Survivor Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Developments in the fields of law and journalism during the last two decades have led to greater awareness of the need for trauma-informed practices vis-à-vis survivors of violence, and correspondingly, the emergence of pedagogical... more
Developments in the fields of law and journalism during the last two decades have led to greater awareness of the need for trauma-informed practices vis-à-vis survivors of violence, and correspondingly, the emergence of pedagogical resources for legal advocates and journalists. Due to traditional disciplinary silos, extant resources on trauma-informed practices in each field have been authored in relative isolation from each other, i.e., guides for legal advocates have been blind to guides for journalists and vice versa. This Article demonstrates that despite the obvious differences between lawyering and journalism, professionals in these two fields share some of the same aims as they interact with survivors of human trafficking in the course of their work, beginning with the shared aims of fact-finding and truth-telling. They also take on the role of representing the experience and perspective of survivors to others, albeit in distinct arenas. Because of those common aims and roles...
- by Haizer Sidik
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- Sociology, Survivor
Dünyada yaklaşık 50 ülkede her yıl yayınlanan Survivor yarışması bir medya ritüelidir. Türkiye’de ilk kez 2005 yılında yayınlanmaya başlayan yarışma gösterildiği diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de büyük ilgiyle izlenmektedir. Aynı... more
Dünyada yaklaşık 50 ülkede her yıl yayınlanan Survivor yarışması bir medya ritüelidir. Türkiye’de ilk kez 2005 yılında yayınlanmaya başlayan yarışma gösterildiği diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de büyük ilgiyle izlenmektedir. Aynı programı sürekli olarak izleyenlerin belli bir kültürel grup oluşturduğu düşünüldüğünde bu kültüre sunulan değerlerin, inançların ne olduğunun ve neye hizmet ettiğinin incelenmesi, toplumsal gerçekleri ve eğilimleri yansıtması bakımından önemlidir. Çalışmada eleştirel söylem analizi ile en popüler medya ritüellerinden biri olan Survivor yarışmasını incelenerek gerçek yaşamdaki iz düşümlerini değerlendirilmektedir.
- by Ayten Övür
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- Ritual, Survivor, Medya, Televizyon
How does anybody describe the difference between simply being heard and really being listened to? Listening is an art. When someone has been harmed, understanding the person’s situation can be like fitting puzzle pieces together. It means... more
How does anybody describe the difference between simply being heard
and really being listened to? Listening is an art. When someone has
been harmed, understanding the person’s situation can be like fitting
puzzle pieces together. It means listening for how the pieces fit together.
In this report people who access support talk about how they would like
to be included in fitting the puzzle pieces together so that at the end
of the day it holds together for them. In this report we share the
recommendations those who access services have given about how
to do this every step of the Adult Support and Protection Journey.
Summary Survivor as a concept is used in place of 'victim' for the individuals who have been subjected to sexual violence at any time in their lives. The concept was born within feminist studies in search of new language(s) and... more
Survivor as a concept is used in place of 'victim' for the individuals who have been subjected to sexual violence at any time in their lives. The concept was born within feminist studies in search of new language(s) and concept(s) that would offer different perspectives. Through the articulation of queer studies into feminism, language has begun to be conceived as a means to shake the norms. In this sense, both feminism and queer theory have become important tools to challenge the myths about sexual violence, as well as to develop strategies to empower the survivor. This study aims to analyze the repercussions of the survivor (from sexual violence) as a concept in documentary cinema by making use of feminist and queer research and documentary cinema literature. In order to do so, the survivor concept will be discussed first, and then the following examples selected as samples will be analyzed within the context of arguments that the concept is referring to Dreamcatcher (Longinotto, 2015), Primas (Bari, 2017) and Paternal Rites (Rosskam, 2018).
