Tides Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

The 1908 Tunguska event was not related to the Earth's collision with a comet/asteroid and could be most probably a tectonic event caused by solar-lunar-terrestrial perturbances. The evidence: 1. The polarization effect 'spread' from the... more

The 1908 Tunguska event was not related to the Earth's collision with a comet/asteroid and could be most probably a tectonic event caused by solar-lunar-terrestrial perturbances. The evidence: 1. The polarization effect 'spread' from the lower to the upper atmosphere, and not vice versa, as would be expected in the case of the penetration of comet matter. 2. Before the Tunguska explosion on June 30, the appearance of luminous clouds over Europa. For asteroids and inactive comets, preceding airglows are impossible. In the case of an active comet with tails, astronomers would notice her in advance. Since the airglows of the Tunguska event were also observed in the cone of the Earth's shadow, they could not be caused, as is generally believed, by NLCs after the explosion of a comet/asteroid. 3. The Tunguska event was dependent on physical processes associated with the solar eclipse on June 28, 1908. This was indicated by geomagnetic pulsations in Kiel on June 27-30, 1908. 4. The seismogram recorded in Irkutsk on June 30, 1908, confirms the tectonic-volcanic earthquake. 5. No traces of the chondrite fraction of an alleged comet were found. 6. The Kulikovskiy paleovolcano had five stages of activity from the times of Siberian Flood Basalts (~252 Myr ago) to the 1908 explosion. All events were connected with the 'Perm LLSVPs Anomaly' located under Eurasia on the core-mantle boundary. 7. Moissanite formations, in layers of both the mud-volcanic phase (7320 years) and 1908, were found. Their genesis is the decisive factor for the 1908 Tunguska event's nature.

The 18.6 yr nodal cycle modulates tidal amplitudes and currents, and consequently sedimentation in tide-influenced sedimentary environments. Data are presented which show that such effects are obvious along the coast of the Dutch barrier... more

The 18.6 yr nodal cycle modulates tidal amplitudes and currents, and consequently sedimentation in tide-influenced sedimentary environments. Data are presented which show that such effects are obvious along the coast of the Dutch barrier islands and in the sedimentary fill of abandoned channels.

Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs is the centre responsible for coordinating, promoting, managing and supervising all activities pertaining to technopreneur development and innovation. Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs... more

Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs is the centre responsible for coordinating, promoting, managing and supervising all activities pertaining to technopreneur development and innovation. Technopreneurs are entrepreneurs the core businesses involving technology-based industries. A technoprenuer is an entrepreneur is technology shrewdness, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path and very passionate about their work. One of the most important developments in the global economy is involving the technopreneurs in commercial and economic activities. It is depends on information technology and the spread of new organizations that have developed research centers towards innovation with advanced skills that constantly publish new technologies and move to technopreneurship by integrating entrepreneurship with technology.

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the... more

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the Moon.....

Field studies on the sediment dynamics of the two arms of Cambridge Gulf, tropical Western Australia, were undertaken. The system is macro-tidal with 8 m tides. The West Arm is the estuary of the Durack and Pentecost rivers, which are... more

Field studies on the sediment dynamics of the two arms of Cambridge Gulf, tropical Western Australia, were undertaken. The system is macro-tidal with 8 m tides. The West Arm is the estuary of the Durack and Pentecost rivers, which are largely untouched by human activities. The East Arm is the estuary of the Ord River affected by land clearing which started 100 years ago, and by two river dams constructed 30 years ago. Prior to damming of the Ord River, the natural flow in all rivers was highly seasonal, characterized by small, at times negligible, flow during the dry season, which lasts eight months, and occasional river floods during the wet season, which lasts four months. The river flow has been regulated in the East Arm as a result of damming; this resulted in suppressing large river floods. The salinity intrusion length has decreased by about 50% in the East Arm following river damming. The East Arm has silted measurably over the last 30 years, with the stream cross-sectional area decreasing by about 50%. Field and numerical studies suggest that this is due to the dam-induced suppression of large river floods, which has in turn allowed a greater amount of tidal pumping of sediment into the East Arm from Cambridge Gulf. Since tidal pumping is increasing as the system is silting, the East Arm appears to now be geomorphologically unstable as a result of human activities. Numerical studies suggest it may take as little as 100 years for the Ord River to reach a new equilibrium. Modelling suggests that this equilibrium may be characterized by a salinity intrusion length half that before damming, a channel width and depth reduced by 70%, and a much stronger tidal asymmetry characterized by an increasing size of the tidal bore. The West Arm appears to be at equilibrium since there has been no net loss or gain of sediment for the last 111 years. Tidal dynamics and river floods appear responsible for self-scouring this channel.

