Urban Morphology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

At present, more is known about the physical features of those built environments that are associated with criminal opportunity than is known about the spatial characteristics of potential crime sites and the interface that these have... more

Rivers as one of the most important topographic factor have played a strategic role not only on the appearance of cities but they also affect the structure and morphology of cities. In this paper I intend to find out the influence of... more

Rivers as one of the most important topographic factor have played a strategic role not only on
the appearance of cities but they also affect the structure and morphology of cities. In this paper
I intend to find out the influence of rivers on the morphology of a cities and discuss that how a
city in its physical network interacts with a river flowing inside. My study area is river-cities in
Sweden in which they have not received much attention in this issue. To this purpose I use
space syntax method integrating with geospatial analysis and extract the properties of physical
form of cities in terms of global and local integration value, choice value and so on. Comparing
the states of presence and absence of rivers in these cities as well as evaluating the effect of
rivers on the morphology of areas located in different banks of rivers are also part of interest in
this paper. The primary result shows that although a river is not comparable to a city based on
size and the area occupied by, it has a significant effect on the form of a city in both global and
local properties. In addition, tracking the pattern of river-cities and their interaction to rivers
may lead us to interoperate the physical form of these cities in terms of structured and
distributed cities.
Key words: river-cities, physical form, space syntax properties, structured and distributed cities.

Bu makale Berlin kentinde İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasından günümüze dek uzanan periyotta kentin biçimlenmesinde önemli yer tutan mimari ve kentsel tasarım yarışma projelerini ve bunların arkasında yatan fikirleri incelemeyi... more

Bu makale Berlin kentinde İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasından günümüze dek uzanan periyotta kentin biçimlenmesinde önemli yer tutan mimari ve kentsel tasarım yarışma projelerini ve bunların arkasında yatan fikirleri incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. 19. yüzyıl sonu ve 20. Yüzyılın başından itibaren modernite ilkeleri doğrultusunda biçimlendiği gözlenen Berlin kentinin savaş sonrası dönemde bu ilkeleri hangi koşullarda ve hangi mekanizmalarla gerçekleştirdiği sorusundan hareketle, yarışma projelerine odaklanan makale, tüm kültürel ve düşünsel süreçlerin arkasında bir ortak aklın ne derece belirleyici olduğu konusunu problemleştirir. Modernitenin başlangıç dönemindeki aydınlanmacı ve pozitivist bakış açısının, modernite fikrinin içinde barındırdığı 'tutarlılık' anlatısının özünü oluşturduğu varsayımından hareketle, modernite düşüncesinin arka planında önemli yer tutan rasyonalite olgusunun yarışma projeleri aracılığıyla nasıl hayata geçirilmeye çalışıldığı ve bu anlamda kentin kimliğini nasıl oluşturduğu incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, gerek modernite ile özdeş-leştirilebilen, gerekse modernite sonrası dönemde geçirdiği siyasal ve ekonomik dönüşümler yüzünden Postmodern dönemle özdeşleştirilebilen Berlin kentinin dönüşümü incelenecektir. Çalışma alanı olarak Berlin kenti iki sebepten ötürü seçilmiştir. Bunlardan ilki, en temel tez-antitez ikilisini oluşturan sosyalist ve kapitalist sistemleri temsil eden Doğu ve Batı bloklarının kesişiminde yer alıyor olması, ikincisi ise, modernitenin doğduğu coğrafyada yer almış olup, 'modern' kente dair ve rasyonalite odaklı pratikler ve söylemler açısından kendisine pek çok kez ve durumda referans verilmiş olmasıdır. Bu kurgu dahilinde, Berlin kent özelinde modernite fikrinin mimari ve kente yansımaları bağlamında, kentsel analiz yöntemlerinden kartografik yöntem kullanılarak değerlendirilmeler yapılmıştır. 1945-2015 yılları arasındaki dönem, tarihteki çeşitli siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel kırılma noktaları esas alınarak 3 alt dönemde incelenmiş olup, bu dönemlerde yarışma projelerinin nitelikleri kartografik çalışmalar üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar sözcükler: Berlin; mimarlık yarışmaları ve kentsel tasarım; modernite; rasyonalite, tutarlılık.
This article discusses some architectural and urban design competition projects, as well as the ideas that influenced them, which have had a significant place in the development of Berlin since World War II. The article focuses on competition projects, beginning with questions regarding which circumstances and mechanisms are used to realize the principles of modernity, and problematizes the extent to which common wisdom is decisive in cultural and intellectual processes in Berlin, which has been configured based on principles of modernity since the late 19th century and early 20th century. With the assumption that the positivist perspective of enlightenment during early phases of modernity constituted the essence of the "discourse of consistency," it is intended to analyze how attempts are made to materialize the notion of rationality-a significant feature of the idea of modernity-in architectural competitions, and how it embodies the identity of Berlin. The transformation of Berlin, which can be associated both with modernity and post-modernity due to its political and economic transformations after the period of modernity is also examined. Berlin was selected as the case study for two primary reasons; first, it was where the Eastern and Western blocs met, representing socialist and capitalist systems. Second, Berlin is in the geographical region where modernity was born, and therefore it has often been referred to in rationality-based practices and discourse regarding a "modern" city. Within the context of reflections of the idea of modernity on both architecture and cities, and with specific reference to the city of Berlin, assessments of entries in architectural competitions held between 1945-2014 during 3 sub-periods defined by critical political, economic, cultural inflection points are made using cartographical method of urban analysis.

Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early... more

Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early colonial towns primarily as coastal ports; later, mining led to development of inland centers. Though less regular in form than Spanish settlements, Brazilian colonial centers followed coherent spatial principles. The modern metropolis emerged as planners remodeled the central district, developed urban infrastructure, and encouraged speculative building. The Brazilian city continues to show a greater concern for centrality than is generally true in the United States, but urban dispersal now proceeds in historically specific ways.

This Dissertation is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by ScholarWorks@UNO with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Dissertation in any way that is permitted by the... more

This Dissertation is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by ScholarWorks@UNO with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Dissertation in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/ or on the work itself.

The development of modern transport networks inherited and implemented from the North has almost single-handedly shaped and informed the urban fabric of South African cities. This, in relation with a tumultuous socio-political past, has... more

The development of modern transport networks inherited and implemented from the North has almost single-handedly shaped and informed the urban fabric of South African cities. This, in relation with a tumultuous socio-political past, has resulted in a plethora of urban coherency problems and challenges. This paper explores how the physical layout of paths and routes, and dominant modes of inter-city transport, has affected the morphology of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in comparison with international cities which have been developing their morphologies for centuries longer.

In Costa Rica, the social housing (VIS) projects developed in the last decade have been located in areas far from urban centers of limited access to facilities and infrastructure due to the prohibitive cost of land ownership in most... more

In Costa Rica, the social housing (VIS) projects developed in the last decade have been located in areas far from urban centers of limited access to facilities and infrastructure due to the prohibitive cost of land ownership in most central sectors of metropolitan cities. The conditions and charac-teristics of these contexts, available land uses (zoning), morphological configurations, continuity and contiguity between social housing projects and the urban pieces where they are inserted, are analyzed in this research through the study of five residential complexes developed in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. The projects, built between 2011 and 2018, were analyzed from the study of construction plans, cartography of the area, documentary review and analysis of sec-ondary data. From the obtained results it is possible to identify the main difficulties arising from the morphological and typological fit that followed after the establishment of the residential complexes, as well as the contextual problems derived from the location of the projects.

Interrupted cities è un progetto di ricerca internazionale che abbiamo avviato tre anni addietro insieme a Tom Rankin, Giorgio Verdiani e Paolo Pineschi. Il progetto è stato intitolato come evidente omaggio alla Roma Interrotta di Piero... more

Interrupted cities è un progetto di ricerca internazionale che abbiamo avviato tre anni addietro insieme a Tom Rankin, Giorgio Verdiani e Paolo Pineschi. Il progetto è stato intitolato come evidente omaggio alla Roma Interrotta di Piero Sartogo, ma - a partire da Nicosia, la città interrotta dalla divisione in due dell’isola di Cipro nel 1974 - interrupted city ha esplorato altre istanze di interruzione, quali la divisione tra centro e periferia, e anche l’interruzione della vita di una città che segue un evento sismico. È soprattutto qui il senso di questo seminario camerte. La Città di Camerino, a mio avviso, deve rinascere come era e dove era, e non può invece essere interrotta da una politica miope del ricostruire altro, altrove, incassando profitti. Nella città interrotta dal terremoto ci siamo riuniti durante il XXIX Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana, coordinato da Giovanni Marucci, per indagare sull’interruzione come strumento compositivo. Per trattare l’argomento userò la figura retorica della metafora nascosta: dove una figura che rimanda ad altro, viene impiegata per suggerire il senso di un concetto, senza però delinearlo precisamente, ovvero interrompendone la definizione in modo da rafforzarne il significato.

When this is written, the world holds its breath, waiting for the US to decide on a plan to save the countrys (and the worlds in prolongation) financial market. What and who will dictate growth and prosperity internationally in the future... more

When this is written, the world holds its breath, waiting for the US to decide on a plan to save the countrys (and the worlds in prolongation) financial market. What and who will dictate growth and prosperity internationally in the future are at stake. This is also a moment for developing deeper understanding of underlying spatial prerequisites for the interdependency of local, regional and global knowledge driven economies. This paper introduces a proposed research project with an aim to analyse the relation between the spatial constitution of urban regions and their relative success in the international competition for talent, capital and investments. Spatial analysis will be conducted both on the macro level: the relation and accessibility between urban regional nodes and on the micro level: the spatial structure of the urban nodes themselves. The project is a trans-disciplinary collaboration between economic geography and urban morphology and has the following objectives: one, t...

