Termalismo Antiguo Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

"In a first client-focussed section (Part 1), Rosa Maria Riveiro Conde, Andrés Mazaira and Patrício Ricardo Soares Costa surveyed customers of northern Portuguese thermal tourism units about their perceptions of the service quality... more

"In a first client-focussed section (Part 1), Rosa Maria Riveiro Conde, Andrés Mazaira and Patrício Ricardo Soares Costa surveyed customers of northern Portuguese thermal tourism units about their perceptions of the service quality (Chapter 1.1). Joaquim Antunes then relates the results of a questionnaire he distributed among clients at similar businesses in the centre of Portugal in order to highlight the importance of rela- tionship marketing for the medical and wellness tourism branch (Chapter 1.2). Finally, Mei-Ting Hsieh and Timothy Lee present the outcome of their questionnaire survey, carried out at Taiwanese (thermal or mineral spring) spa destinations to determine the most important motivations of clients, and formulate some changes that should be made with regard to the elaboration of more efficient marketing strategies (Chapter 1.3).
Maria João Carneiro, Celeste Eusébio, Elisabeth Kastenholz and Helena Alvelos open the second part that concentrates on result-focussed case studies (Part 2) with their analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of a Portuguese social health tourism program at micro and macro levels in Portugal (Chapter 2.1). Timothy Lee ends his critical analysis of the Australian spa hotel industry with a list of very concrete recommendations that can immediately be implemented by medical and wellness tourism business owners and authorities (Chapter 2.2). He and Boram Lim co-authored and obtained similarly concrete outcomes when comparing the same subsector, spa hotels in Australia, with ryokan facilities in Japan (Chapter 2.3).
Also very practical are the results of the innovation-focussed case studies (Part 3). Ana Isabel Renda, Júlio da Costa Mendes and Patrícia Oom do Valle suggest that the wellness potential of the spas at hotels in Loulé (Algarve) should also be used by the residents in order to combat seasonality and increase profitability (Chap- ter 3.1). Using the example of Ourense, the Galician spa capital, Noelia Araújo Vila and José Antonio Fraiz Brea argue for marketing these kinds of destinations by using them as locations for the making of (parts of) soap opera series, films, and so forth (Chapter 3.2). Jesús Raúl Navarro García and Frederico Alvim stress the potential of the natural surroundings for marketing medical and wellness destinations (Chapter 3.3). Finally, analysing the online information search behaviour of Finnish rural well-being tourists, Anja Tuohino and Juho Pesonen come to very practical conclusions that, like all the case studies presented in this book, can inspire other players in the medical and wellness sector (Chapter 3.4)."

Contributos para a história das águas de Cabeço de Vide

Una aproximación al origen, introducción, evolución y transformación de los complejos termales en la Provincia Tarraconensis, de encofque mayoritariamente arquitectónico y urbanístico, aunque abordando algunos temas relativos a lo social,... more

Una aproximación al origen, introducción, evolución y transformación de los complejos termales en la Provincia Tarraconensis, de encofque mayoritariamente arquitectónico y urbanístico, aunque abordando algunos temas relativos a lo social, cultural y religioso

Since 2006, archaeological excavations brought to light a roman healing-spa in Chaves, Northern Portugal (Aquae Flauiae), of which there was no previous knowledge. It’s a monumental bathing complex with three pools known to date, three... more

Since 2006, archaeological excavations brought to light a roman healing-spa in Chaves, Northern Portugal (Aquae Flauiae), of which there was no previous knowledge. It’s a monumental bathing complex with three pools known to date, three rooms with opus signinum flooring, a castellum aquae and an intricate system of water conveying and disposal. Roman hydrotherapy is discussed in the perspective of the roman exploitation and use of the territory.

Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane... more

Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the
Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane
areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and
critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman
spas is also discussed.