Hayatta kalan kavramı hayatının herhangi bir döneminde cinsel şiddete maruz kalmış bireyler için 'mağdur' veya 'kurban' yerine kullanılmaktadır. Bu kavram farklı bakış açıları sunan dil(ler) ve kavram(lar) arayışında olan feminist çalışmaların içinde doğmuştur. Queer çalışmaların feminizme eklemlenmesiyle “dil” normları sarsmak için kullanılmıştır. Bu anlamda, feminizm ve queer teori cinsel şiddet mitleriyle mücadele etmek ve hayatta kalanı güçlendiren stratejiler geliştirmek için önemli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışma feminist ve queer araştırmalardan ve belgesel sinema literatüründen faydalanarak (cinsel şiddetten) hayatta kalan kavramının belgesel sinemaya yansımalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada öncelikle hayatta kalan kavramının işaret ettiği olasılıklar tartışılacak ve sonrasında örneklem olarak belirlenen Dreamcatcher (Longinotto, 2015), Primas (Bari, 2017) ve Paternal Rites (Rosskam, 2018) adlı belgeseller hayatta kalan kavramının işaret ettiği olasılıklar bağlamında çözümlenecektir.
This article is the first of a two-part series to analyze current research on harassment in archaeology. Harassment has shaped the discipline of archaeology since at least the late 1800s. Since the 1970s, harassment has been recognized as... more
This article is the first of a two-part series to analyze current research on harassment in archaeology. Harassment has shaped the discipline of archaeology since at least the late 1800s. Since the 1970s, harassment has been recognized as a significant factor impacting gender equity in archaeology. Recent qualitative and quantitative research has verified that harassment occurs at epidemic rates in archaeology. Archaeologists are primarily harassed by other archaeologists, and harassment occurs not only in field research settings but also in classrooms, laboratories, museums, office workplaces, and conferences. Although women in archaeology experience a higher frequency of harassment, both men and women report harassment at disturbingly high rates. Archaeologists of color, LGBTQIA+ archaeologists, nonbinary archaeologists, and archaeologists with disabilities are also disproportionately harassed. As reflected in the author's own career experiences, harassment creates a cognitive burden for survivors and reduces access to professional opportunities, directly impacting diversity within archaeology. Fortunately, there are evidence-based interventions and policies that can reduce harassment and support survivors. These are discussed in the second article, "Disrupting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology." Keywords: harassment in archaeology, discrimination, equity, means of prevention Este artículo es el primero de una serie de dos partes que analiza las investigaciones actuales sobre el acoso en arqueología. El acoso ha dado forma a la disciplina arqueológica desde, al menos, finales del siglo XIX. Desde la década de 1970, el acoso ha sido reconocido como un factor significativo que afecta la equidad de género en arqueología. Investigaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas recientes han comprobado que el acoso ocurre en tasas epidémicas dentro de esta disciplina. Lxs arqueólogxs son acosadxs principalmente por otrxs arqueólogxs. El acoso ocurre no solo en entornos de investigación de campo, sino tam-bién en aulas, laboratorios, museos, oficinas y conferencias. Si bien una mayor frecuencia de mujeres son acosadas en arqueo-logía, tanto hombres como mujeres denuncian acoso a tasas inquietantemente altas. Lxs arqueólogxs de color, lxs arqueólogxs LGBTQIA +, lxs arqueólogxs no binarios y lxs arqueólogxs con discapacidades también son acosados de manera despropor-cionada. Como se refleja en las propias experiencias profesionales de la autora, el acoso crea una carga cognitiva para los sobrevivientes y reduce el acceso a oportunidades profesionales, lo que impacta directamente en la diversidad dentro de la arqueología. Afortunadamente, existen intervenciones y políticas basadas en evidencia que pueden reducir el acoso y apoyar a los sobrevivientes. Estos últimos serán analizados en el segundo artículo, "La disrupción de las culturas del acoso en la arqueología." Palabras clave: hostigamiento e acoso en arqueología, discriminación, equidad, medios de prevención [Content advisory: This article discusses harassment and discrimination in archaeology, including accounts of sexual assault.]
