Deborah Besseghini | Università degli Studi di Torino (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Deborah Besseghini
23 febbraio 2023 | Spring Seminars 2022/2023 Dottorato in Global History of Empires ore 15.00 ... more 23 febbraio 2023 | Spring Seminars 2022/2023 Dottorato in Global History of Empires
ore 15.00
Torino, CLE, 3D233
Andrey Iserov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Foreign Agency, Consequences Local and Global: On the Necessity and Contingency in Spanish American Independence
Deborah Besseghini, University of Turin, Italy
The Space of Imperialism: Imperial Agents and other Players in the Great Game of Spanish-American Independence, 1806-1824
Mariano Schlez, National University of the South/CONICET, Argentina
Knowing the Revolution: Woodbine Parish’s Report and the British Strategy for Latin America (1822)
Rory Miller, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Andrés Baeza, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile
24 al 28 de julio de 2023 "Incertidumbre, crisis y conflictos desde la modernidad hasta nuestros ... more 24 al 28 de julio de 2023 "Incertidumbre, crisis y conflictos desde la modernidad hasta nuestros días"
Current Issues of Imperial History, Milano, Italia
IX Jornadas de investigación en humanidades, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
2018, Italia e America Latina: forme, dinamiche e rappresentazioni di un’interazione sociale e culturale, XVI XX secolo (Rolando Minuti PRIN 2015) Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento SAGAS
IV Congreso Peruano de Historia Económica, Piura
Vanishing Indians, International Conference, 2016
15th Annual Conference, Transatlantic Studies Association, 4-6 July , 2016
journal articles by Deborah Besseghini
On the British unofficial consul in Buenos Aires, in the 1810s
Seminario Interinstitucional: Corporaciones, comercio y servicios al Rey en Hispanoamérica, siglos XVII a XIX,Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Città del Messico
Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino, Turín, Italia): El poder de la ayuda: Rober... more Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino, Turín, Italia): El poder de la ayuda: Robert Ponsonby Staples, agente imperial británico
en el Río de la Plata (1808-1820)
Andrés Baeza Ruz (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago de Chile, Chile):¿Agente imperial o mediador cultural? Las múltiples facetas del comerciante británico Juan Diego Barnard en Chile durante la Era de las revoluciones (1813-1829)
Mariano Schlez (UNS-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina): Conocer la revolución: el informe de Woodbine Parish y la estrategia británica
para América latina (1822)
Comentarista: Martín Wasserman (Instituto Ravignani UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
En el marco del Seminario de posgrado
LOS IMPERIOS EUROPEOS, VECTORES DE MUNDIALIZACIÓN (SIGLOS XVI-XXI) dictado por Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Nuova rivista storica, 8(1), 2023
23 febbraio 2023 | Spring Seminars 2022/2023 Dottorato in Global History of Empires ore 15.00 ... more 23 febbraio 2023 | Spring Seminars 2022/2023 Dottorato in Global History of Empires
ore 15.00
Torino, CLE, 3D233
Andrey Iserov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Foreign Agency, Consequences Local and Global: On the Necessity and Contingency in Spanish American Independence
Deborah Besseghini, University of Turin, Italy
The Space of Imperialism: Imperial Agents and other Players in the Great Game of Spanish-American Independence, 1806-1824
Mariano Schlez, National University of the South/CONICET, Argentina
Knowing the Revolution: Woodbine Parish’s Report and the British Strategy for Latin America (1822)
Rory Miller, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Andrés Baeza, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile
24 al 28 de julio de 2023 "Incertidumbre, crisis y conflictos desde la modernidad hasta nuestros ... more 24 al 28 de julio de 2023 "Incertidumbre, crisis y conflictos desde la modernidad hasta nuestros días"
Current Issues of Imperial History, Milano, Italia
IX Jornadas de investigación en humanidades, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
2018, Italia e America Latina: forme, dinamiche e rappresentazioni di un’interazione sociale e culturale, XVI XX secolo (Rolando Minuti PRIN 2015) Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento SAGAS
