Zero Waste Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Alors que le gaspillage alimentaire est estimé à plus de 20 Kg par habitant et par an en France, de plus en plus d'individus adoptent des pratiques « zéro gaspillage » ou « zéro déchet ». En 2016, l'Agence de l'environnement et de la... more

Alors que le gaspillage alimentaire est estimé à plus de 20 Kg par habitant et par an en France, de plus en plus d'individus adoptent des pratiques « zéro gaspillage » ou « zéro déchet ». En 2016, l'Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie a mené l'enquête « Bien vivre en zéro déchet » pour montrer qu'une consommation sans gaspillage est compatible avec un haut niveau de bien-être et de bonheur exprimés. À partir des observations et des entretiens menés auprès d'une sélection de foyers pour cette enquête, nous faisons apparaître comment les pratiques de réduction des déchets alimentaires et d'emballages-des achats en vrac à la fabrication de ses propres yaourts-s'inscrivent dans une recherche de bien-manger et de bien-vivre. Que les foyers entrent dans la démarche pour faire des économies, protéger leur santé ou l'environnement, ils y rencontrent souvent de la satisfaction liée à la nature des produits ou au fait de cuisiner soi-même ou en famille. Surtout, ils trouvent du sens dans leur engagement qu'ils associent à une forme de simplicité volontaire. Ces résultats interrogent le rôle de l'action publique dans la promotion de la sobriété dans l'alimentation.

The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of... more

The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of principles for its adoption. For this reason, it is important to identify and assess the differences and similarities among existing sets of CE principles, and how organizations and individuals understand and translate them into practice. In this paper, we firstly present a brief review and analysis of the coherence among six existing sets of principles. Our analysis finds that, despite the mixed degree of coherence, all sets describe the necessity to implement CE principles at all levels of a company. We then present the results of an in-depth qualitative survey that investigates how 19 key informants representing small, medium, and multinational companies based in China understand and carry out the CE principles laid out by the BSI standard BS 8001:201...

Il Rapporto Nazionale sul Riutilizzo 2021, realizzato dall'Osservatorio del Riutilizzo di Occhio del Riciclone Italia in collaborazione con Labelab e Rete ONU, offre uno stato dell'arte del comportamento, delle innovazioni normative e... more

Il Rapporto Nazionale sul Riutilizzo 2021, realizzato dall'Osservatorio del Riutilizzo di Occhio del Riciclone Italia in collaborazione con Labelab e Rete ONU, offre uno stato dell'arte del comportamento, delle innovazioni normative e delle questioni chiave del settore dell'usato e del riutilizzo in Italia.

This study analyses the municipal solid waste management system of 172 countries from all over the globe with a population of 3.37 billion. This study indicates that we generate around 1.47 billion tonnes (436 kg/cap/year) of municipal... more

This study analyses the municipal solid waste management system of 172 countries from all over the globe with a population of 3.37 billion. This study indicates that we generate around 1.47 billion tonnes (436 kg/cap/year) of municipal solid waste each year and waste generation is increasing over time. This study also found that there is a positive correlation (r ¼ 0.539, p < 0.05) between per capita income gross domestic product(GDP/capita/year) and per capita waste generation (kg/capita/year) and a similar correlation is also observed (r ¼ 0.653, p < 0.05) between per capita income (GDP/year) and per capita resource recovery (kg/year). The findings of this study show that globally, about 84% of the waste is collected and only 15% of the waste is recycled and most of the global waste was still managed by landfills. This study tries to measure the environmental benefits of global waste management systems by applying a tool called the Zero Waste Index (ZWI). The ZWI measures the waste management performance by accounting for the potential amount of virgin material that can be offset by recovering resources from waste. In addition, the ZWI tool also considers the energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) and water savings by offsetting virgin materials and recovering energy from waste. The ZWI of the world in this study is measured to be 0.12, which means that the current waste management system potentially offsets only 12% of the total virgin material substitution potential from waste. Annually, an average person saves around 219 kWh of energy, emits about 48 kg of GHG and saves around 38 l of water. The global municipal solid waste management systems potentially contributed around 201.5billionoraround201.5 billion or around 201.5billionoraround60 per person of economic benefits annually.

La regista Candida Brady ha voluto raccogliere la sfida di realizzare un film documentario che ha come argomento la spazzatura, intitolandolo "Trashed". Si tratta di una testimonianza lucida e analitica sui danni provocati al nostro... more

La regista Candida Brady ha voluto raccogliere la sfida di realizzare un film documentario che ha come argomento la spazzatura, intitolandolo "Trashed". Si tratta di una testimonianza lucida e analitica sui danni provocati al nostro pianeta dalla civiltà dei consumi, che insegue ciecamente la follia della crescita economica infinita in un pianeta dalle risorse limitate e in progressivo esaurimento.

The city of Kupang was assigned as the dirtiest city of number one by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia in the assessment of the Adipura award in 2018. This assessment was a further... more

The city of Kupang was assigned as the dirtiest city of number one by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia in the assessment of the Adipura award in 2018. This assessment was a further impact of the cleaning management program by the Mayor of Kupang for the period of 2012 to 2017, namely Jonas Salean, because can not to finish process garbage problems in Kupang City. Therefore, a research with literature study techniques was conducted to find the concept of garbage management strategies in the city of Kupang that can be offered to Kupang City leaders for the new period of 2017 to 2022 to resolve existing garbage problems. The results of this research indicate that the concept of garbage management strategy in Kupang City can be done with the concept of zero garbage from upstream to downstream, the concept of zero garbage as extracurricular education, the concept of green community, the concept of management conventional garbage, and t...

