Northwest Territory (original) (raw)

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El Territorio del Noroeste (en inglés Northwest Territory), también conocido como Viejo Noroeste y como Territorio del Noroeste de Ohio, fue un territorio de los Estados Unidos de América, anexionado como parte del acuerdo que dio fin a la Revolución estadounidense de 1776, que ganaron los patriotas. El territorio se creó oficialmente en el Congreso Estadounidense el 13 de julio de 1787.​ En sus orígenes, abarcaba los actuales estados de Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Míchigan y Wisconsin, así como el este de Minnesota. La región tenía más de 673 000 kilómetros cuadrados. El territorio fue reivindicado por Nueva York, Massachusetts, Connecticut y Virginia.


Property Value
dbo:abstract El Territori al Nord-oest del Riu Ohio, en angles: Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, o simplement Northwest Territory, va ser un territori dels Estats Units (organized incorporated territory of the United States) que va existir des del 13 de juliol de 1787, fins a l'1 de març de 1803, moment en el qual la part sud-est d'aquest territori va ser admesa a la Unió (Estats Units) com a Estat d'Ohio. Prèviament aquest territori formava part de la província britànica de Quebec (1763–1791) i era un territori utilitzat per als amerindis per la Reial Proclamació de 1763 i que pel Tractat de París (1783) va ser assignat als Estats Units. El territori, ja sota els Estats Units, incloïa tot el terreny a l'oest de Pennsilvània i al nord-oest del riu Ohio. Abastava completament els actuals estats d'Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, i Wisconsin, com també la part nord-est de Minnesota. La superfície total era de 670.000 km². Les seves capitals van ser: Marietta (1788–1799) i Chillicothe (1799–1803). S'hi refereix la Guerra Ameríndia del Nord-oest. No s'ha de confondre amb l'antic Territori del Nord-oest de l'Amèrica britànica. (ca) Severozápadní teritorium (anglicky: Northwest Territory), jinak též teritorium severozápadně od řeky Ohio (anglicky: Territory Northwest of the River Ohio) bylo organizované začleněné území Spojených států amerických, které existovalo od 13. července 1787 do 1. března 1803, kdy byla jihovýchodní část teritoria přijata do Unie jako stát Ohio. Dříve bylo součástí teritoria , které bylo pod britskou nadvládou roku 1763 vyčleněno pro americké indiány, jež bylo roku 1783 Pařížskou smlouvou přiděleno Spojeným státům. Jeho správa a způsob přijetí do Unie byla stanovena zákonem Northwest Ordinance, který americký Kongres přijal 13. července 1787. Na základě zákona mělo na daném území východně od řeky Mississippi a severně od řeky Ohio až po Velká jezera vzniknout až pět států. Dnes se na území někdejšího Severozápadního teritoria nachází státy Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin a severovýchodní část Minnesoty. Jeho rozloha činila více než 670 tisíc km2 (cs) Das Nordwest-Territorium, auch Territorium nördlich des Ohio Rivers, war ein von 1787 bis 1803 bestehendes historisches Hoheitsgebiet der Vereinigten Staaten von ursprünglich etwa 630.000 km² Größe (zum Vergleich: Deutschland hat 357.000 km²), das nördlich des Ohio und westlich von Pennsylvania lag. Zum Zeitpunkt, als das Nordwest-Territorium eingerichtet wurde, lag die Westgrenze der USA am Mississippi. Das Nordwest-Territorium wurde am 14. Juli 1787 vom Kontinentalkongress mit der gesetzlich festgelegt und am 7. August 1789 vom Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten mit kleinen Änderungen bestätigt. In der Verordnung wurde die Verwaltung geregelt und die Aufnahme in die Union vorbereitet. Damit übergaben die 13 Bundesstaaten an der Ostküste, vor allem Massachusetts, Connecticut und Virginia, die bisher überlappende Ansprüche westlich der Appalachen erhoben hatten, die Hoheit über ein Gebiet nordwestlich des Ohio an die Bundesregierung. Das Gesetz sah unter anderem vor, dass aus dem Territorium Bundesstaaten gebildet werden sollten, sobald bestimmte Voraussetzungen, vor allem zur Bevölkerungszahl, erfüllt waren, und ordnete die Einrichtung von öffentlichen Schulsystemen an. Außerdem wurde die Sklaverei in dem Gebiet für alle Zeiten verboten. Aus dem Nordwest-Territorium entstanden später die Bundesstaaten Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan und Wisconsin sowie der östlich des Mississippis liegende Teil von Minnesota. (de) El Territorio del Noroeste (en inglés Northwest Territory), también conocido como Viejo Noroeste y como Territorio del Noroeste de Ohio, fue un territorio de los Estados Unidos de América, anexionado como parte del acuerdo que dio fin a la Revolución estadounidense de 1776, que ganaron los patriotas. El territorio se creó oficialmente en el Congreso Estadounidense el 13 de julio de 1787.