B2B Marketing Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Trade shows and other temporary clusters have recently emerged as key sites of theoretical relevance for scholars who are interested in the spatial consequences of interactive learning. Recent research has viewed these events as... more

Trade shows and other temporary clusters have recently emerged as key sites of theoretical relevance for scholars who are interested in the spatial consequences of interactive learning. Recent research has viewed these events as relational spaces in which countless actors interact and learn spontaneously without a central actor governing the process. In the case of permanent clusters, however, studies have started to unpack the practices through which key actors, such as entrepreneurial and professional associations, stimulate learning and interaction. In this article, we hold that these central subjects also have an important role in activating the benefits of colocalization with regard to temporary clusters. In an empirical study of the European Union clothing fabric trade shows between 1986 and 2006, we identified four types of practices through which trade show organizers shape learning and interaction at their events. Contrary to current views, our study found that exchanges of knowledge at these events do not always occur at the global level. Instead, the geographic scale of the processes of exchanging and acquiring knowledge in temporary clusters is socially and politically constructed at several levels—from the merely local to the truly global. We also found that organizers of trade shows facilitate vertical relationships between exhibitors and typical visitors (i.e., buyers), whereas other knowledge flows are neglected or even hindered. We conclude this article by highlighting the theoretical implications of our study for the literature on the spatial consequences of interaction and innovation.

İnternet, uluslararası ticaretteki sınırların çoğunu ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabilecek muazzam bir teknolojidir. İnternet teknolojisi sayesinde bir alıcının dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde bulunan bir ürünü edinebilmesi... more

İnternet, uluslararası ticaretteki sınırların çoğunu ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabilecek muazzam bir teknolojidir. İnternet teknolojisi sayesinde bir alıcının dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde bulunan bir ürünü edinebilmesi kolaylaşmıştır. Öte yandan internet, işletmelerin yabancı pazarlara girişini hızlandırmaktadır. İşletmeler böyle bir imkânı mümkün olduğunca etkin şekilde değerlendirirlerse pazarlama faaliyetlerini arttırabilirler.
Kurumsal web sitesi, bir işletmenin uluslararasılaşma sürecini etkileyen bir unsurdur. Genellikle alıcılar, kendine yakın hissettikleri işletmelerle iletişime geçmektedirler. Bu yüzden kurumsal web sitesindeki dil, kültür, renk, tasarım vb. etkenler önem teşkil etmektedir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web sitelerini ne ölçüde uluslararasılaştırdıklarını araştırmak ve ihracat yapan firmaların kurumsal web siteleri arasında farklılıklar olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümü uluslararasılaşmayla ilgili kavramları içermektedir. İkinci bölümde elektronik ticarete ve kurumsal web sitelerine değinilmiştir. Son bölümde ise ihracat yapan işletmeleri inceleyen bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Uygulamada işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Çapraz tablo analizi ve ki-kare testiyle ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri arasında farklılık olup olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
Yapılan çalışma sonucunda Türkiye’de ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web sitelerinin uluslararasılaşma düzeylerinin yetersiz olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca geleneksel sektörlerde ihracat yapan işletmeler ile geleneksel olmayan sektörlerde ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri arasında kayda değer bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. -
Internet is a wonderful technology that can be used to remove most of borders on international trade. Thanks to internet technology, buying a product that be anywhere in the world have been easy for a person. On the other hand, internet accelerates the entrance of companies into foreign markets. Companies can improve their marketing activities if they evaluate such an opportunity as effectively as possible.
Corporate website is an element that affects an enterprise's internationalization process. Generally, buyers communicate with businesses that they feel close to themselves. Therefore, factors such as language, culture, color and design in corporate websites are important.
The purpose of this study is to explore what is the internationalization level of corporate websites of exporting companies in Turkey and to determine whether there is any difference between corporate websites of exporters. In the first part of the study, internationalization concepts were expressed. In the second part, electronic commerce and corporate websites were mentioned. In the last part, a study was carried out which examines exporters. In research, corporate websites of businesses were analyzed by content analysis method. Whether or not exporters have differences between corporate websites were determined by cross-tabulation analysis and chi-square test.
It has been observed that the level of internationalization of corporate websites of exporting companies in Turkey is insufficient. Furthermore, no significant difference was found between corporate websites of companies that export in traditional sectors and corporate websites of companies that export in non-traditional sectors.

