Animal Farm Research Papers - (original) (raw)

English author George Orwell (1903-1950)'s novella Animal Farm novel entitled The Sultan of the Elephants and the Red-Bearded Lame Ant (1975) depicts elephants and ants in an anthropomorphic portrayal of totalitarianism. This study... more

English author George Orwell (1903-1950)'s novella Animal Farm novel entitled The Sultan of the Elephants and the Red-Bearded Lame Ant (1975) depicts elephants and ants in an anthropomorphic portrayal of totalitarianism. This study intends to disentangle two authors' socialist realist depiction thorough these works from distinct literatures. Therefore, the study aims at comparing and contrasting Orwell's and Kemal's selected works to indicate how socialist realism functions through the genre, characters and content in the works. The study applies for the tenets of socialist realist literature stated by Maxim Gorky (1868-1963), who is among the leading founders of socialist realist literary theory, to enrich the close reading of the selected works. The analysis indicates that although they appeared in content within the context of socialist realism. However, while Animal Farm warns against the betrayal of the revolution through his suspicious approach to the realisation of a socialist society, The Sultan of the Elephants and the Red-Bearded Lame Ant creates hope out of despair for a socialist society.

Translators' ideology permeates all non-technical translations, and the need to study the extent to which ideology plays a vital role in the manipulation of literary texts with a political edge is undoubtedly important. As of Iran, the... more

Translators' ideology permeates all non-technical translations, and the need to study the extent to which ideology plays a vital role in the manipulation of literary texts with a political edge is undoubtedly important. As of Iran, the state ideology has been changed from secular to religious (Islamic) after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This shift of ideology has influenced society in many facets, including language use. Therefore, individuals were encouraged to produce religious discourse to appear popular and this encouragement includes translation too (Amirdabbaghian 2019). This study aims to describe the ideological impact of the social situation (Islamic Revolution) in Iran on the translation of George Orwell's well-known political novel, Animal Farm (1945) into the Persian language. The research will apply van Dijk's (1998) theory of ideology and Lefevere's (1992) theory of translation, rewriting and manipulation of literary fame, to discuss the paratextual differences in both the source and target texts. The target text which has been chosen for the current research is Hosseini and Nabi Zadeh's (2003) version published by the Doostan publication in Tehran, Iran. Using the paratext of Animal Farm translated into Persian, this article makes an effort to prove that the translators' ideology influenced by their life experience, social status, and occupation as well as the situation and environment in the target language country may be revealed in the set of tactics used in translating the literary work, in the use of language and in the interpretation of the source text author's ideas expressed in the text.

Medya Okuryazarlığı dersi alan öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin bu derste edindikleri deneyimleri çeşitli medya mesajları üzerinde uygulamaları gerek dersin etkililiğinin analiz edilebilmesi gerek öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin medya... more

Medya Okuryazarlığı dersi alan öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin bu derste edindikleri deneyimleri çeşitli medya mesajları üzerinde uygulamaları gerek dersin etkililiğinin analiz edilebilmesi gerek öğretmen adayı öğrencilerin medya okuryazarlığı becerilerinin dinamik bir süreçte ortaya çıkarılabilmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu doğrultuda araştırmanın temel amacı, Medya Okuryazarlığı dersi alan öğrencilerin medyanın beş temel ilkesine dayalı olarak Hayvan Çiftliği filminin çözümlenmesine yönelik görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Araştırma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim çalışması çerçevesinde yürütülmüştür. Veri toplamak amacıyla Medyanın Beş İlkesi bağlamında hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcıları ölçüt örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 111 öğrenciden oluşmuştur. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, öğrencilerin büyük bir kısmı medyanın beş temel ilkesi bağlamında Hayvan Çiftliği filmini çözümlemişler, söz konusu medya mesajının kurgulanmışlığı, biçimi, güdüsü, içeriği, hedef kitlesiyle ilgili saptamalar yapabilmişlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra, katılımcıların görüşlerinde yer yer cinsiyete dayalı farklılaşmalar olduğu görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hayvan Çiftliği, Medya Okuryazarlığı, Medya İlkeleri
Teacher candidate students who take the course of Media Literacy applying their experiences on various media messages which they have acquired in this course is important in terms of both being able to analyse the course effectiveness and being able to show up their media literacy skills in a dynamic process. Accordingly, the main purpose of the research is to evaluate the opinions of the students who take Media Literacy course with regard to the analysis of a movie (Animal Farm) based on the five basic principles of the media. The research was carried out within the framework of phenomenology which is one of the qualitative research methods. A semi-structured interview form which is prepared in the context of the Five Principles of Media was used for collecting data. The respondents of the research were composed of 111 students who were selected by a criterion sampling method. A descriptive analysis was used to analyse the data. The results indicate that most of the students have analysed the movie in the context of these five fundamental principles of the media and were able to determine the fictionalization, form, motive, context, target audience of the media message in question. Beside this, it was seen that there are partly gender-based variations in the opinions of the respondents.

