Aircraft Structural Design and Analysis Research Papers (original) (raw)

The paper is about preliminary sizing and analysis of a trainer aircraft wing. The main objective is to fix an appropriate structure within the given envelope and to estimate the Gross take-off weight, wing loading, Stress distribution,... more

The paper is about preliminary sizing and analysis of a trainer aircraft wing. The main objective is to fix an appropriate
structure within the given envelope and to estimate the Gross take-off weight, wing loading, Stress distribution, low
frequency vibrational modes, take-off distance and stall velocity. Sizing is done by using classical engineering theories and
FEA packages. Skin and web are considered as shell elements. Flange, spar and stringer are considered as beam elements.
From the analysis structure has been optimally designed which satisfies the strength and stability criteria. The detailed
design of trainer aircraft wing structure is modelled using CATIA V5 R20. Then stress analysis of the wing structure is
carried out by using the finite element approach with the help of MSC NASTRAN/PATRAN to find out the safety factor of
the structure.

The common challenge of all aerospace advancements is greening the air transport. This led the recent research programs towards the study of 'metamorphic' wing structures, capable of adapting their geometry to the different conditions of... more

The common challenge of all aerospace advancements is greening the air transport. This led the recent research programs towards the study of 'metamorphic' wing structures, capable of adapting their geometry to the different conditions of flight. The development of morphing structures allows the reduction of drag and the increase of range, together with the growth of load control effectiveness. In this context, the European research project SARISTU addressed the physical integration of smart and morphing structural concepts, by implementing them on a true scale outer wing belonging to a CS-25 category aircraft finally tested in a large Wind Tunnel. In the framework of SARISTU project, the design of an Adaptive Trailing Edge Device was developed. The morphing skin concept consisted of a segmented skin, with aluminum and silicone foam strips covered by a protective silicone top-layer. A two-bay demonstrator was tested inside the Wind Tunnel at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples 'Federico II'; experimental analyses were performed in order to verify whether the silicone parts could show out of plane bumps induced by the aerodynamic loads occurring during the Wind Tunnel test campaign. A photogrammetric optic approach was adopted, in order to reach the aforementioned targets in a non-invasive way; such methodology was selected due the high resolution assured at a very low implementation costs. Obtained results allowed to confirm the demonstrator well done design and opened the doors to the next experimental test campaign performed in TsAGI Russian Wind Tunnel, on the outer wing equipped with a five-bay demonstrator of the Adaptive Trailing Edge Device. © 2017 IEEE.

This paper summarizes the results of the design study and provides a description of three morphing wing devices developed for a turboprop regional aircraft in the framework of the Clean Sky 2 REG-IADP Airgreen 2 project. In sinergy with a... more

This paper summarizes the results of the design study and provides a description of three morphing wing devices developed for a turboprop regional aircraft in the framework of the Clean Sky 2 REG-IADP Airgreen 2 project. In sinergy with a natural laminar flow wing, morphing wing technologies are investigated to improve both high-lift performance and aerodynamic efficiency in off-design conditions of the aircraft, by demonstrating also load control and alleviation capabilities over the flight envelope. The combined use of a deformable droop nose and a multifunctional morphing flap, designed by PoliMi and UniNA respectively, is able to meet the minimum high-lift performance requirement of the AG2-NLF aircraft for both take-off and landing conditions. The controlled flap is deployed during take-off by using a fairingless concept, totally hosted in the wing, that offers additional benefits on structural weight and aerodynamic efficiency at high speed. The flap camber is then morphed to gain the extra lift required for landing operations. An adaptive winglet concept, designed by CIRA, is also presented to further enhance aircraft aerodynamic efficiency also in climb/descent conditions by lowering at the same time wing-bending moments due to aircraft maneuvers. Such a mechanical system is characterized by two movable surfaces aimed at performing variable camber and differential tab settings depending on the flight conditions. Both aerodynamic performance and benefits of the three morphing devices are assessed by ONERA on the natural laminar flow wing.

