accomplish their objective within given overall system requirements and constraints, SRM subsystems and components must be carefully designed and optimized. In this survey, the authors have attempted to highlight the most used algorithms, the most common design objectives, the recent trends, and the main challenges in SRM design optimization in a simplified and organized manner. The current effort was intended to serve as an initial guide for SRM designers and researchers in selecting the optimization method that well suits their problem, and to help them know where to go next.

This paper presents the details of space propulsion by mini magnetospheric plasma propulsion. Mini magnetospheric plasma propulsion is one of the most recently proposed methods of space propulsion. It is primarily based on space... more

This paper presents the details of space propulsion by mini magnetospheric plasma propulsion. Mini magnetospheric plasma propulsion is one of the most recently proposed methods of space propulsion. It is primarily based on space propulsion by magnetic sail. Magnetic sail propulsion is a method of propelling the spacecraft by using the momentum obtained by the reflection of the high speed solar wind by a magnetic field around the spacecraft, which is produced by a solenoid in the spacecraft. This gives high thrust to the spacecraft. But for effective propulsion, the strength of the magnet has to be high. Mini magnetospheric propulsion is proposed as a better alternative to this by Prof. Robert Winglee. In this method the size and weight of the magnet of the magnetic sail is reduced by expanding the magnetic field using plasma. This plasma creates mini magnetospheres around the spacecraft and stretches the magnetic field to a few kilometres in diameter. This results in very high effective rate of reflection of the solar wind by the magnetospheres around the spacecraft. This imparts high momentum and very high thrust to the spacecraft.

A new concept for very high specific impulse (>~2000 seconds) direct nuclear propulsion is described. The concept, termed LARS (Liquid Annular Reactor System) uses liquid nuclear fuel elements to heat hydrogen propellant to very high... more

A new concept for very high specific impulse (>~2000 seconds) direct nuclear propulsion is described. The concept, termed LARS (Liquid Annular Reactor System) uses liquid nuclear fuel elements to heat hydrogen propellant to very high temperatures (~6000 K). Operating pressure is moderate (~10 atm), with the result that the outlet hydrogen is virtually 100% dissociated to monatomic H. The molten fuel is contained in a solid container of its own material, which is rotated to stabilize the liquid layer by centripetal force. LARS reactor designs are described, together with neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analyses. Power levels are on the order of 200 megawatts. Typically, LARS designs use 7 rotating fuel elements, are beryllium moderated and have critical radii of ~100 cm (core L/D~=1.5).

Matter/antimatter (MAM) pair production from the vacuum through intense electric fields has been investigated theoretically for nearly a century 1. This presentation will review this history and will examine proposals of MAM for... more

Matter/antimatter (MAM) pair production from the vacuum through intense electric fields has been investigated theoretically for nearly a century 1. This presentation will review this history and will examine proposals of MAM for intra-solar system and interstellar propulsion systems. The quantum mechanical foundation of MAM production was developed by F. Sauter et al. in the 1930's and then placed on a sound quantum electromagnetics (QED) basis by J. Schwinger in 1951. Pair production occurs when the electric field strength E 0 is above the critical value at which the fields become non-linear with self-interactions (known as the Schwinger limit). As the energy density of lasers approach the critical strength of E 0 ~ 10 16 V/cm, the feasibility and functionality of electron-positron pair production has received growing interest. Current laser intensities are approaching within 1 order of magnitude of the Schwinger limit. Physical processes for lowering the critical energy density below the Schwinger limit (and simultaneously enhancing the pair production above the Schwinger limit) through additional quantum mechanical effects have been explored. One under study at the U. of Connecticut and the U. of Duisburg-Essen is pulsation of inhomogeneous electric fields within a carrier wave. Another is via enhancement of quantum effects by addition of a magnetic field B parallel to the electric field E. Magnetic field enhancement to quark/anti-quark production through chiral symmetry breaking effects in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) was investigated theoretically by J. Preskill at Caltech in the 1980's. S. Pyo and D. Page showed in 2007 that parallel magnetic fields also enhance electron/positron production via an analogous QED effect, with enhancement going predominantly as a linear function of B 0 /E 0 , Particle/antiparticle pair production as a highly efficient fuel source for intra solar system and interstellar propulsion was proposed by D. Crow in 1983. The viability of this method of propulsion will be studied, especially from the parallel electric and magnetic field approach. 1 Particle/anti-particle pair production does not (and cannot) take energy from the spacetime vacuum. Rather the energy is drawn from the external electric (and magnetic) fields. This process is very analogous to particle production near the event horizon of a black hole, which reduces the mass of the black hole accordingly. (The primary difference between the two processes is, while both particle and antiparticle are produced from a virtual pair by the electric (and magnetic) fields, only one particle in an initially virtual pair escapes from a black hole (as Hawking radiation) and the antiparticle is captured by the black hole.)

This paper presents a new cold gas concept of a heated gas propulsion system for the 6U SAMSON nanosatellite. In this type of system, the entire propellant tank is heated to an operational temperature prior to system operation and let to... more

This paper presents a new cold gas concept of a heated gas propulsion system for the 6U SAMSON nanosatellite. In this type of system, the entire propellant tank is heated to an operational temperature prior to system operation and let to cool down immediately afterwards. The current analysis shows that it is possible to meet mission requirements by using 310 gr of CO2 contained in a capsule-shaped propellant tank. The study shows that the required thrust of 80 mN can be obtained by choosing a nozzle geometry with aspect ratio of 400 and nozzle diameter of 0.25 mm. The resulting specific impulse of such a configuration is approximately 67 sec. It also analyzes the benefits of operating the propulsion system at various operational temperatures between 40°C and 80°C. The analysis shows that low operational temperatures lead to a relatively lightweight propulsion system, short operation readiness durations, and low attainable ∆V per operation. On the other hand, high operational tempera...

Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is an attractive engine power source for interplanetary manned spacecraft, especially for near-term missions requiring minimum flight duration, because ICF has inherent high power-to-mass ratios and high... more

Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is an attractive engine power source for interplanetary manned spacecraft, especially for near-term missions requiring minimum flight duration, because ICF has inherent high power-to-mass ratios and high specific impulses. We have developed a new vehicle concept called VISTA that uses ICF and is capable of round-trip manned missions to Mars in 100 days using A.D. 2020

Several programs are investigating the benefits of advanced propellant and propulsion systems for future launch vehicles and upper stages. The two major research areas are the Metallized Propellants Program and the Advanced Concepts... more

Several programs are investigating the benefits of advanced propellant and propulsion systems for future launch vehicles and upper stages. The two major research areas are the Metallized Propellants Program and the Advanced Concepts Program. Both of these programs have theoretical and experimental studies underway to determine the system-level performance effects of these propellants on future NASA vehicles.