Defense and National Security Research Papers (original) (raw)

Since the Korean War, stability in North and South Korean relations has been elusive. Over the past decade, hostilities have entered a digital phase as an increasingly tech-savvy North Korea has compromised public and commercial systems... more

Since the Korean War, stability in North and South Korean relations has been elusive. Over the past decade, hostilities have entered a digital phase as an increasingly tech-savvy North Korea has compromised public and commercial systems in South Korea with relative impunity. Perceiving North Korea as its greatest threat to cybersecurity, South Korea has focused virtually all of its cybersecurity efforts and resources towards defending against future cyber attacks from its northern neighbor. This paper examines the accuracy of South Korea’s threat assessment of North Korea and investigates the validity of South Korean cyber forensic techniques and intelligence. Furthermore, this research uses analyses of data from past cyber incursions in South Korea to determine the effectiveness of cybersecurity policies and attempts to determine if defensive and offensive strategies are appropriate, in both size and scope, for the danger that North Korea appears to represent. The author concludes that while South Korean assessments of North Korean cyber capabilities and involvement in cyber incursions are relatively accurate, there are ambiguities in the findings of cyber forensic analyses that may be incorrectly attributed to North Korea. As a result, current cyber strategies may be inadequate to defend against other possible state and non-state actors. In addition, this research finds that past cyber policies have weakened South Korean cybersecurity, and suggests that South Korea should shift towards broader more defensive strategies.

Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une... more

Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une identité de rôle singulière émerge autour de la notion de « juste milieu ». Cette étude présente, sur le plan empirique, les conditions de l’élaboration et de la conduite de cette politique africaine, et analyse, sur le plan théorique, l’évolution de l’identité de rôle marocaine à l'échelle internationale.

This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload... more

This monograph considers how a classical challenge that commanders face in war—namely, making critical decisions on the basis of limited and often unreliable information—has been exacerbated in the era of big data. Data overload complicates the intelligence community’s efforts to identify and exclude disinformation, misinformation, and deception, and thus hampers its ability to deliver reliable intelligence to inform decision-makers in a timely manner. The military commander remains responsible for making a final decision, yet the great wealth of data now available through the intelligence cycle amplifies the risk of decision paralysis. With this in mind, technological solutions tend to be considered the most appropriate response for managing data overload and disinformation. While these remain relevant, they alone may be insufficient to equip the military commander with the necessary insight to guide decisions through the uncertainty of the big data environment. Rather, the militar...

1. O dia 26 de setembro foi escolhido pelas Nações Unidas (ONU) como o Dia Internacional para Eliminação Total das Armas Nucleares. Este tem sido um dos objetivos centrais da ONU por mais de 75 anos. Qual a atual situação das negociações... more

1. O dia 26 de setembro foi escolhido pelas Nações Unidas (ONU) como o Dia Internacional para Eliminação Total das Armas Nucleares. Este tem sido um dos objetivos centrais da ONU por mais de 75 anos. Qual a atual situação das negociações para o desarmamento nuclear dos países? Como a diplomacia pode atuar nesse cenário? O século XX nos deixou um legado muito perigoso-milhares de armas nucleares. Muitos países adquiriram bombas nucleares e mísseis. O teste de novas amostras continua. Ainda nos falta transparência na construção nuclear. Tecnologia de bombas, segredos nucleares e materiais circulam no mercado negro. A ameaça de uso de materiais nucleares por grupos terroristas tornou-se um problema sério hoje. O progresso no desarmamento nuclear é insuficiente e o problema da proliferação nuclear está se tornando mais sério. Os programas nucleares do Irã e da Coréia do Norte continuam sendo fonte de profunda preocupação para a comunidade internacional e ameaçam o regime de não proliferação e o desarmamento nuclear. Isso significa que os riscos nucleares globais estão se diversificando, e a comunidade mundial deve tomar todas as medidas possíveis para interromper sua proliferação e prevenir o surgimento de novos Estados nucleares. A cooperação perante o problema das armas de destruição.