In this work we have proposed to explore the experiences of a group of returned exiles and ex-political prisoners, paying attention to the meaning that they themselves assign to their (re) appearance in the Argentinian society inside... more
In this work we have proposed to explore the experiences of a group of returned exiles and ex-political prisoners, paying attention to the meaning that they themselves assign to their (re) appearance in the Argentinian society inside the context of the so-called “democratic transition”. It is these actors who have clearly expressed perceptions about their experience in the political militancy during the 60’s and 70’s and on the estate and para-estate persecution that contrasts some hegemony categories coined in the memory elaboration process about the last military dictatorship (1976-l983). Among these categories the one referred to as “victims of estate terrorism” has condensed a series of questions on the part of our interlocutors about how to report their experiences, what reminds us that “to remember” from the time being is part of a complex historical process with implications regarding the future.
Key words:
survivors, memories, silences, estate terrorism, democracy
"Dalam pelayanan psikologis kepada penyintas bencana, kita harus menghindari pandangan bahwa profesi dari disiplin ilmu tertentu lebih otoritatif, lebih berwenang, lebih sahih daripada yang lain. Profesi atau relawan dari disiplin ilmu di... more
Für das vorliegende Buch hat Yones eine immense Anzahl von Quellen und Publikationen in deutscher, englischer, hebräischer, jiddischer, polnischer, ukrainischer und russischer Sprache ausgewertet. Sein großes Verdienst ist es, Dokumente... more
Für das vorliegende Buch hat Yones eine immense Anzahl von Quellen und Publikationen in deutscher, englischer, hebräischer, jiddischer, polnischer, ukrainischer und russischer Sprache ausgewertet. Sein großes Verdienst ist es, Dokumente und Literatur in die Forschung eingeführt zu haben, die aufgrund der Sprachbarrieren nur wenigen Historikern bekannt sind. Viele der Zeitzeugen, die auf den folgenden Seiten zu Wort kommen, hat er selbst interviewt; er hat mit Überlebenden korrespondiert und ihre Angaben mit anderen Quellen oder der Forschungsliteratur abgeglichen und nicht zuletzt auch die umfangreichen Sammlungen von Erinnerungsberichten im Archiv von Yad Vashem und in der Hebräischen Universität ausgewertet. Auf einfühlsame Weise schildert er das jüdische Leben sowohl unter der sowjetischen als auch unter der deutschen Besatzung. Es gibt bislang kaum Veröffentlichungen, in denen man ein vergleichbares Maß an Informationen über das vielfältige kulturelle Leben der galizischen Juden, über die zionistischen Bewegungen in der sowjetischen Besatzungszeit oder über die Organisationen jüdischer Jugend in Ostgalizien findet. In der Forschung ist vielfachdargelegt, wie konsequent und erbarmungslos die Judenverfolgung gerade in Ostgalizien vonstatten ging. Doch das ganze Universum der Zwangsarbeitslager, das Leben im Ghetto und die Bedeutung, die die Hinrichtungsstätte in den Dünen bzw. Sandhügeln (Poln.: Piaski) im Leben der Lemberger Juden eingenommen hat, sind selten so eindrücklich geschildert worden. Dadurch leistet Yones einen
Beitrag zu der von Saul Friedländer skizzierten „integrierten Geschichtsschreibung“ des Holocaust, also einer Historiografie, die
sowohl die Dokumente der Täter als auch der Opfer ernst nimmt, kritisch auswertet und zusammenführt, um ein möglichst vollständiges
Bild der Verfolgung zu gewinnen.
