Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS | National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (original) (raw)

Books by Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS



Παγκράτης Γεράσιμος – Τζιβάρα Παναγιώτα – Καρύδης Σπύρος (επιμ.), Ζητήματα Παιδείας του Νέου και Νεότερου Ελληνισμού. Οφειλή στη Βασιλική Μπόμπου-Σταμάτη, Πρακτικά Ημερίδας (22 Φεβρουαρίου 2022), Εργαστήριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας (Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ), Αθήνα, 2024, σσ. 320.

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Research paper thumbnail of Population movements to the Ionian Islands from the 13th century to the annexation to the Reign of Greece, edited by N. Moschonas - G. Pagratis, NKUA - KMI, Athens, 2022 (in Greek)

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek Subjects of Venice in Eastern Mediterranean maritime business: some Sixteenth Century case studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Le fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e “valorizzazione”, a cura di Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Papazisis Publishers, Atene, 2019, 816 pp.

Anche per gli storici dotati di una preparazione teorica adeguata, la lettura e l’analisi delle f... more Anche per gli storici dotati di una preparazione teorica adeguata, la lettura e l’analisi delle fonti primarie relative alla storia d’Italia possono rivelarsi ardue, specialmente quando queste fonti sono scritte in una lingua diversa dalla propria lingua madre. In questo caso, lo studio di alcuni esempi concreti potrebbe fornire dei modelli utili per la ricerca storica.
I 29 capitoli che compongono il presente volume, hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare,
attraverso una serie di esempi, diversi approcci alle fonti per lo studio di «piccole» o «grandi» questioni della storia d’Italia dagli inizi del Medioevo in avanti. Storici esperti, ognuno attraverso i propri strumenti teorici e metodologici e con le proprie conoscenze specifiche (geografiche, tematiche, o di altro tipo), cercheranno di rispondere all’interrogativo: «Come si legge una fonte storica?».
L’interesse è rivolto soprattutto alla valorizzazione di particolari tipi di testimonianze, edite o inedite, di fonti storiche di natura istituzionale, di un corpus di documenti o di fonti di storia culturale. Queste tipologie di fonti vengono analizzate
nei seguenti aspetti:
• la collocazione del documento nel relativo quadro temporale e storico;
• l’utilizzo del documento per la comprensione di una questione specifica e del relativo dibattito storiografico;
• l’individuazione dei dati utili forniti dal documento e dei possibili metodi di indagine e valorizzazione di questi dati per apportare elementi di novità agli studi storici ecc.
La pubblicazione di questo volume, frutto delle attività del Seminario di Storia e Storiografia Italiana (Università Nazionale e Capodistriaca di Atene, Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana), ha come scopo quello di offrire a ricercatori di storia esempi concreti di analisi e valorizzazione delle fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria.
Il libro mira inoltre a presentare a tale pubblico alcune delle principali questioni
e tendenze che interessano l’odierna storiografia italiana.

Autori: Alibrandi Rosamaria, Argyrou Efi, Austruy Christophe, Birtachas Stathis, Bocchi Andrea, D’Angelo Michela, Del Rio Monica, Delli Quadri Rosa Maria, Di Vita Fabio, Dialeti Androniki, Falcetta Angela, Grenet Mathieu, Hanlon Gregory, Hocquet Jean Claude, Lazari Sevasti, Lazzarini Isabella, Leontsini Maria Konstantina, Mafrici Mirella Vera, Martino Federico, Occhi Katia, Panciera Walter, Pedani Maria Pia, Pedemonte Danilo, Pingaro Claudia, Plakotos Giorgos, Russo Maria Antonietta, Santoro Daniela, Signori Umberto, Sopracasa Alessio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Πόλεμος, Κράτος και Κοινωνία στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος: τέλη 14ου – αρχές 19ου αιώνα, Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών & Ηρόδοτος: Αθήνα, 2018, 578 σελ.

Το Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, ζώνη μεθοριακή εκτεινόμενη από την είσοδο της Αδριατικής έως τις νοτιοανατολικέ... more Το Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, ζώνη μεθοριακή εκτεινόμενη από την είσοδο της Αδριατικής έως τις νοτιοανατολικές ακτές της Σικελίας και τη νοτιοδυτική Πελοπόννησο, σχηματίζει μια τριγωνική υδάτινη επιφάνεια, εντός της Εσωτερικής Θάλασσας, με τρία ανοίγματα που οδηγούν αφενός στην Αδριατική και αφετέρου στη δυτική και ανατολική λεκάνη της Μεσογείου. Με αυτά τα γεωγραφικά χαρακτηριστικά και χάρη στην ξεχωριστή γεωστρατηγική της θέση ως πέρασμα στη διατομή τοπικών και διεθνών οδών, η θάλασσα του Ιονίου προσέλκυε πάντοτε ανθρώπους του εμπορίου, προσκυνητές, λογίους, εκκλησιαστικούς, αλλά και φυγάδες, πειρατές, πολεμικούς στόλους κ.ο.κ.
Μεγάλες δυνάμεις της εποχής διεκδίκησαν μερίδιο σε αυτόν τον χώρο. Στις απαρχές των πρώιμων νεότερων χρόνων τρεις ήταν ωστόσο οι κύριοι παίκτες: στο δυτικό τμήμα του Ιονίου οι Ισπανοί και στο ανατολικό οι Οθωμανοί (στην ηπειρωτική κυρίως πλευρά) και οι Βενετοί (σε νησιά και παράκτιες θέσεις). Κάποιες από τις μεταξύ τους μεγάλες συγκρούσεις άφησαν τα ίχνη τους στη συλλογική μνήμη για την οδύνη που προκάλεσαν. Λειτούργησαν, έτσι, ως σταθερά σημεία αναφοράς και πηγή έμπνευσης για έργα που αξιοποίησαν τον πόλεμο σε επίπεδο συμβολικό.
Ο ανά χείρας τόμος περιλαμβάνει δεκαέξι μελέτες διαρθρωμένες γύρω από τέσσερις γενικούς άξονες που εξετάζουν: α) την προετοιμασία για τη μάχη, όπου εντάσσεται η εξέταση του μηχανισμού συγκέντρωσης της πληροφορίας και η διαμόρφωση της κοινής γνώμης με μέσα της εποχής, όπως π.χ. οι προκηρύξεις, β) τον ίδιο τον πόλεμο με τους όρους της στρατιωτικής ιστορίας (μάχες, γεωπολιτική, στρατηγικές, τεκμηρίωση), γ) τις επιπτώσεις των πολέμων σε επίπεδο πολιτισμικό, συμβολικό και πολιτικό, και δ) τους ανθρώπους του πολέμου, όπου η έμφαση δόθηκε στην εξέταση του κοινωνικού τους προφίλ, της συμμετοχής τους στις κοινωνικές διεργασίες, της εξαργύρωσης των επιτυχιών στο πεδίο της μάχης για κοινωνική ή/και οικονομική άνοδο κ.ο.κ.

Συνεργάζονται οι:
Έφη ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥ, Ανδρονίκη ΔΙΑΛΕΤΗ, Fabio Paolo DI VITA, Ruthy GERTWAGEN, Emfra Safa GÜRKAN, Γιώργος ΖΟΥΜΠΟΣ, Νίκος ΚΟΥΡΚΟΥΜΕΛΗΣ, Βασιλική ΚΟΥΤΣΟΥΜΠΙΝΑ, Σεβαστή ΛΑΖΑΡΗ, Δάφνη ΛΑΠΠΑ, Γεράσιμος Δ. ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΗΣ, Giuseppe RESTIFO, Αλέξης ΣΑΒΒΙΔΗΣ, Kahraman ŞAKUL, Νίκος ΣΚΟΥΤΕΛΗΣ, Αναστασία ΣΤΟΥΡΑΪΤΗ, Διονύσιος ΧΑΤΖΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ

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Research paper thumbnail of War, State and Society in the Ionian Sea: late 14th – early 19th centuries, edited by Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Ionian Society of Historical Studies & Herodotos Publishing House: Athens, 2018, 578 pages

The Ionian Sea, thanks to its special geostrategic position at the intersection of local and glob... more The Ionian Sea, thanks to its special geostrategic position at the
intersection of local and global routes, has always attracted merchants,
pilgrims, scholars, clergymen as well as fugitives, pirates, naval fleets
etc. Major powers of the time claimed their share of this territory. In
the early modern era, there were three main actors: the Spanish in the
western part of the Ionian area, the Ottomans in the eastern part (mainly
on land territories) and the Venetians (on the islands and at coastal
locations). Some of the conflicts in which those three powers were
involved have left traces in collective memory because of the pain that
had been caused. Thus they functioned as reference points and as an
inspiration for works of art depicting the war through the use of
This book, which covers a period from the end of the 14th century to the Napoleonic wars, comprises sixteen chapters structured around four
general pillars examining the following: a) preparations for war,
including the mechanism for intelligence gathering and the influencing of
public opinion through the means available at the time, such as pamphlets, b) warfare itself in terms of military history (battles, geopolitics, strategies, documentation), c) the effects of war on the cultural, the symbolic and the political level, d) people at war, with an emphasis on their social profile, their participation in social processes, their gains from success in the field of war used for social or/and economic benefits etc.

Efi ARGYROU, Fabio Paolo DI VITA, Androniki DIALETI, Ruthy GERTWAGEN, Emrah Safa GÜRKAN, Dionysios HATZOPOULOS, Nikos KOURKOUMELIS, Vassiliki KOUTSOBINA, Dafni LAPPA, Sevasti LAZARI, Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Giuseppe RESTIFO, Kahraman ŞAKUL, Alexis G.C. SAVVIDES, Nikos SKOUTELIS, Anastasia STOURAITI, Yorgos ZOUMPOS

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Research paper thumbnail of Σελίδες Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού. Τόμος αφιερωμένος στον Δημήτρη Ε.-Γ. Καρύδη.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek)  in

History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek) in http://re...[ more ](;)History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek)


This book in Greek, on the history of Italy from the mid-fifteenth century until the unification of the country in 1861, a timespan that clearly transcends the boundaries of the established ways – traditional and other – of periodizing history, is intended to meet the needs of the course “Italian History and Culture II”, which is taught in the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian Uni-versity of Athens (NKUA). It is also suitable for numerous students in other Depart-ments of the Faculty of Letters of the NKUA, the majority of whom do not know Ital-ian.
For the same practical reasons, the text does not include thematic areas such as Humanism and the Renaissance, which concern the period examined here but com-menced in earlier times and are the object of another university course taught by the author.
The present work responds firstly to the laudable effort of the contributors to the research programme “Kallipos”, co-financed by the European Union, to fund the production of a large number of textbooks which will be accessible on-line to stu-dents, and not only, and secondly to the total absence of a synthetic work in Greek, which examines the history of the Italian States prior to Unification and fulfils the ac-ademic criteria of History.
Despite the close relations and contacts between the Greeks and the Italians af-ter the fall of Rome, the field of Italian history has been utilized mainly in specialist studies on Language, Art or Literature, in a very particular way: as the necessary backdrop, sometimes colourful but usually static and even stereotyped in regard to the insistent repetition of positions already outmoded by historiography.
Important and notable exceptions to the above undoubtedly exist, but at the level of textbooks they deal more with the study of common experiences between Greeks and Italians in particular periods. I mention specifically the migration of Byz-antine scholars to Italy in the closing years of the Byzantine Empire; the Latin, mainly Venetian, dominions in Greece; and so on.
The lack of textbooks on the history of the pre-Unification Italian States is not, of course, only a Greek problem. In Italy itself, synthetic texts encompassing in their material the period before Italian Unification began to appear relatively recently. Moreover, the very concept of the history of Italy was and, in a way, still is almost self-evidently understood by Italians and non-historians as the history of the Italian State, without discounting, of course, the considerable number of specialists who were and are dealing with the History of Italy in its unity from the Middle Ages on-ward.
Almost inevitably the first reliable textbooks on Italian history appeared in the postwar years, with the aim of providing knowledge of the history of Italy to a non-Italian readership, as is the case for example with Giuliano Procacci’s Storia degli ital-iani. 1-2. Bari: Universale Laterza, which was commissioned by the French publishing house Fayard and circulated in 1968, first in French, then in Italian, with the permis-sion of the French publishers, and was subsequently translated into several other languages, as well as with the Jean Delumeau’s L’Italie de Botticelli à Bonaparte. Pa-ris: Armand Colin, 1974, and so on.
A large public, if not the largest, is the English-speaking, for which reasons akin to the above led to the writing of textbooks and collective volumes. I mention indica-tively the works by Dennis Mack Smith (1997). Modern Italy. A Political History. Lon-don: Yale University; Christofer Duggan (1994). A Concise History of Italy. Cam-bridge-New York: Cambridge University Press; Christopher F. Black (2001). Early Modern Italy. A Social History. London: Routledge; et al.
These efforts were imitated by Italian authors too, who, defying Benedetto Croce’s refusal to include in a history of Italy the period before 1861, endeavoured and endeavour to examine their country’s history either self-containedly (e.g. Greco, G. & Rosa, M. (eds) (1996). Storia degli antichi stati italiani. Rome-Bari: Laterza) or, in the case where the recipients were students or even pupils, as part of a global or European history, with modern or traditional labels. Here the possible list would be particularly long. See inter alia Giardina, Α., Sabbatucci, G. & Vidotto, V. (2002). L’ età moderna, 2. Rome-Bari: Laterza; Ago, R. & & Vidotto, V. (2005). Storia Moderna, 3rd edition. Rome-Bari: Laterza; et al.
Until recently, the principal means of studying the history of Italy until 1861 were the collective works in several volumes, excellent examples of which include the series directed by Romano, R. & Vivanti, C. [(1972). Il carattere degli Italiani, 1-2. Tu-rin: Einaudi, ii; (1974) Storia d’Italia. Dalla caduta dell’impero romano al secolo XVIII, 1-2. Turin: Einaudi, iii; (1973) Storia d’Italia. Dal primo Settecento all’Unità. Tu-rin: Einaudi, iv; (1975-76) Storia d’Italia. Dall’unità a oggi, 1-3. Turin: Einaudi, v; Cracco Ruggini, L. & Cracco, G. (eds). (1973). Storia d’Italia. I documenti, 1-2. Turin: Einaudi; the Storia d’Italia edited by Galasso, G. – Mascilli-Migliorini, L. (1979 ff.), Tu-rin: UTET; et al.
This book draws on all these works and others too, either synthetic or more specialist concerning the chapter examined each time, as well as on my fifteen years of experience, rich in reciprocal influences and fruitful discussions, in teaching Italian History at the NKUA.
The interval between studying and teaching to the actual writing of the text was quite short, due to the strictures of the Kallipos project. During this time I had to decide on the axes and the methodologies, as well as on the main issues, theoretical and practical, that should be covered.
Needless to say, there are many ways of writing European history, in this case Italian. Naturally, a book covering the history of early modern Italy and the Risorgi-mento, in 13 chapters corresponding to the lessons of an academic semester, has as its basis the political history of the many different states of the Italian Peninsula, par-ticularly as it concerns issues with which the Greek readership is presumably unfamil-iar. Alongside examining the terms of political development and the sequence of the various historical processes, the presence of which is less or more intense, depending on the subject examined, I have attempted to analyse the social, economic and cul-tural realities.
I have opted for the established axes of European history, along which I have tried, through gradual thematic approaches, to exposit the special issues of the histo-ry of Italy and of the Italians.
There is no doubt that the final result is open to changes (modifications, addi-tions and subtractions of chapters and special thematic units), which is feasible due to the advantages that electronic publication offers. In this perspective, the History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) should be seen not so much as the completion of an effort, but rather as the starting point for delving deeper into methodologies and educational approaches with regard to the history of this fascinating country, which has meant and continues to mean so much to us Greeks and our culture.

