Technological Learning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

COVID-19 and Computer Assisted Testing: Merits and Challenges

Technological learning has an important role in forming technological capability and innovation as a key point of competitiveness in this globalized era. On the one hand, developed countries have engaged themselves in the high-tech... more

Technological learning has an important role in forming technological capability and innovation as a key point of competitiveness in this globalized era. On the one hand, developed countries have engaged themselves in the high-tech industry which can result in high added value. On the other hand, very few of developing countries which are able to develop such kind of industry. In Indonesia, low-tech industry seems to have greater development compared with high-tech or medium-high. One of the possible causes is inoptimum technological learning. Notwithstanding, there are many literature on the condition of technological learning. Nevertheless,the one with more intention in technology intensity is still rarely found. This paper attempts to discuss technological learning model in manufacturing industry by conducting case studies in several companies based on technology intensity classified by Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based on four case studies, variation of technological learning model based on the involved actors and their domination in technological learning process is analyzed. Technological learning is proven to support innovation creation. Companies in the manufacturing sector with high technology intensity tend to choose in-house technological learning. Meanwhile, companies in medium-high sector tend to choose combination of internal-external technological learning. Strategic role of the technology for firm's core competence, proprietary aspect of technology, resource capacity, and demand characteristics becomes considered factors in making a choice on the type of technological learning.

This paper focuses on the significant issues of technological capability development of latecomer firms, and government policies enabling such firms to attain certain level of technological capability. The survey and case studies of... more

This paper focuses on the significant issues of technological capability development of latecomer firms, and government policies enabling such firms to attain certain level of technological capability. The survey and case studies of manufacturing firms in Thailand were conducted to substantiate and investigate the process of technological capability development of latecomer firms. The analysis portrays a dynamic view of technological capability development that comprises three key elements namely strategic capability, internal capability, and external linkage capability. The paper, subsequently, discusses and suggests a tentative taxonomy of government policies and measures to support firms’ technological capability development.

Investigated different patterns of technological learning in latecomers’ complex product systems development.Compared technological learning patterns in military aircraft development by Brazil, China, and South Korea.Technological... more

Investigated different patterns of technological learning in latecomers’ complex product systems development.Compared technological learning patterns in military aircraft development by Brazil, China, and South Korea.Technological learning patterns are shaped by available knowledge-base and role of foreign partners.Technological alliance and private sector responsibility enabled Korea’s success in CoPS development.Strategic, functional and project initiatives serve as groundwork for latecomers’ technological learning.This paper identifies different patterns of latecomers’ technological learning in developing complex products systems (CoPS). The experiences of South Korea, China, and Brazil in military aircraft development are compared to explain the learning process in attaining indigenous technological capability. The military aircraft development programs involving international technology transfer agreements have been documented to investigate the technological learning patterns. We find different technology acquisition modes determined by latecomers’ focus of knowledge-base: technological for “make” and production for “buy”. We also find that these modes may influence the process of learning-by-doing. In addition, we find how the role of foreign partners influences technology acquisition mode. Whereas an active role results in co-production or co-development arrangement, a passive role leads to the vitalization of reverse engineering. We also shed light on the role of government policy initiatives that facilitate technological learning. Lastly, this paper extensively documented the successful technological learning in South Korea’s T-50 and Brazil’s AMX joint venture projects.

This paper highlights how Thailand upgrades its positions in global value chains in high-tech, mid-tech and low-tech industries represented by electronics, automotive and frozen seafood, respectively. In the electronics industry, there... more

This paper highlights how Thailand upgrades its positions in global value chains in high-tech, mid-tech and low-tech industries represented by electronics, automotive and frozen seafood, respectively. In the electronics industry, there are not many capable firms in the upstream segment like semiconductors. Nevertheless, transnational corporations in segment like hard disk drive began to invest in process R&D and collaborate more with local suppliers, universities and public research institutes in human resource and technological development. In the automotive industry, several Japanese car manufacturers such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Isuzu set up R&D/Technical centres in Thailand since 2000s. This prompted Japanese and local part suppliers to also invest more in engineering, design and development activities. Some local universities offer as well engineering programmes specifically targeting the automotive industry. In the frozen seafood industry, several Thai firms have developed new ready-to-eat products, own brands and international distribution networks. They started to become transnational corporations investing in both developing and developed countries.