The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of... more

The concept of circular economy (CE) has recently gained momentum in the political, scientific, and economic debate, especially in China and Europe. As a result, organizations and scholars have started to establish different sets of principles for its adoption. For this reason, it is important to identify and assess the differences and similarities among existing sets of CE principles, and how organizations and individuals understand and translate them into practice. In this paper, we firstly present a brief review and analysis of the coherence among six existing sets of principles. Our analysis finds that, despite the mixed degree of coherence, all sets describe the necessity to implement CE principles at all levels of a company. We then present the results of an in-depth qualitative survey that investigates how 19 key informants representing small, medium, and multinational companies based in China understand and carry out the CE principles laid out by the BSI standard BS 8001:2017; how these principles can transform the culture and processes of these companies; and what are the opportunities and threats that such transformation can bring. Results describe a good awareness and knowledge of the CE principles and an optimistic outlook concerning their adoption. At the same time, numerous barriers and threats that the implementation of these principles might entail are presented. Overall, respondents confirm the complexity of implementing the principles of the CE in an integrated and consistent way in the management and strategies of Chinese companies and highlight the challenges that might arise during their implementation.

Sanayileşme, teknoloji ve hızlı moda kavramı ile birlikte artan tekstil üretim sürecinde ve tüketim sonrasında pek çok atık ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik kapsamında bu atıkların imha edilmesi ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılmaktadır.... more

Sanayileşme, teknoloji ve hızlı moda kavramı ile birlikte artan tekstil üretim sürecinde ve tüketim sonrasında pek çok atık ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik kapsamında bu atıkların imha edilmesi ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bazı çalışmalar; tüketici öncesinde yani üretimde oluşan atığın azaltılması yönündedir. Bir giysi oluşturmada günümüzde en fazla kullanılan teknik; dikiş ile kumaş parçalarının birleştirilmesidir. En büyük tekstil atığı da bu üretim bandında oluşmaktadır. Güncel pastal serim programlarında bile bu atık ortalama %15 civarındadır ve dünya tekstil endüstrisinde tekstil atıklarının sadece %15’i geri dönüştürülebilmekte, kalan %85’lik kısmı çöplüklere gönderilmektedir. Giysilerin sadece pastal aşamasında değil, parçaların birleştirilmesi esnasında, prototipte, dikiş sonrası giysinin temizlenerek tüketiciye sunulmaya hazır hale getirilmesinde pek çok lif, iplik ve kumaş parçası atık haline gelmektedir. Sürdürülebilirlik kapsamında ‘daha az hammadde atığı’ ile giysi üretmek mümkündür. Bu kapsamda çalışmada; daha az atık kavramına uygun şekilde tasarlanıp üretilen giysi örnekleri verilmiştir. Tüp dokuma tekniği, yuvarlak örme, keçeleştirme gibi teknikler ile kullanılan liflerin özelliklerine bağlı uygulanan bitim işlemleri ile giysilerde farklı formların daha az atık ile oluşturulabildiği görülmüştür. Bu üretim yöntemlerinin yaygınlaşması ile sürdürülebilir tasarım kavramının benimsenmesi hedeflenmektedir. / During the textile production that increased with the industrialization, technology, and concept of fast fashion and after the consumption plenty of wastes are emerging. Within the scope of sustainability, studies are carried out for the destruction of these wastes. Some studies aim at reducing waste in pre-consumer in other words in production stages. At the present time, the most commonly used technique in creating a garment is stitching. The largest textile waste is also come to exist in this production line. This waste is an average of 15% in current garment spreading programmes and only 15% of textile waste can recycle in the world textile industry, 85% sent to the dumps. Many fibers, yarns, and fabric pieces are becoming waste not only during the garment spreading process but also during the assembly of parts, in the prototype, after sewing of garments in making them ready to be presented the consumer. It is possible to produce garments with ‘less raw material waste’. In this study, the garment samples that designed and produced in accordance with the concept of less waste have given. It has been seen that different forms in the garments can be formed with less waste by using different techniques such as tubular weaving, circular knitting, and felting. With the expansion of these production methods, it is aimed to adopt sustainable design concept.

Today, due to wasteful usage of the fabric within conventional pattern cutting, clothing manufacturing processes have created a cut-and-sew waste problem. As approximately half of the whole garment cost consists of fabric, this leads to... more

Today, due to wasteful usage of the fabric within conventional pattern cutting, clothing manufacturing processes have created a cut-and-sew waste problem. As approximately half of the whole garment cost consists of fabric, this leads to both an unsustainable and uneconomical development of fashion. Therefore, in the fashion production process, fabric is the most valuable material. Besides unintended economic consequences of the waste problem, pre-consumption waste has serious environmental impacts. This study aims to minimize the cut-and-sew waste problem, focusing on the problem's environmental perspective. Hence, the cut-and-sew waste problem, which occurs at the marker planning stage, is investigated to supply more ecological and economical production by increasing the fabric efficiency and decreasing the cost of fabric. In accordance with the aim of the research, the case study aims to minimize the cut-and-sew waste, focusing on the fabric factor, by comparing various marker plans of a dress. Thus, the variances of the marker plan were designed and compared at the marker planning stage through a case study of a summer dress. The various factors regarding fabric are designs, such as asymmetric fabric, symmetric fabric, non-woven fabric and the fabric width 90 cm, 120 cm, and 140 cm. In these marker plans, the cut-and-sew waste rate is compared to find which width and fabric factor will provide the minimum cut-and-sew waste. Regarding this, the fashion industry requires a new perspective that eliminates fabric waste to solve uncontrollable fabric waste problems. Therefore, it is believed that this study will bridge the gap between academic studies and the fashion industry trying to reduce cut and sew waste.