A literary criticism of Animal Farm by George Orwell, and the theme of intelligence throughout the story.

Any consideration of Animal Farm must start from the fact that the text is a fairy story. The feature of fable, defined by a millennial tradition, allows Orwell to write a work in which moral, social and political meaning transcends the... more

Any consideration of Animal Farm must start from the fact that the text is a fairy story. The feature of fable, defined by a millennial tradition, allows Orwell to write a work in which moral, social and political meaning transcends the historical events allegorically referred to, the Russian Revolution and its outcomes in Stalinism, to put itself in universal terms.
In this sense, Animal Farm can be read in the key of sociology and political philosophy by referring to Walter Benjamin’s Zur Kritik der Gewalt (Critique of Violence, 1921). In this essay Benjamin argues that the social order, and the legal order it expresses, is affirmed and preserved through violence. In the words of Benjamin, to the revolutionary moment, representing what he calls “divine violence”, follows the “mythical violence”: a connection between the “lawmaking” / “law-preserving” violence and the establishment of “the State power”.
This logical-dialectical oscillation is exemplified in Animal Farm. At the promise of a happy society for the animals liberated, with the uprising against the master, follows the slow and unstoppable establishment of a dictatorship of some of them, the pigs, on all the others.
The decisive point in this process is the writing of the 7 commandments: the fundamental rules of the new social order that represent the Law as the guarantor of the order itself and the source of the social memory. Even before the use of repressive violence, represented by dogs at their service, pigs employ a subtle violence by intervening on the commandments and modifying the contents to their advantage. The manipulation of the legal sphere coincides with the manipulation of social memory.
Animal Farm is, in this perspective, a complex allegory of social order developed on multiple levels. It is a fairy tale in the sense of Phaedrus: a “slave’s tale”, we could say: a story written by the losers of History. It is a narrative representation of the “force of law” in Derrida's sense: “a performative and therefore interpretative violence” affirmed through writing and related to the “mystical foundation of authority”. And, lastly, it is a bitter apologue on the distance that always separates Justice from Law and the consideration of Law as an instrument of power, domination and oppression.

กาารปริทัศน์นี้ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของรายวิชา PO312: POLITICS AND PUBLIC LAW

EDITION 21-1 Farm der Tiere : ein Märchen / George Orwell. Mit einem Essay "Die Pressefreiheit" ("The freedom of the press") und einem Vorwort zur ukrainischen Ausgabe 1947. Aus dem Englischen übers. von Ulrich Blumenbach. Nachwort von... more

