Asylum and refugees studies, migration and integration Research Papers (original) (raw)
Table of Contents and English Abstract of my 1978 Hebrew University PhD-thesis
This publication - The Balkan Human Corridor - is a collection of essays from scholars and opinion makers in Southeast Europe. Contributing authors explore some of the thorniest issues concerning national capacity and security. Our... more
This publication - The Balkan Human Corridor - is a
collection of essays from scholars and opinion
makers in Southeast Europe. Contributing authors
explore some of the thorniest issues concerning national
capacity and security. Our publication is offered to
policy-makers in concerned countries, as well as
leaders in Northern and Western Europe who are
grappling with the national and collective response to
the crisis. The publication is part of a broader project
undertaken by the Program on Peace-building and
Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study
of Human Rights. The ‚Southeast Europe Dialogue
Project‛ fosters contact, communication, and
cooperation between officials, politicians, journalists,
and civil society in Athens and Skopje. The Project
seeks to derive practical benefits for civil society. It also
tries to create an improved climate conducive to
resolution of bilateral issue.
Na terenie okupowanych Niemiec, a następnie w RFN, funkcjonowało wiele cennych i ważnych inicjatyw środowiska polskich uchodźców. Do grona najciekawszych i najcenniejszych można zaliczyć działalność Komitetu Obrony... more
Na terenie okupowanych Niemiec, a następnie w RFN, funkcjonowało wiele cennych i ważnych inicjatyw środowiska polskich uchodźców. Do grona najciekawszych i najcenniejszych można zaliczyć działalność Komitetu Obrony Solidarności/Towarzystwa Solidarność w Berlinie Zachod- nim, które prowadziło działalność wydawniczą, publicystyczną oraz wspierało podziemie soli- darnościowe w PRL. Wielopłaszczyznowa aktywność tej organizacji, mimo dużego znaczenia dla środowiska uchodźców oraz opozycji w PRL, pozostaje niesłusznie zapomnianą inicjatywą.
Based on narratives of asylum-seekers from sub-Saharan Africa in northern Italy, in this article I analyze the narrative strategies used by immigrants to meet the eligibility criteria established by asylum law. For many of them, this... more
Based on narratives of asylum-seekers from sub-Saharan Africa in northern Italy, in this article I analyze the narrative strategies used by immigrants to meet the eligibility criteria established by asylum law. For many of them, this means " arranging " biographical details within what I call " a moral economy of lying. " The first question I discuss is what types of experience and 'subject positions' these narrative strategies reveal or generate. I then examine the arbitrariness and the bureaucratic violence of the asylum evaluation process, and the role of these procedures in the making of nation-language and current technologies of citizenship. Finally, I consider the politics of testification, recognition, and memory these discourses and practices combine to shape. I analyze these issues from an historical point of view of the politics of identity, truth, and falsehood as imposed in a recent past by colonizers onto the colonized.
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles:
* 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson
* 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel Boubekeur and Samir Amghar
* 'The Southern Gate to Fortress Europe' by Rutvica Andrijasevic
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la Unión Europea, concretamente la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y la Directiva de Procedimiento. El objetivo es determinar si Hungría mediante el rechazo en frontera de los refugiados, así como mediante la imposición de sanciones penales por el cruce ilegal, según la normativa húngara, de frontera, vendría a estar violando dicho de derecho a solicitar asilo. La confirmación de dicha violación, junto con la posible confirmación de las violaciones relativas a los procedimientos de asilo señaladas por la Comisión Europea en la carta de emplazamiento enviada a Hungría en 2015, planteamos podría permitir considerar a Hungría como país " no seguro " siendo de aplicación el artículo 3.2 del Reglamento de Dublín. Summary: This paper analyzes the existence of a right to seek asylum both, in the territory of the State and in the border of the State. For this purpose the international regulations on the matter, and the regulations of the European Union (namely the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Directive of Procedure) are taken into consideration. The aim is to determine whether Hungary through the border rejection of refugees, as well as by imposing criminal penalties for the illegal crossing, according to the Hungarian legislation, would violate the right to seek asylum. The confirmation of such a violation, along with the possible confirmation of violations concerning asylum procedures outlined by the European Commission in the letter of formal notice sent to Hungary in 2015, could allow considering Hungary as a " non-safe " country and applying article 3.2 of the Dublin Regulation.