The new business challenges in the B2B sector are determined by connected ecosystems, where data-driven decision making is crucial for successful strategies. At the same time, the use of digital marketing as a communication and sales... more

The new business challenges in the B2B sector are determined by connected ecosystems, where data-driven decision making is crucial for successful strategies. At the same time, the use of digital marketing as a communication and sales channel has led to the need and use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to correctly manage company information. The understanding of B2B traditional Marketing strategies that use CRMs that work with Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been studied, however, research focused on the understanding and application of these technologies in B2B digital marketing is scarce. To cover this gap in the literature, this study develops a literature review on the main academic contributions in this area. To visualize the outcomes of the literature review, the results are then analyzed using a statistical approach known as Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) under the homogeneity analysis of variance by means of alternating least squares (HOMALS) framework programmed in the R language. The research results classify the types of CRMs and their typologies and explore the main techniques and uses of AI-based CRMs in B2B digital marketing. In addition, a discussion, directions and propositions for future research are presented.

Global campaigns that transcend geographical barriers are often important for brand building and qualified lead generation. Therefore, when marketers buy doctors' email lists from HC marketers, they get access to a tele-verified list that... more

Global campaigns that transcend geographical barriers are often important for brand building and qualified lead generation. Therefore, when marketers buy doctors' email lists from HC marketers, they get access to a tele-verified list that can maximize campaign success and help in effective brand promotion. The doctors' email database has been collated by a team of researchers and validated to ensure that global campaigns gain momentum. If quick returns and higher ROI are your campaign goals, buy doctors' b2b lists and reap unmatched campaign success. You may opt for the customization of lists which will significantly reduce campaign costs and help in list building. Besides, the lists are up-to-date and delivery-riven to ensure that global campaigns gain momentum.

The dynamics of up-to date business- to-business markets, with respect to competitive supply and behavior, search parameters, affordability and preferences of each industrial client, economic conditions ( pointing out continuing financial... more

The dynamics of up-to date business- to-business markets, with respect to competitive supply and behavior, search parameters, affordability and preferences of each industrial client, economic conditions ( pointing out continuing financial crisis ) etc. suggest more flexible attitude of supplier companies with regards to their tenders – type and content, in order to gain new clients and keep the present.This report aims at systematizing key factors determining market success of tender adaptations, also brings out major opportunities to supplier in order to provide more flexible tenders.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its current rendition is poised to transform or even disrupt business interactions, relationships and networks. Recent developments associated with AI, including robotics and cognitive agents have not just... more

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its current rendition is poised to transform or even disrupt business interactions, relationships and networks. Recent developments associated with AI, including robotics and cognitive agents have not just automated industrial processes but can now change most business activities. AI is discussed in terms of development into types of intelligent agents-weak and strong-and their role in business relationships, interactions and networks. A set of research insights focused on defining and exploring AI within the IMP approach are discussed-and are urgent, or this may be not completed by human actors.

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές). 1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση . 2.... more

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές).
1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση .
2. Τα επιχειρήματά ( προσωπική άποψη ότι είναι καλή & καινοτόμος επιχειρηματική ιδέα).
3. Μερίδιο της αγοράς στο οποίο απευθύνεται.
4. Αναφορά στον ανταγωνισμό.
5. Διαφορετικές & καινοτόμες προτάσεις για να αντιμετωπιστεί ο ανταγωνισμός.
6. SWOT ανάλυση ( Strengths ,weaknesses , opportunities, Threats ) για την ιδέα αυτή για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση.
7. Porter ανάλυση ανταγωνισμού.

