The dfarc textual domain (original) (raw)

This page is about the translation of the messages for the dfarc textual domain. More information about the package can be found here:

Topic URL
GNU page

If you've found a translation mistake in one of the messages of dfarc, please report it to the email address that is given on the relevant language page.

The maintainer does not require any special papers prior to accepting translations.

The current template for this domain is dfarc-3.14.pot.

The following URL may help translators that need a finer context in order to make their translation. Be aware that the indicated package could be just a pre-release, and might not even compile:

The following table lists (under Version) all the PO files that are available for this domain:

Language Code Package version Last translator Translated
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR 3.8 Enrico Nicoletto 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Rafael Fontenelle 134 / 134
3.14 Rafael Fontenelle 137 / 137
Catalan ca 3.8 Àngel Mompó 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Angel Mompo 134 / 134
3.14 Angel Mompo 131 / 137
Croatian hr 3.8 Tomislav Krznar 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Tomislav Krznar 132 / 134
3.14 Tomislav Krznar 130 / 137
Danish da 3.4 Joe Hansen 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Joe Hansen 129 / 129
3.6 Joe Hansen 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Joe Hansen 135 / 135
3.8 Joe Hansen 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Joe Hansen 134 / 134
3.14 Joe Hansen 137 / 137
Dutch nl 3.6 Koen Torfs 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Koen Torfs 135 / 135
3.8 Koen Torfs 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Koen Torfs 134 / 134
3.14 Koen Torfs 131 / 137
Esperanto eo 3.8 Felipe Castro 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Felipe Castro 134 / 134
3.14 Felipe Castro 137 / 137
Finnish fi 3.2.1 Petteri Tolonen 129 / 129
3.4 Petteri Tolonen 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Petteri Tolonen 129 / 129
3.6 Petteri Tolonen 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Petteri Tolonen 135 / 135
3.8 Petteri Tolonen 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Petteri Tolonen 132 / 134
3.14 Petteri Tolonen 130 / 137
French fr 3.2.1 Sylvain Beucler 129 / 129
3.4 Sylvain Beucler 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Sylvain Beucler 129 / 129
3.6 Sylvain Beucler 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Sylvain Beucler 129 / 135
3.8 Sylvain Beucler 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Sylvain Beucler 134 / 134
3.14 Stéphane Aulery 137 / 137
Friulian fur 3.11-pre1 Fabio Tomat 134 / 134
3.14 Fabio T. 137 / 137
German de 3.4 Roland Illig 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Roland Illig 129 / 129
3.6 Roland Illig 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Roland Illig 135 / 135
3.8 Roland Illig 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Roland Illig 134 / 134
3.14 Roland Illig 137 / 137
Hungarian hu 3.8 Balázs Úr 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Balázs Úr 134 / 134
3.14 Balázs Úr 137 / 137
Italian it 3.6 Vincenzo Campanella 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Vincenzo Campanella 135 / 135
3.8 Vincenzo Campanella 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Vincenzo Campanella 132 / 134
3.14 Vincenzo Campanella 130 / 137
Macedonian mk 3.6 Дамјан Димитриоски 127 / 129
3.7.20101024 Дамјан Димитриоски 127 / 135
3.8 Дамјан Димитриоски 127 / 135
3.11-pre1 Дамјан Димитриоски 125 / 134
3.14 Дамјан Димитриоски 123 / 137
Polish pl 3.4 Michał Trzebiatowski 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Michał Trzebiatowski 129 / 129
3.6 Michał Trzebiatowski 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Michał Trzebiatowski 135 / 135
3.8 Michał Trzebiatowski 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Michał Trzebiatowski 134 / 134
3.14 Michał Trzebiatowski 137 / 137
Romanian ro 3.14 Remus-Gabriel Chelu 137 / 137
Serbian sr 3.8 Мирослав Николић 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Мирослав Николић 134 / 134
3.14 Мирослав Николић 137 / 137
Spanish es 3.4 Fernando Carmona Varo 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Fernando Carmona Varo 127 / 129
3.6 Fernando Carmona Varo 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Fernando Carmona Varo 135 / 135
3.8 Fernando Carmona Varo 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Francisco Javier Serrador 134 / 134
3.14 Antonio Ceballos Roa 137 / 137
Swedish sv 3.11-pre1 Sebastian Rasmussen 134 / 134
3.14 Sebastian Rasmussen 137 / 137
Vietnamese vi 3.4 Clytie Siddall 129 / 129
3.5.20100106 Clytie Siddall 129 / 129
3.6 Clytie Siddall 129 / 129
3.7.20101024 Clytie Siddall 129 / 135
3.8 Trần Ngọc Quân 135 / 135
3.11-pre1 Trần Ngọc Quân 134 / 134
3.14 Trần Ngọc Quân 131 / 137