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Cui Yan (163 - 216), Jigui (季珪), va ser un vassall que va servir al senyor de la guerra Yuan Shao durant la tardana Dinastia Han Oriental. Cui no va assolir molta fama a causa dels seus fracassos al desenvolupar les seves diverses propostes. Després de la derrota de Yuan Shao, Cui Yan va servir a Cao Cao i es va convertir en un oficial d'. Cui va ser detingut i assassinat a la presó després que ell es va oposar a la decisió de Cao Cao d'entronització personal. (ca) Cui Yan (165–216), courtesy name Jigui, was a Chinese politician serving under the warlord Cao Cao during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. In his early life, he served briefly in the local district office before leaving home to study under the tutelage of the Confucian scholar Zheng Xuan. In the late 190s, Cui Yan became a subordinate of the northern warlord Yuan Shao but did not make any significant achievements under the latter, who ignored his suggestions. Following Yuan Shao's death in 202, Cui Yan was imprisoned when he refused to help either of Yuan's sons—Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan—in their struggle over their father's territories. After he was freed, Cui Yan came to serve under Cao Cao, the de facto head of the Han central government. Throughout his years of service under Cao Cao, Cui Yan performed his duties faithfully and diligently, maintaining law and order within his bureau and recommending talents to join the civil service. In 216, in an incident widely regarded as a case of grievous injustice, Cui Yan was accused of defaming Cao Cao in a letter and ended up being stripped of his post, thrown into prison and subsequently forced to commit suicide. (en) 최염(崔琰, 163년? ~ 216년)은 중국 후한 말기의 관료로, 자는 계규(季珪)이며 청하국 동무성현(東武城縣) 사람이다. 공명정대하고 성실한 인물이었다. (ko) 崔 琰(さい えん、延熹6年(163年) - 建安21年(216年)8月)は、中国後漢末期の武将・政治家。字は季珪。冀州清河郡東武城県(現在の河北省衡水市故城県)の人。『三国志』に伝がある。父は崔密、兄に崔覇 、従弟は崔林。兄の孫は(安定太守)。曾孫は崔毖。兄の娘は曹植の妃。 (ja) 崔琰(163年-216年),字季珪,清河郡东武城县(今河北省衡水市故城县)人,司空崔林堂兄,原屬袁紹,後屬曹操。 (zh) |
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Cui Yan (163 - 216), Jigui (季珪), va ser un vassall que va servir al senyor de la guerra Yuan Shao durant la tardana Dinastia Han Oriental. Cui no va assolir molta fama a causa dels seus fracassos al desenvolupar les seves diverses propostes. Després de la derrota de Yuan Shao, Cui Yan va servir a Cao Cao i es va convertir en un oficial d'. Cui va ser detingut i assassinat a la presó després que ell es va oposar a la decisió de Cao Cao d'entronització personal. (ca) 최염(崔琰, 163년? ~ 216년)은 중국 후한 말기의 관료로, 자는 계규(季珪)이며 청하국 동무성현(東武城縣) 사람이다. 공명정대하고 성실한 인물이었다. (ko) 崔 琰(さい えん、延熹6年(163年) - 建安21年(216年)8月)は、中国後漢末期の武将・政治家。字は季珪。冀州清河郡東武城県(現在の河北省衡水市故城県)の人。『三国志』に伝がある。父は崔密、兄に崔覇 、従弟は崔林。兄の孫は(安定太守)。曾孫は崔毖。兄の娘は曹植の妃。 (ja) 崔琰(163年-216年),字季珪,清河郡东武城县(今河北省衡水市故城县)人,司空崔林堂兄,原屬袁紹,後屬曹操。 (zh) Cui Yan (165–216), courtesy name Jigui, was a Chinese politician serving under the warlord Cao Cao during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. In his early life, he served briefly in the local district office before leaving home to study under the tutelage of the Confucian scholar Zheng Xuan. In the late 190s, Cui Yan became a subordinate of the northern warlord Yuan Shao but did not make any significant achievements under the latter, who ignored his suggestions. Following Yuan Shao's death in 202, Cui Yan was imprisoned when he refused to help either of Yuan's sons—Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan—in their struggle over their father's territories. After he was freed, Cui Yan came to serve under Cao Cao, the de facto head of the Han central government. Throughout his years of service under Cao Ca (en) |