Numerology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Renumbered to 4021. to 4720. Pretty much 100% certain to be 100% accurate, with merely a few minor variations in the exact numbering of a few verses here and there, like all the large books. It was even said at one point, which path was... more

The present study discusses the compilation strategy and composition of the Troickij sbornik on the basis of new computer technology and electronic databases. Particular attention is paid to the relationship of the Troickij sbornik to... more

The present study discusses the compilation strategy and composition of the Troickij
sbornik on the basis of new computer technology and electronic databases. Particular attention is paid to the relationship of the Troickij sbornik to the Paraenesis of Ephraim the Syrian and the Pandects of Antiochus. The author shows that the 494 block of the Troickij
sbornik contains a fragment of Homily no. 105 by Ephraim the Syrian; and he also demonstrates that the linguistic-textological principles of compilation have numerological implications.

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the... more

A very unusual phenomenon is about to happen in Dec 2020 and Feb 2021. This is my honest assessment of the movement and alignment of the stars during this period. Let us consider a normal lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the Moon.....

People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the... more

People these days know the Universe as a Whole, because not knowing the edge between This and That. Its secret is the secret of a forgotten body, the seventh in the series of multifaceted as Life, Seven. We know six of it now. But the Ancestors knew all seven. // Люди ныне не знают Вселенной как Целого, не зная грани меж Этим и Тем. Тайна ее есть тайна забытого тела, седьмого в строю многогранных как Жизнь, Семь. Мы знаем шесть ныне. А Пращуры знали все семь.

Quantitative Astrology (QA) can be applied in daily life and conclusions can be drawn about the general outcome of the event and its impact on key players. This analysis is based on arriving at the Numeral of the Event and calculating its... more

Quantitative Astrology (QA) can be applied in daily life and conclusions can be drawn about the general outcome of the event and its impact on key players. This analysis is based on arriving at the Numeral of the Event and calculating its outcome and severity. Application to recent events is included.

Birth through 27 28 through 54 From 55 on  The First Life Period is the month of birth, reduced to a single digit or master number.  The Second Life Period is the day of birth, reduced to a single digit or master number.  The Third... more

«Everything is Number», says Pythagoras. This is the truth: the essence of the Number is the being of beings, their I: if it is numered, then it exists. Therefore, ignorance of the Number and neglect of it are destructive for us. An... more

«Everything is Number», says Pythagoras. This is the truth: the essence of the Number is the being of beings, their I: if it is numered, then it exists. Therefore, ignorance of the Number and neglect of it are destructive for us. An example of this is the number Eleven, the Entrance to Heaven. Its guardian, Apollo-Phoebus execute those who betray on it.
// «Всё есть Число», — говорит Пифагор. Это истинно так: суть Числа — бытие сущих, Я их: что числимо — есть. Поэтому незнание Числа и небрежение им губительны для нас. Пример тому — число Одиннадцать, Вход в Небеса. Страж его, Аполлон-Феб казнит за измену ему.

“Suppose a great genius is curious; like a babe, gazing in wonder with eyes superposed; an omnipresent humus, spectling on all his game.” Nostradamus said, "New Sage" (literal translation). I admit, I am literally a Super Genius. My... more

“Suppose a great genius is curious; like a babe, gazing in wonder with eyes superposed; an omnipresent humus, spectling on all his game.”
Nostradamus said, "New Sage" (literal translation). I admit, I am literally a Super Genius. My objective focuses on my Master Thesis, "The Master Idea", an 'ecclesiastic in nature' prognosis, prescription, process and method for future and covert technology that proves that 'anything is possible'. I want a $5 million dollar contract. You'll know why. Get to know me soon.
-XJ Randall