Waste rubber tyre is one of the most abundant environmental hazards all over the world. Because of the increase in auto mobile production, there is a requirement of proper disposal of huge amount of used rubber tyres. Due to the fact that... more

Waste rubber tyre is one of the most abundant environmental hazards all over the world. Because of the increase in auto mobile production, there is a requirement of proper disposal of huge amount of used rubber tyres. Due to the fact that the presented sites for waste dumping are quickly diminishing, many countries have already banned the protection of waste-tyre rubber in disposal areas. Hence, efforts are being made to determine the future use of waste-tyre rubber in construction technology. Scrap rubber is assumed to be a possible material for use in concrete technology. It is considered as an alternative to the natural aggregates, used as filler in concrete mixture. Owing to lower strength, the rubberized concrete is recommended for non-load bearing structures and structural members. Rubber aggregates in concrete are mechanically cut to the mandatory sizes. It was effortful and was difficult to handle at the initial stages. However, all these difficulties can be easily figured out if suitable technology and machinery are available for this specific usage.

A comparative analysis of the structural behaviour of prestressed concrete sleepers made with high performance concrete (HPC) and high performance recycled aggregate concrete (HPRAC) is presented in this study. Two types of HPRAC sleepers... more

A comparative analysis of the structural behaviour of prestressed concrete sleepers made with high performance concrete (HPC) and high performance recycled aggregate concrete (HPRAC) is presented in this study. Two types of HPRAC sleepers were tested, using 50 and 100% of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in replacement of coarse natural aggregates. The RCA employed in this research was sourced from crushing rejected HPC sleepers. The aim of this study was to determine through analysis if the HPRAC sleepers’ behaviour fulfilled the European minimum requirements standards for prestressed concrete sleepers and compare their experimental behaviour with that of the HPC sleepers. The three types of prestressed concrete sleepers were subjected to static load tests at rail-seat and centre section (positive and negative load). In the centre section tests a comparative study between the experimental results and the proposed values of four assessment methods of ultimate capacity was carried out. Dynamic load and fatigue tests were also performed at the rail-seat section. The HPRACs and HPC sleepers met all the structural requirements for prestressed concrete sleepers. The experimental results determined the satisfactory performance of the HPRAC-50 and the HPRAC-100, which was very similar to that of the HPC sleepers. The load–strain behaviour recorded via the use of strain gauges on the prestressing bars revealed slightly higher stiffness of the HPC sleepers. The values obtained from the four assessment methods of ultimate capacity were also accurate when applied to HPRAC.

The practice of zero-waste fashion design, which aims to eradicate fabric waste on garment production, emerges as a solution for the massive textile waste generation in pattern cutting and for the programmed obsolescence imbued on clothes... more

The practice of zero-waste fashion design, which aims to eradicate fabric waste on garment production, emerges as a solution for the massive textile waste generation in pattern cutting and for the programmed obsolescence imbued on clothes at the manufactures’ creation stage. By scientifical bibliography that wreathes zero waste fashion design, apparel industry, sustainability in fashion, together with use of narrative complementary references, this monograph aims a creation of a zero-waste method garment collection project rested on both theoretical, reflexive and analytic study, elucidated at the essay’s initial moments, and a concise market research. The theoretical study is balanced by industrial process analogies, which grounds the intended fabrication viability of the collection project’s products to conventional clothing manufactory, in order to insert the zero-waste design method into the industrial scenario.

Kami dari Yayasan “Sahabat Kertas” tergerak untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam penanganan permasalahan sampah terutama dalam tujuan INDONESIA BEBAS SAMPAH 2020 dan terciptanya Lingkungan ( Go Green ) , semoga dengan terbentuknya Yayasan... more

Kami dari Yayasan “Sahabat Kertas” tergerak untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam penanganan permasalahan sampah terutama dalam tujuan INDONESIA BEBAS SAMPAH 2020 dan terciptanya Lingkungan ( Go Green ) , semoga dengan terbentuknya Yayasan ini dapat sedikit membantu permasalahan sampah perkotaan, khususnya mengubah Perilaku Sikap Membuang Sampah individu masyarakat dalam hal memilah dan mengolah sampah.
Dan juga Nilai tambah dari hasil Pemilahan sampah yang Melalui Proses 3R
( Reduce, Reuse, dan Recycle) akan kami salurkan kepada Fakir miskin dan Duafa terutama dalam hal BANTUAN BIAYA PENDIDIKAN

Ahmedabad generates more than 4000 MT of municipal solid waste (MSW) daily. More than 90% of this waste ends up in open dumping site within the municipal limit. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) signed an MoU with United Nations... more

Ahmedabad generates more than 4000 MT of municipal solid waste (MSW) daily. More than 90% of this waste ends up in open dumping site within the municipal limit. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) signed an MoU with United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) to make Ahmedabad a 'Zero Waste City' by the year 2031. This report presents a roadmap for AMC towards becoming zero waste city. The project team tracked each type of waste by source (residential, commercial, street sweeping waste, construction & demolition waste, slaughterhouse waste, animal carcass and e-waste) from its generation point to its disposal or processing. The team conducted empirical analysis of municipal waste collection, transportation, processing and treatment data maintained by AMC. The recommendations are based on the analysis and field tracking. Key recommendations include adopting a phased approach towards sound material cycle (SMC) society and creating a minimised-bin city. Other recommendations include segregation of waste at source, mainstreaming informal waste pickers in waste business, engaging self-help groups/ CBOs for door-step collection in slums, staggering timings of collection for commercial establishments based on their operational timings, strict enforcement of public health bye-laws and setting-up e-waste collection centres in the city. This report also presents a block-cost estimate and phase-wise implementation plan.