The infusion of data-driven services in manufacturing provides new opportunities for long-term competitive advantage; however, it also poses new challenges and entails tradeoffs among strategic options. Digital servitization changes... more

The infusion of data-driven services in manufacturing provides new opportunities for long-term competitive advantage; however, it also poses new challenges and entails tradeoffs among strategic options. Digital servitization changes intra-firm processes and customer relationships as well as overall ecosystem dynamics. Drawing on an extensive study of ABB Marine & Ports, a market-leading systems integrator, the concept of digital servitization is examined by analyzing its key characteristics, including opportunities and challenges for manufacturers. The resource integration patterns that connect actors and the dual role of technology in both increasing resource integration complexity and in facilitating the coordination of complexity are discussed. Advancing digital servitization requires fostering service-centricity and executing strategic change initiatives for both the internal organization and the broader ecosystem. Firms must undertake three interlinked changes: (1) digital, (2) organizational, and (3) ecosystem transformations. In addition to contributing to the service literature, these findings provide actionable insights for managers.

Purpose-The importance of information service offerings is directly linked to decision-making processes for buying and selling in business-to-business (B2B) companies. B2B companies intend to offer information that helps other companies... more

Purpose-The importance of information service offerings is directly linked to decision-making processes for buying and selling in business-to-business (B2B) companies. B2B companies intend to offer information that helps other companies choose a product or service. This paper aims to identify the relationship between the types of information offered by a B2B company in its B2B marketing strategy and the decision-making of the companies which buy products and services. Design/methodology/approach-For this purpose, a data set has been consulted that contains 439 observations that are the result of transactions using customer relationship managements (CRMs) of B2B-type companies. A total of 9 different products were consulted from 20 B2B vendors that manage their transactions with CRM software for B2B operations. A total of 439 different transactions were recorded by these vendors during 2018 (n = 439) with their information service offerings strategies. The results were analyzed with the partial least squares structural equation modeling. Findings-The results showed that the significance of the relationship between internal control factors and external control factors (H4) is the strongest one when using information services offerings strategies in a B2B environment. The results of this research can help B2B companies to improve their decision-making strategies and to define the structure of the information offered in their B2B marketing plans. Originality/value-This research makes a contribution to an existing gap, which is to identify what the most important information is for purchasing companies in B2B environments and the relationship with this information, so that B2B purchasers can make good decisions thanks to the information service offerings strategy of the selling companies using CRMs.

Business-to-business (B2B), also known as B-to-B,'' is a sort of trade between businesses, like one between a producer and wholesaler, along with even a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business identifies a business that's... more

Business-to-business (B2B), also known as B-to-B,'' is a sort of trade between businesses, like one between a producer and wholesaler, along with even a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business identifies a business that's conducted between companies, as opposed to between a business and personal consumer. What is the B2B Business ? Business-to-business (B2B) is a trade or business ran between a business and another, like a wholesaler and retailer. B2B trades have a tendency to take place in the distribution chain, in which a single firm will buy raw materials from the other to be utilized in the production procedure. B2B trades can also be commonplace for automobile industry providers, in addition to property management, management, and industrial cleaning businesses. Meanwhile, business-to-consumer trades (B2C) are a revenue model where services and products are offered directly involving a business and a consumer, or involving two consumers in an electronic market. Recognizing Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-business trades are typical in a normal supply chain, as firms buy products and components like other raw materials to use in the production procedures. Finished goods can subsequently be offered to people via business-to-consumer trades. From the context of communicating, business-to-business describes approaches by which workers from various businesses can connect together, like through social networking. This sort of communication involving the workers of a couple of businesses is known as B2B communication. Example of Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-business trades and big company accounts are trivial for companies in producing. For Example, Samsung is just one of Apple's biggest suppliers in the creation of this iPhone. Apple additionally holds B2B connections with companies including Intel, Panasonic and semiconductor manufacturer Micron Technology. B2B trades will also be the backbone of the auto market. Many automobile components are fabricated independently, and automobile manufacturers buy these components to build cars. Tires, batteries, electronic equipment, hoses, and door locks, by way of instance, are often manufactured by several companies and marketed directly to auto manufacturers. Founders Talk India one of the biggest b2b marketing places for the automobile industry. Service suppliers also take part in B2B transactions. Businesses specializing in real estate management, management, and industrial cleaning, as an instance, frequently sell these solutions exclusively to other businesses, instead of individual consumers.

