Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Law Research Papers (original) (raw)
The present work intends to analyze if the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 was sufficient to eliminate the inquisitorial and authoritarian traits arising from the Penal Procedure Code of 1941. Some reforms carried out in the... more
The present work intends to analyze if the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988 was sufficient to eliminate the inquisitorial and authoritarian traits arising from the Penal Procedure Code of 1941. Some reforms carried out in the post-constitution period will be analyzed, for this, the research to be carried out in this work will be developed from a descriptive qualitative perspective, using existing bibliographic materials, making consultations to doctrines, jurisprudence and scientific articles
It provides notes and important cases on criminal law
Criminal justice system is the most important part of the judiciary of any state because it is directly related with the social security and the law and order situation of a state. But getting justice through criminal justice system of... more
Criminal justice system is the most important part of the judiciary of any state because it is directly related with the social security and the law and order situation of a state. But getting justice through criminal justice system of Bangladesh has become a matter of sufferings because of corruption at every stage of a criminal case which includes the payment or acceptance of bribes, extortion, embezzlement, threats and abuse of the
procedural rules or other improper pressure which affects the merit of the judgment of a case. As justice is inherent and inalienable right, it needs to be easily accessible for all the citizens of a state to whom the state owes its legitimacy. One of the vital parts of the judiciary i.e. criminal justice system has always been ignored and manipulated by the successive government of Bangladesh. This article has identified and illustrated the
corruptions in the pathway of seeking justice through criminal justice system of Bangladesh, which depicted the impact of the denial of getting justice and recommended some solutions to overcome the obstacles in getting justice. The nation needs soul-searching and an acknowledgement of the fault lines in this field. This is an endeavor to that direction and of course not an attempt to tarnish the image of any particular institution or person.
Considering a seriousness of the wrongful removal of children, but also its actuality in various forms, cultural, socio-economic and political contexts, this paper shads a light on the existing gap between the status of this phenomenon as... more
Considering a seriousness of the wrongful removal of children, but also its actuality in various forms, cultural, socio-economic and political contexts, this paper shads a light on the existing gap between the status of this phenomenon as a subject of international human rights instruments and still insufficient level of awareness of the main national stakeholders and academic community across the World. The author analyses the background of recognition of the wrongful removal of children by international treaties, but also the main aspects of this phenomenon. Among others, the author addresses this issues from the angle of guaranties provided by the International Convention for Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the light of the right to the truth and personal identity. The last, but not the least, author discussing
the relevant provisions of the Serbian penal and civil legislation that deal with wrongful removal of children.
Keywords: children, right to truth, right to personal identity, enforced
Im Kontext mit allen benannten Phänomenen in diesem Post, ergibt Alles ein schlüssiges Bild zu „United States INC“ Konkurs? Wieviel davon stimmt kann ich nicht sagen. Da ich die Wahrscheinlichkeit als eher hoch erachte, dass da im... more
Im Kontext mit allen benannten Phänomenen in diesem Post, ergibt Alles ein schlüssiges Bild zu
„United States INC“ Konkurs?
Wieviel davon stimmt kann ich nicht sagen. Da ich die Wahrscheinlichkeit als eher hoch erachte, dass da im Hintergrund in diese Richtung schon was passiert ist und laufend "gewerkelt" wird, möchte ich diese interessante Meldung bringen. Interessant auch vor dem Hintergrund des buchstäblichen
was in Afghanistan passiert
der neuen Goldenen Bulle der Erlösung Proklamation
im Kontext mit der Papstrede im Deutschen Bundestag 2011,
neues von Prof. Franz Hörmann zu Zukunft der Wissenschaften und dem Gelsystem
Botschaften vom Botschafter der physisch lebendigen Erde zu Recht und Kräfte
der Wiederanbindung zum ein 1 einzig All-Bewusstsein
der Wiederanbindung verloren gegangener Wahrnehmung der 12 Sinnesorgane.
und der physischen Lebenordnung kosmischer Gesetze mit den Naturgesetzen.
