Luciano Pezzolo | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (original) (raw)


Papers by Luciano Pezzolo

Research paper thumbnail of Wantje Fritschy, Public Finance of the Dutch Republic in Comparative Perspective: The Viability of an Early Modern Federal State (1570s-1795)

BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of La contromarcia olandese: un mito?

Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 2022

The essay discusses the historiographical significance of the tactic called counter- march, point... more The essay discusses the historiographical significance of the tactic called counter- march, pointing out that its use arose, in some cases, well before the end of the 16th century and in areas other than the Netherlands, i.e. in southern Europe as well as in the easternmost part of Asia. From this, it follows that the originality of this alleged ‘innovation’ in land warfare should be ascribed neither to the intellectual milieu of the Orange-Nassau family nor, even less, to the West itself. Secondly, the example of the countermarch is useful in revising the historio- graphical category of the ‘little divergence’, which hypothesized a growing gap, in both socio-economic and military terms, between north-western Europe and the rest of the continent.

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e amministrazione in Valpolicella nel Cinquecento e primo Seicento

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Research paper thumbnail of ISSN: 1827/336X The rise and decline of a great power

This essay outlines the rise and decline of the most powerful Italian republican state between th... more This essay outlines the rise and decline of the most powerful Italian republican state between the middle ages and the early modern period. It moreover seeks to analyze the political, financial, and military means that enabled a state based on a peripheral site and disposing of relatively limited population resources to achieve such a prominent position in Europe. It then examines the causes of its decline, in both relative and absolute terms. The history of Venice in fact offers an excellent case study with which to verify Schumpeter’s thesis for a specific geographical area, that of the Italian peninsula, which has been surprisingly neglected by scholars interested in the origins of the fiscal

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Research paper thumbnail of Una rivoluzione militare europea

This essay reviews some military innovations that emerged both in Europe and Asia in the early mo... more This essay reviews some military innovations that emerged both in Europe and Asia in the early modern age. The military divergence between the West and the East occurred between the 18th and 19th century, as technological and institutional developments allowed the Europeans to get the primacy over the rest of the world

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Research paper thumbnail of Venice and Doppler

... of tourists to travel more cheaply and with greater reliability than previously, thus consoli... more ... of tourists to travel more cheaply and with greater reliability than previously, thus consolidating existing destinations and allowing the Luciano Pezzolo: Venice and ... The beach became a source of entertain-ment and amusement for all ages and the beach of the Lido was to be ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fiscalità e congiuntura in città e nel territorio (1630-1715)

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni militari in Italia fra Medioevo ed Età moderna

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Research paper thumbnail of Il forestiero nell'economia di villaggio veneta nel Sei-Settecento, in Le migrazioni in Europa (secc. XIII-XVIII)

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Research paper thumbnail of Prezzi, moneta e Stato, in Storia d’Europa e del Mediterraneo

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Research paper thumbnail of El sistema fisco-financiero en la República de Venecia durante la época moderna: Entre la política y las instituciones

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e sistemi finanziari in Italia tra Cinque e Seicento: un confronto tra la Repubblica di Venezia e lo Stato di Milano

Acta Histriae, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Tintoretto nella vita economica di Venezia

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Research paper thumbnail of Il sistema fisco-finanziario nella Repubblica veneta in età moderna: fra politica e istituzioni

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Research paper thumbnail of Elogio della rendita. Sul debito pubblico degli Stati italiani nel Cinque e Seicento

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Research paper thumbnail of La pietrificazione del capitale: ipotesi e problemi

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Research paper thumbnail of I prezzi cerealicoli nel Veneto in età moderna: problemi di una ricerca in corso

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Research paper thumbnail of Fra potere politico e controllo dell’ordine: il capitan grande del Consiglio dei Dieci

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Research paper thumbnail of Politica, istituzioni e crescita economica nell’Europa preindustriale

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Research paper thumbnail of The organisation of warfare and the military milieu in the republic of Venice

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Research paper thumbnail of Wantje Fritschy, Public Finance of the Dutch Republic in Comparative Perspective: The Viability of an Early Modern Federal State (1570s-1795)

BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of La contromarcia olandese: un mito?

Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 2022

The essay discusses the historiographical significance of the tactic called counter- march, point... more The essay discusses the historiographical significance of the tactic called counter- march, pointing out that its use arose, in some cases, well before the end of the 16th century and in areas other than the Netherlands, i.e. in southern Europe as well as in the easternmost part of Asia. From this, it follows that the originality of this alleged ‘innovation’ in land warfare should be ascribed neither to the intellectual milieu of the Orange-Nassau family nor, even less, to the West itself. Secondly, the example of the countermarch is useful in revising the historio- graphical category of the ‘little divergence’, which hypothesized a growing gap, in both socio-economic and military terms, between north-western Europe and the rest of the continent.