l testo riporta i risultati principali dello studio condotto in Italia per conto dell’EMN nei mesi di aprile-ottobre 2014, con alcuni aggiornamenti. Il quadro nazionale delle pratiche è stato costruito sulla base delle disposizioni in... more
l testo riporta i risultati principali dello studio condotto in Italia per conto dell’EMN nei mesi di aprile-ottobre 2014, con alcuni aggiornamenti. Il quadro nazionale delle pratiche è stato costruito sulla base delle disposizioni in vigore e della pratica dell’intervento sociale. In particolare hanno costituito la base informativa principale dello studio le informazioni raccolte dai siti ufficiali oltre che le disposizioni di Legge. Inoltre è stata svolta un’indagine di campo e sono stati consultati una serie di documenti ufficiali. La parte di intervento pratico e le procedure a livello locale sono
state ricostruite anche sulla base del prezioso lavoro di collaborazione con operatori sociali.
Dit boekje komt voort uit actieonderzoek. Veel professionals hebben eraan bijgedragen. Deze handleiding is voor Professionals én Immigranten in Nederland die met cultuurverschillen te maken hebben. De samenstellers zijn zelf immigranten... more
Dit boekje komt voort uit actieonderzoek. Veel professionals hebben eraan bijgedragen.
Deze handleiding is voor Professionals én Immigranten in Nederland die met cultuurverschillen te maken hebben.
De samenstellers zijn zelf immigranten in Spanje en hebben geleerd om met de plaatselijke gewoonten om te gaan.
The article argues that the applicability and value of “skills” depend to a considerable degree on the way in which a person enters a country. Based on a study on potential university students with refugee backgrounds, it shows how... more
The article argues that the applicability and value of “skills” depend to a considerable degree on the way in which a person enters a country. Based on a study on potential university students with refugee backgrounds, it shows how difficult it can be to transfer skills through the migration channel of asylum in Switzerland and how social and cultural capital may be reduced. The space in which asylum seekers live and operate is restricted in such intersecting fields as mobility, time, finances, languages, or access to information. In addition, the educational system has regulations regarding recognition. The article raises questions as to how education systems in the destination countries recognize, integrate and develop skills. It makes the case for re-assessing the very term “highly skilled”, along with the notions and associations that surround it, as an empirical object of research, rather than accepting it as a category in its own right.
Since the start of the conflict in Syria in 2011, Syrian refugee children have withstood violence, uncertainty, fear, trauma and loss. This book follows their journeys by bringing together scholars and practitioners to reflect on how to... more
Since the start of the conflict in Syria in 2011, Syrian refugee children have withstood violence, uncertainty, fear, trauma and loss. This book follows their journeys by bringing together scholars and practitioners to reflect on how to make their situation better and to get this knowledge to as many front liners – across European and neighbouring countries in the Middle East – as possible.
The book is premised on the underlying conception of refugee children as not merely a vulnerable contingent of the displaced Syrian population, but one that possesses a certain agency for change and progress. In this vein, the various contributions aim to not just de-securitize the ‘conversation’ on migration that frequently centres on the presumed insecurity that refugees personify. They also de-securitize the figure and image of the refugee. Through the stories of the youngest and most vulnerable, they demonstrate that refugee children are not mere opaque figures on whom we project our insecurities. Instead, they embody potentials and opportunities for progress that we need to nurture, as young refugees find themselves compelled to both negotiate the practical realities of a life in exile, and situate themselves in changing and unfamiliar socio-cultural contexts. Drawing on extensive field research, this edited volume points in the direction of a new rights based framework which will safeguard the future of these children and their well-being.
Offering a comparative lens between approaches to tackling refugees in the Middle East and Europe, this book will appeal to students and scholars of refugees and migration studies and human rights, as well as anyone with an interest in the Middle East or Europe.
