Andi Muh Faqi Alim - (original) (raw)

Papers by Andi Muh Faqi Alim

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Analysis of Liquid Waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South Sulawesi

This study aimed to determine the quality of liquid waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South ... more This study aimed to determine the quality of liquid waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South Sulawesi based on the parameters of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and total coliform. This study was conducted with an observational method with a descriptive approach. The results showed that BOD levels that had been processed (44.28 mg/L) and not been processed (429.89 mg/L) were eligible. COD levels that hadnot been processed (1071.42 mg/L) and those that had undergone processing (107.14 mg/L) were not yet eligible, and Total Coliforms that had not undergone processing 3,500,000 MPN/100 ml and that had undergone 2400 MPN/100 ml were eligible. Based on these three parameters, this study discovered that one of the parameters, the COD parameter was not eligible. Keywords: q uality of liquid waste, BOD, COD, total coliform

Research paper thumbnail of Solid Waste Management System with Densitying Flies at Terong Market Makassar, Indonesia

The trash management of the Terong Market so far has not been appropriate with environmental-frie... more The trash management of the Terong Market so far has not been appropriate with environmental-friendly trash management methods and techniques, resulting in negative impacts on public health and the environment so that researchers need to pay special attention to the relationship between the trash management system and the density of flies in the Makassar Terong Market. This type of research is an observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The number of samples in this study was 164 kiosks that will be selected by a sampling system, namely Simple Random Sampling. The results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between trash storage and the density of flies in the Makassar Terong Market, the p-value = 0.010. There is a significant influence between trash collection and the density of flies in the Terong Makassar Market, the p-value = 0.023. There is a significant influence between trash disposal and the density level of flies in the Makassar Teron...

Research paper thumbnail of Disruption of Stunting Social Capital in South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Case Study on 1000FDL Families in Bone and Enrekang Districts)

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2021

Background: Ideally, the social capital of the village community becomes the strength to accelera... more Background: Ideally, the social capital of the village community becomes the strength to accelerate thevillage development process, experiencing disruption, resulting in the incidence of stunting in children.Aims: This study aims to explore the root causes of the fragility of stunting social capital and find the rightsocial strategy in dealing with stunting through the use of social capital of rural communities.Method: This research uses qualitative research method with case study techniques.Results: The determinants of social capital disruption for the 1000FDL family are family disorientationin fostering family members, the widespread use of technology that has resulted in more social distancingamong family members, belief in the myths of maintaining pregnancy and children, and the development offamily pragmatic behaviour in fulfilling life’s needs.Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that a program for handling stuntingthrough community empowerment is...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyuluhan Dan Konsumsi Minuman Lokal Terhadap Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil DI Puskesmas Kassi-Kassi Kota Makassar Tahun 2017

Menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2015 angka kematian ibu di Indonesi... more Menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2015 angka kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 359 per 100. 000 kelahiran hidup. Dari berbagai penyebab tingginya AKI, faktor penyebab tertinggi adalah preeklamsia. Selain dari pengetahuan dan sikap yang kurang baik, dari pola makan sehari-hari juga berpengaruh pada kejadian hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan konsumsi minuman lokal terhadap tekanan darah ibu hamil di puskesmas kassi-kassi tahun 2017 Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperimental. Karakteristik subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Ibu hamil sebanyak 20 responden, 10 pada kelompok eksperimen (Kelompok responden yang diberikan intervensi penyuluhan dan minuman lokal) dan 10 pada kelompok kontrol (Kelompok responden yang hanya diberikan intervensi penyuluhan) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penyuluhan dan konsumsi minuman lokal pada kelompok intervensi terhadap pening...

Research paper thumbnail of KELELAHAN KERJA OPERATOR DUMP TRUCK (Study Analitik di PT. Indonesia Pratama, Tabang Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan timur)

Kelelahan pengemudi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko kecelakaan dalam transportasi. Kelelahan p... more Kelelahan pengemudi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko kecelakaan dalam transportasi. Kelelahan pengemudi menimbulkan menurunnya daya konsentrasi, timbulnya rasa kantuk, lambatnya bereaksi, kelelahan pada mata kejenuhan, penurunan perhatian, tertidur sesaat, dan keluar dari jalur yang seharusnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerja operator dump truck di PT. Indonesia Pratama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian ini sebanyak 248 operator dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 140 operator. Dalam tujuan penelitian ini melibatkan variabel shift kerja, masa kerja dan beban kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang merasakan kelelahan kerja sebanyak 83 (59,3%) orang, yang tidak merasakan kelelahan kerja sebanyak 57 (40,7%) orang, ada hubungan shift kerja dengan kelelahan kerja yang beresiko sebanyak 112 (80%) orang dan tidak beresiko sebanyak 28 (20%) orang, tidak ada hubungan antara masa...

