Economic activity Research Papers - (original) (raw)
In order to ensure stable functioning and development of the enterprise, they evaluate the effectiveness of economic activity. An effective tool for assessing economic activity in modern conditions is economic diagnostics, which allows... more
In order to ensure stable functioning and development of the
enterprise, they evaluate the effectiveness of economic activity. An
effective tool for assessing economic activity in modern conditions is
economic diagnostics, which allows you to analyze the main indicators
of the enterprise, to explore the factors that led to the change in the
relevant results and adversely affected the activities of the enterprise.
Agricultural enterprises also need such methodological tools for
economic diagnostics. However, the existing tools for assessing the
effectiveness of economic activity does not allow for a comprehensive
assessment of indicators. In addition, the management system of
agricultural enterprises raises the requirements for providing a more
effective and justified system of evaluating indicators using economic
- by and +1
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- Management, Economic activity, Economic diagnostics, agricultural enterprises
Plot systems (also referred to as "property", "parcel", or "lot") are generally recognised as the organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of cities. However, studies that link the spatial form... more
Plot systems (also referred to as "property", "parcel", or "lot") are generally recognised as the organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of cities. However, studies that link the spatial form of plots to economic data are limited. The paper builds on the theory of Webster and Lai, which argues that the process of urbanisation is aligned with increased subdivision of property rights (increased division of land into plots, for example) due to the process of economic specialisation that is typical of cities. The aim of the paper is to test this theory by analysing whether there is a correlation between: (a) the shape and structure of plot systems, which are classified as types based on three plot metrics (size, compactness, and frontage index) and b) economic activity, measured as the concentration of retail and food activities per plot. The paper will use statistical analysis to relate plot types to economic activity in three European cities (London, Amsterdam, and Stockholm). The results provide empirical support for our initial hypothesis and Webster and Lai's theory, which states that plots of smaller size, more regular shape, and smaller frontage generally correspond to a higher concentration of economic activity in cities.
- by Evgeniya Bobkova and +1
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- Urban Morphology, Economic activity
This paper investigates the association between night lights and GDP estimates for India at the district level. While many studies are finding a high degree of association between economic activity as measured through the Gross Domestic... more
This paper investigates the association between night lights and GDP estimates for India at the district level. While many studies are finding a high degree of association between economic activity as measured through the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and night lights internationally, there is a lack of understanding of whether and how night light data are correlated with economic activity at the sub-national level in emerging economies. This achieves more significance in economic monitoring and policy-making as estimates of GDP are not available at geographically disaggregated level, and even if available there is a large time lag involved before they are released. Stable light data obtained from night time images of 2008 captured by Defense Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) satellite are used in the study. The data records artificial lights from human habitations from the earth surface and is a surrogate of the level of development of an area. The data on GDP at the district level for the year 2008 have been sourced from Indicus Analytics that has used data from government sources and a method of estimation suggested by the Central Statistical Office of the Government of India. Using multinomial non-linear regression techniques the paper finds that indeed GDP at the district level is significantly explained by night lights in the area. It also finds that the non-linearity is much stronger for metropolitan cities where GDP levels are far higher than a linear model can explain. Conversely, in areas where agriculture and forestry activities are higher, the use of night lights in a linear model overestimates the GDP.
This research paper talks about Value of Social Capital. This paper reveals corporate, entrepreneurs are boosting their performances, touching heights by considering social capital as important aspect. Due to nice cooperation among... more
This research paper talks about Value of Social Capital. This paper reveals corporate, entrepreneurs are boosting their
performances, touching heights by considering social capital as important aspect. Due to nice cooperation among society it results
to financial development. It’s not just human capital which should be considered but today it is important to consider social capital
as well to develop careers. Here we got to know about relation between social capital and Globalization. Information technology
has the potential to increase social capital. This paper was reviewed and explained with the help of Secondary data available
through various journals, magazines, previous research papers and other useful internet material. Paper presents and attempts to
study the concept of social capital, various factors impacting decisions of Human, Economy. Apart from considering importance of
Social Capital this paper pays attention to its critical aspect as well.
