Instrument approach (original) (raw)
- Un procediment d'aproximació instrumental o aproximació per instruments, és una sèrie de determinades maniobres que realitzen aeronaus que operen sota regles de vol instrumental per a la transició ordenada des de l'inici de l'aproximació a un aeroport fins a l'aterratge, o fins a un punt en el que es pot procedir amb aterratge visual. Aquest concepte també es coneixia anteriorment com aproximació sense visibilitat o aproximació a cegues, encara que aquests termes han caigut en desús. Dins de les aproximacions instrumentals hi han dos tipus de diferències: les de precisió i les de no precisió. Les aproximacions instrumentals de precisió es guien mitjançant informació tant lateral (transmesa pel localizador) com vertical (transmesa per la senda de planatge). Les aproximacions de no precisió en canvi tan sols ofereixen informació lateral sobre el curs que segueix l'aeronau. (ca)
- Unter Entscheidungshöhe versteht man in der Luftfahrt die Höhe über der Schwelle der jeweiligen Landebahn, bei der die Cockpitbesatzung eines anfliegenden Luftfahrzeugs spätestens entscheidet, ob der Landeanflug fortgesetzt und mit einer Landung beendet oder ob der Anflug abgebrochen und durchgestartet wird. Die Entscheidungshöhe für einen Anflug wird durch die für den Anflug und die anfliegende Luftfahrzeug-Kategorie veröffentlichte Mindesthöhe, in der noch Freiheit von Hindernissen besteht (Obstacle clearance height, auch OCH, bzw. Obstacle clearance altitude, auch OCA), sowie einen vom Luftfahrzeughalter festzulegenden Sicherheitsaufschlag bestimmt. (de)
- In aviation, an instrument approach or instrument approach procedure (IAP) is a series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an aircraft operating under instrument flight rules from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. These approaches are approved in the European Union by EASA and the respective country authorities and in the United States by the FAA or the United States Department of Defense for the military. The ICAO defines an instrument approach as, "a series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specific protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or enroute obstacle clearance criteria apply." There are three categories of instrument approach procedures: precision approach (PA), approach with vertical guidance (APV), and non-precision approach (NPA). A precision approach uses a navigation system that provides course and glidepath guidance. Examples include precision approach radar (PAR), instrument landing system (ILS), and GBAS landing system (GLS). An approach with vertical guidance also uses a navigation system for course and glidepath deviation, just not to the same standards as a PA. Examples include baro-VNAV, localizer type directional aid (LDA) with glidepath, LNAV/VNAV and LPV. A non-precision approach uses a navigation system for course deviation but does not provide glidepath information. These approaches include VOR, NDB, LP (Localizer Performance), and LNAV. PAs and APVs are flown to a decision height/altitude (DH/DA), while non-precision approaches are flown to a minimum descent altitude (MDA). IAP charts are aeronautical charts that portray the aeronautical data that is required to execute an instrument approach to an airport. Besides depicting topographic features, hazards and obstructions, they depict the procedures and airport diagram. Each procedure chart uses a specific type of electronic navigation system such as an NDB, TACAN, VOR, ILS/MLS and RNAV. The chart name