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical Study of Outpatient Satisfaction in Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar

Background: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of success in providing public health services. ... more Background: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of success in providing public health services. Based on the medical record data of Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar in 2015-2017 the level of visitors in 2015 was 3,369 patients, in 2016 there were 2,632 patients, in 2017 it decreased to 925 patients. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the attitude of the officers, health facilities and patient waiting time with patient satisfaction towards health services in the Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar in 2019. Method: This research uses analytic research with cross-sectional study approach with a sample of 265 people with a simple random sampling technique. While the population in this study were all patients who visited the outpatient unit at the Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital in Makassar. This research was conducted at the Labuang Baji Public Hospital Makassar in August-September 2019. Results: The results showe...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Consumption Behavior of the Poor in the Case of Malnutrition: Health Sociology Study with Participatory Approach in Makassar City, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021

BACKGROUND: Poor families understand, interpret, and interpret the balanced nutritional content o... more BACKGROUND: Poor families understand, interpret, and interpret the balanced nutritional content of food and drinks consumed daily according to their experiences and the environment that hits them. The assumption of this research assumes that there is a change in consumption behaviour due to the knowledge of the poor which is formed by advertisements with very high exposure and frequency every day.AIM: This study aims to explore the transformation of consumer behaviour that causes the process of malnutrition and the framework of capitalism in marginalizing the poor to fulfil their nutritional needs. METHODS: This study uses qualitative research methods with a critical approach paradigm. RESULTS: This study found that malnutrition among the poor in Makassar City is caused by the wrong knowledge of the community in understanding nutritious food. Meanwhile, children's tastes are formed based on environmental influences which are generally constructed by industrially processed foods....

Research paper thumbnail of The Self-Concept of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa in the Orang Basudara Community in Ambon (Studies on the Community of Passo and Batumerah Country)

International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020

Ambon city is known as a city with diverse cultural wisdom. Local wisdom has moral values that ar... more Ambon city is known as a city with diverse cultural wisdom. Local wisdom has moral values that are always taught from generation to generation by the Ambonese community orally or in writing. In Maluku culture, there are strong territorial ties to Genolosis in resolving conflicts or social structures built by ancestors to bridge differences in Maluku. One of the efforts to care for the Maluku community's social order is to revive the concept of ale rasa beta rasa in the orang Basudara community. The idea of "ale rasa beta rasa" is a manifestation of a cognitive effort by the Moluccans to create a harmonious, safe, and peaceful brotherly relationship. This research aims to analyze the implementation selfconcept of ale rasa beta rasa in the orang Basudara community. This research uses a descriptive qualitative methodresearch location in Ambon City in the Study of Passo and Batumerah Community Communities, Maluku Province. Data collection was carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and or focused group discussion (FGD). The research results show that Ale (you) taste beta (I) feel a concept that sociologically contains deep meaning for the Ambonese community. There are philosophical values in the expression Ale Rasa Beta Rasa. The value content is not only material for thought, but in the form of daily praxis to respect, feel, and carry out customary sacred duties. The values of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa function entirely and totally in carrying out the development of the life of the Basudara in Maluku. These values can operate functionally in building harmony, peace, progress, and the welfare of the Maluku nation's children. Ale and Beta have not only a communicative textual function but also a taste function as an expression of the heart and spirit of brotherhood. Ale rasa beta rasa becomes a means of reconciliation for conflicts between siblings. There is a content of philosophical values in the expression Ale Rasa Beta Rasa. it's just that the valuable content is still thoughtful and is manifested in everyday behavior to share, feel, and carry out sacred traditional events. There is a relationship between the values of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa and the self-concept and life context of the Basudara in Maluku, especially in the Pela relationship between Negeri Batumerah and Passo.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalensi Malaria Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sosio Demografi

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2020

Malaria is a disease that attacks humans, birds, apes and other primates, reptiles and rodents,... more Malaria is a disease that attacks humans, birds, apes and other primates, reptiles and rodents, which is caused by protozoan infections of the genus Plasmodium and is easily recognized from the symptoms of fever (chills) and prolonged fever. Until now, Indonesia is still one of the countries at risk of Malaria because 80% of districts/cities in Indonesia are Malaria-endemic. The objective to be achieved in this study is to see a description of the incidence of Malaria in Denemani health centre based on the characteristics of the patient's age, sex of the patient, occupation and place of residence of the patient. The study design was a descriptive study obtained by a sample of 642 respondents. The results showed that there were more Malaria sufferers at the age of 24-35 years as many as 264 patients (41.1%), more Malaria sufferers in the female sex as many as 323 people (50.3%), Malaria sufferers more in patients who were work as private employees, 410 people (63.9%). More Mala...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Role Ambiguity and Fatigue on Employee Performance in Pelamonia Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia

Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2020

The article's abstract is no available.