This project presents a study of lightweight Nomex honeycomb (BMS 15-5F) structure and woven glass fabrics reinforcement (prepreg –BMS 8-139) in terms of impact energy and Young Modulus properties. The lightweight structure is used to... more

This project presents a study of lightweight Nomex honeycomb (BMS 15-5F) structure and woven glass fabrics reinforcement (prepreg –BMS 8-139) in terms of impact energy and Young Modulus properties. The lightweight structure is used to fabricate literature pocket for aircraft interior. A 5.1kgs weight impact load testing was performed on Nomex honeycomb structure with skin (10mm) and without skin specimens (specimen thickness is 8mm and 25.72mm) to determine the impact energy properties (ASTM D7136). Three point bending test was conducted on prepreg specimens with constant thickness of 1.44mm (ASTM D638) to determine Young Modulus. The result of the both tests are analysed and study. A simulation study also has been made using CATIA V5 software with 50 N loads. Thus, the best recommendation could be useful to improve the material for the literature pocket.

A Gough-Stewart platform is a type of parallel robot that has six prismatic actuators, commonly hydraulic jacks or electric actuators, attached in pairs to three positions on the platform's baseplate, crossing over to three mounting... more

A Gough-Stewart platform is a type of parallel robot that has six prismatic actuators, commonly hydraulic jacks or electric actuators, attached in pairs to three positions on the platform's baseplate, crossing over to three mounting points on a top plate. Devices placed on the top plate can be moved in the six degrees of freedom in which it is possible for a freely-suspended body to move. These are the three linear movements x, y, z (lateral, longitudinal and vertical), and the three rotations pitch, roll, & yaw.
Mpu 6050 Gyroscope Sensor, Arduino Mega 2560, Processing IDE based on OPENGL and Java Language. The system is designed for stabilizing the mass on top of the system, horizontal stabilization. System operated in 3 axis for stabilization to occur. Gyroscope sensor used to read the current position of platform before the stabilization occurs, system will try to read the upper platform of the robot and try to make adjustment or counter-action for the lower base and 6 legged rod to try make the upper platform horizontally stable. This system is multi usage for condition that require stabilization but in this project is for turret stabilization in a ship for optimizing aiming and firing performance. System using simple inverse control that inverting the position that given by gyroscope that applied in 6 actuator in form of motor servo. User interface is alsa implemented using Processing IDE
Derived from design and testing can be concluded that the device stabilization performance to counterback to the 0 degree ranged from 2 to 10 degree rotation. From the 10 to 30 degree stabilization stabilization performance is dropped up to 50% because of mechanical limitation.
Keywords : Position Sensor, Gyroscope, Stewart Platform, Inverse Control

Multiplicative multiple criteria decision making analysis (MCDMA) method is a systematic decision support system to aid decision makers reach appropriate decisions. The application of multiplicative MCDMA in the military aircraft... more

Multiplicative multiple criteria decision making analysis (MCDMA) method is a systematic decision support system to aid decision makers reach appropriate decisions. The application of multiplicative MCDMA in the military aircraft selection problem is significant for proper decision making process, which is the decisive factor in minimizing expenditures and increasing defense capability and capacity. Nine military fighter aircraft alternatives were evaluated by ten decision criteria to solve the decision making problem. In this study, multiplicative MCDMA model aims to evaluate and select an appropriate military fighter aircraft for the Air Force fleet planning. The ranking results of multiplicative MCDMA model were compared with the ranking results of additive MCDMA, logarithmic MCDMA, and regrettive MCDMA models under the 2 L norm data normalization technique to substantiate the robustness of the proposed method. The final ranking results indicate the military fighter aircraft Su-57 as the best available solution.

‘HEPA/MERV’ (High Efficiency Particulate Air / Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) filtration technologies are consistently advertised with efficiency ‘claims’ close to 100%. Although such results may be achieved during specific... more

‘HEPA/MERV’ (High Efficiency Particulate Air / Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) filtration technologies are consistently advertised with efficiency ‘claims’ close to 100%. Although such results may be achieved during specific short-term laboratory testing, they are completely ‘unsubstantiated’ in relation to the ‘effectiveness’ of the device under actual operating scenarios for capturing particulate matter (PM), micro-organisms and toxic chemicals!