IV Congreso Peruano de Historia Económica, Piura
Vanishing Indians, International Conference, 2016
15th Annual Conference, Transatlantic Studies Association, 4-6 July , 2016
On the British unofficial consul in Buenos Aires, in the 1810s
Seminario Interinstitucional: Corporaciones, comercio y servicios al Rey en Hispanoamérica, siglos XVII a XIX,Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Città del Messico
Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino, Turín, Italia): El poder de la ayuda: Rober... more Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino, Turín, Italia): El poder de la ayuda: Robert Ponsonby Staples, agente imperial británico
en el Río de la Plata (1808-1820)
Andrés Baeza Ruz (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago de Chile, Chile):¿Agente imperial o mediador cultural? Las múltiples facetas del comerciante británico Juan Diego Barnard en Chile durante la Era de las revoluciones (1813-1829)
Mariano Schlez (UNS-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina): Conocer la revolución: el informe de Woodbine Parish y la estrategia británica
para América latina (1822)
Comentarista: Martín Wasserman (Instituto Ravignani UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
En el marco del Seminario de posgrado
LOS IMPERIOS EUROPEOS, VECTORES DE MUNDIALIZACIÓN (SIGLOS XVI-XXI) dictado por Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Nuova rivista storica, 8(1), 2023
Nuova rivista storica, anno CVII, fascicolo 1, 2023, pp.157-206, 2023
This study retraces a significant story about both Hispanic America’s position in the British “Im... more This study retraces a significant story about both Hispanic America’s position in the British “Imperial Meridian” and Britain’s contribution to South American independence. The story tells about Robert Ponsonby Staples, and it pulls back the curtain on initiatives and negotiations that influenced the political reconfiguration of South America and established sufficient western bases of “imperial security” for Britain’s world empire. Staples was the cadet son of an Irish ex-member of Parliament
with family ties to both Castlereagh and Wellington. He was appointed consul in Buenos Aires in 1811, acting informally as a confidential agent for the Foreign Office. His story helps us both investigate the role of “imperial” agents in Hispanic America and reflect on the margin of influence wielded by the great powers before the new states were recognised. This influence was even greater if exercised by unofficial
envoys, bounded solely to their patrons and free to explicitly pursue undeclared interests of the mother country. Staples acted within a political space that we could define as an “intermediate area” between what agents were able to do and Britain’s official policy. According to the author, the unofficial policy is the realm of “informal imperialism”. This political (not economic) category heretofore used infrequently for the independence era is, on the contrary, particularly suitable in contexts of political
reconfiguration when power was mainly exerted to create an acceptable new order in the imperial interest. Moreover, research conducted in European and American archives has uncovered evidence of concrete British support to San Martín’s liberation campaigns, between private and public initiatives.
Illes i imperis
Mediante el concepto de imperialismo informal, y revisando convenciones arraigadas, definimos aqu... more Mediante el concepto de imperialismo informal, y revisando convenciones arraigadas, definimos aquí algunas causas externas del colapso del imperio español que se pueden vincular al fortalecimiento del poder británico (estructural, relacional y habilitador) en el Río de la Plata. Las estrategias de seguridad imperial británica relativas a Hispanoamérica durante las guerras napoleónicas están asociadas a la acción de redes aliadas y a la apertura comercial, vector de ese poder gracias a la protección de la Marina. La sinergia entre agentes que respondían al gobierno británico y actores más independientes emerge de la correspondencia oficial y semioficial sobre la disputa con el Virrey Cisneros, quien luego de abrir el comercioamenazó con expulsar a los británicos en vísperas de la Revolución de Mayo.