​ En sus orígenes, abarcaba los actuales estados de Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Míchigan y Wisconsin, así como el este de Minnesota. La región tenía más de 673 000 kilómetros cuadrados. El territorio fue reivindicado por Nueva York, Massachusetts, Connecticut y Virginia. (es) The Northwest Territory, also known as the Old Northwest and formally known as the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, was formed from unorganized western territory of the United States after the American Revolutionary War. Established in 1787 by the Congress of the Confederation through the Northwest Ordinance, it was the nation's first post-colonial organized incorporated territory. At the time of its creation, the territory included all the land west of Pennsylvania, northwest of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River below the Great Lakes, and what later became known as the Boundary Waters. The region was ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Throughout the Revolutionary War, the region was part of the British Province of Quebec. It spanned all or large parts of six eventual U.S. states (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the northeastern part of Minnesota). Reduced to present-day Ohio, eastern Michigan and a sliver of southeastern Indiana with the formation of Indiana Territory July 4, 1800, it ceased to exist March 1, 1803, when the southeastern portion of the territory was admitted to the Union as the state of Ohio, and the remainder attached to Indiana Territory. Initially, the territory was governed by martial law under a governor and three judges. As population increased, a legislature was formed as were a succession of counties, eventually totaling thirteen. At the time of its creation the Northwest Territory was a vast wilderness, long-populated by Native American cultures including the Delaware, Miami, Potawatomi, Shawnee and others; there were only a handful of French colonial settlements, plus Clarksville at the Falls of the Ohio. By the time of the territory's dissolution, there were dozens of towns and settlements, a few with thousands of settlers, chiefly along the Ohio and Miami Rivers and the south shore of Lake Erie in Ohio. Conflicts between settlers and Native American inhabitants of the Territory resulted in the Northwest Indian War culminating in General "Mad" Anthony Wayne's victory at Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. The subsequent Treaty of Greenville in 1795 opened the way for settlement of southern and western Ohio. (en) Le Territoire du Nord-Ouest (en anglais : Northwest Territory) est une région administrative à la naissance des États-Unis. L'ordonnance du Nord-Ouest, votée par le Congrès de la Confédération le 13 juillet 1787, définit l'administration de ce territoire et fixe les règles de son admission en tant qu'État. Le 7 août 1789, le nouveau Congrès des États-Unis confirme l'ordonnance avec quelques modifications mineures dans la Constitution. Le territoire comprend ce qui était jusqu'en 1763 la partie méridionale du Pays-d'en-Haut et la Haute-Louisiane, c'est-à-dire toutes les terres de l'ex (en) acquises par les États-Unis à l'Ouest de la Pennsylvanie et au Nord-Ouest de l'Ohio. Il couvre tous les actuels États de l'Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, et Wisconsin, ainsi que la partie Nord-Est du Minnesota. Le territoire couvrait alors plus de 673 000 km2. Il est réduit à l’Ohio, l’est du Michigan et un morceau du sud-est de l’Indiana lors de la formation du territoire de l'Indiana le 4 juillet 1800, et a été dissous le 1er mars 1803, lorsque la partie sud-est du territoire a été admis dans l’Union comme l’État de l’Ohio, et le reste étant rattaché au territoire de l’Indiana. (fr) Il Territorio del nord-ovest, anche conosciuto come Vecchio Nordovest e Territorio nordoccidentale dell'Ohio, fu una regione amministrativa indipendente degli Stati Uniti. (it) 北西部領土(ほくせいぶりょうど、英: Northwest Territory, Old Northwest, Territory North West of the Ohio)は、アメリカ合衆国における建国当初の政治的区分の一つを指す。 (ja) 북서부 영토(Northwest Territory, Old Northwest, Territory North West of the Ohio)는 미합중국 건국 초기의 정치적 구분의 하나를 가리킨다. 1787년 7월 13일에 연합회의에서 통과된 〈북서부 조례〉를 통해 영토 관리 및 주 승격 기준이 정해졌다. 1789년 8월 7일, 미국 헌법 하에 미국 의회에서 일부 수정이 가해진 조례가 재확인되었다. 이 영토는 펜실베이니아의 서쪽, 오하이오 강 북서쪽 모든 토지가 포함됐다. 현재 행정 구역상으로는 오하이오, 인디애나, 일리노이, 미시간과 위스콘신에 해당하며, 미네소타의 북동부도 포함되어 있었다. 오늘날 지리적 구분으로는 미국 중서부(Midwestern United States)라고 불리기도 한다. 영토의 넓이는 673,000 km2에 해당된다. 현재 미국의 북서부는 오리건, 몬태나 등 태평양과 캐나다에 접하는 지역 일대를 가리킨다. 또한 캐나다의 노스웨스트 준주는 북극해에 가까운 지역이며, 현재의 글에서 다루는 북서부 영토와 접하고 있지 않다. 