Do you know who Special Master Ken Feinberg is and what part in the settlements Fix The Fund led by Charles Wolf played in Compensating loved ones of those who died or were injured on 9-11? Today we remember the devastating morning that... more
Do you know who Special Master Ken Feinberg is and what part in the settlements Fix The Fund led by Charles Wolf played in Compensating loved ones of those who died or were injured on 9-11? Today we remember the devastating morning that would come to be known forever as 9-11. September 11, 2001 the day that changed America forever. Do you know that from the ashes of the Towers there was born a 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund, the first of its kind and the only one of its kind still to this day? I believe this story is one that should give birth to a new (VCF), a Fund for those who have also lost loved ones, their properties, health and wealth at the hands of the very same criminals involved in the 9-11 nightmare. A fund called "The Financial Crimes Victim Compensation Fund", with a Special Master who mirrors Ken Feinberg's walk from the duty of Special Master for the VCF into what he found to be an astonishing self realization and new beginning as a victims real friend. We need a Special Master for Americans at large.
Pituitary adenoma merupakan tumor jinak yang berasal dari kelenjar Pituitary
Rutger Bregman, bir küme genç öğrencinin 1965'te bir adada mahsur kaldıklarında yaşadıklarının, William Golding'in çoksatar romanında aktarılanlardan epeyce farklı olduğunu ortaya koyuyor. • Mano Totau ile görüşme: Tekne kazasından sağ... more
Rutger Bregman, bir küme genç öğrencinin 1965'te bir adada mahsur kaldıklarında yaşadıklarının, William Golding'in çoksatar romanında aktarılanlardan epeyce farklı olduğunu ortaya koyuyor. • Mano Totau ile görüşme: Tekne kazasından sağ çıkan birinin yaşadıkları ve kurtuluşu • Rutger Bregman röportajı: 'Gizil süper gücümüz, dayanışma becerimizdir.' Rutger Bregman @rcbregman
Lifetime may feel empty and dull. What looked important yesterday may not be important now. Survivors of assault (i.e rape) find new sense in their lives as a result of assault. It is impossible to undo what has happened but lifetime can... more
Lifetime may feel empty and dull. What looked important yesterday may not be important now. Survivors of assault (i.e rape) find new sense in their lives as a result of assault. It is impossible to undo what has happened but lifetime can be good again and better. Every survivor needs someone to spend time and talk with about how they feel to redefine their future.
Survivor sms sonuçları acunn Survivor 2016 SMS Halk oylama sıralama sonuçları -1 Mart 2016 Salı Gücenl
- by Ayhan KÖSE
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- Survivor
Trauma is a central concept in the historiography of the Holocaust. In both the historiographical and the psychoanalytical research on the subject, the Holocaust is perceived not as a finite event that took place in the past, but as one... more
Trauma is a central concept in the historiography of the Holocaust. In both the historiographical and the psychoanalytical research on the subject, the Holocaust is perceived not as a finite event that took place in the past, but as one that continues to exist and to affect the families of survivors and the Jewish people. In the 1950s-1960s, evidence began emerging that Holocaust trauma was not limited to the survivors themselves, but was passed on to the next generation born after the Holocaust and raised in its shadow. It is possible to see the effects of growing up in the shadow of the Holocaust and transgenerational transmission of trauma in many aspects of the second-generation children's lives. In this article, I examine the representations of these symptoms in David Grossman's novel See Under: Love, which deals with the subject of the Holocaust through the perspective of Momik, a child of Holocaust survivors. Grossman teaches us that writing itself has the potential to heal. He also shows us that every one of us contains both victim and aggressor, and that, under certain circumstances, the "Nazi beast" may awaken within each of us.
Meningioma adalah tumor otak jinak yang tumbuh dari arachnoid cap cells durameter dan umumnya tumbuh lambat. Umumnya berbatas jelas. Karakteristik tumor ini dapat tumbuh dengan besar dan cenderung menghasilkan hiperostosis, infiltrasi... more
Meningioma adalah tumor otak jinak yang tumbuh dari arachnoid cap cells durameter dan umumnya tumbuh lambat. Umumnya berbatas jelas.
Karakteristik tumor ini dapat tumbuh dengan besar dan cenderung menghasilkan hiperostosis, infiltrasi atau juga mengerosi tulang.
