AVR Microcontroller Programming Research Papers (original) (raw)

Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana model sistem kontrol hexapod robot menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega 128. Hexapod robot yang digunakan sebagai objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kit MSR-H01. Kit hexapod robot ini dilengkapi... more

Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana model sistem kontrol hexapod
robot menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega 128. Hexapod robot yang digunakan sebagai
objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kit MSR-H01. Kit hexapod robot ini dilengkapi dengan
sistem pBrain yang mengontrol setiap pergerakan mekaniknya. Komunikasi data antara
mikrokontroler AVR ATMega 128 dengan pBrain menggunakan komunikasi serial RS 232.
Hexapod robot pada penelitian ini dilengkapi dengan sensor ultrasonik untuk mengetahui
kondisi lingkungan dan obstacle di sekitar robot. Selain itu ultrasonik juga menjadi input
ATMega 128 untuk menentukan perintah gerak yang dikirimkan ke pBrain. Untuk
menentukan gerakan mekanik, mode yang digunakan simkontrol pada pBrain adalah mode
offroad. Hasil ujicoba yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa mode offroad dapat
digunakan robot untuk berjalan di track datar, berkarpet maupun track bergelombang
dengan kecepatan maksimal 7 s/m pada track datar.

This research work is developed with two AT89C52 microcontrollers from Atmel. The microcontrollers provide all the functionality of the display notices and wireless control. The Display is obtained on a 7X96 Light Emitting Diode (LED) dot... more

This research work is developed with two AT89C52 microcontrollers from Atmel. The microcontrollers provide all the functionality of the display notices and wireless control. The Display is obtained on a 7X96 Light Emitting Diode (LED) dot matrix display, arranged on a Vero board. A desired text message from a mobile phone is sent via a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to the GSM module located at the receiving end. The GSM modem is connected, through MAX 232 Integrated Circuit (MAX 32 IC), to the AT89C52 microcontroller. The message that is stored in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) is then displayed on the LED dot matrix display. This hardware uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. A three-terminal LM7805 is employed for regulation of the voltage. A bridge type full-wave rectifier is used to rectify the AC output of the secondary of 230/12V step down transformer. The system was tested to work according to specification.

Testing core based System on Chip [1] is a challenge for the test engineers. To test the complete SOC at one time with maximum fault coverage, test engineers prefer to test each IP-core separately. At speed testing using external testers... more

Testing core based System on Chip [1] is a challenge for the test engineers. To test the complete SOC at one time with maximum fault coverage, test engineers prefer to test each IP-core separately. At speed testing using external testers is more expensive because of gigahertz processor. The purpose of this paper is to develop cost efficient and flexible test methodology for testing digital IP-cores [2]. The prominent feature of the approach is to use microcontroller to test IP-core. The novel feature is that there is no need of test pattern generator and output response analyzer as microcontroller performs the function of both. This approach has various advantages such as at speed testing, low cost, less area overhead and greater flexibility since most of the testing process is based on software.

PROGRAMACIÓN DE SISTEMAS EMBEBIDOS ✅ Uso de lenguaje C en sistemas embebidos ✅ Compiladores, depuradores y ambientes de desarrollo para sistemas embebidos ✅ Gestión de memoria en ambientes con pocos recursos computacionales ✅ Patrón de... more

✅ Uso de lenguaje C en sistemas embebidos
✅ Compiladores, depuradores y ambientes de desarrollo para sistemas embebidos
✅ Gestión de memoria en ambientes con pocos recursos computacionales
✅ Patrón de diseño: máquina de estado

— Disasters like earthquakes, tsunami, bomb explosion and floods often cause loss of precious human lives. During such emergency situations, and especially in urban disasters, in order to prevent loss of life and property, various... more

— Disasters like earthquakes, tsunami, bomb explosion and floods often cause loss of precious human lives. During such emergency situations, and especially in urban disasters, in order to prevent loss of life and property, various essential services like policemen, fire fighters and medical assistance etc. are deployed. Rescue operations are performed mostly by human and trained dogs, often in very dangerous and risky conditions. Hence, to make the rescue operation more safe and effective, mobile robots have been proposed which detect alive human beings and wirelessly communicate with the rescue team. This work aims to develop an economical robot, which works using AVR MCU, PIR sensor etc. It can be used in areas where rescue is needed. The robot senses the human body temperature using PIR sensor and alarm/indicator indicates the signal when it detects alive body and the message is sent through sms using ZigBee technology to enable rescue operation.