또한 영토의 영어 Territory 또는 Territories은 ‘준주’로 번역될 수 있지만, 합중국 헌법이 적용되어 독자적인 정부와 의회를 갖춘 후 "준주"를 적용하게 된다. (ko) Het Noordwestterritorium (Engels: Northwest Territory of voluit Territory Northwest of the River Ohio) was vanaf 1787 een territorium van de recent onafhankelijk geworden Verenigde Staten. Het omvatte ongeveer 630.000 km² ten noordwesten van de Ohiorivier en ten westen van Pennsylvania. In het westen was de grens de Mississippi die op dat moment de westgrens van de Verenigde Staten vormde. Met de Verordening van het Noordwesten van 14 juli 1787 brachten de dertien oorspronkelijke staten van de V.S. hun overlappende gebiedsaanspraken bij elkaar in een federaal territorium. Deze wet werd op 7 augustus 1789 aangenomen door het Congres. Men voorzag dat in dit gebied nieuwe lidstaten gecreëerd zouden worden; bovendien werd de slavernij in dit gebied voor altijd verboden. Bij de oprichting leefden in het gebied 45.000 indianen en 2.000 Europeanen, voornamelijk Franse en Engelse pelshandelaren. De Britten wilden de uitbreiding van de Verenigde Staten en verdere kolonialisering ten nadele van de indianen tegengaan, maar een Amerikaans leger onder generaal veroverde het gebied in 1794. Bij de Vrede van Gent in 1814 gaf Groot-Brittannië al zijn aanspraken op het territorium op. Later ontstonden uit het Noordwestterritorium de staten Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, en Wisconsin en het oostelijke deel van Minnesota. (nl) O Território do Noroeste, também conhecido como Velho Noroeste e como Território do Noroeste do Ohio, foi um território dos Estados Unidos, anexado por último do Reino Unido, como parte do acordo que terminava a Revolução Americana de 1776, vencida pelos americanos. O território foi oficialmente criado no Congresso Americano em 13 de julho de 1787 e deixou de existir em 1 de março de 1803. Cobria originalmente os atuais estados de Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan e Wisconsin, bem como o leste do Minnesota. A região possuía mais de 260 mil quilômetros quadrados. O território foi reivindicado por Nova Iorque, Massachusetts, Connecticut e Virgínia. Sua primeira capital foi Marietta (1788-1799), e a segunda foi Chillicothe (1799–1803), ambas em Ohio. Inicialmente, o território era governado pela lei marcial sob um governador e três juízes. Com o aumento da população, uma legislatura foi formada e uma sucessão de condados, totalizando treze. Na época de sua criação, o Território do Noroeste era um vasto deserto, há muito povoado por culturas indígenas americanas, incluindo Delaware, Miami, Potawatomi, Shawnee e outros; havia apenas um punhado de assentamentos coloniais franceses, além de Clarksvillenas Cataratas do Ohio. Na época da dissolução do território, havia dezenas de cidades e assentamentos, alguns com milhares de colonos, principalmente ao longo dos rios Ohio e Miami e na margem sul do Lago Erie, em Ohio. Conflitos entre colonos e habitantes nativos americanos do Território resultaram na Guerra dos Índios do Noroeste, culminando na vitória do General "Louco" Anthony Wayne na Batalha de Madeiras Caídas em 1794. O subsequente Tratado de Greenville em 1795 abriu o caminho para a colonização do sul e oeste de Ohio. (pt) Nordvästterritoriet (engelska: Northwest Territory) eller Territoriet nordväst om Ohiofloden (engelska: Territory Northwest of the Ohio River), var ett amerikanskt federalt territorium, som existerade från den 13 juli 1787 och fram till 1800, då Indianaterritoriet bildades, och till 1803, då den sydöstra delen bildade den amerikanska delstaten Ohio. (sv) 西北領地(英語:Northwest Territory),亦稱為俄亥俄河西北領地(Territory North West of the River Ohio),是美國建國初期的一塊聯邦政府領地。1787年7月13日為美國國會前身的大陸會議通過西北法令,在1789年8月7日國會確認了此法令的正式性並將之小部分的修改以符合美國憲法的規範。西北法令的誕生為美國對西北領地的管理提供了一套有系統的條例規則以及該領地未來成為州加入聯邦的程序。西北領地實際上位於現今美國的中西部,但是在美國剛成立時,相對於原本的北美十三州而言,這塊領地的確位於當時的美國西北邊,因此得名為西北領地。此領地的範圍包括了賓夕法尼亞州以西以及俄亥俄河之西北的美國土地,相當於現今的俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利諾州、密西根州、與威斯康辛州的全境加上明尼蘇達州的西北部,這塊領地面積廣達673,000平方公里(260,000平方英哩)。 (zh) Старый Северо-Запад, известный также как Северо-западная территория, — исторический регион США, составляющий большую часть современного Среднего Запада, существовавший в 1787—1803 годах до образования на его юго-восточной части штата Огайо. До войны за независимость США был частью британской индейской резервации согласно Королевской декларации 1763 года, которая была передана под контроль США по Парижскому мирному договору 1783 года. Законодательно регион был оформлен в качестве одной из территорий США в 1787 году специальным актом Конгресса, называемым Северо-западный ордонанс, который в 1789 году с небольшими модификациями составил часть конституции США. (ru)
dbo:capital dbr:Chillicothe,_Ohio dbr:Marietta,_Ohio
dbo:governmentType dbr:Organized_incorporated_territories_of_the_United_States