There is growing attention to the use of greenery in urban areas, in various forms and functions, as an instrument to reduce the impact of human activities on the urban environment. The aim of this study has been to investigate the use of... more

There is growing attention to the use of greenery in urban areas, in various forms and functions, as an instrument to reduce the impact of human activities on the urban environment. The aim of this study has been to investigate the use of green roofs as a strategy to reduce the urban heat island effect and to improve the thermal comfort of indoor and outdoor environments. The effects of the built-up environment, the presence of vegetation and green roofs, and the urban morphology of the city of Turin (Italy) have been assessed considering the land surface temperature distribution. This analysis has considered all the information recorded by the local weather stations and satellite images, and compares it with the geometrical and typological characteristics of the city in order to find correlations that confirm that greenery and vegetation improve the livability of an urban context. The results demonstrate that the land-surface temperature, and therefore the air temperature, tend to decrease as the green areas increase. This trend depends on the type of urban context. Based on the results of a green-roofs investigation of Turin, the existing and potential green roofs are respectively almost 300 (257,380 m 2) and 15,450 (6,787,929 m 2). Based on potential assessment, a strategy of priority was established according to the characteristics of building, to the presence of empty spaces, and to the identification of critical areas, in which the thermal comfort conditions are poor with low vegetation. This approach can be useful to help stakeholders, urban planners, and policy makers to effectively mitigate the urban heat island (UHI), improve the livability of the city, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and gain thermal comfort conditions, and to identify policies and incentives to promote green roofs.

This article focuses on analyzing the urban morphology of Hoi An historic change under development, in specific, analyzing the characteristics of the street, organisation the public space, the development in architecture in order to point... more

This article focuses on analyzing the urban morphology of Hoi An historic change under development, in specific, analyzing the characteristics of the street, organisation the public space, the development in architecture in order to point out the factors that affect the long-term sustainability of this ancient town. The argument is the traditional settlement patterns, is set taking into account social cohesion, local economic interactions and the dominant factors directly to the urban morphology of Hoi An. At the same time, the analysis shows that the changes from the original architecture to a new architecture is the process of adapting to new elements, but remains the main ways of organizing properties.

This paper presents a mixed methodology, adapted from Conzenian, typological, and Space Syntax methods, which seeks to overcome several identified limitations of these established morphological and movement-focused approaches in dealing... more

This paper presents a mixed methodology, adapted from Conzenian, typological, and Space Syntax methods, which seeks to overcome several identified limitations of these established morphological and movement-focused approaches in dealing with people’s vertical movement patterns within highly- complex informal urban forms. The methods are used to map, measure and analyses the intricate pathways
linking individual household locations to local main streets in Hanoi, a city dominated by informal urbanism. Pathway, which usually includes publicly-accessible street segments, semi-private lanes, alleys and stairs, is an important but understudied spatial entity that influences the possibilities of opening and operating income-generating activities within a home. Figure-ground maps are used to examine spatial conditions of such pathways on the ground level. In the many cases where vertical movements are involved and some segments of pathways are located inside buildings, new three-dimensional analytical diagrams have been developed. The distances along these pathways are measured following Space Syntax theories. Onsite
observations and interviews with home-based business owners are used to identify key spatial characteristics of these pathways that are critical to such businesses’ operation. Applying this methodology to different morphological areas in Hanoi illustrates its potential effectiveness in revealing the spatial characteristics of the pathways that serve residents’ daily movements, and in particular their home-based economic activities. The method is potentially useful for urban morphologists and urban designers in decoding the intricacies of informal urban physical form at a fine scale, and understanding its spatial affordances for home-based economic activities.

Cultural buildings are the key-pieces that gives character to urban form, yet it is more often perceived as the iconic landmark, an isolated object that is devoid of context. The significance of cultural buildings should be more than its... more

Cultural buildings are the key-pieces that gives character to urban form, yet it is more often perceived as the iconic landmark, an isolated object that is devoid of context. The significance of cultural buildings should be more than its visual impact, but to play a greater part in the making of urban form. This paper explores the role of cultural buildings in the city beyond the nominal aesthetic or functional view. The architecture is then read as the container of social space, contributing to the public realm at a spatial and experiential dimension. Grounded in the approach of Nolli map and figure-ground drawings, cases of contemporary cultural buildings are examined in plan through multiple scale from building to site and districts, to review how they respond to the urban context. The review of two international cases of cultural architecture sets the tone of this approach, followed by a detail analysis of the recently complete theatre at the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong. The result of this study presents a renewed perspective on cultural buildings in the city, and their contribution to the creation of public space and urban form. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The history of Cypriot cities, in particular the capital, Nicosia and the main historical port of Famagusta, has been the subject of a wide variety of publications. However, the study of their urban form is relatively recent and, until... more

The history of Cypriot cities, in particular the capital, Nicosia and the main historical port of Famagusta, has been the subject of a wide variety of publications. However, the study of their urban form is relatively recent and, until the establishment of architectural schools within Cypriot universities, it has been carried out within research establishments outside of Cyprus. Consequently, urban morphological research in Cyprus is highly influenced by international schools of thought that were prevalent where researchers carried out their studies – most of them within Britain. The application of different morphological approaches is now being continued within Cypriot universities. This paper discusses how different approaches to urban morphological research have been deployed in the context of urban form studies of Cypriot cities. It reviews existing morphological studies, which date back to the 1980s, and also presents key research in related disciplines, such as planning. There is a strong focus in Cyprus on two approaches: the historico-geographical and the configurational, although typological studies also exist. Certain themes, especially relating to physical divisions and social interactions, also feature quite prominently in the literature.

