Content Marketing Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Research problem: For many organizations, high-quality technical information products for global audiences are becoming an increasingly important part of doing business. Component content management attempts to facilitate the creation of... more

Research problem: For many organizations, high-quality technical information products for global audiences are becoming an increasingly important part of doing business. Component content management attempts to facilitate the creation of such information products. A growing number of technical communication groups are adopting the strategies, standards, and technologies of component content management. This integrative literature review examines the impacts of component content management on the quality of multilingual information products. Research questions: How are the impacts of component content management on multilingual quality conceptualized? How do best practices address the impacts of component content management on multilingual quality? Literature review: Two divides characterize component content management and multilingual quality. The divide between the academy and industry is marked by different levels of interest in quality, particularly its practical aspects. The divide between technical communication and technical translation and localization is defined by the lack of communication between the representatives of each field that leads to a narrower understanding of multilingual quality. Therefore, a comprehensive picture of the impacts of component content management on multilingual quality requires combining the perspectives of scholarly and industry authors in technical communication and technical translation and localization. Activity Theory provides an approach for bridging the divides and creating such a comprehensive picture. Methodology: To provide such a comprehensive picture, I systematically reviewed literature sources on component content management and multilingual quality in scholarly and trade sources in technical communication and technical translation and localization, then classified all selected publications by their relationships to the research questions, themes within them, and characteristics of the source. Results and conclusions: Contradictory conceptual understandings exist on the impacts of component content management on multilingual quality. While some sources praise benefits of component content management, particularly increased consistency and the promise to provide additional adaption possibilities, other sources focus on the challenges of using it, especially a lack of context, text segmentation, and human resources. Although best practices offer some suggestions for overcoming these challenges, the suggestions do not resolve them sufficiently and do not reconcile the contradiction between consistency and adaptation of information products based on the different expectations of audiences around the globe. This study is limited by the fact that it primarily focused on English language publications. Future research needs to be conducted collaboratively by stakeholders in academia and industry and from technical communication and technical translation and localization.

This research study the impact of content marketing on customer engagement on Instagram using a research model framework inherited from empirical research of Balio (2017) for the fashion brands in Vietnam. With 199 samples collected and... more

This research study the impact of content marketing on customer engagement on Instagram using a research model framework inherited from empirical research of Balio (2017) for the fashion brands in Vietnam. With 199 samples collected and processed, the statistical results prove the model's relevance to the type of post, the time frame for posting, the interaction of the message, the attractiveness of the topic of the post positively affect customer engagement on Instagram. The research results will help fashion executives have a complete view of content marketing and its impact on customer engagement behavior on social media Instagram. This is an essential basis in planning market development strategies, branding, attracting customers, and improving competitiveness.

The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual framework that identifies engaging CM practices, specifically how compelling content is created. Content marketing (CM) is fast becoming a key pillar in a company's marketing mix.... more

The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual framework that identifies engaging CM practices, specifically how compelling content is created. Content marketing (CM) is fast becoming a key pillar in a company's marketing mix. It is also a requisite for companies seeking to modernise their marketing practices through digitalisation to enhance online branding. However, overlapping definitions and interchangeable terms arising from different perspectives and methodological practices confound what exactly constitutes CM. Although CM is generally accepted as sharing brand content via owned media to gain earned media, a strategic approach, based on evidence-driven research, is needed to navigate through the overwhelming confusion so that companies can better plan and implement CM.,This paper addresses the scarcity of work with regard to CM practices in Asia. To address this research gap, the study examines content creation practices of five successful companies, based in Singap...

Top 10 DIY SEO tips for restaurants shared directly from our internal service menu.

