Amur Oblast, Russia (original) (raw)


Formula: Ag2S


Pioneer mine, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Pokrovka deposit, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: ◻Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2


Formula: PbCuBiS3


Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)


Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Tokur Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Khargin Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Afanas'ev Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia

Albite var. Andesine

Formula: (Na,Ca)[Al(Si,Al)Si2O8]


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

Albite var. Oligoclase

Formula: (Na,Ca)[Al(Si,Al)Si2O8]


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: PbBi2Te2S2


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: (CaCe)(AlAlFe2+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)

'Allanite Group'

Formula: (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)


Formula: Fe2+3Al2(SiO4)3


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Cu3Zn


Formula: PbTe


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Al, SiOx (etc)

'Amphibole Supergroup'

Formula: A B2C5((Si,Al,Ti)8O22)(OH,F,Cl,O)2


Formula: TiO2


Formula: Al2(SiO4)O


Formula: PbSO4


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2


Formula: Ca(Al2Si2O8)

Anorthite var. Bytownite

Formula: (Ca,Na)[Al(Al,Si)Si2O8]


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

Anorthite var. Labradorite

Formula: (Ca,Na)[Al(Al,Si)Si2O8]


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Sb


Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)


Bol'shoy Seyim, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ulunga placers, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: FeAsS

Localities: Reported from at least 9 localities in this region.


Formula: ZrO2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: BaSO4


Formula: [Ag6(Sb,As)2S6Te][Ag9Cu(S,Te)2Te2]


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2


Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Kirovskoe (Dzhalindinskoe) deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Bi


Formula: Bi2S3


Formula: (BiO)2CO3


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Cu5FeS4


Kun-Manie Nickel Copper sulphide deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Pokrovka deposit, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Pb5Sb4S11


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: PbCuSbS3


Volkov, A.V., Egorov, V.N., Prokof’ev, V.Y., Sidorov, A.A., Goryachev, N.A., and Biryukov, A.V. (2008): Geology of Ore Deposits 50(4), 275-298.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: Pb5Bi4S11 (?)


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: AuTe2


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

'Calcic plagioclase'


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: CaCO3

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.


Formula: K2(UO2)2(VO4)2 · 3H2O


Formula: SnO2


Formula: SrSO4


Formula: PbCO3


Formula: (Ce,Nd,La)(Fe3+,Fe2+,Ti,Al)3O2(Si2O7)(As3+O3)(OH)


Formula: CuSO4 · 5H2O


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Cu2S


Formula: CuFeS2

Localities: Reported from at least 13 localities in this region.


Formula: C


Formula: AgCl

Chlorargyrite var. Bromian Chlorargyrite

Formula: Ag(Cl,Br)

'Chlorite Group'

Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.


Formula: Fe2+Cr3+2O4


Formula: HgS


Ulunga placers, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Pokrovka deposit, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Yasny Creek, Amur Oblast, Russia
Sergeevsky creek placers, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: (Pb,Sr)(U4+,U6+)(Fe2+,Zn)2(Ti,Fe2+,Fe3+)18(O,OH)38


Formula: Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

Clinochlore var. Talc-chlorite


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

'Clinopyroxene Subgroup'


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Cu


Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Pokrovka deposit, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Al2O3


Formula: Pb2Bi2S5


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Fe2+V3+2O4


Formula: CuS


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: CuFe2S3


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: Cu9S5


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: CaMgSi2O6


Formula: CaMg(CO3)2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Pb2As2S5


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: Cu3AsS4


Formula: Mg2Si2O6


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

Enstatite var. Bronzite

Formula: (Mg,Fe2+)2[SiO3]2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)


Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia

'Feldspar Group'


Lenskoye Mo-U deposit (Novoye), Amur Oblast, Russia
Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Zolotaya Gora Au deposit, Dambuki ore cluster, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Ca5(PO4)3F


Formula: CaF2

'Freibergite Subgroup'

Formula: (Ag6,[Ag6]4+)(Cu4 C2+2)Sb4S12S0-1


Formula: ZnAl2O4


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: PbS

Localities: Reported from at least 12 localities in this region.

'Garnet Group'

Formula: X3Z2(SiO4)3


Formula: Pb14Sb6S23


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: NiAsS


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: (Co0.50Fe0.50)AsS


Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


Formula: Au

Localities: Reported from at least 20 localities in this region.


Formula: C


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O


Formula: Ni3S2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Fe2O3

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.