Dapat tumbuh di intrakranial maupun di kanalis spinalis
Zohra Drif, one of the notorious heroines of the Front de Libération Nationale’s independence movement during the Algerian War, has in the last fifteen years been frequently recreated in literature and film. Drif, who is now a retired... more
Zohra Drif, one of the notorious heroines of the Front de Libération Nationale’s independence movement during the Algerian War, has in the last fifteen years been frequently recreated in literature and film. Drif, who is now a retired lawyer and politician in Algeria as well as the author of her own memoires, planted a bomb in the Milk Bar in Algiers on September 30, 1956 which killed three people, wounded fifty and left twelve maimed—all were civilians. This terrorist act, famously depicted in Gillo Pontecorvo’s 1966 film La Bataille d’Alger is often viewed as a heroic measure instrumental in the eventual independence of Algeria. The 2008 documentary film Les Porteuses de feu directed by Faouzia Fékiri engages Algerian women including Drif who testify to their willingness to participate in the FLN’s terrorist activities in their fight for independence from France (1954-1962). But two of the Milk Bar bombing victims have been grappling with its effects for most of their lives, and these depictions cause aftershocks that do not allow the trauma to dissipate. Nicole Guiraud and Danielle Michel-Chich were both children in the Milk Bar on the day of the attack. Guiraud, age ten, lost her left arm and saw her father gravely wounded; Michel-Chich was five when her leg was amputated and her grandmother was killed. Guiraud frequently depicts the trauma in her artwork but she sued France 3 in 2009 for “préjudice moral” after airing Les Porteuses de feu which allegedly glorifies the terrorist act that wounded her. Michel-Chich published an open letter to Zohra Drif in 2012 in an attempt to express to her attacker what she endured. She later went onto a television panel with Drif to discuss terrorism. Guiraud and Michel-Chich both willingly and publicly recount the traumatic moment of their loss, but they remain at odds with each other about how this memory should be confronted. This paper seeks to understand how traumatic memory, even nearly sixty years onward, is contested by those directly affected and how it continues to provoke scandal on a national level in France.
Richard Matheson’s novel I Am Legend (1954) is most notably remembered as being among the first works of fiction to graft the vampire and zombie mythos with dystopian elements. However, two of the novel’s principal narratological features... more
Richard Matheson’s novel I Am Legend (1954) is most notably remembered as being among the first works of fiction to graft the vampire and zombie mythos with dystopian elements. However, two of the novel’s principal narratological features – namely, the fortified home or enclosure (i.e. the ‘survival space’) and infectious, undead millions, both of which have since remained staples in nearly every subsequent zombie narrative – have gone relatively unnoted. Thus, prompting this article are two things. First and foremost is the need to map out the structural principia upon which modern zombies have generally come to be defined. Second, and perhaps more crucial, is the need to resituate the (terato)genesis of the modern zombie cinemyth to Matheson’s novel, which has been obscured or devalued over time by the work of George Romero and an ever-increasing body of films and video games that, like Romero’s films, have appropriated these two essential elements of Matheson’s work. My contention, however, is not to diminish the significance of Romero’s filmic work and its impact on zombie cinema, but to recognize, rather, both Matheson’s and Romero’s respective configurations of the zombie mythos that have helped to institute the particular tropes with which film-makers and video game designers have embodied and continue to embody the figure of the zombie. For, it seems to me, and this shall be the chief position of this article, that the intricacies of the multi rather than singly defended ‘survival space’ that Romero introduces in Night of the Living Dead (1968) have not only afforded the zombie subgenre its longevity, but more crucially, offer us the most compelling conceptual tool with which to trace the zombie’s trajectory in popular culture and media.