Η διόγκωση των αστικών κέντρων που ξεκίνησε τον προηγούμενο αιώνα επέφερε και την ανάγκη διαχείρισης του τεράστιου όγκου απορριμμάτων που παράγονται από τους πολίτες. Δεν είναι, ωστόσο, μόνο η πολυπληθυσμικότητα που έφερε αυτό το πρόβλημα... more

Η διόγκωση των αστικών κέντρων που ξεκίνησε τον προηγούμενο αιώνα επέφερε και την ανάγκη διαχείρισης του τεράστιου όγκου απορριμμάτων που παράγονται από τους πολίτες. Δεν είναι, ωστόσο, μόνο η πολυπληθυσμικότητα που έφερε αυτό το πρόβλημα στην επιφάνεια αλλά και ο τρόπος ζωής μας που παράγει όλο και περισσότερα απορρίμματα, σίγουρα περισσότερα από ότι είναι απαραίτητα. Πολλές μεγάλες πόλεις έχουν λάβει αυστηρά μέτρα για τον περιορισμό του προβλήματος και σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση βοηθούν και ανεξάρτητοι φορείς. Η πορεία προς μια Zero Waste κοινωνία σίγουρα δεν είναι εύκολη, εντούτοις γίνεται όλο και πιο επιτακτική.
Ποια η θέση των εταιριών σε αυτή την προσπάθεια και τι ρόλο μπορεί να διαδραματίσει η αρχιτεκτονική με πρακτικές επανάχρησης;
Λέξεις κλειδιά: παραγωγή αποβλήτων, διαχείριση αποβλήτων, ανακύκλωση, επανάχρηση, zero waste, βιωσιμότητα, επανάχρηση στην οικοδομή

Adelaide is one of the high-consuming cities of the world that has developed and implemented a zero waste strategy to achieve optimum resource recovery from waste. Many similar cities are adopting a zero waste strategy with a key goal of... more

Adelaide is one of the high-consuming cities of the world that has developed and implemented a zero waste strategy to achieve optimum resource recovery from waste. Many similar cities are adopting a zero waste strategy with a key goal of 100% diversion rate of waste from landfill. This study argues that achieving a 100% diversion rate will be inadequate and does not reflect the core concept of the zero waste philosophy. In a previous study, the Zero Waste Index (ZWI) was presented as an alternative waste management performance assessment tool for zero waste management systems. The ZWI is a new indicator to measure and compare virgin material replacement by urban zero waste management systems. In addition, the ZWI quantifies energy, material and water conservation through recycling efforts rather than simply measuring waste diverted from landfills. In the current study, waste management performance in Adelaide during the years 2003–2010 is analysed using the proposed Zero Waste Index tool and thereby Adelaide's performance in waste management in 2015 and 2020 is predicted. The study indicates that waste composting is increasing significantly in Adelaide and by 2015 the amount of waste composted should be higher than that going to landfill. For this reason, the biological waste treatment infrastructure, particularly in waste composting facilities, should be stimulated in Adelaide. In addition, the study identifies that despite the zero waste strategy being in place, overall waste management performance in Adelaide may not reach the targeted zero waste goals, particularly in optimum resource recovery from waste. The projected results indicate that by 2020, if similar waste diversion rates continue, Adelaide should have reached a diversion rate of over 82% of municipal solid waste from landfill and the Zero Waste Index would then be 0.45 (around 45% material substitution from its current ZWI = 0.41 with a 72% diversion rate). The study also involved an online survey on the views of local waste experts in metropolitan Adelaide. By combining the waste performance and survey findings, the study identifies the most important priority areas for future waste management strategies in Adelaide.

The aim of this research was to determine the effect of time and temperature activation on bagasse activated charcoal quality and the chemical structure of bagasse activated charcoal. The study was designed in a completely random design... more

The aim of this research was to determine the effect of time and temperature activation on bagasse activated charcoal quality and the chemical structure of bagasse activated charcoal. The study was designed in a completely random design with 3 x 3 factorial, each treatment was 5 times repeated. Bagasse was carbonized in an electrical retort at 400oC for 3.5 hours, then activated at 800oC, 900oC and 1000oC for 30, 60 and 90 minutes at each temperature. The quality of bagasse activated charcoal showed that the yield was 72.565 ~ 91.7845%, 5.9 ~ 9.58% moisture content, 39.7 ~ 52.7% volatile matter, 18.4 ~ 25.3% ash content, 26.3 ~ 36.7% fixed carbon, 8.44 ~ 13.4% benzena adsorption, 1036.182 ~ 1474.329 (mg/g) iodium adsorption, 121.913 ~ 124.801 (mg/g) methylene blue adsorption. The surface area of bagasse activated charcoal was 250.45 m2/gr. The FTIR analysis indicated that surface of bagasse activated charcoal contained bonding of C-X, S═O, C-N, N-H and C═C. The SEM analysis showed that there were wide pore diameter and plenty of pores. The application of bagasse activated charcoal at two villages reduced the color, turbidity and iron contents until to 65%, 30% manganese contents while hardness of water and pH didn’t change.

