B2B E-Commerce Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Successful business-to-business (B2B) data exchanges can help firms improve interorganizational cooperation and operational practices, thereby increasing competitive advantage. However, data exchange quality and trust are not assured.... more

Successful business-to-business (B2B) data exchanges can help firms improve interorganizational cooperation and operational practices, thereby increasing competitive advantage. However, data exchange quality and trust are not assured. Further, although researchers have examined how trust in the exchange partner relates to data exchange system success, both trust and distrust may be important to consider. Using two-factor theory and trust theory, we examine the differential impacts of information quality, system quality, and service outcome quality on trusting and distrusting beliefs. We also study whether trusting and distrusting beliefs have differential influences on relationship commitment and perceived risk. Results from a laboratory experiment show that information quality, a process (i.e., motivating) factor, more strongly influences trusting beliefs than distrusting beliefs, whereas service outcome quality, an outcome (i.e., hygiene) factor, more strongly influences distrusting beliefs. Also, while trusting beliefs has a significantly stronger influence on relationship commitment, trusting and distrusting beliefs have equivalent effects on perceived risk. Implications and ways to expand this research are discussed.

Emerging information and communication technology is driving change in the digital economy. Speed, competition and globalization are key factors for development and growth in the re-engineered global business environment where electronic... more

Emerging information and communication technology is driving change in the digital economy. Speed, competition and globalization are key factors for development and growth in the re-engineered global business environment where electronic business promises to grow in volume irrespective of the model utilized. This paper demonstrates the case of speedsend.com which is a customized web-based business2business electronic procurement platform. The Internet start-up was established in Egypt in 2001 and became the leader in the marketplace. Speedsend.com, faced with a set of challenges related to electronic business implementation such as infrastructure, awareness and cultural adaptation, had to develop a set of models to drive down procurement costs while providing a practical and reliable electronic solution that can boost enterprise procurement efficiency and effectiveness. The paper focuses on the models deployed by Speedsend.com since its establishment demonstrating the challenges faced and lessons learnt.

A utilização da internet aumentou exponencialmente desde o seu surgimento e, no Brasil, foi regulada pela Lei 12.965, de 23.04.2014. A grande expansão da internet favoreceu o surgimento do comércio eletrônico oportunizando a celebração... more

A utilização da internet aumentou exponencialmente desde o seu surgimento e, no Brasil, foi regulada pela Lei 12.965, de 23.04.2014. A grande expansão da internet favoreceu o surgimento do comércio eletrônico oportunizando a celebração on-line dos mais variados tipos de contrato. Apesar da facilidade, algumas precauções devem ser tomadas quando da compra on-line, de modo a minimizar riscos e prevenir ou amenizar eventuais controvérsias. Objetiva-se analisar especificamente os riscos e a responsabilidade das plataformas de comércio eletrônico business to business (B2B), apontando-se as leis aplicáveis aos negócios jurídicos celebrados, apresentando os desafios desse tipo de comércio e abordando a possibilidade de resolução arbitral do conflito.

This work aims at contributing to a vision of innovation in marketing channels, which is not limited to a few specific aspects of innovation or to the single stages of the channel, and which considers the channel as a whole. The analysis... more

This work aims at contributing to a vision of innovation in marketing channels, which is not limited to a few specific aspects of innovation or to the single stages of the channel, and which considers the channel as a whole.
The analysis will be carried out following three different perspectives: a technological perspective, focusing on the influence of technology on the interactions among channels members and with the final demand; a structural perspective, referring to what new channel configurations may occur and; a relational perspective, focusing on the changes in vertical relationships between firms.
The analysis aims to provide a conceptual framework on the basis of which future investigations and insights can be conducted to capture the extent and effects of the changes that occur, as a result of innovation

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές). 1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση . 2.... more

Η εν λόγω παρουσίαση αφορά μια πρωταρχική όψη του σχεδιασμού , και τα πρώτα στάδια για την επέκταση μιας υπάρχουσας ψηφιακής επιχείρησης (της διεθνοποιημένης εταιρίας Κορρές).
1. Πρόταση μια ιδέας για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση .
2. Τα επιχειρήματά ( προσωπική άποψη ότι είναι καλή & καινοτόμος επιχειρηματική ιδέα).
3. Μερίδιο της αγοράς στο οποίο απευθύνεται.
4. Αναφορά στον ανταγωνισμό.
5. Διαφορετικές & καινοτόμες προτάσεις για να αντιμετωπιστεί ο ανταγωνισμός.
6. SWOT ανάλυση ( Strengths ,weaknesses , opportunities, Threats ) για την ιδέα αυτή για ψηφιακή επιχείρηση.
7. Porter ανάλυση ανταγωνισμού.