In today’s world safety and security plays an important role; hence in this paper we propose a realistic automation and monitoring system for our homes and living places. It includes centralize control of lighting, temperature and other... more

In today’s world safety and security plays an important role; hence in this paper we propose a realistic automation and monitoring system for our homes and living places. It includes centralize control of lighting, temperature and other resources to provide better convenience, comfort and energy efficiency with reliable automation. It is the arrangement of electronics and computer technology that fulfills all the requirements for a monitoring system. The application of serial communication is provided in the system to enhance the reliability and feasibility of the system.

automate design and programming a line follower robot

The knowledge society increasingly needs specialized workers, workers who know how to combine digital knowledge and applied knowledge, that is, they know how to combine the virtual world with the real world. It will also be necessary for... more

The knowledge society increasingly needs specialized workers, workers who know how to combine digital knowledge and applied knowledge, that is, they know how to combine the virtual world with the real world. It will also be necessary for people to learn to relate to machines and new technologies from a new perspective.

This paper describes an implementation of a remote controlled robotic arm with six degrees of freedom which is able to pick an object with a specific weight and can place them in a desired location. The method of design of the remote... more

This paper describes an implementation of a remote controlled robotic arm with six degrees of freedom which is able to pick an object with a specific weight and can place them in a desired location. The method of design of the remote controlled robotic arm consists of two stages. First stage is the construction of the mechanical structure following modular concept with six degrees of freedom and the second is to design the interface of components of the robotic arm to control it via a wireless joystick. To ensure ease of use, wireless system is introduced in this robotic arm. This kind of the arm can be applied in industrial sectors where automaton is profoundly needed.

— This paper presents the design of a solar tracking system driven by an AVR microcontroller. This project is done by two ways of tracking system, manual and auto tracking. This project is very useful for street light in the campus and... more

— This paper presents the design of a solar tracking system driven by an AVR microcontroller. This project is done by two ways of tracking system, manual and auto tracking. This project is very useful for street light in the campus and villages. The solar panel converts the sun light into the electrical energy, because sun is a very good source of different energies. And the solar energy is the best technique for renewable energy. Basically the energy sources are two types such as conventional energy sources and non-conventional energy sources. Coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. are example of conventional energy sources and solar cell, fuel cells, thermo-electric generator, thermionic converter, solar power generation, wind power generation, geo-thermal energy generation etc. are example of non-conventional energy sources. In developing countries where electricity supplies are inadequate, renewable energy can offer an alternative to expensive extensions of the grid to sparsely populated or rural areas, or a contribution to the grid-based energy mix to meet rapidly expanding electricity demand in urban areas. This work presents an autonomous street lighting system based on solar energy as primary source, batteries as secondary source, and light emitting diodes as lighting source. This system is being presented as an alternative for remote localities, like roads and crossroads.

Microcontroller system is one of the vital subjects offered by students during the sequence of study in universities and other colleges of science, engineering and technology in the world. In this paper, we solve the problem of student... more

Microcontroller system is one of the vital subjects offered by students during the sequence of study in universities and other colleges of science, engineering and technology in the world. In this paper, we solve the problem of student comprehension and skill development in embedded system design using microcontroller chip PIC16F887 by demonstration of hands-on laboratory experiments. Also, developments of software code, circuit diagram simulation were carried out. This is to help students connect their theoretical knowledge with the practical experience. Each of the experiments was carried out using BK300 development board, PICKit3 programmer, Proteus 8.0 software. Our years of experience in the teaching of microcontroller course and the active involvement of students as manifested in complete in-depth hands-on laboratory projects on real life problem solving. Laboratory session with the development board and software demonstrated in this article is unambiguous. Future embedded sys...