Розглянуті у статті показники ділової активності підприємства можуть використовуватися при розв’язку окремих аналітичних завдань, поставлених керівництвом підприємства для аналітиків. Особливо це буде актуально в обмежених часових рамках.... more
Розглянуті у статті показники ділової активності підприємства можуть використовуватися при розв’язку окремих аналітичних завдань, поставлених керівництвом підприємства для аналітиків. Особливо це буде актуально в обмежених часових рамках. Однак, на нашу думку, всебічна оцінка рівня ділової активності підприємства можлива при застосуванні впорядкованої методики аналізу, яка зводиться до виконання таких етапів: оцінка динаміки абсолютних показників ділової активності (у тому числі із застосуванням Золотого правила економіки підприємства), оцінка ключових показників оборотності, оцінка тривалості операційного циклу, факторний аналіз показників з негативними фактичними значеннями, оцінка якісних показників ділової активності, формування узагальненої матриці SWOT-аналізу щодо рівня ділової активності на підприємстві, представлення керівництву узагальнених результатів аналізу. Проведений за представленою методикою аналіз допоможе комплексно оцінити ефективність використання підприємством своїх ресурсів з метою формування позитивного фінансового результату та забезпечення платоспроможності у довгостроковому періоді.
Appropriate spatial and traffic planning to create organized functional zones is critical for businesses aspiring to utilize their infrastructural resources in the most productive manner. The paper highlights the effect... more
Appropriate spatial and traffic planning to create organized functional zones is critical for businesses aspiring
to utilize their infrastructural resources in the most productive manner. The paper highlights the effect of an unorganized
traffic plan on the business activities of a specific functional zone . The study was conducted in “Raja bazaar”, a major
functional zone of Rawalpindi city, using a blend of both qualitative and quantitative techniques, by drawing a sample of 50
respondents. The economic activities of the functional zones were found to be significantly dependent upon a smooth traffic
arrangement, which when sundered negatively affected the rate of customers, income, profit and thus the overall economy
An empirical analysis of the relationship between murders and economic activity in Colombia The goal of this article is to examine the causal relationship between murders and economic activity in Colombia during the last decades. This... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates greatly simplified high-resolution socio-economic profiles of populated geographical areas from complex large census data sets.
Extract: This work is describing the creation of monetary functions in a POW camp during the Second World War. It displays how ‘cigarette’ has become the means of exchange taking the role of money in a closed environment. One can notice... more
This work is describing the creation of monetary functions in a POW camp during the Second World War. It displays how ‘cigarette’ has become the means of exchange taking the role of money in a closed environment. One can notice that in such circles, the means respected by all participants can play the role of the means of exchange and storing the value functions. The study is prepared from an article using a diary of a POW.
Bu çalişmada İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında bir kampta paranın görevlerinin nasıl ortaya çıktığı anlatılmaktadır. Böylesi bir kapalı ortamda, sigaranın nasıl bir ‘mübadele aracı’ haline geldiği açıklanmaktadır. Okurlar, bütün katılımcıların kabul ettiği ödeme vasıtalarının, değişim ve değer saklama aracı haline geldiğini izlemektedirler. Çalışma, bir kamptaki savaş esirinin notlarını kullanarak hazırlanan bir makaleden esinlenmiştir.
This research is based on a comparative study between East and West Amman women in terms of economic activity. Amman is a patriarchal society and this research explains the prevalent patriarchal structures that influence women’s economic... more
This research is based on a comparative study between East and West
Amman women in terms of economic activity. Amman is a patriarchal society and this research explains the prevalent patriarchal structures that influence women’s economic activities and experiences and how these patriarchal structures operate differently depending on class. This research adopts an intersectional approach to gender and class to provide us with a more comprehensive understanding of women’s experiences in relation to economic activity. The study sheds light on the fact that class in Jordan is very much related to place of residence, and the differences between East and West Amman are very influential in determining women’s experiences. It is meant to explore the views and attitudes towards women’s economic activities, and the different views between East and West Amman, and between men and women. Moreover, this research explores the factors
that influence women’s economic activities and how these factors are different amongst women themselves. This research also identifies the strategies adopted by women to deal with patriarchy- resistance, negotiation and accommodation-and how those strategies differ depending on class. The data for this research was collected through interviews with 18 women, nine from East and nine from West Amman, economically active and inactive. The research also made use of 164 questionnaires completed by both men and women from East and West Amman. The questionnaire aimed to provide us with data showing class differences between
East and West Amman, and was also used to provide us with the attitudes and views towards women’s and men’s economic activities.
In this study, we analyze the Granger-causality in frequency domain between stock prices and economic growth in India, in order to identify the direction of the causality at different frequencies. For this purpose we use in the first step... more
In this study, we analyze the Granger-causality in frequency domain between stock prices and economic growth in India, in order to identify the direction of the causality at different frequencies. For this purpose we use in the first step different seasonal and structural breaks unit root tests. In the second step we use a conditional VAR model as benchmark, and we focus on the conditional and non-conditional frequency domain causality tests. We find evidence of unidirectional causal relationship between stock prices and industrial production in the long-run, running from stock prices to industrial production. When using the non-conditional model, we find evidence of insignificant business cycle causality from both directions. Our study shows that stock prices are a leading indicator for growth in the industrial production in India. In this case, in order to adjust the industrial production in the long-term, the Indian economic policies should be focused with pre-dilection on the stock market environment.