"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe... more

"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe siècle, et ce sous de nombreux angles. Deux aspects les ont
particulièrement intéressés : l’échelle de la croissance et la planification. Ce dernier aspect a, à partir du XIXe siècle, été étudié du point de vue du paysage urbain. La ville était considérée comme une composition scénographique géniale, comme le Versailles du Nord. Plus tard, le
regard s’est surtout porté sur le plan de ville au sol. Amsterdam était considérée comme l’incarnation de la ‘città ideale’, le summum de la planification.
Dans cette étude, nous nous baserons sur une idée plus pragmatique de l’urbanisme. La ville idéale, théorique, cède la place à la ville réelle et, par voie de conséquence, à la ville optimale : une réalité physique rétive dotée d’une dynamique spatiale et sociale imprévisible, laquelle est aménagée et gérée le mieux possible en vue de son utilisation par les autorités municipales en fonction de la situation du paysage et des eaux, des opinions prédominantes, des connaissances techniques, de la méthodologie urbanistique et de l’instrumentation disponible."

Fringe belts, extensive areas of low density and wide open spaces designated for institutional use, are a morphological element in the urban landscape. Rabat, capital of Morocco, conceived during the French protectorate, received in 2012,... more

Fringe belts, extensive areas of low density and wide open spaces designated for institutional use, are a morphological element in the urban landscape. Rabat, capital of Morocco, conceived during the French protectorate, received in 2012, a UNESCO World Heritage title for representing a modern urban planning model that integrates an open space system with its historical nucleus. Nonetheless, criterion (v)-to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment-was deemed grounds for rejecting Rabat's nomination because the candidate presented seemed to be fragmented and showed a lack of a relationship between property and environment , according to the ICOMOS report. This study considers the Kasbah of Oudayas to be a unique and outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, in contrast to those cases presented in 2012. The aim of this study is to investigate the evolutio...

Resumo: O objectivo da salvaguarda dos bens patrimoniais é a consolidação de traços identitários dos nossos antepassados. O homem necessita de memória histórica, ou seja, de interiorização do passado; como ser cultural, ele não poderá... more

Resumo: O objectivo da salvaguarda dos bens patrimoniais é a consolidação de traços identitários dos nossos antepassados. O homem necessita de memória histórica, ou seja, de interiorização do passado; como ser cultural, ele não poderá evoluir sem o sentimento das tradições. A evocação e a invocação da História, de necessidade vital para o futuro do homem como essência histórica, não podem extinguir-se. É um facto social incontestado que os cidadãos têm consciência do valor histórico e da riqueza etnográfica da sua herança colectiva, espelho e vector da sua identidade, mobilizando-se com determinação assumida nas tarefas urgentes da sua defesa. Com estes combates e manifestações de vigoroso dinamismo intenta-se preservar, para as gerações vindouras, a precariedade dos vestígios materiais de milénios de história humana e de entidade cultural. O conceito alargado de memória cultural relaciona-se com todas as áreas da moderna percepção de defesa do património, desde a clássica área da conservação e restauro do património arqueológico à conservação de um monumento técnico. Ele encerra a força e o valor da tradição com o testemunho dos valores estéticos e éticos inerentes. Preservar e documentar o passado e a identidade histórica significa declarar-se também partidário da coexistência qualificada do novo na História, mercê de um diálogo articulado e mutuamente benéfico com a actualidade, com a 'nova vida' e exigências socioculturais e com as consequentes transformações da arquitectura, perante as oportunidades e capacidades do desenvolvimento da ciência e das inovações tecnológicas. A salvaguarda do património arquitectónico é considerada como um modo de defesa global do ambiente que não se preocupa só com a protecção do espaço vital natural, mas também com a do espaço vital colectivo desenhado pelo homem no decurso da sua existência. Não faltam, por isso, normas e directivas internacionais apelando todas para a necessidade de salvaguarda integrada da herança comunitária.
Abstract: The goal of safeguarding historical heritage is to consolidate the identity traits of our ancestors. Man needs historical memory, that is, of interiorization of the past; as a cultural being, it can not evolve without the feeling of traditions. The evocation of history, of vital necessity for the future of man as a historical essence, can not be extinguished. It is an uncontested social fact that citizens are aware of the historical value and ethnographic richness of their collective heritage, mirror of their identity, mobilizing with determination in the urgent tasks of their defense. With these manifestations of vigorous dynamism we try to preserve for the generations to come the precariousness of the material vestiges of millennia of human history and of cultural entity. The broad concept of cultural memory is related to all areas of the modern perception of heritage defense, from the area of conservation and restoration of the archaeological heritage to the conservation of a technical monument. It closes the strength and value of tradition with the witness of inherent aesthetic and ethical values. Preserving the past and the historical identity means to declare itself also a partisan of the qualified coexistence of the new in history, through an articulated dialogue with the present, with the 'new life' and sociocultural requirements and with the consequent transformations of architecture, given the opportunities and capacities of the development of science and technological innovations. The safeguarding of the architectural heritage is considered as a global defense of the environment which is not only concerned with the protection of the natural living space but also with the collective life space designed by man in the course of his life. That is why international norms are not lacking, all appealing to the need for an integrated safeguard of the community heritage.

