Baroque Art and Literature Research Papers (original) (raw)

Genova, capitale di uno stato repubblicano, consegue tra il 1580 e il 1650 una posizione di singolare rilievo nella cultura italiana. Gli intellettuali grazie a cui la letteratura genovese oltrepassa la dimensione municipale sono studiati... more

Genova, capitale di uno stato repubblicano, consegue tra il 1580 e il 1650 una posizione di singolare rilievo nella cultura italiana. Gli intellettuali grazie a cui la letteratura genovese oltrepassa la dimensione municipale sono studiati in questo volume a partire dall'analisi delle opere che più compiutamente li rappresentano. Nasce dalla ricerca un'immagine meglio delineata degli articolati rapporti che legano l'ambiente genovese alle poetiche barocche. Il saggio introduttivo ricostruisce lo scenario socio-politico e culturale della città ligure tra Cinque e Seicento

This second volume in the Illuminating Women Artists series delves into the life and work of the Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi. The book explores the evolution of Gentileschi’s expressive goals and techniques, and contains... more

This second volume in the Illuminating Women Artists series delves into the life and work of the Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi. The book explores the evolution of Gentileschi’s expressive goals and techniques, and contains in-depth discussions of key artworks, such as Susanna and the Elders (1610), Judith Beheading Holofernes (c.1619–20), and Lot and His Daughters (1640–45).

Передмова до видання книги архиєпископа Мелетія Смотрицького "Apologia" (1627) з паралельним перекладом українською мовою розглядає твір як зламний етап у творчій еволюції полеміста, простежуючи передумови цього зламу та його вияви на... more

Передмова до видання книги архиєпископа Мелетія Смотрицького "Apologia" (1627) з паралельним перекладом українською мовою розглядає твір як зламний етап у творчій еволюції полеміста, простежуючи передумови цього зламу та його вияви на рівні трансформації образної мови.

“Anarda invocada” e “Persuade a Anarda que ame” são dois sonetos publicados em 1705 na coletânea de poemas Música do Parnasso. Tais textos abrem a seção intitulada “Primeiro coro de rimas portuguesas”. Serão apresentadas aqui as traduções... more

“Anarda invocada” e “Persuade a Anarda que ame” são dois sonetos publicados em 1705 na coletânea de poemas Música do Parnasso. Tais textos abrem a seção intitulada “Primeiro coro de rimas portuguesas”. Serão apresentadas aqui as traduções dessas duas líricas para a língua italiana.

En l’imaginari col·lectiu català hi ha alguns episodis bèl·lics que han marcat profundament la cultura i, en conseqüència, la literatura, per les seves pregones repercussions històriques: a l’edat moderna les guerres dels Segadors i de... more

En l’imaginari col·lectiu català hi ha alguns episodis bèl·lics
que han marcat profundament la cultura i, en conseqüència, la
literatura, per les seves pregones repercussions històriques: a
l’edat moderna les guerres dels Segadors i de Successió són
guerres de sang i de papers, en què la poesia, com altres gèneres
literaris, serveix com a vehicle per transmetre idees i explicar
fets. Amb el tricentenari, la guerra de Successió i les manifestacions
culturals i literàries que va generar s’han pogut fer
visibles per a un públic més ampli, però la literatura de la guerra
dels Segadors segueix sent, per norma general, força desconeguda
per a la majoria dels lectors, i és de justícia que no
segueixi dormint als calaixos de quatre estudiosos.

The object of the interest of the author of the article is the problem of relations betweenpreaching and the late-baroque religious poetry. On the example of a few Wacław Potocki’s(1621-1696) works from the collection ‘Ogród nie plewiony’... more

The object of the interest of the author of the article is the problem of relations betweenpreaching and the late-baroque religious poetry. On the example of a few Wacław Potocki’s(1621-1696) works from the collection ‘Ogród nie plewiony’ most often defined by the poetas ‘theological paradoxes’ (paradoxa theologica), analogies are shown between poetry andthe baroque religious rhetoric, first of all seen in the construction of the utterance, definedin baroque theory of poetry and prose as predicatory concept(conceptus praedicabilis, con-cetto predicabile). A confrontation of Potocki’s epigrams with the late-baroque predicatoryprose leads to the conclusion about only a partial imitationof the baroque concept-prea-chers’ practice resulting from the poet’s traditionalism and his unfavourable attitude towardshis contemporary literary and predicatory ‘news’.