EDITION 21-1 Farm der Tiere : ein Märchen / George Orwell. Mit einem Essay "Die Pressefreiheit" ("The freedom of the press") und einem Vorwort zur ukrainischen Ausgabe 1947. Aus dem Englischen übers. von Ulrich Blumenbach. Nachwort von Eva Menasse.-München : Manesse-Verlag, 2021.-187 S. ; 22 cm.-Einheits-sacht.: Animal farm <dt.>.-ISBN 978-3-7175-2518-9 : EUR 18.00 [#7270] Neben dem berühmten anti-utopischen Roman 1984 1 ist das wohl bekann-teste Buch George Orwells (1903-1950) die Erzählung Farm der Tiere, die früher regelmäßig Schullektüre war und eine gute Vorlage für die Diskussion grundlegender politisch-gesellschaftlicher Fragen darstellte. 2 Es war zu erwarten gewesen, daß nach dem Ende des Copyrights auf die zu Lebzeiten erschienenen Bücher von Orwell, der eigentlich Eric Arthur Blair hieß, neue Ausgaben und Übersetzungen erscheinen würden. Daß es allerdings so viele Konkurrenzausgaben sein würden, wie sie jetzt vorliegen, 1 Siehe z. B. die folgenden Neuübersetzungen 1984 / George Orwell. Aus dem Englischen übers. von Gisbert Haefs. Nachwort von Mirko Bonné.-München : Manesse-Verlag, 2021.-442 S. ; 22 cm.-Einheitssacht.: 1984 <dt.>.-ISBN 978-3-7175-2518-9 : EUR 22.00 [#7269].-1984 : Roman / George Orwell. Aus dem Englischen neu übers., mit einem Nachwort, Anmerkungen und einer Zeittafel von Lutz-W. Wolff. Mit einem Vorwort von Robert Habeck.-Neuübersetzung.-Mün-chen : dtv, 2021.-414 S. ; 21 cm.-Einheitssacht.: Nineteen eighty-four <dt.>.-ISBN 978-3-423-28232-1 : EUR 24.00 [#7312].-Rezensionen beider Titel in IFB sind vorgesehen. 2 Eine weitere neue Übersetzung ist Farm der Tiere : ein Märchen / George Or-well. Aus dem Englischen neu übers., mit einem Nachwort, Anmerkungen und ei-ner Zeittafel von Lutz-W. Wolff. Mit einem Vorwort von Ilija Trojanow.-Neuüber-setzung.-München : dtv, 2021.-191 S. ; 21 cm.-Einheitssacht.: Animal farm <dt.>.-ISBN 978-3-423-28266-6 : EUR 20.00 [#7313].-Rez.: IFB 21-1

It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader’s bad use of absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which... more

It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader’s bad use of absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which culminates in suffering and oppression of simple and naive people in the Soviet Union. The language used in Animal Farm was not known by the majority and this leads to threat through different principles and laws. This enabled the leaders to exploit the others for their greedy desires and to do abnormal actions. As a result of the use of a vague language and the implementation of fear tactics then creating laws to help them to manipulate others, they could convince them and then they invented lies at the interest of leaders. Yet the others due to their simplicities were easily convinced, while power could be used to serve the entire population of the Soviet Union. The study uses historical approach for the analysis of the research.

This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human exploitation; b)... more

This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human exploitation; b) the expulsion of man and the establishment of democracy; and c) the gradual deterioration into a totalitarian state. The goals for which the animals have rebelled are soon mystified by the pigs, who claim to be the "brain workers" of the farm, take privileges while exploiting the "lower animals", and continuously modify the law of the farm to suit their purposes. A critical discourse analysis is carried out to elucidate the process of manipulation by analyzing such ploys as generic statements, modality, forms of reference and address, and rewording. Such an analysis aims at highlighting the tools of domination, the language of mystification and rationalization of inequality used by the pigs to undermine the lower animals' authority over their own judgment and keep them under control. Eventually the pigs represent all "the vices of man" for which the rebellion started: injustice and abuse of power. As many of the ploys used by the pigs are true to totalitarian states, a study of the discourse of manipulation should be helpful in raising consciousness essential to the establishment of real democracy.

It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader's bad use of absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which... more

It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader's bad use of absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which culminates in suffering and oppression of simple and naïve people in the Soviet Union. The language used in Animal Farm was not known by the majority and this leads to threat through different principles and laws. This enabled the leaders to exploit the others for their greedy desires and to do abnormal actions. As a result of the use of a vague language and the implementation of fear tactics then creating laws to help them to manipulate others, they could convince them and then they invented lies at the interest of leaders. Yet the others due to their simplicities were easily convinced, while power could be used to serve the entire population of the Soviet Union. The study uses historical approach for the analysis of the research.