1. The idea of Italy and the “identities” of the Italians: geographical limits, cultural convergences and “national consciousness”
2. State and War in the Italian Peninsula (1454-1559)
3. The Protestant Reformation: the example of Italy
4. Counter-Reformation or a Catholic Reformation?
5. Philosophy and Science: between the Reformation and the Enlightenment
6. Spanish rule in the Italian Peninsula
7. The Italian Enlightenment
8. Napoleonic Italy
9. Italy in the years of the Restoration and the liberal movements
10. The Italian Risorgimento: from the theoretical preparation to the revolu-tion of 1848
11. The decade of preparation (1849-1859) and the achievement of Italian Unification
12. Leading figures of the Italian Risorgimento and the management of his-torical memory: the case of Giuseppe Garibaldi
13. The Italian State after Unification (1861-1870)

Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

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Research paper thumbnail of Society and Economy in the Venetian "Stato da Mar": The shipping enterprises of Corfu (1496-1538), Pedio, Athens 2013 (in Greek)

Gerassimos D. Pagratis Society and Economy in the Venetian “Stato da Mar”: Τhe shipping enterpri... more Gerassimos D. Pagratis
Society and Economy in the Venetian “Stato da Mar”: Τhe shipping enterprises of Corfu (1496-1538)

This book examines the shipping enterprises of Corfu in a transitional period for the Venetian State, marked by the onset, with slow but visible effects, of a steady decline of its economic and political role in its vital area, the eastern Mediterranean, but also by the subsequent concession of privileges, hitherto enjoyed only by Venetian nobles and citizens, to Venetian subjects and foreigners. Whereas there is a considerable body of knowledge concerning the shipping enterprises of the privileged Venetian businessmen, there are few systematic studies of the maritime entrepreneurship of the Serenissima’s subjects by historians of the Venetian economy.
The case of Corfu is singular, both for the history of the Venetian State and for that of shipping enterprises. This is due to the unique geopolitical position of the island, which had characteristics of a strong regional centre for administration, defence, trade and shipping, but also to the wealth of local archives which have enabled us to study in depth the Corfiot shipping enterprises as a whole, that means integrated into their social, political and economic environment.
One of the advantages of our research was the possibility of combined
investigations both in the archives of Corfu, where we studied the documents of the notaries, of the local administration and of the Community of Corfu, and in those of Venice. So we were able to reconstruct the network of activities of the entrepreneurs of Corfu over a period of about forty critical years (1496-1538).
Using the micro-historical approach as our main research tool, we have attempted to penetrate into the daily lives of people involved in the various shipping enterprises, while documenting trends in the movement of trade and shipping, based on quantitative data from our archival sources. For a thorough approach to the business strategies of the participants in the shipping enterprises of Corfu, to the requirements and the consequences of the exercise of their activities, as well as to the legal framework in which they took place, the study is structured in two main parts.
Part I is introductory in nature and comprises three chapters which induct the reader progressively, through analysis of the conditions and preconditions for conducting maritime trade in the Venetian State, into the organization and operation of the shipping enterprises of Corfu in their social and economic components, which are analysed in Part II.
Specifically, Part I includes the following chapters:

  1. The shipping enterprises in Venice and her overseas possessions,
  2. The conditions of conducting trade: The commercial policy of Venice, and
  3. Corfu in the first half of the 16th century.
    Part II includes four chapters:
  4. The Commodities,
  5. The Merchant Marine,
  6. Organization and management of shipping enterprises in Corfu, and
  7. Human resources of the shipping enterprises: social preconditions and entrepreneurial attitudes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea.  Documents regarding the activity of Italian Franciscans Missionaries from the Archive of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide (17th century)

Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea. Documents regarding the activity of ... more Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea. Documents regarding the activity of Italian Franciscans Missionaries from the Archive of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide (17th century)

The founding of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide by Pope Gregory XV, on 6 January 1622, was a decisive step in the reorganization of the Catholic missionaries worldwide, to conform to the spirit of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. Missionaries in the seventeenth century, well-educated not only in theological matters but also in the language and culture of the host country, were sent to work among peoples of other faiths and among Christians: Catholics, Protestants, as well as Orthodox Greeks of the Ottoman Empire and Italy.
For the Catholic missionaries the Greek regions under Ottoman rule were interesting in many respects, since they were associated with the expectation of attracting to Catholicism not only “infidels” (Muslims and Jews) but also indigenous Orthodox Christian populations, as well as with the living there of Catholics in need of reinforcing their faith. In the same geographical area, further west, the Venetian territories were also a desirable arena of activity for Catholic propaganda. Despite the obvious analogies, the missionaries’ task in the Venetian possessions was different for two main reasons: on the one hand the recipients of the mission were only Christians, Catholics and/or Orthodox, and on the other the Republic of Venice had circumscribed their activities, with the aim of keeping full control of her possessions, as well as of maintaining social calm and order in them. With these points in mind, it is easier to interpret the favour shown by the Venetians to orders that used mild missionary methods and particularly to the Franciscans, who furthermore had a large number of monasteries and churches in the Venetian-held East.
Published here are selected documents from the archive of the Propaganda Fide, relating to the activity of missionaries, as a rule Franciscan Friars, in the Ionian Islands during the seventeenth century. The criteria of selection were mainly qualitative, combined, of course, with the endeavour to cover in a representative manner most of the years within the time limits we set (1624: the first document referring to the islands in the Ionian Sea – 1685: beginning of Venetian sovereignty in the Peloponnese, which meant the channelling of missionaries there and the rapid decrease in their number in the Ionian Islands). We considered it necessary to complement the missionaries’ letters and reports to the P.F., with documents of third parties (bishops, clerics, etc.), as well as documents that mention the missionaries or add precious information on the more general ecclesiastical scene in the Ionian Islands.
A total of 88 documents is presented here, 29of which were written by missionaries (9-11, 14, 21, 27, 32-36, 39-40, 42, 44-46, 48, 50, 56, 59, 61, 65, 75, 78, 80-82), while 36 refer to their activity. The remaining 59 documents were either compiled by the Propaganda Fide (16, 51-53, 71-72, 74, 76, 85) and as a rule concern missionaries (38, 51-53, 71-72, 76, 85), or were written by third parties: bishops (1-5, 7-8, 18, 20, 26, 49, 54-55, 57, 62-64, 66-70, 79), clerics, Venetian officials or members of the local society (syndics of the Community, protopapades, members of the Catholic communities on the islands, etc.), informing the P.F. of the missionaries’ work and conduct.
In summary, the subjects developed in these documents concern:
12) the missionaries’ work (preaching, teaching, celebrating holy mysteries, and so on),
13) the missionaries’ relations with the local society (Catholics and Orthodox Christians), the Catholic Church and the Venetian authorities,
14) the missionaries’ petitions for their work to be rewarded by the P.F. and their order,
15) the operation of the various schools on the islands and the missionaries’ role,
16) the methods missionaries used to attract the Orthodox to Catholicism and their efforts to improve their work,
17) instructions from the P.F. to apostolic legates who were going to inspect the churches in the Venetian possessions,
18) Orthodox-Catholic relations, with special reference to the displeasure of the first, particularly on Zante, regarding their participation in mixed religious ceremonies and the Latin bishops’ demand that their primacy of honour be respected, as well as doctrinal issues arising from the spiritual communication between the two faiths,
19) problems of the Catholic Church that led to its shrinking (mixed marriages, violation of immoveable ecclesiastical property, limiting of its income and concomitant reduction in the number of ecclesiastical functionaries, moral inadequacy of part of the clergy and the monks) and assessments of the number of Catholics,
20) issues relating to the general state of the Catholic Church on the islands (Latin religious brotherhoods of laymen, clergy, monastic orders, Latin churches),
21) the Jewish communities of Zante and Patras,
22) the presence of Calvinists, mainly British and Flemish merchants in Zante, and the danger of infiltration of Protestant ideas in the islands, etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reports of the Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu (16th century), Athens, National Hellenci Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research, 2008

The Reports of Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu during 16th century In 1524 the Venetian... more The Reports of Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu during 16th century

In 1524 the Venetian Collegio obliged all superior state officials to deposit, after their term of office ended and within fifteen days of the their arrival in Venice, a written report of affairs, in which they would describe the overall situation of the place in which they had administrated. This obligation was also included in the written commands (commissioni) that newly-elected Venetian patricians received. Breach of it incurred a swingeing fine (100 gold ducats), imposed on the transgressors, who were disbarred from every new election to
public office. In contrast to the past, when Venetian officials gave oral report of their work, before the doge or the Senate, the deposition of written texts gave the possibility of forming an information base which would be used in the future to brief officials destined to assume the same posts, as well as to brief
the administrative services in the metropolis when they were about make decisions on issues concerning the possessions.
Published in the present volume are twenty-six reports of Venetian baili and provveditori or Corfu, the earliest of which is dated 1527. This is the corpus of surviving reports of affairs deposited by superior Venetian administrators who had served on the island, which were located in the State Archives of Venice and in the Library of the Museo Civico Correr in the same city. In relation to the full number of elected baili and provveditori of Corfu (73), as seen from the list we have compiled, the extant reports represent 36% of the total.
The greater part of the reports has not been located, for reasons relating either to the removal of the material from its place of deposition, in order to inform interested parties, or to the use of the reports in legal documents and failure to
return them to their proper place, or to the non-submission of reports due to sudden death of officials, or even to physical damage to the archival material.
The reports published here display in their structure the typical arrangement of the material into preamble, main text and epilogue, with each part having a different function in relation to the desired aim, which is summarized as communicating information to the central administration, as well as cultivating the picture of the conscientious and trustworthy official who deserves reward from the Serenissima.
In the preamble, all the officials declare their obedience to the dictates of the law on submitting a final report of affairs, and promise to show in this case too the same reliability with which they handled the island’s administration during their term of service. At this point they provided information on the
time of assuming their responsibilities, the duration of their service, as well as the names of their predecessors and successors. Frequently the reports began with information on the island’s geographical position, the morphology of its
terrain and its strategic importance for Venetian interests. In several cases they continue with a historical account of the circumstances in which Corfu was incorporated in the Venetian State.
In the main text of the report, the greatest weight was attached to fortification works. The entire sixteenth century is distinguished by the effort to expand and reinforce the fortified space. In this context, the most important developments concern the opening of the moat that would cut off the Fortress from the landward side, the construction of new facilities for storing food and munitions, as well as for barracks, the levelling of the area outside the Fortress
(Spianada or esplanade), the strengthening of the old walls, the lowering of the hills around the Fortress, the building of a second Fortress which will henceforth be named New, the prohibiting of residence in or even entry to the fortresses for all civilians, and finally, the circumvallation of the burg, with the aim of extending security to the whole of the new town that had begun to grow, from Medieval times, extra muros of the Old Fortress.
Among the other issues touched on in the reports, some are characterized as principal (to which particular attention is paid) and some as secondary.
Among the principal standard issues in the reports are:

  1. the census of the population in the city and in the countryside,
  2. the organization of the island’s defence, which had been entrusted to the civil guard (cernidi) and the soldiers (stradiotti),
  3. the state of the public purse, an issue of concern to most officials, since it frequently threatened even the ability of the local Venetian administration to meet its salary obligations, and
  4. the condition of the community granary, an issue linked with the diminished agricultural production of Corfu and the attempts to develop the local rural economy, as well as with obtaining grain supplies.
    Matters of lesser importance in the reports are distinguished into those mentioned incidentally and those repeated with some regularity.
    Comparatively little space is devoted to the body of citizens (cittadini), to its internal processes and collaboration between Corfiots and the local Venetian administration. The usual expressions on the loyalty and obedience of the citizens to the Serenissima Republic coexist with other references by the administrators doubting the reliability, the trustworthiness and the bureaucratic abilities of the Corfiots elected to lower positions in local government. Research into the deeper reasons for these references would lead, if nothing else,
    to the standing rivalry between the local Venetian administration and the Community over manning lower public offices, through which was determined essentially also the degree of control over the main instruments of local
    self-administration (public treasury, granary, salinas, etc.).
    No report refers to relations between the two Christian dogmas, nor is there any mention of the Orthodox Church. The dispensation of justice is classed likewise among the affairs of minor significance (according to the space
    they occupy in the reports), which are developed circumstantially. The Venetians were interested in the peasantry, but only as factors in developing rural
    production. Various other pieces of information on rural Corfu are conflated with information on the feudatories and the administrative subdivisions of the island.
    There is regular reference in the final paragraphs of most reports to the Angelokastro (in the northwest of the island), where the inhabitants of the surrounding areas sought refuge in the event of siege, as well as to Parga, Butrint and the Paxos island. Presented are their demographic situation, administrative organization and the relations of their inhabitants with the neighbouring Ottoman populations. Also emphasized is the importance of these regions for the island’s security and for the cohesion of the Venetian colonial chain.
    References to the Jewish community of Corfu are quite frequently accompanied by the officials’ appeals to Venice, to isolate it in a ghetto. Permanent refrain in the reports, from the mid-sixteenth century onward, is the appeal for the transfer of the cathedral church from the Old Fortress to the burg, so as not to impede the movements of the garrison and not to jeopardize the security of the Castro by the possibility of espionage against the paramount fortification on the island. Last, in several reports there are comments about the suspicious presence of the consul of Spain on Corfu and his links with some of its leading families.
    In the majority of reports the epilogue is replaced by the compilers’ comments on the level of their collaboration with the bailo or the provveditore. As a rule this collaboration was assessed positively, as was the contribution of the rest of the members of the local Venetian administration and the army officers.
    Objections or reservations are expressed in very few cases, concerning the use fulness of the services of certain engineers or individual officers in the civil guard. The text of a report usually concluded with the profession of the compiler’s
    obedience to the Serenissima, in whose service “he was prepared to spend even his life”, and with the invocation of leniency regarding any possible deficiencies in the exercise of his duties.