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Cahokia,_Illinois dbr:Campus_Martius_(Ohio) dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Minnesota dbr:Potawatomi dbr:Potomac_River dbr:Purchase_on_the_Muskingum dbr:Quebec_Act dbr:Rufus_Putnam dbr:Samuel_Holden_Parsons dbr:Enabling_Act_of_1802 dbr:Miami_people dbr:Harmar_Campaign dbr:Lower_Peninsula dbr:Battle_of_Fallen_Timbers dbr:Beaver_Wars dbr:Belmont_County,_Ohio dbr:Benjamin_Tupper dbr:Bethel,_Ohio dbr:Beverly,_Ohio dbr:Big_Bottom_massacre dbr:Blue_Jacket dbr:Bolivar,_Ohio dbr:Boundary_Waters dbr:Dayton,_Ohio dbr:Delaware dbc:1787_establishments_in_the_United_States dbr:Hocking_River dbr:Josiah_Harmar dbr:List_of_U.S._states_by_date_of_admission_to_the_Union dbr:Little_Miami_River dbr:Little_Turtle dbr:Paul_Fearing dbr:Pennsylvania dbr:United_States dbr:United_States_Army dbr:United_States_Congress dbr:Upper_Peninsula dbr:Vincennes,_Indiana dbr:Vincennes_University dbr:Virginia_Military_District dbr:Donation_Tract dbr:Indian_Reserve_(1763) dbr:Indian_barrier_state 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dbr:William_Henry_Harrison dbr:William_McMillan_(congressman) dbr:William_Stacy dbr:Williamsburg,_Ohio dbr:Winthrop_Sargent dbr:Wisconsin dbr:Gaps_of_the_Allegheny dbr:Land_Ordinance_of_1784 dbr:Land_Ordinance_of_1785 dbr:Treaty_of_Fort_Harmar dbr:Adams_County,_Ohio dbr:American_Revolution dbr:American_Revolutionary_War dbr:American_pioneers_to_the_Northwest_Territory dbr:Cumberland,_Maryland dbr:Cumberland_Narrows dbr:Cuyahoga_River dbr:Ebenezer_Sproat dbr:Flood_plain dbr:Fort_Defiance_(Ohio) dbr:Fort_Detroit dbr:Fort_Frye dbr:Fort_Harmar dbr:Fort_Jefferson_(Ohio) dbr:Fort_Laurens dbr:Fort_Loramie,_Ohio dbr:Fort_Mackinac dbr:Fort_Massac dbr:Fort_Miami_(Ohio) dbr:Fort_Recovery dbr:Fort_St._Clair dbr:Fort_Washington_(Ohio) dbr:North_Bend,_Ohio dbr:Northwest_Indian_War dbr:Pacific_Northwest dbc:Northwest_Territory dbr:Charlotina dbr:Dilles_Bottom,_Ohio dbr:Fairfield_County,_Ohio dbr:Fort_Finney_(Ohio) dbr:Fort_Nelson_(Kentucky) dbr:Fort_Shelby_(Michigan) dbr:Fort_Steuben dbr:Fort_Wayne_(fort) dbr:Governor_(United_States) dbr:Historic_regions_of_the_United_States dbr:Kekionga dbr:Kentucky_County,_Virginia dbr:Knox_County,_Indiana dbr:Legislator dbr:Legislature dbr:Leicester_Academy dbr:Iroquois_Confederacy dbr:Supreme_court dbr:Fort_Greene_Ville dbr:Gallipolis dbr:Province_of_Quebec_(1763–1791) dbr:Puritan dbr:Randolph_County,_Illinois dbc:History_of_the_Midwestern_United_States dbr:Griffin_Greene dbr:Hamilton,_Ohio dbr:Hamilton_County,_Ohio dbr:Henry_Hamilton_(governor) dbr:James_Mitchell_Varnum dbr:Jefferson_County,_Ohio dbr:Jeffersonville,_Indiana dbr:Court dbr:The_Crown dbr:Ohio_Country dbc:Midwestern_United_States dbr:Arthur_St._Clair dbr:Articles_of_Confederation dbr:Athens,_Ohio dbr:Charles_Scott_(governor) dbr:Charles_Willing_Byrd dbr:Chillicothe,_Ohio dbr:John_Adams dbr:John_Cleves_Symmes dbr:Kaskaskia,_Illinois dbr:Kentucky dbr:Lake_Michigan dbr:Lake_Superior dbr:Lancaster,_Ohio dbr:Lawrenceburg,_Indiana dbr:Blockhouse 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dbr:Settler dbr:Newport_Barracks dbr:Judicial dbr:Treaty_of_Fort_Stanwix_(1784) dbr:Fort_Patrick_Henry dbr:Fort_Washington_(Cincinnati,_Ohio) dbr:Public_Land_Survey_System dbr:Ohio_Company dbr:Ohio_Company_of_Associates dbr:Ohio_Courts_of_Common_Pleas dbr:Old_Southwest dbr:St._Clair's_Defeat dbr:Treaty_of_Greenville dbr:Virginia_Militia dbr:Organized_incorporated_territories_of_the_United_States dbr:Territorial_evolution_of_the_United_States dbr:United_States_Federalist_Party dbr:Waterford,_Ohio dbr:Legislative dbr:Ohio_Constitution dbr:Zane's_trace dbr:Province_of_Upper_Canada dbr:Youngstown dbr:Miami_tribe dbr:Jay's_Treaty dbr:Bicameral_legislature dbr:Return_Jonathan_Meigs,_Jr. dbr:Commissioned_officer dbr:French-Canadian dbr:Fort_Adams_(Ohio) dbr:Fort_Lernoult dbr:Illinois_County dbr:Section_(U.S._land_surveying) dbr:United_States_congressional_delegations_from_Northwest_Territory dbr:Western_Reserve dbr:Moravian_Brethren dbr:File:ST.CLAIR,_Arthur_(signed_check).jpg 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dbp:capital dbr:Chillicothe,_Ohio dbr:Marietta,_Ohio
dbp:commonName Northwest Territory (en)
dbp:conventionalLongName Territory Northwest of the River Ohio (en)
dbp:date 2007-08-25 (xsd:date)
dbp:dateEnd 0001-03-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:dateEvent 1789-08-07 (xsd:date) 1800-05-07 (xsd:date)
dbp:dateStart 0001-07-13 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:event Affirmed by United States Congress (en) Indiana Territory created (en)
dbp:eventEnd dbr:Ohio
dbp:eventStart Northwest Ordinance (en)
dbp:flag Flag of the United States (en)
dbp:flagP Red Ensign of Great Britain .svg (en)
dbp:flagS Star-Spangled Banner flag.svg (en) Flag of Ohio.svg (en)
dbp:governmentType Organized incorporated territory (en)
dbp:imageCoat Seal of the Northwest Territory.png (en)
dbp:imageFlag US flag 13 stars.svg (en)
dbp:imageMap Northwest-territory-usa-1787.png (en)
dbp:leader dbr:Arthur_St._Clair dbr:Charles_Willing_Byrd
dbp:motto '' (en) "He has planted one better than the one fallen" (en)
dbp:nation United States (en)
dbp:p Indian Reserve (en) Province of Quebec (en)
dbp:s Indiana Territory (en) Ohio (en)
dbp:subdivision dbr:Organized_incorporated_territories_of_the_United_States