George Orwell - Journalist, Critic and a Socialist, wrote to give awareness of social injustice and present opposition to totalitarianism. Althusser says, "Art 'makes us see', in a distanced way, 'the ideology from which it is born, in... more

George Orwell - Journalist, Critic and a Socialist, wrote to give awareness of social injustice and present opposition to totalitarianism. Althusser says, "Art 'makes us see', in a distanced way, 'the ideology from which it is born, in which it bathes, from which it detaches itself as art, and to which it alludes'." Orwell's novella Animal Farm makes us see that. It is an allegory about the history of Soviet Union and Russian Revolution, in particular and revolution along with exploiters and the exploited, in general. Orwell's aim was to unleash the reality and guide those misguided ones; the ones who were instructed and interpellated. He, through this fable, has shown that the ideas of the original founders of the Revolution had been betrayed and the workers were maltreated by Communist government as they had been by Tsar who was overthrown in 1917.

Historia en cuarto curso de Educación Secundaria dentro de un programa bilingüe 1

In the beginning chapters of the research I have tried to lay the ground for the root and nature of revolutions and how everything starts. The focus is on the ideologies, movements, and conditions that are necessary, or are the... more

In the beginning chapters of the research I have tried to lay the ground for the root and nature of revolutions and how everything starts. The focus is on the ideologies, movements, and conditions that are necessary, or are the circumstances and causes of the sparkling of world historical revolutions. Understanding these range of circumstances and ideologies aids in drawing a crystal picture about reforms and their outcomes.
Modernism, Marxism, Communism, and Socialism are the 19th and 20th century movements and ideologies that paved the way for many rebellions and brought about huge reforms in world societies and governments, either for better or worse. These concepts are elastic terms that different countries and politics used it differently to shape their needs, but reality is people cannot be fooled forever. And world’s greatest advancements are due to the light and goodness in people’s mind, not sneaky and evil politics.
Throughout the second chapter my efforts are to portray the life of the great writer Eric Blair, George Orwell, and to draw links between the events of his life and his narration in Animal Farm; so as to present the influence of one’s life age events from childhood to adultness on his life, ideology, and production. In this case, Blair’s life event and motives on writing his masterpieces Animal Farm and Nineteen-Eighty-Four.
The Main focus of the paper is on drawing a realistic picture based on world revolutions on the nature and course of revolutions. Revolutions have always been part of our history, mostly bloody and devastating. My quest on the research is on finding out a common pattern between the current and past revolutions, and whether they have pushed our world forward and created real reforms or left us with more problem to deal with. Or whether there could have been any other way to create social and political reform without violence, and revolution; Animal Farm as a case study for efforts on creating a utopian society.

Orwell's famous fictions, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four criticized totalitarian forms of socialism from a Public Choice perspective, assuming that socialism would work as an economic system as long as the proper political... more

Orwell's famous fictions, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four criticized totalitarian forms of socialism from a Public Choice perspective, assuming that socialism would work as an economic system as long as the proper political institutions were in place to curb the potential for the abuse of power. This is contrasted with two novels by others who took the opposite approach: Richter's Pictures of the Socialistic Future and Hazlitt's Time Will Run Back. These two assumed that the political implementation of socialism would be perfect but that socialism would necessarily turn totalitarian because of the problem of economic calculation. These novels assumed away the Public Choice problem of institutions and the abuse of power and focused on the political implications of socialism as a purely economic system. Contrasting these two sets of novels shows how the Austrian and Public Choice schools criticize socialism in two entirely different ways.

The first and only translation into Uzbek (that I am aware of) of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" - translated by Sanobar Karimova, my former Uzbek language teacher) and I and published in the Uzbek language journal "Jahon Adabiyoti" (World... more

The first and only translation into Uzbek (that I am aware of) of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" - translated by Sanobar Karimova, my former Uzbek language teacher) and I and published in the Uzbek language journal "Jahon Adabiyoti" (World Literature).