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Papers by Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS

Research paper thumbnail of «The Jews of Corfu in the Early Modern Period: Social Status, Privileges and Historiography», Review of Mediterranean Historical Studies, vol. I, pp. 121-138

Among the Jewish communities of the Venetian maritime State, that of Corfu is presented as the mo... more Among the Jewish communities of the Venetian maritime State, that of Corfu is presented as the most favored, thanks to the privileges it already enjoyed before the arrival of the Venetians, which were confirmed by the latter when they occupied the island in 1386/7. The exclusion of the Jews
of Corfu from the expulsion of all Jews from the Venetian state after the naval battle of Lepanto, the assumption of the representation of Christian merchants, etc., these were presented as a strong demonstration of their privileged position. In this essay, based on secondary bibliography and recent archival research, I will attempt to reconsider the peculiar social status that characterized the Jews of Corfu.

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek Commercial Shipping from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century Literature Review and Research Perspectives

Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 2002

The historiography referring to Greek merchant shipping in the fifteenth to the seventeenth centu... more The historiography referring to Greek merchant shipping in the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries is inferior to that for subsequent centuries. Generally speaking, it consists of a few studies of a local or topical character, in which there is an evident lack of a comparative approach and a broader perspective. The very few reliable attempts at a synthetic presentation of the phenomenon are let down, inter alia, by the absence of data based on systematic archival research. The problem is not only qualitative but also primarily quantitative. We are not so much lacking information on the more general context as information of a statistical type, capable of supporting credible interpretations. The present article does not of course aspire to cover the lacunae in the historiography on Greek merchant shipping. That would demand systematic work and collaboration by several researchers. Our aims are merely a) to present the main phases and trends in the relevant historiography, b) to make a critical assessment of the proceedings and, concurrently, c) to point out the lacunae in the historiography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shipping enterprise in the eighteenth century: the case of the Greek subjects of Venice

Mediterranean Historical Review, Jun 1, 2010

... the surnames of the captains who declare themselves Missolonghians, in the 15-year period pri... more ... the surnames of the captains who declare themselves Missolonghians, in the 15-year period prior to the dissolution of Venice, to observe that about 35% of them are clearly Ionian in origin, primarily Cephalonian (Valsamakis, Inglesis, Kourkoumelis ... Kremmydas, Vassilis. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Θαλάσσιο εμπόριο στη βενετοκρατούμενη Κέρκυρα (1496-1538)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranea - ricerche storiche, n. 31. agosto 2014

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L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipa... more L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana dell'Università Nazionale e Capodistriaca di Atene (Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana) organizza un Convegno Scientifico Internazionale dal titolo: «Diaspora neo-greca nell'Italia centro-meridionale della prima età moderna (sec. XV-XVIII)». La sessione introduttiva aprirà il prof. Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana e Direttore del Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana. Al Convegno parteciperanno il professore assistente del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana Georgios Pelidis, membro del comitato scientifico, e la dottoranda Katerina Romanenko. Le lingue ufficiali del Convegno sono l'italiano e l'inglese Il Convegno si terrà a Venezia, presso la sede dell'Istituto Ellenico (Sala del Capitolo), dal 27 al 29 giugno 2023 e sarà trasmesso in diretta dal canale youtube dell'Istituto.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Rete consolare e ideologia rivoluzionaria: I consolati della Repubblica Settinsulare a Trieste»

Francesco Scalora (επιμ.), Il Risorgimento Greco e l’Italia. Forme e livelli di ricezione durante il XIX secolo, Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici & Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών - Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών, 2022

Per pervenire alla maturazione di idee rivoluzionarie, i Greci hanno dovuto percorrere strade che... more Per pervenire alla maturazione di idee rivoluzionarie, i Greci hanno dovuto
percorrere strade che includono l’Illuminismo nelle sue varie versioni, l’iniziazione a società segrete, il collegamento con gli interessi russi e altre componenti. Le comunità greche nella penisola italiana, che avevano ospitato per secoli Greci provenienti dai territori ottomani e veneziani, hanno giocato un ruolo ovviamente centrale in tutti questi processi. Dalla seconda metà del XVIII secolo in poi la presenza greca appare significativamente aumentata a causa del notevole sviluppo delle transazioni commerciali tra i porti italiani e quelli del Mediterraneo orientale.
Sui Greci che furono attivi negli Stati italiani, preparandosi culturalmente
e politicamente alla loro futura mobilitazione contro l’Impero ottomano, sono stati pubblicati importanti lavori, soprattutto in relazione allo studio della diaspora greca nei centri urbani della penisola (Trieste, Livorno, Napoli). Conosciamo molti nomi, ma su pochi di loro siamo sufficientemente informati. È comunque comunemente accettato che l’esame delle tendenze principali nelle attività rivoluzionarie presuppone un ampio campione di casi di studio.
Il mio contributo si limita alla presentazione di due casi di studio, a mio
avviso particolarmente interessanti, che riguardano personaggi non inclusi
tra i protagonisti delle vicende dell’area ionia

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Research paper thumbnail of «Il contributo ellenico alla nascita del filellenismo europeo: le Isole Ionie all’inizio dell’800»

Andrea Scardicchio (a cura di), Il filellenismo nella cultura italiana dell’800, Peter Lang: Lausanne-Berlin-Bruxelles-Chennai-New York-Oxford, 35-50., 2023

The Septinsular Republic was the first state to operate in the area of the later Greek state. Th... more The Septinsular Republic was the first state to operate in the area of the
later Greek state. Thanks to various circumstances, and especially to the
temporary alliance between the Russians and the Ottomans, in the context of the second anti-Napoleonic coalition, an autonomous state was established in the Ionian Sea, but with limited independence in domestic and foreign policy. As has been pointed out, this state offered a foretaste of Greek independence, an experiment in which all the components necessary for a modern state (constitution, state language, economic policy, state-recognised religion, etc.) were tested. This article focuses on the perceptions of the establishment and operation of this state by Greek and European public opinion. This question is part of a broader discussion about the foundations of European philhellenism and, in particular, about the participation of the Greeks themselves in its formation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Byzantine and Greek merchant maritime enterprises in the medieval Mediterranean

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Παγκράτης Γεράσιμος – Τζιβάρα Παναγιώτα – Καρύδης Σπύρος (επιμ.), Ζητήματα Παιδείας του Νέου και Νεότερου Ελληνισμού. Οφειλή στη Βασιλική Μπόμπου-Σταμάτη, Πρακτικά Ημερίδας (22 Φεβρουαρίου 2022), Εργαστήριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας (Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ), Αθήνα, 2024, σσ. 320.

Για να κατεβάσετε το ebook σε μορφή pdf ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:

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Research paper thumbnail of Population movements to the Ionian Islands from the 13th century to the annexation to the Reign of Greece, edited by N. Moschonas - G. Pagratis, NKUA - KMI, Athens, 2022 (in Greek)

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek Subjects of Venice in Eastern Mediterranean maritime business: some Sixteenth Century case studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Le fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e “valorizzazione”, a cura di Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Papazisis Publishers, Atene, 2019, 816 pp.

Anche per gli storici dotati di una preparazione teorica adeguata, la lettura e l’analisi delle f... more Anche per gli storici dotati di una preparazione teorica adeguata, la lettura e l’analisi delle fonti primarie relative alla storia d’Italia possono rivelarsi ardue, specialmente quando queste fonti sono scritte in una lingua diversa dalla propria lingua madre. In questo caso, lo studio di alcuni esempi concreti potrebbe fornire dei modelli utili per la ricerca storica.
I 29 capitoli che compongono il presente volume, hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare,
attraverso una serie di esempi, diversi approcci alle fonti per lo studio di «piccole» o «grandi» questioni della storia d’Italia dagli inizi del Medioevo in avanti. Storici esperti, ognuno attraverso i propri strumenti teorici e metodologici e con le proprie conoscenze specifiche (geografiche, tematiche, o di altro tipo), cercheranno di rispondere all’interrogativo: «Come si legge una fonte storica?».
L’interesse è rivolto soprattutto alla valorizzazione di particolari tipi di testimonianze, edite o inedite, di fonti storiche di natura istituzionale, di un corpus di documenti o di fonti di storia culturale. Queste tipologie di fonti vengono analizzate
nei seguenti aspetti:
• la collocazione del documento nel relativo quadro temporale e storico;
• l’utilizzo del documento per la comprensione di una questione specifica e del relativo dibattito storiografico;
• l’individuazione dei dati utili forniti dal documento e dei possibili metodi di indagine e valorizzazione di questi dati per apportare elementi di novità agli studi storici ecc.
La pubblicazione di questo volume, frutto delle attività del Seminario di Storia e Storiografia Italiana (Università Nazionale e Capodistriaca di Atene, Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana), ha come scopo quello di offrire a ricercatori di storia esempi concreti di analisi e valorizzazione delle fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria.
Il libro mira inoltre a presentare a tale pubblico alcune delle principali questioni
e tendenze che interessano l’odierna storiografia italiana.

Autori: Alibrandi Rosamaria, Argyrou Efi, Austruy Christophe, Birtachas Stathis, Bocchi Andrea, D’Angelo Michela, Del Rio Monica, Delli Quadri Rosa Maria, Di Vita Fabio, Dialeti Androniki, Falcetta Angela, Grenet Mathieu, Hanlon Gregory, Hocquet Jean Claude, Lazari Sevasti, Lazzarini Isabella, Leontsini Maria Konstantina, Mafrici Mirella Vera, Martino Federico, Occhi Katia, Panciera Walter, Pedani Maria Pia, Pedemonte Danilo, Pingaro Claudia, Plakotos Giorgos, Russo Maria Antonietta, Santoro Daniela, Signori Umberto, Sopracasa Alessio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Πόλεμος, Κράτος και Κοινωνία στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος: τέλη 14ου – αρχές 19ου αιώνα, Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών & Ηρόδοτος: Αθήνα, 2018, 578 σελ.

Το Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, ζώνη μεθοριακή εκτεινόμενη από την είσοδο της Αδριατικής έως τις νοτιοανατολικέ... more Το Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, ζώνη μεθοριακή εκτεινόμενη από την είσοδο της Αδριατικής έως τις νοτιοανατολικές ακτές της Σικελίας και τη νοτιοδυτική Πελοπόννησο, σχηματίζει μια τριγωνική υδάτινη επιφάνεια, εντός της Εσωτερικής Θάλασσας, με τρία ανοίγματα που οδηγούν αφενός στην Αδριατική και αφετέρου στη δυτική και ανατολική λεκάνη της Μεσογείου. Με αυτά τα γεωγραφικά χαρακτηριστικά και χάρη στην ξεχωριστή γεωστρατηγική της θέση ως πέρασμα στη διατομή τοπικών και διεθνών οδών, η θάλασσα του Ιονίου προσέλκυε πάντοτε ανθρώπους του εμπορίου, προσκυνητές, λογίους, εκκλησιαστικούς, αλλά και φυγάδες, πειρατές, πολεμικούς στόλους κ.ο.κ.
Μεγάλες δυνάμεις της εποχής διεκδίκησαν μερίδιο σε αυτόν τον χώρο. Στις απαρχές των πρώιμων νεότερων χρόνων τρεις ήταν ωστόσο οι κύριοι παίκτες: στο δυτικό τμήμα του Ιονίου οι Ισπανοί και στο ανατολικό οι Οθωμανοί (στην ηπειρωτική κυρίως πλευρά) και οι Βενετοί (σε νησιά και παράκτιες θέσεις). Κάποιες από τις μεταξύ τους μεγάλες συγκρούσεις άφησαν τα ίχνη τους στη συλλογική μνήμη για την οδύνη που προκάλεσαν. Λειτούργησαν, έτσι, ως σταθερά σημεία αναφοράς και πηγή έμπνευσης για έργα που αξιοποίησαν τον πόλεμο σε επίπεδο συμβολικό.
Ο ανά χείρας τόμος περιλαμβάνει δεκαέξι μελέτες διαρθρωμένες γύρω από τέσσερις γενικούς άξονες που εξετάζουν: α) την προετοιμασία για τη μάχη, όπου εντάσσεται η εξέταση του μηχανισμού συγκέντρωσης της πληροφορίας και η διαμόρφωση της κοινής γνώμης με μέσα της εποχής, όπως π.χ. οι προκηρύξεις, β) τον ίδιο τον πόλεμο με τους όρους της στρατιωτικής ιστορίας (μάχες, γεωπολιτική, στρατηγικές, τεκμηρίωση), γ) τις επιπτώσεις των πολέμων σε επίπεδο πολιτισμικό, συμβολικό και πολιτικό, και δ) τους ανθρώπους του πολέμου, όπου η έμφαση δόθηκε στην εξέταση του κοινωνικού τους προφίλ, της συμμετοχής τους στις κοινωνικές διεργασίες, της εξαργύρωσης των επιτυχιών στο πεδίο της μάχης για κοινωνική ή/και οικονομική άνοδο κ.ο.κ.

Συνεργάζονται οι:
Έφη ΑΡΓΥΡΟΥ, Ανδρονίκη ΔΙΑΛΕΤΗ, Fabio Paolo DI VITA, Ruthy GERTWAGEN, Emfra Safa GÜRKAN, Γιώργος ΖΟΥΜΠΟΣ, Νίκος ΚΟΥΡΚΟΥΜΕΛΗΣ, Βασιλική ΚΟΥΤΣΟΥΜΠΙΝΑ, Σεβαστή ΛΑΖΑΡΗ, Δάφνη ΛΑΠΠΑ, Γεράσιμος Δ. ΠΑΓΚΡΑΤΗΣ, Giuseppe RESTIFO, Αλέξης ΣΑΒΒΙΔΗΣ, Kahraman ŞAKUL, Νίκος ΣΚΟΥΤΕΛΗΣ, Αναστασία ΣΤΟΥΡΑΪΤΗ, Διονύσιος ΧΑΤΖΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ

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Research paper thumbnail of War, State and Society in the Ionian Sea: late 14th – early 19th centuries, edited by Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Ionian Society of Historical Studies & Herodotos Publishing House: Athens, 2018, 578 pages

The Ionian Sea, thanks to its special geostrategic position at the intersection of local and glob... more The Ionian Sea, thanks to its special geostrategic position at the
intersection of local and global routes, has always attracted merchants,
pilgrims, scholars, clergymen as well as fugitives, pirates, naval fleets
etc. Major powers of the time claimed their share of this territory. In
the early modern era, there were three main actors: the Spanish in the
western part of the Ionian area, the Ottomans in the eastern part (mainly
on land territories) and the Venetians (on the islands and at coastal
locations). Some of the conflicts in which those three powers were
involved have left traces in collective memory because of the pain that
had been caused. Thus they functioned as reference points and as an
inspiration for works of art depicting the war through the use of
This book, which covers a period from the end of the 14th century to the Napoleonic wars, comprises sixteen chapters structured around four
general pillars examining the following: a) preparations for war,
including the mechanism for intelligence gathering and the influencing of
public opinion through the means available at the time, such as pamphlets, b) warfare itself in terms of military history (battles, geopolitics, strategies, documentation), c) the effects of war on the cultural, the symbolic and the political level, d) people at war, with an emphasis on their social profile, their participation in social processes, their gains from success in the field of war used for social or/and economic benefits etc.