The shift of profit margins from products to services, has transformed traditional production equipment supplier industries to providers of Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPSS). IPSS is a new business model for consistent delivery of... more

The shift of profit margins from products to services, has transformed traditional production equipment supplier industries to providers of Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPSS). IPSS is a new business model for consistent delivery of industrial products such as production equipment and manufacturing services (Manufacturing as a Service). However, procurement of IPSS between industrial companies (i.e. Businessto-Business-B2B) is more complicated compared to the case of products offered to consumers (i.e. Business-to-Consumer-B2C). The complexity in interaction between the involved B2B stakeholders, the lack of trust and high costs especially for Small Medium Enterprises have hampered the establishment of standardized e-marketplaces in a similar manner as in the business to consumer world. This research work presents an overview on the requirements to support supply-chain processes on a digital B2B platform as well as a discussion of the objectives and the benefits of this multi-sided platform.

Business-to-business (B2B), also known as B-to-B,'' is a sort of trade between businesses, like one between a producer and wholesaler, along with even a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business identifies a business that's... more

Business-to-business (B2B), also known as B-to-B,'' is a sort of trade between businesses, like one between a producer and wholesaler, along with even a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-business identifies a business that's conducted between companies, as opposed to between a business and personal consumer. What is the B2B Business ? Business-to-business (B2B) is a trade or business ran between a business and another, like a wholesaler and retailer. B2B trades have a tendency to take place in the distribution chain, in which a single firm will buy raw materials from the other to be utilized in the production procedure. B2B trades can also be commonplace for automobile industry providers, in addition to property management, management, and industrial cleaning businesses. Meanwhile, business-to-consumer trades (B2C) are a revenue model where services and products are offered directly involving a business and a consumer, or involving two consumers in an electronic market. Recognizing Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-business trades are typical in a normal supply chain, as firms buy products and components like other raw materials to use in the production procedures. Finished goods can subsequently be offered to people via business-to-consumer trades. From the context of communicating, business-to-business describes approaches by which workers from various businesses can connect together, like through social networking. This sort of communication involving the workers of a couple of businesses is known as B2B communication. Example of Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-business trades and big company accounts are trivial for companies in producing. For Example, Samsung is just one of Apple's biggest suppliers in the creation of this iPhone. Apple additionally holds B2B connections with companies including Intel, Panasonic and semiconductor manufacturer Micron Technology. B2B trades will also be the backbone of the auto market. Many automobile components are fabricated independently, and automobile manufacturers buy these components to build cars. Tires, batteries, electronic equipment, hoses, and door locks, by way of instance, are often manufactured by several companies and marketed directly to auto manufacturers. Founders Talk India one of the biggest b2b marketing places for the automobile industry. Service suppliers also take part in B2B transactions. Businesses specializing in real estate management, management, and industrial cleaning, as an instance, frequently sell these solutions exclusively to other businesses, instead of individual consumers.

South Asia has seen a digital revolution in recent years. The number of persons who use the internet has risen drastically. They use it for shopping, social media, and online sales. However, there exists a literature gap as far as the... more

South Asia has seen a digital revolution in recent years. The number of persons who use the internet has risen drastically. They use it for shopping, social media, and online sales. However, there exists a literature gap as far as the effect of outbound digital marketing in B2B markets is concerned. The research builds a model based on brand and consumer interactions in Indian B2B markets using a vector autoregressive model to systemically analyze the cost and outcome of digital marketing efforts by the start-ups operating in South Asia. The multivariate time series was analyzed in identifying simultaneous and consistent impacts by the start-ups. We use Vector autoregressive model as it allows us to analyze the relationship among the factors as it changes over time. The research finds evidence for the conceptual framework in South Asian markets. The results prove that sales are greatly influenced by digital media, and outbound marketing efforts, predominantly word of mouth, have a huge impact in building a brand image as it spread over on the social media platforms. It is observed that the digital marketing strategies and consumer interaction are the same across South Asia, but its effect varies from country to country within South Asia thus suggesting a need of developing a new strategy in digital marketing for B2B markets.

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered as e-commerce. E-commerce may have... more

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered as e-commerce. E-commerce may have large economic effects in the future. Internet commerce will change the face of business forever. Moreover, it has affected the information technology, economic, social, and e-commerce has enhanced the productivity growth worldwide in the 21 st century. The impact of e-commerce on developing countries for reducing inefficiencies for trading and to increase productivity in terms of economies with competitors internationally. There are many ways to accelerate the growth of productivity by cutting costs, increasing efficiency and reducing time and distance, e-commerce could become an important tool for development and growth in all sectors. Information security framework is specifically applied to the components that affect e-commerce that includes computer security, data security, and other wider realms of the information security framework. E-commerce security has its own particular nuances and is one of the highest visible security components that affect the end user through to obtain e-trade finance and equity investment, tourism and its internet incarnation.