Ever since the 1980s Mexico has been taking on an increasingly important role in the manufacture of automobiles for North America. As this industry has become highly concentrated, driven by a small number of very large assembly irms and a... more

Ever since the 1980s Mexico has been taking on an increasingly important role in the manufacture of automobiles for North America. As this industry has become highly concentrated, driven by a small number of very large assembly irms and a privileged group of globalized transnational suppliers, the beneits for the host localities have turned into a controversial issue. With this controversy as the background, a case study was designed to analyze the role of local suppliers within the industrial complex led by the Ford Motor Company in Hermosillo, Mexico. his article explores the mechanisms of knowledge transfer from Ford and its global suppliers to the local economy, and the emergence of small local companies that provide knowledge-intensive services.

In spite of its rapid development toward modern rail systems like electric and magnetic trains in most of the European and Far Eastern countries, the technological performance of the rail industry in Iran has been lagging. In this... more

In spite of its rapid development toward modern rail systems like electric and magnetic trains in most of the European and Far Eastern countries, the technological performance of the rail industry in Iran has been lagging. In this chapter, authors will analyze the factors that contributed to the inadequate growth of railroad network, the reliance on obsolete technology, and the lack of innovation in the industry in the country. They will enumerate and examine technological and managerial challenges the state-owned railroad enterprise faces, and recommend policies to remedy the issues.

طی چند دهه اخیر شاهد شکست سیاست¬های مرسوم انتقال فناوری در کشور مبتنی بر رویکرد ساخت داخل به دلایلی از جمله غلبه رویکرد تجاری و اقتصادی بجای فناوری، تضاد منافع، مشکلات ضمانت اجرایی، پایش و ارزیابی نتایج، رویکرد بالا به پایین، ظرفیت جذب و... more

طی چند دهه اخیر شاهد شکست سیاست¬های مرسوم انتقال فناوری در کشور مبتنی بر رویکرد ساخت داخل به دلایلی از جمله غلبه رویکرد تجاری و اقتصادی بجای فناوری، تضاد منافع، مشکلات ضمانت اجرایی، پایش و ارزیابی نتایج، رویکرد بالا به پایین، ظرفیت جذب و مسائل نهادی و ساختاری بوده¬ایم. "خرید دولتی (به منظور ارتقاء) نوآوری و فناوری" (PPI) سیاست نوآوری نوظهوری است که ظرف بیش از یک دهه اخیر نتایج قابل¬توجهی را در ارتقاء قابلیت-های نوآورانه و فناورانه بنگاه¬ها و تحریک تقاضا در سطح اروپا و به خصوص کشورهای سوئد، انگلستان و اسلوونی به همراه داشته است. خرید دولتی نوآوری می¬تواند مبنای نظری جایگزینی برای انتقال فناوری فراهم آورد که به رفع کاستی¬های مذکور منجر شود و شاهد انتقال حقیقی فناوری در جمیع ابعاد آن باشیم. اجرایی¬سازی این مفهوم می¬تواند رویکرد مدیریت فناوری و نوآوری را که از عمق بیشتری در تحلیل انتقال فناوری و ارتقاء قابلیت¬های فناورانه بنگاه¬ها و ظرفیت جذب آنها برخودار است جایگزین رویکرد تجاری و اقتصادی کنونی نماید.
مبتنی بر بسط این مفهوم که با هدف رفع نیازهای توسعه نوآوری در کشورهای توسعه¬یافته طراحی شده است، دستگاه-های مختلف دولتی می¬توانند سیاست¬های انتقال فناوری، توسعه نوآوری و یادگیری را توامان در قالب سیاست خرید دولتی خود پیگیری نمایند. در نتیجه مفهوم¬پردازی جدید در اجرا می¬تواند تمامی نهادهای دولتی و خریدهای دولتی را در بر گیرد، چرا که یادگیری و توسعه نوآوری محدود به تدارکات دولتی دربرگیرنده فناوری نیست. این رویکرد از لحاظ نظری با تعریف بسیط از انتقال فناوری که آن را نوعاً نوآوری می¬دانند، و نیز با ادبیات موضوع که به دنبال مفهوم¬پردازی سایر حالات یادگیری بجز نوآوری و تاکید بر اهمیت آنها در اقتصاد نوآوری است، همخوانی دارد. این سیاست می¬تواند برای کشورهای در حال توسعه و به ویژه کشورهای با بدنه اقتصاد دولتی حجیم همانند ایران که حجم خریدهای دولتی از تولید ناخالص داخلی در آنها بالا است نتایج پرباری را به ارمغان بیاورد و مبنایی نظری برای پیاده¬سازی پایین به بالای پیوست فناوری فراهم آورد.
کلیدواژه‌ها: سیاست خرید دولتی به منظور ارتقاء یادگیری، سیاست خرید دولتی نوآوری، انتقال فناوری، پیوست فناوری.