Efi ARGYROU, Fabio Paolo DI VITA, Androniki DIALETI, Ruthy GERTWAGEN, Emrah Safa GÜRKAN, Dionysios HATZOPOULOS, Nikos KOURKOUMELIS, Vassiliki KOUTSOBINA, Dafni LAPPA, Sevasti LAZARI, Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Giuseppe RESTIFO, Kahraman ŞAKUL, Alexis G.C. SAVVIDES, Nikos SKOUTELIS, Anastasia STOURAITI, Yorgos ZOUMPOS

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Research paper thumbnail of Σελίδες Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού. Τόμος αφιερωμένος στον Δημήτρη Ε.-Γ. Καρύδη.

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Research paper thumbnail of History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek)  in

History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek) in http://re...[ more ](;)History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) (in Greek)


This book in Greek, on the history of Italy from the mid-fifteenth century until the unification of the country in 1861, a timespan that clearly transcends the boundaries of the established ways – traditional and other – of periodizing history, is intended to meet the needs of the course “Italian History and Culture II”, which is taught in the Department of Italian Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian Uni-versity of Athens (NKUA). It is also suitable for numerous students in other Depart-ments of the Faculty of Letters of the NKUA, the majority of whom do not know Ital-ian.
For the same practical reasons, the text does not include thematic areas such as Humanism and the Renaissance, which concern the period examined here but com-menced in earlier times and are the object of another university course taught by the author.
The present work responds firstly to the laudable effort of the contributors to the research programme “Kallipos”, co-financed by the European Union, to fund the production of a large number of textbooks which will be accessible on-line to stu-dents, and not only, and secondly to the total absence of a synthetic work in Greek, which examines the history of the Italian States prior to Unification and fulfils the ac-ademic criteria of History.
Despite the close relations and contacts between the Greeks and the Italians af-ter the fall of Rome, the field of Italian history has been utilized mainly in specialist studies on Language, Art or Literature, in a very particular way: as the necessary backdrop, sometimes colourful but usually static and even stereotyped in regard to the insistent repetition of positions already outmoded by historiography.
Important and notable exceptions to the above undoubtedly exist, but at the level of textbooks they deal more with the study of common experiences between Greeks and Italians in particular periods. I mention specifically the migration of Byz-antine scholars to Italy in the closing years of the Byzantine Empire; the Latin, mainly Venetian, dominions in Greece; and so on.
The lack of textbooks on the history of the pre-Unification Italian States is not, of course, only a Greek problem. In Italy itself, synthetic texts encompassing in their material the period before Italian Unification began to appear relatively recently. Moreover, the very concept of the history of Italy was and, in a way, still is almost self-evidently understood by Italians and non-historians as the history of the Italian State, without discounting, of course, the considerable number of specialists who were and are dealing with the History of Italy in its unity from the Middle Ages on-ward.
Almost inevitably the first reliable textbooks on Italian history appeared in the postwar years, with the aim of providing knowledge of the history of Italy to a non-Italian readership, as is the case for example with Giuliano Procacci’s Storia degli ital-iani. 1-2. Bari: Universale Laterza, which was commissioned by the French publishing house Fayard and circulated in 1968, first in French, then in Italian, with the permis-sion of the French publishers, and was subsequently translated into several other languages, as well as with the Jean Delumeau’s L’Italie de Botticelli à Bonaparte. Pa-ris: Armand Colin, 1974, and so on.
A large public, if not the largest, is the English-speaking, for which reasons akin to the above led to the writing of textbooks and collective volumes. I mention indica-tively the works by Dennis Mack Smith (1997). Modern Italy. A Political History. Lon-don: Yale University; Christofer Duggan (1994). A Concise History of Italy. Cam-bridge-New York: Cambridge University Press; Christopher F. Black (2001). Early Modern Italy. A Social History. London: Routledge; et al.
These efforts were imitated by Italian authors too, who, defying Benedetto Croce’s refusal to include in a history of Italy the period before 1861, endeavoured and endeavour to examine their country’s history either self-containedly (e.g. Greco, G. & Rosa, M. (eds) (1996). Storia degli antichi stati italiani. Rome-Bari: Laterza) or, in the case where the recipients were students or even pupils, as part of a global or European history, with modern or traditional labels. Here the possible list would be particularly long. See inter alia Giardina, Α., Sabbatucci, G. & Vidotto, V. (2002). L’ età moderna, 2. Rome-Bari: Laterza; Ago, R. & & Vidotto, V. (2005). Storia Moderna, 3rd edition. Rome-Bari: Laterza; et al.
Until recently, the principal means of studying the history of Italy until 1861 were the collective works in several volumes, excellent examples of which include the series directed by Romano, R. & Vivanti, C. [(1972). Il carattere degli Italiani, 1-2. Tu-rin: Einaudi, ii; (1974) Storia d’Italia. Dalla caduta dell’impero romano al secolo XVIII, 1-2. Turin: Einaudi, iii; (1973) Storia d’Italia. Dal primo Settecento all’Unità. Tu-rin: Einaudi, iv; (1975-76) Storia d’Italia. Dall’unità a oggi, 1-3. Turin: Einaudi, v; Cracco Ruggini, L. & Cracco, G. (eds). (1973). Storia d’Italia. I documenti, 1-2. Turin: Einaudi; the Storia d’Italia edited by Galasso, G. – Mascilli-Migliorini, L. (1979 ff.), Tu-rin: UTET; et al.
This book draws on all these works and others too, either synthetic or more specialist concerning the chapter examined each time, as well as on my fifteen years of experience, rich in reciprocal influences and fruitful discussions, in teaching Italian History at the NKUA.
The interval between studying and teaching to the actual writing of the text was quite short, due to the strictures of the Kallipos project. During this time I had to decide on the axes and the methodologies, as well as on the main issues, theoretical and practical, that should be covered.
Needless to say, there are many ways of writing European history, in this case Italian. Naturally, a book covering the history of early modern Italy and the Risorgi-mento, in 13 chapters corresponding to the lessons of an academic semester, has as its basis the political history of the many different states of the Italian Peninsula, par-ticularly as it concerns issues with which the Greek readership is presumably unfamil-iar. Alongside examining the terms of political development and the sequence of the various historical processes, the presence of which is less or more intense, depending on the subject examined, I have attempted to analyse the social, economic and cul-tural realities.
I have opted for the established axes of European history, along which I have tried, through gradual thematic approaches, to exposit the special issues of the histo-ry of Italy and of the Italians.
There is no doubt that the final result is open to changes (modifications, addi-tions and subtractions of chapters and special thematic units), which is feasible due to the advantages that electronic publication offers. In this perspective, the History of Italy: from the treaty of Lodi to the Unification (1454-1870) should be seen not so much as the completion of an effort, but rather as the starting point for delving deeper into methodologies and educational approaches with regard to the history of this fascinating country, which has meant and continues to mean so much to us Greeks and our culture.

1. The idea of Italy and the “identities” of the Italians: geographical limits, cultural convergences and “national consciousness”
2. State and War in the Italian Peninsula (1454-1559)
3. The Protestant Reformation: the example of Italy
4. Counter-Reformation or a Catholic Reformation?
5. Philosophy and Science: between the Reformation and the Enlightenment
6. Spanish rule in the Italian Peninsula
7. The Italian Enlightenment
8. Napoleonic Italy
9. Italy in the years of the Restoration and the liberal movements
10. The Italian Risorgimento: from the theoretical preparation to the revolu-tion of 1848
11. The decade of preparation (1849-1859) and the achievement of Italian Unification
12. Leading figures of the Italian Risorgimento and the management of his-torical memory: the case of Giuseppe Garibaldi
13. The Italian State after Unification (1861-1870)

Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

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Research paper thumbnail of Society and Economy in the Venetian "Stato da Mar": The shipping enterprises of Corfu (1496-1538), Pedio, Athens 2013 (in Greek)

Gerassimos D. Pagratis Society and Economy in the Venetian “Stato da Mar”: Τhe shipping enterpri... more Gerassimos D. Pagratis
Society and Economy in the Venetian “Stato da Mar”: Τhe shipping enterprises of Corfu (1496-1538)

This book examines the shipping enterprises of Corfu in a transitional period for the Venetian State, marked by the onset, with slow but visible effects, of a steady decline of its economic and political role in its vital area, the eastern Mediterranean, but also by the subsequent concession of privileges, hitherto enjoyed only by Venetian nobles and citizens, to Venetian subjects and foreigners. Whereas there is a considerable body of knowledge concerning the shipping enterprises of the privileged Venetian businessmen, there are few systematic studies of the maritime entrepreneurship of the Serenissima’s subjects by historians of the Venetian economy.
The case of Corfu is singular, both for the history of the Venetian State and for that of shipping enterprises. This is due to the unique geopolitical position of the island, which had characteristics of a strong regional centre for administration, defence, trade and shipping, but also to the wealth of local archives which have enabled us to study in depth the Corfiot shipping enterprises as a whole, that means integrated into their social, political and economic environment.
One of the advantages of our research was the possibility of combined
investigations both in the archives of Corfu, where we studied the documents of the notaries, of the local administration and of the Community of Corfu, and in those of Venice. So we were able to reconstruct the network of activities of the entrepreneurs of Corfu over a period of about forty critical years (1496-1538).
Using the micro-historical approach as our main research tool, we have attempted to penetrate into the daily lives of people involved in the various shipping enterprises, while documenting trends in the movement of trade and shipping, based on quantitative data from our archival sources. For a thorough approach to the business strategies of the participants in the shipping enterprises of Corfu, to the requirements and the consequences of the exercise of their activities, as well as to the legal framework in which they took place, the study is structured in two main parts.
Part I is introductory in nature and comprises three chapters which induct the reader progressively, through analysis of the conditions and preconditions for conducting maritime trade in the Venetian State, into the organization and operation of the shipping enterprises of Corfu in their social and economic components, which are analysed in Part II.
Specifically, Part I includes the following chapters:

  1. The shipping enterprises in Venice and her overseas possessions,
  2. The conditions of conducting trade: The commercial policy of Venice, and
  3. Corfu in the first half of the 16th century.
    Part II includes four chapters:
  4. The Commodities,
  5. The Merchant Marine,
  6. Organization and management of shipping enterprises in Corfu, and
  7. Human resources of the shipping enterprises: social preconditions and entrepreneurial attitudes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea.  Documents regarding the activity of Italian Franciscans Missionaries from the Archive of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide (17th century)

Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea. Documents regarding the activity of ... more Church and State in the Venetian Islands of the Ionian Sea. Documents regarding the activity of Italian Franciscans Missionaries from the Archive of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide (17th century)

The founding of the Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide by Pope Gregory XV, on 6 January 1622, was a decisive step in the reorganization of the Catholic missionaries worldwide, to conform to the spirit of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. Missionaries in the seventeenth century, well-educated not only in theological matters but also in the language and culture of the host country, were sent to work among peoples of other faiths and among Christians: Catholics, Protestants, as well as Orthodox Greeks of the Ottoman Empire and Italy.
For the Catholic missionaries the Greek regions under Ottoman rule were interesting in many respects, since they were associated with the expectation of attracting to Catholicism not only “infidels” (Muslims and Jews) but also indigenous Orthodox Christian populations, as well as with the living there of Catholics in need of reinforcing their faith. In the same geographical area, further west, the Venetian territories were also a desirable arena of activity for Catholic propaganda. Despite the obvious analogies, the missionaries’ task in the Venetian possessions was different for two main reasons: on the one hand the recipients of the mission were only Christians, Catholics and/or Orthodox, and on the other the Republic of Venice had circumscribed their activities, with the aim of keeping full control of her possessions, as well as of maintaining social calm and order in them. With these points in mind, it is easier to interpret the favour shown by the Venetians to orders that used mild missionary methods and particularly to the Franciscans, who furthermore had a large number of monasteries and churches in the Venetian-held East.
Published here are selected documents from the archive of the Propaganda Fide, relating to the activity of missionaries, as a rule Franciscan Friars, in the Ionian Islands during the seventeenth century. The criteria of selection were mainly qualitative, combined, of course, with the endeavour to cover in a representative manner most of the years within the time limits we set (1624: the first document referring to the islands in the Ionian Sea – 1685: beginning of Venetian sovereignty in the Peloponnese, which meant the channelling of missionaries there and the rapid decrease in their number in the Ionian Islands). We considered it necessary to complement the missionaries’ letters and reports to the P.F., with documents of third parties (bishops, clerics, etc.), as well as documents that mention the missionaries or add precious information on the more general ecclesiastical scene in the Ionian Islands.
A total of 88 documents is presented here, 29of which were written by missionaries (9-11, 14, 21, 27, 32-36, 39-40, 42, 44-46, 48, 50, 56, 59, 61, 65, 75, 78, 80-82), while 36 refer to their activity. The remaining 59 documents were either compiled by the Propaganda Fide (16, 51-53, 71-72, 74, 76, 85) and as a rule concern missionaries (38, 51-53, 71-72, 76, 85), or were written by third parties: bishops (1-5, 7-8, 18, 20, 26, 49, 54-55, 57, 62-64, 66-70, 79), clerics, Venetian officials or members of the local society (syndics of the Community, protopapades, members of the Catholic communities on the islands, etc.), informing the P.F. of the missionaries’ work and conduct.
In summary, the subjects developed in these documents concern:
12) the missionaries’ work (preaching, teaching, celebrating holy mysteries, and so on),
13) the missionaries’ relations with the local society (Catholics and Orthodox Christians), the Catholic Church and the Venetian authorities,
14) the missionaries’ petitions for their work to be rewarded by the P.F. and their order,
15) the operation of the various schools on the islands and the missionaries’ role,
16) the methods missionaries used to attract the Orthodox to Catholicism and their efforts to improve their work,
17) instructions from the P.F. to apostolic legates who were going to inspect the churches in the Venetian possessions,
18) Orthodox-Catholic relations, with special reference to the displeasure of the first, particularly on Zante, regarding their participation in mixed religious ceremonies and the Latin bishops’ demand that their primacy of honour be respected, as well as doctrinal issues arising from the spiritual communication between the two faiths,
19) problems of the Catholic Church that led to its shrinking (mixed marriages, violation of immoveable ecclesiastical property, limiting of its income and concomitant reduction in the number of ecclesiastical functionaries, moral inadequacy of part of the clergy and the monks) and assessments of the number of Catholics,
20) issues relating to the general state of the Catholic Church on the islands (Latin religious brotherhoods of laymen, clergy, monastic orders, Latin churches),
21) the Jewish communities of Zante and Patras,
22) the presence of Calvinists, mainly British and Flemish merchants in Zante, and the danger of infiltration of Protestant ideas in the islands, etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reports of the Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu (16th century), Athens, National Hellenci Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research, 2008