Security challenges arising from hybrid threats and hybrid warfare, HT&HW, are today high on the security agenda not only in Sweden but across the globe. Despite the attention and the growing body of studies on the subject, there is a... more

Security challenges arising from hybrid threats and hybrid warfare, HT&HW, are today high on the security agenda not only in Sweden but across the globe. Despite the attention and the growing body of studies on the subject, there is a lack of research bringing attention to how these challenges can be addressed. This article contributes to such an approach by sharing the findings of a project that brings together practitioners and scholarly perspectives on this subject spanning the threats themselves as well as the tools and means to counter them. The article outlines the Western response to hybrid threats and hybrid warfare. It is argued that there is no single response to HT&HW, nor to building resilience. HT&HW needs to be addressed through a comprehensive, all-inclusive approach. Finally, the article outlines how we address these challenges in practice.

The article examines how new planning concepts and methods advanced by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the Pentagon during the 1990s served to inflate defense requirements. A version appeared in the March/April 1998 Bulletin of the... more

The article examines how new planning concepts and methods advanced by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the Pentagon during the 1990s served to inflate defense requirements. A version appeared in the March/April 1998 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists as “Inventing Threats.”

1Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India 2-6Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India... more

1Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India 2-6Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India -------------------------------------------------------------------------***-----------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract Most of the inventions you use in your daily life were first developed for the defenses. The epitome of technology of a country is usually based on its defense systems. Therefore, we would be highly honored if we could step into this field. In this paper our aim was to develop a vehicle which could give the Bofors gun mobility, in course versatility in discharging of the weapon. We designed the vehicle using the rocker bogie suspension system while improving its capabilities to suit our purpose. The problem which we have tried to solve was that Bofors guns were very tedious to be carried to different places and rocky te...

This document was created in hopes for a safer, more prosperous future of aeronautics. This document seeks to present an otherwise highly complex topic in the framework of game theory, economic or otherwise with players being governing... more

This document was created in hopes for a safer, more prosperous future of aeronautics. This document seeks to present an otherwise highly complex topic in the framework of game theory, economic or otherwise with players being governing entities as well as agencies within countries.

In a new Joint Studies Paper, I explore sea, land and air operational concepts appropriate to fighting near-to-medium term future AI-enabled wars. With much of the underlying narrow AI technology already developed in the commercial... more

In a new Joint Studies Paper, I explore sea, land and air operational concepts appropriate to fighting near-to-medium term future AI-enabled wars. With much of the underlying narrow AI technology already developed in the commercial sector, this is less of a speculative exercise than might be assumed. Moreover, the contemporary AI’s general-purpose nature means its initial employment will be within existing operational level constructs, not wholly new ones. Here, the focus is the sea domain. The operational concepts mooted are simply meant to stimulate thought about the future and how to prepare for it.

Military transformations are usually understood as linear processes involving diverse, steady, and costly initiatives to be achieved during a specific timeframe. However, other influencing elements, such as assessment, follow-up, and... more

Military transformations are usually understood as linear processes involving diverse, steady, and costly initiatives to be achieved during a specific timeframe. However, other influencing elements, such as assessment, follow-up, and feedback from the personnel in charge of enforcing and evaluating their implementation, are often disregarded. This article seeks to bridge this information gap and provide a model to analyze the transformation of the military forces of Colombia as avirtuous cycle using the perceptions of its future implementers as its core and main evaluating resource. The questionnaire developed focuses on national interests and the roles and functions of the military forces, gathering the perceptions of officers who will be responsible for implementing the transformation. The statistical findings suggest that determining threats, factors of influence, obstacles, enhancers, and priorities such as drug trafficking, defense expenditure, conflict of interests, fiscal responsibility, and doctrine and policy are central to obtaining successful outcomes.

Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który... more

Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który należy umiejętnie wykorzystać. Kluczowym założeniem koncepcji obrony totalnej jest szybka i powszechna mobilizacja ludności zdolnej do walki w przypadku zaistnienia zagrożenia wojną.

"Participación militar argentina en misiones de paz. Desafíos para la política de defensa e influencia en la organización y funcionamiento en las Fuerzas Armadas. 1990-2013”. Co-autoría Guillermo Lafferriere y Germán Soprano. Relaciones... more

"Participación militar argentina en misiones de paz. Desafíos para la política de defensa e influencia en la organización y funcionamiento en las Fuerzas Armadas. 1990-2013”. Co-autoría Guillermo Lafferriere y Germán Soprano. Relaciones Internacionales Nº50. Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata. 2016. pp.255-280. ISSN:1515-3371.