- by neha ss and +1
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- Economics, Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Stock Market
The article discusses a conceptual approach to the modernization of socioeconomic programs in the region. A program-target approach is proposed as one of the methods of the management process, being a way to solve complex and major... more
The article discusses a conceptual approach to the modernization of socioeconomic
programs in the region. A program-target approach is proposed as one of
the methods of the management process, being a way to solve complex and major
problems by carrying out and developing a system of program measures aimed at
goals whose achievement provides a solution to the problems that have arisen.
Serial Killers are active all across America and the entire world. Experts speculate that in the United States alone there are between 5 – 10 active serial killers at any given time. What motivates a person to become a serial killer?... more
Serial Killers are active all across America and the entire world. Experts speculate that in the United States alone there are between 5 – 10 active serial killers at any given time. What motivates a person to become a serial killer? What thought process goes on in their mind? Having been involved in several serial killer investigations in Miami, Florida, I present my perspective, ideas, and experience on serial killers.
The study aims to show that the public transport sector in Abidjan, constitutes a pool of jobs likely to allow the social integration of young people at risk of committing crimes and offenses. To achieve this goal, 207 people were... more
The study aims to show that the public transport sector in Abidjan, constitutes a pool of jobs likely to allow the social integration of young people at risk of committing crimes and offenses. To achieve this goal, 207 people were interviewed empirically from a judgment sample through municipalities in the city of Abidjan. The data collected were analysed and processed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the survey reveal that the Abidjan public transport environment, essentially perceived as a niche for the development of urban insecurity, enables the social integration of many young people at risk by the opportunities for economic activities that are available to them without qualification. Resumé L'étude a pour objectif de montrer que le secteur des transports en commun à Abidjan, constitue un bassin d'emplois susceptible de permettre l'insertion sociale des jeunes à risque de commettre des crimes et délits. Pour atteindre cet objectif, 207 personnes ont été interrogés de façon empirique à partir d'un échantillonnage par jugement à travers des communes de la ville d'Abidjan. Les données recueillies ont été analysées et traitées au plan qualitatif et quantitatif. Les résultats de l'enquête révèlent que le milieu des transports en commun abidjanais, est essentiellement perçu comme une niche de développement de l'insécurité urbaine, permet l'insertion sociale de nombreux jeunes à risque par les opportunités d'activités économiques qui leurs sont offertes sans qualification. Mots-Cles: Activité économique, bassin d'emploi, insécurité, insertion, jeunes à risque, transports en commun
This study undertakes a crosscountry comparison of the relationship between entrepreneurship attitudes and high and low entrepreneurial activity. The analysis employs fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The data set comes from the... more
This study undertakes a crosscountry comparison of the relationship between entrepreneurship attitudes and high and low entrepreneurial activity. The analysis employs fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The data set comes from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2011 survey, four country-level entrepreneurial attitudes and perceptions variables considered against Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity from a sample of 54 countries. This study provides comprehensive understanding of variations between individual countries at different levels of economic development and groups of countries in their level of opportunity and necessity-related entrepreneurial activity.
Հոդվածում ներկայացված է Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունում բանկային տոկոսադրույքի ազդեցության գնահատումը տնտեսության իրական հատվածի զարգացման վրա: Վերլուծությունն իրականացվել է VAR (Vector-AutoRegression) մոդելի օգտագործման միջոցով, որը... more
Հոդվածում ներկայացված է Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունում բանկային տոկոսադրույքի ազդեցության գնահատումը տնտեսության իրական հատվածի զարգացման վրա: Վերլուծությունն իրականացվել է VAR (Vector-AutoRegression) մոդելի օգտագործման միջոցով, որը թույլ է տալիս իրականացնել բանկային տոկոսադրույքի ցնցումների վերլուծություն ազդակային պատասխանի ֆունկցիաների կառուցման հիման վրա և գնահատել փոփոխականների ազդեցության արդյունավետությունը տնտեսության իրական հատվածի զարգացման վրա: Որպես գնահատման արդյունք, հոդվածում բացահայտվում է տնտեսական ակտիվության ցուցանիշի նշանակալի բացասական արձագանքը վարկային անվանական տոկոսադրույքի դրական ցնցմանը:
In this study, urban creativity is examined through the binomial concept of public space/public sphere. Simultaneously, distinction is made between radical-strategic and incremental-qualitative policies, and there is comparative analysis... more
In this study, urban creativity is examined through the binomial concept of public space/public sphere. Simultaneously, distinction is made between radical-strategic and incremental-qualitative policies, and there is comparative analysis of the dynamics of three urban areas, informally recognized as ‘creative neighborhoods’, or ‘cultural districts’ (Bairro Alto in Lisbon; Vila Gracia in Barcelona; and Vila Madalena in São Paulo), are compared and contrasted. The public and private places for public use in the three neighborhoods are analyzed in terms of their functionality, accessibility, and morphology. On the other hand, there is equal analysis of the perception of local agents of the relations between these urbanistic factors and the creativity, vitality and competitiveness of the respective districts. Thus, there is identification of some of the conditions and opportunities of the traditional urban territories for attracting and retaining creative actors and innovative activities, while critically examining the prospects for competitive, but socially and culturally, accountable, urban development.