Abstrak. Banyak pasien skizofrenia yang tetap kambuh setelah mereka kembali ke keluarga (setelah dirawat), akan tetapi beberapa di antara mereka survive dan dapat hidup secara produktif. Recovery merupakan cara survivor skizofrenia... more
Abstrak. Banyak pasien skizofrenia yang tetap kambuh setelah mereka kembali ke keluarga (setelah dirawat), akan tetapi beberapa di antara mereka survive dan dapat hidup secara produktif. Recovery merupakan cara survivor skizofrenia menjalani hidup dengan harapan akan terlepas dari penyakit gangguan jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap secara mendalam tentang pengalaman hidup survivor dalam proses recovery. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Data didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 7 orang yaitu survivor yang pernah mengalami skizofrenia dan telah sembuh sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun, mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, mampu bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar, dan kooperatif saat dilakukan wawancara. Hasil wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh 7 tema yaitu motivasi kesembuhan berasal dari diri sendiri dan orang lain, kemampuan mengendalikan pikiran dan emosi, kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi, kemampuan mencari solusi permasalahan sehari-hari, kemampuan menghadapi stigma masyarakat, mencari pertolongan Allah untuk keyakinan kesembuhan, dan harapan terhadap pemerintah. Disimpulkan bahwa recovery bagi survivor skizofrenia merupakan sebuah perjalanan panjang karena mereka berjuang melawan penyakitnya, memahami perjalanan hidup yang mengubahnya sampai sekarang menjadi individu yang sudah sembuh. Kata kunci: Fenomenologi, pengalaman hidup, recovery schizophrenia 1. Pendahuluan Kontekstual penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil wawancara kepada Tn. A mengalami gangguan jiwa selama 20 tahun yang saat ini sudah sembuh. Tn. A menceritakan bahwa selama sakit seluruh hartanya habis untuk pengobatan baik ke rumah sakit jiwa, klinik maupun pengobatan alternatif, namun semua itu tidak membuahkan hasil padahal Tn. A memiliki tanggungan anak yang masih sekolah. Tn. A mendapatkan hibah dari sebuah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) pikulan untuk berjualan bandros sehingga dapat mandiri membiayai keluarga dan anaknya. Individu yang mengalami gangguan jiwa memiliki kesempatan untuk sembuh. Contohnya adalah Hanna Alfikih asal Jakarta, Mary Ellen Copeland seorang pendiri Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery, John Forbes Nash peraih nobel di bidang ekonomi, beberapa tokoh recovery dan psikiater yang memiliki latar belakang pernah mengalami gangguan jiwa yaitu Daniel B Fisher seorang asal Amerika, Patricia Deegan, selain itu, Rufus May & Frederick J Freese asal Amerika, mereka adalah para psikolog yang pernah penderita gangguan jiwa yang mampu pulih dan memberikan pemahaman baru. Perjalanan individu dalam proses pemulihan tidaklah mudah, ditentukan oleh faktor hubungan pribadi, lingkungan fisik, serta sumber daya eksternal dan internal
This research aims to explore how the concept of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) approach can be adopted by SJOG services, in order to improve awareness of trauma as experienced by survivors 1 of Modern Slavery & Trafficking (MST), and to... more
This research aims to explore how the concept of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) approach can be adopted by SJOG services, in order to improve awareness of trauma as experienced by survivors 1 of Modern Slavery & Trafficking (MST), and to provide effective support. Notably, in this paper, we will also elaborate how the complex needs of MST survivors are related to their traumatic experiences, and the necessary steps and resources for implementing a MST TIC model.
Zohra Drif, a heroine of the Front de Libération Nationale's independence movement during the Algerian War, planted a bomb in the Milk Bar in Algiers on September 30, 1956, which killed three people, wounded fifty, and maimed twelve... more
Zohra Drif, a heroine of the Front de Libération Nationale's independence movement during the Algerian War, planted a bomb in the Milk Bar in Algiers on September 30, 1956, which killed three people, wounded fifty, and maimed twelve civilians. The 2008 documentary Les Porteuses de feu directed by Faouzia Fékiri engages Algerian women, including Drif, who testify to their willing participation in the FLN's terrorist activities in their fight for independence from France (1954–1962). But two of the Milk Bar bombing victims have grappled with the effects throughout their lives, and these depictions cause aftershocks that do not allow the trauma to dissipate. Nicole Guiraud, age ten, lost her left arm and saw her father gravely wounded; Danielle Michel-Chich was five when her leg was amputated and her grandmother was killed. Guiraud and Michel-Chich willingly and publicly recount the traumatic moment of their loss in spoken and written testimony, but they remain at odds about how this memory should be confronted. This article explores how traumatic memory, even sixty years onward, is contested by those directly affected, creating scandalous debate in France.