Das Papier fasst die ‚moralische Panik‘ (Cohen), die um sexuellen Übergriffe in der Kölner Sylvesternacht 2015/15 entstanden ist, als ‚Ereignis‘ im Sinne von Deleuze, nämlich als die Gleichzeitigkeit nicht zusammenpassender Elemente,... more
Das Papier fasst die ‚moralische Panik‘ (Cohen), die um sexuellen Übergriffe in der Kölner Sylvesternacht 2015/15 entstanden ist, als ‚Ereignis‘ im Sinne von Deleuze, nämlich als die Gleichzeitigkeit nicht zusammenpassender Elemente, wobei im vorliegenden Fall die Geichzeitigkeit von Sexismus und Rassismus gemeint sind. Die oft nicht gesehene Intersektionalität beider Diskriminierungspraktiken wird in vier Perspektiven behandelt: 1. Ethnisierung von Sexismus, 2. Ethnosexistische Bilderpolitiken, 3. Vergeschlechtlichung migrationsfeindlicher Sicherheitsdispositive und 4. Neufassung eines spätmodernen Sexualitätsdispositivs. Es geht in dem Artikel darum, der spaltenden Logik von Opferkonkurrenzen entgegenzuwirken.
Civil War in Syria created a large scale humanitarian crisis causing a mass human migration up to seven million in total. The largest neighboring country-Turkey has the greatest number of Syrian refugees exceeding 2.7 million. In the... more
Civil War in Syria created a large scale humanitarian crisis causing a mass human migration up to seven million in total. The largest neighboring country-Turkey has the greatest number of Syrian refugees exceeding 2.7 million. In the expectation of a quick resolution for the conflict and sending the immigrants back, the host country has taken only palliative temporary actions. This study investigates the options that Turkey has for the immigration problem. Elaborating on integration techniques for immigrants, the paper suggests possible policies for implementation of social integration in the future decades. Based on strategic management principles, the author presents advantages and disadvantages of integration, maintenance of status quo, and prevention of immigration.
The paper reviews migration processes in Poland, both emigration and immigration from late 1980s to 2018 in the context of country’s European integration, demography and labour market shifts. Also it tracks the evolution of Poland’s... more
The paper reviews migration processes in Poland, both emigration and immigration from late 1980s to 2018 in the context of country’s European integration, demography and labour market shifts. Also it tracks the evolution of Poland’s migration policy and highlights the emigration and immigration trends that would be significant in the nearest future.
Η Ελλάδα μετά τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 80 μεταβάλλεται από χώρα εξόδου σε χώρα εισόδου, και τα δεδομένα των τελευταίων απογραφών το επιβεβαιώνουν: Οι αλλοδαποί ανέρχονται στην απογραφή του 1981 σε 180.000 άτομα (εκ των οποίων 63% από... more
Η Ελλάδα μετά τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 80 μεταβάλλεται από χώρα εξόδου σε χώρα εισόδου, και τα δεδομένα των τελευταίων απογραφών το επιβεβαιώνουν: Οι αλλοδαποί ανέρχονται στην απογραφή του 1981 σε 180.000 άτομα (εκ των οποίων 63% από τις πλέον ανεπτυγμένες χώρες αποτελώντας λιγότερο από το 2% του συνολικού πληθυσμού). Μια δεκαετία αργότερα, στην απογραφή του 1991, ο πληθυσμός τους δεν μεταβάλλεται σημαντικά, αν και οι προερχόμενοι από τις πλέον ανεπτυγμένες χώρες αποτελούν λιγότερο από το 50% του συνόλου. Στην απογραφή του 2001 όμως ο αριθμός τους υπερ-τετραπλασιάζεται , καθώς καταγράφονται πλέον 762.000 άτομα μη έχοντα την ελληνική υπηκοότητα (7% του πληθυσμού της χώρας μας που εγγίζει πλέον τα 11 εκ.), ενώ το 2011, στην τελευταία απογραφή, ο πληθυσμός τους ανέρχεται πλέον στις 912.000, αυξημένος κατά 150 χιλ. σε σχέση με το 2001 (Πίνακας 1).