dbp:symbolType Seal (en)
dbp:titleLeader dbr:Governor_(United_States)
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate dbt:Infobox_Former_Subdivision dbt:Jstor dbt:Ohio-Lands dbt:"' dbt:About dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Cite_book dbt:Commons_category dbt:Convert dbt:Coord dbt:Efn dbt:Further dbt:Historical_populations dbt:Main dbt:Notelist dbt:Portal_bar dbt:Reflist dbt:See_also dbt:Short_description dbt:Use_American_English dbt:Use_mdy_dates dbt:Webarchive dbt:Which dbt:Wikisource dbt:SfnRef dbt:\ dbt:Indiana_history dbt:MIHistory dbt:Missing_info dbt:NIE_Poster dbt:Territories_of_the_United_States dbt:Regions_of_the_United_States
dbp:yearEnd 1803 (xsd:integer)
dbp:yearLeader 1787 (xsd:integer) 1802 (xsd:integer)
dbp:yearStart 1787 (xsd:integer)
dct:subject dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Minnesota dbc:1787_establishments_in_the_United_States dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Michigan dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Wisconsin dbc:Former_organized_territories_of_the_United_States dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Illinois dbc:1803_disestablishments_in_the_United_States dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Ohio dbc:Northwest_Territory dbc:History_of_the_Midwestern_United_States dbc:Midwestern_United_States dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Indiana
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rdf:type owl:Thing dbo:Place dbo:Location schema:AdministrativeArea schema:Place dbo:Region wikidata:Q3455524 dbo:PopulatedPlace yago:WikicatMidwesternUnitedStates geo:SpatialThing yago:AdministrativeDistrict108491826 yago:Country108544813 yago:District108552138 yago:GeographicalArea108574314 yago:Location100027167 yago:Object100002684 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Region108630039 yago:Region108630985 yago:YagoGeoEntity yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:AdministrativeRegion dbo:Country yago:Subdivision108674251 yago:Tract108673395 yago:WikicatFormerOrganizedTerritoriesOfTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatFormerRegionsAndTerritoriesOfTheUnitedStates umbel-rc:Country umbel-rc:Location_Underspecified umbel-rc:PopulatedPlace
rdfs:comment El Territorio del Noroeste (en inglés Northwest Territory), también conocido como Viejo Noroeste y como Territorio del Noroeste de Ohio, fue un territorio de los Estados Unidos de América, anexionado como parte del acuerdo que dio fin a la Revolución estadounidense de 1776, que ganaron los patriotas. El territorio se creó oficialmente en el Congreso Estadounidense el 13 de julio de 1787.​ En sus orígenes, abarcaba los actuales estados de Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Míchigan y Wisconsin, así como el este de Minnesota. La región tenía más de 673 000 kilómetros cuadrados. El territorio fue reivindicado por Nueva York, Massachusetts, Connecticut y Virginia. (es) Il Territorio del nord-ovest, anche conosciuto come Vecchio Nordovest e Territorio nordoccidentale dell'Ohio, fu una regione amministrativa indipendente degli Stati Uniti. (it) 北西部領土(ほくせいぶりょうど、英: Northwest Territory, Old Northwest, Territory North West of the Ohio)は、アメリカ合衆国における建国当初の政治的区分の一つを指す。 (ja) Nordvästterritoriet (engelska: Northwest Territory) eller Territoriet nordväst om Ohiofloden (engelska: Territory Northwest of the Ohio River), var ett amerikanskt federalt territorium, som existerade från den 13 juli 1787 och fram till 1800, då Indianaterritoriet bildades, och till 1803, då den sydöstra delen bildade den amerikanska delstaten Ohio. (sv) 西北領地(英語:Northwest Territory),亦稱為俄亥俄河西北領地(Territory North West of the River Ohio),是美國建國初期的一塊聯邦政府領地。1787年7月13日為美國國會前身的大陸會議通過西北法令,在1789年8月7日國會確認了此法令的正式性並將之小部分的修改以符合美國憲法的規範。西北法令的誕生為美國對西北領地的管理提供了一套有系統的條例規則以及該領地未來成為州加入聯邦的程序。西北領地實際上位於現今美國的中西部,但是在美國剛成立時,相對於原本的北美十三州而言,這塊領地的確位於當時的美國西北邊,因此得名為西北領地。此領地的範圍包括了賓夕法尼亞州以西以及俄亥俄河之西北的美國土地,相當於現今的俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利諾州、密西根州、與威斯康辛州的全境加上明尼蘇達州的西北部,這塊領地面積廣達673,000平方公里(260,000平方英哩)。 (zh) El Territori al Nord-oest del Riu Ohio, en angles: Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, o simplement Northwest Territory, va ser un territori dels Estats Units (organized incorporated territory of the United States) que va existir des del 13 de juliol de 1787, fins a l'1 de març de 1803, moment en el qual la part sud-est d'aquest territori va ser admesa a la Unió (Estats Units) com a Estat d'Ohio. Prèviament aquest territori formava part de la província britànica de Quebec (1763–1791) i era un territori utilitzat per als amerindis per la Reial Proclamació de 1763 i que pel Tractat de París (1783) va ser assignat als Estats Units. (ca) Severozápadní teritorium (anglicky: Northwest Territory), jinak též teritorium severozápadně od řeky Ohio (anglicky: Territory Northwest of