Special Relativity Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
3/13/2021: This paper gives the basics of dark energy and its dark matter side-effects. I designed it to be understandable by a student who has had one year of college-level physics. It will put them ahead of present-day physicists who... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
Minkowski famously introduced the concept of a space-time continuum in 1908, merging the three dimensions of space with an imaginary time dimension $ i c t ,withtheunitimaginaryproducingthecorrectspacetimedistance, with the unit imaginary producing the correct spacetime distance ,withtheunitimaginaryproducingthecorrectspacetimedistance x^2 - c^2... more
Minkowski famously introduced the concept of a space-time continuum in 1908, merging the three dimensions of space with an imaginary time dimension $ i c t ,withtheunitimaginaryproducingthecorrectspacetimedistance, with the unit imaginary producing the correct spacetime distance ,withtheunitimaginaryproducingthecorrectspacetimedistance x^2 - c^2 t^2 ,andtheresultsofEinstein′sthenrecentlydevelopedtheoryofspecialrelativity,thusprovidinganexplanationforEinstein′stheoryintermsofthestructureofspaceandtime.AsanalternativetoaplanarMinkowskispace−timeoftwospacedimensionsandonetimedimension,wereplacetheunitimaginary, and the results of Einstein's then recently developed theory of special relativity, thus providing an explanation for Einstein's theory in terms of the structure of space and time. As an alternative to a planar Minkowski space-time of two space dimensions and one time dimension, we replace the unit imaginary ,andtheresultsofEinstein′sthenrecentlydevelopedtheoryofspecialrelativity,thusprovidinganexplanationforEinstein′stheoryintermsofthestructureofspaceandtime.AsanalternativetoaplanarMinkowskispace−timeoftwospacedimensionsandonetimedimension,wereplacetheunitimaginary i = \sqrt{-1} ,withtheCliffordbivector, with the Clifford bivector ,withtheCliffordbivector \iota = e_1 e_2 $ for the plane that also squares to minus one, but which can be included without the addition of an extra dimension, as it is an integral part of the real Cartesian plane with the orthonormal basis $ e_1 $ and $ e_2 $. We find that with this model of planar spacetime, using a two-dimensional Clifford multivector, the spacetime metric and the Lorentz transformations follow immediately as properties of the algebra. This also leads to momentum and energy being represented as components of a multivector and we give a new efficient derivation of Compton's scattering formula, and a simple formulation of Dirac's and Maxwell's equations. Based on the mathematical structure of the multivector, we produce a semi-classical model of massive particles, which can then be viewed as the origin of the Minkowski spacetime structure and thus a deeper explanation for relativistic effects. We also find a new perspective on the nature of time, which is now given a precise mathematical definition as the bivector of the plane.
- by Nicolangelo Iannella and +1
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- Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
We present the cosmic organism theory in which all visible and invisible matter has different cosmic genetic expressions. The cosmic gene includes codes for the object structure and the space structure. The cosmic digital code for the... more
We present the cosmic organism theory in which all visible and invisible matter has different cosmic genetic expressions. The cosmic gene includes codes for the object structure and the space structure. The cosmic digital code for the object structure consists of full object (1, 2, and 3 for particle, string, and membrane, respectively) and empty object (0) as anti de
Length Contraction is interpreted by human visual memory instead of Einstein's special relativity. The mechanism of an interactive observation by optical sensor or human eyes is studied. The concept "Same Time" in observation process is... more
Length Contraction is interpreted by human visual memory instead of Einstein's special relativity. The mechanism of an interactive observation by optical sensor or human eyes is studied. The concept "Same Time" in observation process is explained. As a result, in compliance with human visual memory, length contraction along the object can be recognized with different traveling speeds and angles. In addition, length expansion can also be observed along the direction away from the object.