Traditional marketing is on the decline, especially as more companies shift towards a digital approach. Content marketing is a method to reach defined audiences by focusing on creating and distributing valuable, relevant & consistent... more

In the last few years, advertising narratives have become increasingly important. Facing an environment of fierce competition and communication overload, brands needed to reinvent their communication strategies, and stories became... more

This research paper mainly aims to illuminate the influence of cultural differences on certain components of the content marketing process. The study has a descriptive research approach. In order to collect research data, a digital... more

This research paper mainly aims to illuminate the influence of cultural differences on certain components of the content marketing process. The study has a descriptive research approach. In order to collect research data, a digital survey, also in print, was applied to university students both in Turkey and Lithuania. Within the framework of the study, responses of the individuals revealed cultural influences on three vital main content marketing components: the distribution channel, the types of the messages and formats of building engagement with the target audience. Results proved that individuals from both countries have slight differences when it comes to reaching content, consuming it and interacting with it. It is possible to explain this situation on the basis of two factors. The first factor is globalism and the second one is that internet tools create their own usage culture and that individuals have been integrating with those cultures.

La riduzione dell'attenzione dei consumatori verso la pubblicità tradizionale è un fatto ormai assodato. Molteplici sono le motivazioni: la crescente frammentazione del consumo dei media, un cambiamento sostanziale nel rapporto tra... more

La riduzione dell'attenzione dei consumatori verso la pubblicità tradizionale è un fatto ormai assodato. Molteplici sono le motivazioni: la crescente frammentazione del consumo dei media, un cambiamento sostanziale nel rapporto tra consumatore e brand, l'introduzione di nuove tecnologie e nuovi dispositivi che consentono alla comunicazione (anche commerciale) di raggiungere l'utente sempre e ovunque.
Se la capacità del brand di essere visto e ascoltato è sempre più a rischio, la priorità assoluta di ogni azienda è spendere il proprio budget pubblicitario in modo efficace ed efficiente e ciò significa rivolgersi ad approcci nuovi: nascono così, e proliferano, strategie di branded entertainment, che a volte funzionano altre no.
Advertiser Funded Programming, web series, cortometraggi, advergaming... sono tantissime le possibili declinazioni di branded content & entertainment su cui si concentra l'analisi di questo volume, che vuole non solo proporre esempi e casi particolarmente riusciti per la loro originalità, con un occhio attento allo scenario internazionale, ma che prova anche a definire un settore della comunicazione d'impresa ancora fluido e poco chiaro: come si struttura l'offerta? Perché la domanda cresce esponenzialmente? Funziona davvero? Quali sono finalità e funzioni? Di particolare rilevanza anche il focus sul purpose driven content marketing, ambito di ulteriore sviluppo per il branded content & entertainment.
Questo testo ha l'ambizione di condividere con i professionisti della comunicazione e del marketing il know how che l'autrice ha maturato alla direzione dell'Osservatorio Branded Entertainment in stretto contatto con i pratictionners e le aziende che lo hanno sperimentato, offrendo le coordinate per realizzare e competere in quest'arena con progetti nuovi ed efficaci.

Content marketing is today's one of the most remarkable approaches in the context of marketing processes of companies. Value of this kind of marketing has improved in time, thanks to the latest developments regarding to computer and... more

Content marketing is today's one of the most remarkable approaches in the context of marketing processes of companies. Value of this kind of marketing has improved in time, thanks to the latest developments regarding to computer and communication technologies. Nowadays, especially social media based platforms have a great importance on enabling companies to design multimedia oriented, interactive content. But on the other hand, there is still something more to do for improved content marketing approaches. In this context, objective of this study is to focus on intelligent content marketing, which can be done by using artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is today's one of the most remarkable research fields and it can be used easily as multidisciplinary. So, this study has aimed to discuss about its potential on improving content marketing. In detail, the study has enabled readers' to improve their awareness about the intersection point of content marketing and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, the authors have introduced some example models of intelligent content marketing, which can be achieved by using current Web technologies and artificial intelligence techniques.