Η χώρα μας, στις αρχές της τρέχουσας δεκαετίας ελάχιστα πλέον διαφοροποιείται άλλων νοτιο-ευρωπαϊκών χωρών που από παραδοσιακές και εμβληματικές χώρες εξαγωγής μεταναστών μετατράπηκαν τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες σε χώρες υποδοχής. Οι εισροές προς τις μεσογειακές χώρες –συνεχίσθηκαν μέχρι τα μέσα -τέλη της δεκαετίας του 2000, εξαιτίας α) της κριτικής οικονομικής και πολιτικής κατάσταση των χωρών προέλευσης και της ζήτησης σε εργατικό δυναμικό ενός άδηλου τομέα της οικονομίας που αναπαραγόταν διευρυμένα μέχρι την ανάδυση της πρόσφατης κρίσης, και β) της γεωγραφικής εγγύτητάς τους με τις χώρες προέλευσης (ως και της σχετικής ευκολίας πρόσβασης λόγω της δυσκολίας φύλαξης των θαλασσίων τους συνόρων). Είναι προφανές ότι η μεταστροφή αυτή των μεταναστευτικών ρευμάτων είχε άμεσες συνέπειες και στις δημογραφικές μας εξελίξεις. Η μαζική είσοδος νέων κυρίως ατόμων σε αναζήτηση εργασίας συνέτεινε εκτός των άλλων στην επιβράδυνση της γήρανσης του πληθυσμού της Ελλάδας, σε αύξηση της γεννητικότητάς του και στην τόνωση της δημογραφικής δυναμικότητάς του, καθώς στην αύξηση του αριθμού των αλλοδαπών αποδίδεται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά η αύξηση του πληθυσμού μας ανάμεσα στο 1991 και το 2011.
Την τελευταία περίοδο, εξαιτίας της έκρυθμης κατάστασης σε μια σειρά χωρών γύρω από τη Μεσόγειο και την ενδοχώρα της, οι εισροές αλλοδαπών στην Ελλάδα συνεχίζονται (αν και με σημαντικές διαφοροποιήσεις σε σχέση με τα προ του 2012 έτη) και η εμβάθυνση της πρόσφατης οικονομικής κρίσης -και τα εξαιρετικά υψηλά ποσοστά ανεργίας δεν ανακόπτουν τα ρεύματα αυτά. Η μεγάλη πλειοψηφία των παρατύπως εισερχομένων προέρχεται την τελευταία δεκαετία όλο και περισσότερο από τις λιγότερο ανεπτυγμένες χώρες της Ασίας αρχικά, της Αφρικής δε στη συνέχεια , καθώς οι συγκρούσεις κυρίως στη ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μέσης Ανατολής (και, δευτερευόντως σε κάποιες άλλες αφρικανικές, μη μεσογειακές χώρες) δημιούργησαν νέα μαζικά ρεύματα φυγής . Ταυτόχρονα, οφείλουμε να υπενθυμίσουμε ότι το σύνολο σχεδόν των εισερχομένων αλλοδαπών την τελευταία περίοδο στην Ελλάδα (πρόσφυγες ή/και οικονομικοί μετανάστες) δεν είχε/έχει στόχο να εγκατασταθεί στη χώρα μας, αλλά να μετακινηθεί σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα σε κάποια από τις «ελκτικές» χώρες της Ε.Ε και αυτό αποτυπώνεται στο πολύ μικρό ποσοστό των εισερχομένων που καταθέτουν αίτηση ασύλου στη χώρα μας.
Eski bir tarihi olan göç, toplumsal değişimlerin en güçlü unsuru olarak görülmektedir. Geçmişten günümüze farklı dil, din ve kültüre sahip toplumların bir araya gelerek etkileşim içinde olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Bu etkileşim, yeni... more
Eski bir tarihi olan göç, toplumsal değişimlerin en güçlü unsuru olarak görülmektedir. Geçmişten günümüze farklı dil, din ve kültüre sahip toplumların bir araya gelerek etkileşim içinde olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Bu etkileşim, yeni ırkları, kültürleri ve yaşam biçimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Sürekli değişim içinde ve çok boyutlu bir olgu olan uluslararası göç, ülkelerin inşasında önemli rol oynayabilmektedir.