✅ Introducción
✅ Herramientas
✅ Proceso de diseño
✅ Lenguajes de

In the advanced human services condition, the utilization of IoT innovations brings accommodation of doctors and patients, since they are connected to different restorative regions, The Body Sensor Network (BSN) innovation is one of the... more

In the advanced human services condition, the utilization of IoT innovations brings accommodation of doctors and patients, since they are connected to different restorative regions, The Body Sensor Network (BSN) innovation is one of the center advancements of IoT improvements in medicinal services framework, where a patient can be observed utilizing an accumulation of small controlled and lightweight remote sensor hubs. In this paper, at first, we feature the issues related to a lack of beds in Govt. Emergency clinics and blood booking and the executives of the equivalent. Consequently, we propose an IOT based idea to pre-book the bed for patient preceding achieve the medical clinic by means of Ambulance and request the blood with a solitary snap utilizing web App which can proficiently achieve those prerequisites.

Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI) is the most commonly used bus protocols in the day-today because of its high performance and high-frequency operation without using complex bridges. AXI is also backward-compatible with existing AHB and... more

Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI) is the most commonly used bus protocols in the day-today because of its high performance and high-frequency operation without using complex bridges. AXI is also backward-compatible with existing AHB and APB interfaces. So verification of driver logic using AMBA-AXI UVM is presented in this paper. The AXI is used for multiple outstanding operations which is only possible in the other protocol but it is possible in AXI because it contains different write address and data channels and AXI also supports out of order transfer based on the transaction ID which is generated at the start of the transfer. The driver logic for the AXI has been designed and implemented using the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM).The signaling of the five channels such as write address, write data, write response, read address, read data channel of AXI protocol are considered for verification. According to the AXI protocol,the signals of these channels are driven to the interconnect and results are observed for single master and single slave. The driver logic has been implemented and verified successfully according to AXI protocol using the Rivera Pro. The results observed for single master and single slave have shown the correctness of AMBA-AXI design in Verilog. KEYWORDS AMBA(Advance Microcontroller Bus Architecture),AXI(Advanced Extensible Interface),UVM(Universal Verification Methodology),channel.

My final year project report on RFID Based Attendance System using AVR Microcontroller and backend Database.

This paper presents a project design for which the pet owner can feed his own pet even without his presence by just sending a text message to the system through his cellular phone. The system uses the concept of GSM technology to receive... more

This paper presents a project design for which the pet owner can feed his own pet even without his presence by just sending a text message to the system through his cellular phone. The system uses the concept of GSM technology to receive signal from the owner. If the system received the message, the servo motor and solenoid valve will be activated. The servo motor will rotate that will serve as the food transportation and the solenoid valve will be opened for the water to freely flow. Once the feeding is already done, the owner will receive a text message from the system which notifies him of a successful feeding. The concept was intended for people who always have a busy schedule to feed his/her pet.

In today’s world safety and security plays an important role; hence in this paper we propose a realistic automation and monitoring system for our homes and living places. It includes centralize control of lighting, temperature and other... more

In today’s world safety and security plays an important role; hence in this paper we propose a realistic automation and monitoring system for our homes and living places. It includes centralize control of lighting, temperature and other resources to provide better convenience, comfort and energy efficiency with reliable automation. It is the arrangement of electronics and computer technology that fulfills all the requirements for a monitoring system. The application of serial communication is provided in the system to enhance the reliability and feasibility of the system.


ABSRACT Motor vehicles are the prime source of transportation where vehicles with A/C play a major part. This paper designs an embedded system for a vehicle cabin, which senses the gases like carbon-monoxide and oxygen and displayed at... more

ABSRACT Motor vehicles are the prime source of transportation where vehicles with A/C play a major part. This paper designs an embedded system for a vehicle cabin, which senses the gases like carbon-monoxide and oxygen and displayed at each and every second. If the level of the CO increases than the normal level (30ppm) or the level of the oxygen decreases than the normal level (19%) then an alarm is generated automatically and also ventilation is provided immediately. A warning message is sent to the authorized user via GSM. The advantage of this system is proper detection and faster response time leading to faster diffusion of the situation, compared with the manual methods.

— This project implements the function of wireless car security system using RFID. An ATMEGA8 microcontroller, RFID reader, RFID tag is used for the smooth implementation of the scheme. The ATMEGA8 microcontroller was used to serve as the... more

— This project implements the function of wireless car security system using RFID. An ATMEGA8 microcontroller, RFID reader, RFID tag is used for the smooth implementation of the scheme. The ATMEGA8 microcontroller was used to serve as the entire control of the system which holds the unique RFID card number and controls the system as a whole. A driver is used to secures the car ignition system, and the buzzer was used to alert the vehicle owner whenever there is an intrusion attempt. Consequently, with this kind of system, the security of our automobiles can be more sensitive to secure and protect our vehicles more from any intrusion and theft in electronic-based approach.