reflects the primary navigational aid (NAVAID), if there is more than one straight-in procedure or if it is just a circling-only procedure. A communication strip on the chart lists frequencies in the order they are used. Minimum, maximum and mandatory altitudes are depicted in addition to the minimum safe altitude (MSA) for emergencies. A cross depicts the final approach fix (FAF) altitude on NPAs while a lightning bolt does the same for PAs. NPAs depict the MDA while a PA shows both the decision altitude (DA) and decision height (DH). Finally, the chart depicts the missed approach procedures in plan and profile view, besides listing the steps in sequence. Before satellite navigation (GNSS) was available for civilian aviation, the requirement for large land-based navigation aid (NAVAID) facilities generally limited the use of instrument approaches to land-based (i.e. asphalt, gravel, turf, ice) runways (and those on aircraft carriers). GNSS technology allows, at least theoretically, to create instrument approaches to any point on the Earth's surface (whether on land or water); consequently, there are nowadays examples of water aerodromes (such as Rangeley Lake Seaplane Base in Maine, United States) that have GNSS-based approaches. (en)
- Un procedimiento de aproximación instrumental o aproximación por instrumentos, es una serie de determinadas maniobras que realizan aeronaves que operan bajo reglas de vuelo instrumental para la transición ordenada desde el inicio de la aproximación a un aeropuerto hasta el aterrizaje, o hasta un punto en el que se puede proceder con aterrizaje visual. Este concepto también se le conocía anteriormente como aproximación sin visibilidad o aproximación a ciegas, aunque estos términos han caído en desuso. Dentro de las aproximaciones instrumentales se diferencian dos tipos: las de precisión y las de no precisión. Las aproximaciones instrumentales de precisión se guían mediante información tanto lateral (transmitida por el localizador) y vertical (transmitida por la senda de planeo). Las aproximaciones de no precisión en cambio tan solo ofrecen información lateral sobre el curso que sigue la aeronave. (es)
- La procédure d'approche d'un avion définit les trajectoires et altitudes à respecter avant l'atterrissage.Elle peut s'effectuer à vue ou aux instruments. Le pilote est tenu de respecter les procédures publiées dans des cartes d'approche par les autorités du pays. (fr)
- La procedura di avvicinamento strumentale (in lingua inglese instrument approach procedure abbreviato in IAP) consiste in una serie di manovre predeterminate effettuate da un pilota seguendo le regole del volo strumentale per condurre l'aeromobile all'atterraggio. (it)
- 결심고도(決心高度, 영어: Decision altitude (DA) / Decision height (DH))는 항공기가 공항의 지상 활주로에 접근하는 도중에 육안으로 주변의 시각 참조물을 식별하지 못해서 착륙복행을 시작해야 하는 특정한 고도를 가리킨다. 정밀접근레이더(PAR), 계기착륙장치(ILS)와 같은 정밀계기접근에서 사용되는 방식이다. 공항의 활주로운영등급(CAT)에 따라 결심고도가 결정되는데 등급이 높을수록 결심고도가 낮아진다. 공항의 정밀 접근 항행 장비가 우수할수록 결심고도는 낮아지고 항공기가 지상 활주로에 최대한 접근할 가능성이 높아지게 된다. (ko)
- Aproximação por instrumentos ou em termos mais técnicos procedimento de aproximação por instrumentos do inglês "instrument approach procedure" (IAP), no contexto de aeronaves operando sob Regras de voo por instrumentos (IFR), é a designação de um conjunto de manobras predeterminadas para transferir de forma ordenada uma aeronave voando sob IMC da fase inicial de uma aproximação até o pouso, ou um ponto do qual o pouso possa ser feito manualmente. O conceito ficou também conhecido como pouso às cegas ou aproximação às cegas quando foi introduzido, porém estes termos não são mais comuns entre os aeronautas. (pt)