The development of new aircrafts over the years has been accompanied by advanced technology or introduction of new technologies for improved performance. Over the decades, the aviation industry has spearheaded the development of advanced... more

The development of new aircrafts over the years has been accompanied by advanced technology or introduction of new technologies for improved performance. Over the decades, the aviation industry has spearheaded the development of advanced systems and successfully integrated these technologies in aircrafts. Among these is the air conditioning system which has increased passenger comfort in a range of flying altitudes/ flight regimes. There is a new aircraft in its final stages of production, the Cessna 408 Skycourier, scheduled to take its initial operation flight in 2020. This project endeavours to design an air conditioning system for the aircraft to enhance passenger and crew comfort and also meet FAA CA 25-20 regulations which recommends aircrafts flying above 15,00ft be conditioned and pressurised. The bleed system of air conditioning is the most commonly used system, however, this comes at a compromise of reduced engine efficiency by draining bleed air from its compressor section. Thermacool system is another system adopted in small and light sport aircrafts without having to drain the engine. On the other hand, its demerit is the use of refrigerants in cooling which cause ozone degradation. A bleedless air conditioning system is therefore adopted in this course mitigating on system complexity for easy maintenance. Bleedless air conditioning is employed by the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. However, this system demands large amounts of energy which caused electrical power problems for the B787. The system in this design seeks to use available technology and equipment to device a system with less power and maintenance requirements. A conceptual design is developed which gives a paradigm of the configuration of the system. This is the initial stage of design and involves brainstorming multiple configurations and making a call after several iterations. From this baseline, a preliminary design is developed which comprises of CAD models developed in SolidWorks. This phase is a step further to actualization of the design and involves a comprehension of how the system components will work and performing tests and analyses to access the viability of the design configuration in meeting the system objectives. These comprise of structural and flow simulations carried out in Ansys software.

This paper considers a comparative analysis of multiple criteria decision making analysis methods for strategic, tactical, and operational decisions in military fighter aircraft selection for the air force fleet planning. The evaluation... more

This paper considers a comparative analysis of multiple criteria decision making analysis methods for strategic, tactical, and operational decisions in military fighter aircraft selection for the air force fleet planning. The evaluation criteria governing the decision analysis process are determined from the literature for the three existing military combat aircraft. Military fighter aircraft selection problem is structured using "preference analysis for reference ideal solution (PARIS)" approach in multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDMA). Systematic comparisons were made with existing MCDMA methods (PARIS, and TOPSIS) to verify the stability and accuracy of the results obtained. The proposed integrated MCDMA systematic approach is expected to address the issues encountered in the aircraft selection process. The comparative analysis results show that the proposed method is an effective and accurate tool that can help analysts make better strategic, tactical, and operational decisions.

SKYCAR is a CS-23 category aircraft designed and produced by OMA SUD to be the actual sole multi-utility/multipurpose aircraft in the General Aviation High Performance Piston marketplace with an opening bonnet on fly. The out-of-standards... more

SKYCAR is a CS-23 category aircraft designed and produced by OMA SUD to be the actual sole multi-utility/multipurpose aircraft in the General Aviation High Performance Piston marketplace with an opening bonnet on fly. The out-of-standards configuration -characterized by a double vertical tail surmounted by a fully movable horizontal tail and connected to the fuselage by means of two large boomsrepresented the key-reason of a quite challenging proof of compliance to EASA requirements in terms of flutter instability. Due to the inapplicability of consolidated simplified criteria, rational analyses supported by test evidence were considered mandatory, thus demanding for a wide set of numerical and experimental activities to be performed. In this paper a general overview of such activities has been presented by pointing out the used approaches, analysis methods as well as the numerical tools implemented on their base.

Received 20 May 2019 Received in revised form 13 June 2019 Accepted 18 July 2019 Available online 30 October 2019 JEL classification: G34, L19, L93, O33, O57 Subject The article discusses productivity of labor and remuneration of the... more

Received 20 May 2019 Received in revised form 13 June 2019 Accepted 18 July 2019 Available online 30 October 2019
JEL classification: G34, L19, L93, O33, O57
Subject The article discusses productivity of labor and remuneration of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers. Objectives I analyze the labor productivity and competitiveness of Russian aviation companies based on the experience of successful Western companies, trends and forecasts of the global aircraft industry development. Methods The article employs general scientific methods of analysis, reports of leading airlines. Results The analysis shows that the gap in labor productivity in the aircraft industry of Russia in relation to Western aerospace corporations is increasing despite significant government investment in the industry, the introduction of information technologies and technical re-equipment of major facilities. Conclusions The main obstacles to labor productivity growth in the Russian aviation industry is monopolization, weak management, the lack of motivation for productive labor. To meet the domestic demand for air transport service and the development of the civil segment of aviation industry in accordance with global trends, it is important to create a strong civil aviation company that would be attractive for private capital (including international), and competitive suppliers at all levels.
© Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, 2019

