Context Research Papers - (original) (raw)

An expression of art or craft diminishes with changing philosophy over time, but an architectural expression tends to remain. The built form eventually becomes one of the very few representations of previous civilizations that have stood... more

An expression of art or craft diminishes with changing philosophy over time, but an architectural expression tends to remain. The built form eventually becomes one of the very few representations of previous civilizations that have stood the test of time. Centuries old buildings have lasted, although they were not specifically designed for timelessness. The act of building is not a temporal one, each one is a representation of its time. The quality of remaining unchanged indefinitely or permanence in architecture can be achieved with the use of enduring construction material and sympathetic regard for the surroundings. Buildings outlive generations and as such need to be resourcefully designed to continue to be effective. A conscious use of the local materials, the local technical skills has allowed these buildings to harmonize with the context. Born of the earth, each of these speaks the language of the people and of the place. On the contrary, in Indian urban centers, a large quantum of the architectural expression today is ignorant of its place and time. There is a diminishing reverence to what the place demands and more attention to what we demand of it. This paper explores the connections between a building's context and time to its longevity. It argues that concentrated efforts made towards rootedness to a place and relevance to its time, will lead to significantly bolstering a building's perseverance. It also enquires into longevity through examples spanning different contexts and times. Significant examples of historic buildings of a place are discussed in comparison with contemporary examples of similar locations. Such a comparison will lead to an understanding of ways of adapting traditional knowledge to current needs and their appropriation to the time. The paper seeks to emphasize the importance of contextuality and close connect to time, in extending the life of a building.

Meaning-making is at the center of all human communicative events. Communication is an exchange of meanings encoded in written or spoken words, non-verbal cues, signs, symbols, and so on. Creating, exchanging, and interpreting meaning is... more

Meaning-making is at the center of all human communicative events. Communication is an exchange of meanings encoded in written or spoken words, non-verbal cues, signs, symbols, and so on. Creating, exchanging, and interpreting meaning is ingrained in human nature since prehistoric times. Language is the most sophisticated medium of communication. It is through language that we set meanings or in other words — refer, define, and signify the things in nature and the ideas in our mind. (Griffiths, 2017)
The term ‘meaning of meaning’ was first coined by anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski in 1923. According to him meaning is related to multiple phenomena. It has various facets and these features are related to the external world (extra-linguistic factors) and the linguistic properties (phonetics, morphology, syntax, and semantics)
The concept of meaning is vast and has many moving parts. Questing for the answer — ‘what is the meaning of meaning’ makes us take a multi-disciplinary approach; from linguistics, philosophy, neurology, to semiotics. In this essay, I will reflect on the meaning of ‘meaning’ from a multidisciplinary approach, discuss the challenges of doing meaning, and the role of context in understanding the meaning of words and sentences.

Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de... more

Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de tres términos inductores: pandemia, libertad y futuro. La población del estudio corresponde a estudiantes de licenciatura de la UNAM. Los resultados obtenidos arrojan una aproximación al sentir de la población estudiantil frente a un hecho tan complejo. Abstract This paper endeavors to give voice to the perspectives of students with regard to the sanitary crisis caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus by using natural semantic networks as a tool for data collection. The article revolves around the students' subjective vision on the sanitary crisis in the light of three inductive terms: pandemic, freedom, and future. The study population was composed of undergraduate students from UNAM. The results obtained show the widespread feeling of students regarding such complex phenomenon. 1. Introducción Los sistemas educativos se están enfrentando a escenarios inimaginables debido a la pandemia causada por el virus SARS CoV-2, lo que los ha llevado a modificar la estructura tradicional de formación mediante diversas estrategias para encarar y sacar adelante los procesos educativos. Como respuesta a ello, los sistemas educativos y las personas mismas han tenido que desafiar sus límites y replantearse la manera de llevar las prácticas educativas a nuevos escenarios. En la educación superior, como en todos los niveles educativos, el impacto de la pandemia ha sido significativo. La acelerada expansión del virus supuso un cambio para el que nadie estaba preparado: ni las instituciones, ni los profesores, ni el alumnado. Millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo y, según datos de la UNESCO (2020),

Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de... more

Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de tres términos inductores: pandemia, libertad y futuro. La población del estudio corresponde a estudiantes de licenciatura de la UNAM. Los resultados obtenidos arrojan una aproximación al sentir de la población estudiantil frente a un hecho tan complejo. Abstract This paper endeavors to give voice to the perspectives of students with regard to the sanitary crisis caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus by using natural semantic networks as a tool for data collection. The article revolves around the students' subjective vision on the sanitary crisis in the light of three inductive terms: pandemic, freedom, and future. The study population was composed of undergraduate students from UNAM. The results obtained show the widespread feeling of students regarding s...

Halliday’s description of register as ‘a variety of language, corresponding to a variety of situation’, with situation interpreted ‘by means of a conceptual framework using the terms “field”, “tenor” and “mode”’ (Halliday, 1985/89: 29,... more

Halliday’s description of register as ‘a variety of language, corresponding to a variety of situation’, with situation interpreted ‘by means of a conceptual framework using the terms “field”, “tenor” and “mode”’ (Halliday, 1985/89: 29, 38) is revisited to reflect on the theoretical work the term ‘register’ does within the SFL paradigm. In doing so, we recognize that the concepts of a linguistic theory are ‘ineffable’ (Halliday, 2002 [1988]); i.e. that ‘providing definitions of a theoretical term ... requires that it be posi- tioned vis-à-vis other concepts in the theory’ (Hasan, 2004: 16). It follows that chang- ing the position of ‘register’ in the theory changes the nature of the concept. So while alternative uses of the term ‘register’ – such as in Martin’s genre model (e.g. 1992) and Halliday’s model – may advance a shared programme for language description and explanation as a route to social change, they must be seen as more than terminologi- cal variants. One consequence of ...

Although felt as a vague though often powerful sense of the world’s presence as we engage in a rhetorical situation, ambience is the highly complex and integrated totality of the world’s environmental, behavioral, symbolic, and temporal... more

Although felt as a vague though often powerful sense of the world’s presence as we engage in a rhetorical situation, ambience is the highly complex and integrated totality of the world’s environmental, behavioral, symbolic, and temporal dimensions and their fields of objects, agents, relations, and forces of which we may or may not become aware and with which we may or may not intentionally engage. Although we may feel it so, ambience is not merely a vague, amorphous background to our conscious acts which gives it meaning; rather, it is itself highly organized and organizing, developing from our interactions with the world in a series of succeeding integrative levels, each with its own structures based upon and providing purpose to the lower, earlier developed structures it supervenes and each providing meaning to the higher, later developed structures that depend upon it.

Smart mobile devices (smartphones) represent an important factor in access to information and communications networks. The wide population of users with different demands is using smart mobile devices in many contexts. The context of use... more

Smart mobile devices (smartphones) represent an important factor in access to information and communications networks. The wide population of users with different demands is using smart mobile devices in many contexts. The context of use of smart mobile devices represents a joint impact of smart mobile devices and mobile applications, used information and communications services and the user’s environment. The integration of smart mobile devices into user’s everyday life is the background for the development of the conceptual model that will make conclusions about their habits and patterns of their behavior based on the collected data. The data analysis can determine user's affiliation to a particular segment of users. This paper will analyze new system for measurement, data analysis and reporting of the use of smart mobile devices and related information and communication services, depending on the context of use.

言語表現は単独で理解できるものではなく、話し手、聞き手の背景的知識、現場の事物、などの共有的知識に依存し、かつ、非常に多くの推論を経て理解されるものである。言語理解は送り手がコード化し、送信したメッセージを同じコードを利用して受け取り手が解読するという暗号解読行為のようなものではない。言語理解はあらゆる知識を利用して受け取り手が構成するものである。... more