Opracowanie otwierają dwa teksty o charakterze ogólnym, których cechami są ogólnoświatowy kryzys gospodarczy zainicjowany załamaniem rynku nieruchomości w USA oraz przekształcenia gospodarcze w Polsce ukazane za pośrednictwem dialogu... more
Opracowanie otwierają dwa teksty o charakterze ogólnym, których cechami są ogólnoświatowy kryzys gospodarczy zainicjowany załamaniem rynku nieruchomości w USA oraz przekształcenia gospodarcze w Polsce ukazane
za pośrednictwem dialogu społecznego. Dalej wskazano na możliwości
rozwoju polskiej gospodarki, jakie przyniósł fakt pozyskiwania funduszy unijnych
na zrównoważenie dysproporcji między poszczególnymi państwami i regionami
europejskimi oraz ich praktyczne wykorzystanie w gospodarce komunalnej.
W następnym materiale ukazano zmiany konsumpcyjne, jakie dokonały
się w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu wśród polskich gospodarstw domowych, co wywarło wpływ na zmianę popytu wewnętrznego i tym samym znaczące powiększenie budżetu narodowego. Kolejne trzy teksty odnoszą się do Górnego i Dolnego Śląska, a ich podstawowym założeniem są zmiany w polskim górnictwie węgla kamiennego oraz procesów restrukturyzacyjnych podjętych na rzecz zmiany oblicza ekonomicznego tego regionu. Część niniejszą kończy tekst
w języku ukraińskim, który widzi polską transformację oczyma wschodniego
sąsiada, który analizując ją chciałby wyciągnąć jak najlepsze wnioski dla własnego podmiotu, który stoi przed zasadniczą transformacją systemową, jeżeli
będzie chciał podtrzymać kurs proeuropejski w swej polityce zagranicznej.
Zadaniem niniejszej części było przedstawienie przykładowych przekształceń
gospodarczych, jakie dokonały się w Polsce w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu, gdyż to one – jak zaznaczono w pierwszym akapicie – wpływają na lepsze zrozumienie
przez społeczeństwo dokonywanych przemian systemowych.
El presente artículo es parte del trabajo realizado en el proyecto de Investigación “Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Espaciales y el Índice de Moran”, el cual es financiado con fondos de la Universidad EAFIT para el año 2008. En este... more
El presente artículo es parte del trabajo realizado en el proyecto de Investigación “Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Espaciales y el Índice de Moran”, el cual es financiado con fondos de la Universidad EAFIT para el año 2008. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de los efectos espaciales que se pueden encontrar cuando se trabaja con datos georreferenciados, además se hace un desarrollo formal introductorio relacionado con el estadístico I de Moran, uno de los test más utilizados para contrastar la autocorrelación espacial. Se presenta también un caso de aplicación en el cual se muestra la importancia del análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales (AEDE), en el proceso de análisis de fenómenos que estén enmarcados en un contexto regional.
Stickiness and slipperiness are two extreme socio-economic and institutional conditions under which industrial clusters operate. In much of the economic geography literature, these conditions have been investigated separately. This... more
Stickiness and slipperiness are two extreme socio-economic and institutional conditions under which industrial clusters operate. In much of the economic geography literature, these conditions have been investigated separately. This article challenges this conventional view by developing an alternative framework that utilises some of the basic concepts and approaches of evolutionary thinking and dialectic understanding of agglomeration. With the evidence from Istanbul’s old city jewellery cluster, we argue that stickiness and slipperiness are inextricably tied together and the spatial configuration of clusters is the result of a complicated balance between these two. In Istanbul, these twin conditions are complementary and interact allowing the possibility to transform each other. In the course of cluster evolution, the interactions of the opposite trends result in the emergence of new actions, networks and contexts.