Microcontrollers and their ever growing applications have changed our everyday experience by its feature of programmability, data processing speed and with the consequent intelligences. Through this adventure of invention and engineering,... more

Microcontrollers and their ever growing applications have changed our everyday experience by its feature of programmability, data processing speed and with the consequent intelligences. Through this adventure of invention and engineering, the optoelectronic devices especially the light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in various fields, such as electronic appliances, optical communication, security, navigation, agro-electronics, etc. To implement these scopes, the LEDs are required to be controlled with a higher degree of precision and flexibility, which is the concern of this work. Towards that various control of a bi-color LED is implemented with a built in alarm system and a liquid crystal display (LCD) for information display; which are automatically controlled by the microcontroller Atmega8. A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and a variable resistor (VAR/POT) is used to provide individual input data for comparison, and produces a pre-programmed output to operate the bi-color LED such as LED ON/OFF, LED blinking, LED color changing and alarming. The developed system of a single bi-color LED (0.1-watt) required 0.98µA and 23.5mA current, and 4.88mW and 117.5mW power, during standby and automated blinking sequences (Yellow-Off-Red) respectively; and the buzzer consumed only 0.49mW power for alarming keeping the supply voltage level of 5V. These very low power consumptions and level of power supply voltage lead it to be very compatible with solar power system, and also applicable in local and remote security application. Proteus ISIS 7.7 is used for system design and simulation by which it is proved to be applicable for security purpose. Code Vision AVR is used to write the program code and for burning the microcontroller ATmega8.

This research work is developed with two AT89C52 microcontrollers from Atmel. The microcontrollers provide all the functionality of the display notices and wireless control. The Display is obtained on a 7X96 Light Emitting Diode (LED) dot... more

This research work is developed with two AT89C52 microcontrollers from Atmel. The microcontrollers provide all the functionality of the display notices and wireless control. The Display is obtained on a 7X96 Light Emitting Diode (LED) dot matrix display, arranged on a Vero board. A desired text message from a mobile phone is sent via a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) to the GSM module located at the receiving end. The GSM modem is connected, through MAX 232 Integrated Circuit (MAX 32 IC), to the AT89C52 microcontroller. The message that is stored in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) is then displayed on the LED dot matrix display. This hardware uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. A three-terminal LM7805 is employed for regulation of the voltage. A bridge type full-wave rectifier is used to rectify the AC output of the secondary of 230/12V step down transformer. The system was tested to work according to specification.

Microcontrollers and their ever growing applications have changed our everyday experience by its feature of programmability, data processing speed and with the consequent intelligences. Through this adventure of invention and engineering,... more

Microcontrollers and their ever growing applications have changed our everyday experience by its feature of programmability, data processing speed and with the consequent intelligences. Through this adventure of invention and engineering, the optoelectronic devices especially the light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used in various fields, such as electronic appliances, optical communication, security, navigation, agro-electronics, etc. To implement these scopes, the LEDs are required to be controlled with a higher degree of precision and flexibility, which is the concern of this work. Towards that various control of a bi-color LED is implemented with a built in alarm system and a liquid crystal display (LCD) for information display; which are automatically controlled by the microcontroller Atmega8. A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and a variable resistor (VAR/POT) is used to provide individual input data for comparison, and produces a pre-programmed output to operate the bi-color LED such as LED ON/OFF, LED blinking, LED color changing and alarming. The developed system of a single bi-color LED (0.1-watt) required 0.98µA and 23.5mA current, and 4.88mW and 117.5mW power, during standby and automated blinking sequences (Yellow-Off-Red) respectively; and the buzzer consumed only 0.49mW power for alarming keeping the supply voltage level of 5V. These very low power consumptions and level of power supply voltage lead it to be very compatible with solar power system, and also applicable in local and remote security application. Proteus ISIS 7.7 is used for system design and simulation by which it is proved to be applicable for security purpose. Code Vision AVR is used to write the program code and for burning the microcontroller ATmega8.