This paper will analyze the use of technological learning mechanisms in automotive industry companies located in the central part of Mexico-in the states of Guanajuato, Hidalgo and Queretaro. It will also analyze their impact in the... more

This paper will analyze the use of technological learning mechanisms in automotive industry companies located in the central part of Mexico-in the states of Guanajuato, Hidalgo and Queretaro. It will also analyze their impact in the accumulation of technological capabilities. It will explain which mechanisms were used according to the size of these companies. The analysis will conclude that micro-companies face serious limitations in this regard, while medium-size and large companies make better use of the different mechanisms for technological learning which can be seen in the innovation of these businesses.

Learning mechanisms for enterprises adjusting to the new era of information technology are needed as they constitute the dynamic element of technological capabilities. Thai manufacturing industries are being used to demonstrate an... more

Learning mechanisms for enterprises adjusting to the new era of information technology are needed as they constitute the dynamic element of technological capabilities. Thai manufacturing industries are being used to demonstrate an analysis of technological learning by learning curve estimation. This paper presents clusters of industries based on the ISIC classification with good learning potential and learning effect that implies the marginal return to resources allocated for productivity improvement via learning which varies across industries. It is found that learning curves of Thai industry have a medium learning elasticity with average learning potentials. Heavy manufacturing industries are found to have higher learning potentials or steeper learning curves than the light manufacturing industries. The study is aimed at gaining an insight into the industrialized efforts of industries towards developing appropriate learning mechanisms.

Economics depends heavily on assumptions made about the phenomenon of institutional variety and its implications for technological capabilities in economic development. This article contributes to new ways of thinking of institutional... more

Economics depends heavily on assumptions made about the phenomenon of institutional variety and its implications for technological capabilities in economic development. This article contributes to new ways of thinking of institutional variety in order to advance scientific argument within the broad tradition of evolutionary political economy (EPE). First, it draws on the Nyāya (Hindu) systems of logic and reasoning about inference and judgement which can potentially reveal inter-and intra-paradigmatic differences for EPE and economics. Second, it uses four brief illustrative cases from the author’s development research on technological learning and innovation to argue for more explicit and systematic treatment of inference and judgement about institutional variety. Implications for the future of economics are briefly discussed.

It is argued that efficient learning, combined with efficient use and assimilation of available external knowledge, can provide a sound basis upon which the technological capabilities of a firm can be built, for long–term efficiency and... more

It is argued that efficient learning, combined with efficient use and assimilation of available external knowledge, can provide a sound basis upon which the technological capabilities of a firm can be built, for long–term efficiency and survival.This is especially true for firms that lack necessary technological capabilities and seek to improve their position in the global market by gradually creating a competitive advantage.

Introducción En el capítulo 1 se señaló que la industria agroalimentaria es reconocida como un sector maduro en el que las posibilidades de generar innovaciones tecnológicas de significación son escasas (Wilkinson, 2002). Algunos estudios... more