This paper surveys the evolution of industrial concentration of the Brazilian automotive market as well as its positioning in the worldmarket. Data available by OICA (International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) were used to... more
This paper surveys the evolution of industrial concentration of the Brazilian automotive market as well as its positioning in the worldmarket. Data available by OICA (International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) were used to better understand the characteristics of the Brazilian market on the world stage. A cluster analysis algorithm (by the k-means technique) ranks Brazil with a concentration profile in a group of countries like US and South Korea, in contrast to countries such as Germany, Canada and Japan, or even France and Italy. It is rather usual to characterize the market structure through industrial concentration indices: we revisit CR ratios (concentration ratios), HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index), B (Rosenbluth index), and CCI (Horvath comprehensive concentration index). Data of Anfavea-Brazil (Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores) were used to estimate these indices in the period 2012-2018 for the national automobile industry. The values obtained indicate that by 1998 the automotive sector was behaving as an oligopoly-differentiated. However, the values of more recent periods (particularly CR4) strongly indicate that the sector is currently moderately concentrated and is changing for a quasi-devolved market.
Keyterms-economic activity of the automotive industry; industrial concentration levels; concentration ratio (CR4); Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI); automotive market share.
Este artigo analisa a questão da tributação dos jogos e consoles de videogame no Brasil, nos mais diversos aspectos: necessidade de padronização de nomenclaturas pelos Órgãos Públicos; cadeia de tributos incidentes sobre a importação/... more
Este artigo analisa a questão da tributação dos jogos e consoles de videogame no Brasil, nos mais diversos aspectos: necessidade de padronização de nomenclaturas pelos Órgãos Públicos; cadeia de tributos incidentes sobre a importação/ produção do software no território nacional; leis aplicáveis ao caso concreto, visando à diminuição da carga; à questão da produção de games na Zona Franca de Manaus; aos entraves tributários ainda existentes e às possibilidades de mudança na legislação ora vigente. Busca-se um viés mais pragmático, de como reduzir a elevada carga tributária hoje aplicável e fomentar o combate ao mercado cinza, proveniente de contrabando e descaminho. Por fim, aborda-se a questão do fomento a inclusão digital do cidadão brasileiro.
Il est possible d’intégrer dans la politique des services d’intérêt général les responsabilités qui reviennent aux pouvoirs publics et liées à leur rôle éminent dans la création de ces services et les avantages attendus de la concurrence... more
Il est possible d’intégrer dans la politique des services d’intérêt général les responsabilités qui reviennent aux pouvoirs publics et liées à leur rôle éminent dans la création de ces services et les avantages attendus de la concurrence et de la libre circulation des services. Dès lors que la place du marché est définie par les règles posées par les autorités publiques, on doit, au moins sur le plan formel, écarter l’idée d’une opposition dans l’organisation et la gestion des services d’intérêt économique général entre la part des pouvoirs publics et la part du marché. Le partage parmi les services d‘intérêt général entre les services « économiques », les services dits d’intérêt économique général, et les services non économiques relève des règles par lesquelles les autorités publiques compétentes, qui restent en principe, sauf intervention dans le domaine de ses compétences du législateur de l’Union européenne, les Etats membres, organisent les activités en cause.
This paper surveys the evolution of industrial concentration of the Brazilian automotive market as well as its positioning in the worldmarket. Data available by OICA (International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) were used to... more
This paper surveys the evolution of industrial concentration of the Brazilian automotive market as well as its positioning in the worldmarket. Data available by OICA (International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) were used to better understand the characteristics of the Brazilian market on the world stage. A cluster analysis algorithm (by the k-means technique) ranks Brazil with a concentration profile in a group of countries like US and South Korea, in contrast to countries such as Germany, Canada and Japan, or even France and Italy. It is rather usual to characterize the market structure through industrial concentration indices: we revisit CR ratios (concentration ratios), HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman index), B (Rosenbluth index), and CCI (Horvath comprehensive concentration index). Data of Anfavea-Brazil (Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores) were used to estimate these indices in the period 2012-2018 for the national automobile industry. The valu...