Il lavoro consiste nella ricostruzione delle reti atlantiche e globali di un agente politico e co... more Il lavoro consiste nella ricostruzione delle reti atlantiche e globali di un agente politico e commerciale britannico, attivo nel periodo delle guerre di indipendenza in America latina. Robert Ponsonby Staples (1784-1852) fu prima console ufficioso a Buenos Aires e poi console in Messico, ad Acapulco e Guadalajara. Possiamo definire la sua una biografia \\u201cimperiale\\u201d, in quanto Staples si mosse, prima sul R\\uedo de la Plata, poi sulla costa americana del Pacifico (dove giunse dopo essersi spinto fino Calcutta) e infine in Messico, negli spazi dove si dispiegarono gli interessi imperiali della Gran Bretagna, in particolare quelli resi accessibili dalla crisi dell\\u2019impero ispano-americano. La ricostruzione delle vicende di un agente prevalentemente informale, tra missioni politiche e iniziative commerciali di rilevanza politico-strategica (i prestiti ai nuovi governi indipendenti, gli investimenti minerari e il commercio di forniture militari), \\ue8 effettuata sulla base d...
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, 2023
This special issue investigates how in the times of war, political turmoil, and disruption of com... more This special issue investigates how in the times of war, political turmoil, and disruption of commercial practices during theAge of Revolutions two centuries ago, merchants appear as demiurges of a new order. This is part of a polycentric reading of epochal transformations that does not deny the primacy of politics and military power in establishing relations of force, but which underlinesthe complex negotiations at their base. The collection of essays looks at the profound global consequences of the fall of the Spanish American empire, particularly as they related to the decline of mercantilism and the reconfiguration of both Atlantic and inter-Pacific commerce. A crucial element in this transformation was thewar economy, which had implications not only in Spanish America, but in the whole of the Hispanic world and beyond. Global merchants or businessmen —foreigners and Hispanic— strategically located in the Hispanic World, whose networks and affairs linked Europe, Asia and the Americas, worked within the vacuum created by the crisis of the Spanish monarchy in what was a fluid and foundational moment. The essays investigate how the Napoleonic Wars and the Wars of Independence against Spain accelerated the emergence of new actors, practices, rules and commercial circuits, by analyzing the personal and business networks that built, redefined and renegotiated the role of Hispanic America in the global economy. This prosopography of merchants thus shows trajectoriesthrough which, despite infinite difficulties, global and transregional merchants appear as one of the maieutic forces in the birth of the modern world.
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business
This article investigates the role that the arms trade connected to Hispanic American Independenc... more This article investigates the role that the arms trade connected to Hispanic American Independence Wars played in the transformations at the origins of 19th century globalization. It looks specifically at how arms supplies to governments encouraged the early post-mercantilist development of South American commerce, and some of the domino effects of such development. This turning point in economic history is analyzed through the biographical trajectories of merchants who were well positioned between geopolitics and trade, and who had “imperial” functions without being formally involved in imperialist projects. Business and political correspondence, notarial documents, and customs registers from archives in Europe and the Americas reveal the workings of networks and business affairs of global merchants whose companies were major arms importers in Buenos Aires during the years leading to Chile’s liberation. The threads of John McNeile’s (an important but neglected figure) and David DeF...
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business
This special issue investigates how in the times of war, political turmoil, and disruption of com... more This special issue investigates how in the times of war, political turmoil, and disruption of commercial practices during the Age of Revolutions two centuries ago, merchants appear as demiurges of a new order. This is part of a polycentric reading of epochal transformations that does not deny the primacy of politics and military power in establishing relations of force, but which underline the complex negotiations at their base. The collection of essays looks at the profound global consequences of the fall of the Spanish American empire, particularly as they related to the decline of mercantilism and the reconfiguration of both Atlantic and inter-Pacific commerce. A crucial element in this transformation was the war economy, which had implications not only in Spanish America, but in the whole of the Hispanic world and beyond. Global merchants or businessmen —foreigners and Hispanic— strategically located in the Hispanic World, whose networks and affairs linked Europe, Asia and the A...