The aim of this volume is to continue the work started by some of its participants in the wake of the conference organized by R. Chevallier and held at Aix-Les-Bains back in 1991: Les eaux thermales et les cultes des eaux en Gaule et dans... more

The aim of this volume is to continue the work started by some of its
participants in the wake of the conference organized by R. Chevallier and held at Aix-Les-Bains back in 1991: Les eaux thermales et les cultes des eaux en Gaule et dans le provinces voisines. The same year, Casa de Velázquez and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) organized a panel discussion on “mineral-medicinal waters, healing thermae and the cult of water in the Iberian Peninsula” (Peréx & Bazzana 1992), which was followed by a congress held in Arnedillo (La Rioja) in 1996 (Peréx 1997). This laid the foundations for research on the phenomenon of thermal waters for therapeutic purposes at the Iberian Peninsula in Roman times. That meeting was followed by several papers and publications on the therapeutic use of water and associated cults in Roman Iberia which are listed in the bibliography.
The topic is a complex one and, as such, needs to be approached from
several points of view. In our opinion, healing waters need to be treated as an independent phenomenon from the public or private baths that were present in every town throughout the Roman Empire for hygiene or leisure purposes, since they were different by nature and responded to different needs. The overriding factor for the location of medicinal thermae was, obviously, their proximity to the spring that fed them. The mineral composition and temperature of the source would determine the type of treatment available, as well as the configuration of the facility. On many occasions the landscape surrounding these thermal complexes was modified by human settlements, some of which became structured urban centers built around a thermal establishment (Caldas de Montbui, Aquae Flaviae, etc).
The use of water for therapeutic purposes was often accompanied by a
religious component. To the usual water deities, such as the nymphs, other health-related deities were added, such as Salus, or even unrelated ones, as the inscription dedicated to Juno in Alange (Badajoz) attests. Indigenous, pre- Roman worship can also be found in relation to the cult of particular waters. Hence, although the term “water cult” has been generally adopted, the underlying objects of worship are the divinities that live, show themselves and act through those waters.
We would like to dedicate this volume to our dear colleague and friend
Helena Frade, whose sudden and premature death prevented her from seeing the result of so much enthusiasm and effort on her part. Let this book be a tribute to her memory.

Many are the Italian thermo-mineral resorts mentioned by classical authors. In this contribution, we discuss their spacial distribution and the difficulties of matching literary mentions and sites documented by archaeological evidence.... more

Many are the Italian thermo-mineral resorts mentioned by classical authors. In this contribution, we discuss their spacial distribution and the difficulties of matching literary mentions and sites documented by archaeological evidence. Furthermore, we approached the subject of false literary attestations claimed by modern thermal spas.

The English city of Bath, declared World Heritage Site in 1987, was founded by the Roman Empire as a spa sanctuary under the name of Aquae Sulis. Since then, Bath has always been configured around its classical ruins and its thermal... more

The English city of Bath, declared World Heritage Site in 1987, was founded by the Roman Empire as a spa sanctuary under the name of Aquae Sulis. Since then, Bath has always been configured around its classical ruins and its thermal waters, as it has been illustrated in a wide range of literary works from all periods. The aim of this study is to analyse whether literature can be considered a reliable source for the preservation, dissemination and educational outreach of heritage, focusing mainly on the British archaeological site of Aquae Sulis at Bath. In order to achieve this, there has been carried out, in the first place, both archive and field work to gather information on the material record of the site, its development, its historical context and related literary works. Secondly, it has been researched on the existing scholarship about the connection between literature and archaeological methods for heritage preservation. Finally, a set of literary works on Bath’s legacy has been contrasted with the material evidence. The result of this study concludes that a great part of the analysed literary sources presents Aquae Sulis’ remains accordingly to the archaeological record. Moreover, some of them seem to help to make sense of certain parts of Bath’s heritage, while other literary works have turned to be essential to reconstruct what is missing. On this basis, it can be concluded that literature is a compelling complementary source for tangible heritage preservation, even entailing an interesting way to bring heritage into the classroom.

Este trabajo se presenta como una pequeña parte del estudio que estamos realizando sobre el gran complejo termal de época romano imperial, descubierto bajo el casco urbano de Calatayud entre los años 2006-2011, concretamente en los... more