Integrated geoelectrical and hydrochemical surveys were used to investigate and delineate different types of groundwater in the Kuala Selangor alluvial aquifer. Previous hydrogeological borehole investigation showed that this aquifer... more

Integrated geoelectrical and hydrochemical surveys were used to investigate and delineate different types of groundwater in the Kuala Selangor alluvial aquifer. Previous hydrogeological borehole investigation showed that this aquifer contains several types of groundwater in relation to its salinity. The high salinity of the groundwater in some areas is believed to be due to either saltwater intrusion from the nearby sea or river infiltration during high tide season. The vertical electrical sounding (VES) method was employed to study and map the subsurface variation of resistivity in the area. For each sounding measurement, a total spread length of 300 m was obtained with a vertical depth penetration of about 60 to 75 m. Chemical analysis of the groundwater samples taken from both shallow and deep boreholes was carried out for the water quality determination. A total of 45 VES stations were succesfully established along three parallel roads with a direction almost perpendicular to the coastal line. The distance between stations varies from 1 to 2 km with a maximum length of about 60 km surveyed line. Results of the vertical electrical soundings as well as the hydrochemistry of the groundwater samples show that the soil and groundwater in the study area can be grouped into fresh and brackish water zones. The subsurface resisitivity sections derived from the VES study suggest that the area is dominated by brackish soil and groundwater zones, especially in the area towards the coast. This result appears to agree well with the groundwater pumped from boreholes scattered around in the area. Water drawn from boreholes near the coast showed higher salinity compared to the water pumped from inland boreholes. Chloride values greater than 250 mg/L are considered to represent the brackish zones whilst values less than 250 mg/L represents zones of fresh soil and groundwater.

The commonly twice-a-day flooding and drainage largely defines the character and composition of sediments of the intertidal zone. Sediments are supplied through nearby delta distributaries, by the erosion of headlands, from the adjacent sea... more

The commonly twice-a-day flooding and drainage largely defines the character and composition of sediments of the intertidal zone. Sediments are supplied through nearby delta distributaries, by the erosion of headlands, from the adjacent sea floor, and, from greater distances in suspension. In situ production of sediment by biological activity (carbonate, organic matter) may be an additional (temperate climates) to dominant (dry tropical and subtropical climates) source of sediment.
Depending on the available sediment and the (varying) energy levels, intertidal areas consist of sandy, silty, and muddy sediments, and mixtures of these. Grain size commonly decreases from high-energy toward low-energy, more sheltered parts.
Vegetation, which can be abundant in the more quiet parts of the intertidal zone, may not be directly apparent in lower-lying, higher-energy zones, but it is there, normally represented by algae, as is testified by the common abundance of burrowing and grazing organisms which feed on them or their remains. Relatively quiet parts of intertidal systems may be occupied by organic buildups, such as oyster and mussel beds. Sedimentary structures (Table 7.1) reflect the various energy levels.
All tidal systems show a neap-spring cycle with a regular fluctuation of high-water and low-water levels in about l4 days. As seen in Chapter l, the most frequently occurring tidal system is the semidiurnal one, with two tidal cycles in slightly more than a day (24 h 40 min). A limited part of the coasts on Earth (about 10%. Lisitzin 1974) is characterized by diurnal tides, with only one tidal cycle a day. Mixed tidal systems experience an alternation of semidiurnal and diurnal characteristics during the neap-spring cycle. Semidiurnal systems generally have a larger difference between low water and high water (more than l0 m in extreme cases, e.g., the Bay of Fundy) than diurnal and mixed systems. Such a difference in tidal amplitude defines differences in current velocities in diurnal and semidiurnal systems in two ways. First the generally greater tidal amplitude in semidiurnal systems makes their tidal-current strength greater than in diurnal ones. Secondly, in semidiurnal tidal systems six hours separate high water from low water and vice versa, while this period is doubled in diurnal systems. Thus, in cases of the same tidal amplitude, maximum current velocity in the semidiurnal system will be twice that of diurnal systems where high and low tide are 12 hours apart. The effect of this difference on sediment transport is, of course much greater, as the transport capacity of water currents is related to the current velocity with a power between 3 to 5 (Allen. 1984).