This article takes the idea of a critical approach to sustainable fashion and applies it to the practices of clothing designers and seamstresses in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki, Finland. These practices are described by the... more

This article takes the idea of a critical approach to sustainable fashion and applies it to the practices of clothing designers and seamstresses in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki, Finland. These practices are described by the umbrella term " sustainable fashion. " The main questions are how do clothing designers and seamstresses practice sustainable fashion, what challenges do they face, and how do they interpret these challenges. The article offers an empirical definition of " sustainable fashion, " discusses innovative practices of sustainable fashion design in an urban context, considers the tensions within this production concept, and examines ways in which designers address and resolve such tensions. The article contributes to the discussion of a critical approach to fashion, sustainability, and entrepreneurialism in contemporary urban culture.

Günümüzde sanayileşme ve teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte tekstil sektöründe hammaddenin hızlı tüketilmesi ve seri üretim sonucunda fazla atık ortaya çıkmış ve atığın yok edilmesi ekosistem için giderek büyüyen bir tehdit haline... more

Günümüzde sanayileşme ve teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte tekstil sektöründe hammaddenin hızlı tüketilmesi ve seri üretim sonucunda fazla atık ortaya çıkmış ve atığın yok edilmesi ekosistem için giderek büyüyen bir tehdit haline gelmiştir. Ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal perspektifteki Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Modeli’nde tekstil atıkları ekolojik açıdan tüketici öncesi ve sonrası olmak üzere incelenmektedir. Özellikle hızlı moda kavramı ile birlikte, tekstillerin kullanım ömrünü tamamlamadan ‘atık’ olarak nitelendirilmesi sonucu ekonomik ve çevresel bir tahrip söz konusu olmuştur. Tüketici öncesi üretimde; geri dönüştürülemeyen hammadde kullanımları, zararlı kimyasal kullanımları, tüketici sonrasında ise geri dönüşümün yetersiz kalması gibi pek çok sebep buna örnek olarak gösterilebilir. Bu nedenler ile Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Modeli doğrultusunda, 6R prensibi ile tekstil sektöründe de atığın azaltılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; üretim sürecinde, tüketim süreci ve tüketim sonrasında ortaya çıkan tekstil atıklarının azaltılması, dönüştürülmesi, yok edilmesi konusunda benimsenmesi gereken yaklaşımlar ve gerçekleştirilen çalışmalardan bahsedilmiştir. Tasarımcının ve üreticinin sürdürülebilir bir ürün ortaya koymasında ve ekonomik olarak sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamasında günümüz sorunlarının üzerinde düşünmesi ve uygulaması neredeyse zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu doğrultuda sadece tasarımcı ve üreticinin değil tüketicinin de çevreci yaklaşımları benimsemesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada; ekolojik bir yaklaşımın sonucu olarak geliştirilen ve ürün tasarımında benimsenen ve gittikçe de yenileri eklenen altı kavram/prensibin (reduce, recycle, reuse, rethink, repair, refuse, replace, recover, reject, rot, upcycle) tekstil tasarımında uygulanabilirliği araştırılmış ve bu doğrultuda gelecek nesiller için bir farkındalık oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir. / Nowadays, excess waste has emerged with industrialization and technological development as a result of the rapid consumption of raw materials and mass production in the textile sector. The destruction of these wastes has become a growing threat to the ecosystem. Textile wastes are examined ecologically as pre-consumer and postconsumer in the Sustainable Development Model in economic, environmental and social perspectives. In particular, with the concept of fast fashion, textiles are considered to be ‘waste’ before completing their lifespan, resulting in economic and environmental destruction. Non-recyclable usage of raw materials, usage of harmful chemicals before the consumer in other words in production, and insufficient recycling after consumer are some examples of this destruction. For these reasons, 6R principles aim to reduce waste also in the textile sector in line with the Sustainable Development Model. In this study, the approaches which are adopted and the studies carried out about reducing, recycling and refusing of textile wastes that emerged the production process, consumption process are mentioned. It has become almost imperative to thinking and practicing problems of today to provide a sustainable product and ensure its economic sustainability by designers and manufacturers. In this respect, not only the designers' and the manufacturers' but also the consumers' adoption for environmentalist approaches are significant. In this study, the application of six principles which is added to new ones in time (reduce, recycle, reuse, rethink, repair, refuse, replace, recover, reject, rot, upcycle) developed as a result of an ecological approach and adopted in product design was investigated in textile design and, in this direction, aimed to create awareness for future generations.

