Anarchy Research Papers - (original) (raw)
While still fragmented, we are witnessing the emergence of a global commercial legal order independent of any one national legal system. This process is unfolding both on the macro-level of state actors as well as that of private... more
While still fragmented, we are witnessing the emergence of a global commercial legal order independent of any one national legal system. This process is unfolding both on the macro-level of state actors as well as that of private individuals and organizations. On the macro-level, the sources of this legal order are complex international agreements; on the micro-level, private contracts employing commercial customary practices and arbitration are driving this process forward. Yet there is no comparable evolution occurring (in any substantial sense) in non-commercial areas of law such as criminal, tort, or family law. There is an overall asymmetry in the development of transnational legal order. But why is this happening? This paper argues that the emergence of a global commercial legal order may be partially attributed to the unique structural nature of trade. The paper gives a structuralist account, positing that unlike legal order of a non-commercial nature, commercial legal order has built-in mechanisms that make it particularly suited to evolve in a transnational context—i.e. to evolve and sustain itself in the absence of a central legislative or coercive authority. The paper identifies and explores these built-in mechanisms. The paper concludes that because commercial legal order is uniquely predisposed to emerge without the State, we should expect this asymmetry to not only continue, but likely grow even more extreme.
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- Business, Law, Economics, International Relations
Creativity is said to be highly desired in post-modern and post-industrial organizations. Creativity and anarchy on the one hand, and managerialism, on the other, can be seen as different forms of knowledge, two opposed ideals. In many... more
Creativity is said to be highly desired in post-modern and post-industrial organizations. Creativity and anarchy on the one hand, and managerialism, on the other, can be seen as different forms of knowledge, two opposed ideals. In many organizational as well as societal reforms we currently observe it is the managerialist ideal that wins over the anarchic. In this paper, we wonder if people fear anarchy? We reflect on the possible reasons for the fear, and we also try to explain why we believe that anarchic organizing should not be avoided or feared.
This paper reflects, accompanies and realizes a 1996 mail art project. It redefines the global system of meridians new in a individualistic and subjective manner. It also generates relations to the "Ebstorfer Weltkarte" and the particles... more
This paper reflects, accompanies and realizes a 1996 mail art project. It redefines the global system of meridians new in a individualistic and subjective manner. It also generates relations to the "Ebstorfer Weltkarte" and the particles of ashes which remained when this medieval map was burnt in worldwar II. And it is a document of mail arts in the 90th.
Lecture given by Luis Camnitzer at the Peruvian School of Fine Arts in 2019.
Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional... more
Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional Conference and made a trip to the Kropotkin museum in Dmitrov.
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un breve recorrido por los principales ejes del pensamiento político anarquista, a través de analizar su influencia en ideas ligadas al pensamiento crítico contemporáneo, expresadas en las... more
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un breve recorrido por los principales ejes del pensamiento político anarquista, a través de analizar su influencia en ideas ligadas al pensamiento crítico contemporáneo, expresadas en las posturas anti-estatistas, de democracia directa, de organización comunitaria, las propuestas postdesarrollistas, la crítica de la economía política neoliberal así como de la lógica extractivista, y finalmente su cercanía a las ideas de subversión simbólica y cultural. Abstract The objective of this work is to present a brief tour of the main axes of the anarchist political thought, through analyze their influence on ideas linked to contemporary critical thought, expressed in the positions anti-statist, direct democracy, community organizing, the post-development proposals, criticism of neoliberal political economy as well as extractivist logic, and finally their closeness to the ideas of symbolic and cultural subversion.
Rolando Perez On An(archy) and Schizoanalysis
Long perceived as an institutional response to the problem of local development, the decentralization adopted and introduced in the 1980s favored the creation of numerous communes in Côte d'Ivoire. These local and regional authorities,... more
Long perceived as an institutional response to the problem of local development, the decentralization adopted and introduced in the 1980s favored the creation of numerous communes in Côte d'Ivoire. These local and regional authorities, which in principle have legal personality and financial autonomy, are struggling to satisfy the expectations of politicians and populations. Consequently, the consequences are felt in space and we are witnessing an anarchic and illegal occupation of public servitudes as is the case in the commune of Yopougon in Abidjan. The present study is thus a contribution to the lasting resolution of the problem of the anarchic occupation of the public domain for the preservation of the urban landscape of municipalities. The main objective is to show the impact on the urban landscape of the use of the improvement of municipalities' own revenue. The methodology used to achieve this objective was based on the observation, inventory of the spaces documentary research, observation and maintenance with local and governmental authorities to obtain data on the mode of acquisition and enhancement of spaces. The results reveal that these areas are occupied with more or less the agreement of the various local and governmental authorities and their management remains problematic. Résumé Longtemps perçue comme une réponse institutionnelle au problème de développement local, la décentralisation adoptée et introduite dans les années 80 a favorisé la création de nombreuses communes en Côte d'Ivoire. Ces collectivités territoriales dotées en principe de la personnalité juridique et
در این شماره به آنارشیسم پرداخته ایم
Russian anarchism of the 1910s-1920s (biocosmism, pan-anarchism) proposed an original political and aesthetic model of "access to space", which possessed a great heuristic and utopian potential, which, due to political circumstances of... more
Russian anarchism of the 1910s-1920s (biocosmism, pan-anarchism) proposed an original political and aesthetic model of "access to space", which possessed a great heuristic and utopian potential, which, due to political circumstances of the first half of the 20th century, was repressed and forgotten. The article reconstructs and interprets this model through questions about (cosmic) language, (anarchic) imagination and (interplanetary) technics.