Desenvolvimento de website www.atlasurbanistico.com.br. A pesquisa Atlas Urbanístico de Vitória, coordenada pela professora Dra. Flavia Botechia e pelo professor Dr. Heraldo Ferreira Borges desde 2014, tem como objetivo principal a... more

Desenvolvimento de website www.atlasurbanistico.com.br.
A pesquisa Atlas Urbanístico de Vitória, coordenada pela professora Dra. Flavia Botechia e pelo professor Dr. Heraldo Ferreira Borges desde 2014, tem como objetivo principal a elaboração de um banco de dados sobre os planos urbanísticos elaborados, durante o século XX, para a cidade de Vitória (Espírito Santo, Brasil) e se encontra na intersecção dos campos teóricos da arquitetura, urbanismo, morfologia urbana, arquivologia, memória, patrimônio e das tecnologias da informação.

The Netherlands are an urbanized country. Over the last ten centuries a dense pattern of small, large, old and new towns emerged. How did this pattern develop and why do our towns look as they do? From Friesland to Limburg, and from... more

The Netherlands are an urbanized country. Over the last ten centuries a dense pattern of small, large, old and new towns emerged. How did this pattern develop and why do our towns look as they do?
From Friesland to Limburg, and from Groningen to Zeeland, dozens of towns were built during the Middle Ages, most of them along rivers and main waterways. When the Dutch Republic became a world power in the Dutch Golden Age, large extensions were realized in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Leiden. After a period of economic recession in the 18th century, the industrialisation caused some of these cities to prosper again from 1850 onwards. This not only led to a rapid growth of existing cities, but also to the emergence of new cities. Industrial centres like Tilburg and Hengelo and residential towns like Apeldoorn and Hilversum sprang up along the newly developed railways. Built under state control new cities emerged in the 20th century, like Almere, Emmen and Zoetermeer. The post-war welfare state meant that motorways, residential areas and industrial estates were rolled out at high speed over the country.
The study of urban history is fragmented in different disciplines and local in character. The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Delft Faculty of Architecture have created an overview on the basis of scattered research. This atlas provides an overview of a millennium of urban development for the first time. By means of photographs, paintings and newly developed maps the growth and shrinkage of the Dutch cities is shown. Current topics are discussed, like re-use, redevelopment and the transformations of inner cities and urban fringes. This is the first national long-term overview of urbanization and urban practice in Europe. In our presentation, we will highlight the emergence and development of the urban pattern and the morphology of the Dutch cityscape in the period from the Middle Ages and the early modern period.

O objetivo deste artigo é a compreensão, a partir do registro documental cartográfico das plantas do projeto com a divisão dos lotes, do processo de projeto dos lotes do projeto urbanístico, Novo Arrabalde. Trata-se o mais extenso projeto... more

O objetivo deste artigo é a compreensão, a partir do registro documental cartográfico das plantas do projeto com a divisão dos lotes, do processo de projeto dos lotes do projeto urbanístico, Novo Arrabalde. Trata-se o mais extenso projeto urbanístico implementado na cidade de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, elaborado por Saturnino de Brito, no limiar do século XX, cuja extensão atinge cerca de 500ha. Para atingir os objetivos pretendidos, este artigo foi organizado em três partes, que correspondem respectivamente a três etapas do percurso metodológico: primeiro, as bases teóricas do projeto em questão de forma sintetizada tendo em vista sua abordagem pretérita, em segundo momento o redesenho por meio dos softwares de desenho assistido por computador (CAD) e de sistemas de informação geográfica (GIS) extraindo daí as métricas possíveis; e, num terceiro momento, de comparação entre as cinco pranchas, com as informações cartográficas e textuais constantes no memorial descritivo e com a configuração urbana atual.

"Na PARTE II da DEFINIÇÃO DA FORMA URBANA NO PLANEAMENTO descrevemos um exercício de análise do tecido urbano através da qual se pretende, a partir da caracterização física da proposta do Plano Urbanístico, deduzir a ideia de cidade que... more

"Na PARTE II da DEFINIÇÃO DA FORMA URBANA NO PLANEAMENTO descrevemos um exercício de análise do tecido urbano através da qual se pretende, a partir da caracterização física da proposta do Plano Urbanístico, deduzir a ideia de cidade que lhe está subjacente e, consequentemente, prever as características gerais e mais significativas dos outros elementos do mesmo sistema: actividades, incluindo a circulação de pessoas e bens, formas de apropriação e comportamentos da população, ambiente urbano e ainda aspectos relacionados com a gestão da apropriação, conservação e renovação do tecido.