So far, no convincing experimental evidence for the Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force law has been reported. This paper utilizes an available experiment, which is often claimed as one of the most precise experiments in modern... more
So far, no convincing experimental evidence for the Lorentz-covariant
electromagnetic force law has been reported. This paper utilizes an
available experiment, which is often claimed as one of the most precise
experiments in modern physics, to analyze the Lorentz-covariant
electromagnetic force law. The Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force
law does not receive convincing confirmation by that experiment; rather,
its analysis suggests that the Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force law
might be only approximately true. A clean experiment is proposed to test
the Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force law, avoiding ambiguities in
the physical meaning of measures in the experiment and eomplications
by other theoretical bones of contention than Einstein's special relativity
itself. The proposed experiment can be performed with high precision
within present technology.
Abstract The time dilation of Lorentz-Einstein can be readily derived from the classical light clock experiment where the clock is positioned perpendicularly to the direction of its motion. The extent of dilation is given by the Lorentz... more
The time dilation of Lorentz-Einstein can be readily derived from the classical light clock
experiment where the clock is positioned perpendicularly to the direction of its motion. The
extent of dilation is given by the Lorentz factor: 1/√1-v
/c2 where v is the relative velocity of the
light clock and c is the speed of light.
The muon experiment is apparently consistent with this type of time dilation. Assuming that the
Lorentz-Einstein time dilation is relevant to the light clock experiment when the clock is aligned
along the direction of motion, the Lorentz-Einstein length contraction is usually then derived.
However, if there is no such contraction we then deal with a time dilation of non-LorentzEinstein type. The amount of time dilation is now specified by the squared Lorentz factor: 1/1-
. It appears that this type of time dilation is even much more agreeable with the muon
experimental measurements than the Lorentz-Einstein type
Işık kinematiği ve özel görelilik daha fazla boyut, etken, koşul ve özellikle postula revizyonu eşliğinde yeniden ele alınabilir. Özel görelilik teorisi, hareketli cisme ya da onun üstündeki hayali ışık kaynağına referans rolü verir. Bu... more
Işık kinematiği ve özel görelilik daha fazla boyut, etken, koşul ve özellikle postula revizyonu eşliğinde yeniden ele alınabilir. Özel görelilik teorisi, hareketli cisme ya da onun üstündeki hayali ışık kaynağına referans rolü verir. Bu çalışmada tersinir/zıt düzenleme analiz edilmiştir: Işık, referans çerçeve olarak atanmıştır ve diğer/yerel aktörler (hareketli cisim/kaynak/gözlemci vb.) göreli roldedir. Bu yeni yöntem de özel görelilik için etkin olan deneyler tarafından desteklenmektedir. Yeni yöntem ışık kinematiği için daha işlevseldir ve eşzamanlılık ile eşdeğerliliği temin ederek kozmolojik analize izin vermektedir. I. Giriş İnsanlar,-Galilei'ye kadar-güneşin hareketi için dogmatik bir kanaate sahipti (" Güneş dünya etrafında döner "); fakat, bu yargının-güçlü görsel delile rağmen-ciddi bir hatası vardı. Çünkü yerel paradigma dünyaya referans rolü vermişti (gerçekte dünya, güneşe göre rölatif rolde iken). Güneşin kapsama kapasitesi, gezegenine yani dünyaya göre daha fazladır. Güneşin referans özelliği ya da adaylığı hiyerarşik sıralamada daha üstündür. Özel görelilik teorisinin (STR) benzer ciddi bir hatası olabilir mi? STR, 1905 yılında yayınlanmıştır [1]. Fakat, doğal gerçeklik tanımları 1929 a kadar yetersizdi; örneğin galaksiler bilinmiyordu. Ayrıca enerji bazlı çalışmalar yakın zamanda gelişiyor ve yöntem bilimi ile kusursuz nesnellik bilinci son yüzyılda daha etkin, daha uygulanır hale gelmiştir. Sonuçta, evrensel ölçekte görelilik analizleri, mümkün olan bütün koşul ve boyutları dikkate alarak yeniden ele alınabilir. Güncelde insan STR yi geliştirmek için yeterli birikim ve yeteneğe sahiptir; örneğin şu hususlar gözetilebilir (aslında bazıları mevcut protokollerde yer alır; fakat STR ve Lorentz dönüşümleri için uygulanmamış olabilir)[2]:
We present a study of student learning through the use of virtual reality. A software package is used to introduce concepts of special relativity to students in a game-like environment where users experience the effects of travelling at... more
We present a study of student learning through the use of virtual reality. A software package is used to introduce concepts of special relativity to students in a game-like environment where users experience the effects of travelling at near light speeds. From this new perspective, space and time are significantly different to that experienced in everyday life. The study explores how students have worked with this environment and how these students have used this experience in their study of special relativity. A mixed method approach has been taken to evaluate the outcomes of separate implementations of the package at two universities. Students found the simulation to be a positive learning experience and described the subject area as being less abstract after its use. Also, students were more capable of correctly answering concept questions relating to special relativity, and a small but measurable improvement was observed in the final exam.