Everybody knows the disappearing animal trick: rabbit goes into the hat, magician waves wand, and presto! The magician displays an empty hat. Simplistic though it sounds, this old act illustrates how literary critics historically have... more

Everybody knows the disappearing animal trick: rabbit goes into the hat, magician waves wand, and presto! The magician displays an empty hat. Simplistic though it sounds, this old act illustrates how literary critics historically have rendered the animal a non-issue. Reading animals as metaphors, always as figures of and for the human, is a process that likewise ends with the human alone on the stage. 1 Now you see the animal in the text, now you don't. Researchers informed by cross-disciplinary discussions of how animals and animality more actively support the structures of human subjectivity do not necessarily dispel the magic of this method. Since the 1980s, deconstructive literary theory in particular has worked to elaborate the operations of animality at the heart of identity, or, in literary terms, human subjectivity, in modernist narratives. Often animal elements in this approach appear significant to texts only ever in relation to human subjectivity, so that literature seems to reify cultural critic John Berger's infamous claim that "animals are disappearing" in modernity (14). From this standpoint, literature, as both discipline and textual archive, would appear to be working at odds with animal studies, other approaches to the complicated ways in which animals function as social and textual agents.

George Orwell is famous for his two final fictions, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. These two works are sometimes understood to defend capitalism against socialism. But as Orwell was a committed socialist, this could not have been... more

George Orwell is famous for his two final fictions, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. These two works are sometimes understood to defend capitalism against socialism. But as Orwell was a committed socialist, this could not have been his intention. Orwell's criticisms were directed not against socialism per se but against the Soviet Union and similarly totalitarian regimes. Instead, these fictions were intended as Public Choice-style investigations into which political systems furnished suitable incentive structures to prevent the abuse of power. This is demonstrated through a study of Orwell's non-fiction works, where his opinions and intentions are more explicit.

has argued that even though reading benefits cognitive, social and emotional development, students need a critical understanding of the world they live in and the cultural environment they are part of, and need to know about the processes... more

has argued that even though reading benefits cognitive, social and emotional development, students need a critical understanding of the world they live in and the cultural environment they are part of, and need to know about the processes by which meanings are conveyed and the way(s) in which literary texts carry values and maintain dominant ideologies. This is the focus of this paper, to reveal what 'excellent teaching' appears like in schools today, through a critical text analysis of the novella 'Animal Farm' and its relating New York notes revision guide, revealing and analysing how it transmits hidden messages and values surrounding social class. Ultimately questioning whether modern teaching practice should be founded upon either traditional or critical pedagogy. 'Critical pedagogy' (CP) is a diverse ideology which possesses numerous adherents, viewpoints and versions. A concept which is challenging to capture within a single definition due to its diverse and multi-dimensional nature (Breuing

This study aims to evaluate the Persian translation of an English literary text, namely, Animal Farm which was written by George Orwell in 1945 and translated by Ali Akbar Akhondi in 2004. Firstly, literary Translation and its relevant... more

This study aims to evaluate the Persian translation of an English literary text, namely, Animal Farm which was written by George Orwell in 1945 and translated by Ali Akbar Akhondi in 2004. Firstly, literary Translation and its relevant issues will be explicated. Then, a brief biography of George Orwell and a short introduction of the fiction illustrated. After that, some aspects of Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) will be elaborated. Through this study, a Persian translation of the above-mentioned English literary work is going to be evaluated based on Baker’s taxonomy of translation. The present research recognizes two paragraphs of the fiction to analyze in accordance with aforementioned theory. Baker's Taxonomy considers five levels for equivalences named Word level, above word level, Grammatical level, Textual level and Pragmatic level. Finally, a conclusion is drawn based on the assessment of the Persian translation of Animal Farm and frequencies and percentages will be calculated in terms of five equivalents.

This paper intends to critically approach totalitarian mentalities through a literary analysis. To do so, the novel Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell will be used. Firstly, it will be argued that the drive for power is both a... more

This paper intends to critically approach totalitarian mentalities through a literary analysis. To do so, the novel Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell will be used. Firstly, it will be argued that the drive for power is both a fundamental cause of totalitarianism and its main tool to maintain it. In the examination of ‘power’, this approach will be supported by Louis Althusser’s hypothesis on ideology, which is found in his work entitled On the Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1968). On the other hand, it will be argued that a George Orwell’s oriented contemporary narrative can be found in the lyrics from Pink Floyd’s album Animals (1977) (Svitavský 37-38). Thus, this research will highlight intertextual commonalities between the lyrics written by the
well-known author Roger Waters and Orwell’s Animal Farm. The representative dimension of animals in the context of totalitarian mindsets will also be discussed. Finally, in the last section, within the frame of Ernst Bloch’s The Principle of Hope (1954) and examining the possibility of a counternarrative against totalitarianism, the main difference between Orwell’s and Water ‘s attitude towards hope will be underscored.