- Захід на посадку за приладами — захід на посадку з використанням радіонавігаційного обладнання.Найбільш поширеною в авіації радіонавігаційною системою заходу на посадку за приладами є курсо-глісадна, яка в залежності від діапазону частот поділяється на мікрохвильову систему посадки та РТ-систему метрового діапазону. (uk)
- dbr:Satellite_navigation
- dbr:Non-directional_beacon
- dbr:Reno–Tahoe_International_Airport
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_Defense
- dbr:VHF_omnidirectional_range
- dbr:VNAV
- dbr:Dead_reckoning
- dbr:Initial_approach_fix
- dbr:Instrument_landing_system_localizer
- dbr:Oil_platform
- dbr:Above_ground_level
- dbr:SBAS
- dbr:Radar_control
- dbr:Global_Positioning_System
- dbc:Types_of_final_approach_(aviation)
- dbr:Holding_(aviation)
- dbr:Tactical_air_navigation
- dbr:Maine
- dbr:Horizontal_situation_indicator
- dbr:Precision_approach_radar
- dbr:Precision_runway_monitor
- dbr:Transponder_landing_system
- dbr:Marker_beacon
- dbr:Trigonometry
- dbr:Wide_Area_Augmentation_System
- dbr:Distance_measuring_equipment
- dbr:Height
- dbr:Localizer_performance_with_vertical_guidance
- dbr:Localizer_type_directional_aid
- dbr:Air_traffic_control
- dbr:Aircraft_carrier
- dbr:Airport_surveillance_radar
- dbr:Altitude
- dbr:FAA
- dbr:Federal_Aviation_Administration
- dbr:Direction_finding
- dbr:Flight_management_system
- dbr:Receiver_autonomous_integrity_monitoring
- dbr:Required_navigation_performance
- dbc:Air_traffic_control
- dbc:Aircraft_instruments
- dbc:Aviation_publications
- dbr:Aeronautical_chart
- dbr:LNAV
- dbr:TACAN
- dbr:Teardrop_turn
- dbr:Wake_turbulence
- dbr:Missed_approach
- dbr:ICAO
- dbr:IFR
- dbr:Instrument_flight_rules
- dbr:Instrument_landing_system
- dbr:Instrument_meteorological_conditions
- dbr:Knot_(unit)
- dbr:Mile
- dbr:Nautical_mile
- dbr:Navigational_aid
- dbr:Rangeley_Lake_Seaplane_Base
- dbr:Microwave_landing_system
- dbr:Missed_approach_point
- dbr:Simplified_directional_facility
- dbr:Surveillance_radar_approach
- dbr:Joint_Precision_Approach_and_Landing_System
- dbr:Local_Area_Augmentation_System
- dbr:European_Geostationary_Navigation_Overlay_Service
- dbr:Localizer
- dbr:EASA
- dbr:Automatic_Direction_Finder
- dbr:Base_leg
- dbr:Critical_area
- dbr:Ground_Controlled_Approach
- dbr:Navigation_aid
- dbr:RNAV
- dbr:Radar_reflector
- dbr:Glidepath
- dbr:File:Ali-Al-Salem-AB-ARA-30R.png
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- Unter Entscheidungshöhe versteht man in der Luftfahrt die Höhe über der Schwelle der jeweiligen Landebahn, bei der die Cockpitbesatzung eines anfliegenden Luftfahrzeugs spätestens entscheidet, ob der Landeanflug fortgesetzt und mit einer Landung beendet oder ob der Anflug abgebrochen und durchgestartet wird. Die Entscheidungshöhe für einen Anflug wird durch die für den Anflug und die anfliegende Luftfahrzeug-Kategorie veröffentlichte Mindesthöhe, in der noch Freiheit von Hindernissen besteht (Obstacle clearance height, auch OCH, bzw. Obstacle clearance altitude, auch OCA), sowie einen vom Luftfahrzeughalter festzulegenden Sicherheitsaufschlag bestimmt. (de)
- La procédure d'approche d'un avion définit les trajectoires et altitudes à respecter avant l'atterrissage.Elle peut s'effectuer à vue ou aux instruments. Le pilote est tenu de respecter les procédures publiées dans des cartes d'approche par les autorités du pays. (fr)