- by T. McIntyre and +2
- •
- Physics Education, Special Relativity, User eXperience, Everyday Life
We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied... more
We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied on assumptions such as the existence of a 4-dimensional manifold, symmetries of space-time, or the constant speed of light, we demonstrate that these now familiar mathematics can be derived as the unique means to consistently quantify a network of events. This suggests that space-time need not be physical, but instead the mathematics of space and time emerges as the unique way in which an observer can consistently quantify events and their relationships to one another. The result is a potential foundation for emergent space-time.
Space and Time are continuous absolute quantities. They don't change with anything at all. However, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. This is because... more
Space and Time are continuous absolute quantities. They don't change with anything at all. However, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. This is because that Wu's Unit Length (diameter) and Wu's Unit Time (period) of Wu's Pairs (building blocks of the universe) in an object or event can be affected by the bombardment of gravitons complying with gravitational field in accordance to Graviton Radiation and Contact Interaction Theory, and also the shrinkage of Wu's Pairs due to aging of the universe in compliance with Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB). According to Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory and intrinsic atomic and subatomic structures, a linear relationship is proposed between the quantities of the property of a corresponding identical object or event and the gravitational field and aging of the universe. In addition, under Thermodynamic Equilibrium and local Subatomic Equilibrium, three fundamental principles: Principle of Equilibrium, Principle of Parallelism and Principle of Correspondence are derived, such that the correlations of the quantities of the properties between two objects or events at the same location and time (same gravitational field and aging of the universe) can be established. Furthermore, based on Wu's Spacetime Equation t yy = γl yy 3/2 , Wu's Unit Length and Wu's Unit Time of Wu's Pair are correlated to each other. As a result, the correlations of the simple properties such as dimension and duration, or the composite properties such as velocity and acceleration of an object or event, with respect to the gravitational field and aging of the universe, or further to Wu's Unit Length of a reference corresponding identical subatomic particle at the same location and time (same gravitational field and aging of the universe) can be established. This can be used successfully to interpret many important physical phenomena, such as Deflection of Light, Perihelion Precession of Mercury, Cosmological Redshift, Hubble's Law, Einstein's General Relativity, Spacetime and Field Equations.
The problem of motion and the speed of light is a centuries old puzzle. It is claimed that Einstein's relativity theory has resolved it in 1905. But experimental evidences have accumulated that contradict the different aspects of... more
The problem of motion and the speed of light is a centuries old puzzle. It is claimed that Einstein's relativity theory has resolved it in 1905. But experimental evidences have accumulated that contradict the different aspects of relativity theory. The Marinov and the Silvertooth experiments have already disproved the very principle of relativity. Therefore, we need to go back hundreds of years back to the foundations to search for a solution. In this paper, I will propose a new theory called Apparent Source Theory (AST) to explain not only the 'null' result of the Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment, but also why the MM experiments gave small fringe shifts.