The lower stretch of Gangetic delta in the Indian sub-continent is noted for its rich mangrove biodiversity, natural calamities, and livelihood-supporting matrix of millions of people and is the only mangrove base of Royal Bengal tiger... more

The lower stretch of Gangetic delta in the Indian sub-continent is noted for its rich mangrove biodiversity, natural calamities, and livelihood-supporting matrix of millions of people and is the only mangrove base of Royal Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in the planet Earth. The present trend of industrialization, urbanization and construction of barrage in the upstream zone has changed the landscape of the deltaic complex and the characteristics of the aquatic subsystem have also changed accordingly. This ecosystem offers an ideal site to study a number of physico-chemical parameters in relation to changing scenario of the region. The presence of heavily populated cities of Kolkata, Howrah and the Haldia industrial belt on the bank of the Hooghly estuary has made the mighty River Ganga highly vulnerable to anthropogenic stress. Spatial and tidal variations of important physico-chemical parameters in the Hooghly estuarine stretch of Gangetic delta complex were studied during t...

Editor - David Hopley, James Cook University.

Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Jurnal MKG) merupakan jurnal ilmiah sebagai sarana komunikasi untuk melaporkan hasil penelitian bidang ilmu meteorologi, klimatologi, kualitas udara, geofisika, lingkungan, kebencanaan, dan... more

Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Jurnal MKG) merupakan jurnal ilmiah sebagai sarana komunikasi untuk melaporkan hasil penelitian bidang ilmu meteorologi, klimatologi, kualitas udara, geofisika, lingkungan, kebencanaan, dan instrumentasi yang terkait. Jurnal ilmiah ini
diterbitkan setiap empat bulan sekali dalam setahun.

Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a vital outcome of the environmental global warming phenomenon. This paper aims to investigate the basic properties of tides in Alexandria, Egypt and to analyze SLR in Egypt over a long period to examine the... more

Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a vital outcome of the environmental global warming phenomenon. This paper aims to investigate the basic properties of tides in Alexandria, Egypt and to analyze SLR in Egypt over a long period to examine the differences in Egypt's vertical geodetic datum. The annual relative SLR at Alexandria between 1906 and 2020 was found to be 2.6 mm/year. Moreover, the relative SLR has been 3.1 mm/y for the last two decades, 2001-2020. It could be considered the most appropriate value to be taken into consideration in Egypt's coastal management activities. Carrying out additional investigations is suggested to investigate possible major variations of MSL in Egypt at other TG sites over both the Mediterranean and Red seas. Based on available data and accomplished results, it is recommended to regard Egypt's MSL datum as a semi-kinematic rather than a fixed one.

Yudith A. Christianti. 2018. Makalah Pasang Surut Air Laut. Oseanografi-Meteorologi (hal. 7-26) Pasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu dari 3 gerak air laut selain gelombang laut dan arus laut. Pasang surut merupakan fenomena... more