- by Cecilia Giordano and +1
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- Clinical Psychology, Loss and Trauma, Trauma, Survivor
Özet Kadınlık ve erkeklik rolleri toplumsal yapı içerisinde gündelik yaşam pratikleri ve cinsiyete ilişkin toplumsal mekanizmalarla yeniden inşa edilmektedir. Ancak bu inşa süreci sadece var olmakla kalmaz, bu var edilen cinsiyetçi... more
Kadınlık ve erkeklik rolleri toplumsal yapı içerisinde gündelik yaşam pratikleri ve cinsiyete ilişkin toplumsal mekanizmalarla yeniden inşa edilmektedir. Ancak bu inşa süreci sadece var olmakla kalmaz, bu var edilen cinsiyetçi yapının ataerkil ideolojinin kodlarıyla pekiştirilmesi ve devamlılığının gelmesi gerekmektedir. İşte bu noktada egemen toplumsal değerlerin üretilmesinde ve kimlik oluşumunda önemli rol oynayan medya devreye girer ve bu değerler sistemini içerik üretimleriyle yeniden inşa ederek dolaşıma sokar. Özellikle televizyon ve üretimleri, toplumsal cinsiyete ilişkin egemen düşünce ve davranış kalıplarını yeniden üretmede ve iletmede çok etkin bir araç konumundadır. Bu çalışma Türkiye'de özellikle 2000'li yıllardan sonra hız kazanan erkeklik çalışmalarının merkezinde tartışılan hegemonik erkekliğin inşası ve toplumsal dinamikleri özelinde, bu dinamiklerin üretilme alanlarından biri olan televizyon programlarını söylemsel düzlemde ele almaktadır. 2005 yılından bu yana yayınlanan ve izlenme oranlarının yüksekliği ile dikkat çeken reality televizyon şovu Survivor 2017 yarışması, erkek egemen söylemelerin oldukça fazla üretildiği medya üretimlerinden biridir. Medyadaki toplumsal cinsiyet temsillerinin stereotiplerinin incelendiği bu çalışmada, "hegemonik erkeklik söylemleri, erkeklik ve kadınlığa ilişkin egemen normlar, kodlar ve rollere ait cinsiyetçi söylemler aracılığıyla medya metinlerinde nasıl üretilmektedir?" sorusuna eleştirel söylem çözümlemesi uygulanarak yanıt aranmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucu, hegemonik erkeklik söylemlerinin program içinde sıklıkla üretildiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Roles of men and women are constructed in the social structure by practices of daily living and social mechanisms related to sex and gender. However, the process of gender construction as a sexist structure does not simply exist, it has to be reinforced by codes of patriarchal ideology in order to subsist. Herein, mass media which is highly functional in the formation of dominant social values and identity comes into play and reconstruct and recirculate this system of values through content production. Especially, television and its products are highly instrumental in communication and reproduction of hegemonic mindscapes and stereotypes related to gender.