This book offers a detailed and stimulating account of the Lagrangian, or variational, approach to general relativity and beyond. The approach more usually adopted when describing general relativity is to introduce the required concepts... more
This book offers a detailed and stimulating account of the Lagrangian, or variational, approach to general relativity and beyond. The approach more usually adopted when describing general relativity is to introduce the required concepts of differential geometry and derive the field and geodesic equations from purely geometrical properties. Demonstration of the physical meaning then requires the weak field approximation of these equations to recover their Newtonian counterparts. The potential downside of this approach is that it tends to suit the mathematical mind and requires the physicist to study and work in a completely unfamiliar environment. In contrast, the approach to general relativity described in this book will be especially suited to physics students. After an introduction to field theories and the variational approach, individual sections focus on the variational approach in relation to special relativity, general relativity, and alternative theories of gravity. Throughout the text, solved exercises and examples are presented. The book will meet the needs of both students specializing in theoretical physics and those seeking a better understanding of particular aspects of the subject.
The kinematics of particles refer to events and tangent vectors, while that of waves refer to dual gradient planes. Special relativity [1-3] applies to both objects alike. Here we show that spacetime exchange symmetry [7] implicit in the... more
The kinematics of particles refer to events and tangent vectors, while that of waves refer to dual gradient planes. Special relativity [1-3] applies to both objects alike. Here we show that spacetime exchange symmetry [7] implicit in the SIdefinition of length based on the universal constant c has profound consequences at low velocities. Galilean physics, exact in the limit c \to \infty, is mirrored by a dual so-called Carrollian superluminal kinematics [4-6] exact in the limit c \to 0. Several new results follow. The Galilean limit explains mass conservation in Newtonian mechanics, while the dual limit is a kinematical prerequisite for wavelike tachyonic motion [8, 9]. As an example, the Land\'e paradox [19, 20] of waveparticle duality has a natural resolution within special relativity in terms of superluminal, particlelike waves. It is emphasized that internal particle energy mc^2 can not be ignored, while kinetic energy leads to an extended Galilei group. We also demonstrate that Maxwell's equations have magnetic and electric limits covariant under Galilean and Carrollian symmetry.
We discuss the seminal article in which Le Bellac and Lévy-Leblond have identified two Galilean limits of electromagnetism [1], and its modern implications. Recent works have shed a new light on the choice of gauge conditions in classical... more
We discuss the seminal article in which Le Bellac and Lévy-Leblond have identified two Galilean limits of electromagnetism [1], and its modern implications. Recent works have shed a new light on the choice of gauge conditions in classical electromagnetism. We discuss various applications and experiments, such as in quantum mechanics, superconductivity, electrodynamics of continuous media, etc. Much of the current technology, where waves are not taken into account, is actually based on Galilean electromagnetism.
Over the last decade, there has been a respectable level of scientific interest regarding the concept of a warp drive. This is a hypothetical propulsion device that could theoretically circumvent the traditional limitations of special... more
Over the last decade, there has been a respectable level of scientific interest regarding the concept of a warp drive. This is a hypothetical propulsion device that could theoretically circumvent the traditional limitations of special relativity which restricts spacecraft to sub-light velocities. Any breakthrough in this field would revolutionize space exploration and open the doorway to interstellar travel. This article discusses a novel approach to generating the warp bubble necessary for such propulsion; the mathematical details of this theory are discussed in an article published in the Journal of the British Interpanetary Society. The theory is based on some of the exciting predictions coming out of string theory and it is the aim of this article to introduce the warp drive idea from a non-mathematical perspective that should be accessible to a wide range of readers.
análisis para todos (y para los que quieren ahondar, también)
Before the name Albert Einstein become synonymous with genius, an obscure professor of physics labored away for many years rewriting the laws of physics. He had only been moderately successful, managing to gain the respect of his peers... more
Before the name Albert Einstein become synonymous with genius, an obscure professor of physics labored away for many years rewriting the laws of physics. He had only been moderately successful, managing to gain the respect of his peers and climbing the academic ladder. After more than a decade, he finally received the recognition he craved. When British astronomers came back from the solar eclipse expedition of 1919 and analyzed what they saw that day, they confirmed his revolutionary hypothesis. The expedition members eagerly announced to the scientific community and the press that they had caught light bending in ways that could be perfectly explained with his new theory. The following day, newspapers ran the story of a rebellious prodigy who had dethroned Newton by arguing that that the universe was four-dimensional, that time and space were no longer absolute, and that they could shrink and expand in usual ways. The news set experts and the public alike abuzz with excitement, opening up new puzzles and paradoxes. For the rest of his life, Einstein dedicated himself to forging a new place for science in society. Privately, he struggled to fit within an oversized public persona which haunted his friendships, love life, and contributions to science. Brilliant, ambitious, and insecure, Einstein remains to this day the ultimate representative of genius.
