Architectural Design Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The goal of this unit is to build into the mindset of the students a sociocultural and anthropological understanding of space and place. The key method that this unit aims to provide the students with centers around the notion of empathy... more

The goal of this unit is to build into the mindset of the students a sociocultural and anthropological understanding of space and place. The key method that this unit aims to provide the students with centers around the notion of empathy in understanding the needs of users, which, in this case, is not just the immediate clients or users of the space proposed for them but also the communities and polity surrounding it. The emphasis of this unit is on the “urban solutions.” In order to achieve this empathy, students will engage in qualitative research methods such as participant observation, open-ended interviews, and analogous and inquisitive participation. In this unit, we will be looking at a real project that is in the centre of public and media attention. Students will think about how this complex community of people are living, selling, maneuvering kinship and business practices through space and time. It is crucial to understand the context, the people and the culture; as there is a real need for design that integrates all of the above. This unit will give the students the training in the methods by which they can systematically collect ‘thick social data’ to
integrate into this urban design lab.

The proliferation of data together with the increase of computing power in the last decade has triggered a new interest in artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning and in particular deep learning techniques, inspired by the... more

The proliferation of data together with the increase of computing power in the last decade has triggered a new interest in artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning and in particular deep learning techniques, inspired by the topological structure of neurons network in brains, are omnipresent in the IT discourse, and generated new enthusiasms and fears in our society. These methods have already shown great effectiveness in fields far from architecture and have long been exploited in software that we use every day. Many computing libraries are available for anyone with some programming skills and allow them to "train" a neural network based on several types of data. The world of architecture has not remained external to this phenomenon: many researchers are working on the applications of artificial intelligence to architectural design, a few design software allow exploiting machine learning algorithms, and some large architectural firms have begun to experiment with deep learning methods to put into practice data accumulated over years of profession, with a special interest in environmental sustainability and building performance. If on the one hand, these techniques promise great results, on the other we are still in an exploratory phase. It is then necessary, in our opinion, to understand what the roles of this technology could be within the architectural design process, and with which scopes they can facilitate such a complex profession as that of the architect. On this subject we made ten interviews with as many designers and researchers in the AEC industry, In the article we will report a summary of their testimonies, comparing and commenting on the responses of the designers, with the aim of understanding the potentials of using artificial intelligence methods within the design process, report their perceptions on how artificial intelligence techniques can affect the architect's approach to the project, concluding with some reflections on the critical issues identified during the interviews with the designers.

This paper is dealing with new industrial architecture as emerging, re-birthed phenomenon in architectural practice. Although the industrial buildings are not a new building typology, industrial architecture was not always, so to say,... more

This paper is dealing with new industrial architecture as emerging, re-birthed phenomenon in
architectural practice. Although the industrial buildings are not a new building typology, industrial
architecture was not always, so to say, “present” in construction of industrial facilities. Through
discussion in this paper we will try to define what we can call a new industrial architecture and
what the boundaries of this definition are. In this context, we made a distinction between the
vastness of the industrial buildings built as mass production facilities without any architectural
integrity and at the same time tried to find and present several examples of architectural works that
belong to the same building typology, but that can be considered as really representations of
industrial architecture.

100 Computational Intelligence: The Grid as a Post-Human Network ... Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human2 'Distributed' Paradigm During the past five years, most of my (post-) 'critical-political time' has been... more

100 Computational Intelligence: The Grid as a Post-Human Network ... Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human2 'Distributed' Paradigm During the past five years, most of my (post-) 'critical-political time' has been spent dealing with a new idea of collective intelligence that ...

This is a review of facsimile editions of two architects' sketchbooks, Eduardo Souto de Moura and Wang Shu. One factor in the staying power of the sketch is its immediacy, another is its physicality. In a world in which we increasingly... more

This is a review of facsimile editions of two architects' sketchbooks, Eduardo Souto de Moura and Wang Shu. One factor in the staying power
of the sketch is its immediacy, another is its physicality. In a world in which we increasingly interact through various technological interfaces, in which architecture is mostly created virtually – before it has to interact with the messy reality of the site – the sketch can be seen as an intimate and individual protest against the prevailing norm. The two sketchbooks, Eduardo Souto de Moura – Sketchbook No. 76, and Wang Shu– Imagining the House, are examples of an architectural process in which hand-drafting still has a place.

Architect Anupama Kundoo describes how ‘the dream of building a new city’ from scratch for an international spiritual community in southern India has created a magnet for architects around the world. As the city now approaches its 50th... more

Architect Anupama Kundoo describes how ‘the dream of building a new city’ from scratch for an international spiritual community in southern India has created a magnet for architects around the world. As the city now approaches its 50th anniversary, she asks whether Auroville can keep its architectural culture of innovation and experimentation alight. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Architects write a lot, especially now when conceptual aspects have become central in the advanced reflections and narrative forms increasingly intersect the quest of design practices for an ultimate legitimation. In the growing mass of... more