the River Ohio) bylo organizované začleněné území Spojených států amerických, které existovalo od 13. července 1787 do 1. března 1803, kdy byla jihovýchodní část teritoria přijata do Unie jako stát Ohio. Dříve bylo součástí teritoria , které bylo pod britskou nadvládou roku 1763 vyčleněno pro americké indiány, jež bylo roku 1783 Pařížskou smlouvou přiděleno Spojeným státům. (cs) Das Nordwest-Territorium, auch Territorium nördlich des Ohio Rivers, war ein von 1787 bis 1803 bestehendes historisches Hoheitsgebiet der Vereinigten Staaten von ursprünglich etwa 630.000 km² Größe (zum Vergleich: Deutschland hat 357.000 km²), das nördlich des Ohio und westlich von Pennsylvania lag. Zum Zeitpunkt, als das Nordwest-Territorium eingerichtet wurde, lag die Westgrenze der USA am Mississippi. Aus dem Nordwest-Territorium entstanden später die Bundesstaaten Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan und Wisconsin sowie der östlich des Mississippis liegende Teil von Minnesota. (de) The Northwest Territory, also known as the Old Northwest and formally known as the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, was formed from unorganized western territory of the United States after the American Revolutionary War. Established in 1787 by the Congress of the Confederation through the Northwest Ordinance, it was the nation's first post-colonial organized incorporated territory. (en) Le Territoire du Nord-Ouest (en anglais : Northwest Territory) est une région administrative à la naissance des États-Unis. L'ordonnance du Nord-Ouest, votée par le Congrès de la Confédération le 13 juillet 1787, définit l'administration de ce territoire et fixe les règles de son admission en tant qu'État. Le 7 août 1789, le nouveau Congrès des États-Unis confirme l'ordonnance avec quelques modifications mineures dans la Constitution. Le territoire comprend ce qui était jusqu'en 1763 la partie méridionale du Pays-d'en-Haut et la Haute-Louisiane, c'est-à-dire toutes les terres de l'ex (en) acquises par les États-Unis à l'Ouest de la Pennsylvanie et au Nord-Ouest de l'Ohio. Il couvre tous les actuels États de l'Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, et Wisconsin, ainsi que la partie Nord-Est du (fr) 북서부 영토(Northwest Territory, Old Northwest, Territory North West of the Ohio)는 미합중국 건국 초기의 정치적 구분의 하나를 가리킨다. 1787년 7월 13일에 연합회의에서 통과된 〈북서부 조례〉를 통해 영토 관리 및 주 승격 기준이 정해졌다. 1789년 8월 7일, 미국 헌법 하에 미국 의회에서 일부 수정이 가해진 조례가 재확인되었다. 이 영토는 펜실베이니아의 서쪽, 오하이오 강 북서쪽 모든 토지가 포함됐다. 현재 행정 구역상으로는 오하이오, 인디애나, 일리노이, 미시간과 위스콘신에 해당하며, 미네소타의 북동부도 포함되어 있었다. 오늘날 지리적 구분으로는 미국 중서부(Midwestern United States)라고 불리기도 한다. 영토의 넓이는 673,000 km2에 해당된다. (ko) Het Noordwestterritorium (Engels: Northwest Territory of voluit Territory Northwest of the River Ohio) was vanaf 1787 een territorium van de recent onafhankelijk geworden Verenigde Staten. Het omvatte ongeveer 630.000 km² ten noordwesten van de Ohiorivier en ten westen van Pennsylvania. In het westen was de grens de Mississippi die op dat moment de westgrens van de Verenigde Staten vormde. Later ontstonden uit het Noordwestterritorium de staten Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, en Wisconsin en het oostelijke deel van Minnesota. (nl) O Território do Noroeste, também conhecido como Velho Noroeste e como Território do Noroeste do Ohio, foi um território dos Estados Unidos, anexado por último do Reino Unido, como parte do acordo que terminava a Revolução Americana de 1776, vencida pelos americanos. O território foi oficialmente criado no Congresso Americano em 13 de julho de 1787 e deixou de existir em 1 de março de 1803. Cobria originalmente os atuais estados de Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan e Wisconsin, bem como o leste do Minnesota. A região possuía mais de 260 mil quilômetros quadrados. O território foi reivindicado por Nova Iorque, Massachusetts, Connecticut e Virgínia. Sua primeira capital foi Marietta (1788-1799), e a segunda foi Chillicothe (1799–1803), ambas em Ohio. (pt) Старый Северо-Запад, известный также как Северо-западная территория, — исторический регион США, составляющий большую часть современного Среднего Запада, существовавший в 1787—1803 годах до образования на его юго-восточной части штата Огайо. До войны за независимость США был частью британской индейской резервации согласно Королевской декларации 1763 года, которая была передана под контроль США по Парижскому мирному договору 1783 года. (ru)
rdfs:label Northwest Territory (en) Northwest Territory (ca) Severozápadní teritorium (cs) Nordwestterritorium (de) Territorio del Noroeste (es) Territoire du Nord-Ouest (États-Unis) (fr) Territorio del nord-ovest (it) 북서부 영토 (ko) 北西部領土 (アメリカ合衆国) (ja) Noordwestterritorium (nl) Território do Noroeste (pt) Nordvästterritoriet (sv) Старый Северо-Запад (ru) 西北領地 (zh)
rdfs:seeAlso dbr:Illinois_campaign
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geo:geometry POINT(-86 41)