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, Volume 8, Number 1, 81-118,, 2023
This article investigates the role that the arms trade connected to Hispanic American Independenc... more This article investigates the role that the arms trade connected to Hispanic American Independence Wars played in the transformations at the origins of 19th century
globalization. It looks specifically at how arms supplies to governments encouraged the early post-mercantilist development of South American commerce, and
some of the domino effects of such development. This turning point in economic history is analyzed through the biographical trajectories of merchants who were
well positioned between geopolitics and trade, and who had “imperial” functions without being formally involved in imperialist projects. Business and political
correspondence, notarial documents, and customs registers from archives in Europe and the Americas reveal the workings of networks and business affairs of
global merchants whose companies were major arms importers in Buenos Aires during the years leading to Chile’s liberation. The threads of John McNeile’s (an
important but neglected figure) and David DeForest’s networks hook onto the principal economic and political laboratories of the countries from whence most
arms were imported: Great Britain and the United States. They reached Chile and Peru from Buenos Aires and remained crucial to the liberation campaigns,
encouraging further commercial expansion along the American Pacific coast and toward Asia, and pioneering financial adventures. Relations between commercial
houses active in Hispanic America and Asia reveal British and US transpacific networks and ties between Hispanic American and Asian commerce and economies.
The article thus shows how, by bringing together fragmented and scattered sources from both sides of the Atlantic, the significance of the arms trade in South
America as a driving force of globalization emerges.
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, Vol.8, n. 1, pp. 1-42, ISSN 2385-7137, 2023
Illes i Imperis, n. 23, 2021
Mediante el concepto de imperialismo informal, y revisando convenciones arraigadas, definimos aqu... more Mediante el concepto de imperialismo informal, y revisando convenciones arraigadas, definimos
aquí algunas causas externas del colapso del imperio español que se pueden vincular
al fortalecimiento del poder británico (estructural, relacional y habilitador) en el Río de la
Plata. Las estrategias de seguridad imperial británica relativas a Hispanoamérica durante las
guerras napoleónicas están asociadas a la acción de redes aliadas y a la apertura comercial,
vector de ese poder gracias a la protección de la Marina. La sinergia entre agentes que respondían
al gobierno británico y actores más independientes emerge de la correspondencia
oficial y semioficial sobre la disputa con el Virrey Cisneros, quien luego de abrir el comercio
amenazó con expulsar a los británicos en vísperas de la Revolución de Mayo.
Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 54(1): 35-56., 2020
Research interpreting the collapse of the transatlantic empires as a global conflict fostered by ... more Research interpreting the collapse of the transatlantic empires as a global conflict fostered by inter-imperial rivalries – an age of ‘imperial’ revolutions – has contributed much in understanding the ‘Atlantic’ reconfiguration of two centuries ago. This reconfiguration is characterized by civil wars within the various empires, part of a general conflict between tradition and revolution, between supporters of the old empires and their opponents. Such interpretation fits both the Hispano-American independences and the concomitant Anglo-American War of 1812, the so-called Second War of Independence. This essay intends to show some points of contact between these two civil conflicts in the global war. It analyses the repercussions the War of 1812 had on conflicts between ‘loyalists’ and ‘independentists’ in South America, and formal and informal aspects of the struggle between Britain and the United States for influence over the area – how their ‘imperial’ nets expanded informally on land and sea through the use of agents as consuls, merchants and sailors, active largely between Río de la Plata and Chile. The American Pacific coast acquires a new centrality here, in the analysis of U.S. policy in Hispanic America and in the geography of the Atlantic reconfiguration, illuminating neglected details in the ‘geopolitics of Latin-American independence’.
Economía, 2020
This article traces the story of one of the most significant unofficial mediators in the context ... more This article traces the story of one of the most significant unofficial mediators in the context of the imperial reconfiguration of the Atlantic World between the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The protagonist was a woman of many identities, loyalties, experiences, and allegiances, who stood at the center of business and family networks of global dimension. Of French descent, married to an Irishman, and naturalized a Spanish subject in Buenos Aires, "Anita" Périchon was able to strike a balance between British and Hispanic-American imperial and personal interests. Well-known in Argentina as the mistress of Viceroy Liniers, this article focuses on the role she played in the system of corruption that allowed British merchants to conduct business in Río de la Plata between the June 1808 alliance of Britain and anti-French Spain and the legal opening of direct trade with the British in Buenos Aires in November 1809.
Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos , 2020
This paper retraces the changing alliances and practices of Antony Gibbs & Sons’ Lima agent durin... more This paper retraces the changing alliances and practices of Antony Gibbs & Sons’ Lima agent during the transition from Spanish to independentist rule. The company’s correspondence with London guides us in exploring this moment in Hispano-American history halfway between the 18th century Spanish global trading system and 19th century international trade hegemonised by Britain. It will shed light on that ‘grey area’ between royalists and independentists, kept open by a handful of international merchants from neutral countries and embracing a wide gamut of possible compromises. Gibbs quickly adjusted the hierarchy among their alliances, in order to adapt to shifting power balances between royalists and independentists and between British and Spanish interests on the Hispano-American Pacific coast. The firm’s synergy with British merchants well-connected to the independentists provided it with greater guarantees of success and better political support than those provided by its partners in Spain and royalist America. Such alliances were key in expanding the firm’s trade, as was Gibbs’ access to pre-existing commercial networks in Spanish America. The company’s initiatives became therefore a vector of change between the old system and the new, an informal means of ‘restructuring’ influence
during this era of reconfiguration.
The article retraces, up to the present day, the historiographical debate over the concept of «in... more The article retraces, up to the present day, the historiographical debate over the concept of «informal imperialism» launched in England by Ronald Robinson and John Gallagher with their 1953 article The Imperialism of Free Trade. It refers chiefly to that part of it focusing on an influence, here defined as «structuring», of Britain on Latin America after independence. It offers a less vague, less traditional and more circumscribed interpretation of informal imperialism, useful in identifying a particular degree of imperialism: that of imperial construction within a framework of unofficial policy.
Copyright © FrancoAngeli
Simposio del XX Congreso de AHILA: "Entre América y el Mediterráneo. Actores, ideas,circulaciones... more Simposio del XX Congreso de AHILA: "Entre América y el Mediterráneo. Actores, ideas,circulaciones en los mundos ibéricos" Nápoles, 2-6 de septiembre 2024.
Temática del simposio: El panel analiza la vinculación entre comerciantes “extranjeros” europeos
(franceses, británicos, bálticos…) e hispanos activos en América en el tránsito del sistema imperial
mercantilista al sistema liberal decimonónico. Iremos más allá de los puertos transoceánicos para incursionar
en el comercio local tanto terrestre como marítimo. Proponemos estudiar los grandes puertos de
Hispanoamérica como punto de conexión entre el comercio global y la economía del interior, sobre la base
del análisis de alianzas empresariales y de mecanismos de intercambio semi coactivos. Se propone el estudio
de casos como circuitos mercantiles, precios, instrumentos monetarios, fiscales y financieros. ¿Cuáles fueros
los mecanismos utilizados en la restructuración comercial en el contexto de crisis y guerra en la Era de las
revoluciones? ¿Y cómo se consolidó una nueva estructura de intercambios locales e internacionales a partir
de dichas relaciones? ¿Y qué papel tuvieron los actores y los canales del comercio hispanoamericano en la
configuración del libre cambio? Se investigan continuidades y rupturas: entre las redes trans-imperiales de la
última fase mercantilista y la configuración de nuevas hegemonías, canales y actores en el comercio a larga
distancia; y entre los entramados profundos, regionales, de los circuitos mercantiles y las fuerzas motrices de
la segunda gran globalización.
XX Congreso de AHILA: "Entre América y el Mediterráneo. Actores, ideas,circulaciones en los mundo... more XX Congreso de AHILA: "Entre América y el Mediterráneo. Actores, ideas,circulaciones en los mundos ibéricos" Nápoles, 2-6 de septiembre 2024
Quienes estén interesados en participar deben enviar sus propuestas por correo electrónico a los tres coordinadores antes del 15 de septiembre de 2023.