Yudith A. Christianti. 2018. Makalah Pasang Surut Air Laut. Oseanografi-Meteorologi (hal. 7-26)
Pasang surut air laut merupakan salah satu dari 3 gerak air laut selain gelombang laut dan arus laut. Pasang surut merupakan fenomena pergerakan naik ataupun turunnya posisi permukaan perairan laut secara berkala yang disebabkan oleh pengaruh gaya gravitasi bulan dan matahari. Ada tiga sumber gaya yang saling berinteraksi yaitu, laut, matahari, dan bulan.
Dalam menjelaskan faktor-faktor dan proses yang mempengaruhi pasang surut air laut, ada 2 teori yang biasanya dipakai, yaitu: Teori Kesetimbangan (Equilibrium Theory), dan Teori Dinamis (Dynamical Theory). Menurut Wyrtki (1961), pasang surut di Indonesia dibagi menjadi 4, yaitu: Pasang Surut Harian Ganda (Semi Diurnal Tide), Pasang Surut Harian Tunggal (Diurnal Tide), Pasang Surut Campuran Condong ke Harian Ganda (Mixed Tide Prevailing Semi Diurnal), Pasang Surut Campuran Condong ke Harian Tunggal (Mixed Tide Prevailing Diurnal).
Pengukuran pasang surut air laut dapat diukur dengan menggunakan Tide Staff, Tide Gauge, dan Satelit. Pengetahuan tentang pasang surut sangat diperlukan dan bermanfaat dalam transportasi laut, kegiatan di pelabuhan, pembangunan di daerah pesisir pantai, sebagai sumber tenaga listrik, dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan garam, dimanfaatkan sebagai kegiatan olahraga air, sumber makanan dan mata pencaharian nelayan, dan lain-lain.

The Barren Measures Formation (middle Permian, ~271e260 Ma), the non-coaliferous lithounit sandwitched between two major coal-bearing formations in the Indian Lower Gondwana succession, was earlier interpreted as continental... more

The Barren Measures Formation (middle Permian, ~271e260 Ma), the non-coaliferous lithounit sandwitched
between two major coal-bearing formations in the Indian Lower Gondwana succession, was
earlier interpreted as continental fluvio-lacustrine deposits. The present contribution documents sedimentary
attributes of marginal marine tideewave interference from the Barren Measures Formation of
eastern peninsular India, exposed along the Bokaro River section, West Bokaro Coalfield, Jharkhand.
Tidalites, including various tidal bundle sequences with frequent reactivation surfaces (velocity asymmetry)
and single/double mud drapes (pause planes), systematic arrangement of tidal beddings (flaser,
wavy, lenticular) and tidal rhythmites with alternate sand-dominated and mud-dominated planelaminated
units, manifest sedimentation by open marine springeneapespring tidal cycles under diurnal
inequalities in a semi-diurnal tidal system. The architecture of tidalites attests to sedimentation in
shallow subtidal to intertidal flat facies, affected by intermittent strong to week reworking by open
marine waves/storms. Wave reworking is manifested by wave ripples, combined-flow ripples and wavegenerated
tidal bundles. Their coexistence and gradation with tidalites indicate low-energy wave/storm
interference with tidal currents in a sheltered, tide-dominated estuary, especially on tidal flats along
estuary channel banks. Overall fining-up facies sequence, upward increase of prodeltaic mud over tide
ewave led sediments, signify a sustained transgressive phase onlaping the estuary system in eastern
peninsular India during middle Permian (Guadalupian).

It is understood that the flow of water in coastal and ocean area are due to various factors and tidal stream identified as one of the factors. The tide generating force is produced by the movement of celestial bodies and its attraction... more

It is understood that the flow of water in coastal and ocean area are due to various factors and tidal stream identified as one of the factors. The tide generating force is produced by the movement of celestial bodies and its attraction forces. Basically the effect of it is in vertical and horizontal changes which known as tide and tidal stream. The tidal stream has very much influenced the movement of water especially in shallow water and understand the principle its phenomena can be predicted. Tidal stream analysis and prediction are among the scopes of works for the Hydrographic Surveyor. Nowadays, there are several technologies and software available to be used for these purposes. The GeoTide software is known as one of the commercial software used for tidal stream analysis and prediction. It is highlighted by the producer that a part of used for tide prediction, the GeoTide software is also a complete solution for tidal stream prediction. Designed for the professional hydrographer, unique package contains all the elements needed to create a high quality prediction of tidal stream. The study proposes to elaborate the use of the software to analyze the stream data and predict the tidal stream in the study area, trying to highlight the limitation and its reliability. It is also hoped that the outcomes of the research can be used as reference for future development of software.