言語表現は単独で理解できるものではなく、話し手、聞き手の背景的知識、現場の事物、などの共有的知識に依存し、かつ、非常に多くの推論を経て理解されるものである。言語理解は送り手がコード化し、送信したメッセージを同じコードを利用して受け取り手が解読するという暗号解読行為のようなものではない。言語理解はあらゆる知識を利用して受け取り手が構成するものである。 特に、言語による指示で受け手にとって比較的経験のない行為を行わせるような場合、送り手と受け手の背景知識の差が非常に大きな問題となる。たとえば、料理のレシピの理解は上級者と入門者とでまったく異なる。上級者が送り手として料理の仕方を入門者に教える場合、送り手は喩えなどを使って理解を助けるための共有知識にできるだけ適切にアクセスできるための努力をする必要がある。この発表では特に言語的指示によって行為を行わせる場合、言語理解を容易にするため導入される文脈知識がどのようなものであるかを具体的な例に即して考察する。

— It is no surprise that the notion of situation is key to situation awareness. The development of the discipline can thus benefit from careful analysis of the notion. In this paper, we approach this by proposing an ontology of situations... more

— It is no surprise that the notion of situation is key to situation awareness. The development of the discipline can thus benefit from careful analysis of the notion. In this paper, we approach this by proposing an ontology of situations and scenes. The main contribution of this ontology is that it accounts for how situations progress in time changing qualitatively, constituting what we call scenes. The ontology is built by reusing basic elements from the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO). It addresses objects, occurrences, and their formal relations to situations and scenes. We use the theory of embodiment proposed by the philosopher Kit Fine to explicate how scenes and situations form wholes constituted of parts.

This article presents a review of the scholarship on the social media and crisis communication in China. Through a content analysis of research articles published in 11 journals listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and in... more

This article presents a review of the scholarship on the social media and crisis communication in China. Through a content analysis of research articles published in 11 journals listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and in the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI), 58 directly relevant articles are identified in the period from 2006–2016. The chapter examines the theoretical framework, methodological preferences, types of research, crisis communication practice, as an overview of current ongoing research trends. This research also explores how the unique Chinese characteristics affect the communication practice. Finally, critiques and suggestions for future research are provided from four dimensions, which include emphasizing on the crisis phases, extending theories and models, applying a comparative logic in discussion, and unifying the research standard between articles published in the SSCI and CSSCI journals.

Objectives: Advanced age is a time shaped by the current experience of physical, social and psychological characteristics associated with living into an eighth decade and beyond and also by reflection upon past experiences. Understanding... more

Objectives: Advanced age is a time shaped by the current experience of physical, social and psychological characteristics associated with living into an eighth decade and beyond and also by reflection upon past experiences. Understanding the specific factors that contribute to ageing well is increasingly important as greater numbers of older people remain living independently in the community and may require targeted and sustainable support to do so. This paper offers a conceptualisation of resilience for advanced age (age 85C), a life stage currently under-researched. Method: We utilise a developmental and socio-historical context to develop key arguments about adversity, resources and positive outcomes that affect the experience of resilient ageing. Results: Very late life is characterised by a unique balance between losses, associated with vulnerability and resource restrictions, and potential gains based upon wisdom, experience, autonomy and accumulated systems of support, providing a specific context for the expression of resilience. Post-adversity growth is possible, but maintenance of everyday abilities may be more relevant to resilience in advanced age. Conclusion: An increasing lifespan globally necessitates creative and conscientious thought about wellbeing, and resilience research has the important aim to focus health and wellness on success and what is possible despite potential limitations.

This paper analyses discourse, power and context on social media. Through a theoretical discussion of the 'Twitter Joke Trial', we highlight the growing importance of understanding 'individual communicative nuance' (ICN) and complex power... more

This paper analyses discourse, power and context on social media. Through a theoretical discussion of the 'Twitter Joke Trial', we highlight the growing importance of understanding 'individual communicative nuance' (ICN) and complex power relations in the production and interpretation of online texts. But ICN is not the only problematic practice of online communications; there are other social and environmental factors that impact upon the production, consumption and interpretation of social media. Whilst adopting previous understandings of discourse, context and social practice we refine and apply models of panoptic and synoptic power that are applicable to the communicative complexities of the social media. These dimensions of power, we argue, are unfixed and shift according to the contextual environments in which they are produced and consumed. Hence, we show that critical discourse studies (CDS) can incorporate theoretical frameworks that provide the investigative and analytical approaches necessary for exploring power relations in digital media technologies. By developing this theoretical approach we propose the concept of synoptic resistance, which mobilizes oppositional power against authoritative surveillance. Whilst we do not deny that broader social structures maintain top-down power, we argue that 'omnioptic' media environments complicate these power relations in the 'countercurrents' they provide against authority.