Floor beam is a structural part of a fuselage which is used as floor space to passengers, cargo and fixed with fuselage skin. Here, the cross beam has taken as I-section and connected with attach bracket methods of joining. The design of... more

Floor beam is a structural part of a fuselage which is used as floor space to passengers, cargo and fixed with fuselage skin. Here, the cross beam has taken as I-section and connected with attach bracket methods of joining. The design of aircraft floor beam is conceptual design for the cost and weight reduction, strength improvement and ease of fabrication of fuselage. Increased weight and less stiffness of the existing floor beam made of aluminum is major problem of present floor beam. Hence, CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastics) has chosen for the designing of floor beam in the aircraft. After the selection of material and cross section of floor beam, the whole parameters of cross section of floor has studied and designed in UG NX8 software then the model is imported to Ansys 14.5 for the dynamic analysis and life estimation. The expected outcome is to reduce the weight to strength ratio, cost, increase the durability and life cycle of cross beam.

Treaty concerning the effect of the impact of lightning strikes on planes in flight and possible solutions

Morphing wing aircraft is a very promising technology. It is a very optimistic concept of future. This report has covered several things about the morphing wing aircrafts such as the history of the morphing wing aircrafts. But the highly... more

Morphing wing aircraft is a very promising technology. It is a very optimistic concept of future. This report has covered several things about the morphing wing aircrafts such as the history of the morphing wing aircrafts. But the highly emphasized field in this report is current research and work in this field. A lot of research teams are working in this field. Also here has discussed about the morphing techniques. There is also a little discussion about the future expectations in this field. Big organizations such as NASA are also interested in this field.

The wing of aircraft is designed according to the mission or operational purposes. In the design, maintenance and operations of training aircrafts, cost, reliability and safety are some of the most important parameters to consider. Wing... more

The wing of aircraft is designed according to the mission or operational purposes. In the design, maintenance and operations of training aircrafts, cost, reliability and safety are some of the most important parameters to consider. Wing performances are not just determined by their aerodynamic characteristics but also their structural characteristics which is the ability to sustain both internal and external loads. In addition to the internal weights of the spars, ribs, stringers, landing gear and tanks, the fuel load and aerodynamic loads are external forces that act on the structure and exert pressure on it. This paper will concentrate on the structural design of the wing of a two-seater trainer aircraft. The report addresses both modeling and simulation in order to evaluate the wing structural performances. The modeling is performed using SolidWorks and the simulation using ANSYS. Also, a MATLAB m-file coding is used to generate the wing external dimensions. The result of the simulation is then analyzed and interpreted. At the end, a construction of V-n diagram for the designed wing is achieved.

Emir Öngüner'in "Bir Avcı Tayyaresi Yapmaya Karar Verdim" isimli kitabının değerlendrilmesi

In this paper, we propose a solution to transforming photos of real-world scenes into cartoon style images, which is valuable and challenging in computer vision and computer graphics.The learning objectives of our method are separately... more

In this paper, we propose a solution to transforming photos of real-world scenes into cartoon style images, which is valuable and challenging in computer vision and computer graphics.The learning objectives of our method are separately based on each extracted representations, making our framework controllable and adjustable.By observing the cartoon painting behavior and consulting artists, we propose to separately identify three white-box representations from images: the surface representation that contains a smooth surface of cartoon images, the structure representation that refers to the sparse color-blocks and flatten global content in the celluloid style workflow, and the texture representation that reflects high frequency texture, contours, and details in cartoon images. A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework is used to learn the extracted representations and to cartoonize images.Experimental results show that our method is able to generate high-quality cartoon images from real-world photos and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

This paper describes the concept of a radio-controlled free-wing aircraft involving a wing sweep to retain sufficient control without sacrificing airfoil aerodynamic characteristics. The topics include the design process, fabrication, and... more