The Reports of Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu during 16th century In 1524 the Venetian... more The Reports of Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu during 16th century

In 1524 the Venetian Collegio obliged all superior state officials to deposit, after their term of office ended and within fifteen days of the their arrival in Venice, a written report of affairs, in which they would describe the overall situation of the place in which they had administrated. This obligation was also included in the written commands (commissioni) that newly-elected Venetian patricians received. Breach of it incurred a swingeing fine (100 gold ducats), imposed on the transgressors, who were disbarred from every new election to
public office. In contrast to the past, when Venetian officials gave oral report of their work, before the doge or the Senate, the deposition of written texts gave the possibility of forming an information base which would be used in the future to brief officials destined to assume the same posts, as well as to brief
the administrative services in the metropolis when they were about make decisions on issues concerning the possessions.
Published in the present volume are twenty-six reports of Venetian baili and provveditori or Corfu, the earliest of which is dated 1527. This is the corpus of surviving reports of affairs deposited by superior Venetian administrators who had served on the island, which were located in the State Archives of Venice and in the Library of the Museo Civico Correr in the same city. In relation to the full number of elected baili and provveditori of Corfu (73), as seen from the list we have compiled, the extant reports represent 36% of the total.
The greater part of the reports has not been located, for reasons relating either to the removal of the material from its place of deposition, in order to inform interested parties, or to the use of the reports in legal documents and failure to
return them to their proper place, or to the non-submission of reports due to sudden death of officials, or even to physical damage to the archival material.
The reports published here display in their structure the typical arrangement of the material into preamble, main text and epilogue, with each part having a different function in relation to the desired aim, which is summarized as communicating information to the central administration, as well as cultivating the picture of the conscientious and trustworthy official who deserves reward from the Serenissima.
In the preamble, all the officials declare their obedience to the dictates of the law on submitting a final report of affairs, and promise to show in this case too the same reliability with which they handled the island’s administration during their term of service. At this point they provided information on the
time of assuming their responsibilities, the duration of their service, as well as the names of their predecessors and successors. Frequently the reports began with information on the island’s geographical position, the morphology of its
terrain and its strategic importance for Venetian interests. In several cases they continue with a historical account of the circumstances in which Corfu was incorporated in the Venetian State.
In the main text of the report, the greatest weight was attached to fortification works. The entire sixteenth century is distinguished by the effort to expand and reinforce the fortified space. In this context, the most important developments concern the opening of the moat that would cut off the Fortress from the landward side, the construction of new facilities for storing food and munitions, as well as for barracks, the levelling of the area outside the Fortress
(Spianada or esplanade), the strengthening of the old walls, the lowering of the hills around the Fortress, the building of a second Fortress which will henceforth be named New, the prohibiting of residence in or even entry to the fortresses for all civilians, and finally, the circumvallation of the burg, with the aim of extending security to the whole of the new town that had begun to grow, from Medieval times, extra muros of the Old Fortress.
Among the other issues touched on in the reports, some are characterized as principal (to which particular attention is paid) and some as secondary.
Among the principal standard issues in the reports are:

  1. the census of the population in the city and in the countryside,
  2. the organization of the island’s defence, which had been entrusted to the civil guard (cernidi) and the soldiers (stradiotti),
  3. the state of the public purse, an issue of concern to most officials, since it frequently threatened even the ability of the local Venetian administration to meet its salary obligations, and
  4. the condition of the community granary, an issue linked with the diminished agricultural production of Corfu and the attempts to develop the local rural economy, as well as with obtaining grain supplies.
    Matters of lesser importance in the reports are distinguished into those mentioned incidentally and those repeated with some regularity.
    Comparatively little space is devoted to the body of citizens (cittadini), to its internal processes and collaboration between Corfiots and the local Venetian administration. The usual expressions on the loyalty and obedience of the citizens to the Serenissima Republic coexist with other references by the administrators doubting the reliability, the trustworthiness and the bureaucratic abilities of the Corfiots elected to lower positions in local government. Research into the deeper reasons for these references would lead, if nothing else,
    to the standing rivalry between the local Venetian administration and the Community over manning lower public offices, through which was determined essentially also the degree of control over the main instruments of local
    self-administration (public treasury, granary, salinas, etc.).
    No report refers to relations between the two Christian dogmas, nor is there any mention of the Orthodox Church. The dispensation of justice is classed likewise among the affairs of minor significance (according to the space
    they occupy in the reports), which are developed circumstantially. The Venetians were interested in the peasantry, but only as factors in developing rural
    production. Various other pieces of information on rural Corfu are conflated with information on the feudatories and the administrative subdivisions of the island.
    There is regular reference in the final paragraphs of most reports to the Angelokastro (in the northwest of the island), where the inhabitants of the surrounding areas sought refuge in the event of siege, as well as to Parga, Butrint and the Paxos island. Presented are their demographic situation, administrative organization and the relations of their inhabitants with the neighbouring Ottoman populations. Also emphasized is the importance of these regions for the island’s security and for the cohesion of the Venetian colonial chain.
    References to the Jewish community of Corfu are quite frequently accompanied by the officials’ appeals to Venice, to isolate it in a ghetto. Permanent refrain in the reports, from the mid-sixteenth century onward, is the appeal for the transfer of the cathedral church from the Old Fortress to the burg, so as not to impede the movements of the garrison and not to jeopardize the security of the Castro by the possibility of espionage against the paramount fortification on the island. Last, in several reports there are comments about the suspicious presence of the consul of Spain on Corfu and his links with some of its leading families.
    In the majority of reports the epilogue is replaced by the compilers’ comments on the level of their collaboration with the bailo or the provveditore. As a rule this collaboration was assessed positively, as was the contribution of the rest of the members of the local Venetian administration and the army officers.
    Objections or reservations are expressed in very few cases, concerning the use fulness of the services of certain engineers or individual officers in the civil guard. The text of a report usually concluded with the profession of the compiler’s
    obedience to the Serenissima, in whose service “he was prepared to spend even his life”, and with the invocation of leniency regarding any possible deficiencies in the exercise of his duties.

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Research paper thumbnail of «The Jews of Corfu in the Early Modern Period: Social Status, Privileges and Historiography», Review of Mediterranean Historical Studies, vol. I, pp. 121-138

Among the Jewish communities of the Venetian maritime State, that of Corfu is presented as the mo... more Among the Jewish communities of the Venetian maritime State, that of Corfu is presented as the most favored, thanks to the privileges it already enjoyed before the arrival of the Venetians, which were confirmed by the latter when they occupied the island in 1386/7. The exclusion of the Jews
of Corfu from the expulsion of all Jews from the Venetian state after the naval battle of Lepanto, the assumption of the representation of Christian merchants, etc., these were presented as a strong demonstration of their privileged position. In this essay, based on secondary bibliography and recent archival research, I will attempt to reconsider the peculiar social status that characterized the Jews of Corfu.

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek Commercial Shipping from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century Literature Review and Research Perspectives

Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 2002

The historiography referring to Greek merchant shipping in the fifteenth to the seventeenth centu... more The historiography referring to Greek merchant shipping in the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries is inferior to that for subsequent centuries. Generally speaking, it consists of a few studies of a local or topical character, in which there is an evident lack of a comparative approach and a broader perspective. The very few reliable attempts at a synthetic presentation of the phenomenon are let down, inter alia, by the absence of data based on systematic archival research. The problem is not only qualitative but also primarily quantitative. We are not so much lacking information on the more general context as information of a statistical type, capable of supporting credible interpretations. The present article does not of course aspire to cover the lacunae in the historiography on Greek merchant shipping. That would demand systematic work and collaboration by several researchers. Our aims are merely a) to present the main phases and trends in the relevant historiography, b) to make a critical assessment of the proceedings and, concurrently, c) to point out the lacunae in the historiography.

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Research paper thumbnail of Shipping enterprise in the eighteenth century: the case of the Greek subjects of Venice

Mediterranean Historical Review, Jun 1, 2010

... the surnames of the captains who declare themselves Missolonghians, in the 15-year period pri... more ... the surnames of the captains who declare themselves Missolonghians, in the 15-year period prior to the dissolution of Venice, to observe that about 35% of them are clearly Ionian in origin, primarily Cephalonian (Valsamakis, Inglesis, Kourkoumelis ... Kremmydas, Vassilis. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Θαλάσσιο εμπόριο στη βενετοκρατούμενη Κέρκυρα (1496-1538)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranea - ricerche storiche, n. 31. agosto 2014

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L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipa... more L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana dell'Università Nazionale e Capodistriaca di Atene (Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana) organizza un Convegno Scientifico Internazionale dal titolo: «Diaspora neo-greca nell'Italia centro-meridionale della prima età moderna (sec. XV-XVIII)». La sessione introduttiva aprirà il prof. Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana e Direttore del Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana. Al Convegno parteciperanno il professore assistente del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana Georgios Pelidis, membro del comitato scientifico, e la dottoranda Katerina Romanenko. Le lingue ufficiali del Convegno sono l'italiano e l'inglese Il Convegno si terrà a Venezia, presso la sede dell'Istituto Ellenico (Sala del Capitolo), dal 27 al 29 giugno 2023 e sarà trasmesso in diretta dal canale youtube dell'Istituto.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Rete consolare e ideologia rivoluzionaria: I consolati della Repubblica Settinsulare a Trieste»

Francesco Scalora (επιμ.), Il Risorgimento Greco e l’Italia. Forme e livelli di ricezione durante il XIX secolo, Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici & Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών - Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών, 2022

Per pervenire alla maturazione di idee rivoluzionarie, i Greci hanno dovuto percorrere strade che... more Per pervenire alla maturazione di idee rivoluzionarie, i Greci hanno dovuto
percorrere strade che includono l’Illuminismo nelle sue varie versioni, l’iniziazione a società segrete, il collegamento con gli interessi russi e altre componenti. Le comunità greche nella penisola italiana, che avevano ospitato per secoli Greci provenienti dai territori ottomani e veneziani, hanno giocato un ruolo ovviamente centrale in tutti questi processi. Dalla seconda metà del XVIII secolo in poi la presenza greca appare significativamente aumentata a causa del notevole sviluppo delle transazioni commerciali tra i porti italiani e quelli del Mediterraneo orientale.
Sui Greci che furono attivi negli Stati italiani, preparandosi culturalmente
e politicamente alla loro futura mobilitazione contro l’Impero ottomano, sono stati pubblicati importanti lavori, soprattutto in relazione allo studio della diaspora greca nei centri urbani della penisola (Trieste, Livorno, Napoli). Conosciamo molti nomi, ma su pochi di loro siamo sufficientemente informati. È comunque comunemente accettato che l’esame delle tendenze principali nelle attività rivoluzionarie presuppone un ampio campione di casi di studio.
Il mio contributo si limita alla presentazione di due casi di studio, a mio
avviso particolarmente interessanti, che riguardano personaggi non inclusi
tra i protagonisti delle vicende dell’area ionia

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Research paper thumbnail of «Il contributo ellenico alla nascita del filellenismo europeo: le Isole Ionie all’inizio dell’800»

Andrea Scardicchio (a cura di), Il filellenismo nella cultura italiana dell’800, Peter Lang: Lausanne-Berlin-Bruxelles-Chennai-New York-Oxford, 35-50., 2023

The Septinsular Republic was the first state to operate in the area of the later Greek state. Th... more The Septinsular Republic was the first state to operate in the area of the
later Greek state. Thanks to various circumstances, and especially to the
temporary alliance between the Russians and the Ottomans, in the context of the second anti-Napoleonic coalition, an autonomous state was established in the Ionian Sea, but with limited independence in domestic and foreign policy. As has been pointed out, this state offered a foretaste of Greek independence, an experiment in which all the components necessary for a modern state (constitution, state language, economic policy, state-recognised religion, etc.) were tested. This article focuses on the perceptions of the establishment and operation of this state by Greek and European public opinion. This question is part of a broader discussion about the foundations of European philhellenism and, in particular, about the participation of the Greeks themselves in its formation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Byzantine and Greek merchant maritime enterprises in the medieval Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of «Politiche veneziane e società locali nel Regno di Morea», in G. Ortalli, G. Gullino, E. Ivetich (eds.), L’inestinguibile sogno di dominio: Francesco Morosini, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia, 2021, pp. 113-128.

Il presente studio, basato sui risultati della ricerca storica sul Regno di Morea, si prefigge lo... more Il presente studio, basato sui risultati della ricerca storica sul Regno di Morea, si prefigge lo scopo di mettere in luce le caratteristiche, la qualità e le cause che determinarono i rapporti di Morosini e delle autorità veneziane con le popolazioni del Mediterraneo Orientale, in un estremo tentativo di rivitalizzare le ambizioni coloniali della Serenissima. Per trovare le risposte a tali questioni, si cercherà qui, attraverso un approccio a importanti momenti, necessariamente indicativi, della vicenda di Francesco Morosini, di esaminare i comportamenti dei nativi verso i veneziani nelle varie fasi storiche che vanno dalla conquista, al consolidarsi della loro presenza sul territorio fino all’abbandono del Regno. Mi soffermerò inoltre su questioni relative al come la conquista della Morea venne recepita dai contemporanei e poi dalla storiografia successiva, che fondamentalmente vede gli eventi da una posizione di preminenza, nel senso, cioè, che la sua principale fonte d’informazione coincide di regola con le posizioni ufficiali del potere statale veneziano.