Research paper thumbnail of STATUS GIZI ANAK USIA 24 - 59 BULAN (Studi Analitik Di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi)

Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2019

Masalah gizi di Indonesia, sebagai mana halnya dengan negara-negara berkembang lainnya pada anak ... more Masalah gizi di Indonesia, sebagai mana halnya dengan negara-negara berkembang lainnya pada anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi. Faktor konsumsi makanan merupakan penyebab langsung dari kejadian gizi buruk pada balita.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan gizi, pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi, penyakit infeksi, dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analitik pada 72 responden yang memenuhi kriteria yang dilaksanakan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai acuan pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa ada hubungan antara asupan gizi, penyakit infeksi, pengetahuan ibu dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi denga...

Research paper thumbnail of KEJADIAN HIPERTENSI (Studi Analitik Pada Pasien Dewasa di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jongaya Kota Makassar)

Alami Journal (Alauddin Islamic Medical) Journal, 2020

Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tanpa gejala atau the silent disaese. Hipertensi adalah ... more Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tanpa gejala atau the silent disaese. Hipertensi adalah keadaan dimana tekanan darah sistolik ≥140 mmHg dan diastolik ≥90 mmHg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian hipertensi pada umur, aktivitas fisuk, makanan asin atau garam, obesitas, keturunan atau gen dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptik analitik dengan pendekatan study cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 179 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan secara purposive sampling. Sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Jongaya dengan kriteria umur 25-45 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Jongaya Kecematan Tamalate Kota Makassar pada bulan Juni-Juli 2019. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara umur, aktivitas fisik, makanan asin atau garam, obesitas, keturunan atau gen dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi dengan nilai P= 0,000 < α = 0,050; P= 0,003 < ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Puskesmas : Studi Deskriptif pada Masyarakat di Puskesmas Moanemani Kabupaten Dogiyai

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020

Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan pelayanan kesehatan adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan sec... more Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan pelayanan kesehatan adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan secara bersama-sama dalam suatu organisasi untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan, mecegah dan mengobati penyakit serta memulihkan kesehatan perorangan, kelompok, keluarga ataupun masyarakat.Puskesmas merupakan pelayanan kesehatan di tingkat kecamatan yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan berupa Pelayanan Rawat Jalan, UGD, Pelayanan Perawatan Gigi, Pelayanan Persalinan (KIA), Pelayanan Posyandu, Pelayanan Obat, Pelayanan aboratorium Dahak dan Darah, serta Pelayanan Sanitasi dan Gizi serta Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa. Tujuan penelitian. Untuk memperoleh gambaran “Bagaimana pemanfaatan Pelayanan Puskesmas Moanemani di Moanemani Kabupaten Dogiyai”.Jenis penelitian adalah survey deskriktif yaitu penelitian yang diarahkan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menguraikan suatu keadaan di dalam komunitas atau masyarakat. Pada penelitian ini akan dilihat gambaran pemanfaatan pelayanan Puskesmas di ti...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Pada Puskesmas Maccini Sombala

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2019

Waiting time for services is a problem that often causes patient complaints in several health age... more Waiting time for services is a problem that often causes patient complaints in several health agencies. The length of time a patient waits at registration, examination, and reception drugs are reflects how the agencies manages the service component that is tailored to the patient's situation and expectations. This study aims to see the relationship between waiting time and patient satisfaction. This study uses an analytic observational research design with a cross-sectional study approach conducted at Public Health Center, Maccini Sombala of Makassar City. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 170 respondents. Analysis test with chi square test with significance level p <0.05. From the results of the chi square test waiting time for registration and examination of the drug to patient satisfaction, the p value = 0.000 and 0.021 <0.05 means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship between waiting time registration and e...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi IMD terhadap Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Mapilli Kecamatan Mapilli Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2019

This Research is a descriptivequanitative which aimed to analyze educational influence IMD on bre... more This Research is a descriptivequanitative which aimed to analyze educational influence IMD on breasfeeding esaklusifin puskesmas Mapilli, Mapilli Subdistrict, PolewaliMandar. The research informants consisted of 12 people. The data collection were conducted through depth interviews, observations, and documentation with data analysis techniques using the instructions of Miles and Huberman. This research concluded that (1) the influence between education IMD on giving exclusive breastfeeding. (2) no effect between support family to exclusive breastfeeding because support family and absence suport family mother still give exclusive breastfeeding (3) no effect influece of job status mother with breasfeeding exclusive because is work or does not work mother and equipmentgive exclusive breastfeeding (4) of education IMD ,suport family end job mother to breasfeeding exclusive is the most influence is education IMD. This research put in a nest neednconductied research furthermore by using r...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) terhadap Status Gizi Bayi Dibawah Dua Tahun (BADUTA) di Puskesmas Malaka Kecamatan Lalabata Kabupaten Soppeng

ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019

Early Initiation Coverage (IMD) for Soppeng District based on survey data on nutritional status m... more Early Initiation Coverage (IMD) for Soppeng District based on survey data on nutritional status monitoring is still relatively low compared to the national target of 80%. So it is thought to have an impact on the prevalence of malnutrition by 22.6%, stunting 38.7%, skinny 7.7% and fat 4.5%. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between Early Breastfeeding Initiation and nutritional status of infants under two years at the Malaka community health centre, Lalabata District, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This study used a survey method with a statistical analysis approach and cross-sectional study design. The sample size in this study was 67 people which obtained through simple random sampling. This research was conducted in the working area of ​​the Malaka Health Center in Lapajung Sub-district, Lalabata District from April to June 2019. The data was processed by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a probability value of 95% in SPSS. The results of...

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan (Studi Analitik Terhadap Pasien Rawat Jalan di RSUD Makassar)

Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan RS.Dr. Soetomo, 2019

ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan dimulai dari kebutuhan pelanggan dan berakhir pada persepsi pelanggan.... more ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan dimulai dari kebutuhan pelanggan dan berakhir pada persepsi pelanggan. Citra kualitas pelayanan yang baik menitiberatkan pada sudut pandang atau persepsi pelanggan. Dalam pelayanan kesehatan, kualitas pelayanan menempatkan pasien sebagai pihak yang mengkonsumsi dan menikmati jasa pelayanan kesehatan termasuk yang paling menentukan kualitas jasa. Dengan penilaian kualitas maka mendorong pasien untuk menjalin ikatan hubungan yang kuat dengan pemberi layananan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui kehandalan, jaminan, bukti fisik, sikap ramah, dan daya tanggap terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di RSUD Kota Makassar Sulawesi Selatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 186 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan kehandalan terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan (p=0,002), ada hubungan jaminan terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan (p=0,000), ada hubungan bukti fisik terhadap ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pengelolaan Rekam Medis (Studi Kualitatif Di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Tahun 2019)

Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan, 2019

Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaa... more Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan, dan pelayanan lain telah diberikan kepada pasien. Permasalahan rekam medis di Puskesmas Tamalate yaitu adanya kesulitan dalam pengolahan data seperti berkas rekam medis yang tercecer, selain itu data rekam medis yang tersimpan di rak-rak penyimpanan semakin hari semakin bertambah dan semakin menumpuk sehingga memakan tempat yang banyak. Banyaknya data rekam medis yang tersimpan terkadang salah penempatan pada tempatnya, sehingga menyebabkan petugas kesulitan untuk mencari berkas rekam medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mendalam tentang Sistem Pengelolaan Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Tahun 2019, yang terdiri dari sistem penamaan, sistem penomoran, sistem penyimpanan, dan sistem pengangkutan rekam medis. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Pada Bulan Mei 2019. Berdasar...

Research paper thumbnail of Anemia Event in Pregnant Women

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIKA), 2019

Anemia is caused by the lack number of red blood cells to distribute oxygen to system and fetus, ... more Anemia is caused by the lack number of red blood cells to distribute oxygen to system and fetus, anemia can be known if the content of Hb < 11 mg. The purpose of this research was to find out the relation of nutrition knowledge, food supply, and obedience in consuming Fe tablet with anemia in Pertiwi Health Center South Sulawesi Province. The type of research used was analytical survey with cross sectional design and collected using questionnaire with total samples of 158 people. The result of this research showed that there was relation of knowledge and anemia (p=0,009), there was relation of food supply and anemia (p=0,004), and there is relation of obedience in consuming Fe tablet with anemia (p=0,004). It is suggested to pregnant mother to always pay attention to the fetus by maintaining the food supply and routinely consume Fe tablets during pregnancy, because it affects the fetus health, growth and development.

Research paper thumbnail of Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien DI Pusat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat (Puskesad) Polkes Kabupaten Takalar

Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2018

The quality of health services is one of main focus for community. Awareness of the quality of h... more The quality of health services is one of main focus for community. Awareness of the quality of health services is increasing with the demand for improving the quality from service providers and community as a service user. The quality of health services greatly affects patient satisfaction. The design of this study is analytic survey research with cross sectional approach. The purpose of this study is to know the relation of quality of health service to patient satisfaction at Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES of Takalar Regency in 2017. The research is conducted at Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES Takalar District. The sample in this study are patients who treated at the Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES Takalar District in June of 2017 as many as 94 people using a simple random sampling technique. Data analysis in this research is univariate and bivariate analysis using chi square test. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between health service...