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is dbo:birthPlace of dbr:Hocking_H._Hunter dbr:Joseph_Cable dbr:Perley_B._Johnson dbr:George_Bonga dbr:William_Bebb dbr:William_C._McCauslen dbr:Alexis_Coquillard dbr:Polly_Strong
is dbo:deathPlace of dbr:Henry_Bird_Steinhauer dbr:Jacques_Baby
is dbo:knownFor of dbr:Samuel_Prescott_Hildreth
is dbo:mouthMountain of dbr:Peel_watershed
is dbo:mouthPlace of dbr:Peel_watershed
is dbo:occupation of dbr:Ebenezer_Sproat dbr:James_Mitchell_Varnum
is dbo:place of dbr:Blackberry_Campaign dbr:Northwest_Indian_War dbr:Harmar_campaign
is dbo:predecessor of dbr:Thomas_Gibson_(American_politician)__Tenure__1
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of dbr:Cahokia,_Illinois dbr:Calvin_Pease dbr:Cambridge,_Ohio dbr:Campus_Martius_(Ohio) dbr:Canal_Age dbr:Canton_Township_MPS dbr:Capt._James_Moore_Farmstead dbr:Captain_William_Vicary_House dbr:Benjamin_Hough dbr:Potomac_Company dbr:Powell,_Ohio dbr:Presidency_of_George_Washington dbr:Presidency_of_John_Adams dbr:Princeton,_Illinois dbr:Public_domain_(land) dbr:Purchase_on_the_Muskingum dbr:Robinson_District,_Mason_County,_West_Virginia dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Indianapolis dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Columbus dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Fort_Wayne–South_Bend dbr:Royal_Oak,_Michigan dbr:Rufus_King dbr:Rufus_Putnam dbr:Samuel_Mason dbr:Samuel_Prescott_Hildreth dbr:Sandy_Creek_(Michigan) dbr:Schuylkill_River dbr:Scotch-Irish_Americans dbr:Scottish_Americans dbr:Enabling_Act_of_1802 dbr:Enabling_act dbr:Epicauta dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Fond_du_Lac dbr:List_of_U.S._counties_named_after_women dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(E–I) 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dbr:Benjamin_Harrison_V dbr:Benjamin_Ives_Gilman_(1766) dbr:Benjamin_Mills dbr:Benjamin_Tappan dbr:Benjamin_Tupper dbr:Bethel,_Ohio dbr:Bethel_Methodist_Church_(Bantam,_Ohio) dbr:Big_Bottom_massacre dbr:Black-and-white_warbler dbr:Black_Hawk_War dbr:Blackberry_Campaign dbr:Blandford,_Massachusetts dbr:Blue_Jacket dbr:David_McCullough dbr:David_Putnam_House dbr:Dearborn,_Michigan dbr:Defiance,_Ohio dbr:Delavan,_Wisconsin dbr:Delaware_State_Park dbr:Denison_University dbr:Dennis_Pennington dbr:Andrew_Marschalk dbr:April_7 dbr:History_of_U.S._foreign_policy,_1801–1829 dbr:History_of_the_Southern_United_States dbr:History_of_the_United_States_(1776–1789) dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:Hocking_H._Hunter dbr:Humphrey_H._Leavitt dbr:John_N._C._Schenck dbr:John_Paul_(pioneer) dbr:John_Reily dbr:John_Rice_Jones dbr:John_Smith_(Ohio_politician,_died_1824) dbr:John_Stark_Edwards dbr:John_Todd_(Virginia_soldier) dbr:John_Wilkins_Jr. dbr:Jonathan_Sprague_House dbr:Joseph_Brant dbr:Joseph_Cable dbr:Joseph_Darlinton dbr:Joseph_Ferris_House dbr:Joseph_Frobisher dbr:Joseph_Gilman_(1738–1806) dbr:Joseph_Kerr dbr:Josiah_Harmar dbr:List_of_Indigenous_peoples dbr:List_of_Ohio_University_alumni dbr:List_of_U.S._states_by_date_of_admission_to_the_Union dbr:List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_cases,_volume_5 dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(F) dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(M) dbr:List_of_armed_conflicts_involving_the_United_States dbr:List_of_capitals_in_the_United_States dbr:List_of_counties_in_Illinois dbr:List_of_counties_in_Indiana dbr:List_of_counties_in_Michigan dbr:List_of_counties_in_Tennessee dbr:List_of_counties_in_Wisconsin dbr:List_of_early_settlers_of_Marietta,_Ohio dbr:List_of_enclaves_and_exclaves dbr:List_of_former_counties,_cities,_and_towns_of_Virginia dbr:List_of_governors_of_Michigan dbr:List_of_governors_of_Minnesota dbr:List_of_governors_of_Wisconsin dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1924 dbr:List_of_unsuccessful_efforts_to_impeach_United_States_federal_officials dbr:Literary_Club_of_Cincinnati dbr:Little_Chute,_Wisconsin dbr:Little_Turtle dbr:Paul_Fearing dbr:Paulding_County,_Ohio dbr:Paulins_Kill dbr:Peace_of_Paris_(1783) dbr:Peel_watershed dbr:Penetanguishene dbr:Pennsylvania_Route_462 dbr:Perley_B._Johnson dbr:Peter_Alston dbr:Reily_Township,_Butler_County,_Ohio dbr:Republican_Party_of_Wisconsin dbr:Return_J._Meigs_Jr. dbr:Richard_Butler_(general) dbr:Richard_Dale_Owen dbr:Richard_Henry_Lee dbr:Ridge-and-Valley_Appalachians dbr:Ripley,_Ohio dbr:Roads_and_freeways_in_metropolitan_Detroit dbr:United_States_Army dbr:University_of_Michigan dbr:Upper_Sandusky,_Ohio dbr:Butternut dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Ohio dbr:Vienna_Township,_Trumbull_County,_Ohio dbr:Vincennes,_Indiana dbr:Vincennes_University dbr:Virginia_Military_District dbr:David_Lehmann dbr:Daviess_County,_Indiana dbr:DeKalb_County,_Indiana dbr:Dearborn_County,_Indiana dbr:Decatur_County,_Indiana dbr:Donald_R._Hickey