AHILA Congress, 2024
Durante el proceso de reconfiguración imperial que surgió de las revoluciones e independencias, s... more Durante el proceso de reconfiguración imperial que surgió de las revoluciones e independencias, se establecieron nuevos tipos de vínculos (políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales) entre América Latina y las principales potencias europeas, que la historiografía ha definido con categorías como semi-colonialismo, neo-colonialismo, imperialismo informal, poscolonialismo, capitalismo dependiente. La mesa propone debatir sobre las formas no territoriales y modernas del “imperio” en una región, América Latina, que fue uno de los principales motores del cambio. Analiza un período de transición, desde fines del siglo XVIII hasta la mitad del siglo XIX, cuando los negocios a larga distancia buscaban nuevas formas de protección, tras la crisis de los sistemas imperiales de antiguo régimen. Asimismo, la periodización establecida permite abordar una época usualmente relegada en el debate sobre el “imperio informal”, pero crucial en la renovación de equilibrios político-militares y de prácticas imperiales a escala global. Proponemos abordar los siguientes interrogantes: ¿cuáles estructuras políticas, económicas, sociales, culturales fundamentaron formas de control post-imperial en Iberoamérica? ¿De qué modo estas impulsaron transformaciones geopolíticas? ¿Cómo caracterizar la intervención de los diversos sujetos sociales y actores imperiales a partir de la naturaleza del vínculo establecido? ¿Como se desarrolló el llamado imperialismo informal en la Era de las Revoluciones?
by Alessia Ceccarelli, Blythe Alice Raviola, Gibran Bautista y Lugo, Luciano Pezzolo, Benoît Maréchaux, candida carella, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Francesco Freddolini, Atzin Bahena, Deborah Besseghini, Maria Teresa Fattori, and Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS
Corso di Alta Formazione/Curso de Formación Avanzada - Storia, storiografia e scienze umane/Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas - Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento SARAS, 2022
Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e ... more Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e scienze umane (Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas) de Sapienza Università di Roma – Dipartimento SARAS:
El curso es gratuito y está dirigido a quienes posean una licenciatura de al menos tres años obtenida en cualquier facultad de una de las siguientes universidades: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) o Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
El curso, que se llevará a cabo en línea a través de la plataforma Zoom, comenzará el 25 de agosto 2022 y tendrá una duración de 5 semanas. Lo conforman unas 25 clases, que se impartirán de lunes a viernes, aproximadamente en las siguientes franjas horarias: de 9.30 a 11.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de Guatemala, y de 10.30 a 13.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de México.
Los profesores del curso – principalmente historiadores de la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea, junto con historiadores del arte e historiadores de la filosofía – desempeñan sus labores de investigación y de docencia en algunas de las mejores universidades de Europa y América Latina. La principal lengua del curso será el español (algunas clases serán en italiano, aunque de fácil comprensión).
La asistencia al menos al 75% de las clases dará derecho a un certificado de Sapienza Università di Roma de 13 créditos.
El Aviso de selección (Avviso di Selezione) se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:
La solicitud de admisión (preinscripción), acompañada de la documentación requerida, tiene que enviarse a más tardar el 22 de agosto de 2022 a la siguiente dirección:
Spagna contemporanea. Rivista semestrale di storia, cultura e istituzioni, 2020
Spagna contemporanea, 2020
Ricerche di Storia Politica, n. 3, pp.392-3, ISSN 1120-9526, Italia
D.R. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Lima, ISBN 978-607-7842-22-4 (copia digitale), 978-607-7842-21-7 (a stampa)., 2023
The archive of global history left to us in Piedmont by the traveler Carlo Vidua-whose intention ... more The archive of global history left to us in Piedmont by the traveler Carlo Vidua-whose intention was to use it to write the story of the great transformations of his epoch-takes us on a journey between continents like an Ariadne's thread in the Hispanic world. Looking in particular at the poles of Mexico City and Manila, we will begin to explore with Vidua forgotten aspects of the reconfiguration of hegemonies and trade, between East and West, reciprocal influences in revolutions, the birth of new identities, unprecedented ways of circulating knowledge. We will look at independent Latin America as a nerve center of nineteenth-century globalisation, and in the old and new channels connecting continents and cultures we will find some of the multilateral origins of modernity.**
Ireland and the Iberian Atlantic: migration, military and material culture, 2020, ISBN 978-84-7274-366-3, págs. 225-245, 2020 de Humanidades, Bahía Blanca, Argentina