This dissertation offers an analysis on the impact and the use of content marketing by B2B companies in order to grow their online presence and attract business leads. More specifically, this dissertation relies on previous research led... more

This dissertation offers an analysis on the impact and the use of content marketing by B2B companies in order to grow their online presence and attract business leads.
More specifically, this dissertation relies on previous research led by the Content Marketing Institute and other relevant sources and adds new insights provided by interviews conducted on three senior B2B marketing experts.
It provides a detailed analysis on the use, methods and tactics used by B2B marketers in North America and France to deploy and successfully lead B2B content marketing campaigns to success while also offering insights on the organizational goals that B2B companies choose for content marketing and the results they may obtain.
It concludes that content marketing can provide B2B companies with significative and reliable results in terms of lead generation and brand awareness, while also pointing out that companies show difficulties to prove ROI from content marketing activities.

Turbulence, risk and uncertainty are now the normal situation of firms, markets and industries. This normality is underlined by periodic and irregular upturns and downturns which has two main effects. One is vulnerability, against which... more

Turbulence, risk and uncertainty are now the normal situation of firms, markets and industries. This normality is underlined by periodic and irregular upturns and downturns which has two main effects. One is vulnerability, against which companies deploy their defensive shield. The latter is opportunity, which should be constantly exploited. This study aims to present a new ambidextrous marketing innovation paradigm for firms which running in a turbulent and complex environment. The model is composed of four main vectors as content, channel, community and context which seem to be influential on stimulating companies' dynamic capabilities to achieve competitive advantage in turbulent markets. It is assumed that these vectors might influence companies' capabilities to tackle their two substantial issues of survival in turbulent environment which are their vulnerability against ever changing environment as well as discovery and exploitation of opportunities. This study is supported by establishing common domain between complex theory, dynamic capability theory and innovation theory. The theoretical underpinning of relationship between innovation approach and turbulent environments are investigated. The approaches suggested by complex theory are contrasted with innovation orientation approaches to evaluate the validity of model. With finding a clear gap in this research area, the proposed model will provide an illustration of how companies might be survived successfully in a complex and turbulent environment.

This article all about social media marketing

Bu araştırmanın yapılmasındaki temel amaç ise, fenomenler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen iletişimin tüketici bazında yansımalarının görülmesini sağlamak. Bu aşamada “Tüketicilerin marka ve satın alma tercihleri takip ettikleri fenomenlerin... more

Bu araştırmanın yapılmasındaki temel amaç ise, fenomenler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen iletişimin tüketici bazında yansımalarının görülmesini sağlamak. Bu aşamada “Tüketicilerin marka ve satın alma tercihleri takip ettikleri fenomenlerin tanıtımlarından etkileniyor mu?” sorusuna bulunan yanıt, fenomen pazarlaması alanının analizi için önem taşıyor. Çalışmanın devamında bu ve diğer tüm önemli soruların yanıtlarını detaylı biçimde bulacaksınız

A B S T R A C T We study whether marketing can have a new role, one that is better aligned with the sales force, by adapting content marketing (CM) in B2B professional services organizations. CM activities can be in-person events such as... more

A B S T R A C T We study whether marketing can have a new role, one that is better aligned with the sales force, by adapting content marketing (CM) in B2B professional services organizations. CM activities can be in-person events such as conferences, which involve personal contacts with clients, or digital, such as webinars (i.e., digital events) or posting firm-generated content on branded websites (i.e., digital content). Fitting random-effects negative bi-nomial regression models with four years of panel data from a large, international, consulting service provider, we show that the number of sales leads and won opportunities from its key accounts are positively affected by the frequency of an account's employees attending digital events and consuming digital content, but not in-person events. Moreover, we find that CM affects sales leads for both low-and high-level account employees. These findings suggest that CM can be effective in bringing sales leads and won opportunities to B2B professional service providers and can play a complementary role to the existing sales force.