This paper describes the concept of a radio-controlled free-wing aircraft involving a wing sweep to retain sufficient control without sacrificing airfoil aerodynamic characteristics. The topics include the design process, fabrication, and wind tunnel and flight testing of the aircraft. The free-wing concept allows the wings to freely rotate about a spanwise axis, independent of the fuselage. Previous attempts at free-wing design involved full-span control surfaces which negated the desired lift and moment properties of the wing airfoil shape required for aircraft stability. By incorporating a sweep back angle, thus effectively increasing the control moment arm, the control surface area is reduced to some outboard portion of the wings and the desired airfoil characteristics for inboard portion are preserved. Airfoil and wing geometries were determined using numerical aerodynamic software to investigate the lift-to-drag ratio (L/D) and moment coefficients. Wind tunnel testing is used to validate the numerical analysis data and equilibrium angle of attack for a range of control surface deflection angles as well as the propulsion system, fuselage, and tail configurations. Upon completion of wind tunnel testing, the complete free-wing aircraft is built and flight testing is conducted to determine the angle of attack of the fuselage as well as the incidence angle of the wing. Evaluation of flight test data will further confirm or refute the proposed design solutions.

This work describes the technological and scientific efforts on designing, manufacturing and testing validation for high performance-low cost composite structures for Light Sport Aircrafts (LSA). A Mexican initiative to conceive,... more

This work describes the technological and scientific efforts on designing, manufacturing and testing validation for high performance-low cost composite structures for Light Sport Aircrafts (LSA). A Mexican initiative to conceive, manufacture and assembly a Light Sport Aircraft has been developed by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Liquid Composite Manufacturing (LCM). These consolidated techniques are used to characterize
novel approaches to manufacturing and assembly carbon-fiber based structural components. As large structures are manufactured via Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion (VARI), impregnation strategies are studied to minimize inner flaws and also to improve the manufacturing time and surface quality of each component. The first case of study, to validate this methodology, involves non-structural components such as the cowling. Control surfaces (ailerons, rudder, elevator and flaps) have been manufactured, each of them having common issues but also unique challenges. As an example, a second case of study, the aileron main beam is analyzed. Furthermore, test portfolio will be developed with the goal to perform 1-to-1 scale mechanical tests for validation in compliance with ASTM standards.

European Union is involving increasing amount of resources on research projects that will dramatically change the costs of building and operating aircraft in the near future. Morphing structures are a key to turn current airplanes to more... more

European Union is involving increasing amount of resources on research projects that will dramatically change the costs of building and operating aircraft in the near future. Morphing structures are a key to turn current airplanes to more efficient and versatile means of transport, operating into a wider range of flight conditions. The concept of morphing may aim at a large number of targets, and its assessment strongly depends on the final objectives and the components where it has to be deployed. Maneuver, takeoff, landing, cruise conditions, just to cite few and very general examples, have all their own peculiarities that drive the specifications the wing shape change has to suit on. In general, an adaptive structure ensures a controlled and fully reversible transition from a baseline shape to a set of different configurations, each capable of withstanding the relative external loads. The level of complexity of morphing structures naturally increases as a consequence of the augmented functionality of the reference system. Actuation mechanisms constitute a very crucial aspect for adaptive structures design because has to comply variable wing shapes with associated loads and ensure the prescribed geometrical envelope. This chapter provides a presentation of the state of the art, technical requirements, and future perspectives of morphing ailerons. It addresses morphing aircraft component architecture and design with a specific focus on the structural actuator system integra‐ tion. The approach, including underlying concepts and analytical formulations, combines methodologies and tools required to develop innovative air vehicles. Aileron is a very delicate region, where aeroelastic phenomena may be very important because of the very reduced local stiffness and the complex aerodynamics, typical of the wingtip zone. On the other side, this wing segment showed to be the one where higher cruise benefits could be achieved by local camber variations. This target was achieved while keeping the typical maneuver functions.