PDA Briefing Memo #30, 26 September 2003. Examines how air power helped bring about the rapid collapse of the Iraqi Republican Guard and regular army in the 2003 war. The memo focuses specifically on the role of battlefield air... more

PDA Briefing Memo #30, 26 September 2003. Examines how air power helped bring about the rapid collapse of the Iraqi Republican Guard and regular army in the 2003 war. The memo focuses specifically on the role of battlefield air interdiction. (The author distinguishes air interdiction and close air support missions by arguing that the latter help decide the immediate battle, while air interdiction shapes the battlefield and helps determine upcoming battles.) An outstanding feature of the analysis is a comparison of the air campaigns of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Desert Storm (1990-1991). The memo also estimates combatant casualties due to air interdiction in the 2003 war.

This work is about accelerators in the field of security and defense applications.

There is now available a nonlethal brain-based, scientifically-verified, field-tested, human resource-based technology to create lasting peace. Armed forces and civilian groups worldwide have been and are currently deploying this... more

There is now available a nonlethal brain-based, scientifically-verified, field-tested, human resource-based technology to create lasting peace. Armed forces and civilian groups worldwide have been and are currently deploying this cost-effective approach known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). Militaries use IDT to stop and prevent war, terrorism, crime and to make their homelands secure. IDT has been quietly demonstrated by these groups in particularly conflict-prone regions to be the ultimate approach for conducting operations other than war (OOTW). In defense-related circles IDT is gaining attention as leaders realize this is the ultimate OOTW strategy. The nation that properly deploys IDT becomes invincible, unconquerable, and incapable of being defeated; attaining victory BEFORE war by preventing enemies from ever arising. With IDT so easy to implement and so effective at creating invincibility, why haven't all militaries deployed this strategy? The answer can be found in Dr. Carla Linton Brown's Harvard University doctoral dissertation and subsequent paper published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality on attitudes towards Invincible Defense Technology. ,,,Italian airpower advocate General Giulio Douhet's strategy still applies today: "Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the change in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur." ...We may never know who would be inspired by this document to take action in India as well as other countries worldwide to utilize IDT as an OOTW strategy to creating lasting peace.

Economic, technical, political, and social trends may be reversing globalization. Deglobalization will have momentous security implications for strategy, alliances, and security organization.

The article discusses the threat of bioterrorism and the importance of biodefense in the wake of COVID-19. In other words, it questions if the U.S. biodefense system is ready for a potential bioterror attack by bringing up some of the... more

The article discusses the threat of bioterrorism and the importance of biodefense in the wake of COVID-19. In other words, it questions if the U.S. biodefense system is ready for a potential bioterror attack by bringing up some of the catastrophic impacts of the pandemic on individuals, economies, and institutions.

Over the past two decades, periodic strategic reviews have become a mainstay of U.S. national security policy making, as government officials have instituted quadrennial reviews at all of the major national security agencies. The outcomes... more

Over the past two decades, periodic strategic reviews have become a mainstay of U.S. national security policy making, as government officials have instituted quadrennial reviews at all of the major national security agencies. The outcomes of these reviews may influence whether or not the government is prepared for important challenges. Yet we have known little about whether quadrennial reviews lead the government to do anything differently. In this article I evaluate the outcomes of several quadrennial reviews by national security agencies, analyze the factors that have shaped their outcomes, and consider the value of formal strategic reviews more generally. I find that, in the absence of significant presidential involvement, quadrennial reviews rarely generate major strategy shifts or transformational reforms, but these reviews can help the leaders of agencies institutionalize their priorities by creating bureaucratic buy-in for incremental policy and organizational changes.

Among the threats to national security often not spoken about, or mentioned as an afterthought, are the threats and risks linked to environmental issues. This study assumes that, in the future, the worst threat will be environmental,... more

Among the threats to national security often not spoken about, or mentioned as an afterthought, are the threats and risks linked to environmental issues. This study assumes that, in the future, the worst threat will be environmental, either deriving from scarce resources such as water, energy dependence or even pollution. Most of the pollution around the world is being caused by logistic transportation. This study focuses on what is being done and can be done with military logistics in order to help fighting against this future threat.