"Anarchia è parola che viene dal greco, e significa propriamente senza governo: stato di un popolo che si regge senza autorità costituite, senza governo." Con queste parole si apre "L'anarchia", accompagnato in questa sede da un vero e... more
"Anarchia è parola che viene dal greco, e significa propriamente senza governo: stato di un popolo che si regge senza autorità costituite, senza governo." Con queste parole si apre "L'anarchia", accompagnato in questa sede da un vero e proprio programma d'azione del movimento, "Il nostro programma". Due documenti storici che delineano con chiarezza ed efficacia i tratti salienti del pensiero anarchico ma anche due testi che conservano intatta, oggi più che mai, la loro carica eversiva e rivoluzionaria, contribuendo nello stesso momento a sfatare alcuni luoghi comuni tradizionalmente associati all'anarchismo. Completano il volume un ricco apparato iconografico e un profilo biografico dell'autore.
Steve Paxton: Drafting Interior Techniques is a collective reader/companion to Steve Paxton's life and work edited by Romain Bigé at the occasion of a retrospective exhibition that took place in Lisbon, Portugal. It offers contributions... more
Steve Paxton: Drafting Interior Techniques is a collective reader/companion to Steve Paxton's life and work edited by Romain Bigé at the occasion of a retrospective exhibition that took place in Lisbon, Portugal. It offers contributions from dancers, philosophers & dance theorists: Delfim Sardo, Romain Bigé, João Fiadeiro, Julie Perrin, Daniel Lepkoff, Bojana Cvejić, Alice Godfroy, Nancy Stark Smith, Hubert Godard, André Lepecki, Yvonne Rainer, Martin Nachbar, Ramsay Burt, Bebe Miller, Patricia Kuypers, Colleen Bartley, as well as a portfolio comprised of photographs by Babette Mangolte, Bill Arnold, Peter Moore, & many others.
- by Emma Bigé and +3
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- Improvisation, Dance Studies, Dancing, Phenomenology of Touch
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
With the publication of its first book, the Museum of Mormon History in Mexico is helping to initiate an era in which international Mormon history is produced and published in local languages by local people. Fernanco R. Gómez Páez,... more
With the publication of its first book, the Museum of Mormon History in Mexico is helping to initiate an era in which international Mormon history is produced and published in local languages by local people. Fernanco R. Gómez Páez, president of the museum, and Raymundo Gómez González, director of the museum, coauthor of this book, and an engineer, founded this independent museum to house the historical materials gathered by their aunt, Conseulo Gómez González, an influential early convert to Mormonism in Mexico. The publication of an intellectual biography of Plotino Constantino Rhodakanaty, the first member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Mexico, marks the expansion of their efforts from historical preservation to the production of local Mormon history. The title translated as "Mormon Eagle or Christian Anarchist" juxtaposes Rhodakanaty's prominent place in Mormon history with his significant role in Mexican intellectual history.
У анархистов есть веские причины скептически относиться к политическому представительству. Более того, анархистский взгляд на это явление органически вплетен в отношение людей к политике.
- by Pavlo Shopin
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- Anarchy
Panel presentation at the Prague Prefiguration Conference, Friday, October 22, 2021
Scheda analitica realizzata nell'ambito del corso di Relazioni Internazionali della prof.ssa Ruth Hanau Santini, che tratta dell'articolo di Alexander Wendt "L'anarchia è ciò che gli stati ne fanno" che ha aperto le porte al... more
Scheda analitica realizzata nell'ambito del corso di Relazioni Internazionali della prof.ssa Ruth Hanau Santini, che tratta dell'articolo di Alexander Wendt "L'anarchia è ciò che gli stati ne fanno" che ha aperto le porte al costruttivismo sociale all'interno della teoria delle Relazioni Internazionali.