Hematite var. Martite

Formula: Fe2O3


Seltmann, R., Soloviev, S., Shatov, V., Pirajno, F., Naumov, E., Cherkasov, S. (2010) Metallogeny of Siberia: tectonic, geologic and metallogenic settings of selected significant deposits. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57 (6). 655-706 doi:10.1080/08120099.2010.505277


Formula: (Rh,Pt,Pd)AsS


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057

'Hornblende Root Name Group'

Formula: ◻Ca2(Z2+4Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2


Formula: 3Fe2O3 · 4H2O


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: (Mg,Fe)SiO3


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Bi4S3


Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Vakh, A. S., Fedoseev, D. G., & Semenyak, B. I. (2013). Mineral composition of gold-bearing veins and typomorphic features of their minerals in the Kirovskoe deposit (Upper Amur region). Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 7(6), 403.


Formula: Fe2+TiO3


Kun-Manie Nickel Copper sulphide deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Bol'shoy Seyim, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: AgI


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: (Ir,Ru,Rh,Pt)AsS


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: Fe

Iron var. Kamacite

Formula: (Fe,Ni)


Krot, A.N., Zaslavskay, N.I., Petaev, M.I., Kononkova, N.N., Kolesov, G.M., and Barsukova, L.D. (1992) The Sychevka IIIAB iron meteorite - A new find from Russia. Meteoritics, 27, 4, 465-466.

'Iron-Platinum alloy'

Formula: (Pt,Fe)


Mel’nikov, A. V., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Yusupov, D. V. (2012, January). New data on platinum-metal mineralization of mafic-ultramafic massifs in the Dambuki ore district (Far East, Russia). In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 442, No. 1, pp. 13-16). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


Formula: Pb4FeSb6S14


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: KFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)6


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: CuxPb2+x(Sb,Bi)2-xS5 (x ~ 0.15)


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Pb14As6S23


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4

'K Feldspar'

'K Feldspar var. Adularia'

Formula: KAlSi3O8


Formula: Pd(Te,Bi)2-x (x ≈ 0.4)


Formula: Al2(SiO4)O


Formula: Pb




Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4

Localities: Reported from at least 13 localities in this region.

Magnetite var. Titanium-bearing Magnetite

Formula: Fe2+(Fe3+,Ti)2O4


Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: FeS2


Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Pokrovka deposit, Magdagachi district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Tokur Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Kun-Manie Nickel Copper sulphide deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: AgBiS2


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.



Formula: NiTe2


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: Pb13CuSb7S24


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: PdTe2


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: (◻,Pb,Ce,Na)(U4+,Mn,U6+)Fe3+2 (Ti,Fe3+)18O38


Formula: PdBiTe


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: NiS


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: MoS2

Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.

'Monazite Group'

Formula: REE(PO4)


Formula: Pt(Te,Bi)2


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057


Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.

Muscovite var. Sericite

Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.


Formula: NiAs


Guryanov, V. A., Petukhova, L. L., Abrazhevich, A. V., Chubarov, V. M., Tikhomirova, A. I. (2022) The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 16 (6) 525-543 doi:10.1134/s1819714022060057

'Olivine Group'

Formula: M2SiO4


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: K(AlSi3O8)

'Orthopyroxene Subgroup'


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: (Os,Ir,Ru)

Osmium var. Iridosmine

Formula: (Os,Ir)


Formula: (Pd,Pt)


Formula: NaCa2(Mg4Al)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: VS4


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: (NixFey)Σ9S8

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.


Formula: Ag3AuTe2


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2]O8


Formula: Pt

Platinum var. Polyxene

Formula: (Pt,Fe,Cu,Ni,Pd,Rh)


Mel’nikov, A. V., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Yusupov, D. V. (2012, January). New data on platinum-metal mineralization of mafic-ultramafic massifs in the Dambuki ore district (Far East, Russia). In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 442, No. 1, pp. 13-16). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

'Platinum-Group Elements'


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878



Krot, A.N., Zaslavskay, N.I., Petaev, M.I., Kononkova, N.N., Kolesov, G.M., and Barsukova, L.D. (1992) The Sychevka IIIAB iron meteorite - A new find from Russia. Meteoritics, 27, 4, 465-466.


Formula: [Ag6Sb2S7][Ag9CuS4]


Formula: Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Ag3AsS3


Formula: Ag3SbS3


Formula: FeS2

Localities: Reported from at least 18 localities in this region.

Pyrite var. Bravoite

Formula: (Fe,Ni)S2

'Pyroxene Group'

Formula: ADSi2O6


Formula: Fe1-xS

Localities: Reported from at least 10 localities in this region.


Formula: SiO2

Localities: Reported from at least 18 localities in this region.


Formula: TiO2


Erkovetsky lignite deposit, Amur Oblast, Russia
Dzhigda U ore occurrence, Dambuki ore cluster, Amur Oblast, Russia
Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia
Tokur Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Ca(WO4)

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.