La pubblicità è un ambito comunicativo importante per imprese, organizzazioni, sistemi economici e sociali e uno strumento necessario per sostenere politiche di marketing sfidate, da qualche decennio, da cambiamenti repentini e radicali.... more

La pubblicità è un ambito comunicativo importante per imprese, organizzazioni, sistemi economici e sociali e uno strumento necessario per sostenere politiche di marketing sfidate, da qualche decennio, da cambiamenti repentini e radicali. Alle trasformazioni di rapporti economici, dinamiche competitive e pratiche di consumo, la pubblicità ha risposto con la diversificazione di mezzi e azioni, l’attenzione alla relazione, l’articolazione di retorica e narrazione. Partendo da tale premessa, il libro ha una duplice ambizione: descrivere l’evoluzione verso una forma di comunicazione più complessa e dai contorni meno definiti che in passato, individuando le trasformazioni durature e le costanti del sistema, e offrire strumenti teorici e pratici utili alla progettazione di campagne di comunicazione pubblicitaria e integrata, fornendo le competenze di base necessarie a chi intenda intraprendere la professione di comunicatore o pubblicitario.
Il primo capitolo offre una riflessione sull’estensione dei confini della pubblicità tradizionale e sul dibattito relativo alla crisi dell’advertising classicamente inteso, proseguendo con una definizione utile per orientarsi nello scenario comunicativo e di marketing in evoluzione. Il cap. 2 descrive le dimensioni del mutamento che ha travolto il settore e si chiude con una riflessione sulla neopubblicità, la sua relazione con l’advertising tradizionale, le sue caratteristiche e gli elementi di reale innovazione. Il cap. 3 ripercorre gli sviluppi più rilevanti delle teorie e dei modelli che hanno guidato e che tuttora influenzano l’elaborazione delle strategie di comunicazione. Il cap. 4 illustra quattro concetti che ricorrono nelle formulazione dei nuovi approcci alla comunicazione, costituendo i principi cardine della neopubblicità: esperienza, relazione, integrazione e narrazione. Il cap. 5 è dedicato alla pianificazione strategica, articolata nelle fasi di analisi, definizione di target e obiettivi, progettazione di concept, mezzi e contenuti. Il cap. 6 approfondisce invece modalità e tecniche di comunicazione attraverso cui si dà forma concreta alle strategie: le tecniche della retorica e della guerriglia più frequentemente impiegate, la gamificazione, le qualità dei contenuti virali o spreadable.

Analizzare l’esperienza televisiva contemporanea significa esplorare un fenomeno in costante evoluzione e profondamente mutevole. La vera sfida per i player del settore sta nella scelta delle strategie più giuste per plasmare... more

Analizzare l’esperienza televisiva contemporanea significa esplorare un fenomeno in costante evoluzione e profondamente mutevole. La vera sfida per i player del settore sta nella scelta delle strategie più giuste per plasmare un’esperienza di visione in cui tutti gli utenti, ognuno con gusti diversi, possano riconoscersi. Può essere, pertanto, interessante esaminare la storia di Netflix, player OTT che ha rivoluzionato le abitudini di fruizione di milioni di abbonati in tutto il mondo facendo della personalizzazione il pilastro su cui costruire la propria brand identity. Attraverso l'analisi dei suoi profili Facebook, Instagram e Twitter, sono state così ricostruite e analizzate le strategie di promozione dei contenuti online con cui il player dello SVOD offre un'esperienza di visione sempre differente e soprattutto in linea con le preferenze del suo pubblico.

Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing.... more

Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing. Here, single case study is used as this case is considered unique and unusual. AKASH DTH is the new and only legal firm working in the DTH Satellite Pay TV industry of Bangladesh. This firm is using entrepreneurial marketing through the combination of digital marketing, content marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, interactive marketing, guerilla marketing, relationship marketing and viral marketing. This paper focuses on the practical application of entrepreneurial marketing which might be worth of future research.