Modern-day digital transformation including the internet and global usage of websites and rapid structural changes in the economy enable for e-business in terms of coordinating and adapting these changes. In this regard, as a... more

Modern-day digital transformation including the internet and global usage of websites and rapid structural changes in the economy enable for e-business in terms of coordinating and adapting these changes. In this regard, as a revolutionary paradigm of doing business, e-business is a brief way of describing "electronic business" that represents the method of using digital and online information and communication technologies (ICT) to strengthen business processes that notably include online stores or other internet-based firms. In other words, e-business contains a more comprehensive definition of e-commerce that includes not only buying and selling goods and services but also collaborating with stakeholders and business partners, leading electronic transactions within a company. In addition to that, e-business may comprise a crucial key of an organizational management strategy involving in the use of solutions desired and planned to increase organizations' competitiveness. In this sense, this present study aims at exploring the aspects of the main circumstances of the concept of e-business and focuses on the growth of e-business, formulation and implementation of e-business strategies, and looks at the future prospects for e-business in addition to identifying the distinctions of e-commerce. The study shows that the rapid technological developments combined with the growth of e-business contribute the tremendous opportunities and an appropriately developed e-business strategy and tools that are correspondingly used in the companies, positively affect organizations' success and sustainability.

Tesis presentada por Marcos Pueyrredon y aprobada con nota final 10 y dictamen del jurado de defensa de tesis de Sobresaliente para la Maestría en Administración de Negocios con Orientación en Dirección de Proyectos Digitales en... more

Tesis presentada por Marcos Pueyrredon y aprobada con nota final 10 y dictamen del jurado de defensa de tesis de Sobresaliente para la Maestría en Administración de Negocios con Orientación en Dirección de Proyectos Digitales en convenio de Cooperación académica con University at Albany, State University of New York y con Georgetown University, Washington DC sobre la tematica: Incorporacion del Canal Online en una Empresa Brick & Mortar fabricante de productos de consumo masivo :: Modelo de Negocios Hibrido Mixto Integral B2C + B2B + B2B2C + B2B2B

Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 5 – Principles of Business: Explain the characteristics of different business markets Explain the nature of interactions between businesses within a market Explain how an organisation's... more

Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 5 – Principles of Business:
Explain the characteristics of different business markets
Explain the nature of interactions between businesses within a market
Explain how an organisation's goals may be shaped by the market in which it operates
Describe the legal obligations of a business
Define business innovation
Explain the uses of models of business innovation
Identify sources of support and guidance for business innovation
Explain the process of product or service development
Explain the benefits, risks and implications associated with innovation
Explain the importance of financial viability for an organisation
Explain the consequences of poor financial management
Explain different financial terminology
Explain the uses of a budget
Explain how to manage a budget
Explain the principles of marketing
Explain a sales process
Explain the features and uses of market research
Explain the value of a brand to an organisation
Explain the relationship between sales and marketing

This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B... more

This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B firms from various industries reveals that despite the interest in social media, companies continue to focus on one-directional communications with established digital tools. Furthermore, the results indicate that the advances in digital measurement tools remain largely unexploited, and the firms lack the human resources and know-how to make the most of opportunities provided by the developing digital environment. The implications of the study suggest that B2B companies should update their capabilities with respect to digital marketing usage and measurement in order to adapt current practices to fit the characteristics of today's digital media landscape

The main objective of the study is to assess impact of e-commerce on socio-economic conditions in Ghana, specifically in the Greater Accra Region. The research work specifically intends to: evaluate the extent to which Ghanaians are... more

The main objective of the study is to assess impact of e-commerce on socio-economic conditions in Ghana, specifically in the Greater Accra Region. The research work specifically intends to: evaluate the extent to which Ghanaians are familiar with e-commerce, identify the main socio- economic conditions underpinning e-commerce in Ghana and analyze the impacts of e-commerce on social and economic conditions in Ghana.
In conducting the research, a convenience sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents from which data was obtained. Questionnaire design was used to gather data on e-commerce activities and socio-economic conditions in Ghana. The data gathered was discussed with the necessary conclusions, recommendations. The findings of the study revealed that many Ghanaians have adopted the usage of e-commerce with the reason transacting business on e-commerce was less expensive, aid in speed delivery of services (no time wastage) and there is the surety of service quality.
Regarding how e-commerce affects the lives of Ghanaians and the socio-economic contribution were that e-commerce has created job opportunities for many Ghanaians and has also been the source for poverty reduction within the country, many businesses in the country has become very successful due the use of e-commerce services or activities and has created avenue of foreign exchange gains for the country.
Thus, e- commerce is seen as a contributor in promoting the socio-economic conditions within the country, that’s there was enough evidence to prove that e-commerce is a major contributor to the socio- economic development in the country.
Recommendations have been made to increase the adoption of e-commerce and create awareness of it importance.

