Translation and Interpretation Research Papers (original) (raw)

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This textbook is chiefly dedicated to interpretation students and possibly to other peaple interested in interpreting studies. In eight chapters, it deals with various theoretical and practical problems concerning the profession of... more

This textbook is chiefly dedicated to interpretation students and possibly to other peaple interested in interpreting studies. In eight chapters, it deals with various theoretical and practical problems concerning the profession of interpreter. These are consequently formulated as instructions with the aim of improving the preparation of future interpreters. Thus the aim of the textbook is to provide students with a support in acquiring the appropriate culture in the public speaking. The publication itself results from pedagogical practice of interpretation teachers from their own experience with active interpreting as well as with training of public speaking in their mother tongue.
The first chapter is entitled Translation as a conscious activity. It describes the differences between translation and interpretation. It also outlines the cultural and historical context of interpretation as both a practice-oriented activity and a scientific discipline, from the first attempts at collecting, summarizinge, systemizinge and classifying the knowledge gathered to the current discussions over specific problems and issues.
The second chapter – Interpretation as communication – analyzes the specific aspects of this kind of rendition and the competences, including personality traits, which interpreters should possess as a consequence.
The third chapter – Interpreter as orator – focuses on interpreters as autono-mous authors of an utterance. It also outlines the paralinguistic and extralinguistic elements of communication, shows students how to cope with stress and other elements influencing their public performance.
The fourth chapter – Communication situations in interpreting – deals with communication situations which imply the use of interpretation – in all social sectors – with preference given to the Slovak language. It also analyzes the particular aspects of political public speaking.
The fifth chapter – The Slovak language as a communication code – is dedica-ted to the mother tongue and its cultivation. It points out some mistakes and styleistic flaws in Slovak public speaking and it also displays the linguistic characte-ristics of the Slovak language as a source language in the interpretation process.
The sixth chapter entitled Message of Antiquity for modern rhetorici focuses on the rhetorical theories of Classical Antiquity concerning public speaking. It contains an overview of the major Greek and Roman orators and it describes the development of rhetoric and homiletics in the course of the first centuries of Christian era up to the Middle Ages.
The seventh chapter – The rhetorical minimum for an interpreter – is a prac-tical manual of sorts. It contain information and tips to prepare efficiently for a public speech, which is intended as a training activity for interpretation lessons.
Finally, the eighth chapter – Common Latin expressions and maxims in the speech of today’s orator – is a sort of selective dictionary comprising Latin words and phrases used in contemporary Slovak. It also includes explanations of their origin and examples of their usage.
The textbook The Interpreter as a speaker is based on translation theory, communication theory, psycholinguistics, pragmalinguistics, as well as, general and specific rhetorical knowledge. Its goal is to help students improve their rhetorical skills. It also deals with some of the ethical aspects of the profession – the responsibilities of an interpreter, the extent to which modifications in the rendition are admissible, professional standards, etc. In addition to an excellent knowledge of the source and target languages, interpretation students need to develop good communication and public speaking skills.
This publication aims at eliminating scarcity and errors in the use of spoken language and in public speaking. The absence of efficient rhetorical preparation at university and in schools in general is a major flaw of any education system. Moreover, by writing this textbook the authors aim at filling the existing gap in the book market since there has not been written so far a similar manual of the kind in Slovakia.

OS SONETOS COMPLETOS DE ANTERO DE QUENTAL PREFÁCIO: J. P. Oliveira Martins NOTA PRÉVIA , TRANSCRIÇÕES E POSFÁCIO: Patricio Ferrari CAPA: João Botelho REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Novembro de 2010... more

PREFÁCIO: J. P. Oliveira Martins
CAPA: João Botelho
REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro
Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Novembro de 2010
Lisboa: Guimarães [Babel], 2010. ISBN: 978-972-665-651-7

Interpreting, as a power-mediated transnational space, is a very insightful field of study about language as both a communicative and symbolic tool. The choice between Galician and Spanish in international conferences or business... more

Interpreting, as a power-mediated transnational space, is a very insightful field of study about language as both a communicative and symbolic tool. The choice between Galician and Spanish in international conferences or business meetings-in which simultaneous and consecutive interpreting are used to enable communication among the speakers-implies revealing usages upon attitudes towards Galician and its communicative and symbolic value, having an impact in Galicians' own perception and other speakers' attitudes about this language. This article analyses the presence of Galician in interpreting settings. Particularly, it first reviews the literature from interpreting studies, and then presents the study's methodology, analysis, results and conclusions. It focuses on the influence of variables such as 'interpreting mode', 'theme' and 'initiator' on the choice between Galician and Spanish in all interpreting performances made from English into Spanish and Galician by one of the co-authors of the study between 2003 and 2018. Quantitatively analysed results are complemented by information from participant observation during the hiring and interpreting process. Conclusions-despite and thanks to their personal traits-draw an actual picture of the situation of Galician in professional interpreting, its language-promotion potential and the variables and agents that have a say on it, and suggest best practices to improve its presence and contribute to the promotion of Galician in those prestige areas.

