Behavior Genetics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Within a sample of 584 twins aged 12 to 25 months (292 pairs) studied longitudinally, positive affect measured through two laboratory pleasure episodes and maternal report at 12 and 22 months significantly predicted empathy-related... more

Within a sample of 584 twins aged 12 to 25 months (292 pairs) studied longitudinally, positive affect measured through two laboratory pleasure episodes and maternal report at 12 and 22 months significantly predicted empathy-related helping and hypothesis testing assessed between 19 and 25 months. Girls showed significantly more concern than did boys, whereas boys engaged in hypothesis testing significantly more

Рассмотрены концептуальные положения молекулярной биологии, важнейшие признаки формирования индивидуальных признаков живого организма, молекулярные процессы, лежащие в основе функционирования нервной системы человека, его психики,а также... more

Рассмотрены концептуальные положения молекулярной биологии, важнейшие признаки формирования индивидуальных признаков живого организма, молекулярные процессы, лежащие в основе функционирования нервной системы человека, его психики,а также методы современной психогенетики и их возможности.
Приведены данные о влиянии конкретных генов на психологические признаки животных и человека и молекулярных механизмах такого влияния. Освещены вопросы истории возникновения психогенетики, перспективы ее развития, современного представления об эволюции человеческой психики и этические аспекты психогенетики. Для студентов учреждений высшего профессионального образования.

Human obesity is associated with greater-than-average energy intake, although relatively few studies have tested the heritability of food intake. The present study examined the genetic architecture of measured caloric intake during... more

Human obesity is associated with greater-than-average energy intake, although relatively few studies have tested the heritability of food intake. The present study examined the genetic architecture of measured caloric intake during laboratory test meals in 36 monozygotic and 18 dizygotic twin pairs. A series of analyses tested the hypotheses that (1) there would be a genetic influence on total caloric intake,(2) there would be genes influencing total caloric intake above and beyond those influencing body composition,(3) ...

Three different measures of the Big Five personality dimensions were developed from the battery of questionnaires used in the National Merit Twin Study: one from trait self-rating scales, one from personality inventory items, and one from... more

Three different measures of the Big Five personality dimensions were developed from the battery of questionnaires used in the National Merit Twin Study: one from trait self-rating scales, one from personality inventory items, and one from an adjective check list. Behavior-genetic models were fit to what the three measures had in common, and to the variance distinctive to each. The

The genetic architecture of human reproductive behavior-age at first birth (AFB) and number of children ever born (NEB)-has a strong relationship with fitness, human development, infertility and risk of neuropsychiatric disorders.... more

The genetic architecture of human reproductive behavior-age at first birth (AFB) and number of children ever born (NEB)-has a strong relationship with fitness, human development, infertility and risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. However, very few genetic loci have been identified, and the underlying mechanisms of AFB and NEB are poorly understood. We report a large genome-wide association study of both sexes including 251,151 individuals for AFB and 343,072 individuals for NEB. We identified 12 independent loci that are significantly associated with AFB and/or NEB in a SNP-based genome-wide association study and 4 additional loci associated in a gene-based effort. These loci harbor genes that are likely to have a role, either directly or by affecting non-local gene expression, in human reproduction and infertility, thereby increasing understanding of these complex traits.

The heritability and prevalence of the gender identity disorder (GID) was examined, as well as its comorbidity with separation anxiety and depression, in a nonretrospective study of child and adolescent twins. The parents of 314 twins... more

The heritability and prevalence of the gender identity disorder (GID) was examined, as well as its comorbidity with separation anxiety and depression, in a nonretrospective study of child and adolescent twins. The parents of 314 twins (ages 4-17 years; 96 monozygotic pairs [MZ] and 61 dizygotic [DZ] pairs) completed the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (CPNI) containing a six-item DSM-IV-based GID scale. Prevalence of clinically significant GID symptomatology in the twin sample was estimated to be 2.3%. Univariate model fitting analyses were conducted using an ordinal transformation of the GID scale. The model that best described the data included a significant additive genetic component accounting for 62% of the variance and a nonshared environmental component accounting for the remaining 38% of the variance. Results suggested no heterogeneity in the parameter estimates resulting from age. The correlation between GID and depression was modest, but significant (...

Stuttering is a developmental disorder of speech production that usually emerges in childhood. In this study, a large population-based twin sample from the Australian Twin Registry (1567 pairs and 634 singles aged 17–29 years) was... more

Stuttering is a developmental disorder of speech production that usually emerges in childhood. In this study, a large population-based twin sample from the Australian Twin Registry (1567 pairs and 634 singles aged 17–29 years) was screened to identify twin pairs in which one or both members reported themselves to be affected by stuttering. Telephone interview-based diagnoses were obtained for 457 of these individuals (self-reported affected cases, cotwins, and controls) to determine whether the self-report was correct. To correct ...

The Caenorhabditis elegans gene eat-4 affects multiple glutamatergic neurotransmission pathways. We find that eat-4 encodes a protein similar in sequence to a mammalian brain-specific sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter I... more

The Caenorhabditis elegans gene eat-4 affects multiple glutamatergic neurotransmission pathways. We find that eat-4 encodes a protein similar in sequence to a mammalian brain-specific sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter I (BNPI). Like BNPI in the rat CNS, eat-4 is expressed predominantly in a specific subset of neurons, including several proposed to be glutamatergic. Loss-of-function mutations in eat-4 cause defective glutamatergic chemical transmission but appear to have little effect on other functions of neurons. Our data suggest that phosphate ions imported into glutamatergic neurons through transporters such as EAT-4 and BNPI are required specifically for glutamatergic neurotransmission.

... Regular Article. Poverty and Behavior: The Case for Multiple Methods and Levels of Analysis *1 , , *2 , , *3. Aletha C. Huston a , Vonnie C. McLoyd b and Cynthia Garcia Coll c. ... 1318–1332. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in... more

... Regular Article. Poverty and Behavior: The Case for Multiple Methods and Levels of Analysis *1 , , *2 , , *3. Aletha C. Huston a , Vonnie C. McLoyd b and Cynthia Garcia Coll c. ... 1318–1332. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (19). 31. SD James. ...