Search engine optimization is the best way to promote your website and to increase your website's traffic. If you own a website, then you will need to come to terms with the usage of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is and can be an... more

Search engine optimization is the best way to promote your website and to increase your website's traffic. If you own a website, then you will need to come to terms with the usage of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is and can be an invaluable means of improving the popularity of your website, and can be ideal for raising additional traffic. There is a wide and wonderful array of methods which can be used for SEO purposes, although you must come to appreciate that not all search engine optimization methods are created equally. The search engine optimization process is time-consuming. The best way of doing it is by using some SEO tools even they are free of paid. Many website owners, whether out of a genuine act of cynical exploitation or out of mere ignorance succumb to the usage of the various so-called "black hat" search engine optimization methods. This is an ultimately self-defeating policy because the stiff penalties and sanctions which arise as a direct result of these methods are very harsh indeed, and so you risk your website being banned from the internet permanently. Given the risks involved with black hat search engine optimization why on earth then would anyone want to engage in such risky behavior? Very simple: in a flawed attempt to save money. Given that an SEO campaign can be a fairly expensive process, it is little wonder then that the temptation is there. One of the best forms of search engine optimization is article marketing, and this is whereby the website will have articles written which have a specified density of keywords present within them. With this so done, the articles are then duly submitted to the article directories across the internet where they will be read and accessed by interested people. The fact that the URL to the website in question means that the profile of the website will be continually raised. Another approach to make use of is to email marketing whereby information about the website and its details are sent to relevant and interested parties, advising them of updates to the website along with other information. Social networking websites can also provide a degree of assistance to the aspiring website owner because they can also legitimately post information about the website, and inform the friends of the website (i.e. people who are interested in the website) as to any additional info. Make sure that you tread lightly when using social networks in this manner because they take a very dim view of people spamming the site for commercial purposes. Social Media Networks Social networking websites have, for the most part, been fairly cruelly stereotyped as little more than the sole domain of bored teenagers and all of the petty melodrama that so often

Traditional media channels are losing their audiences as the public focus has shifted over to the web and its numerous issue arenas. In addition to the public and the publishers, this focus-shift has heavily affected the advertising... more

Traditional media channels are losing their audiences as the public focus has shifted over to the web and its numerous issue arenas. In addition to the public and the publishers, this focus-shift has heavily affected the advertising brands: as conventional advertising is nowadays easily skipped, branded content needs to find new forms that are appealing enough for the consumers to seek out for and share. These new forms of advertising have many names, e.g. content marketing, branded content and brand journalism, and they can all be categorized under a wider umbrella term of Sponsored Content.
In this study an integrative literature analysis of topical peer-reviewed scientific literature was performed to map out the consistency of Sponsored Content credibility from the consumer point of view. Study results suggest source credibility and content credibility as the main Sponsored Content credibility layers, while trustworthiness, expertise and aesthetics are suggested as the Sponsored Content credibility dimensions.
The study also introduces the Sponsored Content Credibility Model (SCCM) as a tool for perceiving Sponsored Content credibility, and a pattern of 26 variables valid for measuring its credibility.

In the 4.0 industry era, information and communication technology was the main tools in development of the tourism sector. Where this era "the use of technology for information can be accessed through various forms of cross platform"... more

In the 4.0 industry era, information and communication technology was the main tools in development of the tourism sector. Where this era "the use of technology for information can be accessed through various forms of cross platform" (Schwab, 2016). Millennial tourist has changed the atmosphere and travel patterns, which were previously conventional towards digital. Therefore, marketing tools should use a platform commonly used by millennial generation such as social media. Traveling vlog content on YouTube can provide information of knowledge of a destination image, so that audience can learn and get to know tourism destination from traveling vlog content. The purpose of this study is to find out wether travel content on YouTube affect traveling interest of millennial travelers to Nusa Penida island. The sample of this research is millennial generation (teenagers) born 1981 until 2000. The approach used in this research is descriptive quantitative, while the data analysis method uses statistic descriptive and simple regression linear. The study found that there is influence of "Nusa Penida, most beautiful place in Bali" travel vlog content toward the traveling interests of millennial after watching travel vlog. This research can be used as a reference for various types of tourism industry in planning online marketing tools to attract the traveling interests of millennial.