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Muy recientemente, siendo su análisis el motivo principal del presente artículo, el TEDH ha tenido ocasión de pronunciarse de nuevo sobre el particular en una sentencia que por su tenor, claridad y contundencia debe constituir la... more
Muy recientemente, siendo su análisis el motivo principal del presente artículo, el TEDH ha tenido ocasión de pronunciarse de nuevo sobre el particular en una sentencia que por su tenor, claridad y contundencia debe constituir la referencia futura sobre esta materia. Se trata de la sentencia de 3 de febrero de 2015 "caso Pruteanu c. Rumanía", cuyo objeto y pronunciamiento se exponen a continuación.
Police discretion in potentially abused, injustice, corruptive actions are things that cannot be hidden anymore. Pretrial as a means of control and supervision in its practice has limitations. In government discretion, the State... more
Police discretion in potentially abused, injustice, corruptive actions are things that cannot be hidden anymore. Pretrial as a means of control and supervision in its practice has limitations. In government discretion, the State Administration Court has received to examine and test it as a form of liability, but on the contrary it is not so in police discretion. That means, police discretion in the function of criminal law enforcement cannot be examined and/or tested that is used without any liability. The research method used was normative legal research with statutory, conceptual, historical, and analytical approaches using primary, secondary, and tertiary legal material. Based on the result, police discretion liability in the function of criminal law enforcement in Law on Police and Criminal Procedural Code was not governed expressly. Therefore, the concept of police discretion must obtain clearer, more measured, and objective interpretation and explanation so that the legitimization and operational are application and in line with the conception of legal state, law enforcement, and law liability. The absence of mechanism and examining and/or testing institution could not be maintained anymore, so had to be open to the obligation to account for it, either by pseudoadministrative trial, pure administrative trial, or both, with internal liability or external liability. Besides that, the aspect of legitimization and operational of police discretion was not applicable, limited by and in the sense within the scope of its legality principle and specification, and could not be used in the function of criminal law enforcement except police investigator discretion as a form of special discretion and constituted a specification of police discretion, realized in free discretion and bound discretion according to the Criminal Procedural Code.
India has a high level of domestic and cross-border human trafficking. Global anti-human trafficking initiatives, including India, have been not taken as seriously as they should be compared to the threat this crime poses. In many cases,... more
India has a high level of domestic and cross-border human trafficking. Global anti-human trafficking initiatives, including India, have been not taken as seriously as they should be compared to the threat this crime poses. In many cases, anti-human trafficking initiatives fail to address the issue of victims who tend to be neglected throughout the process of intervention. As human trafficking for sexual exploitation invariably violates human rights, the ideal legal and administrative intervention for victims should be within a human rights framework. This article addresses the threat of human trafficking from the human rights framework of “reparation,” and how this concept is applied in trafficking cases. It is argued that any initiatives within human rights framework of providing reparation to victims will have the potential to minimize the threat and support the victim. Further, it is proposed that India has failed to fulfill its obligation to provide reparation to victims of human trafficking, thereby requiring reformation of its legal and administrative structure.
since the burden of proof in economic crimes and especially corruption cases is beyond a reasonable doubt, we are all aware of the inadequacies that this doctrine of adjudicating justice has intramedullary failed to absolve this menace in... more
since the burden of proof in economic crimes and especially corruption cases is beyond a reasonable doubt, we are all aware of the inadequacies that this doctrine of adjudicating justice has intramedullary failed to absolve this menace in society. it is by this reason that I intended to suggest a slight change in the doctrine of application to balance of probabilities, in that case, we shall be able to weed out this menace.
آیین دادرسی کیفری در سه عرصه اصلی فرآیند کیفری، نهادها و مقررات حاکم بر آن، تحت تاثیر مفهوم مصلحت عمومی شکل گرفته است. نهاد دادسرا، نظامها و مدلهای فرآیند کیفری و مقرراتی چون صلاحیت و قرار تامین کیفری بر اساس این مفهوم توجیه میشوند.... more
آیین دادرسی کیفری در سه عرصه اصلی فرآیند کیفری، نهادها و مقررات حاکم بر آن، تحت تاثیر مفهوم مصلحت عمومی شکل گرفته است. نهاد دادسرا، نظامها و مدلهای فرآیند کیفری و مقرراتی چون صلاحیت و قرار تامین کیفری بر اساس این مفهوم توجیه میشوند.