Dalam penelitian ini saya akan menggunakan karya George Orwell yang berjudul Animal Farm . karya ini pertama kali dipublikasikan pada 17 agustus 1945, dan novel ini dipercaya sebagai bentuk kisah atau dokumen yang menuliskan kejadian... more

Dalam penelitian ini saya akan menggunakan karya George Orwell yang berjudul Animal Farm . karya ini pertama kali dipublikasikan pada 17 agustus 1945, dan novel ini dipercaya sebagai bentuk kisah atau dokumen yang menuliskan kejadian -kejadian yang terjadi pada refolusi Rusia pada tahun 1917 atau juga disebut dengan era Stalin. Karya ini dikatakan sebagai kritikan lansung George Orwell terhadap Joseph Stalin yang dianggap memiliki system pemerintahan yang sangat dictator. George Orwell dalam karya nya tidak hanya diposisikan sebagai penulis saja tetapi dia juga secara tidak lansung dipengaruh oleh pola pandang nya sebagai seorang jurnalis.

At a gathering of the world's leading Economists in 2001, post-September 11th, the agenda was to reconsider the meaning of the rule of law, in light of the extraordinary measures undertaken by the United States government, and demanded by... more

At a gathering of the world's leading Economists in 2001, post-September 11th, the agenda was to reconsider the meaning of the rule of law, in light of the extraordinary measures undertaken by the United States government, and demanded by the US from states of the world. Professor Gilbert Morris was selected to make the 'philosophical case' , to an audience that included 4 Nobel Laureates. The mood of the event was uncertain, as Dr. Friedman warned of: "a cloud of Orwellianism that could unravel the West's greatest achievements and set the stage for creeping autocracy". Professor Gary Becker of University of Chicago and Randy Barnett of NYU echoed these sentiments. Here below is the transcription of the lecture by Professor Morris to that august assemblage.

In this essay, I would like to explore religious text and subtext in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Of particular interest are the Seven Commandments devised by the animals to represent the spirit of their new belief system / religion. In... more

In this essay, I would like to explore religious text and subtext in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Of particular interest are the Seven Commandments devised by the animals to represent the spirit of their new belief system / religion. In naming the laws as such, Orwell surely meant to invite comparisons to that famous list of rules found in the Bible, as given by God to Moses. Therefore, it might be worth exploring how the animals' guidelines comment on or critique the Ten Commandments, and how the process of creating, interpreting, and changing them reflects, perhaps, the influence of the Commandments on Western society. I am especially interested in questions of legitimacy, in how the animals' collective efforts to draw up a list of laws contrasts with the ancient Israelites’ passive reception of them. Is there a difference between the laws we create, and those that are handed down to us by prophets, deities, or human nature? Orwell had a famously complicated relationship with organized religion, attending Mass regularly even as he professed atheistic views. Moses, the raven, has attracted a great deal of critical attention over the years, but I think there is much more to religion in Animal Farm than a single character.

This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell&#39;s Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human... more

This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell&#39;s Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human exploitation; b) the expulsion of man and the establishment of democracy; and c) the gradual deterioration into a totalitarian state. The goals for which the animals have rebelled are soon mystified by the pigs, who claim to be the &quot;brain workers&quot; of the farm, take privileges while exploiting the &quot;lower animals&quot;, and continuously modify the law of the farm to suit their purposes. A critical discourse analysis is carried out to elucidate the process of manipulation by analyzing such ploys as generic statements, modality, forms of reference and address, and rewording. Such an analysis aims at highlighting the tools of domination, the language of mystification and rationalization of inequality used by the pigs to undermine the lower animals&#39; authority over their own judgment and keep them under control. Eventually the pigs represent all &quot;the vices of man&quot; for which the rebellion started: injustice and abuse of power. As many of the ploys used by the pigs are true to totalitarian states, a study of the discourse of manipulation should be helpful in raising consciousness essential to the establishment of real democracy.