- La procedura di avvicinamento strumentale (in lingua inglese instrument approach procedure abbreviato in IAP) consiste in una serie di manovre predeterminate effettuate da un pilota seguendo le regole del volo strumentale per condurre l'aeromobile all'atterraggio. (it)
- 결심고도(決心高度, 영어: Decision altitude (DA) / Decision height (DH))는 항공기가 공항의 지상 활주로에 접근하는 도중에 육안으로 주변의 시각 참조물을 식별하지 못해서 착륙복행을 시작해야 하는 특정한 고도를 가리킨다. 정밀접근레이더(PAR), 계기착륙장치(ILS)와 같은 정밀계기접근에서 사용되는 방식이다. 공항의 활주로운영등급(CAT)에 따라 결심고도가 결정되는데 등급이 높을수록 결심고도가 낮아진다. 공항의 정밀 접근 항행 장비가 우수할수록 결심고도는 낮아지고 항공기가 지상 활주로에 최대한 접근할 가능성이 높아지게 된다. (ko)
- Aproximação por instrumentos ou em termos mais técnicos procedimento de aproximação por instrumentos do inglês "instrument approach procedure" (IAP), no contexto de aeronaves operando sob Regras de voo por instrumentos (IFR), é a designação de um conjunto de manobras predeterminadas para transferir de forma ordenada uma aeronave voando sob IMC da fase inicial de uma aproximação até o pouso, ou um ponto do qual o pouso possa ser feito manualmente. O conceito ficou também conhecido como pouso às cegas ou aproximação às cegas quando foi introduzido, porém estes termos não são mais comuns entre os aeronautas. (pt)
- Захід на посадку за приладами — захід на посадку з використанням радіонавігаційного обладнання.Найбільш поширеною в авіації радіонавігаційною системою заходу на посадку за приладами є курсо-глісадна, яка в залежності від діапазону частот поділяється на мікрохвильову систему посадки та РТ-систему метрового діапазону. (uk)
- Un procediment d'aproximació instrumental o aproximació per instruments, és una sèrie de determinades maniobres que realitzen aeronaus que operen sota regles de vol instrumental per a la transició ordenada des de l'inici de l'aproximació a un aeroport fins a l'aterratge, o fins a un punt en el que es pot procedir amb aterratge visual. Aquest concepte també es coneixia anteriorment com aproximació sense visibilitat o aproximació a cegues, encara que aquests termes han caigut en desús. (ca)
- In aviation, an instrument approach or instrument approach procedure (IAP) is a series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an aircraft operating under instrument flight rules from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. These approaches are approved in the European Union by EASA and the respective country authorities and in the United States by the FAA or the United States Department of Defense for the military. The ICAO defines an instrument approach as, "a series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specific protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be com (en)
- Un procedimiento de aproximación instrumental o aproximación por instrumentos, es una serie de determinadas maniobras que realizan aeronaves que operan bajo reglas de vuelo instrumental para la transición ordenada desde el inicio de la aproximación a un aeropuerto hasta el aterrizaje, o hasta un punto en el que se puede proceder con aterrizaje visual. Este concepto también se le conocía anteriormente como aproximación sin visibilidad o aproximación a ciegas, aunque estos términos han caído en desuso. (es)
- freebase:Instrument approach
- wikidata:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-af:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-ca:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-de:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-es:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-fr:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-it:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-ko:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-no:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-pt:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-tr:Instrument approach