The movement toward " zero waste " and circular economy has recently gained traction as an alternative to the dominant " take-make-waste " model of production and as a viable approach for addressing climate change. Business plays a key... more

The movement toward " zero waste " and circular economy has recently gained traction as an alternative to the dominant " take-make-waste " model of production and as a viable approach for addressing climate change. Business plays a key role in this transition and a growing number of companies are establishing waste reduction goals, such as " zero waste to landfill " as part of their sustainability commitments. This study however, suggests that companies' efforts presently are inadequate to support such a transition; companies lack effective sustainability indicators to measure progress, identify opportunities, and engage employees. While the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines provide standardized indicators for measuring waste reduction through different methods, most of these measure outputs versus the impacts of source reduction, reuse and remanufacturing. Based on benchmarking data from eight biotech and pharmaceutical companies' waste reduction performance and in-depth analysis of waste management at Biogen, the study finds that: a) companies rely primarily on recycling and waste-to-energy practices to reduce waste and defer to " zero-waste-to landfill " goals rather than focusing on environmentally preferable methods like source reduction and reuse; b) in lieu of standardized reporting, companies report inconsistent waste data that often lack effective indicators for measuring and promoting source reduction and reuse; c) employee awareness and engagement for advancing " zero waste " and circular economic business practices is undeveloped. The study proposes a model for " Expanded Zero Waste " practice, which includes additional indicators for measuring outcomes and impacts of circular business strategies, where employee engagement is seen as a critical strategy for identifying and implementing innovative sustainability approaches and initiatives.

Zero waste is a visionary concept for confronting waste problems in our society. The idea is being developed and implemented in various sectors including waste management and treatment, mining, manufacturing, and urban development. The... more

Zero waste is a visionary concept for confronting waste problems in our society. The idea is being developed and implemented in various sectors including waste management and treatment, mining, manufacturing, and urban development. The zero waste concept has been embraced by policymakers because it stimulates sustainable production and consumption, optimum recycling and resource recovery. Professionals in waste management systems, however, perceive and apply it in different ways. This study aims to conceptualize zero waste development based on a critical review of available academic journal publications. Very few studies have been found in the domains of zero waste design, assessment and evaluation that have examined production, and sustainable consumption. This study reveals that the scope of the zero waste studies is diverse, and a zero waste concept is constantly developing through various programmes, plans, policies and strategies. The findings of this review study suggest that the zero waste programmes are applied in many countries without any holistic zero waste strategy. The study emphasizes that countries might be able to achieve zero waste goals by developing a national zero waste strategy and by integrating and promoting zero waste initiatives (in communities and industry) through waste management policy. This article presents a critical review of the major studies conducted by researchers on zero waste in the last decades. Based on the review findings the study concludes that zero waste concept has been applied widely in different phases of production and waste management systems. The findings of the study assist to identify priority areas of zero waste strategy and to develop national zero waste guidelines. Thus, this study can be useful to policy and decision makers in developing the evidence-based zero waste guidelines.

Sistem bank sampah merupakan sistem yang sederhana, masyarakat membantu memisahkan sampah sehari-hari mereka lalu dikirimkan ke bank sampah. Secara tidak langsung masyarakat sudah menerapkan pola hidup zero waste dengan prinsip 3-R yaitu... more

Sistem bank sampah merupakan sistem yang sederhana, masyarakat membantu memisahkan sampah sehari-hari mereka lalu dikirimkan ke bank sampah. Secara tidak langsung masyarakat sudah menerapkan pola hidup zero waste dengan prinsip 3-R yaitu reduce, reuse, recyle. Bank sampah juga mengalami berbagai kendala dalam pelaksanaannya seperti kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam memilah sampah, kurangnya pengrajin untuk mengolah sampah serta dari sisi operasional kurangnya sarana transportasi.

The intensification of consumer demand for healthy diet has opened multiple resources for food processing industries. Vegetable industries are coming up with innovative products as vegetables are common choice of major portion of world... more

The intensification of consumer demand for healthy diet has opened multiple resources for
food processing industries. Vegetable industries are coming up with innovative products as vegetables
are common choice of major portion of world population. During vegetable processing, unused residues
and effluents come out as waste. Due to high moisture content of these biological wastes, there is rapid
decomposition resulting in foul odour and dispersal of pathogens. Many strategies were approached
towards the zero waste concept and aimed for waste minimization to its reusability. Process designing on
zero waste concept has given a new turn to industries to meet the need of the consumers with no longer
waste generation. Zero waste approach has integrated the waste of one operation to be the resource/raw
material for another. Application of fermentation techniques to waste reusability have been an ecofriendly
and economically feasible process for bioconversion of the waste to valuable products

Pressing global environmental problems can be solved only by facing the social problems within society and vice versa. These crises can be approached from different perspectives. In 2016, an estimated 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal... more

Pressing global environmental problems can be solved only by facing the social problems within society and vice versa. These crises can be approached from different perspectives. In 2016, an estimated 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste were generated and this number is increasing fast. The problem of where and how to dispose of this material is an environmental issue that requires a solution. This issue is prevalent in cities, which are the main site of production and consumption, as well as rapid urbanisation. Often urbanism refers to something that deals with buildings, roads, and other design elements. However, urbanism is much more, and, as theorised long ago, explores the intersection of the physical structures, the social organization, and the attitudes and ideas that are found in cities.
This article considers the zero waste tradition, looking in particular to zero waste cities, and putting it in dialogue with critical traditions, in particular urban political ecology.
Zero Waste Urbanism is introduced as a both a fresh perspective and a call for action, not only to design better cities but to change society and rework political systems. By making its key questions those that interrogate power, zero waste urbanism radicalizes the zero waste approach, developing new ways of exploring reality while proposing a reconstructive vision to create sustainable urban futures.
In doing so, this work aims to reach both zero waste practitioners, interdisciplinary researchers, and academic activists.