dbr:Early_life_and_career_of_Abraham_Lincoln dbr:Index_of_Illinois-related_articles dbr:Index_of_Indiana-related_articles dbr:Index_of_Michigan-related_articles dbr:Index_of_Ohio-related_articles dbr:Indian_Reserve_(1763) dbr:Indian_barrier_state dbr:Indian_country dbr:Indian_removals_in_Indiana dbr:Indiana_National_Guard dbr:Indiana_Territory dbr:Indiana_Territory's_at-large_congressional_district dbr:James_W._Murphy_(politician) dbr:Northern_Michigan dbr:Salix_scouleriana dbr:Sparganothis_praecana dbr:Sparganothis_rubicundana dbr:Sparganothis_vocaridorsana dbr:Sparganothis_xanthoides dbr:With_God,_all_things_are_possible dbr:Lewis_Wetzel dbr:Liberty_1784:_The_Second_War_for_Independence dbr:Library_of_Congress_Classification:Cla...ish,_Dutch,_French,_and_Latin_America dbr:List_of_governors_of_Indiana dbr:List_of_governors_of_Ohio dbr:List_of_governors_of_dependent_territories_in_the_18th_century dbr:List_of_impeachment_investigations_of_United_States_federal_judges dbr:List_of_landmark_African-American_legislation dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_Congress_who_owned_slaves dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...ives_in_the_6th_Congress_by_seniority dbr:List_of_people_from_Redding,_Connecticut dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_other_offices_held dbr:List_of_ship_launches_in_1789 dbr:Oregon_Territorial_Legislature dbr:Pierre_Gibault dbr:Paul_and_Susannah_Mitchem dbr:Pennsylvania_Canal dbr:Presidency_of_Thomas_Jefferson dbr:Spoonhead_sculpin dbr:Pseudoditrichum dbr:Underground_Railroad_in_Indiana dbr:Timeline_of_Blackford_County,_Indiana dbr:Timeline_of_Michigan_history dbr:Timeline_of_United_States_inventions_(before_1890) dbr:Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations dbr:Timeline_of_abolition_of_slavery_and_serfdom dbr:Timeline_of_events_leading_to_the_American_Civil_War dbr:Timeline_of_the_Toledo_Strip dbr:1896_United_States_presidential_election_in_Missouri dbr:1800_United_States_census dbr:College_Lands dbr:Colonel_Joseph_Barker_House dbr:Commanding_General_of_the_United_States_Army dbr:Commissioners'_Plan_of_1811 dbr:Connecticut dbr:Connersville,_Indiana dbr:Convention_(meeting) dbr:Creek_War dbr:Marysville,_Ohio dbr:Mason_County,_West_Virginia dbr:Matthew_Hueston_House dbr:Maumee,_Ohio dbr:Medina_County,_Ohio dbr:Russell,_Massachusetts dbr:Rutland,_Massachusetts dbr:SS_William_Grayson dbr:Salem_Methodist_Church_Complex_(Cincinnati,_Ohio) dbr:Salem_Township,_Tuscarawas_County,_Ohio dbr:Cherokee–American_wars dbr:Elizabeth_Key_Grinstead dbr:Noble_County,_Indiana dbr:Northwest_(disambiguation) dbr:Northwest_Ordinance dbr:Northwest_Smith dbr:Northwestern_United_States dbr:Ogle_County,_Illinois dbr:Midnight_Judges_Act dbr:Ohio_Lands dbr:Orenaia_arcticalis dbr:Senecio_triangularis dbr:Ohio_State_Treasurer dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Vincennes,_Indiana dbr:Ohio_Bicentennial dbr:Southwest_Territory dbr:Salix_lucida dbr:Royal_Proclamation_of_1763 dbr:Timeline_of_sovereign_states_in_North_America dbr:Timeline_of_terrorist_attacks_in_the_United_States dbr:1783_in_Canada dbr:1785 dbr:1787 dbr:1787_in_the_United_States dbr:1789 dbr:1789_in_the_United_States dbr:1794 dbr:1794_in_the_United_States dbr:1800_in_the_United_States dbr:1802_in_the_United_States dbr:1816_United_States_presidential_election_in_Indiana dbr:1818_Michigan_Territory_general_assembly_referendum dbr:1820_in_the_United_States dbr:Cincinnati dbr:Clark_Street_(Chicago) dbr:Clarke_Historical_Library dbr:Clarksville,_Indiana dbr:Clendenin_District,_Mason_County,_West_Virginia dbr:Clermont_County,_Ohio dbr:Clovernook dbr:Edward_Coles dbr:Edward_Tiffin dbr:Edwin_Stanton dbr:Eel_River_(Wabash_River_tributary) dbr:Elijah_Parish_Lovejoy dbr:Elijah_Woods_(politician) dbr:Elkhart,_Indiana dbr:Emma_Shaw_Colcleugh dbr:Engagements_on_Lake_Huron dbr:English_Americans dbr:Ephraim_Cutler dbr:Equestrian_statue_of_William_Henry_Harrison dbr:Franklin,_Ohio dbr:Free_Negro dbr:Fremont,_Ohio dbr:Frenchtown_Charter_Township,_Michigan dbr:Gabriel_Richard dbr:Gallipolis,_Ohio dbr:Geauga_County,_Ohio dbr:General_Washington_Johnston dbr:Geneseo,_Illinois dbr:Geography_of_Washington,_D.C. dbr:George_Bonga dbr:George_Rogers_Clark dbr:George_Washington's_crossing_of_the_Delaware_River dbr:George_Washington_Whistler dbr:Georgetown,_Beaver_County,_Pennsylvania dbr:German_Americans dbr:Gibson_County,_Indiana dbr:Gill–Morris_Farm
is dbp:birthPlace of dbr:Hocking_H._Hunter dbr:Joseph_Cable dbr:Perley_B._Johnson dbr:William_Bebb dbr:William_C._McCauslen dbr:Polly_Strong
is dbp:deathPlace of dbr:Jacques_Baby dbr:Charles_Michel_de_Langlade
is dbp:mouthLocation of dbr:Peel_watershed
is dbp:place of dbr:Blackberry_Campaign dbr:Harmar_campaign
is dbp:subdivisionName of dbr:Peel_watershed
is owl:differentFrom of dbr:Northwest_Territorial_Imperative
is foaf:primaryTopic of wikipedia-en:Northwest_Territory