The aircraft design over time from the classical design approach to modern computer-based design method utilizing multivariate design optimization. In recent trend, aircraft concepts and configurations have become more diverse and complex... more

The aircraft design over time from the classical design approach to modern computer-based design method utilizing multivariate design optimization. In recent trend, aircraft concepts and configurations have become more diverse and complex thus pushing many synthesis packages beyond their capability. Many aircraft design uses software for structural and fluid analysis, particular concept and thus it required the separate packages for each concept. The aim of this project is to conceptualize and design an aircraft by applying the knowledge of aerodynamics, flight mechanics and other domains of aerospace engineering. This report provides the data of preliminary and detailed design of wings, fuselage, tail geometry, landing gear, wing loading, thrust loading and detailed estimation of a drag force for a 40 seat passenger aircraft. This conceptual design small capacity aircraft, the designed aircraft cruises at 10 km altitude with a speed of 492.48 km/h and has maximum safe air range of 1733 km. The takeoff distance obtained is 868 m, which makes the aircraft most feasible to run on airports with shorter runways. The detail estimation of drag force is calculated at cruise, takeoff and landing. An iterative approach method is carried out for conducting the initial project design process. Initial 'guesses' based upon on data from similar types of aircraft forms the starting point for the analysis. The iterative process progressively determines more accurate and 'acceptable' output which refines the design.

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This thesis was the result of the Group Design Project, the very core of the MSc in Aircraft Design. The project was under an Airbus proposal over a new design for greener regional short-medium haul airliner. In particular, this thesis... more

This thesis was the result of the Group Design Project, the very core of the MSc in Aircraft Design. The project was under an Airbus proposal over a new design for greener regional short-medium haul airliner. In particular, this thesis covers the design of an all-composite vertical stabiliser. A novel structural concept has been implemented, suggested by Airbus in FAST #54. All the possible field of aerostructural design have been covered.
Have a good reading!

Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to the technologies that utilize 3D printing to create objects through the addition of layers of material upon others. It is the opposite of the traditional manufacturing methods where parts of a block... more

Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to the technologies that utilize 3D printing to create objects through the addition of layers of material upon others. It is the opposite of the traditional manufacturing methods where parts of a block of materials are removed to achieve the required shape. This method of manufacturing has many benefits and advantages. That is why several industries are now introducing it into their manufacturing process. The aviation industry was one of the early adopters of the technology due to its capabilities which include design freedom, reduce weight, and consolidate and optimize parts. Currently, there are several applications of AM in the aviation manufacturing sector. Also, several flying components were additively manufactured. Due to the unique nature of AM, it is believed that AM will have a significant impact on aircraft maintenance like it had on aircraft manufacturing.
This paper discussed the benefits and applications of AM on aircraft maintenance. It was revealed that there are five main advantages of AM in this sector. First is its ability to fabricate parts in the course of maintenance rapidly. The second is that it introduces a new repair capability that buildup damaged components by adding layers of material to replace the parts which were lost due to corrosion or wear. Third, its ability to manufacture customized tools with low cost which are optimized in shape and lighter in weight for more comfortable use by maintenance personnel. Fourth, it supports the reduction of spares inventory using virtual warehousing and on-demand manufacturing. Finally, it may be able to support old generation aircraft facing obsolescence by 3D printing of Aircraft components that are no longer produced by the OEM.
Challenges of the introduction of AM in maintenance were investigated to understand the constraints and provide a solution. It was noticed that the most significant challenge is the certification of the manufactured parts under the current regulatory framework.
Finally, the Author suggested an eight steps road map for the introduction of AM in aviation maintenance. The road map is composed of eight steps starting from the identification of the scope until the documentation of the whole process. The purpose of the road map is to address and overcome the previously mentioned challenges.

In this project, the wing of a regional jet has been designed and structurally analysed with structural components by using finite elements method. “Catia V5 R.19” computer software has been used to create shapes of surfaces and... more

In this project, the wing of a regional jet has been designed and structurally analysed with structural components by using finite elements method. “Catia V5 R.19” computer software has been used to create shapes of surfaces and “Ansys R.15” has been used for structural analysis.

For the design project of Structural Design course held in 2013 Spring term, wings of the aircraft 1049 Super Constellation of the Lockheed company is planned to be held as analysis and optimization subjects. Basic construction of the... more

For the design project of Structural Design course held in 2013 Spring term, wings of the aircraft 1049 Super Constellation of the Lockheed company is planned to be held as analysis and optimization subjects.
Basic construction of the wing of the L-1049 Super Constellation that has constant chord length is modelled in CAD software, CATIA. The wing is assumed to have no taper ratio during the design process. After the model is constructed in CATIA, to evaluate the deflections and stresses on the wing, the software using Finite Element Method, ANSYS 14.5 is used and the wing model is modelled again. By the consideration of the manoeuvres of the aircraft, additional forces are applied besides the lift in cruise flight conditions and weight. Moreover, according to these loads appropriate materials are chosen and loading factor is estimated by the criteria of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR). From the results gained from the analysis made by the software, ANSYS, the optimization is held due to construct the more lightweight and durable structure. During these phases, cost is also considered. Buckling and frequency analyses are made due to control the safety of the structure made. Weight of the each structural design is calculated and mostly SI unit system is used for the calculations.