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Analysis of Liquid Waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South Sulawesi

This study aimed to determine the quality of liquid waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South ... more This study aimed to determine the quality of liquid waste at the Blood Transfusion Unit of South Sulawesi based on the parameters of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and total coliform. This study was conducted with an observational method with a descriptive approach. The results showed that BOD levels that had been processed (44.28 mg/L) and not been processed (429.89 mg/L) were eligible. COD levels that hadnot been processed (1071.42 mg/L) and those that had undergone processing (107.14 mg/L) were not yet eligible, and Total Coliforms that had not undergone processing 3,500,000 MPN/100 ml and that had undergone 2400 MPN/100 ml were eligible. Based on these three parameters, this study discovered that one of the parameters, the COD parameter was not eligible. Keywords: q uality of liquid waste, BOD, COD, total coliform

Research paper thumbnail of Solid Waste Management System with Densitying Flies at Terong Market Makassar, Indonesia

The trash management of the Terong Market so far has not been appropriate with environmental-frie... more The trash management of the Terong Market so far has not been appropriate with environmental-friendly trash management methods and techniques, resulting in negative impacts on public health and the environment so that researchers need to pay special attention to the relationship between the trash management system and the density of flies in the Makassar Terong Market. This type of research is an observational study with a cross-sectional study design. The number of samples in this study was 164 kiosks that will be selected by a sampling system, namely Simple Random Sampling. The results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between trash storage and the density of flies in the Makassar Terong Market, the p-value = 0.010. There is a significant influence between trash collection and the density of flies in the Terong Makassar Market, the p-value = 0.023. There is a significant influence between trash disposal and the density level of flies in the Makassar Teron...

Research paper thumbnail of Disruption of Stunting Social Capital in South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Case Study on 1000FDL Families in Bone and Enrekang Districts)

Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2021

Background: Ideally, the social capital of the village community becomes the strength to accelera... more Background: Ideally, the social capital of the village community becomes the strength to accelerate thevillage development process, experiencing disruption, resulting in the incidence of stunting in children.Aims: This study aims to explore the root causes of the fragility of stunting social capital and find the rightsocial strategy in dealing with stunting through the use of social capital of rural communities.Method: This research uses qualitative research method with case study techniques.Results: The determinants of social capital disruption for the 1000FDL family are family disorientationin fostering family members, the widespread use of technology that has resulted in more social distancingamong family members, belief in the myths of maintaining pregnancy and children, and the development offamily pragmatic behaviour in fulfilling life’s needs.Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that a program for handling stuntingthrough community empowerment is...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penyuluhan Dan Konsumsi Minuman Lokal Terhadap Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil DI Puskesmas Kassi-Kassi Kota Makassar Tahun 2017

Menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2015 angka kematian ibu di Indonesi... more Menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2015 angka kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 359 per 100. 000 kelahiran hidup. Dari berbagai penyebab tingginya AKI, faktor penyebab tertinggi adalah preeklamsia. Selain dari pengetahuan dan sikap yang kurang baik, dari pola makan sehari-hari juga berpengaruh pada kejadian hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dan konsumsi minuman lokal terhadap tekanan darah ibu hamil di puskesmas kassi-kassi tahun 2017 Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperimental. Karakteristik subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Ibu hamil sebanyak 20 responden, 10 pada kelompok eksperimen (Kelompok responden yang diberikan intervensi penyuluhan dan minuman lokal) dan 10 pada kelompok kontrol (Kelompok responden yang hanya diberikan intervensi penyuluhan) Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penyuluhan dan konsumsi minuman lokal pada kelompok intervensi terhadap pening...

Research paper thumbnail of KELELAHAN KERJA OPERATOR DUMP TRUCK (Study Analitik di PT. Indonesia Pratama, Tabang Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan timur)

Kelelahan pengemudi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko kecelakaan dalam transportasi. Kelelahan p... more Kelelahan pengemudi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko kecelakaan dalam transportasi. Kelelahan pengemudi menimbulkan menurunnya daya konsentrasi, timbulnya rasa kantuk, lambatnya bereaksi, kelelahan pada mata kejenuhan, penurunan perhatian, tertidur sesaat, dan keluar dari jalur yang seharusnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerja operator dump truck di PT. Indonesia Pratama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian ini sebanyak 248 operator dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 140 operator. Dalam tujuan penelitian ini melibatkan variabel shift kerja, masa kerja dan beban kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang merasakan kelelahan kerja sebanyak 83 (59,3%) orang, yang tidak merasakan kelelahan kerja sebanyak 57 (40,7%) orang, ada hubungan shift kerja dengan kelelahan kerja yang beresiko sebanyak 112 (80%) orang dan tidak beresiko sebanyak 28 (20%) orang, tidak ada hubungan antara masa...