Küreselleşen dünya ile uluslararası göçler artmakta ve ilişkiler daha da karmaşık hale gelmektedir. Karmaşıklaşan bu ilişkiler, devlet politikaları, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve uluslararası örgütlere kadar geniş bir yelpazeyi oluşturan paydaşlarca çözüm üretilmeye çalışılan bir mesele haline gelmektedir.
II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan beri dünyanın karşılaştığı çok boyutlu ve en büyük göç hareketi olan mülteci krizi Suriye iç savaşıyla yaşanan göç dalgasının eklenmesinden sonra kontrol edilemez bir hal almıştır. Önceleri komşu ülkelerin en çok etkilendiği ve sahip çıktığı bir olay iken süreç içerisinde bu dalga Avrupa’ya kadar uzanmıştır.
Entegrasyon, Fransızca “entegre etmek” fiilinden türemiş bir kelime olmakla birlikte Türk Dil Kurumu tarafından bu kelime “bütünleşme” olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Mülteci ve sığınmacıların entegrasyonu kavramı ise göç çalışmalarında çokça tartışılmaktadır. Entegrasyon söylem ve politikaları ülkeler arasında farklılık göstermektedir. Kavram, siyasi açıdan olumlu çağrışımlar yapmakta ve politikacılara esnek bir alan yaratmaktadır. Çalışmada ilgili Avrupa ülkelerinin göçmenlere yönelik uyguladığı entegrasyon politika ve programlarına değinilerek bunların değerlendirilmesi yapılmaya çalışılacaktır. Ülkelerin uygulamalarındaki farklılıkların ortaya konularak bu durumun göçmenleri nasıl etkilediği üzerine düşünülmesi çalışmanın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Genel bir ifadeyle, hissedilen tüm ihtiyaca rağmen Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin uygulamalarında bütünlük elde edemediği ve mağduriyetlere sebep olduğu sonucuyla karşılaşılmıştır. Çalışmada genel olarak, betimleyici literatür taraması kullanılmıştır. Kaynak tarama yöntemiyle konuyla ilgili kitap, makale, rapor ve tez çalışmalarına ulaşılmıştır.
The refugee issue which has been termed a crisis in Europe has almost become a household discussion; not only has the ‘crisis’(UNHCR, ) lingered for years, but it in turn created more problems to which the international community seeks... more
The refugee issue which has been termed a crisis in Europe has almost become a household discussion; not only has the ‘crisis’(UNHCR, ) lingered for years, but it in turn created more problems to which the international community seeks solutions for.(D.W.COM); Postelnicescu, 2016; Schilling et al., 2017). The need for durable solutions to the Refugee crisis, stems from the protracted and equally continuous nature of the situation, leading many states to shut their doors to reception of new asylum seekers.(Patrick Wintour, 2017; Woolsey, 2018). While the UNHCR and other stakeholders desire longer lasting solutions beyond life in an asylum camp, the former has however promoted Local integration as one of such solutions to the crisis.(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, )
For Europe however, the local integration of refugees has become the new challenge.(For europe, integrating refugees is the next big challenge.2016) A number of reasons underscore this challenge. The forerunner of them being the difficulty in defining such a concept that has both legal and social dimensions, and therefore understanding how encompassing it should be.(Ager & Strang, 2008). Besides the definition challenge, “lack of early community preparation and involvement”, as well the structure of integration policies which focuses mainly on refugees’ economic integration, and which places the burden to integrate mainly, (if not only) on refugees (what I refer to as a one-sided approach) all contribute to obstacles in local integration in Europe. The consequential shortcomings of this approach to local integration, have made it increasingly crucial to re-evaluate related practices and policies for the sake of the sustainability of an inevitably more diverse host society, and to prevent the perpetuation of division among communities. A two-sided approach of a well-rounded integration program, multifaceted, involving different layers of the society, as well as the entire community is an ideal durable solution for the refugee situation facing Europe.