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Purpose: This paper aims to examine salesperson skills, including listening, communication, and adaptive selling, that can enable value co-creation with customers and increase sales performance, while taking into consideration the... more

Purpose: This paper aims to examine salesperson skills, including listening, communication, and adaptive selling, that can enable value co-creation with customers and increase sales performance, while taking into consideration the contingent role of salesperson relationship-enhancing activities. Methodology: Survey and objective sales performance data were collected from 201 B2B salespeople in the industrial goods industry. The hypotheses were tested using PLS-SEM. Findings: The results show adaptive selling, listening, and communication of salespeople positively impact the behaviors of salespeople to co-create value with customers. The results show that when salespeople co-create value with customers, they will have a positive effect on sales performance. Results show how value co-creation mediates the effects of listening and adaptive selling on sales performance. Research Implications: Salespeople need to effectively listen to their customers to provide needed solutions by jointly working with them to co-create value. Similarly, a salesperson's communication and adaptive selling skills have collective impacts that positively contribute to the value co-creation process. Results supplement previous findings in the literature by showing value co-creation holds a positive effect on sales performance at the micro salesperson level. The results offer additional support to the ongoing dialog on the role of a salesperson as a value co-creator. Practical Implications: This study has identified several variables that engender successful cocreation by salespeople in B2B sales contexts. Findings demonstrate that salespeople who can adapt their selling approach, are good listeners, and can effectively communicate with customers can engender the value co-creation process with customers. The findings serve as a base to create professional guidelines about the skills and capabilities salespeople need to successfully execute a value co-creation process. Originality/Value: The study adds to the literature on value co-creation by highlighting three factors that can enhance the value co-creation process at the level of salespeople leading to better sales outcomes. This research adds the existing literature on the role of value co-creation in sales by empirically examining the relationship between value co-creation and sales performance at the salesperson level.

Sfera business-to-business ma znaczące miejsce w gospodarce , ale w publikacjach dotyczących marketingu poświęca się jej wciąż mało miejsca. Na problem słabej reprezentacji badań nad marketingiem B2B w literaturze marketingowej zwracają... more

Sfera business-to-business ma znaczące miejsce w gospodarce , ale w publikacjach dotyczących marketingu poświęca się jej wciąż mało miejsca. Na problem słabej reprezentacji badań nad marketingiem B2B w literaturze marketingowej zwracają uwagę LaPlaca i Katrichi – od 1936 do 2006 roku w Journal of Marketing zaledwie 6.8% artykułów dotyczyło problematyki marketingu przemysłowego . Celem rozważań podjętych w niniejszym artykule jest próba oceny obszarów i kierunków badań w marketingu B2B dokonana z perspektywy ważniejszych publikacji, jakie ukazały się w tym zakresie w literaturze światowej a także w Polsce.

Designing and implementing a Key Account Management (KAM) programme represents a key task for suppliers that are looking to expand the scope of their relationships with their key customers. Though research has explored the issues of Key... more