Eine weltweite B2B-Handelsplattform, die auch von Produzenten aus Industrienationen eingesetzt wird, hätte enorme Auswirkungen auf den Absatz- und Beschaffungsmarkt deutscher Unternehmen. Die Voraussetzung hierfür, wäre allerdings eine... more

Eine weltweite B2B-Handelsplattform, die auch von Produzenten aus Industrienationen eingesetzt wird, hätte enorme Auswirkungen auf den Absatz- und Beschaffungsmarkt deutscher Unternehmen. Die Voraussetzung hierfür, wäre allerdings eine sehr gut lokalisierte und an den Zielmarkt angepasste Version der Plattform für jedes Land. Außerdem müsste eine solche Plattform optimal an vorhandene ERP-Systeme angebunden werden können und das Problem der Sprachbarrieren, insbesondere bei der Verhandlung und Vereinbarung von Konditionen und Lieferverträgen, lösen.
Grundsätzlich ist eine Disintermediation des Beschaffungsmarktes für deutsche Unternehmen zu begrüßen, denn daraus ergeben sich unter anderem Preisvorteile, kürzere Lieferzeiten und flexiblere Bestellzyklen. Allerdings spielt die individuelle Fertigung eine ebenso große Rolle im B2B-Handel, wie der Support und Service bei Fragen und Problemen, welche für eine internationale Plattform eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Wie eine reine Vermittlungsplattform und die ausländischen Unternehmen in Sachen Produkthaftung und Gewährleistung agieren würden, ist ebenfalls als unsicher einzustufen. Allerdings sind diese Effekte ohnehin als Teil der Globalisierung in weiten Bereichen der Wirtschaft angekommen eine Plattform wie Alibaba.com beschleunigt diesen Prozess höchstens noch.
Sehr nachteilig wäre eine derartige Plattform für reine Handelsunternehmen, die bislang davon leben, Waren vom Hersteller zu den Endkunden zu vermitteln. Die Anbieter selbst würden ebenfalls deutlich mehr Wettbewerb, Preistransparenz und Vergleichbarkeit erleben. So könnte beispielsweise ein deutsches Traditionsunternehmen wie Fischer Dübel auf der Plattform als der teuerste Anbieter wenig Aufträge anziehen und seine Stärken in Sachen Produktqualität und Innovationsfähigkeit kaum ausspielen.
Deutschland ist laut dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Gerrit Heinemann in einem Interview mit dem Handelsblatt nach wie vor ein digitales Entwicklungsland, insbesondere bei der digitalen Infrastruktur, bei der Deutschland auch in einem OECD-Vergleich schlecht abschneide. Wegen der hohen Wettbewerbsdichte und großen Marktmacht von Amazon, Google und Ebay lohne sich der Markteintritt für die Chinesen nicht. „Alibaba geht in die Wachstumsmärkte nach Afrika und Lateinamerika“, erklärt Prof. Dr. Heinemann weiter. Gerade durch das Business-to-Business-Geschäft habe sich Alibaba laut Prof. Dr. Heinemann einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erarbeitet. „Das ist ein Trend, den Amazon und Ebay lange Zeit vernachlässigt haben“.
Scott Kessler, Aktienanalyst bei S&P Capital IQ in New York, hält laut einem Zeit-Artikel eine Expansion in den nächsten Jahren ebenfalls für unrealistisch: „Alibaba ist ein Unternehmen, das sehr in der chinesischen Kultur und den chinesischen Strukturen verwachsen ist.“ Neben enormen Kapital- und Personalaufwendungen würde Alibaba einen langen Atem benötigen, um es mit Amazon oder Ebay, insbesondere in deren Heimat, aufzunehmen. Doch die Chinesen hätten grundsätzlich die nötige Geduld und das Selbstbewusstsein, glaubt S&P-Analyst Kessler: „China war schon einmal Technologieführer – auch wenn das ein paar Tausend Jahre her ist.“

The rise in number of B2B e-commerce transactions inevitably leads to a corresponding rise in disputes over those transactions. Traditional methods of dispute resolution (litigation, arbitration or mediation) in the offline world, do not... more

The rise in number of B2B e-commerce transactions inevitably leads to a corresponding rise in disputes over those transactions. Traditional methods of dispute resolution (litigation, arbitration or mediation) in the offline world, do not address the requirements of online users involved in disputes over online transactions. In response to the demand for dispute resolution procedures which recognize the online user's desire for a fast and flexible mechanism which has a global reach, various research have been performed worldwide. This literature review discusses studies on online dispute resolution. The results indicate four main topics – initiatives, methods, factors, effectiveness and effective system. The complexity of ODR and its implications for future research is discussed.