A growing body of research highlights the correlation between strong, centralized states and economic growth. Given the important role that national defense has played in the development of the state, it seems as though this would imply... more

A growing body of research highlights the correlation between strong, centralized states and economic growth. Given the important role that national defense has played in the development of the state, it seems as though this would imply some relationship between military expenditures and economic development. However, there is no consensus on the direction of the relationship between military expenditures and economic growth. In this paper, we propose a resolution to this puzzle. We argue that military technology is a limiting factor for wealth (and therefore capital) accumulation. Since wealth must be protected from plunder and/or destruction, the amount of wealth that can be accumulated is constrained by a society’s ability to adequately defend it. We present a theoretical model consistent with this idea and perform a Monte Carlo experiment to determine the implications of this hypothesis for empirical work. We find that the long-run relationship between military expenditures and private production is positive. However, in sample sizes consistent with existing data, the relationship is ambiguous. As a result, we provide support for this idea by relying on historical examples consistent with our hypothesis. Finally, we consider the implications of our hypothesis for the development of state capacity.

Jane Mayer, an experienced writer on national security matters, does indeed set out to tell how the US war on terror became a war on American ideals. The main title of the book is based on a quote from Vice President Cheney at a moment... more

Jane Mayer, an experienced writer on national security matters, does indeed set out to tell how the US war on terror became a war on American ideals.
The main title of the book is based on a quote from Vice President Cheney at a moment when the coals of the Twin Towers were still hot.
Cheney set out to impose his vision of Doomsday values on the Administration by isolating the President from alternative sources of advice and by preventing any person not approved by Cheney from having input into policy.
Thus torture was approved by official legal opinions and rebranded as enhanced interrogation techniques. Black sites were established around the world and suspects, at least one of whom was a complete case of mistaken identity, were secretly rendered in CIA jets to foreign intelligence agencies to be tortured.
The Dark Side shows the reader Cheney's villains up close but also documents the heroes, both in and out of the Administration, who battled to bring back the light of legal oversight to the black holes created by Cheney's minions.
On re-reading this review over five years after reading the book and writing the review, I found The Dark Side even more relevant as another Administration nears its end and the debate in another set of primary elections focusses on triviality.

There is no discussion that adversaries, past and present, have developed creative uses of the "full-spectrum" of warfare, including the use of regular and irregular tactics across all dimensions of war. In the view of many Western... more

There is no discussion that adversaries, past and present, have developed creative uses of the "full-spectrum" of warfare, including the use of regular and irregular tactics across all dimensions of war. In the view of many Western analysts it is the non-military tools, such as information, that are seen as the biggest threat in information society today.

History suggests that applying the wrong operational framework to an emerging strategic environment is a recipe for failure. During the World War I, both sides failed to realize that large scale artillery barrages followed by massed... more

History suggests that applying the wrong operational framework to an emerging strategic environment is a recipe for failure. During the World War I, both sides failed to realize that large scale artillery barrages followed by massed infantry assaults were hopeless on a battlefield that strongly favored well-entrenched defense supported by machine gun technology. The Imperial Japanese during World War II never appreciated that continuing to rely on the Bushido warrior ethos – fighting to the death instead of surrendering to fight another day – could not overcome Allied technology and industrial capacity. The failure to adapt had disastrous consequences.

Многие страны мира пытаются противостоять экстерриториальному применению экономических санкций, вводимых другими государствами, запрещая или ограничивая действие соответствующих иностранных законов на своей территории. C 2012 г. Россия... more

Многие страны мира пытаются противостоять экстерриториальному применению экономических санкций, вводимых другими государствами, запрещая или ограничивая действие соответствующих иностранных законов на своей территории. C 2012 г. Россия сама является объектом односторонних экономических санкций. Можно ли применить опыт других стран к России? Какие шаги для защиты национального суверенитета предпринял или может предпринять отечественный законодатель?

This paper is written from a Red Team perspective creating a fictional terrorist group (The Gay Liberation Front) from the ground up. It covers the ideology, public affairs, financing, recruitment, training, operations, internal security,... more

This paper is written from a Red Team perspective creating a fictional terrorist group (The Gay Liberation Front) from the ground up. It covers the ideology, public affairs, financing, recruitment, training, operations, internal security, communications, and the development of a proposed fictional terrorist operation. It must be stressed that the entirety of this project is written as a thought experiment to design the "perfect" terrorist group in order to better understand how actual groups operate. Through this understanding, we can better interdict these groups and increase overall global security.