Author analyzes scientific experience and literature in the field of assessing regional economy and regional development. In this research, the author tries to explore relation between state intervention and investment attractiveness of... more
Author analyzes scientific experience and literature in the field of assessing regional economy and regional development. In this research, the author tries to explore relation between state intervention and investment attractiveness of regions. The author proposes a new Regional Investment Index, which is an instrument for measuring business environment improvement and increase in investment attractiveness. This new Regional Investment Index is an instrument that can be used not only for analysis of economic indicators, but also for improvement of state policy at the regional level. The author develops Regional investment index in order to manage regional development and direction of investment processes. Regional investment index allows for a potential comparison of municipalities by combining different approaches and dimensions and thus becoming unique. The Russian index differs of the Regional investment index because the group of determinants is structured into two indexes. On the other hand, the Asian indexes are ones which are combined and refined in Regional investment index. The new Regional investment index is sophisticated, more
The deterritorialization of the public sphere and the emerging social formations on the virtual “public spaces” of the network society are matched by a growing erosion of collective life in the traditional public spaces and urban places.... more
The deterritorialization of the public sphere and the emerging social formations on the virtual “public spaces” of the network society are matched by a growing erosion of collective life in the traditional public spaces and urban places. Still, and concurrently with this new city of fluxes, a few central urban areas endure as remarkable referential spaces of the city of places. This study – making a contribution for the ongoing discussion of the Creative City – compares and contrasts the dynamics of three of such places, informally known as “creative neighborhoods,” or “cultural neighborhoods:” Bairro Alto in Lisboa; Vila Gracia in Barcelona; and Vila Madalena in São Paulo. The article’s first part exposes the theoretical underpinnings of the study: an approach to the theme of creativity based on the binomial public space/public sphere; the recognition of the importance of certain economic activities for the vitality of public spaces; and the hypothesis that public space’s morphology – a determining factor on the way people will use it – associated with a great concentration of private spaces of public use, are decisive factors for the creativity and competitiveness of urban territories. The second part describes three case studies, comparing and contrasting the dynamics of the public spaces and private places of public use of the three neighborhoods in terms of their functionality, accessibility, and morphology; as well as how local key-agents perceive the relationships between such urbanistic factors and the creativity, vitality, and competitiveness of each neighborhood. The analysis identifies some of the conditions and opportunities of traditional urban territories for attracting and retaining creative actors and activities. It also formulates a critical examination of the possibility to develop new urban areas that are competitive, but socially and culturally accountable.
این مقاله با هدف ارزیابی اثر سرمایه اجتماعی بر توسعه پایدار اقتصادی در گروه فعالان اقتصادی محله غیررسمی شمیران نو واقع در منطقه 4 شهرداری تهران طراحی شده است. روش تحقیق از نوع توصیفی، پیمایشی و تحلیلی است و برای جمعآوری داده ها از... more
این مقاله با هدف ارزیابی اثر سرمایه اجتماعی بر توسعه پایدار اقتصادی در گروه فعالان اقتصادی محله غیررسمی شمیران نو واقع در منطقه 4 شهرداری تهران طراحی شده است.
روش تحقیق از نوع توصیفی، پیمایشی و تحلیلی است و برای جمعآوری داده ها از پرسشنامه استفاده شده است.
هدف اصلی تحقیق، ارزیابی رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی گروه تحقیق با توسعه پایدار اقتصاد محله ای است و هدف فرعی، بررسی توانایی روش های سنجش مستقیم و غیرمستقیم سرمایه اجتماعی با توجه به داده های آماری است. دادههای آماری نشان داد که دو روش متفاوت ارزیابی سرمایه اجتماعی، توانایی سنجش این مفهوم را دارا میباشند. ضمنأ نتایج تأیید کننده رابطه مثبت و معنیدار میان سرمایه اجتماعی وتوسعه پایدار اقتصادی است. بنابراین سرمایه اجتماعی بالا وسیلهای برای افزایش پایداری اقتصاد محلی بوده و انگیزههای اقتصادی گروه تحقیق، عامل مؤثری برای چگونگی این تبدیل است.
Well known to students of St. Thomas Aquinas is that he maintained that the whole of a science is contained in its principles and that its principles are contained in its definitions. The author takes as his point of departure for this... more
Well known to students of St. Thomas Aquinas is that he maintained that the whole of a science is contained in its principles and that its principles are contained in its definitions. The author takes as his point of departure for this article a definition of money that he gave in the article he wrote for the 2019 Aquinas School of Leadership’s School of Economics inaugural issue for the Studia Gilsoniana: “Aristotle and Aquinas on the Virtue of Money as a Preservative of Justice in Business Affairs and States.” According to him, as a species of economic activity, the definition of money must contain what Aquinas considered to be his generic definition of the science of economics and the essential principles he thought this definition contains. The present article he writes is an attempt to unpack some implications contained in St. Thomas’s generic definition of the science of economics of which money is a species.