Recovered Text of “Maszkary mięsopustne i powszechne, przy tym Kłoda popielcowa z Parnasu” (“Shrove Tuesday Masks and Common Masks, and also Ash Wednesday Wood Log from Parnassus”) by Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński The paper contains a... more

Recovered Text of “Maszkary mięsopustne i powszechne, przy tym Kłoda popielcowa z Parnasu” (“Shrove Tuesday Masks and Common Masks, and also Ash Wednesday Wood Log from Parnassus”) by Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński
The paper contains a critical edition of "Maszkary mięsopustne i powszechne, przy tym Kłoda popielcowa z Parnasu" ("Shrove Tuesday Masks and Common Masks, and also Ash Wednesday Wood Log from Parnassus") by Stanisław Serafin Jagodyński, text of which has been considered irretrievably lost until now. In fact, unique print disappeared even before World War II, however, its faithful copy survived in Karol Badecki’s manuscript stored in the Jagiellonian Library (Ms 7777 III, pp. 310–318). The published text is accompanied by a literary historical and linguistic commentary.

XXII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte: Vestir la Arquitectura.
Universidad de Burgos / Comité Español de Historia del Arte

Grimmelshausen is known as the most important German author of the seventeenth century, witness of the Thirty Years War with his ´Simplicissimus´ and the cycle of novels that followed that first important one. This article shows how his... more

Grimmelshausen is known as the most important German author of the seventeenth century, witness of the Thirty Years War with his ´Simplicissimus´ and the cycle of novels that followed that first important one. This article shows how his work after the Simplicissimus can be conceived of as a search for understanding the post-war world: Aggressive mercantilism of the trading empires was replacing the war with the sword, a form of sublimation of violence. His Continuatio, the the perception of the Mediterranean and of world-wide travel in it right toward India and Australia reveals to be something like "Writing after the catastrophe" (not really ´Poetry after Auschwitz´, but 300 years earlier, a similar attempt to find words for a changing reality).

Blaženi plač (Elegia; Divoto pianto) jedino je za života tiskano djelo Frana Kr-ste Frankopana. U tom je pjesničkom sastavku opjevana legenda iz 13. stoljeća o prijenosu Kućice svete obitelji iz Palestine na Trsat i njezin odlazak s... more

Blaženi plač (Elegia; Divoto pianto) jedino je za života tiskano djelo Frana Kr-ste Frankopana. U tom je pjesničkom sastavku opjevana legenda iz 13. stoljeća o prijenosu Kućice svete obitelji iz Palestine na Trsat i njezin odlazak s Trsata u Loreto. Blaženi plač je napisan na latinskom jeziku, a središnji mu je dio Elegia koja se sastoji od 143 elegijska distiha i strukturirana je prema klasičnom, huma-nističkom modelu elegije. To je žalobna elegija u kojoj se osim biblijskih i antičkih reminiscencija nalaze i pojedine parafraze iz klasične rimske literature, npr. iz Eneide Vergilija Publija Marona te iz elegija žalobnica Tužaljke Publija Ovidija Nazona. S obzirom na motivsko-tematske elemente Elegija je neolatinski odvjetak marijinske tradicije Pohvalâ Gospi.

Clothes Make the Woman: Transvestism and Transgression in Tiempo Común’s 1990 Production of El acero de Madrid — Mindy Badia, University of Arkansas Who’s Telling This Story Anyhow? Framing Tales East and West: Panchatantra to Boccaccio... more

Clothes Make the Woman: Transvestism and Transgression in Tiempo Común’s 1990 Production of El acero de Madrid
— Mindy Badia, University of Arkansas
Who’s Telling This Story Anyhow? Framing Tales East and West: Panchatantra to Boccaccio to Zayas
— Margaret Greer, Duke University
Casta Painting: Identity and Social Stratification in Colonial Mexico
— Ilona Katzew, New York University
The Comedia in Seventeenth Century Amsterdam: Rodenburgh’s Adaptation of Aguilar’s La venganza honra
— Matthew Stroud, Trinity University

PEIZAŽO KLOSTĖ: DĖL BAROKO NIKOLAJAUS GOGOLIO KŪRYBOJE Inga Vidugirytė S a n t r a u k a Tipologinis Nikolajaus Gogolio kūrybos bendrumas su baroko kultūros tekstais buvo nustatytas anksčiau, nei pradėti ukrainiečių baroko bei jo... more

Notas al programa para el proyecto «Ópera de San Ignacio». Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2018.