Owing to the unprecedented advancements in digital technologies adopted for use in marketing tourism, their use in tourism is expected only to gain momentum. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review literature published in... more

Owing to the unprecedented advancements in digital technologies adopted for use in marketing tourism, their use in tourism is expected only to gain momentum. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review literature published in tourism-related journals on digital marketing tools in tourism from 2016-2020, and to discuss future trends. The analysis reveals that the increased adoption of digital marketing tools has disrupted the status quo of the tourism industry. Findings also highlight a growing and broad digital marketing tools terrain that is thematically diverse. Tourism marketers have to ensure that they understand the trends in the digital marketing domain and be able to adapt to the changes in order to remain competitive. Based on literature synthesis, the study provides insights into practical managerial implications and provides the groundwork for future studies.

Content Marketing adalah istilah baru di dunia pemasaran, periklanan, promosi bisnis, serta kehumasan (public relations). Istilah "Pemasaran Konten" merujuk pada promosi secara online dengan cara yang berbeda dengan iklan (advertising).... more

Content Marketing adalah istilah baru di dunia pemasaran, periklanan, promosi bisnis, serta kehumasan (public relations). Istilah "Pemasaran Konten" merujuk pada promosi secara online dengan cara yang berbeda dengan iklan (advertising). Berikut ini ulasan tentang pengertian content marketing, jenis-jenis pemasaran konten, fungsinya, dan perbedaannya dengan iklan. Content Marketing berperan sangat penting bagi kesuksesan bisnis online. Tips dan stategi Content Marketing untuk kalangan Humas sudah saya bahas di posting tentang Corporate Blogging dan Corporate Journalism. Kuncinya: memaksimalkan website dan media sosial lembaga untuk promosi dan sosialisasi. Pengertian Content Marketing Secara bahasa, Content Marketing terdiri dari dua kata, Content dan Marketing. Content artinya isi atau kandungan. Namun, lebih sering diterjemahkan menjadi konten yang artinya "informasi yang tersedia melalui media atau produk elektronik". Marketing artinya pemasaran atau penjualan. Jadi, secara bahasa, Content Marketing artinya pemasaran isi, namun lebih populer dengan terjemahan "Pemasaran Konten". Content Marketing merupakan salah satu jenis stategi pemasaran, khususnya promosi, secara online. Istilah ini berkaitan erat dengan istilah bisnis online, internet marketing, digital marketing, content strategy, content writing, blog, website, media sosial, dan SEO.

Traditional marketing strategies are no longer instrumental in driving the attention of the consumers towards a brand. Consumers are indulging more in spending their time searching online and being fully informed about a product before... more

Traditional marketing strategies are no longer instrumental in driving the attention of the consumers towards a brand. Consumers are indulging more in spending their time searching online and being fully informed about a product before making a buying decision. Digital marketing strategies have taken over primitive marketing and advertising strategies. With regard to digital marketing strategy, content marketing strategy has evolved as the most valuable technique for customer engagement. Content marketing of ers consumers opportunity to analyze a product without the need to actually purchase it. For engaging consumers in a relationship with a brand beyond the purchase, content marketing technique is resorted to by businesses. The present review paper is an attempt to understand the role of content marketing in customer engagement with a special reference to the Indian scenario. This is done by analyzing the existing stock of literature present in the area of research. The findings of the present study reveal that Content marketing has a long way to go in India for ensuring customer engagement. Authentic and non-plagiarist content features to be the major problem encountered in ensuring customer engagement through the means of content marketing.