Color is a key feature, crucial for recognizing and categorizing objects. Even though color appearance tends to be perceived as stable, and universal tendencies have been found, color lexicon is subject to both intercultural and... more

Color is a key feature, crucial for recognizing and categorizing objects. Even though color appearance tends to be perceived as stable, and universal tendencies have been found, color lexicon is subject to both intercultural and intralinguistic variations. Within a general hypothesis of integrating universalistic assumptions with a relativistic view, color terms and comparative color-based expressions (e.g., white as snow) were studied. Data were collected through questionnaires and corpora; the languages studied included Italian, Danish and English.
Our data provide a picture of the variegated intertwinement between nature and culture in the investigated languages. From a universalistic perspective, natural objects (e.g., sea, sky), which appear to be more stable across time and space, are more frequently mentioned as typical exemplars than artificial ones. From a relativistic perspective, some typical exemplars, which are not common interlinguistically, are mainly related to the linguistic representation of local history and traditions of the specific nation and culture.
Instead of positing a single (either universalistic or relativistic) explanatory model, different interfaces and several contextual parameters are hypothesized to work jointly with universalistic constraints in lexicalizing the chromatic experience.

Patients with diabetes use an increasing number of self-management tools in their daily life. However, health institutions rarely use the data generated by these services mainly due to (1) the lack of data reliability, and (2) medical... more

Patients with diabetes use an increasing number of self-management tools in their daily life. However, health institutions rarely use the data generated by these services mainly due to (1) the lack of data reliability, and (2) medical workers spending too much time extracting relevant information from the vast amount of data produced. This work is part of the FullFlow project, which focuses on self-collected health data sharing directly between patients' tools and EHRs. The main objective is to design and implement a prototype for extracting relevant information and documenting information gaps from self-collected health data by patients with type 1 diabetes using a context-aware approach. The module should permit (1) clinicians to assess the reliability of the data and to identify issues to discuss with their patients, and (2) patients to understand the implication their lifestyle has on their disease. The identification of context and the design of the system relied on (1) 2 w...

A number of studies have been carried out on divorce from sociological, psychological and religious standpoints. Studies on divorce from linguistic perspective in Nigeria are hard to come by. Therefore, this paper conceives divorce as a... more

A number of studies have been carried out on divorce from sociological, psychological and religious standpoints. Studies on divorce from linguistic perspective in Nigeria are hard to come by. Therefore, this paper conceives divorce as a conflict site and examines representations of participants in selected Nigerian newspaper reports on divorce cases. Data for the study were drawn from fifteen divorce reports, five from each of The Punch, The Guardian and The Nigerian Tribune newspapers published electronically between 2016 and 2018. The data were analysed using Halliday's transitivity aspect of the systemic functional linguistics and Fetzer's macro concept of context. Five processes (material, verbal, mental, relational and existential) are used in presenting both negative and positive representational strategies. Following Fetzer's categorisations, three context types (linguistic, social and socio-cultural) helped in projecting twelve representational strategies. While ...

Discussion of the contribution of context in the interpretation of photographs

La necrológica como género periodístico cobra especial relevancia dentro del actual panorama de las narrativas que coadyuvarían a tejer la inseparabilidad de la historia individual y social, en la fundación de los géneros de vida y en el... more