Овој труд е мотивиран од присутните заблуди за значењето на анархизмот кои владеат во денешното општество. Широко распространето е поимањето на анархијата како синоним за хаос, неред, безредие, владеење на неморал. Меѓутоа, анархијата е... more
Овој труд е мотивиран од присутните заблуди за значењето на анархизмот кои владеат во денешното општество. Широко распространето е поимањето на анархијата како синоним за хаос, неред, безредие, владеење на неморал. Меѓутоа, анархијата е поим чиешто значење е токму спротивното.
Пананархисты-утописты Вольф (1878 или 1879–?) и Аба (1887–1964) Гордины, или просто Братья Гордины, как они сами себя называли, основали Союз Пяти Угнетенных (Личности, Рабочего, Женщины, Угнетенной нации и Молодежи), Первый центральный... more
Пананархисты-утописты Вольф (1878 или 1879–?) и Аба (1887–1964) Гордины, или просто Братья Гордины, как они сами себя называли, основали Союз Пяти Угнетенных (Личности, Рабочего, Женщины, Угнетенной нации и Молодежи), Первый центральный социотехникум и написали множество теоретических работ («Беседы с анархистом-философом», «Манифест Пананархистов», «Социомагия и социотехника» и др.), прозаических и поэтических произведений, воззваний, речей и заметок, публиковавшихся в газетах «Буревестник» и «Анархия». Расцвет их творческого тандема пришелся на 1917–1919 годы: Гордины принимали тогда активное участие в политической и литературной жизни России и существенно повлияли на анархистское движение и художественный авангард первой четверти ХХ века, но сегодня о них вспоминают крайне редко, а гординское наследие почти не изучается и не публикуется. Настоящее издание можно считать введением в творчество этих необычных авторов: оно содержит не только две главные утопии Гординых («Почему?» и «Страна Анархия»), но и методологическое приложение («Манифест Пананархистов»), которое поможет разобраться в особенностях гординского утопизма.
This book aims to establish the bond between Friedrich Nietzsche and the anarchists, through the apparatus of “elective affinity”, and to challenge the boundaries of several anarchist trends – especially “classical” and “post” anarchism –... more
This book aims to establish the bond between Friedrich Nietzsche and the anarchists, through the apparatus of “elective affinity”, and to challenge the boundaries of several anarchist trends – especially “classical” and “post” anarchism – and “ideologies” like anarchism and libertarian Marxism. Moreover, it highlights the importance of reading Nietzsche politically, in a radical way, to understand his utility for the contemporary anarchist movement.
The review of the literature concerning the Nietzsche-anarchy relationship shows the previously limited bibliography and stresses the possibility of exploring this connection, with the methodological help of Michael Löwy’s concept of “elective affinity”. The significance of this finding is that the relevant affinity may contribute to an alternative, to the dominant, perception of anarchism as an ideology. It may also designate its special features together with its weaknesses, meaning the objections of Nietzsche to certain aspects of the anarchist practices and worldview (violence, resentment, bad conscience), thus opening a whole new road of self-criticism for the anarchists of the twenty first century. In addition, the location and analysis of the elective affinity serves the debunking of the Nietzschean concepts used by conservative and right-wing readings in order to appropriate Nietzsche, and of the accusations that the German philosopher had unleashed against anarchists, which reveals his misunderstanding of anarchist politics.
The final part of this book applies the whole analysis above on a Nietzschean reading of the December ’08 revolt in Athens based on the “Of the Three Metamorphoses” discourse from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, offering an alternative view of the events that shook Greece and also had an important global impact.