- dbpedia-uk:Instrument approach
- yago-res:Instrument approach
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Campbeltown_Airport
- dbr:Canadian_Pacific_Air_Lines_Flight_402
- dbr:Canouan_Airport
- dbr:American_Airlines_Flight_1572
- dbr:Provincetown_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Qikiqtarjuaq
- dbr:Qikiqtarjuaq_Airport
- dbr:Robertson_Field_(Connecticut)
- dbr:Romeo_State_Airport
- dbr:San_Martin_Airport
- dbr:Sault_Ste._Marie_Airport
- dbr:Scandinavian_Airlines_System_Flight_933
- dbr:Enhanced_flight_vision_system
- dbr:List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_airliners_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_aviation,_avionics,_aerospace_and_aeronautical_abbreviations
- dbr:List_of_fatal_accidents_and_incidents_...mercial_aircraft_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_fatalities_from_aviation_accidents
- dbr:List_of_firsts_in_aviation
- dbr:Minimum_obstacle_clearance_altitude
- dbr:Non-directional_beacon
- dbr:Non-precision_approach
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Beams
- dbr:Blind_Landing
- dbr:Boeing_247
- dbr:Boeing_737
- dbr:Delta_Air_Lines_Flight_723
- dbr:Approach_plate
- dbr:Hutchinson_County_Airport
- dbr:List_of_Mayday_episodes
- dbr:List_of_airports_in_the_Ottawa_area
- dbr:List_of_airports_in_the_San_Francisco_Bay_Area
- dbr:List_of_aviation_accidents_and_incidents_involving_CFIT
- dbr:DZ203
- dbr:United_Air_Lines_Flight_553
- dbr:United_Air_Lines_Flight_736
- dbr:Decision_height
- dbr:Indiana_County–Jimmy_Stewart_Airport
- dbr:Initial_approach_fix
- dbr:Instrument_landing_system_localizer
- dbr:Instrument_rating_in_the_United_States
- dbr:L-3_SmartDeck
- dbr:Monarch_Airlines
- dbr:1984_Biman_Bangladesh_Airlines_Fokker_F27_crash
- dbr:1985_Teterboro_collision
- dbr:1986_Mozambican_Tupolev_Tu-134_crash
- dbr:Continental_Airlines_Flight_1883
- dbr:Copenhagen_Airport
- dbr:Courchevel_Altiport
- dbr:Cranfield_Airport
- dbr:Meigs_Field
- dbr:Gee_(navigation)
- dbr:General_aviation_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Low-frequency_radio_range
- dbr:Next_Generation_Air_Transportation_System
- dbr:Tactical_air_navigation_system
- dbr:Radio_beacon
- dbr:Elliot_See
- dbr:Embraer_Legacy_450/500_and_Praetor_500/600
- dbr:Gambell_Airport
- dbr:Garmin
- dbr:Gdańsk_Lech_Wałęsa_Airport
- dbr:General_Wayne_A._Downing_Peoria_International_Airport
- dbr:Gibraltar_International_Airport
- dbr:Golden_Bay_Air
- dbr:Mohawk_Airlines_Flight_411
- dbr:Moore_County_Airport_(Texas)
- dbr:Contact_approach
- dbr:1962_LOT_Vickers_Viscount_Warsaw_crash
- dbr:1966_NASA_T-38_crash
- dbr:1974_in_aviation
- dbr:Lenawee_County_Airport
- dbr:Linjeflyg_Flight_267V
- dbr:Livermore_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Lošinj_Airport
- dbr:Lugano_Airport
- dbr:Short_Stirling
- dbr:Standard_terminal_arrival_route
- dbr:Sterile_flight_deck_rule
- dbr:ČSA_Flight_001
- dbr:Horizontal_situation_indicator
- dbr:Visual_approach
- dbr:PANS-OPS
- dbr:Precision_approach_radar
- dbr:Precision_runway_monitor
- dbr:1996_Croatia_USAF_CT-43_crash
- dbr:1996_New_Hampshire_Learjet_crash
- dbr:2001_Avjet_Gulfstream_III_crash
- dbr:2004_Hendrick_Motorsports_aircraft_crash
- dbr:2005_Loganair_Islander_accident
- dbr:Austral_Líneas_Aéreas_Flight_046
- dbr:Austral_Líneas_Aéreas_Flight_205
- dbr:Avianca_Flight_011
- dbr:BCPA_Flight_304
- dbr:Burlington_Municipal_Airport_(Wisconsin)