This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more

This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students memorize the outline of the topic, while a teacher's additional commentary would be needed to really understand the content and meaning of the ten essentials.

Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more

Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising practice of post-editing the outcome of MT systems, which can yield faster and sometimes more accurate results. Most systems, however, were not originally designed having translators envisaged as potential users, which leaves a high demand for tools capable of catering for this new translation modality. With the purpose of showcasing what researchers and the industry have to offer in that respect, this study provides a review of a number of currently available translation tools from the perspective of translation post-editing. We have selected and described toolkits according to a set of criteria, highlighting main differences and similarities between them and also making mention of desirable features that have not been satisfactorily presented by any of the toolkits analysed.

Chapter 3 And the Oscar Goes to...: A Study of the Simultaneous Interpretation of Humour at the Academy Awards Ceremony Rachele Antonini 1 ... Three honorary anche eh gli Oscar alla honorary Oscar to Oscars including a lifetime carriera e... more

Chapter 3 And the Oscar Goes to...: A Study of the Simultaneous Interpretation of Humour at the Academy Awards Ceremony Rachele Antonini 1 ... Three honorary anche eh gli Oscar alla honorary Oscar to Oscars including a lifetime carriera e il memorial a Dino De Laurentiis or ...

Pali word Saddhā (P. saddhā) is usually translated to English as faith in the translation of Buddhist texts. Many scholars have objected to this translation. This paper examines the meanings given to Saddhā in seven Pali-English... more

Pali word Saddhā (P. saddhā) is usually translated to English as faith in the translation of Buddhist texts. Many scholars have objected to this translation. This paper examines the meanings given to Saddhā in seven Pali-English glossaries and dictionaries. Of these only the Pali-English Dictionary of the Pali Text Society [PED] gives a 'brief etymology'. This paper is a critical reading of the PED entry Saddhā.

The globalization and the fast mobility of today’s markets—aiming to serve as many heterogeneous settings and audiences as possible—have posited a growing need for high quality products and optimal performance in nearly all areas of... more

The globalization and the fast mobility of today’s markets—aiming to serve as many heterogeneous settings and audiences as possible—have posited a growing need for high quality products and optimal performance in nearly all areas of everyday life. Specialists in communication play an important, albeit often hidden, role in these processes. Translators and other international professional communicators operate as mediators to facilitate understanding across global, international, national and local contexts through diverse communication channels. Translating today often involves several agents with different roles, responsibilities and skills. This entails creative work, various innovative procedures, and collaborative networks in highly technological, distributed environments. All these agents can be seen as text producers with an increasing expertise in the tools and skills of their trades to find, manage, process, and adapt information to target audiences.

This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit... more

This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit those morphological resources in order to ensure consistency and coherence to their texts.

Reading is considered as an essential skill in a modern society is a crucial skill for academic achievement and success for all students. Consequently, the teaching of reading has become one of the primary objectives for schools and... more

Reading is considered as an essential skill in a modern society is a crucial skill for academic achievement and success for all students. Consequently, the teaching of reading has become one of the primary objectives for schools and teachers all over the world. An enormous amount of work has been done to assist learners who struggle with their reading skills. A tool that has been considered is the use of information technologies; namely computers. Research has been conducted to examine the impact of computers, across elementary, secondary, and college curricula in order to improve student`s reading comprehension. This paper reviews a body of literature that synthesizes the effects of computer-assisted reading instruction to enhance reading comprehension of students. It also addresses research that investigates the impact on comprehension when students are presented with computerized versus printed reading material. Findings suggest that computer assisted-instruction hold a great promise as an instructional tool, suggesting that the conductive learning environment provided by computer-assisted instruction should be used effectively.