Bir kenti meydana getiren yapılar topluluğunu anlamak ve analiz edebilmek için planlama ilkelerini etkileyen çeşitli faktörleri dönemsel olarak detaylıca araştırmak gerekir. Bu bağlamda Kent Morfolojisi kavramı Mimarlık disiplini ile... more

Bir kenti meydana getiren yapılar topluluğunu anlamak ve analiz edebilmek için planlama ilkelerini etkileyen çeşitli faktörleri dönemsel olarak detaylıca araştırmak gerekir. Bu bağlamda Kent Morfolojisi kavramı Mimarlık disiplini ile kentlerin meydana gelme sürecini incelemesi bakımından ilişki kurar. Safranbolu gibi eski yerleşimlerin tarihi merkezlerini bilmek, bu tarihi merkezler etrafında büyüme-gelişme gösteren yeni alanları incelemek, plan kararlarının kent silueti üzerindeki etkisini gözlemlemek açısından önem arz eder. Böylece kentin yapılı çevresinin geçirdiği değişim ve dönüşümler tespit edilebilmektedir. Çalışma ile Safranbolu'nun kent formu ve tarihi süreçteki değişimi; imar planları, bu planlardan elde edilen vaziyet planları, fotoğraflar ve çizimler yardımı ile incelenmiş, farklı dönemlerde inşa edilen bina tipleri tespit edilmiş ve bu veriler ile kentin morfolojik yapısı ortaya konulmuştur. Safranbolu'yu farklı bağlamlarda incelemek isteyen çeşitli disiplinlerdeki araştırmacılara, kentin mevcut durumuna dair bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Apoio: Funcultura; Secult; Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo

The circumstances of urban sprawl in the Middle Eastern cities have been basically examined; now we are aware of the existence of a crawling sprawl in the growth pattern of the region’s cities. Nevertheless, the extent and the causes of... more

The circumstances of urban sprawl in the Middle Eastern cities have been basically
examined; now we are aware of the existence of a crawling sprawl in the growth pattern of the region’s cities. Nevertheless, the extent and the causes of this phenomenon have not yet been clearly explained. Thus, two questions are still unanswered: (1) to what extent are the Middle Eastern cities sprawled?, (2) what are the main drivers of sprawl in the Middle East? This paper brings together several evidences from international and the national languages to provide explanation to the above. The findings show that urban and suburban sprawl is an inclusive pattern seen in a wide variety of city sizes, planning concepts, times, etc. Sprawl is not limited to large metropolitan areas; mid-sized and small cities of the region are also sprawling. Furthermore, administrative and planning reasons are the strongest causes of urban sprawl in the region.

With a shortage of affordable housing, social housing has become a priority on national agendas. However, designing social housing has a poor record, as reflected in the current demolition of postwar housing 'utopias'. This paper seeks to... more

With a shortage of affordable housing, social housing has become a priority on national agendas. However, designing social housing has a poor record, as reflected in the current demolition of postwar housing 'utopias'. This paper seeks to explore how the design of new social housing could increase the resilience of urban areas and its social and spatial integration in the contextual urban fabric. It examines the twenty-first century social housing area of Cité Manifeste, designed by renowned architects as an extension of Cité Ouvrière, a nineteenth-century mass industrial housing scheme in the city of Mulhouse, France. The spatial and social performance of these two cités are investigated, focusing on the urban interface between the streets and houses, and its patterns of evolution. Both schemes are well embedded in the wider street network, and Cité Manifeste has integrated better into the old quarter spatially than socially, yet not all parts of the design perform similarly. The comparison of the two cités and their components provides insight into the impact of architectural and urban design on the viability of housing developments.

Resumo O presente artigo apresenta um registro da evolução histórica e morfológica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através da leitura e interpretação dos mapas produzidos para a cidade em sua zona de expansão sul. Na primeira parte do artigo... more

Resumo O presente artigo apresenta um registro da evolução histórica e morfológica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através da leitura e interpretação dos mapas produzidos para a cidade em sua zona de expansão sul. Na primeira parte do artigo promove-se a revisão das transformações efetuadas na bacia hidrográfica da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas: de (i) uma região originalmente rural, tornou-se (ii) uma região esparsamente urbanizada (com chácaras e indústrias) e transformou-se em (iii) uma região urbanizada com o Projeto de Saneamento e Melhoramento da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (de Saturnino de Brito), que aterrou grande parte da Lagoa, moldando assim a forma urbana. Na segunda parte do artigo, passa a ser possível identificar vínculos com modelos urbanísticos vindos do exterior, que adquiriram características morfológicas próprias-bairros jardins associados ao lazer, podendo-se perceber (iv) a influência de Ebenezer Howard na morfologia urbana da zona sul carioca. Na terceira parte do artigo a discussão recai sobre o futuro turístico que a proximidade com a orla impunha desde o final do século XIX: (v) A faixa litorânea e a mudança cultural que passou a valorizar os banhos de mar também tornou essa localização um fator de valorização fundiária. Palavras-chave Morfologia, história urbana, cartografia, faixa litorânea, transformações urbanas. Abstract This article presents a record of historical and morphological evolution of the city of Rio de Janeiro through the reading and interpretation of maps produced for the city in its southern expansion area. The first part of the article promotes the review of the changes made in the hydrographic basin of the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon: (i) an originally rural, became (ii) a sparsely urbanized region (with small farms and industries), transformed into (iii) an urbanized area with the Sanitation Project and Improvement of Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (from Saturnino de Brito), which landed much of the Lagoon, shaping the urban form. In the second part of the article, it becomes possible to identify links with urban models from abroad, who acquired own morphological characteristics-gardens neighborhoods associated with pleasure, in which can be perceived (iv) the influence of Ebenezer Howard in the urban morphology of the Carioca South zone. In the third part of the article the discussion lies on the tourist future that the proximity to the waterfront imposed since the late nineteenth century: (v) the coastline and the cultural change which came to value the bathing also made this location a land valuation factor.