Zbirka sakralnih predmeta Muzeja Slavonije skrbi o nekoliko kipova i dijelova oltara te crkvenoga inventara čiji su izvorni smještaj bile baranjske rimokatoličke crkve i kapele u Topolju, Podolju i Branjinom Vrhu: Iz devastirane crkve sv.... more

Zbirka sakralnih predmeta Muzeja Slavonije skrbi o nekoliko kipova i dijelova oltara te crkvenoga inventara čiji su izvorni smještaj bile baranjske rimokatoličke crkve i kapele u Topolju, Podolju i Branjinom Vrhu:
Iz devastirane crkve sv. Petra i Pavla u Topolju (zavjetna crkva Eugena Savojskog podignuta 1722. godine) 1949. godine u Muzej su dopremljeni kip anđela (već tada polomljen u četiri dijela), oštećena oltarna slika Gospe Žalosne, metalni pozlaćeni djetelinasti križ (vjerojatno s vrha propovjedaonice) te mali kip Isusa, vjerojatno Uskrsli Krist. Tijekom 1950. godine iz crkve svete Ane u Podolju (sagrađena 1744. godine na mjestu stare crkve u spomen na Eugena Savojskog) u Muzej su prenesena tri kipa anđela (dijelovi oštećenoga oltara) te mali kip Uskrsloga Krista, koji su svi bili pohranjeni na tavanu crkve u Podolju. Iz porušene kapele sv. Ivana Nepomuka u Branjinom Vrhu (sagrađena oko 1810. godine, porušena tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata) potječe drveni kip svetca koji je otkupljen iz privatnog vlasništva 1987. godine.
To su tek mali segmenti inventara, sačuvani od propadanja i nestajanja u napuštenim liturgijskim prostorima, ali vrijedno svjedočanstvo nekadašnje bogate opreme crkava katoličke Baranje. Povijesno-umjetnička istraživanja potaknula su konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove koji će omogućiti izlaganje umjetnina i njihovu prisutnost u pregledima hrvatske barokne sakralne umjetnosti.

Could there have been television without California? California without television? The one shows the other: the ostentatiously novel singularity of the place and the seemingly self-effacing transparency of the medium. Yet if television... more

Could there have been television without California? California without television? The one shows the other: the ostentatiously novel singularity of the place and the seemingly self-effacing transparency of the medium. Yet if television and California both promise again and again to offer us something new, young, immaculate in its transience — a pure surface that will never get caught in the ditch of time — they are also both haunted through and through: by the itinerant contents of the past that they cannot banish, by memories of the infantile-perverse utopian fantasies that taunt us in constant replay (“If you’re going to San Francisco…,” “two girls for every guy”), by the contradiction played out in the very gesture of dismissing history and leaving the dead to bury the dead. California and television, as it were, conspire in a vampirologic: the forever-young is what has been there the longest, what really “takes us back.” And so we also will take ourselves back: to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, already almost charmingly quaint, and Walter Benjamin’s magnum opus The Origin of the German Mourning-Play. What can come of this improbable conjunction? It will not seem too strange that Benjamin, posthumous wanderer across the textures of Americana, should again take up lodging at the Hotel California. But more is at stake than just another hapless visitation from the on high of high theory: reading Buffy as the remediated afterlife of the dead-on-arrival genre of the baroque German mourning play, Adler’s book records the first broken, awkward steps toward a project that, with the recent rise of “quality television,” seems more urgent than ever before: a political-theological characteristic of the television series.

Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more

Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers from where Don Quijote was in the Sierra Morena.

Monsignor Juan Caramuel, doctor universalis, built ingenious and mul- tifaceted poetic machines not only to automate literary creation but also to multi- ply it. He called such poetic machines “Labyrinths”, “metric schemes” or even... more

Monsignor Juan Caramuel, doctor universalis, built ingenious and mul- tifaceted poetic machines not only to automate literary creation but also to multi- ply it. He called such poetic machines “Labyrinths”, “metric schemes” or even “Ideae”. These machines are the compositions that close the Apollos and the Muses of Metametrica (1663), a rhetorical treatise dedicated to a homonymous science. To whose invention he attributes himself. In this article, we analyze the functioning of these poetic machines and their place in the history of baroque ideas.

27 maia naWyebia literaturuli baroko baroko warmoadgens gansakuTrebul istoriul-kulturul da mxatvrul epoqas, romelmac moitana axa-li, renesansis sapirispiro msoflmxedveloba da msofl-aRqma. renesansuli idealebis krizisma XVI saukunis... more