Designing and implementing a Key Account Management (KAM) programme represents a key task for suppliers that are looking to expand the scope of their relationships with their key customers. Though research has explored the issues of Key Account Management and value within business to business (B2B) relationships, very little research has focused on how KAM can be used to maximise value from these relationships. The work of Pardo, Henneberg, Mouzas and Naudé (2006) theorised a model they dubbed the KAM Value Model. They posited that the value within a KAM framework is multi-dimensional and thus to truly achieve the objectives of any KAM programme, the focus should be on fulfilling the potential of value created and co-created.
The essence of this research is to study the nature of value between the supplier and the customer through a KAM programme by obtaining qualitative information through interviews with key account managers at EPI Service Ltd and quantitative data from surveys from the main contacts of 58 of EPI Service Ltd’s key accounts both in the UK and internationally.
Conclusions established that Key Account Management is vital in harnessing value from the customer, adding value to the customer and establishing value by the relationship itself. There are also a number of similarities found between the KAM value model developed by Pardo et al (2006) and the value construct created and harnessed by the EPI Service Ltd’s KAM Programme.

South Asia has seen a digital revolution in recent years. The number of persons who use the internet has risen drastically. They use it for shopping, social media, and online sales. However, there exists a literature gap as far as the... more

South Asia has seen a digital revolution in recent years. The number of persons who use the internet has risen drastically. They use it for shopping, social media, and online sales. However, there exists a literature gap as far as the effect of outbound digital marketing in B2B markets is concerned. The research builds a model based on brand and consumer interactions in Indian B2B markets using a vector autoregressive model to systemically analyze the cost and outcome of digital marketing efforts by the start-ups operating in South Asia. The multivariate time series was analyzed in identifying simultaneous and consistent impacts by the start-ups. We use Vector autoregressive model as it allows us to analyze the relationship among the factors as it changes over time. The research finds evidence for the conceptual framework in South Asian markets. The results prove that sales are greatly influenced by digital media, and outbound marketing efforts, predominantly word of mouth, have a huge impact in building a brand image as it spread over on the social media platforms. It is observed that the digital marketing strategies and consumer interaction are the same across South Asia, but its effect varies from country to country within South Asia thus suggesting a need of developing a new strategy in digital marketing for B2B markets.

The article investigates howfirms can achieve high levels of customer loyalty under different configurations of per- ceived switching costs, returns management, customer value, and customer satisfaction. In order to better explain the... more

The article investigates howfirms can achieve high levels of customer loyalty under different configurations of per-
ceived switching costs, returns management, customer value, and customer satisfaction.
In order to better explain the sources of customer loyalty within the B2B context, researchers have already
introduced various antecedents and developed several models, however past studies concentrated exclusively on
themain ‘net effects’ of these antecedents. Because of the complex reality inwhich the phenomena of interestman-
ifests itself, complexity theory tenets can provide amore accurate understanding ofwhat generates customer loyal-
ty. Applying this theory, the current article seeks to determine all the possible “recipes” that build strong customer
loyalty in the B2B context.
To address this research question the study employed qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) which assumes
that the influence of attributes on a specific outcome (customer loyalty in a B2B context) depends on how the
attributes are combined.
Future research can consider other possible combinations and explore how the impact of these antecedents on
customer loyalty changes when other variables are considered.

The opportunities virtual reality provides for B2B marketing are increasingly recognized by the trade press in discussions of interesting examples from early adopters like GE, Siemens and Airbus. However, while there is growing... more

The opportunities virtual reality provides for B2B marketing are increasingly recognized by the trade press in discussions of interesting examples from early adopters like GE, Siemens and Airbus. However, while there is growing recognition of its promise and potential, the specific impact of virtual reality on B2B marketing remains an unexplored research area. This paper provides an early theoretical consideration of the topic by developing a framework and offering propositions that describe the impact of virtual reality on B2B buyer perceptions of value-in-use during the post-purchase stage of the buyer's purchase journey. The paper also considers the moderating impact of several aspects of buyer-supplier relationships, including knowledge complexity, social complexity and task complexity, on virtual reality's contribution to value-in-use perceptions. The discussion provides B2B marketing scholars with several directions for future research and makes several recommendations for B2B marketers interested in leveraging the opportunities presented by virtual reality.