Il content marketing, la creazione e condivisione di contenuti editoriali da parte delle imprese con l’obiettivo di acquisire clienti, è uno strumento indispensabile per generare business, una strategia che fornisce ai consumatori,... more

Il content marketing, la creazione e condivisione di contenuti editoriali da
parte delle imprese con l’obiettivo di acquisire clienti, è uno strumento
indispensabile per generare business, una strategia che fornisce ai
consumatori, attraverso una varietà di formati multimediali, ciò che
desiderano veramente in modo funzionale agli obiettivi e ai valori di un brand. Nel 1996 Bill Gates aveva previsto l’impatto dei contenuti sulle attività di business. Il suo slogan “Content is King” non è mai stato tanto attuale.

هدفت هذه الدراسة للتعرف على واقع استخدام التسويق الوافد في شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات بقطاع غزة، حيث تم دراسة 6 أدوات رئيسية تستخدم في تنفيذ استراتيجية التسويق الوافد، والتي تمثلت في التسويق بالمحتوى، وتهيئة محركات البحث SEO، والموقع... more

هدفت هذه الدراسة للتعرف على واقع استخدام التسويق الوافد في شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات بقطاع غزة، حيث تم دراسة 6 أدوات رئيسية تستخدم في تنفيذ استراتيجية التسويق الوافد، والتي تمثلت في التسويق بالمحتوى، وتهيئة محركات البحث SEO، والموقع الالكتروني، والتسويق بالبريد الالكتروني، واستخدام منصات التواصل الاجتماعي، والمدونات.
ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة تم تحديد مجتمع الدراسة والمتمثل في الشركات الأعضاء في اتحاد شركات أنظمة المعلومات الفلسطينية " بيتا "، كما تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، حيث تم دراسة هذه العوامل، ثم تصميم وتوزيع استبانة كأداة لجمع البيانات من مجتمع الدراسة، والذي تكون من 50 شركة، حيث تم جمع 45 استبانة بنسبة استرداد بلغت 90%.
أظهرت نتائج التحليل الاحصائي استخدام أدوات التسويق الوافد بنسبة 66% وقد كانت أبرز الجهود المبذولة في مجال التسويق من خلال منصات التواصل الاجتماعي بنسبة 80.4%، وأما أقل الجهود فقد كانت في مجال المدونات بنسبة 35.11%، فيما أظهرت النتائج أن الشركات تطبق بعض أدوات التسويق الوافد دون ادراكها وتطبيقها للمفهوم الشامل للتسويق الوافد.
وأوصى الباحث شركات الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بتوظيف مختصين في التسويق الالكتروني ولو بشكل جزئي للمساهمة في تعزيز حضورها الالكتروني وتعزيز تنافسيتها عربياً وعالمياً، وأيضاً تعزيز الجهود المبذولة في مجال تهيئة محركات البحث وكتابة المحتوى والمدونات والبريد الالكتروني، وأن على الشركات تطوير المواقع الالكترونية واضافة الأدوات التي تساعد في جذب زوار جدد وتحويلهم إلى عملاء معروفين وعملاء ومروجين للعلامة التجارية.
This study aims at identifying the reality of using inbound marketing in the information technology companies in the Gaza Strip. The study examined six main tools used in the implementation of the strategy of inbound marketing, which are content marketing, search engine optimization SEO, websites, e-mail marketing, social media platforms, and blogs.
To achieve the objective of the study, the study population consisted of the member companies of The Palestinian Information Technology Association of Companies (PITA). The researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach to conduct this study. The researcher designed a questionnaire and distributed it as a tool for collecting data from the study population that consisted of 50 companies. 45 questionnaires were retrieved from the companies.
The findings of the study and the statistical analysis show that they use the inbound marketing tools by 66%. The most prominent efforts in the field of marketing is through the social media platforms, while the least efforts were in the field of blogs. The findings also show that the companies apply some inbound marketing tools without being aware of how to apply the comprehensive concept of inbound marketing.
The study recommends Information Systems companies to recruit specialists in e-marketing, at least in part, to contribute to enhancing their electronic presence and enhance their competitiveness in the Arab world and internationally. This is also to enhance efforts in the field of search engines and content writing, blogs and e-mail. The companies should develop websites and add tools that help attract new visitors and turn them into leads, customers and brand promoters.