27 maia naWyebia literaturuli baroko baroko warmoadgens gansakuTrebul istoriul-kulturul da mxatvrul epoqas, romelmac moitana axa-li, renesansis sapirispiro msoflmxedveloba da msofl-aRqma. renesansuli idealebis krizisma XVI saukunis mi-wuruls evropul literaturasa da xelovnebaSi axali mimdinareoba warmoSva, romelic espaneTidan da itali-idan evropis sxva qveynebSic gavrcelda da zogierT qveyanaSi XVIII saukunis bolo meoTxedamde gastana. termini baroko termin `barokos~ sxvadasxva ganmartebebi arsebobs da yoveli maTgani mniSvnelovania misi arsis gasagebad. iTvleba, rom es saxelwodeba momdinareobs portuga-liuri perola barrocca-dan, romelic cisartyelis ferebiT mbrwyinav uswormasworo formis Zvirfas margalits aR-niSnavs. meore versiis Tanaxmad laT. barrocco Znelsacna-uri sqolasturi silogizmia da mesame, barrocco siyalbesa da tyuils niSnavs. margalitis uswormasworo forma ba-rokos apirispirebs harmoniul, klasikur idealTan miax-loebul renesansis xelovnebasTan, Zvirfas margalitTan daaxloebiT ki xazi esmeba barokos midrekilebas fufu-nebisken, daxvewilobisken, dekoratiulobisken, xolo silogizmis xseneba miuTiTebs barokos kavSirze Suasa-ukuneTa sqolastikasTan, dabolos, is, rom baroko ga-nimarteba rogorc siyalbe da tyuili, xazs usvams ilu-zorulobis moments, romelic uaRresad Zlieria barokos xelovnebaSi. sabolood, ufro xSirad am termins uswor-masworo formis margalitis saxelwodebas ukavSireben.

Biografi (del 1 av 2) over Rasmus Claussøn Rosing (1641-1705), prest og salmediktar som utgav samlinga Den grædende Jeremias og Siungende Salomon (Kbh 1696). Fødd i Brønnøy med bakgrunn i både den lokale eliten og ei påstått adeleg slekt... more

Biografi (del 1 av 2) over Rasmus Claussøn Rosing (1641-1705), prest og salmediktar som utgav samlinga Den grædende Jeremias og Siungende Salomon (Kbh 1696). Fødd i Brønnøy med bakgrunn i både den lokale eliten og ei påstått adeleg slekt frå Danmark. Artikkelen følgjer han som elev på katedralskolen i Trondheim, student i København og som viserektor - igjen på katedralskolen i Trondheim. Artikkelen er trykt i Årbok for Fosen 2016.

Francesc Fontanella (Barcelona 1622 – Perpignan? 1682/83) wrote several poetic letters in which, apparently, different authors address to different addressees. The purpose of this study is to show that, despite the variety of names and... more

Francesc Fontanella (Barcelona 1622 – Perpignan? 1682/83) wrote several poetic letters in which, apparently, different authors address to different addressees. The purpose of this study is to show that, despite the variety of names and characterisations, there is only one author and one addressee and the hypothesis is that these texts should be read under the light of an idea that is central to the baroque aesthetic mentality: that of transformation.

The article brings about three topics related to Jiří Třanovský - his life, his literary work and his legacy in to his native Teschen Silesia. ----- Příspěvek přibližuje tři témata týkající se Jiřího Třanovského – jeho život, jeho... more

The article brings about three topics related to Jiří Třanovský - his life, his literary work and his legacy in to his native Teschen Silesia.
Příspěvek přibližuje tři témata týkající se Jiřího Třanovského – jeho život, jeho literární dílo a jeho odkaz na rodném Těšínsku. Třanovský působil převážně v době třicetileté války, kvůli níž byl nucen často se stěhovat. Působil v Čechách, na Moravě, ve Slezsku a na Slovensku, kde roku 1637 ve věku 45 let zemřel. Z jeho díla je nejvýznamnější český kancionál Cithara sanctorum, pozornosti si zaslouží i jeho česká modlitební kniha Phiala odoramentorum a sbírka latinské poezie Odarum sacrarum… libri tres. Třanovského odkaz na rodném Těšínsku spočíval zpočátku v užívání jeho kancionálu v bohoslužebném životě luterské církve. V 1. polovině 20. století byl Třanovský prezentován jako symbol československé vzájemnosti, a zároveň byl jeho odkaz předmětem česko-polských národních sporů. V dobách nacistické a komunistické diktatury byl jeho životní osud a dílo útěchou pro ty, kdo nacházeli paralely mezi svým a Třanovského životem. Po pádu komunismu se mohly stát velkolepé oslavy 400. výročí narození Jiřího Třanovského příležitostí k jeho přijetí jako symbolu, spoluvytvářejícího identitu celého regionu Těšínského Slezska.

Esta publicación recoge las actas de la cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales organizadas por el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza, dando continuidad a las aportaciones de los... more

Esta publicación recoge las actas de la cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales organizadas por el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza, dando continuidad a las aportaciones de los anteriores encuentros celebrados en Daroca (2014), Albarracín (2016) y Gallur (2018). En esta ocasión ha colaborado el Ayuntamiento de Almudévar, localidad de acogida de las Jornadas los días 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2020, finalmente adaptadas al formato telemático. El volumen presenta algunas de las investigaciones que se están llevando a cabo a nivel nacional, contribuyendo así al conocimiento de un amplio abanico de temas relacionados con la historia del arte, el patrimonio y la cultura visual global desde época antigua hasta la actualidad.