Architects write a lot, especially now when conceptual aspects have become central in the advanced reflections and narrative forms increasingly intersect the quest of design practices for an ultimate legitimation. In the growing mass of the publishing offer, these keywords
try to highlight recurrent issues, tracking synthetic paths of orientation between different critical positions, with particular attention to what happens in the neighbouring fields of the arts and sciences.
This is the English version of the book published in 2016.
It is now available at the publisher's website:

Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more

Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura, costituisce un nodo di grande rilevanza per l'interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e degli spazi architettonici. Incoraggia una riconciliazione dello sguardo quantitativo con quello mirato alla lettura qualitativa, riavvicina discipline disgraziatamente disgiunte nell'attuale pratica, suggerisce mezzi e stili di vita che sono alla base del nostro habitat. Ciò che infatti ha da sempre caratterizzato la città non è solo la sua dimensione ed il numero degli abitanti, ma un secondo fattore fondamentale: la densità appunto, o meglio un valore di densità minimo in grado di produrre divisione del lavoro, varietà di funzioni e attività, complessità della struttura sociale. L'architettura progetta distanze oltrechè volumi, la densità ne è quindi un parametro centrale; l'urbanistica e la progettazione urbana, utilizzando il calcolo della densità come livello minimo di pianificazione, dovranno tendere a configurare in futuro le città, influenzandone gli aspetti non solo numerici, ma anche tipologici, morfologici e spaziali. Riscattato dalla computistica, il fattore densità, si trasforma allora in una variabile urbana in grado di definire la forma attuale della città, divenendone strumento di misurazione e di progetto.

Colombia está viviendo un proceso de transición iniciado a finales de 2016 con la firma del Acuerdo de paz, que puso fin a un conflicto armado de más de 60 años. En el marco de ese proceso se han producido proyectos de arquitectura... more

Colombia está viviendo un proceso de transición iniciado a finales de 2016 con la firma del Acuerdo de paz, que puso fin a un conflicto armado de más de 60 años. En el marco de ese proceso se han producido proyectos de arquitectura encaminados a la reparación individual y colectiva de las víctimas, la reincorporación de los exguerrilleros y al buen vivir de comunidades locales. Este artículo presenta parámetros de diseño arquitectónico elaborados por medio de los hallazgos en campo y la revisión de prácticas de diseño relacionadas con la transición. Estos permitirán la revisión de los proyectos arquitectónicos generados en ese escenario y la base para la generación de lineamientos de diseño para los diferentes contextos. El estudio permite concluir la responsabilidad emergente de la arquitectura en el proceso transicional de construcción de la paz en Colombia y la necesidad de diseñar herramientas para su aporte efectivo a este proceso.

New challenges for the architectural project are globally emerging in order to the social economic changes and the dispute between ideological man and technological man. Avoiding any formalistic configuration, it should be based on the... more

New challenges for the architectural project are globally emerging in order to the social economic changes and the dispute between ideological man and technological man. Avoiding any formalistic configuration, it should be based on the environment of the future: house, work and city. This doesn't mean deal with the compact city or with the soil consumption, because it doesn't make sense nowadays a-priori, in particular in the new European socioeconomic condition. Dealing with this problem means focusing on the regeneration of existing, in particular buildings and suburbs, till they reach a critical mass to host new functions, committed to the contemporary sustainability way of living. The new aesthetics must look at the tradition and innovation to transform the confused contexts and the suburbs, which lost identity. The regeneration of the suburbs, through the design of collective elements and the forecasting, hard but necessary, of the commercial function, can contribute to recreate new connections inside the territory, at both local and global scale. In this Paper is proposed a qualitative research, carried by the Rural Architectural Intensification Research group of the University of Pavia in collaboration with researchers of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University in Shanghai, thorough interpretation and survey of numerous study cases between China and Europe with the aim to discover innovations and alternative design hypothesis that may explain the ongoing phenomena in the deprived suburbs: interventions on materials, spaces and functions, capable of giving back social and landscape dignity to forget suburbs.

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as... more

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as after-the-fact representational visualizations. In this paper we propose a model to make the realistic images a very part of the design and decision making process. If we are to utilize realistic images during earlier decision making stages of the design processes, then we should develop experiential workflows in which we can create and interact with immersive realistic images real-time. We take several steps towards establishing an interactive rendering-animating-editing workflow that enables the designers to work with real-time rendered stereoscopic animations. In our system, we use realism to create an immersive exploration environment, as opposed to underutilizing it to represent a static moment.

Environments tuned to create mood may be well tuned or badly tuned, calming or cloying, but what about an architecture of and for ‘moodlessness’? For whom (or what) is it possible and when? Is it just a matter of affectlessness – of... more

Environments tuned to create mood may be well tuned or badly tuned, calming or cloying, but what about an architecture of and for ‘moodlessness’? For whom (or what) is it possible and when? Is it just a matter of affectlessness – of zeroed-out emotion – or something more cunning? Is it another kind of performance (or respite from them?). Surely the enactment of emotion is a crucial evolutionary strategy for intelligent social species (including companion species). Being cute, graceful, fearful, seductive are all ways that creatures interrelate. Mood could even be defined as the cumulative emotional and experiential resonance of these interrelations at a given moment. If so, is moodlessness merely the absence of those interrelations, or instead is it a particular sort of interrelation: is boredom, for example, a mood or is it the absence of mood?