In an effort to speak the social media language of our students, better prepare them for today’s advertising jobs and seek the helpful learning aspects of social media, three professors used WordPress blogs with 130 students one semester... more

In an effort to speak the social media language of our students, better prepare them for today’s advertising jobs and seek the helpful learning aspects of social media, three professors used WordPress blogs with 130 students one semester in three different advertising courses. Descriptions of how blogs were used to enhance student participation, engagement and skill building are included along with students’ quantitative and qualitative assessments. The use of course blogs led to multiple positive self-reported student learning outcomes. Based on the researchers’ self-evaluation and analysis of students’ survey feedback, and research into the current advertising and teaching environment, this article offers insights for using blogging to provide added benefits to advertising courses including improving the learning environment and increasing student skill development.

Sağlık iletişimi son yıllarda hem dünyada hem de Türkiye’de sıklıkla ifade edilmekte, sağlık alanında faaliyet gösteren kurum ve kuruluşlar ve bunun yanı sıra toplumda yaşayan bireyler için önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. İletişim ve sağlık... more

Sağlık iletişimi son yıllarda hem dünyada hem de Türkiye’de sıklıkla ifade edilmekte, sağlık alanında faaliyet gösteren kurum ve kuruluşlar ve bunun yanı sıra toplumda yaşayan bireyler için önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. İletişim ve sağlık kavramlarının birbirleri ile ortak çalışmalar yapmaya başlaması birtakım ekonomik, toplumsal, teknolojik değişme ve gelişmelerin neticesinde başlamıştır. Sağlık iletişimi günümüzde çok farklı düzeylerde gerçekleşmektedir. Bir doktorun hastası ve yakınları ile kurduğu iletişim, bir hastanenin çalışanlarının hasta ve yakınları ile kurduğu iletişim, devlet ve STK’ların çeşitli hedef kitlelere yönelik düzenlediği kampanyalar yoluyla kurduğu iletişim gibi birçok şekilde gerçekleşmektedir. Hastanelerde halkla ilişkiler uygulamaları önemli sağlık iletişimi yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu makale özellikle kamu hastanelerine oranla sosyal medyayı daha fazla kullanan ve bu yolla içerik yönetimi uygulamaya çalışan özel hastanelerin halkla ilişkiler çalışmaları göz önünde bulundurularak hazırlanmıştır. Hastanelerde kurumun tanınırlığını ve bilinirliliğini arttırmak, kurumsal imaja katkıda bulunmak ve bu yolla kurumsal itibarı arttırmak, kurum kültürünün değerlerini çalışanlara aktarmak, hasta memnuniyetini sağlamak, kamuoyunu hastalıklar hakkında bilgilendirmek, sağlık hizmetlerine yönelik bilgi vermek, hastalıklar hakkında farkındalık yaratmak, istenilen yönde tutum ve davranış değişikliği yaratmak vb. birçok amaca yönelik olarak yapılan halkla ilişkiler çalışmalarında bunlara yönelik içerikler oluşturulmaktadır. Bu içerikler oluşturulurken hastanelerin son yıllarda hedef kitleleri ile aralarında interaktif bir ortam sağlayan, hedef kitlenin de içerik oluşumuna katkıda bulunabildiği sosyal medyadan sıkça faydalandığı ve halkla ilişkilerde önemli bir kavram olan içerik yönetimine başvurduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin büyük özel hastanelerinden biri olan Medical Park Hastaneler Grubu’nun hangi sosyal medya uygulamalarından faydalandığı ve bu noktada içerik yönetimini nasıl oluşturduğu incelenmiştir.