Venetian policies and local societies in the Morea Kingdom

This study, based on the gains of prior and recent research on the Kingdom of «Morea», attempts to highlight the forms, the qualities and the motives of relations between Morosini and the Venetian authorities on the one hand and the inhabitants of the Eastern Mediterranean on the other hand, during this last attempt at a revival of Venetian colonial ambition. In order to provide answers, by re-narrating the significant and most characteristic moments in the life of Francesco Morosini we will try to examine the stance of local population towards the Venetians in a series of stages from the conquest, the establishment of Venetian rule and the Venetian’s abandoning of the Kingdom. We will also examine how the conquest of «Morea» was perceived at the time and through later historiography, which typically sees things ‘from above’, since its main source of information as a rule corresponds to the official position of the state.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sources for the Maritime History of Greece (Fifteenth to Seventeenth Century)

New Directions in Mediterranean Maritime History, 2004

This chapter assesses the relatively unexplored sources concerning Greek commercial shipping prio... more This chapter assesses the relatively unexplored sources concerning Greek commercial shipping prior to the mid-eighteenth century, in attempt to bridge the gap in information and data concerning Greek seamen. In addition to examining state archives and port registries, sources compiled include notarial deeds and social histories of Greece. Documents and archives relating to Venetian and Ottoman trade with Greece have also been included, to provide data absent from Greek records. The chapter concludes by suggesting more research and more cross-referencing with international records is necessary to further study the maritime history of Greece.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trade and Shipping in Corfu, 1496-1538

International Journal of Maritime History, 2004

Modem historiography dates the development of the Greek merchant marine to the mid-eighteenth cen... more Modem historiography dates the development of the Greek merchant marine to the mid-eighteenth century and attributes it to the increasing supply and international demand for agricultural produce from the East, a stock of accumulated capital and propitious prospects for profitable investment in shipping. 1 Since the 1970s, several important studies on this phase of the development of Greek shipping have appeared. 2 But if our knowledge of the heyday of Greek shipping is relatively satisfactory, this is by no means true for earlier periods. This is unfortunate because there are indications that Greek-owned shipping was far from negligible in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The evidence includes the existence of about two hundred Greek merchant houses in Ancona in the midsixteenth century; the use of nautical charts in Greek lands from the early sixteenth century; Greek familiarity with the sea through compulsory service in the Venetian and Ottoman navies; experience in Western European warships and merchant vessels; specialization in various sectors of seafaring (e.g., pilots from Melos) and shipbuilding; and the testimony of foreign travellers about a large merchant fleet in the eastern Mediterranean from the mid-sixteenth century, a fact confirmed by archival research. 3

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Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranean Wooden Shipbuilding: Economy, technology and institutions in Syros in the nineteenth century

The Mariner's Mirror, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis

Atti delle «Settimane di Studi» e altri Convegni, 2019

The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay betwee... more The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay between political change, fleet nationality, and the evolution of shipping networks. On the basis of historical data on ship positions retracted from archival sources, we create GIS-based online maps to conduct a geospatial analysis of the traffic intensity and movement patterns along the regional and inter-regional sea routes that connected the Venetian port system with the Mediterranean ports, with special attention to the Eastern Mediterranean. In this sense, the platform “simulates” modern real-time technologies used to visualise shipping trends per vessel types.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Le Isole Ionie nel periodo Napoleonico: un bilancio storiografico»

Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, «Le Isole Ionie nel periodo Napoleonico: un bilancio storiografico», in M... more Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, «Le Isole Ionie nel periodo Napoleonico: un bilancio storiografico», in Michela D’Angelo, Rosario Lentini & Marcello Saija (a cura di), Il decennio Inglese in Sicilia (1806-1815). Bilancio Storiografico e Prospettive di Ricerca, Rubbettino di Soveria Mannelli: Catanzaro, pp. 93-110.

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Research paper thumbnail of «La popolazione di Corfù nel Cinquecento», Atti del Convegno: Venezia e il Suo Stato da Mar, Atti del 7o Convegno Internazionale, Venezia, 14-16 Febbraio 2019, a cura di Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi, Roma: Società Dalmata di Storia Patria, 2020, pp. 55-67.

The censuses of the populations living in the Greek regions under the Venetian rule are incomplet... more The censuses of the populations living in the Greek regions under the Venetian rule are incomplete and fragmented both in quantity and quality, historians of demography think. Even 18th century documents lack a complete and continuous series of statistical data. This paper tries to partially fill the gap in the information on the island of Corfu. I will show the main schemes and the general trends characterizing the demographic strength of the island, based on the elaboration of data taken from all sources at our disposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Greek subjects of Venice in Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Business: some sixteenth century case studies», Revues d’ Études Sud-Εst Européennes, LIX (2021), 207-215.

Studies on the maritime activities of Greeks in the sixteenth century, published in the last deca... more Studies on the maritime activities of Greeks in the sixteenth century, published in the last decades, have renewed research interest in this field, leading to the revision of the views of earlier researchers who describe Greek merchant shipping in the sixteenth century as an economic activity supported by a few boats, with which Greeks served local fishing and transporting activities, fearful of venturing beyond the safety of the
coasts. Thanks to new bibliography it is documented the more active presence of subjects of Venice and foreigners in the maritime life of the State. The present study is part of a personal research project by the undersigned, aimed at compiling a typology of the participation of Greek subjects of Venice in maritime trade. As I see it, prerequisite for achieving this goal is the existence of a series of specific case studies. Some of these are proposed, in general outline, in this paper, referring to the years after the third Venetian-Ottoman war.

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Research paper thumbnail of «War at sea and trade routes in the Mediterranean during the Napoleonic period through the reports of Septinsular Republic’s diplomatic representatives», Mediterranean Chronicle, 8 (2018), pp. 67-81.

In 1800, while the Napoleonic Wars raged, in the former Venetian Ionian islands was founded the ... more In 1800, while the Napoleonic Wars raged, in the former Venetian Ionian
islands was founded the state of the Septinsular Republic, which came under the protection of Russia and the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire in which the new State was tributary. Soon the administration of the islands has launched a dense consular network. Main activity of the Ionian consuls was the service of merchants and shipping entrepreneurs, but also all of those Ionians travelling for various reasons abroad. One of the activities of the consuls was however information of Ionian authorities on various developments of military and political level happening in the Italian
peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean in a period full of decisive military facts, in which played a dominant role the conflict between Napoleon Bonaparte and the British Empire. The main aim of the proposed paper is the presentation of this corpus of documentation and its evaluation in relation to both the general accepted historical facts and the sources of such information.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Le Isole Ionie negli anni di Ugo Foscolo: società e cultura in transizione»

Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, «Le Isole Ionie negli anni di Ugo Foscolo: società e cultura in transizio... more Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, «Le Isole Ionie negli anni di Ugo Foscolo: società e cultura in transizione», in Francesca Sensini & Christian del Vento (a cura di), Ugo Foscolo tra Italia e Grecia: Esperienza e Fortuna di un Intellettuale Europeo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Nizza-La Mortola, Giardini Hanbury, 9-11 Marzo 2017), Mimesis: Milano-Udine, 2020, pp. 309-324.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Greeks in the Maritime Trade of Venice during the 16th century:  the case of the Verghis family

In the economic historiography of Venice, subjects usually play the role of the backdrop to image... more In the economic historiography of Venice, subjects usually play the role of the backdrop to images-studies referring mainly to the enterprises of Venetian nobles or cittadini. Even though in recent years texts which see the subjects not only as transporters of cargoes but also as managers of trading houses have been published, these concern primarily the eighteenth century. Moreover, in order for us to compile a typology of the Serenissima’s Greek subjects’ participation in maritime trade, a satisfactory number of case studies is necessary. One such case study is presented here, namely the commercial enterprise of the Verghis brothers from Corfu, for the study of which we utilized sources in the archives of Corfu and Venice.

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Research paper thumbnail of 14.1.2021: Presentazione del libro "Le fonti della storia dell'Italia preunitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e valorizzazione

Università degli Studi di Genova, Corso di dottorato in Studio e valorizzazione del patrimonio st... more Università degli Studi di Genova, Corso di dottorato in Studio e valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, artistico-architettonico e ambientale

giovedì 14 gennaio 2021, ore 15:00

zoom meeting / Passcode: vqUFv2 link

Tavola rotonda: Si discute il libro Le fonti della storia dell'Italia preunitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e valorizzazione (Papazissis Publishers, Athens 2019)

Intervengono: Paolo Calcagno (Università di Genova), Cristian Luca (Università del Danubio Meridionale di Galaţi), Gerassimos D. Pagratis (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), Géraud Poumarède (Université Bordeaux Montaigne).

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Research paper thumbnail of Βοοκ Launch, 23.5.2019


Ο εκδοτικός οίκος ΗΡΟΔΟΤΟΣ και
σας προσκαλούν στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου

Πόλεμος, Κράτος και Κοινωνία στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος (14ος-19ος αι.), Αθήνα 2018, επιστημονική διεύθυνση Γεράσιμου Δ. Παγκράτη

την Πέμπτη 23 Μαΐου 2019
στο Polis Art Café, ώρα 18:00,
Πεσμαζόγλου, 5, Αθήνα

Για το βιβλίο θα μιλήσουν οι κκ. Ιωάννης-Αναστάσιος Μεταξάς, Τακτικό μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Διεπιστημονικής Ακαδημίας, Σπυρίδων Γ. Πλουμίδης, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Νεότερης και Σύγχρονης Ιστορίας, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, τ. πρόεδρος της Ιονίου Εταιρείας Ιστορικών Μελετών, Στυλιανός Πολίτης, Ναύαρχος ε.α., Δρ. Διεθνούς Δικαίου, Στάθης Μπίρταχας, Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, και Φωτεινή Πέρρα, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Μεσαιωνικής Ιστορίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Έλληνες υπήκοοι του βενετικού κράτους στις ρότες της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στους πρώιμους νεότερους χρόνους", διάλεξη στο ΙΜΣ/ΙΤΕ, 28.3.2018

"Έλληνες υπήκοοι του βενετικού κράτους στις ρότες της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στους πρώιμους νεότερο... more "Έλληνες υπήκοοι του βενετικού κράτους στις ρότες της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στους πρώιμους νεότερους χρόνους"

Οι επιδόσεις των Ελλήνων υπηκόων της Βενετίας στις θάλασσες της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου στους πρώιμους νεότερους χρόνους έχουν απασχολήσει σε κάποιο βαθμό τους Ιστορικούς, εντός και εκτός Ελλάδας, ιδίως στις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες. Στόχος της εισήγησης αυτής είναι να επιχειρήσει αφενός μια αποτίμηση της σχετικής ιστοριογραφίας, και αφετέρου να παρουσιάσει τις κυριότερες προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζει η έρευνα στο ειδικό αυτό πεδίο.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Τα νησιά του Ιονίου Πελάγους μεταξύ Βενετών και Βρετανών: πολιτική, κοινωνία και οικονομία»

Διάλεξη του Καθηγητή του ΤΙΓΦ (ΕΚΠΑ) κ. Γεράσιμου Δ. Παγκράτη στο Διατομεακό Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμ... more Διάλεξη του Καθηγητή του ΤΙΓΦ (ΕΚΠΑ) κ. Γεράσιμου Δ. Παγκράτη στο Διατομεακό Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα «Νεότερη και Σύγχρονη Ιστορία – Λαογραφία» του Τμήματος Ιστορίας-Αρχαιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων με θέμα: «Τα νησιά του Ιονίου Πελάγους μεταξύ Βενετών και Βρετανών: πολιτική, κοινωνία και οικονομία».
Τετάρτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2017. Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων του Τομέα Ιστορίας Νεωτέρων Χρόνων, κτίριο Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων (α΄ όροφος), 18.00:

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Research paper thumbnail of Κοινωνικές και πολιτικές προϋποθέσεις του πολιτισμού των Ιόνιων Νήσων στις απαρχές του 19ου αιώνα, Διάλεξη στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Colloquium του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Νεοελληνικής Φιλολογίας, Τμήμα Βυζαντινών και Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών

Στο τέλος του 18ου αι. τα νησιά του Ιονίου Πελάγους βίωσαν, όπως και μεγάλο μέρος του ευρωπαϊκού ... more Στο τέλος του 18ου αι. τα νησιά του Ιονίου Πελάγους βίωσαν, όπως και μεγάλο μέρος του ευρωπαϊκού κόσμου, εξελίξεις που υπερβαίνουν κατά πολύ το επίπεδο της πολιτικής αλλαγής. Και τούτο καθώς συνδέονται με μεταβάσεις σε ποικίλα πεδία, αποτέλεσμα, εν πολλοίς, της διείσδυσης στα νησιά των ιδεών του διαφωτισμού και της Γαλλικής Επανάστασης, και μάλιστα με τρόπο άμεσο, δηλ. από τους ίδιους τους Γάλλους Δημοκρατικούς (1797-99).
Για τα ζητήματα αυτά υπάρχει ήδη μια σημαντική βιβλιογραφία με έργα είτε εξειδικευμένα σε επιμέρους θεματικές είτε συνθετικά. Η δική μας προσπάθεια θα μπορούσε να ενταχθεί στη δεύτερη κατηγορία, καθώς συνιστά μια απόπειρα επαναφήγησης των εξελίξεων που έλαβαν χώρα στις επτανησιακές κοινωνίες στο κοινωνικό και το διανοητικό επίπεδο κατά τη λεγόμενη ναπολεόντεια περίοδο. Στα κεντρικά ζητούμενα της πραγμάτευσής μας, η οποία βασίζεται σε παλιές και νέες συμβολές , αλλά και σε αρχειακό υλικό,
περιλαμβάνεται η αναζήτηση των κοινωνικών διαστάσεων του επτανησιακού πολιτισμού, καθώς και η επισήμανση των συγκλίσεων και των αποκλίσεων από τα ευρωπαϊκά παραδείγματα και από τα νεοελληνικά τους αντίστοιχα. Για την πραγμάτωση αυτών των στόχων, πέρα από τις πολιτικές εξελίξεις, εξετάζονται εδώ αντιπροσωπευτικά πεδία εκδήλωσης του πνεύματος στον επτανησιακό χώρο, όπως η φιλοσοφία, η λογοτεχνία, η ιστορία και η

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Research paper thumbnail of Συμβολή στην οικονομική ιστορία της Επτανήσου Πολιτείας (1800-1807): η οπτική του εμπορίου και της ναυτιλίας. Ανοιχτή Τηλεδιάλεξη στο Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου (14 Μαρτίου 2017)