La necrológica como género periodístico cobra especial relevancia dentro del actual panorama de las narrativas que coadyuvarían a tejer la inseparabilidad de la historia individual y social, en la fundación de los géneros de vida y en el tratamiento de la actualidad, afirmación que obliga
a explorar el origen de las representaciones que convergen en los “géneros de vida”, e inferir esa relación de manera particular en la necrológica. Este artículo explora aspectos de ese orden individual y social que circunscribe la conciencia de la finitud, en la vida y obra del sociólogo Alfredo Molano (1944-2019), Comisionado de la Verdad para el esclarecimiento de los hechos de guerra en Colombia y la construcción de la verdad (Comisión de la Verdad, 2020), quien en vida contribuyó a la construcción de una cultura de paz.
Los “géneros de vida” se han desarrollado en diversos ámbitos, y las historias de la muerte que aparecen en el género necrológico no son intemporales y tienen su lugar en la historia. Está entre los orígenes fúnebres como “cierta mirada sobre la vida”. Revela las formas poco
conocidas de un acontecimiento y entendido, muchas veces, como un proceso cuyo transcurso y cambio transforma también a la obra y al individuo.
Las diversas representaciones periodísticas analizadas desde las realizaciones del género (tipificación, retratos en serie/individualizados, personalización de la información, tratamiento de la realidad a través de sus actores, efecto descriptivo, la aspectualización, la evocación, la
aparición en género informativo o de opinión, interpretación o narrativo y la sección), están enfocadas en la finitud (obituarios, necrológicas, homenajes, biografías) y han sido recolectadas con la técnica cualitativa de la saturación.

Providing real-time traffic guarantees and fairness based on the availability of network resources has been a major issue presented in the literature. However, due the convergent nature of digital architectures, the increasing demand of... more

Providing real-time traffic guarantees and fairness based on the availability of network resources has been a major issue presented in the literature. However, due the convergent nature of digital architectures, the increasing demand of upcoming real-time sensitive traffic, such as VoIP, and a higher user´s adaptability (devices, global positioning, content quality, etc.), solutions based on Quality of Service (QoS) turned out to be insufficient in order to meet user´s requirements. Indeed, QoS metrics are network-centered, and mostly related to the dynamic nature of the traffic (such as throughput, delay, jitter, among others). In order to meet the need for a user-centered network, this paper proposes a context-aware solution where the concepts of Quality of Service, Quality of Experience and Adaptive Routing are integrated in order to provide a more dynamic and pro-active approach for the delivery of context-oriented time-sensitive traffic.

Berlin plans an International Architecture Exhibition about the topic: "The urban centre as a place to live". The centre of the city was going to be preserved as a suitable place to live, renovated and revived. This was the fourth... more

Berlin plans an International Architecture Exhibition about the topic: "The urban centre as a place to live". The centre of the city was going to be preserved as a suitable place to live, renovated and revived. This was the fourth architecture exhibition in Berlin focused on contemporary problems from the perspective of architecture and urbanism. This research analyses and describes the spatial and temporal context of the International Bauausstellung Berlin. It presents the geographical, political and social background that made this exhibition possible and fundamental in West Berlin. It involves the understanding of the urban scope in which IBA´s activity develops: devoted to contemporary architectural and urban problems defined by History. Berlin has always been and still is an exceptional scene of the international architecture, a modern version of locus amoenus. But today it is necessary to discover this beauty among the traces of its destruction and the interventions carried out by an almost complete generation of architects to create the image of a city that was frantically seeking a promising reconstruction. Berlin offers itself to be the spatial framework for IBA. It is a place with a great number of pragmatic variations for the architectural study and the urban development. It is part of Berlin´s tradition to have considerably influenced the changes of urban planning through International Architecture Exhibitions. The idea behind IBA, its program and the results achieved must be seen as a cultural manifestation incorporated in a city that acted as the centre of theoretical controversy regarding the urban issues and the construction according to man and changes in society.

The literature on cohesive devices is marked with evident dearth in studies that consider the context-text ties. The current paper attempts to fill this gap, and, therefore, combat an idealised 'villain' in research, which is confining... more

The literature on cohesive devices is marked with evident dearth in studies that consider the context-text ties. The current paper attempts to fill this gap, and, therefore, combat an idealised 'villain' in research, which is confining textual analysis to in-text relations. The study propounds the idea of expanding the analysis to include ties between the written text and the surrounding context and culture. The specific purpose is to explore the use and function of the cohesive devices which link the text to the context (exophora) and the ones that relate the text to the culture (homophora). The methodology involved explaining the cohesive devices to a postgraduate TESOL class of eight students (non-native speakers of English) in one of the universities in the UAE. After that, the students were asked to work in pairs and produce four opinion articles about a recent newspaper topic of their choice. They selected the United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP) leader's call to ban the burqa in the UK. In addition, two articles from the Independent and the Guardian on the same topic were also discussed. Comparative analysis was conducted on the six articles vis-à-vis the use and functions of cohesive devices. The analysis involved four categories: person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, and the definite article. The findings showed that exophoric and homopohric cohesive devices were employed abundantly, with exophora occurring in more instances. The study also revealed the relevant functions that have evident implications about assumptive and supportive roles of cohesive devices.