The paper presents various forms of restriction of freedom of speech and discrediting, mainly from the left-wing media, which George Orwell experienced in his life. The most important experience was the Spanish Civil War where he first... more

The paper presents various forms of restriction of freedom of speech and discrediting, mainly from the left-wing media, which George Orwell experienced in his life. The most important experience was the Spanish Civil War where he first met the lies of communist propaganda about the POUM formation in which he fought. Then, the text describes Orwell's struggles to publish "Animal Farm". Despite the formal lack of censorship, many publishers refused to publish the book, fearing the then British government allied with the USSR. The last novel – "1984" also met with criticism from some left-wing circles. The well-known Trotskyist Isaac Dutscher, in order to discredit Orwell, completely blamed him for the plagiarism of Zamyatin’s novel – "We".

Equality is a relationship between man and man. It’s one of mankind's ultimate ideal. In an equal society, there is no division of classes, wealth or power. This was the predominant goal of the Russian Revolution as well as the animal... more

Equality is a relationship between man and man. It’s one of mankind's ultimate ideal. In an equal society, there is no division of classes, wealth or power. This was the predominant goal of the Russian Revolution as well as the animal revolution in the story Animal Farms. The thought of having an equal society is admirable, though it’s only a fantasy.

"In this country, intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face, and that fact does not seem to me to have had the discussion it deserves." This is how George Orwell writes to us, in an introduction that he... more

"In this country, intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face, and that fact does not seem to me to have had the discussion it deserves."
This is how George Orwell writes to us, in an introduction that he sought to attach to the book "Animal Farm" when it was published. The Introduction was shelved and was not published until after his death in 1972, named "The Freedom of the Press". The book itself, Animal Farm, was published in 1945 and is considered one of the most important political allegories, satire, and dystopias published in the twentieth century. The difficulty of finding a publisher for the book encouraged Orwell to write a condemnation of the intellectual cowardice of publishers, writers, and journalists.

In this study, the concepts of the “the other” and “othering” in George Orwell's novel named Animal Farm is analyzed with an imagological approach using the method of sociological analysis. Animal Farm is an allegorical novel written... more

In this study, the concepts of the “the other” and “othering” in George Orwell's novel named Animal Farm is analyzed with an imagological approach using the method of sociological analysis. Animal Farm is an allegorical novel written as a tribute to socialist revolution in Russia, in which each character represents the person and events involved in the revolution. In this novel, Orwell conveyed the story of the farm owner and a group of farm animals who rebelled against his management system and built their own society by their own rules, in the context of his critique of socialism. In novel, the establishment of a new consciousness by animals with the elements provided by the hegemonic order have a meaning by the existence of a hierarchical ideology. The author, who is known to be ideologically prone to socialism, has based his reference and reviews to " the other" by referring to the negative aspects of more than one government and management systems. Within this con...

Translators’ ideology permeates all non-technical translations, and the need to study the extent to which ideology plays a vital role in the manipulation of literary texts with a political edge is undoubtedly important. As of Iran, the... more

Translators’ ideology permeates all non-technical translations, and the need to study the extent to which ideology plays a vital role in the manipulation of literary texts with a political edge is undoubtedly important. As of Iran, the state ideology has been changed from secular to religious (Islamic) after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This shift of ideology has influenced society in many facets, including language use. Therefore, individuals were encouraged to produce religious discourse to appear popular and this encouragement includes translation too (Amirdabbaghian 2019). This study aims to describe the ideological impact of the social situation (Islamic Revolution) in Iran on the translation of George Orwell’s well-known political novel, Animal Farm (1945) into the Persian language. The research will apply van Dijk’s (1998) theory of ideology and Lefevere’s (1992) theory of translation, rewriting and manipulation of literary fame, to discuss the paratextual differences in both...