(This is a synopsis for a documentary. I am looking for a proper director and producer.) What will you witness here is real, yet at the same time extraordinary and surreal. There is divine code connecting major events in our world,... more

helps us to read the sound vibration of particular name or any word. It is "The universal science of pronunciation or an articulation. It is used to know the actual sound vibration and hidden meaning of that name. Pronology is one step... more

helps us to read the sound vibration of particular name or any word. It is "The universal science of pronunciation or an articulation. It is used to know the actual sound vibration and hidden meaning of that name. Pronology is one step higher to name synchronization according to Birth details of native. Whereas Numerology depends upon the numerical value of a name and Pronology depends on the sound vibration in that name. By a proper combination of Pronology and Numerology, we can make the person's achieve on higher success. At present, it is called as Nameology, the science of words with the vibration of number and sound using in the name. The universe and the Vedas have given us lot of different subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, Human-Body Science, Numerology and Vastu etc. All the subjects have their own languages and system to read and understand by Horoscope and Numeroscope of native or Vastu map of building or land, like wise today we are using the Name Chart for reading and predicting the life's success and downfalls of native by alphanumeric system and sound vibration used in that name. The name itself is capable to achieve the prosperity in human life, if the combinations of number are utilized properly with sound vibration. Numerology is a divine science to point out the numerical value of a name and Pronology is the universal science of vibration to analyze the sound of that name, So Nameology is the powerful subject having combination of 26 letters of English language and 8 digits (1 to 8 number) to read and to understand the hidden facts of numbers. Each alphabet has different wavelength, sound, colour and character, which can be articulated scientifically in proper manner to get higher success and prosperity in the name. Positive and good sound in name helps to reduce the hurdles in life, but negative and bad sound likely increases the obstacles in life, whereas pronology can only help to examine the good or bad sound vibration in name. A good pronunciation and proper combination of sound and numbers respectively can give us healthy as well as wealthy life. Just need to know the secret science behind it. For example, the name word of 'PRASAD', the numerical value of Prasad is, (using Chaldean Numerology system) 8+2+1+3+1+4=19/1, the number of planet Sun, The Prince of Heaven and The King of Solar System, but the sound vibration of name has different story behind it. The pronunciation is 'Pr+a+sad' or 'Pra+Sad', while initial letter of name is P, which denotes by number-8, the number of planet Saturn. Second word is 'Sad' means sadness, sorrow or trouble. Everyone knows the relationship of Sun and Saturn in human life. So now the real meaning and facts of name word 'Prasad' will be totally changed, a person who is living alone with lot of sorrow and struggle in life, no proper support from family and friends. He can have sadness, health trouble and obstacle in life. Numerological meaning of 'Prasad' is good, but Pronunciation, the sound vibration of 'Prasad' is not good as numbers. So the professional life of name having 'Prasad' can be good, but the personal and social life may not be good as much should be. Another example is to understand the science of pronology, we read the name word of 'Universe'. It contains two words together 'Uni+Verse', here the first word 'Uni' stands for 'One Only' and the second word 'Verse', stands for 'Sound'. It means the entire universe has one spiritual sound i.e. or 'AUM' or 'OM' and the numerical value of 'Universe' is, 6+5+1+6+5+2+3+5=33/6, the master number of planet Jupiter comes to Venus, means the master of spiritual enlightenment and trainer for selfless giving with abundant wealth. The Universe has infinite peace, love and abundant of wealth with spirituality and selflessness, while initial letter of universe is also U, which denotes by number-6, the number of planet Venus, the luxurious life with good health and wealth.

Numerology is a science and it is based on some logical mathematical calculation. According to the ancient believe every English alphabet has a numerical equivalent. Hence, the name of every person can be changed into a numerical form.... more

Numerology is a science and it is based on some logical mathematical calculation. According to the ancient believe every English alphabet has a numerical equivalent. Hence, the name of every person can be changed into a numerical form. The luck of a person can be judged by the numbers that are associated with him, e.g. his name, date of birth, etc. Even his lucky number can be decided through the practice of numerology.
The study of these numbers, calculating them and pretending the future according the condition of those numbers is known as numerology. Be it Chaldean Numerology or Pythagorean numerology, the main motto is to be aware about your future.