It is based on this premise that this paper will describe and analyze two main types of obstacles that slow down, or in many cases hinder the integration of refugees in Europe.
Revista resumen del proyecto PEACEapp (aplicaciones para la paz) de la Alianza de Civilizaciones de Naciones Unidas (UNAOC) desarrollado en la ciudad de Algeciras, los meses de Enero a junio de 2017, del que nació el serious game (juego... more
Revista resumen del proyecto PEACEapp (aplicaciones para la paz) de la Alianza de Civilizaciones de Naciones Unidas (UNAOC) desarrollado en la ciudad de Algeciras, los meses de Enero a junio de 2017, del que nació el serious game (juego con intención educativa) SURVIVAL, disponible en plataformas IOs y PLAYStore en forma de aplicación para móviles y tablets sobre el hecho de la migración.
Proyecto realizado por jóvenes locales, menores y jóvenes emigrantes y refugiados.
Autoras: Edición, Diseño y Maquetación:
Melissa Hildebert
Ariadna Ruiz
Josefina Borrallo
Ariadna Ruiz
Angesichts steigender Zahlen an Vertriebenen weltweit und an Asylbewerbern in Deutschland ist es zu einer bundesweiten Bewegung der ehrenamtlichen Flüchtlingsarbeit gekommen. Obwohl das freiwillige Engagement für Flüchtlinge eine lange... more
Angesichts steigender Zahlen an Vertriebenen weltweit und an Asylbewerbern in Deutschland ist
es zu einer bundesweiten Bewegung der ehrenamtlichen Flüchtlingsarbeit gekommen. Obwohl das
freiwillige Engagement für Flüchtlinge eine lange Tradition hat, ist dies bisher wenig erforscht
worden. Die EFA-Studie untersucht mit quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden, was
Ehrenamtliche in der Flüchtlingsarbeit leisten und was sie dabei antreibt. Der vorliegende Bericht
schildert die Ergebnisse der ersten Phase der Studie, die auf einer explorativen online-Umfrage
unter über 460 Ehrenamtlichen und über 70 Organisationen in der Flüchtlingsarbeit beruht. Die
Ergebnisse sind nicht repräsentativ, geben aber einen ersten Einblick in die Strukturen der
ehrenamtlichen Flüchtlingsarbeit und vorläufige Antworten darauf, wer die Ehrenamtlichen sind,
was sie tun, wie sie organisiert sind und was sie antreibt.
Arabic-English Translations published in Modern Poetry in Translation, April 2016
Using court decisions, interviews with legal actors, and ethnographic observations , this paper analyzes the development of sexual identity classifications for sexual minorities seeking asylum in the United States and argues that the... more
Using court decisions, interviews with legal actors, and ethnographic observations , this paper analyzes the development of sexual identity classifications for sexual minorities seeking asylum in the United States and argues that the adjudication of such claims works to consolidate and regulate sexual identities but also creates possibilities for recognizing marginalized queer identities. Asylum seekers must prove their sexual identities, and immigration officials must classify claimants as belonging to a protected group. At the inception of queer asylum law in 1990, protected categories were highly circumscribed, but the indeterminacy of the law allowed advocates and asylum seekers to challenge existing categories and stake out new claims based on their sexualities. Against the backdrop of extant criticisms of the asylum process for queers, this paper suggests that the way asylum law has been elaborated, adapted, and interpreted , particularly in approximately the past decade, offers possibilities for making unique identity claims that are not recognized in existing scholarship.
The OHB of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies - edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona - has now been published in paperback and is available to purchase with a 30% discount with the code on this... more
The OHB of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies - edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona - has now been published in paperback and is available to purchase with a 30% discount with the code on this flyer. 53 excellent chapters by leading academics, policy makers and practitioners.