En el capítulo 1 se señaló que la industria agroalimentaria es reconocida como un sector maduro en el que las posibilidades de generar innovaciones tecnológicas de significación son escasas (Wilkinson, 2002). Algunos estudios la ubican, junto con las industrias automovilística, del plástico y productos metálicos, en la categoría de «manufacturas intensivas en escala» en las que la principal fuente de tecnología es la industria de bienes de capital, de la cual adquiere equipos avanzados para la producción (Castellacci, 2004); es decir, que la innovación viene principalmente incorporada en los bienes de capital. Sin embargo, se indicaba que en los últimos años el sector experimentó una renovación de sus posibilidades innovadoras gracias al desarrollo de sofisticados sistemas de control de procesos, para responder a estándares globales de inocuidad y calidad, y al desarrollo de la biotecnología.
Como se verá, en el caso venezolano, los esfuerzos innovadores desde esa perspectiva se manifiestan básicamente en las empresas que se asocian al modelo de modernización tecnológica, a lo que habría que añadir que este enfoque, asentado fundamentalmente en criterios tecnológicos, no logra aprehender una diversidad de formas de elaboración de productos vinculados a prácticas y tradiciones culturales que le confieren a la industria agroalimentaria un perfil particular en cuanto a la creación y la innovación. Por tal razón, quizás resulte más apropiado hablar de aprendizaje socioproductivo, enfoque que se plantea en este capítulo.
Una particularidad de la industria agroalimentaria, en especial la modernizada tecnológicamente, es que los esfuerzos de innovación han estado profundamente ligados al desarrollo de prácticas de calidad. La preservación de los alimentos siempre constituyó un incentivo al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de procesamiento y envasado que, a su vez, tuvo estrecha relación con el desarrollo de métodos para garantizar su inocuidad. Por esta razón las unidades de aseguramiento de la calidad han estado tradicionalmente muy vinculadas a la actividad de investigación y desarrollo o, de manera más general, a la innovación.
Un hallazgo de este estudio, con importantes implicaciones para el entendimiento de la dinámica innovadora en la industria de alimentos, es la relación entre la implantación de sistemas de calidad y control de procesos y el aprendizaje tecnológico. Se determinó que las empresas con mayor experiencia innovadora, tanto en productos como en procesos, habían avanzado más en la implantación de estos sistemas; de hecho, este resultado fue base para desarrollar un programa de política pública para mejorar el desempeño de las empresas en inocuidad y calidad. Evidencia también el papel inductor que ejerce la regulación y las normativas sobre el esfuerzo innovador, aspecto que ha sido advertido en estudios del cambio técnico cuando se abordan otras áreas de gestión en la industria como la ambiental (Geffen, 1995).
En la perspectiva usual de los estudios sobre el cambio técnico, los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la industria agroalimentaria venezolana presenta, de manera general, niveles discretos de aprendizaje tecnológico, concentrándose en actividades adaptativas de marcado carácter incremental (Katz, 1976), mientras que las actividades de investigación y desarrollo (I+D), entendidas como rutinas claramente establecidas de generación y apropiación de conocimiento, se formalizan en unas pocas unidades productivas grandes. Lo anterior, recordando que la muestra tiene un sesgo hacia unidades grandes y medianas, se refleja en una débil conformación de acervos de conocimiento que determinan el desaprovechamiento e incluso pérdida de algunos importantes esfuerzos innovadores.
En el estudio se conocieron experiencias de implantación de prácticas productivas en algunas unidades pertenecientes a los estratos medianos y pequeños, que podrían encuadrarse en la definición de tecnologías apropiadas, pues se integraban armónicamente a entornos agrícolas tradicionales, y unos pocos hasta consideraban el empleo de fuentes alternas de energía (Mercado y Córdova, 2006). Se observó, también, que las experiencias desarrolladas no estaban documentadas, por lo que se corría el riesgo de pérdida de este conocimiento. Tal es el caso de una firma dedicada al procesamiento de frutas que había desarrollado interesantes técnicas de secado solar, aspecto que le comenzaba a conferir especial aceptación en el mercado al ofrecer productos «limpios». El emprendimiento fracasó por razones extraeconómicas, y el conocimiento desarrollado está desaprovechado, con posibilidades de desaparecer.

This paper presents a taxonomy of entrepreneurial behaviour vis-à-vis technology, derived from empirical research on a specific sector, that of the chemicals industry in Venezuela. The research focuses heavily on the accumulation of minor... more

This paper presents a taxonomy of entrepreneurial behaviour vis-à-vis technology, derived from empirical research on a specific sector, that of the chemicals industry in Venezuela. The research focuses heavily on the accumulation of minor innovations through which enterprises acquire their technical knowledge and know how, their technological learning. We have tried to give a precise empirical meaning to that notion in order to understand which are the most important variables that affect the technical learning process. Both the process of technological learning and the technical external linkages — in particular with foreign firms — of Venezuelan companies seem to be the fundamental factors in understanding the development of a new competitive industry which adopts a new products-oriented strategy. But not all firms do respond to such a scheme and it is thus necessary to develop a taxonomy of the industrial sector both for scholarly reasons as well as a policy guide.

Government supportive policies play a significant role in technological learning and catching up in developing countries. In the last two decades, a number of laws have been passed in Iran that has targeted technology development and... more

Government supportive policies play a significant role in technological learning and catching up in developing countries. In the last two decades, a number of laws have been passed in Iran that has targeted technology development and filling of the technological gap with leading countries. The present study employed a qualitative approach and documentary analysis method to compare the existing policies in the above-mentioned laws and policies in the successful experiences of technological catch-up in developing countries. Findings of the research indicate that: Firstly, the diversity of policies in these laws is similar to the policies that affect technological learning and catch-up in developing countries; secondly, as in the experiences of other developing countries, non-financial policies are far apart from financial policies; and thirdly, similar to the experience of developing countries, in Iran, the balance sheet is on the side of the supply side policies, and the demand side policies have been received less attention. Despite the presence of numerous and various laws and policies, Iran's failure in technological learning and catch-up can be attributed to the horizontal and non sector-specific nature of policy tools, as well as the challenges that emerge at the policy implementation stage.