Interactive online applications widely known as social media are extensively used by customers and businesses in the B2C domain but the objectives of each party and the way the two parties are using such applications can be quite... more

Interactive online applications widely known as social media are extensively used by customers and businesses in the B2C domain but the objectives of each party and the way the two parties are using such applications can be quite different. Based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory the article identifies commonalities and differences in motives and use of social media by retailers and their customers by means of an empirical study.
The study establishes that retailers tend to attribute different values to their social media tactics than the values experienced by their customers; it also identifies differences in motives and usage of the social media applications between the two parties. The findings underline the ambiguity as to the value and effectiveness of social media tactics by businesses and stress the need for better analysis and understanding of customer value drivers and expectations when business engage the social media as part of the marketing strategy toolbox. This is the first step for marketers in order to develop valuable and effective social media approaches that will improve their social media marketing effects.
The findings of the study form the basis of a Social Media B2C Value Gap Model that identifies the value gaps experienced by retailers and consumers using social media applications as part of their online and traditional interactions and form the basis for recommendations aiming at improving the value of such applications.

Dünya ticaretinde meydana gelen zorunlu rekabet, firmaları farklı pazarlama sistemlerine yöneltmiştir. Türkiye tarımında üretim sorunundan ziyade pazarlama sorunu olduğu görülmektedir. Bu yönde pazarlama alternatifleri aranmaktadır.... more

Dünya ticaretinde meydana gelen zorunlu rekabet, firmaları farklı pazarlama sistemlerine
yöneltmiştir. Türkiye tarımında üretim sorunundan ziyade pazarlama sorunu olduğu
görülmektedir. Bu yönde pazarlama alternatifleri aranmaktadır. E-ticaret tarımsal
pazarlamada olanakları fazla olan bir sistemdir. Türkiye’de bu sistemin
uygulanabilirliğinin artırılması tarımda pazarlama ile ilgili birçok sorunu ortadan
kaldıracaktır. E-ticaretin tarımsal pazarlamada aktif olarak kullanılmasıyla tarıma dayalı
ve bağlı sanayi kuruluşları ve üreticileri için ürünlerinin pazarlamasında kolaylık
sağlanacak ve ülkenin her yeri potansiyel pazar konumunda olacaktır. Bu çalışmada eticaretin
tarım sektörüne sunduğu olanaklar, fırsatlar, tehditler, eksiklikler ve tarım
sektörüne katkısı ele alınmıştır. Zaman ve mekan sınırlaması olmadan internet ve
bilgisayar aracılığıyla e-ticaretin ulusal ve uluslararası arz talep dengesinin kurulması,
aktif ve canlı pazarlamanın sağlanmasında önemli rolleri üstleneceği görülmüştür.
Tarımsal pazarlama sorunlarının azaltılması noktasında da önemli bir araç olarak
karşımıza çıkmaktadır.

Big data with data sets buying and selling of personal and consumer data. relationships and examines the effects of big data analytics on using a multi sales growth and enhances the customer relationship performance. However, the latter... more

Big data with data sets buying and selling of personal and consumer data. relationships and examines the effects of big data analytics on using a multi sales growth and enhances the customer relationship performance. However, the latter effect is stronger for firms which have an analytics culture which supports marketing regardless of the analytics customer relationship performance and sales growth in B2B firms.

Recommender systems (RSs) with artificial intelligence have changed the relationship between business and consumer. RSs with artificial intelligence cause the entrepreneur to understand the consumer’s behavior. By understanding the... more

Recommender systems (RSs) with artificial
intelligence have changed the relationship between business
and consumer. RSs with artificial intelligence cause the
entrepreneur to understand the consumer’s behavior. By
understanding the consumer, the business section has better
demand management and supply chain. Now it is possible to
deploy the product before its order. On the other side, the
recommender systems have advantages for consumers like
finding the desired product with personalized suggestions
and visual research, personalized marketing methods,
uninterrupted costumer support with chatbots, reliability
and speed. Besides its advantages recommender systems
have ethical problems. RSs can learn the patterns of
consumer’s behaviour by processing of personal data and
profiling. This creates ethical problems within the scope of
protecting individuals' personal data. In order to overcome
these ethical problems, General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) came into force across the European Union on 25
May 2018. Our evaluation focuses on two basic user behavioral
outcome the intention of use RS and the intention of
Keywords— Recommender system, artificial intelligence, ecommerce, e-marketing, ethical problem.

Meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi perangkat mobile pada penggunaan internet dan sektor bisnis ecommerce, menjadikan web bertranformasi agar bisa diakses diperangkat mobile. oleh karena itu penerapan responsive sangat diperlukan guna... more

Meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi perangkat mobile pada penggunaan internet dan sektor bisnis ecommerce, menjadikan web bertranformasi agar bisa diakses diperangkat mobile. oleh karena itu penerapan responsive sangat diperlukan guna optimalisasi interaksi user di perangkat mobile. pada tulisan ini merupakan hasil laporan praktek kerja lapangan saya di PT. Sumo Internusa Indonesia di Medan

A B2B portal is a channel used to sell to business customers that are typically SMBs. They resemble a B2C store, except they are usually password-protected. The sellers who use B2B portals are suppliers of physical goods, typically... more

A B2B portal is a channel used to sell to business customers that are typically SMBs. They resemble a B2C store, except they are usually password-protected. The sellers who use B2B portals are suppliers of physical goods, typically wholesalers, manufacturers, or distributors. The B2B portal is an online platform for buyers, sellers and businesses through which they communicate and conduct their business operations immediately. Sellers who use B2B portal are suppliers of goods, usually, wholesalers, manufacturers, or distributors and buyers are businesses down the supply chain. After using so many e-commerce web portal we notice one thing like in flipkart e-commerce web portal when a particular organization wants to use the services of flipkart than first organization have to go through by a long verification processes.it takes huge amount of time for verification. So we have developed a B2B e-commerce web portal in which we made an easy and small interface form for verification process which required very less and important details only of an organization to provide the services. So this B2B e-commerece web portal is more efficient than other B2B e-commerce web portal.

With regard to the collection of VAT on electronically supplied services, the EU VAT Directive provides for reverse charging (in B2B) and a single registration scheme (in B2C). This paper challenges the efficiency of these collection... more

With regard to the collection of VAT on electronically supplied services, the EU VAT Directive provides for reverse charging (in B2B) and a single registration scheme (in B2C). This paper challenges the efficiency of these collection mechanisms in a digital context, and in particular their practicability for suppliers (acting as tax collectors). It also discusses whether they are in compliance with the 1998 OECD recommendations on e-commerce. After noting the current (non-)developments in the context of the European Commission’s ambition to reform the EU VAT system and achieve a Digital Single Market by 2020, it sketches three proposals for further discussion.

ABSTRACT: The Antitrust is essential to generate conditions of legal certainty that promote efficient markets, and conditions of social and economic development in a country. Mexico has a legal system to monitor the process of... more

ABSTRACT: The Antitrust is essential to
generate conditions of legal certainty that
promote efficient markets, and conditions
of social and economic development in a
country. Mexico has a legal system to
monitor the process of competition, which
so far only has been expanded its power to
traditional markets. This paper aims to
make known whether the current legal
system in Mexico to protect the
competitive process in the physical
markets, is applicable to protect the
competitive process that arise in the ecommerce
markets and limit the
anticompetitive actions of the economics
agents that in this markets converge.

The main objective of this research is to understand the way a provider participates and contributes in the value co-creation process and identify the drivers that contribute to it. Given the nature of the phenomena under study a... more

The main objective of this research is to understand the way a provider participates and contributes in the value co-creation process and identify the drivers that contribute to it. Given the nature of the phenomena under study a qualitative research approach was chosen to conduct this study. To reach a deep understanding about the phenomena in the B2B empirical context where it takes place, a case study was conducted and data was collected through semi-structured interviews to key informants involved in the process. A link between value-in-use dimensions emerged suggesting the importance to the logistic provider to adapt its operation and internal organization in order to better contribute to the value creation process. The mechanisms that influence the experience lived by the logistic provider’s customer were identified and point to the importance of interactions and building a strong relationship in order to create a trust and collaborative environment between companies

Die Onlinehändlerbefragung 2020 wurde nach 2018 und 2019 zum dritten Mal durchgeführt und es beteiligten sich 330 Schweizer Onlineshops im Bereich Business-to-Consumer (B2C; 87 Prozent), Business-to-Business (B2B; 40 Prozent) und... more