People are less inclined to know past then absorb present but much interested in knowing future. Humans have always yearned to know what the future has in store for us. Everyone wants a glimpse of the cosmic plan to see where the destiny... more

People are less inclined to know past then absorb present but much interested in knowing future. Humans have always yearned to know what the future has in store for us. Everyone wants a glimpse of the cosmic plan to see where the destiny lies.

By deliberately numbering sonnets 12, 60 and 126 of his sequence Shakespeare emphasised his repeated poetic stands against the destructive effects of Time. In doing so he displayed characteristics which had been displayed in Renaissance,... more

By deliberately numbering sonnets 12, 60 and 126 of his sequence Shakespeare emphasised his repeated poetic stands against the destructive effects of Time. In doing so he displayed characteristics which had been displayed in Renaissance, Mannerist art and followed numerological precedents which were present in Renaissance literature.

Part 1 of this paper is a detail analysis of the Birth of Christ as outlined in the New Testament and its supporting sources. It analyzes the three nativity account in Matthew, Luke and John. John gospel refers to the first word of... more

Part 1 of this paper is a detail analysis of the Birth of Christ as outlined in the New Testament and its supporting sources. It analyzes the three nativity account in Matthew, Luke and John. John gospel refers to the first word of Genesis and PART 2 of this paper analyzes the first word of GENESIS: BERESHITH, which leads to a further discussion of the Initiatic Visionary Experience as outline in the BIRTH OF CHRIST.

Numerology Number 3 is considered to be associated with the child. Number 1 is for man and number 2 is for woman, so number 3 should be for the child. It is for the person who may not be childish but childlike. Number 3 is associated with... more

Numerology Number 3 is considered to be associated with the child. Number 1 is for man and number 2 is for woman, so number 3 should be for the child. It is for the person who may not be childish but childlike. Number 3 is associated with the planet Jupiter, which is considered to the teacher of gods as well as saints. That is why number 3 holds a special position in all the numbers as it comes under the direct influence of Jupiter. It acts as the leader whenever we are in need of a person to lead the way. It shows us light from the darkness. These are basics of the person under the influence of numerology number 3. Those who walk life path with number 3 have unlimited creativity and have superhuman abilities. The result of the synthesis of 1 and 2 is the number 3 which reminds us of the result of the human and divine spark. As the third number of all, 3 represents the zest of life; a human with spiritual divinity within. Numerology Number 3 Characteristics One of the major characteristics of people with life path number 3 is the self-expression. These people have excessive creativity and can express themselves wholly in unique ways. It is the most communicative number of all the numbers. They are entertainers, till and when number 3 is around you, you are away from boredom. Most of the poets, artists, and filmmakers come from this numerology number 3. Jupiter resides in the 9 th house of the natural zodiac, which is the house for luck and happiness. People with number 3 life path are wise, full of joy, entertainer, hard-working and optimist. They make good students and later on to be a great teacher or master in any specific field. These people are inborn councilor and they would listen to the information patiently. They are also known as knowledge seeker and hence they spend a lot of time accumulating knowledge from various sources. Luck and Fortune They are the luckiest and most fortunate amongst all the numbers. Their idea is that they are born to do something unique or creative. They also have a high degree of self-respect which can often be related to a high level of arrogance maybe because of the knowledge they have. These people don't like taking help from others and instead, they build their own empire. As far as the relationships are concerned, the number 3 people are very caring and are like a service provider. They can easily gel up with people and even strangers. They tend to generally have a good family life. Career Characteristics Their career aspect is highly influential with the power of creativity and imagination. All the fields are related to art, glamor, and entertainment. A lot of people have achieved success in these field bearing number 3. These people are really high on their values and principles. A bit stuck as the situation demands, they are not flexible. Overall, they are justice loving, religious and God fearing. A person born with number 3 is set to enlighten the world with the knowledge and show them the way. Destiny Characteristics Destiny can sometimes be harsh for these people. People with number 3 avoid work which they don't like. These people tend to be critical of other people and they need to control this. People might leave them because of selfishness in terms of respect and financials, bad relationships and pride. On the contrary, they tend to show a lot of warmth and loyalty. They are able to pass through a lot of situations which other numbers are not able to. If they apply the principle of world peace and change their attitude towards others, their Karma can improve greatly.