- dbr:Burnet_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Buttonville_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Centennial_Airport
- dbr:Central_Illinois_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Tikehau_Airport
- dbr:TransAsia_Airways_Flight_222
- dbr:Turkish_Airlines_Flight_634
- dbr:USAir_Flight_405
- dbr:Werner_Streib
- dbr:West_30th_Street_Heliport
- dbr:West_Kootenay_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Western_Airlines_Flight_2605
- dbr:Wide_Area_Augmentation_System
- dbr:Hawker_Siddeley_Trident
- dbr:Landing
- dbr:Lateral_navigation
- dbr:Localizer_performance_with_vertical_guidance
- dbr:Localizer_type_directional_aid
- dbr:London_Area_Control_Centre
- dbr:76th_Airlift_Squadron
- dbr:Air_Canada_Flight_759
- dbr:Air_Inter_Flight_148
- dbr:Airbus_A220
- dbr:Alaska_Airlines_Flight_1866
- dbr:Alice_Springs_Airport
- dbr:Allegheny_Airlines_Flight_485
- dbr:Allendorf_Airport
- dbr:American_Airlines_Flight_723
- dbr:Danbury_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Downeast_Airlines_Flight_46
- dbr:Du_Rocher-Percé_(Pabok)_Airport
- dbr:Dubuque_Regional_Airport
- dbr:East_34th_Street_Heliport
- dbr:Eastern_Air_Lines
- dbr:Eastern_Air_Lines_Flight_212
- dbr:Edmonton_City_Centre_Airport
- dbr:Falwell_Airport
- dbr:Fighter_pilot
- dbr:Flight_Command
- dbr:Folsom_Field_(Alabama)
- dbr:British_United_Airways
- dbr:Nonprecision_approach
- dbr:Oshawa_Executive_Airport
- dbr:Ozark_Air_Lines_Flight_965
- dbr:Pakistan_International_Airlines_Flight_268
- dbr:Panamá_Pacífico_International_Airport
- dbr:Edward_F._Knapp_State_Airport
- dbr:Flight_director_(aeronautics)
- dbr:Flight_procedure
- dbr:Flight_progress_strip
- dbr:Philippine_Airlines_Flight_158
- dbr:Transbrasil_Flight_801
- dbr:Radar_altimeter
- dbr:Reference_datum_height
- dbr:Required_navigation_performance
- dbr:Runway_visual_range
- dbr:APV
- dbr:Hisar_Airport
- dbr:Iowa_City_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Jacqueline_Cochran
- dbr:Thai_Airways_International_Flight_311
- dbr:Thai_Airways_International_Flight_601
- dbr:Armavia_Flight_967
- dbr:Arthur_N._Neu_Airport
- dbr:Asiana_Airlines_Flight_214
- dbr:Atlasjet_Flight_4203
- dbr:Chatham-Kent_Airport
- dbr:Jeppesen
- dbr:Lawrenceville–Vincennes_International_Airport
- dbr:Blind_Approach_Beacon_System
- dbr:Sutton_Wick_air_crash
- dbr:Terp_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Wake_turbulence
- dbr:Missed_approach
- dbr:Autopilot
- dbr:Approach
- dbr:St._George_Municipal_Airport
- dbr:Final_approach
- dbr:Indian_Airlines_Flight_257
- dbr:Inex-Adria_Aviopromet_Flight_1308
- dbr:Inex-Adria_Aviopromet_Flight_450
- dbr:Instrument_flight_rules
- dbr:Instrument_landing_system
- dbr:Korean_Air
- dbr:Korean_Air_Flight_801
- dbr:National_Institute_of_Standards_and_Technology
- dbr:New_Bedford_Regional_Airport
- dbr:New_York_Skyports_Seaplane_Base
- dbr:Oboe_(navigation)
- dbr:Oiapoque_Airport
- dbr:Olympia_Regional_Airport
- dbr:Omak_Airport
- dbr:Cascade_Airways
- dbr:Rangeley_Lake
- dbr:Hockey_stick_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Instrument_approach_procedure
- dbr:MDA
- dbr:Marjorie_van_Vliet
- dbr:Missed_approach_point
- dbr:Tigerair_Mandala
- dbr:Simplified_directional_facility
- dbr:Surveillance_radar_approach
- dbr:Simulation
- dbr:Sonne_(navigation)
- dbr:Visibility
- dbr:Visual_flight_rules
- dbr:NOTAM
- dbr:Vertical_navigation
- dbr:Instrument_Approach
- dbr:Pilot_logbook
- dbr:Radio_navigation
- dbr:Blind-landing
- dbr:Minimum_descent_altitude
- dbr:VOR_approach
- dbr:Decision_altitude
- dbr:Instrument_Approach_Procedure
- dbr:Precision_approach