Die Onlinehändlerbefragung 2020 wurde nach 2018 und 2019 zum dritten Mal durchgeführt und es beteiligten sich 330 Schweizer Onlineshops im Bereich Business-to-Consumer (B2C; 87 Prozent), Business-to-Business (B2B; 40 Prozent) und Direct-to-Consumer bzw. Herstellershops (D2C; 10 Prozent). Dabei sind ein Drittel der Onlinehändler sowohl im Bereich B2C als auch im B2B tätig.
Der Schweizer Onlinehandel erlebt seit März 2020 einen regelrechten Boom, der von bisherigen Studien und Experteneinschätzungen unterschätzt wurde: Bei der Hälfte der Onlineshops sind die Bestellungen der Sortimen-te im Vorjahresvergleich über 20 Prozent stark gewachsen. Und der E-Commerce-Aufschwung geht weiter: 82 Prozent der befragten Onlinehändler erwarten in Zukunft ein nachhaltiges Wachstum. Während der Corona-Krise wurden besonders viel Güter des Heimbedarfs (Do-it Yourself und Garten), Lebensmittel, Sportwaren sowie Mul-timedia, Elektronik und Computer online bestellt. Gründe dafür liegen in der Schliessung stationärer Läden, im vermehrten Zuhause bleiben, im Vermeiden von Besuchen in Ladengeschäften sowie im veränderten Freizeit- und Arbeitsverhalten. In der Corona-Krise profitierten besonders jene Unternehmen, welche im Einkauf und im digitalen Vertrieb breit aufgestellt waren. Mit einem eigenen Onlineshop und mit dem Verkauf über digitale Markt-plätze, E-Mail, WhatsApp oder über eine App konnten Omnichannel-Händler den stationären Umsatzrückgang kompensieren.
Seit Mitte März 2020 kämpfen Onlineshops zumindest zeitweise mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen: Der Ansturm führte zu Beschaffungs- und Lieferschwierigkeiten, zu Verzögerungen bei der Bestellverarbeitung, zu Kapazitätsengpässen im Lager und Kundenservice sowie zu anspruchsvollen Managemententscheidungen, etwa in der Umsetzung des Home-Office und der Corona-Schutzkonzepte. Die kurz- und mittelfristigen Massnahmen der Onlinehändler zur Zeit des Lockdowns betrafen die Erweiterung der Sortimente, die Personalaufstockung, die Erhöhung der Kapazitäten in der Lagerlogistik sowie die Anpassungen im Marketing und in der Kommunikation. Um sich für die Zukunft zu wappnen, planen Händler weitere Investitionen in Online, vor allem in den Onlineshop, in die Sortimentserweiterung, in die Bestellabwicklungs- sowie Lagerkapazitäten, in Weiterbildungen und Schu-lungen, generell in die Digitalisierung und in das digitale Marketing.
Beim Thema Cross Border E-Commerce bestätigte sich, dass nur jeder vierte Schweizer Onlineshop Produkte, meistens direkt aus der Schweiz heraus, in das Ausland versendet. Die grössten Herausforderungen dabei sind der Zoll (Zolldokumente, Zollkosten und Abwicklung der Retouren) und die internationale Logistik.
Beim Bezahlen in den Onlineshops änderte sich wenig: Die Kreditkarte und Rechnung bleiben bei den Händlern sowie Kundinnen und Kunden die beliebtesten Zahlungsmittel. Jedoch hat die Nutzung mobiler Zahlungsmetho-den wie TWINT massiv zugenommen: Schon bei jedem zweiten Schweizer Onlineshop kann man «twinten». Am häufigsten werden die Bezahlungen über die vier Payment-Anbieter PayPal, PostFinance, Saferpay (World-line/SIX Payment Services) und Datatrans abgewickelt.
Aus dem Frageblock zum E-Commerce im B2B resultierte, dass Onlineshops häufig B2B-spezifische Funktionen anbieten, etwa die Anzeige von kundenindividuellen Preisen, Selbstverwaltung der Benutzer oder aktuelle Lager-bestandsanzeigen, und dass viele verschiedene Systeme gut in den Onlineshop integriert sind. Dazu gehören die Suche und Filtersysteme, Digital Analytics, Content Management Systeme, Product Information Systeme, Emp-fehlungssysteme, Customer Relationship Management und Enterprise Resource Planning.
Im B2B differenziert sich die grosse Mehrheit der Schweizer Händler durch ein breites und/oder tiefes Sortiment, durch exklusive Services oder einzigartige Produkte.

The volume of information readily available in the E-Marketplace is massive. Business-to-business (B2B) users, for instance, have an extensive chain of business relationships that have immensely generated a large volume of information.... more

The volume of information readily available in the E-Marketplace is massive. Business-to-business (B2B) users, for instance, have an extensive chain of business relationships that have immensely generated a large volume of information. Although this raises problems of information overload, the data is embedded with rich and valuable information, such as internal structure and social networks. While other research focuses on discovering properties of B2C, C2C and P2P networks, there only exists limited work on B2B, attributable to the high complexity of the B2B structure. This paper presents a statistical analysis of B2B networks that amasses dispersed users' social relationships using a social network analysis technique. The investigation performed found that B2B networks are small-world, and thus follow a power-law distribution. The analysis also proved that B2B networks hold stable community structures.