A B S T R A C T We study whether marketing can have a new role, one that is better aligned with the sales force, by adapting content marketing (CM) in B2B professional services organizations. CM activities can be in-person events such as... more

A B S T R A C T We study whether marketing can have a new role, one that is better aligned with the sales force, by adapting content marketing (CM) in B2B professional services organizations. CM activities can be in-person events such as conferences, which involve personal contacts with clients, or digital, such as webinars (i.e., digital events) or posting firm-generated content on branded websites (i.e., digital content). Fitting random-effects negative bi-nomial regression models with four years of panel data from a large, international, consulting service provider, we show that the number of sales leads and won opportunities from its key accounts are positively affected by the frequency of an account's employees attending digital events and consuming digital content, but not in-person events. Moreover, we find that CM affects sales leads for both low-and high-level account employees. These findings suggest that CM can be effective in bringing sales leads and won opportunities to B2B professional service providers and can play a complementary role to the existing sales force.

Rational and objective evaluation criteria are expected in an office product purchase. Business to business marketing is considerably different from business to consumer marketing. From transactional to relationship marketing, the... more

Rational and objective evaluation criteria are expected in an office product purchase. Business to business marketing is considerably different from business to consumer marketing. From transactional to relationship marketing, the evolution has changed dramatically with Information Technology. As Internet becomes pervasive, so does marketing. Social media was once considered personal in nature and a private network of individuals. But their pervasiveness has prompted businesses to explore its potential to connect with their customers. Do businesses in the B2B domain engage with customers in the social space? Which are the most important SNS that they use? What is the nature of this engagement and is there a potential for improvement? We explored this little researched area of marketing with an exploratory study on B2B products in the social space in India. We studied the activity of three office electronic product manufactures on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. We found that the lines between what is B2B and B2C are blurring. Brands do not have a clear social strategy and generally create content that is adapted to the different media. Information based content is generally expected and shared in this domain. B2B brands can leverage the numerous opportunities that are available on these SNS networks to take their brand beyond their immediate network, with content that is share-worthy. These would help to reach new audiences and cement the brand values in the minds of prospective customers.

Due to the COVID 19 crisis, the B2B event industry faces a double challenge: On the one hand, it needs to deal with the negative impacts of the pandemic and deliver or compensate the services related to all postponed or cancelled events... more

Due to the COVID 19 crisis, the B2B event industry faces a double challenge: On the one hand, it needs to deal with the negative impacts of the pandemic and deliver or compensate the services related to all postponed or cancelled events in this period; on the other hand, it needs to reinvent itself, effectively using digital tools and concepts to provide virtual events, which will be more than just a short-term ‘replacement’ for live events. Thus, while struggling with financial losses, the industry needs to massively increase its investments not only in the respective event technology, but also into the development of concepts and approaches to delivering virtual events as genuine digital products. The article focuses on the main challenges of digitizing business events and by summarizing the most relevant respective experiences of the previous one and a half years, provides a detailed analysis of this process as well as valuable practical advice how to successfully develop virtual events as a next step of an overarching evolution of the B2B event industry.

The power of "E" helps marketing by anyone, form anywhere and anytime in just a mouse click. E-Marketing refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange. Generally libraries are provided free... more

The power of "E" helps marketing by anyone, form anywhere and anytime in just a mouse click. E-Marketing refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange. Generally libraries are provided free service but some special services/products need to be marketed through exchange of price for its fund which helps towards its growth and development. In E-Marketing efforts, libraries need to be serve through electronic/online media for user satisfactory services in basis of cost, time, place etc., because only satisfied users come back again and again and dissatisfied users will find some other suppliers of information to meet their information need. The concept of e-marketing of library services is still not fully understood by many librarians. To consciously practice marketing librarians have to be convinced that marketing is good for libraries. They should be aware that marketing definitely improves and increases the effectiveness of libraries. Each library needs to identify the primary target markets and the composition of needs that it would like to serve as its key constituency. E-marketing will be a successful business model for libraries. E-marketing of information product and services will be essential for libraries very soon and the value of Library and Information Science Professionals will be bright and trained as Information managers of E-marketing efforts.