Este trabajo se presenta como una pequeña parte del estudio que estamos realizando sobre el gran complejo termal de época romano imperial, descubierto bajo el casco urbano de Calatayud entre los años 2006-2011, concretamente en los solares de la plaza de Ballesteros nº 4 y de la avenida San Juan el Real nº 20-calle Teatro nº 4. Allí se ha documentado un gran conjunto de baños frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, sudatio o natatio y otras estancias auxiliares (praefurnium, etc.), además de un importante sistema de canales y cloacas para la evacuación de agua, proveniente de un importante acuífero. Hasta el momento se han excavado unos 1.300 m 2 de estas termas públicas, de un mosaico (opus tessellatum) bícromo y de tema geométrico que pavimentaba una de las cenefa exterior formada por roleos y triángulos, está decorado con círculos secantes que componen materiales arqueológicos que contextualizan el hallazgo, el mosaico se puede datar en la primera mitad del IV d. C., correspondiendo en este caso a una reforma del espacio original. Palabras Clave: arqueología urbana, Calatayud, Imperio Romano (siglos I-V d. C.), complejo termal (balnea), mosaico.

The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller individual ones; a large open yard and a nymphaeum. The complexity of the 3rd century water abstraction, supply and drainage system reveals great... more

The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller individual ones; a large open yard and a nymphaeum. The complexity of the 3rd century water abstraction, supply and drainage system reveals great ingenuity and inventiveness in adapting to local needs, topography and water temperature.

Los recursos naturales, el patrimonio artístico, el paisaje y la salud encuentran en el Termalismo un fiel aliado desde que el hombre usó las aguas mineromedicinales para aliviar muchas de sus enfermedades. Esta obra pretende acercarse a... more

Los recursos naturales, el patrimonio artístico, el paisaje y la salud encuentran en el Termalismo un fiel aliado desde que el hombre usó las aguas mineromedicinales para aliviar muchas de sus enfermedades. Esta obra pretende acercarse a todas estas cuestiones, focalizando en el paisaje termal gran parte de su atención.

La actividad arqueológica del casco antiguo de Calatayud (1995-2011), ha permitido conocer restos de época romana imperial en casi una veintena de solares. En ellos, se ha documentado parte de un asentamiento desde mediados del siglo i d.... more

La actividad arqueológica del casco antiguo de Calatayud (1995-2011), ha permitido conocer restos de época romana imperial en casi una veintena de solares. En ellos, se ha documentado parte de un asentamiento desde mediados del siglo i d. C., que posteriormente alcanzará naturaleza urbana como contrapunto al paulatino abandono del cercano Municipium Augusta Bilbilis. Este establecimiento urbano ocuparía el ángulo suroeste del casco histórico de Calatayud, comprendido entre dos antiguos barrancos que desembocan en el
Jalón. Esta población contó con unas grandes termas de carácter público fechadas a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo i e inicios del ii d. C. Los baños públicos contaron con dos edificios, de cerca de 300 m2 cada uno, separados por un patio, que albergaron dos circuitos compuestos por espacios propios de estos establecimientos,
junto a otras estancias de tránsito, y un sistema de canales y cloacas para la evacuación de agua. Hasta la fecha se ha excavado una extensión aproximada de 1300 m2, pero la planta completa superaría con creces los 3000 m2, lo que convierte a este complejo termal en uno de los mayores del valle del Ebro. Este conjunto termal, con diferentes reformas, subsistirá hasta su destrucción violenta por incendio hacia mediados del siglo v d. C., construyéndose un nuevo edificio termal en la segunda mitad del siglo v d. C. o inicios del vi d. C. Este descubrimiento
suscita el problema de la ubicación real de Aquae Bilbilitanorum, tradicionalmente ubicada en la localidad de Alhama de Aragón, en base al Itinerario de Antonino, aunque actualmente no existe base científica
que demuestre su origen romano. La presencia de este posible balneario nos permite proponer la identificación de Aquae Bilbilitanorum bajo el actual casco urbano de la ciudad de Calatayud.
Palabras clave: Calatayud, asentamiento urbano, termas públicas, circuito termal, Aquae Bilbilitanorum.

Les excavacions dutes a terme a la plaça Arrabalde de Chaves (Portugal) del 2006 al 2008 i del 2012 al 2015 van descobrir un conjunt d’es- tructures en un estat de conservació excepcional, les termes medicinals romanes que havien donat... more

Les excavacions dutes a terme a la plaça Arrabalde de Chaves (Portugal) del 2006 al 2008
i del 2012 al 2015 van descobrir un conjunt d’es- tructures en un estat de conservació excepcional, les termes medicinals romanes que havien donat nom a la ciutat: Aquae Flaviae (Carneiro, 2013). Aquest complex termal és un dels més grans i més ben conservats que s’han excavat recentment.
El museu del jaciment que s’està desenvolupant actualment aportarà nova llum al significat i a
la funció de les termes en l’Imperi romà i la seva relació amb les comunitats autòctones.
1. Història del jaciment

The Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It is a large monumental complex and the results of the current excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the... more

The Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It is a large monumental complex and the results of the current excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the Roman Empire and their relation to indigenous communities.