La organización militar ha influenciado el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Organización, la organización lineal tiene sus orígenes en la organización de los ejércitos de la antigüedad y de la época medieval resaltando: el principio de... more

La organización militar ha influenciado el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Organización, la organización
lineal tiene sus orígenes en la organización de los ejércitos de la antigüedad y de la época
medieval resaltando: el principio de unidad de mando mediante el cual cada subordinado sólo
puede tener un superior; la escala jerárquica de niveles de mando de acuerdo con el mando de
autoridad y de responsabilidad; el planeamiento y control centralizados paralelo a las operaciones
descentralizadas (centralización del mando y descentralización de la ejecución); la idea de
un estado mayor (Staff) integrado por oficiales de línea (con experiencia) para asesorar al mando
; el principio de dirección en el que todo militar debe saber lo que se espera de él y lo que debe
hacer. El Ejército y Fuerza Aérea Mexicanos desarrollan acciones de Defensa Nacional de forma
conjunta, materializando esta unión en la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA) con tal
denominación mediante decreto presidencial el 25 de octubre de 1937.

Until recently, Turkey has relied on trade and diplomacy, as well as its key geographic location between Europe and the Middle East, to project power. But amid a decade of volatility brought on by the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011, Ankara... more

This is map which will be used in my future book

Japan's New Security Strategy

Over the past two decades, major strategic reviews have become a mainstay of U.S. national security policy making. In 1996, Congress mandated that the Defense Department conduct a Quadrennial Defense Review every four years. Since then,... more

Over the past two decades, major strategic reviews have become a mainstay of U.S. national security policy making. In 1996, Congress mandated that the Defense Department conduct a Quadrennial Defense Review every four years. Since then, quadrennial reviews have also been instituted in the U.S. intelligence community and at the State Department and Homeland Security Department. The outcomes of these reviews, which typically involve many hundreds of government personnel in months of intensive bureaucratic activity, may influence whether or not the government is prepared for important challenges. Yet we know little about whether the reviews lead the government to do anything differently. In this paper I evaluate the impact of several quadrennial reviews by U.S. national security agencies, analyze the factors that have shaped and constrained their impact, and consider the value of formal strategic reviews more generally. I find that, in the absence of significant presidential involvement, formal reviews rarely generate major strategy shifts, but these reviews are not generally a waste of time. Their principal effect on government activity is to help the leaders of agencies institutionalize their priorities by creating bureaucratic buy-in for incremental policy and organizational changes.

The research presents an analysis of the process of attaining minimum credible defense through the assessment of the progress of the country’s naval modernization. The aim of the study is to assess the Philippine Navy (PN) Sail Plan 2030... more

The research presents an analysis of the process of attaining minimum credible defense through the assessment of the progress of the country’s naval modernization. The aim of the study is to assess the Philippine Navy (PN) Sail Plan 2030 under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization program, which in turn will be used as a component in analyzing the attainment of the minimum credible defense of the country. The assessment of naval military capability of the Philippines pertains to the actions and decisions taken by the government in naval force enhancement. Another agenda of the study is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies undertaken by the government in attaining minimum credible defense. Vital to the study was the analysis of government agency structures, actions and decisions in enhancing the navy and the problems encountered along the process and the consequences due to the implemented decisions. The primary question which the research aims to answer is ‘how has the Philippines attempted to attain a minimum credible defense through the modernization of the Navy?’ The term enhancement was operationalized by the process of modernization of navy in attaining minimum credible defense. The other term explicated is minimum credible defense through the definitions argued by different scholars. The process by which the questions were answered was through the assessment of the PN Sail Plan 2030 which included the examination of military enhancement policies, national budgeting, government transactions, navy enhancement policies and foreign policies. Qualities of naval equipment and vehicles were studied in relation to the budgets allocated which determined any accomplishment by the Philippine government in attaining minimum credible defense. Findings show that through undertaking the PN Sail Plan 2030, the Philippines aimed at refocusing its empowerment of the Army into reorganizing the entire military forces, balancing the priority for the Army, Navy and Airforce. However, agencies faced organizational, hierarchical, political and material acquisition complications. The success of the government in modernizing its navy has merely substandard results of a recent policy of the current administration wherein problems regarding strict implementation of rules and regulations, hierarchy, bureaucratic effectiveness and efficiency, government strength and consistency of policies from one administration to the next. This led for the researchers to conclude that the attainment of a minimum credible defense has been hampered by the influence of the inefficient implementation of the AFP Modernization.