Despite the widespread assumptions on the compatibility between nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity, there still remains a considerable amount of unresolved problems to which few authors explicitly pay attention. Most... more
Despite the widespread assumptions on the compatibility between nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity, there still remains a considerable amount of unresolved problems to which few authors explicitly pay attention. Most of them involve the aim of coherently achieving a relativistic description of quantum collapses and quantum entanglements. These processes seem to challenge our present picture of the physical world in terms of spacetime structures.
The principle of photon inertia is a fundamental new way of describing the particle/wave duality of leptons (e.g. electrons, positrons, moun, tau, etc.) and electromagnetic waves. Photon inertia describes the inertial effects of an... more
The principle of photon inertia is a fundamental new way of describing the particle/wave duality of leptons (e.g. electrons, positrons, moun, tau, etc.) and electromagnetic waves. Photon inertia describes the inertial effects of an electromagnetic wave in terms of electromagnetic change. The principle of photon inertia uses the concepts employed in Newtonian Mechanics, the Brown Photon Theory, and concepts in modern physics, to explain the particle-wave duality as a single consistent theory. A new hypothesis that states that photons bent into stable resonating orbits are indeed leptons. Photon-photon interference causes the paths of photons to bend. Introduced as a new concept is the conservation of photon inertia, which is used to explain the natural paths of photon propagation. The principle of photon inertia describes a new equivalence in nature between mass and frequency; and a generalized electromagnetic wave, wavelength is also denoted.
Current and widespread political unrest is leading to a critical reappraisal of the records of some of our celebrated historical figures. Even our own personal idols and heroes may prove to have had unexpected human weaknesses.... more
Current and widespread political unrest is leading to a critical reappraisal of the records of some of our celebrated historical figures. Even our own personal idols and heroes may prove to have had unexpected human weaknesses. Intellectually speaking, my lifelong idol is Albert Einstein. But recently, I’ve discovered he too displayed a significant flaw in intellectual terms. This essay explains how I found that his celebrated thought experiment about a train hit by lightning — the one which demonstrated we’re all deceived if we think the passage of time we call ‘now’ is simply a universal and objective fact — was itself highly deceptive. I show how his apparently scientific argument was actually specious. Not only that, it then becomes apparent that his famous postulates of Special Relativity really lead to a very different conclusion. I doubt very much that Einstein consciously intended to mislead us. Nevertheless he did, and what you might call a blot in an otherwise brilliant th...
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent... more
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent explanation of all the theories of modern physics and of the Universe. The basic concepts of this approach can be summarized as follows: (i) the support of the Universe is a form of "crystalline ether" which consists of a solid and massive lattice, of facecentered cubic structure, with the simplest possible elasticity, and in which matter is represented by the set of topological singularities of this lattice (loops of dislocations, disinclinations and dispirations), and (ii) this lattice exclusively satisfies, in absolute space, the basic classical physical concepts that are Newton's law and the two principles of thermodynamics. With these basic classical concepts alone, we show that it is possible to find all the modern theories of physics, namely that the behaviors of this lattice (the Universe) and its topological singularities (the Matter) satisfy electromagnetism, special relativity, general relativity, gravitation, quantum physics, cosmology and even the standard model of elementary particles.