What happens when symbolic and biological meet up? How can mental and material resonate? What is the transition from synaptic to cultural and vice versa? Or rather, what does it mean for us—plastic beings— to arrive at a point where we... more
In a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune (Trice 2014), while discussing how modern Native Americans have become culturally invisible in the United States, indigenous rapper Frank Waln stated “we’re a people with a past, not of the... more
In a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune (Trice 2014), while discussing how modern Native Americans have become culturally invisible in the United States, indigenous rapper Frank Waln stated “we’re a people with a past, not of the past.” This is a process he calls “symbolic annihilation.” In many ways, the Gallina invert Waln’s sentence. They were a people of the past but without a past. By purposely removing objects that referenced their place-based past, they removed their recent history to focus more fully on the period of the distant past (Basketmaker II) that was their atavistic ideal. They simultaneously removed themselves from history while wrapping themselves in their own version of the past. For this chapter, then, to reverse the standard archaeological gaze and view the Gallina as active producers and not just recipients of history, I used geosocial networks and architectural patterning to explore potential patterns in the archaeological record through the lens of social movements. The case study was conducted at the community level. The community data were synthesized in a bottom-up, diachronic, and cross-regional inquiry into the use of space and use of markers of place within and between Gallina communities. Thus, the Gallina are viewed as part of a historical continuum instead of merely within a spatially restricted culture area. From this perspective, they become much more than a culturally impoverished group that was pushed into poor resource areas at the margins of more demographically dense, culturally rich groups. Instead, when the non-local ceramics found in some Gallina households are interpreted as remnants of largely forgotten inscribed memory, they become a people with varied histories who chose to reject the northern Southwest’s changing social landscape by systematically removing their place-based connections to that history and then reworking their political and ideological world.
By taking a diachronic and network perspective, the Gallina become a people who chose their way in their world. Specifically, they decided to step out of a cultural and ideological trajectory diametrically opposed to their ideas on how life should be organized. Once socially and historically situated, the Gallina highlands look more like a place of refuge for people who were rebelling against political and religious changes in the northern Southwest than an area populated by simple folk unable to keep pace with their rapidly changing neighbors. The Gallina region suddenly becomes a much more complicated place—a diverse collection of people dedicated to creating a new community at the edges of their previous world, one with clear material connections to antecedent regional groups (see Simpson 2016) but with new architectural and artifactual forms (i.e., tri-notched axes and pointed-bottom vessels). However, they are not a hybrid group like the colonial resistors Homi K. Bhabha (1994) was describing when he redefined hybridity. Instead, as a product of their atavistic movement, they become hybrids through time. By appropriating the past for their own intentions, they become rebels in their present—pioneers of a future history.
Actas II Congreso Internacional de investigadorxs sobre anarquismo (s) Allí podrán encontrar 70 ponencias completas y la crónica de la mesa de debates sobre anarquismos y marxismos, las reseñas de 14 libros, la presentación del portal... more
Actas II Congreso Internacional de investigadorxs sobre anarquismo (s)
Allí podrán encontrar 70 ponencias completas y la crónica de la mesa de debates sobre anarquismos y marxismos, las reseñas de 14 libros, la presentación del portal Americalee del CeDInCI y una muestra de dibujos de Magalí Pastorino, un link para un spot con fotografías y otro hacia un documental, la presentación de la feria de publicaciones anarquistas y de dos cursos, en un caso, sobre feminismo, con algunas de las producciones surgidas de ese encuentro, y una crónica general a modo de introducción a las actas de este II Congreso Internacional de Investigadorxs sobre Anarquismos realizado en julio del año pasado en Montevideo.
Suman 1.200 páginas de materiales.
Comisión de Organización:
Adriana Miniño, Alicia Rebollo, Andrés Moyano, Daniel Amoedo, Daniel
Vidal, Federico Salas, Gerardo Garay, Gustavo Medina Pose, Ivanna
Margarucci, Josefa Sanes, Laura Fernández Cordero, Lucía Campanella,
Lucas Domínguez, Nadia Birriel, Pascual Muñoz, Sebastián Stavisky,
Yoseline González.
This entry examines the most prominent and historically relevant occurrences of piracy in this particular time period, with a focus on the Americas. Several different types of pirate are discussed, and distinctions are drawn between the... more
This entry examines the most prominent and historically relevant occurrences of piracy in this particular time period, with a focus on the Americas. Several different types of pirate are discussed, and distinctions are drawn between the various pirating periods. A thorough overview of historical pirate social organization is presented, with a focus on pirate economy and the democratic structures in place aboard freebooting vessels, and the entry concludes with an assessment of how Colonial Era pirates were perceived and punished.
''La scuola di Jasnaja Poljana in novembre e dicembre racconta un pezzo di vita della scuola per contadini diretta da Lev Tolstoj. L’interesse per questo genere di esperienze, da parte nostra, non è quello di chi sia in cerca di un... more
''La scuola di Jasnaja Poljana in novembre e dicembre racconta un pezzo di vita della scuola per contadini diretta da Lev Tolstoj. L’interesse per questo genere di esperienze, da parte nostra, non è quello di chi sia in cerca di un modello da riproporre. La critica dell’istituzione scolastica, che stiamo cercando di portare avanti, non può essere rinchiusa entro i confini della ricerca pedagogica: pensiamo che la separazione tra insegnanti e alunni, tra promossi e bocciati, tra licei e scuole professionali..'' (edizioni sprofessori -