Throughout the history, all civilizations have transferred knowledge from either a previous civilization or from a contemporary civilization. The translation activities have an important channel of this transferring knowledge. We knew the... more

Throughout the history, all civilizations have transferred knowledge from either a previous civilization or from a contemporary civilization. The translation activities have an important channel of this transferring knowledge. We knew the most important translation activities started at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and was expanded during Abbasid Caliphate. Now, we will be stressing on the development of translation works with regards to Andalusia. As a result of the eagerness of Muslim to seek knowledge, institutions such as madrasah, libraries, elementary schools, research institutions grew rapidly in the 10th century and mosque schools had been upgraded into local universities. Andalusia became a famous translation centre in the region and it has known as the multilingual centre of learning and translation, gathering all people from different cultures and ethnicities who loved wisdom and knowledge. The light age of intellectual development of Islamic Civilization has reached its peak with beautiful cities of Almeria, Malaga, Cadiz, Hielva, Cordoba, Jean and Granada during 10th century. At the end of these developments, the translation became an art where it was dealing with languages, texts, and words. On the other hand, after a long period of time, it became a science. Translation also one of the school of science as it had become more systematic through time and the translated books must have undergone several tests of validity and precision in terms of its languages. In this article, translation activities in Andalus period which had a great influence on formation of Islamic philosophy were discussed.

Tenemos el placer de invitarles a participar en el Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación de Discursos Especializados: Aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas a la accesibilidad. Congreso virtual del 3 al 4 de diciembre de... more

Tenemos el placer de invitarles a participar en el Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación de Discursos Especializados: Aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas a la accesibilidad. Congreso virtual del 3 al 4 de diciembre de 2021. El congreso está organizado por el grupo de investigación HUM-855 (e-dint) de la Universidad de Málaga junto con otros compañeros de diversas facultades y pretende impulsar un encuentro interdisciplinar en torno al concepto y al hecho de la accesibilidad en la comunicación inter e intralingüística. Queremos generar un espacio de divulgación de trabajos de investigación ligados al tema de la discapacidad en el marco de los estudios de traducción e interpretación, teniendo en cuenta los enfoques interdisciplinares y los aportes de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Asimismo, deseamos compartir recursos, estrategias didácticas, metodológicas y prácticas así como abordajes teóricos en torno a la discapacidad. Nuestra convocatoria de ponencias está abierta hasta el 15/10/2021. Esperamos contar con vuestra participación. Un cordial saludo, El comité organizador.

Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt den Begriff des kommunikativen Wertes, welcher von der Leipziger Schule, namentlich von Otto Kade, Gert Jäger und Albrecht Neubert, geprägt und weiterentwickelt wurde. Unter ihnen wird es schließlich... more

Der vorliegende Artikel behandelt den Begriff des kommunikativen Wertes, welcher von der Leipziger Schule, namentlich von Otto Kade, Gert Jäger und Albrecht Neubert, geprägt und weiterentwickelt wurde. Unter ihnen wird es schließlich Jäger sein, der in seinem Bestreben, die kommunikative Äquivalenzbeziehung zu erklären, das Grundtheorem zur Klassifizierung der binären intertextuellen Entsprechungstypen entwickelte. Es liegt uns fern, diese Beziehung zu begründen. Vielmehr ist uns daran gelegen, die Intuition zu beleuchten, die der Definition des
kommunikativen Wertes als hybrides Element und als Vehikel linguistisch strukturierter Gedanken zugrunde liegt. Ferner soll der ästhetischen Funktion – als Grundmerkmal des Textes verstanden – ein Raum zur Befragung und Emergenz neuer kognitiver und emotiver Eigenschaften eröffnet werden. Hierbei folgen wir der grundlegenden Intuition, es existiere ein intentionales Element, das sprachlich nicht strukturiert ist und dass ein Bestandteil des kommunikativen Sinnes ist.
Dies veranlasst uns unter anderem dazu, den kommunikativen Wert als
historisches Element zu erklären und zwar als Kernbestandteil eines intellektuellen Vermächtnisses, das sich von den Denkern der Frühromantik bis hin zu den Autoren der Moderne erstreckt und diese verbindet (Siever 2013). In einem weiteren Unterkapitel wird schließlich dargelegt, zu welchem Zweck ein Begriff wie der des kommunikativen Wertes geschaffen wird. Erkennbar wird, dass über die Grenzen der Debatte zur kommunikativen Äquivalenz hinaus, eine textinhärente Komponente existiert, die dank des Übersetzers und einzig seinetwegen besteht. Daher kommt es, dass der Begriff des kommunikativen Wertes im Rahmen einer umfassenden Translationstheorie erneut überprüft und wiedergewonnen werden kann. Hierfür wird zunächst der Begriff in
seinem frühesten Stadium analysiert, so wie er von Kade (1965) vorgetragen wurde. Darauf folgt die Analyse des Begriffs, wie er von Jäger bis zu seinem 1975 veröffentlichten Werk weiterentwickelt und 1986 überarbeitet wurde.