- by Gülten Adalı and +1
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- Masculinity, Survivor, Hegemonic Masculinity, TV shows
This article explores the Catholic imaginaries of survivors of clergy sexual abuse by focusing on soul murder, a psychoanalytic concept that the survivor movement appropriated and which has now become central to Catholic survivors'... more
This article explores the Catholic imaginaries of survivors of clergy sexual abuse by focusing on soul murder, a psychoanalytic concept that the survivor movement appropriated and which has now become central to Catholic survivors' understandings of their trauma as children. Soul murder names the experience of child sexual abuse as the annihilation of a child's network of relationships and the ongoing loss as adults of basic relational skills such as intimacy and trust. In addition to losing these social networks, clergy abuse victims frequently lose their relationship with God. This article provides examples of survivors' efforts to resurrect their faith by reimagining and reconstructing their relationships with one another, God, the sacraments, and the Roman Catholic Church. Through their material culture, reform efforts, home liturgies, and protests, survivors embody a Catholic imaginary whose abundance both enabled their childhood abuse and gives meaning to their adult suffering.
This paper examines the experiences of Filipino workers recruited for technology and communications work by international aid agencies involved in the Typhoon Haiyan response. Filipino workers, many of whom were personally coping with the... more
This paper examines the experiences of Filipino workers recruited for technology and communications work by international aid agencies involved in the Typhoon Haiyan response. Filipino workers, many of whom were personally coping with the social and economic impact of this disaster, were hired on short-term contracts to test and implement various digital humanitarian innovations such as feedback and hazard mapping technological platforms. These workers were doubly marginalized: first, as tech workers whose work was viewed by aid officers on the ground as less substantial than that of food or shelter programs; and second, as local voices often drowned out by national and international colleagues. Moving beyond the usual figure of the cosmopolitan and adventure-seeking Western humanitarian acting on distant suffering, this paper draws attention to local aid workers' aspirations for personal and professional mobility as they seize novel opportunities opened up by the digital humanitarian agenda. It outlines how the digital humanitarian project's ambition to facilitate the inclusion of disaster-affected communities is fundamentally undermined by labor arrangements that doubly marginalize local aid workers.
Place and Perspectives of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies in Contemporary Settings, Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (20130516). ”Pomirenje i nepomirivost: priče onih koji su preživljeli rat u Bosni... more
This study describes how elderly Holocaust survivors living in Hungary evaluate their lives in the context of multiple sociopolitical upheavals they had experienced. We interviewed Holocaust survivors who continue to live in the locale of... more
This study describes how elderly Holocaust survivors living in Hungary evaluate their lives in the context of multiple sociopolitical upheavals they had experienced. We interviewed Holocaust survivors who continue to live in the locale of their original victimization and amid renewed threats of anti-Semitism. We examined evaluations of life during 9 historical periods, ranging from pre-Holocaust to the 1990s. We also considered data about late life morale, social integration, perceptions of social alienation, and concerns about future anti-Semitism. Data are reported, based on individual in-depth interviews with 104 Holocaust survivors living in Hungary. Findings about well-being and social outcomes are compared with data obtained in our earlier studies of 166 Holocaust survivors who immigrated to the United States and 184 survivors who immigrated to Israel after World War II. Results indicate that survivors living in Hungary experienced several postwar periods as highly stressful in addition to the trauma of the Holocaust. Survivors living in the United States, and particularly those living in Israel, portray better family life and social and psychological outcomes. Narrative responses of survivors living in Hungary point to a lack of social integration and ongoing threats to identity, along with fears about the rise of anti-Semitism, as factors that may adversely impact the maintenance of psychosocial well-being.
- by Eva Kahana and +3
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- Trauma, Survivor, Holocaust, Social Integration
Silhouettes, silence, guilt and conflict permeate the memoir by Elite Olshtain, a genuine life-testimony of her childhood spent in Czernowitz and Romania before and after World War II. How is one’s identity fragmented when war cuts the... more
Silhouettes, silence, guilt and conflict permeate the memoir by Elite
Olshtain, a genuine life-testimony of her childhood spent in Czernowitz and Romania before and after World War II. How is one’s identity fragmented when war cuts the existential route of a prosperous and caring family? Where is the victim and who is the heroine? This paper explores trauma, identity and gender rooted in a remediated frame which captures imprints coming closer to the reader, or remains at distance, making the narrative poignant or as diffuse as an aquarelle.