The aim of this project is to design a light Twin Engine propeller aircraft that can cater to small range about 450 miles and with a cruise speed 240 Knots. The project involves the design of light Twin Engine propeller aircraft which... more

The aim of this project is to design a light Twin Engine propeller aircraft
that can cater to small range about 450 miles and with a cruise speed 240 Knots. The project involves the design of light Twin Engine propeller aircraft which could accommodate about 6 passengers not including the pilot and co-pilot and considering no attendants involved providing a medium level of comfort that a twin propeller driven with small range is expected to provide. The aircraft design has been construct on some certain step processes. The processes that are applied in this project is goes like this; weight estimation, initial sizing, airfoil and geometry selection ,Thrust to weight and wing loading analysis, configuration layout, propulsion and fuel system analysis, aerodynamic analysis, stability and finally the cost analysis. Those processes has been implemented in this project and each and every study is applied by comply the methods and rules that are gathered from aircraft design books.

Morphing Wings Technologies: Large Commercial Aircraft and Civil Helicopters offers a fresh look at current research on morphing aircraft, including industry design, real manufactured prototypes and certification. This is an invaluable... more

Morphing Wings Technologies: Large Commercial Aircraft and Civil Helicopters offers a fresh look at current research on morphing aircraft, including industry design, real manufactured prototypes and certification. This is an invaluable reference for students in the aeronautics and aerospace fields who need an introduction to the morphing discipline, as well as senior professionals seeking exposure to morphing potentialities. Practical applications of morphing devices are presented-from the challenge of conceptual design incorporating both structural and aerodynamic studies, to the most promising and potentially flyable solutions aimed at improving the performance of commercial aircraft and UAVs. Morphing aircraft are multi-role aircraft that change their external shape substantially to adapt to a changing mission environment during flight. The book consists of eight sections as well as an appendix which contains both updates on main systems evolution (skin, structure, actuator, sensor, and control systems) and a survey on the most significant achievements of integrated systems for large commercial aircraft. Provides current worldwide status of morphing technologies, the industrial development expectations, and what is already available in terms of flying systems Offers new perspectives on wing structure design and a new approach to general structural design Discusses hot topics such as multifunctional materials and auxetic materials Presents practical applications of morphing devices. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Floor beam is a structural element of fuselage which is mainly used for providing horizontal space to aircraft crew and is fixed with fuselage skin. In this I-section beam is picked for designing the fuselage floor beam which is better in... more

Floor beam is a structural element of fuselage which is mainly used for providing horizontal space to aircraft crew and is fixed with fuselage skin. In this I-section beam is picked for designing the fuselage floor beam which is better in comparison to other cross sections. In this, the design of aircraft floor beam is conceptual design for the enhancement of strength, durability, cost and weight reduction. The major problems of existing aluminium floor beam are increased weight and less stiffness. Hence, CFRP (carbon fibre reinforced plastics) has chosen for the designing of floor beam in the aircraft. After the selection of material and cross section of floor beam, the whole parameters of cross section of floor has studied and designed in UG NX8 software with the standard dimensions of a floor beam then the model is imported to Ansys 14.5 for the analysis and optimization. The expected outcome is to reduce the weight to strength ratio, cost, design and style outlook with weight reduction of fuselage.

This paper presents a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique for selecting fighter aircraft for the national air force. The selection of military aircraft is a process consisting of contradictory goals and objectives. When a... more

This paper presents a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique for selecting fighter aircraft for the national air force. The selection of military aircraft is a process consisting of contradictory goals and objectives. When a modern air force needs to choose fighter aircraft to upgrade existing fleets, a multiple criteria decision making analysis and scenario planning for defense acquisition has been put forward. The selection of fighter aircraft for the air defense force is a strategic decision making process, since the purchase or lease of fighter jets, maintenance and operating costs and having a fleet is the biggest cost for the air force. Multiple criteria decision making analysis methods are effectively applied to facilitate decision making from various available options. The selection criteria were determined using the literature on the problem of fighter aircraft selection. The selection of fighter aircraft to be purchased for the air defense forces is handled using a multiple criteria decision making analysis technique that also determines a suitable methodological approach for the defense procurement and fleet upgrade planning process. The aim of this study is to originate an approach to evaluate fighter aircraft alternatives, Su-35, F-35, and TF-X (MMU), based on technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS).