There are three main ritual baths in a human life of any religion or any country, i.e. Birth Bath, Marriage Bath and Death Bath. The bath of Birth and Death is a natural and being happened at the time, when the native is not conscious,... more

There are three main ritual baths in a human life of any religion or any country, i.e. Birth Bath, Marriage Bath and Death Bath. The bath of Birth and Death is a natural and being happened at the time, when the native is not conscious, but Marriage Bath is a very important role in a human life to increase the family accordingly in the presence of native's consciousness, which must be taken according to divine instruction i.e. Horoscope or Numeroscope etc. but what is the "Appropriate Age of Marriage"? It is a very common question of native in his/ her life. Divine Science of Numbers, Numerology can help in this to get a logical answer.

This book deals with appearance (phainesthai) in antiquity, a topic that has so far received only scant attention by scholars in ancient aesthetics. It focuses on a group of philosophers who were active in the 5th and 4th centuries BC,... more

This book deals with appearance (phainesthai) in antiquity, a topic that has so far received only scant attention by scholars in ancient aesthetics. It focuses on a group of philosophers who were active in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, namely the Pythagoreans of the Classical age (from Philolaus to Aristotle), Gorgias, Socrates, Xenophon, and Plato. In teachings directly or indirectly attributed to these thinkers, a dialectic between the visible and the invisible does emerge. This dialectic entails issues that are of major importance for understanding ancient phainesthai, such as the production of appearance (as in Gorgias and Xenophon), the coincidence between virtue and beauty (as in Socrates' paradoxical kalokagathia), and the relationship between interiority and exteriority (as in the Pythagorean doctrine of numbers and in Plato's theory of knowledge).

Gentil Lopes - FUNDAMENTOS DOS NÚMEROS (Atualizado SET2016) EBook.pdf

Because the ancient Greeks used the same characters to write numbers and words, arithmetic pervaded their language in a way that is difficult for us to imagine today. The numerical value derived from the sum of letters concealed a hidden... more

Because the ancient Greeks used the same characters to write numbers and words, arithmetic pervaded their language in a way that is difficult for us to imagine today. The numerical value derived from the sum of letters concealed a hidden meaning and was believed to indicate a correlation between words and phrases having a common valuation. This tradition, which has been called isopsephia, was used as a sort of esoteric cipher and as a means of preserving wisdom for future generations. An investigation of the terminology used in Rosicrucian doctrine and ritual shows that we have inherited a vocabulary that is rooted in this ancient numerology. In the present paper we give examples of the use of isopsephia in its classical setting and also discuss several instances of its incorporation into Rosicrucian ritual, allegories, and doctrinal formulations.

Premessa Aristotele (Metafisica, I, 5) ha lasciato scritto che: "I cosiddetti Pitagorici, avendo cominciato ad occuparsi di ricerche matematiche ed essendo grandemente progrediti in esse, furono condotti da questi loro studi ad assumere... more