This paper examines the evolution of business and consumer uncertainty amid the Coronavirus pandemic in 32 European countries and the European Union (EU). Since uncertainty is not directly observable, we approximate it using the geometric... more
This paper examines the evolution of business and consumer uncertainty amid the Coronavirus pandemic in 32 European countries and the European Union (EU). Since uncertainty is not directly observable, we approximate it using the geometric discrepancy indicator of Claveria et al. (2019). This approach allows us quantifying the proportion of disagreement in business and consumer expectations of 32 countries. We have used information from all monthly forward-looking questions contained in Joint Harmonised Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys conducted by the European Commission (EC): the industry survey, the service survey, the retail trade survey, the building survey and the consumer survey. First, we have calculated a discrepancy indicator for each of the 17 survey questions analysed, which allows us to approximate the proportion of uncertainty about different aspects of economic activity, both form the demand and the supply sides of the economy. We then use these indicators to calculate disagreement indices at the sector level. We graphic the evolution of the degree of uncertainty in the main economic sectors of the analysed economies up to June 2020. We observe marked differences, both across variables, sectors and countries since the inception of the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, by adding the sectoral indicators, an indicator of business uncertainty is calculated and compared with that of consumers. Again, we find substantial differences in the evolution of uncertainty between managers and consumers. This analysis seeks to offer a global overview of the degree of economic uncertainty in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis at the sectoral level.
On dokuzuncu yüzyıldan itibaren finansal gelişim ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Günümüzde, finansal gelişimin en önemli göstergelerinden birisini hisse senedi piyasaları oluşturmaktadır. Hisse senedi... more
On dokuzuncu yüzyıldan itibaren finansal gelişim ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Günümüzde, finansal gelişimin en önemli göstergelerinden birisini hisse senedi piyasaları oluşturmaktadır. Hisse senedi piyasaları, yatırımcılar, ekonomi politika yapıcılar ve araştırmacılar açısından makroekonomik yapıdaki genişleme, daralma ve şoklar gibi faktörlerin etkilerini kolay ve etkin bir şekilde görülmesi bakımından son derece kullanışlı araçlardır.Dolaysıyla hisse senedi getirileri ve makroekonomik yapı arasındaki ilişki yoğun bir araştırma konusudur. Hisse senedi getirilerinin ilişkili olduğu makroekonomik değişkenlerin başında reel aktivite gelmektedir. Bu araştırmada hisse senedi getirileri ve reel aktivite arasındaki ilişki teorik ve ampirik açıdan incelenmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Türkiye'nin 2007-06 ve 2019-06 dönemi Engle-Granger (1987), DOLS ve FMOLS tahminciler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda değişkenler arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi Toda-Yamamoto (1995) testi ile tahmin edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, Türkiye'de hisse senedi getirileri (finansal gelişim) ve reel aktivite (ekonomik büyüme) arasındaki ilişkide talep takipli görüş hipotezi geçerlidir. Buna göre, Türkiye'de ekonomik büyüme finansal gelişimin nedenidir. Toda-Yamamoto (1995), testi sonuçlarına göre ise değişkenler arasında çift yönlü nedensellik vardır. Abstract Since the nineteenth century, the relationship between financial development and economic growth has been debated. Today, stock markets constitute one of the most important indicators of financial development.Stock markets are very useful tools for investors, economic policy makers and researchers to easily and effectively see the effects of factors such as expansion, contraction and shocks in the macroeconomic structure.Therefore, the relationship between stock returns and macroeconomic structure is a subject of intense research. Real activity is one of the macroeconomic variables associated with stock returns.In this research, the relationship between stock returns and real activity has been studied in theoretical and empirical terms. For this purpose, the 2007-06 and 2019-06 periods of Turkey were analyzed using Engle-Granger (1987), DOLS and FMOLS estimators.At the same time, the causality relationship between variables was predicted by the Toda-Yamamoto (1995) Test.According to the results of the analysis, the demand-following hypothesis is valid in terms of the relationship between stock returns (financial development) and real activity (economic growth) in Turkey. Accordingly, economic growth in Turkey is the cause of financial development.According to Toda-Yamamoto (1995), there is bidirectional causality between variables.
This chapter examines the relationship among jus in bello, jus ad bellum and human rights law governing the extraction of natural resources in territories under belligerent occupation and its operational implications for the extractive... more
This chapter examines the relationship among jus in bello, jus ad bellum and human rights law governing the extraction of natural resources in territories under belligerent occupation and its operational implications for the extractive industry in both theory and practice.
The laws under jus in bello allow an occupant to seize movable public property in occupied territories for use in military operations and to use immovable public property in occupied territories as administrator and usufructuary. But when these laws are used to establish a licensing system to private businesses to extract natural resources, their boundary with the prohibition against pillage becomes blurred.