Water tank is a structure used to store water for supplying to household as drinking purpose, for industries as a coolant and irrigational water for agricultural farming in some areas. Water tanks are classified on bases of their shapes... more

Water tank is a structure used to store water for supplying to household as drinking purpose, for industries as a coolant and irrigational water for agricultural farming in some areas. Water tanks are classified on bases of their shapes and position of structure. In this paper, we had discussed about the design of water tank of elevated water tank of circular shape are designed and analysed using staad pro. From the analysis result concluding about the influence of shape factor in design loads and how shapes of tanks play predominant and in the design and in stress distribution and overall economy. This project is an application economy of the tank as an objective function with the properties of that optimization method to the structural analysis and design of circular tank, water depth unit weigh of water and tank floor slab thickness, as design elevated tank, considering the total tank that are tank capacity, width and considering dead load, live load, seismic load, hydrostatic pressure. A computer program has been developed to solve numerical examples. The project is strictly in accordance with IS code 456:2000 and IS 3386:1987 and load calculation are done using STAAD Pro and manual calculation are done through data. The aim of the project is to apply seismic loading for different zones and assess the varying steel and concrete in seismic zones.

Aircraft industry is by now deeply involved in technological breakthroughs bringing innovative frameworks, in which the morphing systems constitute the most promising scenario. These systems are taking a remarkable role among the... more

Aircraft industry is by now deeply involved in technological breakthroughs bringing innovative frameworks, in which the morphing systems constitute the most promising scenario. These systems are taking a remarkable role among the unconventional solutions for the improvement of performance in the operating conditions. The application of morphing devices involves a combination among structural and aerodynamic analyses, actuation requirements, weight assessment and flight control performance. The research project CRIAQ-MDO505, Canadian-European cooperation project on smart technologies, has investigated morphing structures potential through the design and the manufacturing of a variable camber aileron tailored to CS-25 category aircraft applications. This paper is especially focused on the most considerable results able to validate the conceptual design: functionality, ground vibration and wind tunnel tests outcomes have been discussed. The ailerons typically constitute crucial elements for the aerodynamic forces equilibrium of the wing. Therefore, compared to the traditional architectures, the need of studying the dynamic performance and the following aeroelastic impact is, in the specific case of servo-actuated variable-shaped systems, higher. Relying upon the experimental evidence within the present research, the issue appeared concerns the critical importance of considering the dynamic modelling of the actuators in the design phase of a smart device. The higher number of actuators and mechanisms involved makes de facto the morphing structure much more complex. In this context, the action of the actuators has been modelled within the numerical model of the aileron: the comparison between the modal characteristics of numerical predictions and testing activities has shown a high level of correlation. Moreover, the compliance of the device with the design morphing shapes has been proved by wind tunnel test. The outcomes are expected to be key insights for future designers to better comprehend the dynamic response of a morphing aileron, primary knowledge for flutter and failure analyses.

Bucharest Aerospace Museum, a new aviation museum in Bucharest, Romania.

With present day aviation industry running on the principle of “A Pound Saved is a Pound Earned” reduction of weight in every possible area of aircraft has become imperative. For continuation of the same; this study aims to gather... more

With present day aviation industry running on the principle of “A Pound Saved is a Pound Earned” reduction of weight in every possible area of aircraft has become imperative. For continuation of the same; this study aims to gather knowledge, known practices and methods of sizing for shear panels. First the shear resistant webs without taking into account any diagonal tension has been presented to illustrate normal requirement of thickness for a given load. Secondly webs designed for pure diagonal tensions have been compared. Comparative study of both of these follows which underlines their drawbacks and then, the reasons justifying the need for hybrid design which have properties of both shear resistant and diagonal tension webs have been presented. Theory of Hybrid diagonal tension web has been formulated on theories of shear resistance and pure diagonal tension webs. Basis of further research for curved web panels, failure modes of web panels and their FEM analysis is built to be done in follow up research papers.