Research paper thumbnail of Analytical Study of Outpatient Satisfaction in Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar

Background: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of success in providing public health services. ... more Background: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of success in providing public health services. Based on the medical record data of Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar in 2015-2017 the level of visitors in 2015 was 3,369 patients, in 2016 there were 2,632 patients, in 2017 it decreased to 925 patients. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the attitude of the officers, health facilities and patient waiting time with patient satisfaction towards health services in the Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital Makassar in 2019. Method: This research uses analytic research with cross-sectional study approach with a sample of 265 people with a simple random sampling technique. While the population in this study were all patients who visited the outpatient unit at the Labuang Baji Regional Public Hospital in Makassar. This research was conducted at the Labuang Baji Public Hospital Makassar in August-September 2019. Results: The results showe...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Consumption Behavior of the Poor in the Case of Malnutrition: Health Sociology Study with Participatory Approach in Makassar City, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021

BACKGROUND: Poor families understand, interpret, and interpret the balanced nutritional content o... more BACKGROUND: Poor families understand, interpret, and interpret the balanced nutritional content of food and drinks consumed daily according to their experiences and the environment that hits them. The assumption of this research assumes that there is a change in consumption behaviour due to the knowledge of the poor which is formed by advertisements with very high exposure and frequency every day.AIM: This study aims to explore the transformation of consumer behaviour that causes the process of malnutrition and the framework of capitalism in marginalizing the poor to fulfil their nutritional needs. METHODS: This study uses qualitative research methods with a critical approach paradigm. RESULTS: This study found that malnutrition among the poor in Makassar City is caused by the wrong knowledge of the community in understanding nutritious food. Meanwhile, children's tastes are formed based on environmental influences which are generally constructed by industrially processed foods....

Research paper thumbnail of The Self-Concept of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa in the Orang Basudara Community in Ambon (Studies on the Community of Passo and Batumerah Country)

International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020

Ambon city is known as a city with diverse cultural wisdom. Local wisdom has moral values that ar... more Ambon city is known as a city with diverse cultural wisdom. Local wisdom has moral values that are always taught from generation to generation by the Ambonese community orally or in writing. In Maluku culture, there are strong territorial ties to Genolosis in resolving conflicts or social structures built by ancestors to bridge differences in Maluku. One of the efforts to care for the Maluku community's social order is to revive the concept of ale rasa beta rasa in the orang Basudara community. The idea of "ale rasa beta rasa" is a manifestation of a cognitive effort by the Moluccans to create a harmonious, safe, and peaceful brotherly relationship. This research aims to analyze the implementation selfconcept of ale rasa beta rasa in the orang Basudara community. This research uses a descriptive qualitative methodresearch location in Ambon City in the Study of Passo and Batumerah Community Communities, Maluku Province. Data collection was carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and or focused group discussion (FGD). The research results show that Ale (you) taste beta (I) feel a concept that sociologically contains deep meaning for the Ambonese community. There are philosophical values in the expression Ale Rasa Beta Rasa. The value content is not only material for thought, but in the form of daily praxis to respect, feel, and carry out customary sacred duties. The values of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa function entirely and totally in carrying out the development of the life of the Basudara in Maluku. These values can operate functionally in building harmony, peace, progress, and the welfare of the Maluku nation's children. Ale and Beta have not only a communicative textual function but also a taste function as an expression of the heart and spirit of brotherhood. Ale rasa beta rasa becomes a means of reconciliation for conflicts between siblings. There is a content of philosophical values in the expression Ale Rasa Beta Rasa. it's just that the valuable content is still thoughtful and is manifested in everyday behavior to share, feel, and carry out sacred traditional events. There is a relationship between the values of Ale Rasa Beta Rasa and the self-concept and life context of the Basudara in Maluku, especially in the Pela relationship between Negeri Batumerah and Passo.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalensi Malaria Berdasarkan Karakteristik Sosio Demografi

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 2020

Malaria is a disease that attacks humans, birds, apes and other primates, reptiles and rodents,... more Malaria is a disease that attacks humans, birds, apes and other primates, reptiles and rodents, which is caused by protozoan infections of the genus Plasmodium and is easily recognized from the symptoms of fever (chills) and prolonged fever. Until now, Indonesia is still one of the countries at risk of Malaria because 80% of districts/cities in Indonesia are Malaria-endemic. The objective to be achieved in this study is to see a description of the incidence of Malaria in Denemani health centre based on the characteristics of the patient's age, sex of the patient, occupation and place of residence of the patient. The study design was a descriptive study obtained by a sample of 642 respondents. The results showed that there were more Malaria sufferers at the age of 24-35 years as many as 264 patients (41.1%), more Malaria sufferers in the female sex as many as 323 people (50.3%), Malaria sufferers more in patients who were work as private employees, 410 people (63.9%). More Mala...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Role Ambiguity and Fatigue on Employee Performance in Pelamonia Hospital, Makassar, Indonesia

Iranian Journal of Public Health, 2020

The article's abstract is no available.