Συμβολή στην Οικονομική Ιστορία της Επτανήσου Πολιτείας (1800-1807): η οπτική του εμπορίου και τη... more Συμβολή στην Οικονομική Ιστορία της Επτανήσου Πολιτείας (1800-1807): η οπτική του εμπορίου και της ναυτιλίας, Ανοιχτή Τηλεδιάλεξη στο Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, 14 Μαρτίου 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of «Imprese marittime e politica commerciale nello “Stato da Mar” nella prima età moderna: il ruolo dei Greci»

Presentazione al Seminario di Storia di Venezia e del Mediterraneo a.a. 2015-16. Università degli... more Presentazione al Seminario di Storia di Venezia e del Mediterraneo a.a. 2015-16. Università degli Studi di Padova. Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità (17 Febbraio 2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of Rena Lauer, Colonial Justice and the Jews of Venetian Crete

Review of Rena Lauer, Colonial Justice and the Jews of Venetian Crete, University of Pennsylvania... more Review of Rena Lauer, Colonial Justice and the Jews of Venetian Crete, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, x +292 σσ., στο περιοδικό Renaissance Quarterly, 74.1 (2021), σελ. 316-317,

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Dimitris D. Arvanitakis, Educating the citizen: The French presence in the Ionian Sea (1797–1799) and the Greek nation

Review of Dimitris D. Arvanitakis, Η Αγωγή του πολίτη: Η γαλλική παρουσία στο Ιόνιο (1797-1799) κ... more Review of Dimitris D. Arvanitakis, Η Αγωγή του πολίτη: Η γαλλική παρουσία στο Ιόνιο (1797-1799) και το έθνος των Ελλήνων : [Educating the citizen: The French presence in the Ionian Sea (1797–1799) and the Greek nation]. Historein, 21(1)

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Research paper thumbnail of 22.8.2019: Πόλεμος, Κράτος και Κοινωνία στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος. Παρουσίαση τόμου

Η Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών, σωματείο μη κερδοσκοπικού χαρακτήρα, και ο εκδοτικός οίκος ... more Η Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών, σωματείο μη κερδοσκοπικού χαρακτήρα, και ο εκδοτικός οίκος «Ηρόδοτος» σας προσκαλούν στην παρουσίαση του συλλογικού τόμου που εξέδωσαν από κοινού με τίτλο: «Πόλεμος, Κράτος και Κοινωνία στο Ιόνιο Πέλαγος (14ος –19ος αι.)», υπό την επιστημονική διεύθυνση και επιμέλεια του Καθηγητή κ. Γεράσιμου Δ. Παγκράτη. Η παρουσίαση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 22 Αυγούστου 2019 και ώρα 20:00 στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων της Δημόσιας Βιβλιοθήκης της Κέρκυρας (Παλαιό Φρούριο).
Για το βιβλίο θα μιλήσουν οι κκ.: 1) Θεόδωρος Παππάς, Καθηγητής και Αντιπρύτανης του Ιόνιου Πανεπιστημίου (Τμήμα Αρχειονομίας), 2) Παναγιώτα Τζιβάρα, Μόνιμη Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης (Τμήμα Ιστορίας-Εθνολογίας), 3) Δημήτριος Γ. Μεταλληνός, Δρ. Ιστορίας, Διδάσκων Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου (Τμήμα Αρχειονομίας), καθώς και ο επιμελητής του τόμου Γεράσιμος Δ. Παγκράτης, Καθηγητής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας). Τη συζήτηση θα συντονίσει ο κ. Βάιος Βαϊόπουλος, Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Κοσμήτορας της Σχολής Οικονομικών Επιστημών του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Axel Körner, America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017, xix + 351 pp., in The Historical Review, XV (2018), pp. 328-330.

Review of Axel Körner, America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and Imaginati... more Review of Axel Körner, America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017, xix + 351 pp., in The Historical Review, XV (2018), pp. 328-330.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Carlo R. Ricotti, Il costituzionalismo britannico nel Mediterraneo (1794-1818), Giuffrè-Luiss University Press, Roma-Milano 2005, LIII+581 pp., in Tekmirion, 6 (2006), 256-258 (in Greek)

Carlo R. Ricotti, Il costituzionalismo britannico nel Mediterraneo (1794-1818), Giuffrè-Luiss Uni... more Carlo R. Ricotti, Il costituzionalismo britannico nel Mediterraneo (1794-1818), Giuffrè-Luiss University Press, Roma-Milano 2005, LIII+581 pp., in Tekmirion, 6 (2006), 256-258 (in Greek)

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Giuseppe Restifo, I porti della peste. Epidemie mediterranee fra Sette e Ottocento, Mesogea, Messina 2005, 212 pp., in Tekmirion, 6 (2006), pp. 251-255 (in Greek).pdf

Giuseppe Restifo, I porti della peste. Epidemie mediterranee fra Sette e Ottocento, Mesogea, Mess... more Giuseppe Restifo, I porti della peste. Epidemie mediterranee fra Sette e Ottocento, Mesogea, Messina 2005, 212 pp., in Tekmirion, 6 (2006), pp. 251-255 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Marcello Simoni, The merchant of the prohibited books, Αiora, Αthens 2012, 472 pp., in The Book’s Journal, 29 (Μarch 2013), pp. 68-71 (in Greek)

Marcello Simoni, The merchant of the prohibited books, Αiora, Αthens 2012, 472 pp., in The Book’s... more Marcello Simoni, The merchant of the prohibited books, Αiora, Αthens 2012, 472 pp., in The Book’s Journal, 29 (Μarch 2013), pp. 68-71 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Apostolos Delis, Mediterranean Wooden Shipbuilding: Economy, Technology and Institutions in Syros in the Nineteenth Century, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2015, xix + 325 pp., in Mariner’s Mirror, vol. 102:3 (2016), pp. 364-366.

Review of Apostolos Delis, Mediterranean Wooden Shipbuilding: Economy, Technology and Institution... more Review of Apostolos Delis, Mediterranean Wooden Shipbuilding: Economy, Technology and Institutions in Syros in the Nineteenth Century, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2015, xix + 325 pp., in Mariner’s Mirror, vol. 102:3 (2016), 364-366.

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Research paper thumbnail of Stathis Birtachas, Society, Civilization and Government in the Venetian Maritime State: the case of Cyprus, Vanias: Thessaloniki 2011, 379 pp., in Mediterranean Chronicle, (2014), pp. 233-236 (in Greek).tif

Stathis Birtachas, Society, Civilization and Government in the Venetian Maritime State: the case ... more Stathis Birtachas, Society, Civilization and Government in the Venetian Maritime State: the case of Cyprus, Vanias: Thessaloniki 2011, 379 pp., in Mediterranean Chronicle, (2014), pp. 233-236 (in Greek).

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Luigi Andrea Berto, In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice, Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 41, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014, viii + 485 pp., in Mediterranean Chronicle, vol. 5 (2015), pp. 263-268.Berto, Venice.tif

Review of Luigi Andrea Berto, In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice, Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 41, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014, viii + 485 pp., in Mediterranean Chronicle, vol. 5 (2015), pp. 263-268.Berto, Venice.tif

Luigi Andrea Berto, In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice, Stu... more Luigi Andrea Berto, In Search of the First Venetians: Prosopography of Early Medieval Venice, Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 41, Turnhout: Brepols, 2014, viii + 485 pp., in Mediterranean Chronicle, vol. 5 (2015), pp. 263-268 (in Italian).

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Research paper thumbnail of «Gli Ebrei di Corfù nella prima età moderna: status sociale, privilegi e storiografia»

Among the Jewish communities of the maritime State of Venice, that of Corfu is the most favored t... more Among the Jewish communities of the maritime State of Venice, that of Corfu is the most favored thanks to the privileges it enjoyed even before the arrival of the Venetians and which were confirmed by the latter when they occupied the island, in 1386/7. The exclusion of the Jews of Corfu from the expulsion of all Jews from the Venetian State after the naval battle of Lepanto, the assumption of the representation of Christian merchants etc. they were presented as strong demonstrations of
their privileged position. In this article, on the basis of secondary ibliography and recent archival research, I will attempt to reconsider the peculiar social status that characterized the Jews of Corfu.

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L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipa... more L'Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-Bizantini di Venezia, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana dell'Università Nazionale e Capodistriaca di Atene (Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana) organizza un Convegno Scientifico Internazionale dal titolo:

«Diaspora neo-greca nell'Italia centro-meridionale della prima età moderna (sec. XV-XVIII)».

La sessione introduttiva aprirà il prof. Gerassimos D. Pagratis, Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana e Direttore del Laboratorio di Storia e Storiografia Italiana.

Al Convegno parteciperanno il professore assistente del Dipartimento di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana Georgios Pelidis, membro del comitato scientifico, e la dottoranda Katerina Romanenko.

Le lingue ufficiali del Convegno sono l'italiano e l'inglese

Il Convegno si terrà a Venezia, presso la sede dell'Istituto Ellenico (Sala del Capitolo), dal 27 al 29 giugno 2023 e sarà trasmesso in diretta dal canale youtube dell'Istituto.

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Research paper thumbnail of Συνέδριο: «Κοινωνική διαμαρτυρία, εξέγερση και επανάσταση στα προνεωτερικά Ιταλικά Κράτη (13ος-18ος αι.)»

Το Σεμινάριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας σα... more Το Σεμινάριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας σας προσκαλεί στο συνέδριο με θέμα: «Κοινωνική διαμαρτυρία, εξέγερση και επανάσταση στα προνεωτερικά Ιταλικά Κράτη (13ος-18ος αι.)».

Το Συνέδριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 29 & 30 Νοεμβρίου στο Κεντρικό
Αμφιθέατρο του Διδασκαλείου της Νέας Ελληνικής στην Πανεπιστημιούπολη Ζωγράφου.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Ένα συνέδριο για την ιστορία της μετανάστευσης – Συμπεράσματα από το παρελθόν», συνέντευξη στην εφημερίδα ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ (30.12.2019)

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Research paper thumbnail of Επιστημονικό Σύνεδριο: Πληθυσμιακές μετακινήσεις προς τα Ιόνια Νησιά: από τον 13 ο αιώνα έως την Ένωση με την Ελλάδα

Στη σημερινή ιδιαίτερη για το μεταναστευτικό φαινόμενο συγκυρία το Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλ... more Στη σημερινή ιδιαίτερη για το μεταναστευτικό φαινόμενο συγκυρία το Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Ελληνοϊταλικές Σπουδές: Ιστορία, Λογοτεχνία και Κλασική Παράδοση) σε συνεργασία με το Κέντρο Μελετών Ιονίου διοργανώνουν επιστημονικό συνέδριο με θέμα «Πληθυσμιακές μετακινήσεις προς τα Ιόνια Νησιά: από τον 13ο αιώνα έως την Ένωση με την Ελλάδα».
Η έναρξη του συνεδρίου θα γίνει την Τετάρτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2019 (18:30) στη Μεγάλη Αίθουσα του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, κεντρικό κτήριο, Πανεπιστημίου 30. Οι συνεδρίες (10-11 Οκτωβρίου 2019, 09:00-17:00) θα φιλοξενηθούν στο Μουσείο Ιστορίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Θόλου, 5 Πλάκα.

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Research paper thumbnail of Παρουσίαση του συλλογικού έργου:  Σελίδες Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού. Τόμος Αφιερωμένος στον Δημήτρη Ε.Γ. Καρύδη, Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών (επιστημονική επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή, σε συνεργασία με την Παναγιώτα Τζιβάρα), Κέρκυρα 2018, 272 σσ.

Παρουσίαση του συλλογικού έργου: Σελίδες Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού. Τόμος Αφιερωμένος στον Δημήτρ... more Παρουσίαση του συλλογικού έργου:
Σελίδες Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού. Τόμος Αφιερωμένος στον Δημήτρη Ε.Γ. Καρύδη, Ιόνιος Εταιρεία Ιστορικών Μελετών (επιστημονική επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή, σε συνεργασία με την Παναγιώτα Τζιβάρα), Κέρκυρα 2018, 272 σσ.

Κέρκυρα, 7.8.2018 (20:00), Αίθουσα Εκδηλώσεων Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου, Νέα Δικαστήρια

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Research paper thumbnail of 15.12.2020 - Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου: Le fonti della storia dell'Italia preunitaria

Το Σεμινάριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας ( του Τμή... more Το Σεμινάριο Ιταλικής Ιστορίας και Ιστοριογραφίας ( του Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας (ΤΙΓΦ) του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών και οι εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, σας προσκαλούν στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου Le fonti della storia dell’Italia pre-unitaria: casi di studio per la loro analisi e “valorizzazione”, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήσης, 2019, σε επιμέλεια του Καθηγητή του ΕΚΠΑ Γεράσιμου Δ. Παγκράτη.
Η παρουσίαση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου, 18:00 με τη χρήση της διαδικτυακής πλατφόρμας zoom: / Meeting number: 917 8756 5582 / Password: d8Uhk4

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Research paper thumbnail of BEYOND THE BORDERS/Más allá de las fronteras - Convegno internazionale - Sapienza Università di Roma, Palazzo del Rettorato, Aula degli Organi Collegiali, 23-25 giugno 2022

by Alessia Ceccarelli, Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS, Sabina Brevaglieri, Maria Teresa Fattori, Luciano Pezzolo, Atzin Bahena, María Laura Salinas, candida carella, Domenico Cecere, Roberto Di Stefano, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Silvia Toppetta, Ilaria Stazzi, Daniele Colonnetti, Montserrat Báez, and Massimo De Giuseppe

BEYOND THE BORDERS/Más allá de las fronteras, 2022

Il convegno è parte del progetto di Cooperazione internazionale Beyond the borders. Laboratory ... more Il convegno è parte del progetto di Cooperazione internazionale
Beyond the borders. Laboratory of history and historiography, networking action between Europe and Central America (Sapienza 2020–22), di cui sono partner i seguenti atenei: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC – Prof. José Edgardo Cal Montoya), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM – Prof. Gibrán Irving Israel Bautista y Lugo), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM – Prof. Antonio Álvarez Ossorio Alvariño), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA – Prof. Gerassimos D. Pagratis), Università di Palermo (UNIPA – Prof.ssa Valentina Favarò), Università di Milano (UNIMI – Prof.ssa Blythe Alice Raviola). Responsabile: Gaetano Lettieri – Responsabile operativo (Project Manager): Alessia Ceccarelli

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Research paper thumbnail of 3.6.2022: Παρουσίαση Βιβλίου "Πληθυσμιακές Μετακινήσεις προς τα Ιόνια Νησιά, 13ος-18ος αι."