E-commerce is mushrooming day by day worldwide and so the organic searches. This paper deals with how the e-commerce companies can grow their sales and revenue using 'SEO' (Search Engine Optimization). It consists of an introduction to... more

E-commerce is mushrooming day by day worldwide and so the organic searches. This paper deals with how the e-commerce companies can grow their sales and revenue using 'SEO' (Search Engine Optimization). It consists of an introduction to e-commerce search engine optimization, Search Engine algorithms, Ranking Factors and the efficient techniques to Optimise an e-commerce portal in 2017. I. INTRODUCTION: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It's the technique of getting organic traffic through Search Engines and that is done by optimising web pages or entire sites in order to make them search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results. Since more and more e-commerce companies are mushrooming on the web, the competition becomes very high for those sites to be made an appearance on the top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). With the massive growth of Internet, the dependability of Search Engines for Information Retrieval (IR) becomes a necessary. Since more Organizations make the Web central to their mission and product lines, search-engine rankings have become essential to strategic marketing and sales. Each search engine results page (SERP) presented in respond to a customer's request contains a series of snippets-clickable links that include preview text to determine the webpage's relevance to the search. The snippet's SERP ranking, which is dependent on a complex algorithm that considers more than 2 hundred factors, can determine whether a user visits that page. A snippet is organic if its web page warrants placement high in the SERP listing entirely because of intrinsic value; it is inorganic or sponsored if the business has paid a payment to gain that placement. Certainly, a high ranking in the first SERP can greatly boost a business's visibility. According to Hub Spot, for example, 61 percent of worldwide Internet users research products online, and 44 percent of online shoppers begin their experience with a search engine. Of those online shoppers, seventy-five percent never scroll former the first SERP. The study also refers that snippet type is important: 70 percent of back links that users click on are organic, with 60 percent going to the top three back links. These statistics imply that securing a high position in the first SEARCH ENGINE POSITION not only increases sales but will also help build the target user's trust, which can lead to better brand development. To achieve a high SERP rank, webmasters use a range of variety of practices, collectively referred to as search-engine optimization (SEO). To better understand SEO's relationship to business success, we surveyed current SEO practices and examined possible future directions. To help organizations a new comer to SEO, as well as those with practices in place, we compiled a set of the best tools and resources that can help organizations create and maintain SEO strategies given the green light by popular search engines. 1.2 SEARCH ENGINE WORKING PRINCIPLE What is called the search engine, is now, in general, refers to the full-text search engine, famous one's Google, Bing, Baidu and so forth. They obtain information from the Internet all kinds of the website through their own types of procedures and save the web pages to their repository. Through a series of processing, they set up their own full-text index database. When user query, they then retrieve the record from the database matching user query conditions and finally return these records to the user in a certain order. The work of search engine can be broadly divided into three stages: Crawl and getting: search engine spiders by tracking link access the web page, page HTML code in the database. Pre-treatment: text indexer to crawl to the page data processing, such as extraction, Chinese word segmentation, the index for the ranking procedure calls. Rank: after user input keywords ranking procedure call index data, calculating the correlation , and then in a certain format to generate the search results page. 1.4 WHY SEO?

Electronic documents began to take the place of the paper documents that are being currently used in foreign trade. In this study, it is mentioned of topics such as what are electronic documents, how are they regulated and what tools are... more

Electronic documents began to take the place of the paper documents that are being currently used in foreign trade. In this study, it is mentioned of topics such as what are electronic documents, how are they regulated and what tools are needed to have legal validity. It also covers the developments about examples of electronic documents and electronic process studies in the international field. It is expected that the number of documents used will decrease and also the complex payment methods will eliminate in the process of transition to electronic document use. As a result, it is recommended to use a single integrated foreign trade document in this study. In this way, it is predicted that foreign trade transactions can be executed through an online platform where all parties involved in foreign trade transactions will come together.

cited: Castelló Pastor, José Juan, El ranquin de los resultados ofrecidos por buscadores, asistentes digitales y altavoces inteligentes. Un problema no resuelto, Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor, ISSN 1139-3289, Tomo 40,... more

E-commerce merupakan bentuk transaksi perdagangan melalui internet yang dilakukan oleh dua atau lebih perusahaan, sedangkan B2C e-commerce merupakan transaksi jual beli melalui internet antara penjual dengan konsumen. Transaksi B2B... more

E-commerce merupakan bentuk transaksi perdagangan melalui internet yang dilakukan oleh dua atau lebih perusahaan, sedangkan B2C e-commerce merupakan transaksi jual beli melalui internet antara penjual dengan konsumen. Transaksi B2B melibatkan relatif lebih sedikit orang.
Transaksi yang terjadi pada B2B dilakukan dalam bentuk electronic data interchange (EDI), dan transaksi ini biasanya dilakukan dengan supplier/vendor.