In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Philologica. Vol. 9, No. 3. 117–134.

ABSTRACT Can the field of simultaneous interpretation be a window to understanding the underlying mechanisms of the brain? By investigating the process of making decisions in the production of speech, more specifically, the production of... more

Can the field of simultaneous interpretation be a window to understanding the underlying mechanisms of the brain? By investigating the process of making decisions in the production of speech, more specifically, the production of self-corrections, and by identifying the different assigned variables which underlie different types of self-corrections, we are probably reflecting the mechanisms of the brain. This research will focus on linguistic utterances which are produced in the process of simultaneous interpretation and which indicate the activation of a self-correction by the interpreter. The underlying objective of this research paper is to identify common patterns of self-corrections, acknowledge the factors which cause them and analyze their linguistic attributes thus enabling a better view on the mechanisms of the brain.

The essays in Retranslating Joyce for the 21st-Century straddle the disciplines of Joyce studies, translation studies, and translation theory. The newest scholarly developments in these fields are well reflected in recent retranslations... more

The essays in Retranslating Joyce for the 21st-Century straddle the disciplines of Joyce studies, translation studies, and translation theory. The newest scholarly developments in these fields are well reflected in recent retranslations of Joyce’s works into Italian, Portuguese, French, Hungarian,
Dutch, Turkish, German, South Slavic, and many other languages. Joyce critics and Joyce translators offer multi-angled critical attention to the issues of translation and retranslation, enhanced by their diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and innovative methodologies. Because retranslations of Joyce have also exerted significant influence on target language cultures, students and readers of Joyce and, more broadly, of modernist and world literature, will find this book highly relevant to their appreciation of literature in translation.

Tom 46 (60) Ştiinţe socio-umane. Limbi moderne. Educaţie fizică 2001 Fascicula Limbi moderne

Why structure is usually represented iconically in visual images? A relevantist answer

In a globalized world healthcare professionals will inevitably find themselves caring for patients whose first language differs from their own. Drawing on experiences in Australia, this paper examines a specific problem that can arise in... more

In a globalized world healthcare professionals will inevitably find themselves caring for patients whose first language differs from their own. Drawing on experiences in Australia, this paper examines a specific problem that can arise in medical consultations using professional interpreters: whether the moral objections of interpreters should be accommodated as conscientious objections if and when their services are required in contexts where healthcare professionals have such entitlements, most notably in relation to consultations concerning termination of pregnancy and voluntary assisted dying. We argue that existing statements of professional ethics suggests that interpreters should not be accorded such rights. The social organization of healthcare and interpreting services in Australia may mean those who have serious objections to particular medical practices could provide their services in restricted healthcare contexts. Nevertheless as a general rule, interpreters who have such objections should avoid working within healthcare.

Written Translation and Simultaneous Interpretation: Siblings or Distant Cousins?
The subject of the article is a detailed comparison and contrast between the work of written translation and that of simultaneous interpretation

EU Project ESPRIT 2315, Translator’s Workbench (TWB I and II), April 1989 - March 1992. Universität Heidelberg. Termbank Group partners: Triumph-Adler AG, Fraunhofer Society IAO, L-Cube, Mercedes-Benz AG, Siemens AG, Siemens CDS,... more

EU Project ESPRIT 2315, Translator’s Workbench (TWB I and II), April 1989 - March 1992. Universität Heidelberg. Termbank Group partners: Triumph-Adler AG, Fraunhofer Society IAO, L-Cube, Mercedes-Benz AG, Siemens AG, Siemens CDS, University of Barcelona, University of Heidelberg, University of Stuttgart, University of Surrey

This article seeks to bring the often-invisible labor of interpreters and language assistants at the International Criminal Court and the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia into sharper focus. I... more

This article seeks to bring the often-invisible labor of interpreters and language assistants at the International Criminal Court and the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia into sharper focus. I highlight the far-reaching and extensive tasks of language workers, paying particular attention to their efforts to negotiate and mediate witnesses’ accounts of atrocity, including sexualized violence, inside and outside international courtrooms. In doing so, I illustrate how language work is central to the life of an international court and the vision of international criminal accountability. I argue that attention to the dynamics of language work provides opportunities to consider the project of international criminal justice in new and important ways, focusing on its practical work, its social encounters and its complex engagement with relations of difference.