Revista Perspectivas de Políticas Públicas Año 4 no. 8 Enero- Julio 2015. El contexto es un elemento clave en el diseño de políticas públicas; sin embargo, los esfuerzos por estudiarlo o incluso teorizarlo no han sido satis-factorios, en... more

Revista Perspectivas de Políticas Públicas Año 4 no. 8 Enero- Julio 2015.
El contexto es un elemento clave en el diseño de políticas públicas; sin embargo, los esfuerzos por estudiarlo o incluso teorizarlo no han sido satis-factorios, en cuanto es percibido como un espa-cio inexplicable y complejo que explica la falta de resultados relevantes. Este artículo aspira a realizar una aportación conceptual y teórica al estudio del contexto, con el objetivo de reconocer su influen-cia en las políticas públicas y particularmente en el diseño de política social a partir de la identi-ficación de sus características, atributos y dimen-siones –socioeconómico, institucional, político y organizacional, así como el contexto conceptual de la política pública. La operacionalización de las dimensiones presentadas en este trabajo abre una futura línea de investigación que permite realizar aportaciones concretas en el estudio del contexto y su relación con el diseño de políticas públicas

Este artículo es uno de los productos de la investigación que sobre el tema " Secretos y mitos familiares " realizaron las autoras con el auspicio de la Universidad parejas procedentes de la consulta particular de las investigadoras y del... more

Este artículo es uno de los productos de la investigación que sobre el tema " Secretos y mitos familiares " realizaron las autoras con el auspicio de la Universidad parejas procedentes de la consulta particular de las investigadoras y del trabajo grupal con trece mujeres del barrio Mojica, Distrito de Agua Blanca, Cali. Además, se ilustra el tema con el análisis de obras literarias y películas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa aplicada, es decir, al mismo tiempo que se recogen datos que permiten alimentar la teoría, se co-construyen y se ejecutan procesos de intervención con la población, orientados a promover la elaboración y el cambio. Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar elementos críticos acerca de las concepciones predominantes sobre la violencia y ofrecer pautas para articular la pluralidad teórica sobre el fenómeno de forma compleja. También proporciona lineamientos para los procesos de intervención en casos de violencia, bien sea con individuos, familias o con redes comunitarias o institucionales. La intervención y las relaciones entre contexto, secreto y violencia son los ejes del documento. Abstract e objective of the present article is to provide critical elements about the standard concepts on violence and to offer guidelines to understand different theoretical approaches to this phenomenon in a complex way. It also offers guidelines for intervention processes both in family or individual cases of violence, as well as in community or institutional cases. Intervention and relationship between context, secret and violence are key aspects when dealing with this phenomenon.

This chapter considers the roles, challenges and limits of context in a philological commentary. Taking a short letter of Pliny the Younger as its example, it proceeds in three stages. First, a comparative reading of commentaries from the... more

This chapter considers the roles, challenges and limits of context in a philological commentary. Taking a short letter of Pliny the Younger as its example, it proceeds in three stages. First, a comparative reading of commentaries from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries establishes some very different approaches that can be taken to contextualising this text. Second, I discuss ‘contexture’, the contextualising of (in this case) a purported fragment within its broader collection. Third, I consider intertextuality as a form of context, offering an experimental reading of Pliny’s letter against Sallust, Seneca, Cicero and Quintilian. Whether we see such intertextual traces in terms of allusion or prefer to talk of the cultural archive, I suggest, the bounds of context are ripe for expansion in the Epistles – and pose unanswerable, but unavoidable, questions for any writer or reader of commentaries.