Bilgi teknolojileri alanında doğan yeni nesil şirketler yeni ekonomi şirketleridir.Yeni nesil şirketler, yeni teknolojileri kullanan ve yeni iş modellerini benimseyen şirketlerdir. Yeni ekonomi ile gelen yeni teknoloji, kişiler, şirketler... more

Bilgi teknolojileri alanında doğan yeni nesil şirketler yeni ekonomi şirketleridir.Yeni nesil şirketler, yeni teknolojileri kullanan ve yeni iş modellerini benimseyen şirketlerdir. Yeni ekonomi ile gelen yeni teknoloji, kişiler, şirketler ve devletler arasında kurulan ağlar yardımı ile iş süreçlerini, işlemleri ve değerleri değiştirmektedir. İnternet milyonlarca bilgisayarın birbiriyle bağlanması sonucu oluşan ağların üzerinde kurulduğu bir alt yapıdır (Kırçova, 2001: 6).
Ticari işlemler yüz yıllardır mevcut olmasına rağmen, günümüzde pazar yeri kavramı devrim niteliğinde kökten bir dönüşüme uğramaktadır (Strader ve Shaw, 1997: 185). “Elektronik Ticaret” kavramı son zamanlarda yaygın olarak kullanılmasına rağmen, nadiren açık ve net olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Elektronik ticaret radyo, televizyon gibi iletişim araçlarının bir türü olarak görülmektedir. Oysa, elektronik ticaret bir kitle iletişim aracı olmaktan daha fazla şey ifade eder. On-line satışlardan promosyona kadar farklı pazarlama amaçları için kullanılmaktadır (Thellwall, 2001: 122). Gittikçe daha fazla kabul gören dar anlamdaki tanıma göre “işlemlerini internet veya hiç kimsenin özel malı olmayan Web tabanlı sistemlere kaydıran ticari faaliyetlere” e-ticaret adı verilmektedir. Bazı anketlerde ve piyasa araştırmalarında dar anlamdaki e-ticarete “İnternet Ticareti” olarak atıfta bulunulmaktadır. İnternet’in bir iş yürütme aracı olarak gelişmeye başladığı tarih 1995 yılıdır. Geniş anlamda e-ticaret tanımı, internet ticaretine ek olarak, özel elektronik alışveriş sistemleri ile yapılan ticari işlemleri kapsamı içine almaktadır (Dolanbay, 2000: 16). Elektronik ticaret, ticari işlemleri kolaylaştırmak için, ağtabanlı teknolojilerin kullanımına izin veren süreçtir (Kleindl, 2002: 169). Sonuç olarak elektronik ticaret, mal ve hizmetlerin üretim, tanıtım, satış, sigorta, dağıtım ve ödeme işlemlerinin bilgisayar ağları üzerinden yapılmasıdır (Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı, www.e-ticaret.gov.tr).

The paper transcends the simply functional and oligo-dimensional approach to smart retailing, in order to provide a comprehensive, value-based analysis of its B2C relationship. Methodologically, it is a theoretically developed conceptual... more

The paper transcends the simply functional and oligo-dimensional approach to smart retailing, in order to provide a comprehensive, value-based analysis of its B2C relationship. Methodologically, it is a theoretically developed conceptual work, refined through qualitative primary research. Specifically, combining narrative and meta-synthetic literature analyses with interviews it undertakes an extensive theoretical review on the subject and its peripheral and contextual factors; it identifies the value categories and individual elements, which explicitly or implicitly define the smart retailing B2C relationships and synergies; and prescriptively incorporates all into a single, provisional, value-based, multi-dimensional framework for B2C smart retailing. The findings give rise to ‘value’ as superior means of understanding the smart retailing B2C relationship and as the ultimate ends on both sides of the relationship; both largely consequent to the changing underlying contemporary business and consumer motivators. Additionally, smart retailing ‘soft value’ manifestations are delineated and proposed as particular sources of retailers’ lasting and inimitable competitive advantages; while smart retailing itself is found to have outgrown its traditional role to become a holistic strategic approach to the retailing business.