The Dumping Chute in Darjeeling has been burning off and on for at least the past 10 years. The implications of the chute burning, where our unsegregated waste is dumped is that the air we breathe in Darjeeling is toxic. This is instant... more

The Dumping Chute in Darjeeling has been burning off and on for at least the past 10 years. The implications of the chute burning, where our unsegregated waste is dumped is that the air we breathe in Darjeeling is toxic. This is instant karma of Kaliyug for the year long dumping of our waste downhill contaminating water and soil of people living downstream. There is need to relook at how we imagine waste in Darjeeling and create a road map of sustainability where no waste reaches the Dumping Chute.

النفايات بمنظور معمارى كطريق نحو جودة الحياه الملخص: نتيجة للتطورات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي حدثت خلال السنوات الماضية ،ظهرت أنماط معيشية جديدة ،مع زيادة متطلبات الإنسان وتنويعها، مما أدى إلى زيادة كمية النفايات المتولدة وتنوعها وأصبحت... more

النفايات بمنظور معمارى كطريق نحو جودة الحياه
نتيجة للتطورات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي حدثت خلال السنوات الماضية ،ظهرت أنماط معيشية جديدة ،مع زيادة متطلبات الإنسان وتنويعها، مما أدى إلى زيادة كمية النفايات المتولدة وتنوعها وأصبحت الحاجة مُلحة لاتباع الأساليب العلمية في إدارة هذه النفايات سواء كان في طريقة جمعها أو حفظها أو في النقل والتخلص منها بطرق سليمة. يتناول البحث دراسة امكانية التعامل مع النفايات من منظور معمارى فى رفع مؤشرات جودة الحياه .ويُناقش البحث هذا الموضوع من خلال محورين ، يتعرض المحور الاول للخلفية النظرية لجودة الحياه ومؤشراتها وعلاقتها بكل من العمارة والنفايات ، بينما يتناول المحور الثاني تطبيقات التعامل مع النفايات فى العمارة، وفى التصميم المعمارى من حيث اتجاهاته كالبيئية والمستدامة والذكية ، ومن حيث تدرج مستوياته من تصميم فراغات داخلية الى تخطيط المدن.
الكلمات المفتاحية : النفايات ،جودة الحياه ، مجالات ، مؤشرات ،العمارة

Looking at the Zero Waste policy at UCLA and how it can be achieved and improved on.

Este estudo investiga a (in)(ex)clusão das catadoras de materiais recicláveis, vulneráveis descartáveis à luz da (in)sustentabilidade humana em uma sociedade que caminha para o mecanismo lixo zero. O objetivo é discutir até que ponto essa... more

Este estudo investiga a (in)(ex)clusão das catadoras de materiais recicláveis, vulneráveis descartáveis à luz da (in)sustentabilidade humana em uma sociedade que caminha para o mecanismo lixo zero. O objetivo é discutir até que ponto essa inovação (aparentemente) mais sustentável é ética e eficiente também do ponto de vista da inclusão social e não apenas um processo de automação da indústria do lixo para descartar vulneráveis. A proposta analisa a teórica metamorfose e emancipação social (in)sustentável das catadoras diante da visão de (pseudo) evolução da categoria para além da sobrevivência em uma sociedade lixo zero. Para tanto, a metodologia foi pautada na revisão de literatura nacional e estrangeira, e seus respectivos casos concretos sociais e históricos, no aporte teórico da teoria do reconhecimento – para promover uma leitura crítica do êthos coletivo como recurso para legitimar a violência e o embate histórico entre os interesses coletivos e os interesses dos indivíduos –, na Teoria Crítica do valor – e/ou dissociação do valor - e fetichismo). O estudo pretende trazer como resultado analítico que para moldar uma sociedade lixo zero efetivamente sustentável são necessárias políticas públicas e sociais de efetiva inclusão das pessoas que hoje são tão invisíveis e descartáveis quanto o lixo.

Plastic is slowly covering the earth, accumulating in oceans, soil, air, and human and non-human bodies. In the face of this catastrophe, zero waste activists call upon us for action, detailing, how we, too, can change our lifestyle to... more

Plastic is slowly covering the earth, accumulating in oceans, soil, air, and human and non-human bodies. In the face of this catastrophe, zero waste activists call upon us for action, detailing, how we, too, can change our lifestyle to eliminate plastic waste and save the planet. Yet, who it is that is called upon, who speaks, and whose voices and lived realities might be ignored? In this contribution, we explore the social politics of the zero waste movement. This leads us to ponder: might popular environmental movements that relegate social justice to the back seat ultimately do more harm than good?

The art of Kantanagar Temple in Bangladesh ancient history is the most powerful combination of architecture & sculptures which were created from 1704 to 1752 A.D. [1]. The doors, windows, pillars, ceilings, and walls were adorned with... more

The art of Kantanagar Temple in Bangladesh ancient history is the most powerful combination of architecture & sculptures which were created from 1704 to 1752 A.D. [1]. The doors, windows, pillars, ceilings, and walls were adorned with the terracotta design. Kantanagar Temple is a unique example of the temple architecture in the sub-continent because of the finer details of reprieves. It was originally constructed under Maharaja Prannath & his adopted son Ramnath renowned Jamindars of Dinajpur, Bangladesh [2]. In this research, we try to find out our cultural significance through technology which will help us promote our cultural heritage & its history. I make an overview of the state-of-the-art by Illustrator Graphics Suite CS6 in the modification process of selected motifs and in the color experiences, clothing design, and simulation. Through a wide range of drawing tools & special effects that have been developed. This paper investigates a new direction in the design through using Terracotta plaques which represent Geometric motifs, mythological scenes from the Ramayana & the Mahabharata, social scenes & favorite’s pastime & the author created a fashion collection inspired from the design which can be used to ready -to-wear market.