Premessa Aristotele (Metafisica, I, 5) ha lasciato scritto che: "I cosiddetti Pitagorici, avendo cominciato ad occuparsi di ricerche matematiche ed essendo grandemente progrediti in esse, furono condotti da questi loro studi ad assumere come principi di tutte le cose esistenti quelli di cui fanno uso le scienze matematiche. E poiché i primi che qui s'incontrano sono, per natura i numeri, sembrò loro di ravvisare in questi, molte più analogie con ciò che esiste e avviene nel mondo, di quante se ne possono trovare nel fuoco, nella terra e nell'acqua [...]. Avendo poi riconosciuto che le proprietà e le relazioni delle armonie musicali corrispondono a rapporti numerici, e che in altri fenomeni naturali si riscontrano analoghe corrispondenze coi numeri furono tanto più indotti ad ammettere che i numeri siamo gli elementi di tutte le cose esistenti e che tutto il cielo sia proporzione ed armonia". I pitagorici inizialmente avrebbero concepito i numeri come componenti ultimi degli oggetti reali e materiali, non distinti dagli oggetti sensibili. I numeri quindi sarebbero l'essenza della realtà ed in particolare, non avrebbero un senso puramente aritmetico, essendo entità tutte uguali fra loro, entità sì molto piccole, ma non infinitesime o nulle (le monadi o unità pitagoriche) e, se non in tutto, per molti versi simili ai nostri atomi. Tutti i corpi venivano così composti di monadi disposte secondo un certo ordine geometrico. Prima di scendere nel dettaglio della presente trattazione, una domanda ci si pone in modo particolarmente urgente: qual era lo stato delle conoscenze matematiche nella Grecia a cavallo tra il VI ed il IV secolo a.C., allorchè Pitagora ebbe a condurre le sue ricerche ed a fondare la sua scuola? Ed in che maniera si collegava essa alla filosofia contemporanea? Ecco una necessariamente breve e sintetica analisi di quanto sostenuto da alcuni dei più importanti filosofi dell'epoca: Talete di Mileto (624-548 a.C.) Conobbe la scienza mesopotamica ed egiziana. È famoso per il teorema secondo cui un angolo inscritto in un semicerchio è retto. Tale teorema è forse di derivazione mesopotamica, ma quasi certamente la sua dimostrazione è di Talete, che perciò viene considerato il prima vero matematico, ossia il fondatore dell'impostazione deduttiva della geometria. La tradizione gli attribuisce altre quattro dimostrazioni: 1) Un cerchio viene bisecato dal suo diametro. 2) Gli angoli alla base di un triangolo isoscele sono uguali. 3) Le coppie di angoli al vertice formati da due rette che si intersecano sono uguali. 4) Se due triangoli sono tali che due angoli e un lato di uno di essi sono uguali rispettivamente a due angoli e a un lato dell'altro, i triangoli sono congruenti.

Summary: A brief look at the significance of certain numbers in Jesus’ genealogies and their immediate context. Key words: Matthew, Luke, genealogy, Jesus, 14, 42, Jubilee, ark, glory. Date: Mar. 2021.

Each and every date of birth can have maximum 8 digits only in the form of date (DD/MM/YYYY), while there are 9 digits and zero in number system of numerology i.e. 0, 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. We don’t consider zero in any type of... more

Each and every date of birth can have maximum 8 digits only in the form of date (DD/MM/YYYY), while there are 9 digits and zero in number system of numerology i.e. 0, 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. We don’t consider zero in any type of calculation of core numbers, so minimum one number can only miss in date of birth, but if there are more than one numbers are missing and the native has the weakness of this number’s energy and unable to find out that number actually. In astrology it is easy to find out the weak planet or houses, but in numerology, how we can find that actual missing or weak number, which is likely a big knife or stone in desired growth.
Therefore, what is “The Actual Missing or Weak Number or Number of Improvement” in date of birth? It is the most important question of any native and Numerologist also. The Divine Science and Cosmic Language of Numbers can help to find out that number with logic and proof.

Seals tell stories about gods, goddesses, kings, queens and noble men and on some seals these gods, goddesses and noble men are indicated by cuneiform inscription and on some other seals they are indicated by numbers. But three seals... more

Seals tell stories about gods, goddesses, kings, queens and noble men and on some seals these gods, goddesses and noble men are indicated by cuneiform inscription and on some other seals they are indicated by numbers.
But three seals they are indicated by inscription as well as by numbers.

The following is a 2013 PhD thesis, successfully defended at the University of Ulster, 2013. "Current textual studies of Finnegans Wake have identified sigla chiefly as notebook shorthand, but this thesis argues that this interpretation... more