This chapter analyses the development of academic and policy attention to ‘women’ and ‘gender’ in forced migration contexts, highlighting the transition from documenting the particularities of female experiences, to a re-evaluation of the... more
This chapter analyses the development of academic and policy attention to ‘women’ and ‘gender’ in forced migration contexts, highlighting the transition from documenting the particularities of female experiences, to a re-evaluation of the multiple ways in which processes of and responses to forced migration influence gender identities, roles and relations. The chapter is divided into three main sections. Firstly, it offers a brief historical overview of feminist contributions to analyses of forced migration. The second section then addresses gendered causes and experiences of forced migration by engaging with two sets of debates: gendered evaluations of individualised persecution on the one hand, and gendered experiences of conflict-induced mass displacement on the other. The first sub-section explores the gendered nature of refugee status determination processes, highlighting the biases underpinning ‘neutral’ legal definitions and policies, and documenting emerging sensitivity to the intersections between sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum. The second sub-section in turn traces developments in responses to sexual and gender-based violence in mass displacement contexts, and argues in favour of the continued incorporation of displaced men and boys into gender analysis and programming. In the third section, the chapter subsequently examines responses to displacement, again focusing on two sets of debates: the first regarding the paradoxical implications of policies designed to promote gender equality and empowerment in camp contexts, and the second on the nexus between gender and the three traditional durable solutions.
Zur Krise des europäischen Grenzregimes: eine regimetheoretische Annäherung Der lange Sommer der Migration, der im Jahr 2015 den europäischen Kontinent erfasst hat, wird unter dem Stichwort Flüchtlingskrise in Europa in die Geschichte... more
Zur Krise des europäischen Grenzregimes: eine regimetheoretische Annäherung Der lange Sommer der Migration, der im Jahr 2015 den europäischen Kontinent erfasst hat, wird unter dem Stichwort Flüchtlingskrise in Europa in die Geschichte eingehen. Dabei muss klar benannt werden, dass es sich weniger um eine Flücht-lingskrise als vielmehr um eine Krise Schengens, eine Krise der europäischen Institutionen sowie einer Krise des europäischen Projekts im Allgemeinen handelt. Denn festzuhalten ist, dass weder die derzeitige Intensität der Migration noch die nun offensichtlich zu Tage tretenden Erschütterungen im Gefüge der europäischen Union sich nicht schon lange angekündigt haben. Es handelt sich um eine Krise mit Ansage, in der Europa versagt. Zugespitzt gesagt handelt es sich bei der derzeitigen Krisenkonstellation um eine doppelte Konsequenz aus den Aufständen des Arabischen Frühlings. Der zunächst friedliche Aufstand gegen die Diktatur Baschar al-Assads in Syrien, der tragischerweise in einen brutalen und unübersichtlichen Bürgerkrieg mündete, reihte sich nahtlos ein in die Aufstandsbewegungen in Tunesien, Libyen und Ägypten. Die Erfahrung des Aufstands gegen ein Regime ist auch dieser Tage in den kollektiven Handlungen der syrischen Flüchtlinge in Europa sichtbar. Als Beispiel sei nur der Fußmarsch vieler Tausender Flüchtlinge genannt, der am 4. September vom Budapester Ostbahnhof (Keleti) seinen Anfang nahm mit dem Ziel, bis nach Österreich zu laufen. Dieser kollektive Akt der Mobilität erzeugte letztendlich den politischen Druck, der zur Öffnung der österreichischen und deutschen Grenzen führte und in dessen Zuge in den nächsten Wochen Zehn-tausende Flüchtlinge Deutschland erreichten (Kasparek/Speer 2015). Die zweite Konsequenz aus den Aufständen des arabischen Frühlings ist der Zusammenbruch des europäischen Grenzregimes im Mittelmeer und die daraus resultierende Erosion des europäischen Grenz-und Migrationsregimes im Allge-meinen. Das Projekt der Externalisierung, also der Einbeziehung von Drittstaaten
Partition of India displaced huge population in newly created two states who sought refuge in the state where their co-religionists were in a majority. Although much has been written about the Hindu refugees to India, very less is known... more