The city is like a palimpsest, a product of collective memory and the materialization of the culture of its inhabitants along a historical timeline. The city is a repository of history; it is the locus of the collective memory of the... more

The city is like a palimpsest, a product of collective memory and the materialization of the culture of its inhabitants along a historical timeline. The city is a repository of history; it is the locus of the collective memory of the people who have been living there from the first generation to the present one. Social, cultural, historical, and physical narratives are observable through different time in history chronologically and synchronically, and through the relationship of different aspects in a certain period of time diachronically. Comprehensive and holistic readings of the city based on a three-dimensional model of time (history), scale levels (form and space), and layers (physical, social, and ideological) are useful to read the historical morphology of the city. Southeast Asia has been very open towards various influences: India, Arab, China, the Europeans, Japan, and the rest of the world because of its strategic location right at the crossing points of global maritime trade routes. The ships from the north (China, Japan, and Ryukyu) sailing to the south were pushed by the northern monsoon between January and February and returned home by riding the southern monsoon between June and August. Indian and Arab ships went eastward by the southwest monsoon between April and August and returned by the northeast monsoon from December (Hall 1985: 20-25). During the cyclone periods or the changing monsoon seasons, these traders stayed in Southeast Asia while waiting for their trading partners from the other sides of the world. These exchanges took place mostly in and around the South China Sea, Java Sea, and Melaka Strait at the Mediterranean Sea of Asia located in between two great sub-continents (China and India), and between two great oceans (Pacific and Indian). From the first century, the coastal regions and their hinterlands therefore became fertile grounds for the growth of mixed civilizations, blended urbanism and hybrid architecture. Trading ships and immigrant boats were not only carrying people and goods, but also conveying cosmological and geometrical memories from their original places into the new landscapes. They implanted new layers starting from their landing places at the coastal regions around the Mediterranean Sea of Southeast Asia, from Southern China to the Indonesian Archipelago, Malay Peninsula, to the Melaka Strait.

Este artigo trata de relações entre processos de apropriação espacial, vitalidade e morfologia urbana. Apoia-se em estudos empíricos e encontra fundamentação teórica em autores clássicos e contemporâneos de diferentes... more

Este artigo trata de relações entre processos de apropriação espacial, vitalidade e morfologia urbana. Apoia-se em estudos empíricos e encontra fundamentação teórica em autores clássicos e contemporâneos de diferentes escolas.Procedimentos de análise urbana tendem a decompor o objeto cidade em categorias segundo uma das disciplinas urbanas - geografia, história, sociologia, antropologia, urbanismo, etc. Cada um destaca o que quer enxergar e minimiza ou anula o restante considerado irrelevante à perspectiva da disciplina que professa. Entende-se, para efeito deste texto, que processos de apropriação do espaço público urbano são mais generosos - uma vez disparados reconhecem múltiplas dimensões do espaço urbano e as agregam, quando o ambiente institucional assim o permite, na constituição, temporária ou consolidada, de atrativos formadores de ‘aconchegos urbanos’ - configurações morfológicas que nos apoiam, com mais ou menos fruição, pela vitalidade local que produzem. Estas constitue...

FOREWORD by Ivor Samuels: "Dr Lovra’s approach to this diversity of urban forms is based on her ori- ginal synthesis of two important schools of urban morphology, the Italian or Caniggian School and the British or Conzenian School. The... more

FOREWORD by Ivor Samuels:
"Dr Lovra’s approach to this diversity of urban forms is based on her ori- ginal synthesis of two important schools of urban morphology, the Italian or Caniggian School and the British or Conzenian School. The author points out that this was necessary partly because of the absence of adequate documen- tation . An urban typology matrix was devised based on urban tissues and urban planning types to define a final urban typology. This used a sequence of studies; street networks and their patterns, plots and buildings and their relation with street networks, plot series and related subsidiary spaces such as empty plots and green spaces . The resulting urban fabric typology whi- ch focuses on dominant characteristics, identified 41 categories which were then sorted into 11 main types and their subtypes . These are all illustrated by small plans of each town or by larger scale sector plans .
The analysis takes into account natural features such as rivers and hills, pre 1867 development and the extent to which the towns were modified in the study period. The type groups are categorized as stagnant towns, regulated towns, towns with linear urban development lines, and four types of town with ring and radial road (depending on the degree of completeness of the rings or the transformations that had to be made to accommodate them), mul- ti nuclei towns and completely enclosed towns .
These types are discussed in relation to specific locations and in some case to the application of the theories of planners including Sitte and Wagner as well as less well known urbanists, and the extent which other traditions had contributed such as in Ottoman Sarajevo.
The towns studied in this book are now located in 12 separate states. In a period of increasing European nationalist sentiment it is timely to be reminded of how an urban culture straddled linguistic, religious and cultural boundaries and flourished to create such a rich and enduring heritage. It is to be hoped that the whole work will eventually become available in English."