Tides have been a source of inquiry since the dawn of human civilization. It has been known for millennia that the Moon is a causative agent in the formation of tides, with the observation that lunar phases often correlated to changing... more

Tides have been a source of inquiry since the dawn of human civilization. It has been known for millennia that the Moon is a causative agent in the formation of tides, with the observation that lunar phases often correlated to changing tidal amplitudes. The precise mechanisms underlying the formation of tides and local tidal dynamics, however, have proven difficult to elucidate. Only with Newton's theory of gravitation in the 17th century was the correlation between lunar cycles and tides partially explained. Further work by Laplace and others resulted in a more dynamic theory that more closely matched observations and allowed for better prediction of local tidal behavior. Quantitative models derived from these methods have increased in precision and complexity (particularly with the advent of the electronic computer), and have allowed new insights into the nature of tidal dynamics and tidal dissipation.In more recent years scientists have analyzed deposits known as tidal bundles and tidal rhythmites in an attempt to extrapolate the history of tides from the geologic record. Tidal bundles are laterally accreted cyclic foreset beds separated by mud laminae. Tidal rhythmites are vertically accreted planar laminae that alternate between coarse and fine sediments forming couplets often composed of sands and muds. These deposits are characterized by bed/laminae thicknesses that vary rhythmically and preserve tidal periodicities, and are generally found in intertidal or subtidal depositional environments. The mode of deposition (e.g. sand or mud) is primarily determined by current velocity and tidal range, factors largely controlled by the tides in marginal marine settings.Quantitative analyses of tidal rhythmites may facilitate more precise elucidation of tidal periodicities encoded in the rock record. The partial reconstruction of the history of lunar recession from existing data and analyses indicates that the Earth is presently experiencing a high rate of tidal dissipation. Further data obtained from ancient tidal proxies may prove essential in constraining models of tidal dissipation, thereby revealing the mechanisms and dynamics present in the dissipation process controlling secular changes in the length of day and lunar orbit.

Beaufort County, South Carolina, is a low-lying coastal county with a high sensitivity to tidal flooding and storm surge. Just over half of the County is open water, sounds, marshes, and estuaries and two thirds of its dry land is located... more

Beaufort County, South Carolina, is a low-lying coastal county with a high sensitivity to tidal flooding and storm surge. Just over half of the County is open water, sounds, marshes, and estuaries and two thirds of its dry land is located within a special flood hazard area. Given these conditions, community leaders included sea level rise in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The Plan calls for the County government to anticipate and plan for sea level rise impacts. In response, the Planning Department joined with the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium and others to identify local actions that could directly or indirectly reduce community vulnerability to sea level rise. The project team used the decision support methodology called the Vulnerability, Consequences, and Adaptation Planning Scenarios (VCAPS) process and supplemented the process with larger public workshops in the community. The participatory approach helped integrate local and scientific knowledge about local vulnerability and produced locally tailored adaptation actions. Working closely with the local stakeholders, the project team drafted a report and executive summary on the 23 adaptation actions Beaufort County can take to increase its resilience to sea level rise.

In the current study, the observed sea level off Port Said is analyzed over one year (February/1999 to January 2000). The analyses use least square harmonic analyses to separate tidal part from the observed sea level. The direct... more

In the current study, the observed sea level off Port Said is analyzed over one year (February/1999 to January 2000). The analyses use least square harmonic analyses to separate tidal part from the observed sea level. The direct correlation between sea level off Port Said and the sea surface temperature, mean sea level pressure together with 10m-wind speed components are used to understand the dynamic of sea level variability. The present study indicates that, the observed sea level off Port Said is significantly affected by the tidal part than the non-tidal part particularly during May and September months. Observed sea level off Port Said is significantly affected by mean sea level pressure and sea surface temperature. However, zonal and meridional wind speed has only a small effect on the sea level variations.