Partition of India displaced huge population in newly created two states who sought refuge in the state where their co-religionists were in a majority. Although much has been written about the Hindu refugees to India, very less is known about the Muslim refugees to Pakistan. This article is about the Muslim 'returnees' and their struggle to settle in East Pakistan, the hazards and discriminations they faced and policy of the new state of Pakistan in accommodating them. It shows how the dream of homecoming turned into disillusionment for them. By incorporating diverse source materials, this article investigates how, despite belonging to the same religion, the returnee refugees had confronted issues of differences on the basis of language, culture and region in a country, which was established on the basis of one Islamic identity. It discusses the process in which from a space that displaced huge Hindu population soon emerged as a 'gradual refugee absorbent space'. It studies new policies for the rehabilitation of the refugees, regulations and laws that were passed, the emergence of the concept of enemy property and the grabbing spree of property left behind by Hindu migrants. Lastly, it discusses the politics over the so-called Muhajirs and their final fate, which has not been settled even after seventy years of Partition. This article intends to argue that the identity of the refugees was thus 'multi-layered' even in case of the Muslim returnees, and interrogates the general perception of refugees as a 'monolithic community' in South Asia. Note I have categorically used the term 'returnees' to denote the 'refugees who migrated to and fro India and East Bengal (Pakistan)' in many sentences including in the title of this article, as it was mentioned in the contemporary official and legal documents (I.B. records, files of the Home-Political department and External Affairs). Also, I have mostly mentioned the term 'East Bengal' in this article to denote the geographical area of the Eastern wing of Pakistan, while writing up till mid-1950s. As, the name 'East Bengal' officially continued within that geographical territory until the Constitution of 1956 formally renamed the Eastern wing as 'East Pakistan'. For describing the land after 1956, I used the term 'East Pakistan' in my writing.
¿Por qué el exilio de los judíos perseguidos por el régimen nazi fue para México un "exilio incómodo"? ¿Cuáles fueron las razones que explican que la generosa política de asilo de México frente a los perseguidos por los regímenes... more
¿Por qué el exilio de los judíos perseguidos por el régimen nazi fue para México un "exilio incómodo"? ¿Cuáles fueron las razones que explican que la generosa política de asilo de México frente a los perseguidos por los regímenes totalitarios europeos no se haya implementado en el caso de los refugiados judíos? ¿Por qué México prohibió en 1934 la inmigración de judíos al país? ¿Cómo ayuda este episodio a comprender más cabalmente el alcance de la ideología del mestizaje y su influencia en la construcción de la política inmigratoria mexicana?
This chapter addresses the gaps between law and state practice in managing mass migration movements. It focuses on the right to entry, the rights of transit and detention issues, showing that state practices in this field are outside the... more
This chapter addresses the gaps between law and state practice in managing mass migration movements. It focuses on the right to entry, the rights of transit and detention issues, showing that state practices in this field are outside the normative framework which governs the aforementioned areas. It points at new emerging rights that are being formed from state practice that is carried out outside of the legal framework, producing new rules of customary international law applicable for people who are entering the state irregularly within mass migration movements. The chapter analyzes the “corridor” which presently facilitates the
migration route used for transferring people to their desired country of destination. The chapter concludes that the law is not responding adequately to the needs of people involved in
mass migration movements, and stresses that in order to maintain a state governed by the rule of law, the law should respond adequately to these needs.
n the past, refugee status was considered a short-term consequence of conflict. However, as observed in the cases of refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, protracted refugee situations have become the norm rather than the... more
n the past, refugee status was considered a short-term consequence of conflict. However, as observed in the cases of refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, protracted refugee situations have become the norm rather than the exception.[1] This shift has forced related actors to develop new strategies to cope with the challenges of protracted refugee situations. It is within this context that the presence of refugees, particularly the Syrians in Turkey, is likely to be a medium to long-term situation requiring plans relevant to this time frame as well as recognition of the long-term economic, social, and political responsibility of supporting these refugees.[2] Therefore, dealing with refugees in Turkey at the present time is not a question of halting the influx of refugees and reversing their movement, but requires practical measures aimed at providing them with better settlement and integration opportunities.[3] The integration of refugees is a multifaceted process, so any assessment must be complex. This article focuses on the question of how the Turkish asylum regime has tended to respond to the issues of Syrian refugee integration by creating some new legal and administrative tools over the last few years.