The role of the light postulate in special relativity is reexamined. The existing theory of relativity without light shows that one can deduce Lorentz-like transformations with an undetermined invariant speed based on homogeneity of space... more
The role of the light postulate in special relativity is reexamined. The existing theory of relativity without light shows that one can deduce Lorentz-like transformations with an undetermined invariant speed based on homogeneity of space and time, isotropy of space and the principle of relativity. However, since the transformations can be Lorentzian or Galilean, depending on the finiteness of the invariant speed, a further postulate is needed to determine the speed in order to establish a real connection between the theory and special relativity. In this paper, I argue that the discreteness of space-time, whose existence is strongly suggested by the combination of quantum theory and general relativity, may result in the existence of a maximum and invariant speed when combing with the principle of relativity, and thus can determine the finiteness of the speed in the theory. According to this analysis, the speed constant c in special relativity is not the actual speed of light, but the ratio between the minimum length and the shortest time of discrete space-time. This suggests a more complete theory of relativity without light, the theory of relativity in discrete space-time, which is based on the principle of relativity and the constancy of the minimum size of discrete space-time.
Time dilation is one of the most fascinating aspects of special relativity as it abolishes the notion of absolute time. It was first observed experimentally by Ives and Stilwell in 1938 using the Doppler effect. Here we report on a... more
Time dilation is one of the most fascinating aspects of special relativity as it abolishes the notion of absolute time. It was first observed experimentally by Ives and Stilwell in 1938 using the Doppler effect. Here we report on a method, based on fast optical atomic clocks with large, but ...
Submitted for the 4CF06 Meeting of The American Physical Society Special relativity: two postulates or one? DAVID ECKHARD, ALEXANDER PANIN, Utah Valley State College-In current physics textbooks special relativity is derived from... more
Submitted for the 4CF06 Meeting of The American Physical Society Special relativity: two postulates or one? DAVID ECKHARD, ALEXANDER PANIN, Utah Valley State College-In current physics textbooks special relativity is derived from Einstein's two postulates: 1.The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. 2. The speed of light is the same as measured in all inertial frames. Because the speed of light is also the proportionality constant in the strength of electromagnetic interactions, and is among three fundamental constants (c, h, G) governing laws of physics, then the second postulate is the consequence of the first one (indeed, otherwise Coulomb law and all e/m phenomena would be reference frame dependent). Therefore, should not SR be reduced to one postulate only? Details of this discussion are presented.
Analysis of the Einstein's Special Relativity equations derivation, outlined from his 1905 paper On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, revealed several contradictions. It imposed, through the speed of light principle, particular values... more
Analysis of the Einstein's Special Relativity equations derivation, outlined from his 1905 paper On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, revealed several contradictions. It imposed, through the speed of light principle, particular values on the space and time coordinates that, when used explicitly in Einstein's own equation substitutions, led to fundamental contradictions. Furthermore, the space and time coordinates used in the derived transformation equations to obtain the time dilation and length contraction predictions were found to be incompatible with the method used in the derivation to perform the time calculations; no such predictions deemed feasible. The Special Relativity was hence found to be self-refuted.
I know about the universe because it influences me. Light excites the photoreceptors in my eyes, surfaces apply pressure to my touch receptors and my eardrums are buffeted by relentless waves of air molecules. My entire sensorium is... more
I know about the universe because it influences me. Light excites the photoreceptors in my eyes, surfaces apply pressure to my touch receptors and my eardrums are buffeted by relentless waves of air molecules. My entire sensorium is excited by all that surrounds me. These experiences are all I have ever known, and for this reason, they comprise my reality.
This essay considers a simple model of observers that are influenced by the world around them. Consistent quantification of information about such influences results in a great deal of familiar physics. The end result is a new perspective on relativistic quantum mechanics, which includes both a way of conceiving of spacetime as well as particle “properties” that may be amenable to a unification of quantum mechanics and gravity. Rather than thinking about the universe as a computer, perhaps it is more accurate to think about it as a network of influences where the laws of physics derive from both consistent descriptions and optimal information-based inferences made by embedded observers.