The hydrodynamics of marginal seas exhibit internal variability unprovoked by external forcing. So far, the role of tides in reducing this “noise” has not been studied. We investigate the effect of tides on internal variability in the... more

The hydrodynamics of marginal seas exhibit internal variability unprovoked by external forcing. So far, the role of tides in reducing this “noise” has not been studied. We investigate the effect of tides on internal variability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea. To do so, we conducted three ensembles of numerical experiments using the Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) with tidal forcing, with “half tidal” forcing, and without tidal forcing, while everything else was unchanged, and determined the intensity of the signal-to-noise ratio (hereinafter referred to as the S/N ratio), with the “signal” represented by the variance of the coherent variations of the different simulations subject to the same atmospheric variability and the noise represented by the intraensemble variance. The S/N ratio is determined for barotropic velocity, surface temperature, and surface salinity.
The first result is that in all three ensembles, noise emerges but with different intensities. In the ensemble with tidal forcing, unprovoked variability emerges mostly at smaller scales. When the tides are weakened or turned off, the S/N ratios are reduced, more so in the Yellow Sea than in the Bohai. The increase in the S/N ratio is largest for large scales and for barotropic velocity. The reduction in tidal forcing results in an approximately 30% increase in S/N ratios in the Bohai at large scales. Thus, the absence of tidal forcing favours the emergence of unprovoked variability at large and medium scales but not at small scales, likely because of an increase in covariations related to the forced tidal variability.

Chapter from the monograph Aristonico grammatico. Περὶ τῆς Μενελάου πλάνης (Alessandria 2020). In first part of the work is edited, translated and commented on the Strabonian resumé of the work About Menelaus' Wanderings, by the... more

Chapter from the monograph Aristonico grammatico. Περὶ τῆς Μενελάου πλάνης (Alessandria 2020). In first part of the work is edited, translated and commented on the Strabonian resumé of the work About Menelaus' Wanderings, by the grammarian Aristonicus of Alexandria (Geogr. I 2, 31-35+XVI 4, 27). This is a precious case of preservation of a monograph of Hellenistic time from περὶ-literature, though in epitomized form. In the second part of the work is considered the context (Strabo's prolegomena, I 2) and its sources, among which chapter I 2, 36.
The chapter, which is concerned in interpreting the Homeric description of Charybdis (scil. Od. XII), possibly derives from Posidonius; arguments in favour of this thesis are offered. Extant ancient exegesis on Od. XII also is considered (Aristonicus; Porphyry). Finally, some remarks on how the Poet used the monster within the narration of Od. XII - not without inconsistencies which puzzled the ancient interpreters.

Wave overtopping nearshore coastal structures, such as shore-parallel breakwaters, can significantly alter the current circulation and sediment transport patterns around the structures, which in turn affects the formation of tombolos and... more

Wave overtopping nearshore coastal structures, such as shore-parallel breakwaters, can significantly alter the current circulation and sediment transport patterns around the structures, which in turn affects the formation of tombolos and salients in the nearshore area. This paper describes the implementation of a wave overtopping module into an existing depth-averaged coastal morphological mode: COAST2D and model applications to investigate the effect of wave overtopping on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics around a group of shore-parallel breakwaters. The hydrodynamic aspects of the model were validated against a series of laboratory conditions. The model was then applied to a study site at Sea Palling, Norfolk, UK, where 9 shore-parallel segmented breakwaters including 4 surface-piercing and 5 low-crested breakwaters are present, for the storm conditions in Nov 2006. The model results were compared with laboratory data and field measurements, showing a good agreement on both hydrodynamics and morphological changes. Further analysis of wave overtopping effect on the nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics reveals that wave overtopping has significant impacts on the nearshore circulation, sediment transport and the resulting morphological changes within such a complex breakwater scheme under the storm and macro-tide conditions. The results indicate the importance of including the wave overtopping in modelling nearshore morphodynamics with the presence of coastal structures.

Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para as Comemorações do Ano Internacional da Astronomia, 2009, promovidas pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia, e analisa vários provérbios populares relacionados com as fases da lua e a previsão de marés... more

Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para as Comemorações do Ano Internacional da Astronomia, 2009, promovidas pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia, e analisa vários provérbios populares relacionados com as fases da lua e a previsão de marés na costa.

Apocalypse in this context is a global traumatic event resulting in mass deaths. I have made a humble attempt to summarise my own articles published in the Academia.edu and serve as a whistle blower for the forthcoming apocalyptic events.... more

Apocalypse in this context is a global traumatic event resulting in mass deaths. I have made a humble attempt to summarise my own articles published in the Academia.edu and serve as a whistle blower for the forthcoming apocalyptic events. Using Adiyen's Numerology an attempt has been made to estimate the extent of the danger to mankind. Let us be forewarned.