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e amministrazione in Valpolicella nel Cinquecento e primo Seicento

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Research paper thumbnail of ISSN: 1827/336X The rise and decline of a great power

This essay outlines the rise and decline of the most powerful Italian republican state between th... more This essay outlines the rise and decline of the most powerful Italian republican state between the middle ages and the early modern period. It moreover seeks to analyze the political, financial, and military means that enabled a state based on a peripheral site and disposing of relatively limited population resources to achieve such a prominent position in Europe. It then examines the causes of its decline, in both relative and absolute terms. The history of Venice in fact offers an excellent case study with which to verify Schumpeter’s thesis for a specific geographical area, that of the Italian peninsula, which has been surprisingly neglected by scholars interested in the origins of the fiscal

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Research paper thumbnail of Una rivoluzione militare europea

This essay reviews some military innovations that emerged both in Europe and Asia in the early mo... more This essay reviews some military innovations that emerged both in Europe and Asia in the early modern age. The military divergence between the West and the East occurred between the 18th and 19th century, as technological and institutional developments allowed the Europeans to get the primacy over the rest of the world

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Research paper thumbnail of Venice and Doppler

... of tourists to travel more cheaply and with greater reliability than previously, thus consoli... more ... of tourists to travel more cheaply and with greater reliability than previously, thus consolidating existing destinations and allowing the Luciano Pezzolo: Venice and ... The beach became a source of entertain-ment and amusement for all ages and the beach of the Lido was to be ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fiscalità e congiuntura in città e nel territorio (1630-1715)

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni militari in Italia fra Medioevo ed Età moderna

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Research paper thumbnail of Il forestiero nell'economia di villaggio veneta nel Sei-Settecento, in Le migrazioni in Europa (secc. XIII-XVIII)

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Research paper thumbnail of Prezzi, moneta e Stato, in Storia d’Europa e del Mediterraneo

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Research paper thumbnail of El sistema fisco-financiero en la República de Venecia durante la época moderna: Entre la política y las instituciones

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Research paper thumbnail of Istituzioni e sistemi finanziari in Italia tra Cinque e Seicento: un confronto tra la Repubblica di Venezia e lo Stato di Milano

Acta Histriae, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Tintoretto nella vita economica di Venezia

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Research paper thumbnail of Il sistema fisco-finanziario nella Repubblica veneta in età moderna: fra politica e istituzioni

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Research paper thumbnail of Elogio della rendita. Sul debito pubblico degli Stati italiani nel Cinque e Seicento

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Research paper thumbnail of La pietrificazione del capitale: ipotesi e problemi

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Research paper thumbnail of I prezzi cerealicoli nel Veneto in età moderna: problemi di una ricerca in corso

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Research paper thumbnail of Fra potere politico e controllo dell’ordine: il capitan grande del Consiglio dei Dieci

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Research paper thumbnail of Politica, istituzioni e crescita economica nell’Europa preindustriale

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Research paper thumbnail of The organisation of warfare and the military milieu in the republic of Venice

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Research paper thumbnail of UN AMABILE BANCHETTO.pdf

Un amabile banchetto. Scritti per Claudio Povolo, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduzione alla storia moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018

by vincenzo lavenia, Marco Bellabarba, Luciano Pezzolo, massimo donattini, Marco Armiero, Roberta Biasillo, Maria Pia Donato, Massimo Rospocher, Lucio Biasiori, Hitomi Sato, and Antonio TRAMPUS

INDICE DEL VOLUME: Introduzione. - PARTE PRIMA: LE QUESTIONI. - I. Il pensiero del passato e l’id... more INDICE DEL VOLUME: Introduzione. - PARTE PRIMA: LE QUESTIONI. - I. Il pensiero del passato e l’idea di moderno. - II. Misurare il tempo. - III. Rivoluzioni ecologiche lunghe tre secoli. - IV. Cartografare lo spazio. - V. Reti globali e merci. - VI. Lavoro, schiavitù, migrazioni. - VII. Grande divergenza, capitalismo, industrializzazione. - VIII. Stati, imperi, colonie. - IX. Le città. - X. Violenza e guerra. - XI. Le stratificazioni sociali. - XII. Matrimonio, famiglia, sessualità. - XIII. Culti e religione: contatti, conflitti, trasformazioni. - XIV. Emozioni tra individuo e collettività. - XV. Organizzazione e sapere scientifico. - XVI. La comunicazione: stampa, scrittura, oralità, immagini e suoni. - PARTE SECONDA: I LUOGHI E LE GRANDI CESURE. - XVII. 1368. Dopo la «pax mongolica»: l’Asia dei Ming e di Timur. - XVIII. 1434-1512. La fondazione dell’«Estado da India» e l’inizio del colonialismo. - XIX. 1453-1526. Istanbul, la Persia e Agra: gli imperi islamici. - XX. 1492. Da Granada ai Caraibi: la Spagna unita tra «conversos» e vecchi cristiani. - XXI. 1517. Wittenberg, Ginevra, Londra e Roma: la crisi religiosa in Europa. - XXII. 1519-1555. Da Gand ad Augusta: Carlo V e il potere asburgico. - XXIII. 1520-1683. Da Rodi a Vienna: la sfida ottomana. - XXIV. 1521-1534. Tenochtitlán e Cuzco: come finirono gli «imperi» del Nuovo Mondo. - XXV. 1527. Il sacco di Roma e le guerre d’Italia. - XXVI. 1533-1613. La Russia e l’Eurasia: Ivan il Terribile e il «periodo dei torbidi». - XXVII. 1559-1648. Da Parigi a Vestfalia: i conflitti di religione. - XXVIII. 1602. La VOC: i Paesi Bassi e l’imbarazzo della ricchezza. - XXIX. 1603-1644. Una dinastia di «shogun» per il Giappone, i Qing in Cina. - XXX. 1609. Espellere i «moriscos». - XXXI. 1649. Una repubblica puritana e le origini della potenza britannica. - XXXII. 1660. Lo Stato sono io: la Francia e l’Europa del tardo Seicento. - XXXIII. 1682-1796. Baltico, Mar Nero, Siberia: la Russia dei Romanov in guerra. - XXXIV. 1700-1738. L’Europa multipolare. - XXXV. 1740-1763. Guerre europee e guerre globali. - XXXVI. 1776-1833. Le Rivoluzioni Atlantiche. - XXXVII. 1789. Parigi insorge: la Rivoluzione Francese. - XXXVIII. 1804-1815. Il nuovo ordine in Europa. - Carte. - Cronologia. - Indici.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'oro dello Stato