Formula: (Fe,Ni)3P


Krot, A.N., Zaslavskay, N.I., Petaev, M.I., Kononkova, N.N., Kolesov, G.M., and Barsukova, L.D. (1992) The Sychevka IIIAB iron meteorite - A new find from Russia. Meteoritics, 27, 4, 465-466.


Formula: Fe3+AsO4 · 2H2O


Volkov, A.V., Egorov, V.N., Prokof’ev, V.Y., Sidorov, A.A., Goryachev, N.A., and Biryukov, A.V. (2008): Geology of Ore Deposits 50(4), 275-298.


Formula: PbCuAsS3


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)

'Serpentine Subgroup'

Formula: D3[Si2O5](OH)4


Formula: FeCO3


Formula: Al2(SiO4)O


Formula: Ag

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.

Silver var. Küstelite

Formula: Ag


Formula: ZnCO3


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: PtAs2


Formula: Mn2+3Al2(SiO4)3


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: ZnS

Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.


Formula: MgAl2O4


Formula: Cu2FeSnS4


Vakh, A. S., Moiseenko, V. G., Stepanov, V. A., & Avchenko, O. V. (2009, March). The Berezitovy gold-base metal deposit. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 253-255). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.

Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Fe2+2Al9Si4O23(OH)


Formula: Sb2S3


Formula: S8


Formula: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2


Formula: Bi2Te3


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

'Tennantite Subgroup'

Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)As4S12S

'Tennantite-Tetrahedrite Series'


Ildeus intrusion, Tyndinsky district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Borgulikan ore field, Amur Oblast, Russia
Tokur Au deposit, Verkhnyaya Selemdzha gold district, Amur Oblast, Russia
Berezitovy mine (Berezitovoe; Konstantinovskii), Urusha-Oldoi ore district, Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Bi2Te2S


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

'Tetrahedrite Subgroup'

Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)Sb4S12S


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.

Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)


Formula: CaTi(SiO4)O

Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.

Titanite var. Grothite


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Karabtsov, A. A., & Stepanov, V. A. (2009, October). The first find of grothite in gold ore deposits. In Doklady Earth Sciences (Vol. 428, No. 1, pp. 1083-1087). MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


Formula: A D3G6 (T6O18)(BO3)3X3Z


Formula: ◻Ca2Mg5(Si8O22)(OH)2


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Ni2+Fe3+2O4


Formula: FeS


Krot, A.N., Zaslavskay, N.I., Petaev, M.I., Kononkova, N.N., Kolesov, G.M., and Barsukova, L.D. (1992) The Sychevka IIIAB iron meteorite - A new find from Russia. Meteoritics, 27, 4, 465-466.


Formula: Ag9SbTe3S3


Vakh, A. S., Khomich, V. G., Boriskina, N. G., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.


Formula: Pb28As15S50Cl


Vakh, A. S., Avchenko, O. V., Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Karabtsov, A. A., & Vakh, E. A. (2019). Minerals of the Pb–As–Sb–S and Cu–Pb–As–Sb–S Systems in Ores of the Berezitovoe Gold-Polymetallic Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia. Geology of Ore Deposits, 61(3), 256-273. (in Russian)

Tugarinovite (TL)

Formula: MoO2

Type Locality:


Kruglova, V.G., Poteryaikina, A.A., Sidorenko, G.A., Dubakina, L.S., Ryabeva, E.G. (1980) Tugarinovite, (MoO2), a new hypogene molybdenum mineral. Zapiski Vserossiyskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 109: 465-468.


Formula: W


Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878


Formula: Ca(UO2)2(VO4)2 · 5-8H2O


Formula: NiSbS


Gvozdev, V. I., Goryachev, N. A., Vakh, A. S., Fedoseev, D. G., & Semenyak, B. I. (2013). Mineral composition of gold-bearing veins and typomorphic features of their minerals in the Kirovskoe deposit (Upper Amur region). Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 7(6), 403.


Formula: UO2


Dzhigda U ore occurrence, Dambuki ore cluster, Amur Oblast, Russia
Strelka U ore occurrence, Dambuki ore cluster, Amur Oblast, Russia
Dzheltulinskoe U ore occurrence, Dambuki ore cluster, Amur Oblast, Russia
Lenskoye Mo-U deposit (Novoye), Amur Oblast, Russia


Formula: Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O


Formula: Fe2+Ni3+2S4

'Wolframite Group'



Kepezhinskas, Pavel, Berdnikov, Nikolai, Kepezhinskas, Nikita, Krutikova, Valeria, Astapov, Ivan (2023) Magmatic–Hydrothermal Transport of Metals at Arc Plutonic Roots: Insights from the Ildeus Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Stanovoy Suture Zone (Russian Far East) Minerals, 13 (7) 878 doi:10.3390/min13070878

'Zeolite Group'


Formula: ZnO


Formula: Zr(SiO4)

Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.