Plot systems (also referred to as "property", "parcel", or "lot") are generally recognised as the organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of cities. However, studies that link the spatial form... more

Plot systems (also referred to as "property", "parcel", or "lot") are generally recognised as the organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of cities. However, studies that link the spatial form of plots to economic data are limited. The paper builds on the theory of Webster and Lai, which argues that the process of urbanisation is aligned with increased subdivision of property rights (increased division of land into plots, for example) due to the process of economic specialisation that is typical of cities. The aim of the paper is to test this theory by analysing whether there is a correlation between: (a) the shape and structure of plot systems, which are classified as types based on three plot metrics (size, compactness, and frontage index) and b) economic activity, measured as the concentration of retail and food activities per plot. The paper will use statistical analysis to relate plot types to economic activity in three European cities (London, Amsterdam, and Stockholm). The results provide empirical support for our initial hypothesis and Webster and Lai's theory, which states that plots of smaller size, more regular shape, and smaller frontage generally correspond to a higher concentration of economic activity in cities.

Aluminium alloys are used in various fields of engineering, aerospace, automobile and construction industries. But they have peer wear resistance due to low hardness. In the present research, the influence of shot peening treatment on... more

Aluminium alloys are used in various fields of engineering, aerospace, automobile and construction industries. But they have peer wear resistance due to low hardness. In the present research, the influence of shot peening treatment on microhardness and surface roughness of AA7075-T6 alloy was investigated. With this target, the aluminium alloy specimens were shot peened for 35, 70, 105 and 140 s time. According to results, the shot peening treatment increases microhardness and surface roughness up to 105 s. the specimen after 140 s peening shows the marginal improvement in microhardness and slight reduction in surface roughness. The morphology of the specimens before and after shot peening were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Keywords-AA7075 aluminium alloy, shot peening, microhardness, surface roughness, morphology. INTRODUCTION Aluminium alloys are abundantly used in Airframe materials, automobile and construction industries. The attractiveness of aluminium is that it is a relatively low cost, light weight [1], also owing to their high specific strength and good corrosion resistance. Nevertheless, due to higher mechanical properties such as surface hardness and tensile strength have been demanded for AA7075 alloy to prolong their service performance. These demands could be simply satisfied by modification of the surface properties [2-3].There are wide variety of surface modification technologies available to change the surface properties of materials in the present research world. However some surface coatings are also applied on aluminium alloys by means of some hard composite coatings. These coating will enhance service life of parts under sliding environment because of improved hardness. But these coatings are little bit complicated and costlier than some cold working techniques. These cold working techniques can also improve surface hardening of metals.

Cellular automata are models that deal with both nature and artefacts: they can indeed simulate living beings as well as be employed in the creation of objects. After the introduction of this concept by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann... more

Cellular automata are models that deal with both nature and artefacts: they can indeed simulate living beings as well as be employed in the creation of objects. After the introduction of this concept by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann in the late 1940s, many different kinds of cellular automata have been created and have become part of what Christopher Langton called " artificial life " in 1986. The most complex examples among them are based on stochastic development, thus they share their structural properties with morphogenetic models like the one suggested by Alan Turing (1952). This is the reason why some cellular automata are capable of simulating the development of living beings , but also of cities and artefacts. They are indeed widely used in computer graphics related to parametric design, in order to create performative objects at various scales that can be produced according to the principle of mass customisation. The purpose of this study is to analyse the properties of these models with the help of computer simulations and, as a consequence, to explore some of their different fields of application. As a result, it can be observed that these processes , based on a stochastic geometry, can lead not only to simple biomimicry (regarded as the artificial replication of biological features) but also, in a wider sense, to bioinspiration (a more general relation between nature and artefacts based on shared structural properties).

This study concerns the urban periphery of Rome in the period 200 to 500 AD. Our thesis is that the periphery in this period obtained a new meaning and gradually began to surpass the centre in importance, and that this displacement of... more

This study concerns the urban periphery of Rome in the period 200 to 500 AD. Our thesis is that the periphery in this period obtained a new meaning and gradually began to surpass the centre in importance, and that this displacement of activity-nodes and movement created decisive prerequisites for the polycentric structure which was to dominate the urban development of Rome up to the nineteenth century. The main focus of thisinvestigation will be on areas and situations contextually related to the Via Tiburtina, mainly from the Clivus Suburanus inside the Porta Esquilina to and somewhat beyond the Aurelian Wall. The defined period begins with the Severan dynasty’s monumentalization of the area between Porta Esquilina and Porta Maggiore around 200. The following three centuries present a flourishing periphery all around Rome. However, after 500 this flourishing is concentrated in only two areas: the Lateran and Vatican, probably due to the huge loss in city population at that time. This marks the end of the period under investigation in this article. The years 200–500 comprise major shifts in the power structure of the Roman Empire and the rise of new driving forces which transform Rome’s spatial configuration and the physical and mental limits between centre and periphery.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.