Most of the physically disable individual satisfies their movement through motorized wheelchair. The scenario is unusual for the disables of developing countries because of their economic conditions. Moreover traditional powered... more

Most of the physically disable individual satisfies their movement through motorized wheelchair. The scenario is unusual for the disables of developing countries because of their economic conditions. Moreover traditional powered wheelchair is not comfortable to all segments of the disable society because of their complexity. Several researchers have used sophisticated technologies to operate wheelchair such as voice controlled, head gesture controlled, remote controlled wheelchair for providing better flexibility. For being sophisticated technology Android is being used in mobile, TV or in smart watches.An app with mitigating required controlling facilities is implemented here that may provide a flexible movement of the certain disable community. This paper focuses on the system of PWM based Android Controlled Wheelchair.

There are two major ways to treat wastewater; it is either through chemical or non-chemical treatment. Both improve water quality, but do not make water safe for domestic use. Most firms or companies use coagulation treatment or chemical... more

There are two major ways to treat wastewater; it is either through chemical or non-chemical treatment. Both improve water quality, but do not make water safe for domestic use. Most firms or companies use coagulation treatment or chemical treatment. But the problem for this treatment is the selection of the best chemical to be used; it is expensive and frequent dosage adjustments are required to ensure good water treatment results. All coagulation chemical add specific elements to the water, improper doses and application generally pose problems (health risks). Hence, it requires extra preventive measures. A more cost-effective method to clean a wide range of polluted water on-site, and with minimal additives, is required for sustainable water management. Electrocoagulation treatment of water may fit this description [1]. Electrocoagulation is most widely used in other countries but not in the Philippines. Hence, the device readily available in the market is very expensive. The paper focuses on the automation of the Electrocoagulation process by using microcontroller, sensor, relays, and sacrificial anodes.

To begin with, what in the world is an ISP and why should you care? In-system programming​ (ISP), is the ability of some embedded devices e.g microcontrollers, to be programmed while installed in a complete system, rather than the chip... more

To begin with, what in the world is an ISP and why should you care? In-system programming​ (ISP), is the ability of some embedded devices e.g microcontrollers, to be programmed while installed in a complete system, rather than the chip being programmed prior to installing it into the system. For more information on ISP, check out ​ Wikipedia​ .

Present counter defilade airburst weapon systems in defense sector make use of simple logic chips which are devoid of efficient inbuilt software safety that may cause accidental triggering of munitions. This paper deals with the design... more

Present counter defilade airburst weapon systems in defense sector make use of simple logic chips which are devoid of efficient inbuilt software safety that may cause accidental triggering of munitions. This paper deals with the design and development of microcontroller based electronic modules for counter defilade system for low velocity airburst munitions. The proposed design increases safety, cost efficiency and is highly feasible with existing weapons for infantry units. For system development, airburst analysis of munitions was investigated to theoretically determine the effect on target in defilade. Static rig testing of the entire system has also been performed to determine the response, triggering time and optimization of module design.


Atmel Studio 7.0 software usage guide.

This Project aims to study the application aspects of the speech recognition; speech recognition is the process by which a computer (or other type of machine) identifies spoken words. Basically, it means talking to your computer, and... more

This Project aims to study the application aspects of the speech recognition; speech recognition is the process by which a computer (or other type of machine) identifies spoken words. Basically, it means talking to your computer, and having it correctly recognized what you are saying. Voice or speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation, or to understand and carry out spoken commands. which can be used in automation system to manage electrical equipment's by voice only. We will restrict our attention to basic home appliances. The proposed system consists of Atmel's AVR Microcontroller ATmega16, relay circuit and other peripherals. Codes are developed using AVR Studio IDE and HEX files are uploaded to the controller chip by using AVR Burner through Usbasp Program loader. AMR Voice is the speech recognition software that converts speech into text commands and transmits those on Bluetooth. ISIS Proteus is advance simulation software which is used to simulate the Prototype before actual hardware implementation. Upon successful recognition of voice commands, the ATmega drives the corresponding load. Index Terms-AVR Studio IDE, AMR Voice, X-CTU Bluetooth, Hex File, ISIS Proteus, Embedded Systems, USART.