Under the strict separation between jus in bello and jus ad bellum, these laws under jus in bello apply regardless of the occupant’s liability under jus ad bellum. Yet some jurists have long questioned the permissibility for an occupant and its licensees to benefit economically from properties (including natural resources) in territories occupied in violation of jus ad bellum, when such permission serves no humanitarian purpose.
This chapter examines these debates through the lens of different branches of international law and argues that certain activities, even if deemed legal under jus in bello, have become prohibited under the growing jurisprudence on socio-economic rights and the right to self-determination and permanent sovereignty over natural resources.
Wykonywanie pracy zarobkowej przez osoby starsze jest zagadnieniem kontrowersyjnym. Wprowadzenie zabezpieczenia starości w formie rent i emerytur sprawiło, że w społeczeństwach nowoczesnych ukształtowała się jakościowo nowa kategoria... more
Wykonywanie pracy zarobkowej przez osoby starsze jest zagadnieniem kontrowersyjnym. Wprowadzenie zabezpieczenia starości w formie rent i emerytur sprawiło, że w społeczeństwach nowoczesnych ukształtowała się jakościowo nowa kategoria społeczna składająca się z osób w wieku poprodukcyjnym. Wzrost długości życia ludzkiego przy jednoczesnym braku zasadniczych zmian progów wieku emerytalnego sprawia, że ilość osób korzystających ze świadczeń rośnie. Zwiększające się koszty utrzymania seniorów prowadzą do szeregu przemian w strukturach społeczno-ekonomicznych oraz wymuszają podejmowanie działań, które pozwolą na wzrost ich uczestnictwa społecznego, w tym na wydłużanie ich aktywności zawodowej. Wydaje się, że zachodzące współcześnie procesy dematerializacji pracy łączone z kształtowaniem się gospodarki opartej na wiedzy oraz ruch uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku w znacznej mierze umożliwiają realizację tych celów. Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie wybranych wyników jakościowych analiz aktywności ekonomicznej ludzi starych w Białymstoku prowadzonych w kontekście badań nad kapitałem społecznym. Określone zostały podstawowe czynniki ograniczające możliwości wykonywania pracy przez ludzi starych, jak również ich ukryte zasoby i potencjalne miejsca pracy.
Work of elderly is a controversial problem. The introduction of protection of old age in form of pensions and retirement caused shaping in modern societies qualitatively new social category of persons in post-working age. Growth of human life-span with simultaneous lack of the principle changes of pensionable age inflicts grow in quantity of persons' using welfare benefits. Growing costs of seniors livelihood lead to transformations in socio-economical structures as well as forcing them to engage in activities that will help increase their social participation, including the lengthening of their professional activity. It seems that the nowadays processes of dematerialization of work combined with the shaping of knowledge-based economy and the movement of third-age universities largely enable the achievement of these objectives. Article aims to approximate the results of qualitative analysis of elderly economic activity in Bialystok conducted in the context of social capital research. Study describes main factors that restrict work opportunities for older people, as well as their hidden resources and potential workplaces.
Los estudios de violencia en Colombia se están convirtiendo en una referencia importante para la reflexión en torno a cuestiones relativas a la política de seguridad nacional de los años venideros. En este sentido, el objetivo del... more
Los estudios de violencia en Colombia se están convirtiendo en una referencia importante para la reflexión en torno a cuestiones relativas a la política de seguridad nacional de los años venideros. En este sentido, el objetivo del documento es mostrar de una forma casi formal, que los datos agregados revelan cómo la violencia homicida en Colombia es un resultado del ciclo económico. Los principales resultados muestran una fuerte correlación entre los homicidios y el ciclo económico colombiano, de aproximadamente-0, 77. El ...
Purpose of the researcher was to study and analyze the experience of the international community in counteracting administrative misconducts in the sphere of economic activity on the example of the implementation of such measures in... more
Purpose of the researcher was to study and analyze the experience of the international community in counteracting administrative misconducts in the sphere of economic activity on the example of the implementation of such measures in Germany and Poland. In the course of the study, the general scientific method of formal logic, the system-structural method, the method of rising from the abstract to the concrete, technical-legal, statistical and concrete sociological methods have been applied. In foreign countries, different approaches are used to regulate liability for economic crimes. In some countries, criminal sanctions are included in the positive administrative legislation (Poland), in others - in the criminal codes (Germany). The conducted study makes it possible to analyze international experience and choose the most effective model for national legislation. Research centers around developing the theoretical principles for the construction of administrative regulations on liability for economic crimes, including a system of interrelated provisions of international legislation.