Research paper thumbnail of STATUS GIZI ANAK USIA 24 - 59 BULAN (Studi Analitik Di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi)

Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2019

Masalah gizi di Indonesia, sebagai mana halnya dengan negara-negara berkembang lainnya pada anak ... more Masalah gizi di Indonesia, sebagai mana halnya dengan negara-negara berkembang lainnya pada anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi. Faktor konsumsi makanan merupakan penyebab langsung dari kejadian gizi buruk pada balita.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan gizi, pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi, penyakit infeksi, dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analitik pada 72 responden yang memenuhi kriteria yang dilaksanakan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai acuan pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa ada hubungan antara asupan gizi, penyakit infeksi, pengetahuan ibu dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi denga...

Research paper thumbnail of KEJADIAN HIPERTENSI (Studi Analitik Pada Pasien Dewasa di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jongaya Kota Makassar)

Alami Journal (Alauddin Islamic Medical) Journal, 2020

Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tanpa gejala atau the silent disaese. Hipertensi adalah ... more Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tanpa gejala atau the silent disaese. Hipertensi adalah keadaan dimana tekanan darah sistolik ≥140 mmHg dan diastolik ≥90 mmHg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kejadian hipertensi pada umur, aktivitas fisuk, makanan asin atau garam, obesitas, keturunan atau gen dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptik analitik dengan pendekatan study cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 179 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan secara purposive sampling. Sedangkan sampel penelitian ini adalah pasien yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Jongaya dengan kriteria umur 25-45 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Jongaya Kecematan Tamalate Kota Makassar pada bulan Juni-Juli 2019. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara umur, aktivitas fisik, makanan asin atau garam, obesitas, keturunan atau gen dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi dengan nilai P= 0,000 < α = 0,050; P= 0,003 < ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Puskesmas : Studi Deskriptif pada Masyarakat di Puskesmas Moanemani Kabupaten Dogiyai

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020

Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan pelayanan kesehatan adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan sec... more Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan pelayanan kesehatan adalah setiap upaya yang diselenggarakan secara bersama-sama dalam suatu organisasi untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan, mecegah dan mengobati penyakit serta memulihkan kesehatan perorangan, kelompok, keluarga ataupun masyarakat.Puskesmas merupakan pelayanan kesehatan di tingkat kecamatan yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan berupa Pelayanan Rawat Jalan, UGD, Pelayanan Perawatan Gigi, Pelayanan Persalinan (KIA), Pelayanan Posyandu, Pelayanan Obat, Pelayanan aboratorium Dahak dan Darah, serta Pelayanan Sanitasi dan Gizi serta Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa. Tujuan penelitian. Untuk memperoleh gambaran “Bagaimana pemanfaatan Pelayanan Puskesmas Moanemani di Moanemani Kabupaten Dogiyai”.Jenis penelitian adalah survey deskriktif yaitu penelitian yang diarahkan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menguraikan suatu keadaan di dalam komunitas atau masyarakat. Pada penelitian ini akan dilihat gambaran pemanfaatan pelayanan Puskesmas di ti...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Pada Puskesmas Maccini Sombala

Jurnal Kesehatan, 2019

Waiting time for services is a problem that often causes patient complaints in several health age... more Waiting time for services is a problem that often causes patient complaints in several health agencies. The length of time a patient waits at registration, examination, and reception drugs are reflects how the agencies manages the service component that is tailored to the patient's situation and expectations. This study aims to see the relationship between waiting time and patient satisfaction. This study uses an analytic observational research design with a cross-sectional study approach conducted at Public Health Center, Maccini Sombala of Makassar City. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total of 170 respondents. Analysis test with chi square test with significance level p <0.05. From the results of the chi square test waiting time for registration and examination of the drug to patient satisfaction, the p value = 0.000 and 0.021 <0.05 means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship between waiting time registration and e...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi IMD terhadap Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Mapilli Kecamatan Mapilli Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2019

This Research is a descriptivequanitative which aimed to analyze educational influence IMD on bre... more This Research is a descriptivequanitative which aimed to analyze educational influence IMD on breasfeeding esaklusifin puskesmas Mapilli, Mapilli Subdistrict, PolewaliMandar. The research informants consisted of 12 people. The data collection were conducted through depth interviews, observations, and documentation with data analysis techniques using the instructions of Miles and Huberman. This research concluded that (1) the influence between education IMD on giving exclusive breastfeeding. (2) no effect between support family to exclusive breastfeeding because support family and absence suport family mother still give exclusive breastfeeding (3) no effect influece of job status mother with breasfeeding exclusive because is work or does not work mother and equipmentgive exclusive breastfeeding (4) of education IMD ,suport family end job mother to breasfeeding exclusive is the most influence is education IMD. This research put in a nest neednconductied research furthermore by using r...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) terhadap Status Gizi Bayi Dibawah Dua Tahun (BADUTA) di Puskesmas Malaka Kecamatan Lalabata Kabupaten Soppeng

ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019

Early Initiation Coverage (IMD) for Soppeng District based on survey data on nutritional status m... more Early Initiation Coverage (IMD) for Soppeng District based on survey data on nutritional status monitoring is still relatively low compared to the national target of 80%. So it is thought to have an impact on the prevalence of malnutrition by 22.6%, stunting 38.7%, skinny 7.7% and fat 4.5%. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between Early Breastfeeding Initiation and nutritional status of infants under two years at the Malaka community health centre, Lalabata District, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This study used a survey method with a statistical analysis approach and cross-sectional study design. The sample size in this study was 67 people which obtained through simple random sampling. This research was conducted in the working area of ​​the Malaka Health Center in Lapajung Sub-district, Lalabata District from April to June 2019. The data was processed by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a probability value of 95% in SPSS. The results of...

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan (Studi Analitik Terhadap Pasien Rawat Jalan di RSUD Makassar)

Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan RS.Dr. Soetomo, 2019

ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan dimulai dari kebutuhan pelanggan dan berakhir pada persepsi pelanggan.... more ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan dimulai dari kebutuhan pelanggan dan berakhir pada persepsi pelanggan. Citra kualitas pelayanan yang baik menitiberatkan pada sudut pandang atau persepsi pelanggan. Dalam pelayanan kesehatan, kualitas pelayanan menempatkan pasien sebagai pihak yang mengkonsumsi dan menikmati jasa pelayanan kesehatan termasuk yang paling menentukan kualitas jasa. Dengan penilaian kualitas maka mendorong pasien untuk menjalin ikatan hubungan yang kuat dengan pemberi layananan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui kehandalan, jaminan, bukti fisik, sikap ramah, dan daya tanggap terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di RSUD Kota Makassar Sulawesi Selatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 186 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan kehandalan terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan (p=0,002), ada hubungan jaminan terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan (p=0,000), ada hubungan bukti fisik terhadap ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pengelolaan Rekam Medis (Studi Kualitatif Di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Tahun 2019)

Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan, 2019

Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaa... more Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisikan catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan, dan pelayanan lain telah diberikan kepada pasien. Permasalahan rekam medis di Puskesmas Tamalate yaitu adanya kesulitan dalam pengolahan data seperti berkas rekam medis yang tercecer, selain itu data rekam medis yang tersimpan di rak-rak penyimpanan semakin hari semakin bertambah dan semakin menumpuk sehingga memakan tempat yang banyak. Banyaknya data rekam medis yang tersimpan terkadang salah penempatan pada tempatnya, sehingga menyebabkan petugas kesulitan untuk mencari berkas rekam medis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mendalam tentang Sistem Pengelolaan Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Tahun 2019, yang terdiri dari sistem penamaan, sistem penomoran, sistem penyimpanan, dan sistem pengangkutan rekam medis. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Tamalate Makassar Pada Bulan Mei 2019. Berdasar...

Research paper thumbnail of Anemia Event in Pregnant Women

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIKA), 2019

Anemia is caused by the lack number of red blood cells to distribute oxygen to system and fetus, ... more Anemia is caused by the lack number of red blood cells to distribute oxygen to system and fetus, anemia can be known if the content of Hb < 11 mg. The purpose of this research was to find out the relation of nutrition knowledge, food supply, and obedience in consuming Fe tablet with anemia in Pertiwi Health Center South Sulawesi Province. The type of research used was analytical survey with cross sectional design and collected using questionnaire with total samples of 158 people. The result of this research showed that there was relation of knowledge and anemia (p=0,009), there was relation of food supply and anemia (p=0,004), and there is relation of obedience in consuming Fe tablet with anemia (p=0,004). It is suggested to pregnant mother to always pay attention to the fetus by maintaining the food supply and routinely consume Fe tablets during pregnancy, because it affects the fetus health, growth and development.

Research paper thumbnail of Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien DI Pusat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat (Puskesad) Polkes Kabupaten Takalar

Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2018

The quality of health services is one of main focus for community. Awareness of the quality of h... more The quality of health services is one of main focus for community. Awareness of the quality of health services is increasing with the demand for improving the quality from service providers and community as a service user. The quality of health services greatly affects patient satisfaction. The design of this study is analytic survey research with cross sectional approach. The purpose of this study is to know the relation of quality of health service to patient satisfaction at Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES of Takalar Regency in 2017. The research is conducted at Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES Takalar District. The sample in this study are patients who treated at the Army Health Center (PUSKESAD) POLKES Takalar District in June of 2017 as many as 94 people using a simple random sampling technique. Data analysis in this research is univariate and bivariate analysis using chi square test. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between health service...