There is a great deal of justified concern about continuity through scientific theory change. Our thesis is that, particularly in physics, such continuity can be appropriately captured at the level of conceptual frameworks (the level... more
There is a great deal of justified concern about continuity through scientific theory change. Our thesis is that, particularly in physics, such continuity can be appropriately captured at the level of conceptual frameworks (the level above the theories themselves) using conceptual space models. Indeed, we contend that the conceptual spaces of three of our most important physical theories—Classical Mechanics (CM), Special Relativity Theory (SRT), and Quantum Mechanics (QM)—have already been so modelled as phase-spaces. Working with their phase-space formulations, one can trace the conceptual changes and continuities in transitioning from CM to QM, and from CM to SRT. By offering a revised severity-ordering of changes that conceptual frameworks can undergo, we provide reasons to doubt the commonly held view that SRT is conceptually closer to CM than QM is.
This is the third in a series of papers on a new theory of relativity [Phys. Essays 4, 68 (1991); ibid [ 194; "Relativistic Kinematics IV,," submitted to Phys. Essays]. This paper presents, in detail, an application of the new theory of... more
This is the third in a series of papers on a new theory of relativity [Phys. Essays 4,
68 (1991); ibid [ 194; "Relativistic Kinematics IV,," submitted to Phys. Essays]. This
paper presents, in detail, an application of the new theory of relativity to relativistically
modify Newton's gravitational force law. The new relativistic gravitational force law thus
obtained gives a simple correction factor, 1 - (v/c) 2, to Newton's gravitational force
law; it contains Newton's gravitational force law as a low-speed limit. However, the new
relativistic theory of gravitation differs from Einstein's general relativity of gravitation.
We also discuss experimental tests of general relativity and wish to emphasize that these
experimental tests are not reliable as originally claimed.
This paper lends perspective to the media catchphrase that "time does not exist". To show how phrases such as this should be interpreted, we formulate some of the most important questions that arise in discussions about time in physics.... more
This paper lends perspective to the media catchphrase that "time does not exist". To show how phrases such as this should be interpreted, we formulate some of the most important questions that arise in discussions about time in physics. We start by analyzing Newton's objective view on time and explain how entropy gives it a direction. After that, we discuss how relativity distances us from Newton's views, while quantum theory brings us closer to the Newtonian view. The arguments are presented in such a way that they can be followed and checked by anyone who studies the theories involved-be they undergraduate physics students or otherwise.
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
Arthur Holly Compton was born at Wooster, Ohio, on September 10th, 1892, the son of Elias Compton, Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the College of Wooster. He was educated at the College, graduating Bachelor of Science in 1913, and he... more
Arthur Holly Compton was born at Wooster, Ohio, on September 10th, 1892, the son of Elias Compton, Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the College of Wooster. He was educated at the College, graduating Bachelor of Science in 1913, and he spent three years in postgraduate study at Princeton University receiving his M.A. degree in 1914 and his Ph.D. in 1916. In his early days at Princeton, Compton devised an elegant method for demonstrating the Earth's rotation, but he was soon to begin his studies in the field of X-rays. He developed a theory of the intensity of X-ray reflection from crystals as a means of studying the arrangement of electrons and atoms, and in 1918 he started a study of X-ray scattering. This led, in 1922, to his discovery of the increase of wavelength of X-rays due to scattering of the incident radiation by free electrons [1,2]. This effect, nowadays known as the Compton effect, illustrates the particle concept of electromagnetic radiation, was afterwards substantiated by C. T. R. Wilson who, in his cloud chamber, could show the presence of the tracks of the recoil electrons. For this discovery, Compton was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1927. The original Compton papers deal extensively with the physics of the scattered photons while there is no treatment of the physics of the recoiling electrons. In the current paper we develop a comprehensive treatment of the “electron point of view”, i.e. we treat the dynamics of the recoiling electrons. We proceed by extending the treatment to a much tougher case, the case of inverse Compton scattering, i.e. the scattering of the electrons impacting photons. We conclude with treating the Thomson scattering as a limit case of Compton scattering. The paper is intended for particle physicists who work with particle accelerators as well as graduate students and teachers
Dans cette brève communication, nous résumons comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers, qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans deux livres, permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories... more
Dans cette brève communication, nous résumons comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers, qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans deux livres, permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories de la physique moderne.