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Research paper thumbnail of Fisco dei veneziani

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Research paper thumbnail of Una finanza d'ancien régime

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Research paper thumbnail of BEYOND THE BORDERS/Más allá de las fronteras - Convegno internazionale - Sapienza Università di Roma, Palazzo del Rettorato, Aula degli Organi Collegiali, 23-25 giugno 2022

by Alessia Ceccarelli, Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Sabina Brevaglieri, Maria Teresa Fattori, Luciano Pezzolo, Atzin Bahena, María Laura Salinas, candida carella, Domenico Cecere, Roberto Di Stefano, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Silvia Toppetta, Ilaria Stazzi, Daniele Colonnetti, Montserrat Báez, and Massimo De Giuseppe

BEYOND THE BORDERS/Más allá de las fronteras, 2022

Il convegno è parte del progetto di Cooperazione internazionale Beyond the borders. Laboratory ... more Il convegno è parte del progetto di Cooperazione internazionale
Beyond the borders. Laboratory of history and historiography, networking action between Europe and Central America (Sapienza 2020–22), di cui sono partner i seguenti atenei: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC – Prof. José Edgardo Cal Montoya), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM – Prof. Gibrán Irving Israel Bautista y Lugo), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM – Prof. Antonio Álvarez Ossorio Alvariño), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA – Prof. Gerassimos D. Pagratis), Università di Palermo (UNIPA – Prof.ssa Valentina Favarò), Università di Milano (UNIMI – Prof.ssa Blythe Alice Raviola). Responsabile: Gaetano Lettieri – Responsabile operativo (Project Manager): Alessia Ceccarelli

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Research paper thumbnail of Corso di Alta Formazione/Curso de Formación Avanzada - Storia, storiografia e scienze umane/Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas - Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento SARAS - 13 cfu

by Alessia Ceccarelli, Blythe Alice Raviola, Gibran Bautista y Lugo, Luciano Pezzolo, Benoît Maréchaux, candida carella, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Francesco Freddolini, Atzin Bahena, Rafael Gaune Corradi, Deborah Besseghini, Maria Teresa Fattori, and Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS

Corso di Alta Formazione/Curso de Formación Avanzada - Storia, storiografia e scienze umane/Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas - Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento SARAS, 2022

Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e ... more Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e scienze umane (Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas) de Sapienza Università di Roma – Dipartimento SARAS:
El curso es gratuito y está dirigido a quienes posean una licenciatura de al menos tres años obtenida en cualquier facultad de una de las siguientes universidades: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) o Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
El curso, que se llevará a cabo en línea a través de la plataforma Zoom, comenzará el 25 de agosto 2022 y tendrá una duración de 5 semanas. Lo conforman unas 25 clases, que se impartirán de lunes a viernes, aproximadamente en las siguientes franjas horarias: de 9.30 a 11.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de Guatemala, y de 10.30 a 13.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de México.
Los profesores del curso – principalmente historiadores de la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea, junto con historiadores del arte e historiadores de la filosofía – desempeñan sus labores de investigación y de docencia en algunas de las mejores universidades de Europa y América Latina. La principal lengua del curso será el español (algunas clases serán en italiano, aunque de fácil comprensión).
La asistencia al menos al 75% de las clases dará derecho a un certificado de Sapienza Università di Roma de 13 créditos.
El Aviso de selección (Avviso di Selezione) se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:
La solicitud de admisión (preinscripción), acompañada de la documentación requerida, tiene que enviarse a más tardar el 22 de agosto de 2022 a la siguiente dirección:

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