This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B... more

This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B firms from various industries reveals that despite the interest in social media, companies continue to focus on one-directional communications with established digital tools. Furthermore, the results indicate that the advances in digital measurement tools remain largely unexploited, and the firms lack the human resources and know-how to make the most of opportunities provided by the developing digital environment. The implications of the study suggest that B2B companies should update their capabilities with respect to digital marketing usage and measurement in order to adapt current practices to fit the characteristics of today's digital media landscape

EL COVID-19 nos forzó a todos a cambiar la mirada sobre nuestros negocios, sobre las estrategias que estábamos aplicando y las herramientas que estábamos utilizando. Este articulo pretende ser una mirada sobre los cambios que se vieron en... more

EL COVID-19 nos forzó a todos a cambiar la mirada sobre nuestros negocios, sobre las estrategias que estábamos aplicando y las herramientas que estábamos utilizando. Este articulo pretende ser una mirada sobre los cambios que se vieron en el marketing B2B y de que forma debemos prepararnos, los especialistas en ese campo, para afrontar los años siguientes.

Both academics and practitioners emphasize the importance for product firms of implementing service-led growth strategies. The service transition concept is well established, namely a unidirectional repositioning along a product-service... more

Both academics and practitioners emphasize the importance for product firms of implementing service-led growth strategies. The service transition concept is well established, namely a unidirectional repositioning along a product-service continuum—from basic, product-oriented services towards more customized, process-oriented ones—ultimately leading to the provision of solutions. We challenge this service transition assumption and develop alternative ones regarding how product firms should pursue service-led growth. Using ‘problematization methodology’, and drawing on findings from thirteen system suppliers, we identify three service-led growth trajectories: (1) becoming an availability provider, which is the focus of most transition literature; (2) becoming a performance provider, which resembles project-based sales and implies an even greater differentiation of what customers are offered; and, (3) becoming an ‘industrializer’, which is about standardizing previously customized solutions to promote repeatability and scalability. Based on our critical inquiry, we develop two alternative assumptions: (a) firms need to constantly balance business expansion and standardization activities; and (b) manage the co-existence of different system supplier roles. Finally, we consider the implications for implementing service-led growth strategies of the alternative assumptions.

Partea I-a.Caracterizarea organizaţiei şi a pieţei pe care este ea prezentă 1.Prezentarea organizaţiei alese. Resursele, identificabile, de care dispune organizaţia. 2.Definirea domeniului de activitate al organizaţiei. 3.Caracterizarea... more

Partea I-a.Caracterizarea organizaţiei şi a pieţei pe care este ea prezentă
1.Prezentarea organizaţiei alese. Resursele, identificabile, de care dispune organizaţia.
2.Definirea domeniului de activitate al organizaţiei.
3.Caracterizarea succintă a concurenţei şi a clienţilor. Inclusiv a principalelor dimensiuni ale pieţei pe care acţionează aceasta.
4.Analiza pieței pe care își desfășoară activitatea organizația aleasă.
Partea a II-a.Procesul de achiziţie pentru 5 produse.
1.Identificarea principalelor produselor de care organizaţia are nevoie în activitatea sa și clasificarea acestora în grupe.
2. Structura centrului de achiziţie,nominal, pentru fiecare produs selectat în parte.
3.Stabilirea cantităţii, calităţii şi a termenelor de livrare pentru produsele alese.
4.Definirea caracteristicilor produselor care urmează să fie achiziţionate pentru satisfacerea nevoilor identificate.
5.Identificarea furnizorilor susceptibili de a răspunde cerinţelor întreprinderii.
6. Analiza şi alegerea furnizorului de la care se poate cumpăra produsul și motivarea alegerii.