Les concepts de base de cette approche peuvent se résumer simplement de la manière suivante: (i) le support de l’Univers est une forme d’«éther» qui consiste en un réseau solide et massif, avec une élasticité la plus simple possible, et dans lequel la matière est représentée par l'ensemble des singularités topologiques de ce réseau (boucles de dislocations, de disclinaisons et de dispirations), et (ii) ce réseau satisfait exclusivement, dans l'espace absolu, les concepts physiques classiques de base que sont la loi de Newton et les deux principes de la thermodynamique.
Avec ces seuls concepts de base tout-à-fait classiques, on retrouve toutes les théories modernes de la physique, à savoir que les comportements de ce réseau (l’Univers) et de ses singularités topologiques (la Matière) satisfont à l’électromagnétisme, la relativité spéciale, la relativité générale, la gravitation, la physique quantique, la cosmologie et même le modèle standard des particules élémentaires.
Einstein in his works from 1905 till 1907 discarded the ether from physics but his more than 5 papers from 1920 to 1934 deal with the ether as an unexceptionable physical reality. In these papers Einstein becomes more an enthusiastic... more
Einstein in his works from 1905 till 1907 discarded the ether from physics but his more than 5 papers from 1920 to 1934 deal with the ether as an unexceptionable physical reality. In these papers Einstein becomes more an enthusiastic advocate of the testi-fication of the ether than supporters of the ether before the year 1905. It is regrettable that except of Einstein's widely cited less important paper presented at a conference in Leiden in 1920 other more important papers on ether in which Einstein comes with the definitive claim that without the ether it is not possible to explain the physical world around us are not known to wider physical community and even not known to dissident physicists community as well. In this paper we show that Einstein by his own declarations after 1920 about testified existence of the ether himself openly repudiated his Special and General theories of relativity. In amendment we bring the text of Einstein's 1924 paper " On the ether " .
S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir... more
S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir à aucune conclusion d’une véritable hauteur, et retomba dans ces peu géniales formules que lui avait transmises un passé usé, et il ne tenta même pas, lui le puissant iconoclaste de la pensée, de se dégager de ce misérable piège.
Ce papier résume comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers basée sur l’existence d’un «éther cristallin», qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans les troisièmes versions de deux livres [1], permet de trouver une explication simple,... more
Ce papier résume comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers basée sur l’existence d’un «éther cristallin», qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans les troisièmes versions de deux livres [1], permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories de la physique moderne et de l’Univers. Les concepts de base de cette approche peuvent se résumer de la manière suivante: (i) le support de l’Univers est une forme d’«éther cristallin» qui consiste en un réseau solide et massif, de structure cubique à faces centrées, avec une élasticité la plus simple possible, et dans lequel la matière est représentée par l'ensemble des singularités topologiques de ce réseau (boucles de dislocations, de désinclinaisons et de dispirations), et (ii) ce réseau satisfait exclusivement, dans l'espace absolu, les concepts physiques classiques de base que sont la loi de Newton et les deux principes de la thermodynamique. Avec ces seuls concepts de base tout-à-fait classiques, on montre qu’il est possible de retrouver toutes les théories modernes de la physique, à savoir que les comportements de ce réseau (l’Univers) et de ses singularités topologiques (la Matière) satisfont à l’électromagnétisme, la relativité spéciale, la relativité générale, la gravitation, la physique quantique, la cosmologie et même le modèle standard des particules élémentaires.
Michelson–Morley experiment is explained using length contraction. A new approach can explain this experiment while deriving length contraction by theory.
Learning Special Relativity is a highly anticipated experience for first year students; however, the teaching and learning of Special Relativity are difficult tasks. Special Relativity, while fundamentally and mathematically simple; has... more
Learning Special Relativity is a highly anticipated experience for first year students; however, the teaching and learning of Special Relativity are difficult tasks. Special Relativity, while fundamentally and mathematically simple; has apparently bizarre implications and ...