This case study documents a pilot where situated-learning was used to train students at level 6 (final year) of the BA (hons.) BSL/English interpreting programme, in medical/healthcare interpreting. The learning experience was situated... more

This case study documents a pilot where situated-learning was used to train students at level 6 (final year) of the BA (hons.) BSL/English interpreting programme, in medical/healthcare interpreting. The learning experience was situated within the clinical simulation suite at the University of Wolverhampton and student interpreters had the opportunity to interpret for a real healthcare practitioner and a deaf patient in a series of carefully constructed roleplays, designed to provide as authentic an experience as possible.

Seit ihrem Erscheinen 2010 ist Holger Sievers Habilitationsschrift fester Bestandteil der deutschsprachigen übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Man trifft sie oft zitiert und in der Bibliographie neuerer Publikationen angeführt.... more

Seit ihrem Erscheinen 2010 ist Holger Sievers
Habilitationsschrift fester Bestandteil der deutschsprachigen
übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Man trifft sie oft zitiert
und in der Bibliographie neuerer Publikationen angeführt. Die
Quintessenz dieser Arbeit lässt sich auch anhand des Titels wie folgt
zusammenfassen: Sie bietet in einem ersten historiographischen Teil
einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Disziplin in einem Zeitraum
von 40 Jahren seit ihrer Entstehung bis zur Jahrtausendwende und
mündet im zweiten Teil in den Entwurf einer integrativen
Übersetzungstheorie auf der Grundlage der Semiotik und der

¿Se está haciendo lo que se debe por el español, como se debe y por quien se debe? ¿Hay realmente una voluntad política hispánica a favor de la lengua común, esto es, traducida en organización, cuidado, respeto, estructura, presupuestos?... more

In this paper, we report interview data from 14 Deaf leaders across seven countries (Australia,

In this paper I compare two English translations of Wu Ming’s Italian short story American Parmigiano (2008). I seek to demonstrate that the translators can be made visible in their work. My premise is: while a careful analysis of any... more

In this paper I compare two English translations of Wu Ming’s Italian short story American Parmigiano (2008). I seek to demonstrate that the translators can be made visible in their work. My premise is: while a careful analysis of any translation can render the translator visible, a comparison of two translators’ work is able to provide a particular insight into an individual translator’s style. N.S. Thompson’s translation, American Parmesan (2013) and my own translation, American Parmigiano (2016) are discussed through a lens of the translation strategies foreignization, domestication and explicitation. They are then further explored via a detailed analysis of some components of style – the translator’s style, not the style of the original author. In this case the components examined are swear words, contrasting word choices and degree of formality. I argue that the translators are visible because of their translation choices and this comparison has made that identification possible.

"Teringettét!" - mondja Jourdain úr Molière Úrhatnám polgárában. "Negyven esztendeje beszélek prózában, de azt se tudtam, mi az!" Ugyanígy járhat a tolmács a hangidentitásával. Merthogy szükségszerűen van hangidentitása, csak esetleg nem... more

"Teringettét!" - mondja Jourdain úr Molière Úrhatnám polgárában. "Negyven esztendeje beszélek prózában, de azt se tudtam, mi az!" Ugyanígy járhat a tolmács a hangidentitásával. Merthogy szükségszerűen van hangidentitása, csak esetleg nem tud róla. Sőt, a helyzet bonyolultabb: több hangidentitást is cserélgethet öntudatlanul. Hangilag át-átvedlik. Furcsa jelenség, ugye? Lehet a fonetika és a prozódia nézőpontjából szemlélni, de a pszichológiáéból is. Ez utóbbit ritkán teszik, mert kevés mű foglalkozik behatóan a tolmácsolás pszichológiájával. A jelen könyv éppen ezt a hiányt pótolja. A hangon kívül a tolmácsolás sok más releváns és érdekes vonását is elemzi a pszichológia nézőpontjából.

Arab academia, for all intents and purposes, does not examine interpreting studies. Surprisingly, translators are expected to carry out 'interpreting' tasks as if the two are mutually exclusive. Likewise, interpreting studies do not... more

Arab academia, for all intents and purposes, does not examine interpreting studies. Surprisingly, translators are expected to carry out 'interpreting' tasks as if the two are mutually exclusive. Likewise, interpreting studies do not feature at translation conferences in the Arab world. The resulting knowledge deficit, in theory and practice, is woefully reflected in the manner and quality of interpreting offered at almost all levels of government business, state delegations abroad and even at the diplomatic level.