The following is a 2013 PhD thesis, successfully defended at the University of Ulster, 2013.
"Current textual studies of Finnegans Wake have identified sigla chiefly as notebook shorthand, but this thesis argues that this interpretation has enforced limitations on future research, owing to the lack of significance mere abbreviation has within literary analysis. The thesis aims to free sigla research from this restrictive critical viewpoint and overturn its present state of neglect in Joyce studies. The research studies the James Joyce Archive and uses a genetic approach. However, instead of its analytical focus being on the notebooks (where the majority of sigla are located), it contains case studies of diagrams from the chapter drafts which are designed using sigla shapes.
I have shown the functions of three types of sigla: the first are ‘static’ (which are shown isolated and not in a relationship to any other characters, which would imply movement); the ‘kinetic’ status of sigla is a different actualisation of static sigla wherein they are presented in relationships with other sigla or in diagrams which imply their movement within a certain space; and finally the ‘three dimensional’ sigla are sigla which are brought to the status of a diagram on the basis of parallels between the siglum and meanings of the same shape in the tradition of knowledge.
To analyse the narrating quality of a siglum, the minimal condition is that at least one character is in the final version of Finnegans Wake and in a draft drawing. This is the starting point wherein comparisons can be made or symmetries can be established. This process of analysis reveals plotlines and shows how sigla can move within the drawing’s space. In conclusion, sigla function as elementary plot units, which develop the plot of Finnegans Wake".

This paper examines Nick Land's "numbering practices" for opening up language to modernity's increasing technological entanglement beyond human comprehension. I begin by examining Land's attempt to override our linguistic systems with... more

This paper examines Nick Land's "numbering practices" for opening up language to modernity's increasing technological entanglement beyond human comprehension. I begin by examining Land's attempt to override our linguistic systems with machinic code and binary symbolism in a way which mirrors modernity's technological future shock. I then consider his appropriation of Cantor's set theory and Gödel's incompleteness theorem to plot ever greater degrees of reality's excess to all anthropic logic. The third section looks at Land's use of qabbalistic numerology to uncover the absolute contingency of all our most strongly held beliefs, truths and values. The fourth section considers Land's radicalisation of qabbalism through his own particularly abstract and inhuman notational "gematria." I conclude by looking at Land's interest in the computer keyboard's lock-in to the QWERTY layout for proffering a glimpse of modern technology's increasingly dehumanising meltdown of our anthropocentric delusions of grandeur.

This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by... more

This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by counting out numbers in a triangular form the "triangular numbers" are highlighted in the pattern and this also shows the numbers of magick squares. A detailed look at this numerical Tetractys is given, with interpretations on what it could mean for Pythagoras, the Kabbalistic cube of space, along with cubic numbers and even the Sri Yantra and Chakra systems. (Showing Kabbalistic numbers in the Sri Yantra) Building upon the work of David Fideler and his book "Jesus Christ Sun of God" gematria is used to interpret the biblical parables of 153 fish and the feeding of 5000. All this shows how magick squares and their associated numerology is the basis for various traditions of number mysticism. While there is far more to explore in terms of interpreting texts, with the evidence provided, the main thesis shows how the magick squares undeniably fit with the Tetractys and that Polygonal numbers in general are also very important.

The Message For The Computer Generation Chapter 74 of the Quran is dedicated to the PRIME number 19. This chapter is called “Al-Muddassir” (The Hidden Secret). The number 19 is specifically mentioned in that Chapter as a “punishment” for... more

Наука сделала много открытий за последние столетия, но есть ещё вещи, которые пока остаются малоизвестными для большей части современного общества. Евгений Мешков в своей бесплатной электронной книге "Простые Истины Жизни" пишет о том,... more

Наука сделала много открытий за последние столетия, но есть ещё вещи, которые пока остаются малоизвестными для большей части современного общества.
Евгений Мешков в своей бесплатной электронной книге "Простые Истины Жизни" пишет о том, что ему пришлось пережить и узнать в его жизни. Приобретённые знания включают, но не ограничиваются такими темами, как значение Вселенной, жизнь во Вселенной, Ауры, Высшее Я, астральная проекция, реинкарнация, психология, сексуальность, материальные и духовные знания, духовная самоорганизация общества, и общая жизнь на планете Земля.
Евгений повествует о том, как он приобрёл все те знания, что даёт возможность другим людям доказать себе на их личном опыте реальность многих вещей, о которых Евгений рассказывает в его книге.