In order to understand the architectonical and functional peculiarities of Roman healing spas using mineral waters, the study of their collection systems should be one of the main subjects. In this way we propose a first approximation to... more

In order to understand the architectonical and functional peculiarities of Roman healing spas using mineral
waters, the study of their collection systems should be one of the main subjects. In this way we propose a first
approximation to these hydraulic infrastructures which must be adapted to the topography of the spring area
and to the physical and chemical conditions of these mineral waters. The study of these structures in Hispania
has allowed us to propose an initial typology as one of the essential aspects to be included in the study of the
configuration of Roman Healing spas.

Fecha de recepción del trabajo: agosto de 2014. Fecha de aceptación por la revista: septiembre de 2014. RESUMEN Se revisan los datos que quedan del uso en época romana de los balnearios del noreste granadino de Baños de Zújar, Alicún de... more

Fecha de recepción del trabajo: agosto de 2014. Fecha de aceptación por la revista: septiembre de 2014. RESUMEN Se revisan los datos que quedan del uso en época romana de los balnearios del noreste granadino de Baños de Zújar, Alicún de las Torres y Graena. En el caso de Zújar se mantuvo la grada y algunos arcos de la antigua piscina romana. En Alicún el poblamiento romano está bien establecido en los aledaños del surgiente termal y una excavación en la zona trasera del actual balneario pOdría ofrecer datos seguros de la historia de su explo­ tación pasada. El caso de Graena es más controvertido ya que no hay plena seguridad de que antes de su uso bien contrastado en época andalusí hubiese albergado estructuras balneares destacadas en época romana.

Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibérica 1. Infelizmente, a maioria destes estabelecimentos foram destruídos ou grandemente danificados durante o renascimento do termalismo... more

Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibérica 1. Infelizmente, a maioria destes estabelecimentos foram destruídos ou grandemente danificados durante o renascimento do termalismo europeu, nos séculos XIX e primeira metade do XX da nossa era e, de entre os poucos que escaparam a este destino, só um punhado deles foram objecto de intervenções arqueológicas recentes. Em 2006, na sequência do projecto de construção de um parque de estacionamento subterrâneo no Largo do Arrabalde em Chaves, cujas sondagens arqueológicas prévias haviam detectado a presença de estruturas monumentais de época romana (Silva et al. 2007), deu-se início à escavação arqueológica do Balneário termal romano de Aquae Flaviae, com vista ao seu estudo e valorização.

The results of the last seasons of archaeological excavations in the Roman Baths of Fortuna, Murcia, are presented, in those that the works of recovery of the thermal complex of the I century B.C., has been continued, digging in its... more

The results of the last seasons of archaeological excavations in the Roman Baths of Fortuna, Murcia, are presented, in those that the works of recovery of the thermal complex of the I century B.C., has been continued, digging in its practical entirety the ninfeo of character monumental overdraft in December of 1999, as well as different hydraulic facilities associated to him, as well as Islamic medieval different remains of times (XII-XIII centuries) and modern (XVII-XIX centuries) that make sure the maintenance of the settlement around the birth of water.

In 1990 the archaeological works of the site Baños Romanos, 4 kilometers to the north of the current town of Fortuna (Murcia), only few meters away from the modern spa, were started. From then till 1999 the excavation was focused on some... more

In 1990 the archaeological works of the site Baños Romanos, 4 kilometers to the north of the current town of Fortuna (Murcia), only few meters away from the modern spa, were started. From then till 1999 the excavation was focused on some habitat- ion structures, which were interpreted as the remains of an hospice associated to the baths. In 1999 the excavation area was moved and the ancient spring of thermal waters from Roman times was located. Since that moment, and after four excavation campaigns (1999-2002), the remains of an spectacular construct- ion, half carved in the rock, half built, have been dis- covered.