The concept of mass customisation is not new yet the UK construction industry has yet to grasp this opportunity to deliver greater value to its customers. The government report Rethinking Construction [Egan 1998] clearly identifies this... more

The concept of mass customisation is not new yet the UK construction industry has yet to grasp this opportunity to deliver greater value to its customers. The government report Rethinking Construction [Egan 1998] clearly identifies this issue:'We have repeatedly heard the claim that construction is different from manufacturing because every product is unique. We do not agree. Not only are many buildings such as houses, essentially repeat products which can be continually improved but, more importantly, the process of construction is ...

Interrupted cities è un progetto di ricerca internazionale che abbiamo avviato tre anni addietro insieme a Tom Rankin, Giorgio Verdiani e Paolo Pineschi. Il progetto è stato intitolato come evidente omaggio alla Roma Interrotta di Piero... more

Interrupted cities è un progetto di ricerca internazionale che abbiamo avviato tre anni addietro insieme a Tom Rankin, Giorgio Verdiani e Paolo Pineschi. Il progetto è stato intitolato come evidente omaggio alla Roma Interrotta di Piero Sartogo, ma - a partire da Nicosia, la città interrotta dalla divisione in due dell’isola di Cipro nel 1974 - interrupted city ha esplorato altre istanze di interruzione, quali la divisione tra centro e periferia, e anche l’interruzione della vita di una città che segue un evento sismico. È soprattutto qui il senso di questo seminario camerte. La Città di Camerino, a mio avviso, deve rinascere come era e dove era, e non può invece essere interrotta da una politica miope del ricostruire altro, altrove, incassando profitti. Nella città interrotta dal terremoto ci siamo riuniti durante il XXIX Seminario internazionale e Premio di Architettura e Cultura Urbana, coordinato da Giovanni Marucci, per indagare sull’interruzione come strumento compositivo. Per trattare l’argomento userò la figura retorica della metafora nascosta: dove una figura che rimanda ad altro, viene impiegata per suggerire il senso di un concetto, senza però delinearlo precisamente, ovvero interrompendone la definizione in modo da rafforzarne il significato.

The proliferation of data together with the increase of computing power in the last decade has triggered a new interest in artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning and in particular deep learning techniques, inspired by the... more

The proliferation of data together with the increase of computing power in the last decade has triggered a new interest in artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning and in particular deep learning techniques, inspired by the topological structure of neurons network in brains, are omnipresent in the IT discourse, and generated new enthusiasms and fears in our society. These methods have already shown great effectiveness in fields far from architecture and have long been exploited in software that we use every day. Many computing libraries are available for anyone with some programming skills and allow them to "train" a neural network based on several types of data.
The world of architecture has not remained external to this phenomenon: many researchers are working on the applications of artificial intelligence to architectural design, a few design software allow exploiting machine learning algorithms, and some large architectural firms have begun to experiment with deep learning methods to put into practice data accumulated over years of profession, with special interest in environmental sustainability and building performance. If on the one hand, these techniques promise great results, on the other we are still in an exploratory phase. It is then necessary, in our opinion, to understand what the roles of this technology could be within the architectural design process, and with which scopes they can facilitate such a complex profession as that of the architect.
On this subject we made ten interviews with as many designers and researchers in the AEC industry, In the article we will report a summary of their testimonies, comparing and commenting on the responses of the designers, with the aim of understanding the potentials of using artificial intelligence methods within the design process, report their perceptions on how artificial intelligence techniques can affect the architect's approach to the project, concluding with some reflections on the critical issues identified during the interviews with the designers.

In anni recenti il dialogo continuo tra città e università mostra una sensibile evoluzione, con esiti visibili rispetto all'ambiente costruito. L'università contribuisce in maniera rilevante all'economia urbana, alla vita comunitaria, al... more

In anni recenti il dialogo continuo tra città e università mostra una sensibile evoluzione, con esiti visibili rispetto all'ambiente costruito. L'università contribuisce in maniera rilevante all'economia urbana, alla vita comunitaria, al cantiere della città e il ruolo urbano degli atenei si manifesta in modi diversi, estendendosi oltre la missione di trasmissione di conoscenza e trasferimento tecnologico. È chiaro come il rapporto tra città e università non possa prescindere da una forte interdipendenza fisica: la distribuzione dei campus sul territorio e la loro continua necessità di ridefinizione morfologica, per ampliare e ridisegnare spazi e confini, rende l'ateneo protagonista di significativi cambiamenti di natura transcalare, che coinvolgono dal singolo fabbricato ad interi comparti urbani. Il nuovo processo di elaborazione per un “Masterplan di Ateneo” avviato dal Politecnico di Torino a partire dal 2016, rappresenta un caso studio significativo per indagare le possibilità di riorganizzazione ed espansione degli spazi di un ateneo all’interno della maglia urbana. Il presente articolo prova quindi a indagare metodo e primi esiti di queste operazioni, come esempio concreto della rilevanza di temi urbani che un ateneo può sollevare rispetto al dibattito sulle prospettive di sviluppo della città.