Το Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, στο... more Το Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, στο πλαίσιο της τρίτης ημερίδας μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών και υποψηφίων διδακτόρων του, έχει την τιμή να σας προσκαλέσει στην παρουσίαση του τόμου:

Πληθυσμιακές μετακινήσεις προς τα Ιόνια Νησιά από τον 13ο αιώνα έως την Ένωση με την Ελλάδα, Πρακτικά συνεδρίου (ΕΚΠΑ, 9-11 Οκτωβρίου 2019), επιμέλεια Ν. Γ. Μοσχονάς - Γ. Δ. Παγκράτης, Π.Μ.Σ. «Ελληνοϊταλικές Σπουδές», Τμήμα Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας ΕΚΠΑ - Κέντρο Μελετών Ιονίου: Αθήνα, 2022

Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου 2022, 17:15
Κεντρικό Κτήριο ΕΚΠΑ, Πανεπιστημίου 30
Αμφιθέατρο Ιωάννης Δρακόπουλος

Για το βιβλίο θα μιλήσουν οι κκ.
o Ναπολέων Μαραβέγιας, Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Πολιτικών Επιστημών και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, ΕΚΠΑ, πρώην Αντιπρύτανης ΕΚΠΑ, πρώην Υπουργός
o Δέσποινα Μιχάλαγα, Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια στο Τμήμα Θεολογίας, ΕΚΠΑ
o Νίκος Γ. Μοσχονάς, Ομότιμος Διευθυντής Ερευνών Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών, Πρόεδρος Κέντρου Μελετών Ιονίου,
o Γεράσιμος Δ. Παγκράτης, Καθηγητής, Πρόεδρος Τμήματος Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας, Διευθυντής Π.Μ.Σ. «Ελληνοϊταλικές Σπουδές»

Συντονίζει ο κ. Ηλίας Γιαρένης, Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Ιστορίας του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου, Αντιπρύτανης του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corso di Alta Formazione/Curso de Formación Avanzada - Storia, storiografia e scienze umane/Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas - Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento SARAS - 13 cfu

by Alessia Ceccarelli, Blythe Alice Raviola, Gibran Bautista y Lugo, Luciano Pezzolo, Benoît Maréchaux, candida carella, Massimo Carlo Giannini, Francesco Freddolini, Atzin Bahena, Rafael Gaune Corradi, Deborah Besseghini, Maria Teresa Fattori, and Gerassimos D. PAGRATIS

Corso di Alta Formazione/Curso de Formación Avanzada - Storia, storiografia e scienze umane/Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas - Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento SARAS, 2022

Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e ... more Están abiertas las inscripciones para el Curso de Formación Avanzada en Storia, storiografia e scienze umane (Historia, historiografía y ciencias humanas) de Sapienza Università di Roma – Dipartimento SARAS:
El curso es gratuito y está dirigido a quienes posean una licenciatura de al menos tres años obtenida en cualquier facultad de una de las siguientes universidades: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) o Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
El curso, que se llevará a cabo en línea a través de la plataforma Zoom, comenzará el 25 de agosto 2022 y tendrá una duración de 5 semanas. Lo conforman unas 25 clases, que se impartirán de lunes a viernes, aproximadamente en las siguientes franjas horarias: de 9.30 a 11.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de Guatemala, y de 10.30 a 13.30 horas, horario de Ciudad de México.
Los profesores del curso – principalmente historiadores de la Edad Moderna y Contemporánea, junto con historiadores del arte e historiadores de la filosofía – desempeñan sus labores de investigación y de docencia en algunas de las mejores universidades de Europa y América Latina. La principal lengua del curso será el español (algunas clases serán en italiano, aunque de fácil comprensión).
La asistencia al menos al 75% de las clases dará derecho a un certificado de Sapienza Università di Roma de 13 créditos.
El Aviso de selección (Avviso di Selezione) se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:
La solicitud de admisión (preinscripción), acompañada de la documentación requerida, tiene que enviarse a más tardar el 22 de agosto de 2022 a la siguiente dirección:

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Special Issue 1 2022 Ottoman-Venetian Wars (Ed. by Stathis Birtachas)

Nuova Antologia Militare Special Issue Ottoman-Venetian Ears (ed. by Stathis Birtachas) , 2022

NAM Special issue 2022 No. 1 Ottoman-Venetian Wars, edited by Stathis Birtachas

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Research paper thumbnail of Renard Gluzman, Gerassimos Pagratis, "Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis," Reti maritime come fattori dell’integrazione europea, la 50ª Settimana di Studi, Fondazione F. Datini, Prato (13-17 Maggio 2018) (Prato: F. Datini, 2019), pp. 259–277.

Renard Gluzman, Gerassimos Pagratis, "Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis," Reti maritime come fattori dell’integrazione europea, la 50ª Settimana di Studi, Fondazione F. Datini, Prato (13-17 Maggio 2018) (Prato: F. Datini, 2019), pp. 259–277., 2018

The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay betwee... more The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay between political change, fleet nationality, and the evolution of shipping networks. On the basis of historical data on ship positions retracted from archival sources, we create GIS-based online maps to conduct a geospatial analysis of the traffic intensity and movement patterns along the regional and inter-regional sea routes that connected the Venetian port system with the Mediterranean ports, with special attention to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Renard Gluzman, Gerassimos Pagratis, "Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis," in the proceedings to Reti maritime come fattori dell’integrazione europea, la 50ª Settimana di Studi, Fondazione F. Datini, Prato (13-17 Maggio 2018) (Prato: F. Datini, 2019), pp. 259–277.

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Research paper thumbnail of Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850) / Jadransko i jonsko brodovlje u novom vijeku (1650-1850) / Τα πλοία της Αδριατικής και του Ιονίου στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (1650-1850) / Adriatic and Ionian Ships in the Modern Age (1650-1850)

Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850) , 2024

La mostra e la sua storia La mostra nasce dall’analisi di ca 20.000 documenti del Settecento p... more La mostra e la sua storia

La mostra nasce dall’analisi di ca 20.000 documenti del Settecento prodotti da varie cancellerie adriatiche e ionie, registrazioni di entrate ed uscite dai porti, registrazioni nelle scuole o confraternite dei marinai, capitani e padroni iscritti, lettere dei consoli, prove di fortuna, raccolti dallo studioso croato Nikola Čolak (Janjevo 1914 – Padova 1996) nella collana dei Regesti marittimi croati del Settecento, voll. I-IV (RMC I-IV). L’autrice, Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, ha analizzato ca 25.500 menzioni di navigli dai documenti suddividendoli e classificandoli per nominativi differenti, sistematizzandoli con metodo storiografico, ulteriormente arricchito grazie ad una piattaforma di consultazione con studiosi ed esperti di marineria italiani, croati, montenegrini e greci (fra cui Vermiglio Ricci, Lovorka Čoralić, Željko Brguljan, Željko Skomeršić, Ljubomir Radić, Tea Marinović, Đivo Bašić, Slaven Bertoša, Ilija Mlinarević ed in particolar modo Mateo Bratanić e Gerassimos Pagratis che si sono inseriti nella mostra anche attraverso la traduzione dei testi in inglese e greco). La parte iconografica, data dall’impulso di Maria Lucia De Nicolò, coordinatrice e curatrice della mostra, è stata magistralmente esplicata dalla maestria della mano artista di Luigi Divari, autore dei disegni.

Izložba i njezina povijest

Izložba je nastala analizom oko 20.000 dokumenata iz osamnaestog stoljeća koje su izradili razni jadranski i jonski uredi, zapisa o ulascima i izlascima iz luka, zabilježbi u mornarskim školama ili bratovštinama, registracija mornara, vlasnika i kapetana, pisma konzula, zapisa o brodolomima, koje je prikupio hrvatski znanstvenik Nikola Čolak (Janjevo, 1914. – Padova, 1996.) u nizu Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta 18. stoljeća, sv. I–IV (RMC I–IV). Autorica, Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, analizirala je oko 25.500 spomena brodova iz dokumenata, podijelila ih i razvrstala po različitim nazivima, usustavila ih historiografskom metodom, dodatno obogativši istraživanja konzultacijskom platformom s talijanskim, hrvatskim, crnogorskim i grčkim pomorskim znanstvenicima i stručnjacima (uključujući Vermiglia Riccija, Lovorku Čoralić, Željka Brguljana, Željka Skomeršića, Ljubomira Radića, Teu Marinović, Đivu Bašića, Slavena Bertošu, Iliju Mlinarevića te posebno Matea Bratanića i Gerassimosa Pagratisa koji su se ugradili u izložbu i prijevodima tekstova na engleski i grčki jezik). Ikonografski dio, pokrenut poticajem Marije Lucije De Nicolò, koordinatorice i nositeljice izložbe, magistralno je izveden majstorstvom umjetničke ruke Luigija Divarija, autora crteža.

Η έκθεση και η ιστορία της

Η έκθεση βασίζεται στην ανάλυση περίπου 20.000 εγγράφων του δέκατου όγδοου αιώνα που παρήχθησαν από διάφορες κρατικές υπηρεσίες της Αδριατικής και του Ιονίου πελάγους καθώς και εγγράφων που παρήγαν τελωνειακές και φορολογικές υπηρεσίες, συντεχνίες ναυτικών και αδελφότητες, αλλά και ναυτικοί, πλοιοκτήτες, καπετάνιοι, πρόξενοι κ.ά. Όλο αυτό το αρχειακό υλικό συγκεντρώθηκε από τον Κροάτη ερευνητή Nikola Čolak (Janjevo 1914 – Πάδοβα 1996) και δημοσιεύτηκε στο τετράτομο έργο με τον τίτλο Regesti marittimi croati, 18ος αιώνας (στο εξής: RMC I-IV). Η Δρ. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek ανέλυσε περίπου 25.500 αναφορές για πλοία από αυτά τα έγγραφα, τα επεξεργάστηκε ποσοτικά, τα ταξινόμησε με διαφορετικά ονόματα, τα συστηματοποίησε και εμπλούτισε περαιτέρω την έρευνα συνεργαζόμενη με Ιταλούς, Κροάτες, Μαυροβούνιους και Έλληνες ναυτιλιακούς ιστορικούς και εμπειρογνώμονες, όπως οι Vermiglio Ricci, Lovorka Čoralić, Željko Brguljan, Željko Skomeršić, Ljubomir Radić, Tea Marinović, Đivo Bašić, Slaven Bertoša, Ilija Mlinarević. Ειδική μνεία χρειάζεται να γίνει στους Mateo Bratanić και Γεράσιμο Παγκράτη οι οποίοι μετέφρασαν τα κείμενα στα αγγλικά και τα ελληνικά, αντίστοιχα. Το εικονογραφικό μέρος της έκθεσης είχε την ενθάρρυνση της Maria Lucia De Nicolò, συντονίστριας της έκθεσης, και υλοποιήθηκε αριστοτεχνικά από το καλλιτεχνικό χέρι του Luigi Divari που δημιούργησε τα διάφορα σχέδια.

The Exhibition and its History

The exhibition started from the analysis of approximately 20,000 eighteenth-century documents produced by various Adriatic and Ionian chancelleries, records of ports’ entries and exits, records in sailors’ schools or brotherhoods, registrations of sailors, shipowners and captains, letters from consuls, shipwrecks certificates, collected by the Croatian scholar Nikola Čolak (Janjevo 1914 – Padova 1996) in the series of the Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th century, vols. I-IV (RMC I-IV). The author Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek analysed approximately 25,500 entries of ships from the documents, distributing and classifying them by different names, classifying them with a historiographical method, and further enriched research within a consultation platform of Italian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Greek naval scholars and experts (including Vermiglio Ricci, Lovorka Čoralić, Željko Brguljan, Željko Skomeršić, Ljubomir Radić, Tea Marinović, Đivo Bašić, Slaven Bertoša, Ilija Mlinarević and in particular Mateo Bratanić and Gerassimos Pagratis who also translated the texts into English and Greek). The iconographic part, stimulated by the impulse of Maria Lucia De Nicolò, coordinator and holder of the exhibition, was superbly carried out by Luigi Divari’s masterful artistic hand, author of the drawings.


La mostra ha avuto la sua prima apertura a Pesaro sabato 27.4.2024 al Museo della Marineria con grande presenza di pubblico proveniente anche da lontano per questo evento.

La prof.ssa Maria Lucia De Nicolò ha presentato il lavoro fatto partendo dai Regesti marittimi croati di Nikola Čolak, voll. I-IV (di cui l'ultimo in preparazione), dall'attenzione del Museo dai suoi albori alla ricerca sulle fonti, e a tutte quelle tematiche marittime, appunto "Rerum maritimarum" dai saperi, usi e costumi, cibi e maestranze litoranee che poi sono confluiti nella mole bibliografica pubblicata dal Museo e non solo.

Ha dato poi la parola al prof. Klaus Kempf, gia' direttore della Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) di Monaco, responsabile del sistema di digitalizzazione dei documenti e della biblioteca, che ha espresso il suo piu' sincero entusiasmo per il progetto in corso immettendolo in un arco e contesto piu' ampi, ricordando anche le meravigliose International Summer school organizzate a Cattolica per cinque anni, 2007-2011, e l’apertura delle frontiere digitali (ai piu' interessati

Luigi Divari ha poi condiviso con tutti noi la sua visione sul lavoro fatto con il gruppo di ricerca e concretamente sui navigli come tali, spiegandoci che il suo primo amore ed interesse sono stati la fauna marina, le barche (minori) e come sia approdato al nostro progetto.

Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek ha parlato di come ha preso in mano l'archivio di suo nonnoNikola Čolak nel 2010 partendo per un viaggio che l’ha portata a conoscere Maria Lucia De Nicolò al XX Forum dell'Associazione Musei Marittimi Mediterranei a Rijeka/Fiume nel 2014 e di come questo sodalizio abbia cambiato la direzione del suo percorso personale. Come sia bene sin ora programmare di passare il testimone alla generazione dei giovani e dell'importanza di questo conoscersi e connettersi anche online che ha permesso di mettere sul tavolo della ricerca storie e storiografie diverse e complementari.

Questo primo incontro è il primo di molti che ci attendono lungo l'Adriatico, Ionio, Egeo ed altri nei prossimi mesi ed anni, grazie anche alla mostra itinerante che partirà da Zagabria dal Museo Nazionale di Storia della Croazia dopo maggio 2025. Le destinazioni interessate sono per ora Cupra Marittima, Trieste, Pula, Rijeka, Krk, Bakar, Lošinj, Zadar, Split, Korčula, Dubrovnik, Kotor e Atene.

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