Modern food, energy, and water (FEW) systems are the product of technologies, techniques, and policies developed to address the needs of a given sector (e.g., energy or agriculture). Wastes from each sector are typically managed... more

Modern food, energy, and water (FEW) systems are
the product of technologies, techniques, and policies developed
to address the needs of a given sector (e.g., energy or
agriculture). Wastes from each sector are typically managed
separately, and the production systems underlying FEW have
traditionally treated pollution and waste as externalities simply
diffused into the ambient environment. Integrative management
that optimizes resource use presents opportunities for
improving the efficiency of FEW systems. This paper explains
how FEW systems can be optimized to (1) repurpose or cycle
waste products, (2) internalize traditional externalities, and (3)
integrate wastes with resource inputs across systems by diverting
waste by-products from one system to meet demands of
another. It identifies the means for Bclosing the loop^ in production
systems. Examples include management of legacy
wastes from fossil fuel industries (coal and natural gas) and
integrative designs for advanced renewable systems (biogas
from waste, bioenergy from CAM plants, and solar). It concludes
with a discussion of how studying the governance of
such systems can assist in tackling interconnected problems
present in FEW systems. New governance arrangements are
needed to develop solutions that can align with regulatory
frameworks, economics incentive, and policies. Four aspects
of governances (property rights, policy design, financing, and
scale) emerge as tools to facilitate improved institutional design
that stimulates integrative management, technology innovation
and deployment, and community development. The
conclusion offers a framework through which integrative
management of FEW systems can be linked to value chains
in closed-loop systems.

This work presents a literature review related to the concept of Eco-Industrial Parks that leads us to generate a proposal for a local-municipal sustainable development. A group of textile enterprises, where we can see a non-directed... more

This work presents a literature review related to the concept of Eco-Industrial Parks that leads us to generate a proposal for a local-municipal sustainable development. A group of textile enterprises, where we can see a non-directed industrial symbiosis is described in order to realize, via a SWOT analysis, the scope and delimitations of an applied research project that looks forward to obtain economical-social and ecological, endogenous and exogenous impacts, based on the philosophy of zero waste on the flow of energy, water, materials and by-products.

Microbial C1 gas conversion technologies have developed into a potentially promising technology for converting waste gases (CO2, CO) into chemicals, fuels, and other materials. However, the mass transfer constraint of these poorly soluble... more

Microbial C1 gas conversion technologies have developed into a potentially promising technology for converting waste gases (CO2, CO) into chemicals, fuels, and other materials. However, the mass transfer constraint of these poorly soluble substrates to microorganisms is an important challenge to maximize the efficiencies of the processes. These technologies have attracted significant scientific interest in recent years, and many reactor designs have been explored. Syngas fermentation and hydrogenotrophic methanation use molecular hydrogen as an electron donor. Furthermore, the sequestration of CO2 and the generation of valuable chemicals through the application of a biocathode in bioelectrochemical cells have been evaluated for their great potential to contribute to sustainability. Through a process termed microbial chain elongation, the product portfolio from C1 gas conversion may be expanded further by carefully driving microorganisms to perform acetogenesis, solventogenesis, and reverse β-oxidation. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the various kinds of bioreactors that are employed in these microbial C1 conversion processes.

The exposure of rural communities to illegal waste dumping practices associated with the lack of or poor waste collection schemes prior to the closure of rural dumpsites under EU regulations and the role of collection efficiency afterward... more

The exposure of rural communities to illegal waste dumping practices associated with the lack of or poor waste collection schemes prior to the closure of rural dumpsites under EU regulations and the role of collection efficiency afterward in reducing this critical environmental threat constitutes a key issue in rural Romania. The present study reveals huge amounts of household uncollected waste released into the natural environment outside the official statistics of rural dumpsites. Despite the expansion of waste collection coverage towards rural areas since 2010, the problem of illegal dumping practice is difficult to solve. The improvement of collection efficiency, better law enforcement, and surveillance of environmental authorities coupled with educational and environmental awareness are necessary steps to combat this bad practice. A circular economy paradigm must be enacted in rural regions through separate collection schemes and to improve cost-efficient alternatives, such as home composting, and traditional and creative reuse practices, particularly in less developed regions.

The 21st century is the time of a deepened ethical awareness of ecology. Among the topics that have been gaining more and more recognition are the ethical issues connected with restoration ecology, sustainability, the importance of... more

The 21st century is the time of a deepened ethical awareness of ecology. Among the topics that have been gaining more and more recognition are the ethical issues connected with restoration ecology, sustainability, the importance of insects (bees, for example) for the environment, the environmental impact of the fashion industry or of the meat and dairy industries. A notable example of a relatively new ethico-ecological topic is the ethics of space: according to some ethicists, we can no longer think that ecology is restricted to the condition of our planet alone. Apart from gaining recognition within the academic discourse, some of these topics are becoming increasingly popular on the level of everyday functioning and lifestyle choices. Such lifestyle choices may be connected with what one eats, with the way one travels during holidays or commutes on a daily basis, with buying local goods instead of those transported internationally, with reducing the amount of waste one produces (the zero-waste lifestyle), or with buying clothes that have been manufactured without causing environmental damage. In fact, we are faced with a multitude of new everyday practices motivated by the ethical concern for the environment, and these practices in themselves are worthy of research.