(2009), “Grounding Semantic Contextualism on Epistemological Contextualism”, with C. Bianchi, in Hanna P. (ed), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, vol. 3, Atiner, Athens, pp. 253-263.

The paper will focus on intentional and contextual aspects which characterize discursive intervention and, therefore, should not make them vanish when addressing an aspect of discourse such as fallacies. I will try to clarify, by... more

The paper will focus on intentional and contextual aspects which characterize discursive intervention and, therefore, should not make them vanish when addressing an aspect of discourse such as fallacies. I will try to clarify, by examples, the importance of context to judge any communicative act and I will address, finally, a curious type of fallacy (ironic fallacy) that serve as guidelines for establishing the complexity of certain fallacies, their ambiguity and their uncertainty if we do not respond to the multiple dimensions that characterize the use of arguments. Fallacies are not autonomous textual objects, are the tip of the iceberg of something much more intricate and complex, if we do not consider the intentions and aspirations of those involved in the discursive context and the circumstances surrounding the course of the conversation, identifying fallacies can be extremely confusing and erroneous. Ultimately we could be victims of the ambiguity that can be released from a purely " logical'' analysis of discourse.

Problem Statement:From the beginning of the history of architecture, unconsciously or consciously, the issue of context has affected the architectural design. With the emergence of modern architecture, some theories were discussed about... more

Problem Statement:From the beginning of the history of architecture, unconsciously or consciously, the issue of context has affected the architectural design. With the emergence of modern architecture, some theories were discussed about how to encounter the context in design and by criticizing those theories in the postmodern era and the advent of the Contextualism term in the architecture literature became a controversial topic among the thinkers of this field.
Aims:This study has aimed at categorizing and analyzing the approaches to encountering the context in order to use it in design.
Methodology:In this descriptive-analytical study regard, using library references, an overview of the theoriststheorists’ approaches has been first mentioned in order to achieve a comprehensive classification . Then different theories about the critique of these approaches have been then investigated; and finally, these theories have been concluded and their fundamental points have been extracted and presented.
Conclusion:The results indicate that while emphasizing principles including these principles can be summarized in three items of avoiding excess and negligence, simultaneous attention to the historical context and contemporary context, as well as the maintenance of integrity and continuity, the investigated theories support the contextualism.

This publication presents a fieldwork on renewable energies and energy-efficiency in design and buildings in Morocco. It showcases some key best practices that reflect smart solutions and resolutions related to energy-efficiency, and how... more

This publication presents a fieldwork on renewable energies and energy-efficiency in design and buildings in Morocco. It showcases some key best practices that reflect smart solutions and resolutions related to energy-efficiency, and how architects and engineers explored different passive means and systems to conceive and implement bioclimatic architecture. These pinpointed cases of best practices would incite the exploration and use of techniques of energy-efficiency and renewable energies in designing and constructing buildings. However, the innovative side of this study is that it contextualizes the issue of energy in buildings in the specific Moroccan milieu. This is achieved through a scientific methodology that set key variables and criteria that are essential to evaluate or conceive a building according to energy regulations and norms in order to reach a national passive-thermal standard. In addition, this catalogue is a gage to understand both strengths and weaknesses of this area of study. Being designed as a guide, this catalogue can be considered as a technical manual for architects, engineers, students and builders, who are keen to apply techniques of renewable energies or energy-efficiency and abide by the concurrent national energy rules and regulations in their projects.

An event that was reported on September 27, 2010 involved a teacher committing child abuse through the means of corporal punishment—an act considered illegal—and was prosecuted in the process (see appendix). Through the lens of... more

An event that was reported on September 27, 2010 involved a teacher committing child abuse through the means of corporal punishment—an act considered illegal—and was prosecuted in the process (see appendix). Through the lens of Psychology, this paper will attempt to briefly explain direct violence and its manifestation in the use of corporal punishment. The argument of this paper is that corporal punishment, as exhibited by the teacher, can in itself turn into a cycle of violence, perpetuated by the interaction of social learning and the subject’s environment.

Discourse, context and cognition.
Discourse Studies, 8(1), 159-177, 2006.

Teun. Van Dijk