آیین دادرسی کیفری یکی از بارزترین عرصههای تزاحم مصلحت عمومی و حقهای فردی است و همان گونه که برای تامین مصلحت عمومی تدوین شده است از حقهای فردی نیز حمایت میکند؛ به گونهای که یکی از هدفهای آن را رسیدن به یک نقطه تعادل میان مصلحت عمومی و حقهای فردی دانستهاند. در مقابل برخی از حقهای رویهای و ماهوی همچون حق بر فرض بیگناهی (اصل برائت)، حق بر دادرسی عادلانه، حق بر آزادی اقدام و حق بر حریم خصوصی را نیز تضمین میکند.
این نوشتار با بررسی تمثیلی تزاحم حقهای فردی با مصلحت عمومی مدعی است که قانون جدید آیین دادرسی کیفری، گام بلندی به سوی حفاظت از حقهای بنیادین برداشته و مصلحت عمومی را در پاسداری از حقوق فردی تشخیص داده است، نه محدودسازی آن. ولی همچنان کاستیهایی در قانون درباره حق بر دادرسی عادلانه و در تفاسیر اداره حقوقی درباره حداکثر مدت بازداشت موقت و ورود به حریم خصوصی وجود دارد.
واژگان کلیدی: آیین دادرسی کیفری، مصلحت عمومی، حقهای فردی، فرآیند کیفری، دادسرا، حق بر فرض بیگناهی، حق بر دادرسی عادلانه، حق بر آزادی اقدام، حق بر حریم خصوصی.
The internet has given birth to new concepts in various fields, such as in the field of trade (e-commerce), education (e-learning), government (e-government), business (e-business) and politics (e-democracy). This new concept certainly... more
The internet has given birth to new concepts in various fields, such as in the field of trade (e-commerce), education (e-learning), government (e-government), business (e-business) and politics (e-democracy). This new concept certainly brings positive benefits for efficient and effective performance. This also happened to court performances that also experienced changes using the internet. Post the Supreme Court issued MA Regulation (PERMA) Number 3 of 2018 concerning administration in court electronically. With the enactment of Supreme Court Regulation No. 3 of 2018, this became an initial milestone in the revolution in the case administration in court. Then is it only in the case administration revolution in court, what about other systems? and how the criminal justice system in Indonesia responds to the challenges of the 4.0 revolution.
Penanganan tindak pidana korupsi oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), dalam pengembangan kasusnya ada yang berkaitan dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang. Hasil Tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam perkara korupsi termasuk dalam hasil... more
Penanganan tindak pidana korupsi oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), dalam pengembangan kasusnya ada yang berkaitan dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang. Hasil Tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam perkara korupsi termasuk dalam hasil tindak pidana sebagaimana terdapat dalam Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang. Selain hasil dari tindak pidana korupsi, pencucian uang juga termasuk harta kekayaan yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana lainnya yang diancam dengan pidana 4 (empat) tahun penjara atau lebih. Pada umumnya pelaku tindak pidana berusaha
menyembunyikan atau menyamarkan asal usul harta kekayaan yang merupakan hasil dari tindak pidana dengan berbagai cara agar hasil tindak pidananya susah ditelusuri oleh aparat penegak hukum. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pemberatan pidana pada tindak pidana korupsi yang berkaitan dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang. Kajian dalam penulisan ini difokuskan pada putusan pengadilan. Metode dalam penulisan adalah kajian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan tentang tindak pidana korupsi yang berkaitan dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang yang ditangani oleh KPK. Pemberatan pidana, selain terdapat dalam KUHP, juga berlaku untuk tindak pidana khusus di luar KUHP, termasuk tindak pidana korupsi dan tindak pidana pencucian uang.
- by La Biblioteca Giuridica and +2
- •
- Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminal Justice, Civil Law
Análise das interceptações telefônicas, no direito brasileiro, e crítica à jurisprudência consagrada no Superior Tribunal de Justiça relativamente ao prazo de duração e aos requisitos para deferimento da medida e para a sua prorrogação.... more
Análise das interceptações telefônicas, no direito brasileiro, e crítica à jurisprudência consagrada no Superior Tribunal de Justiça relativamente ao prazo de duração e aos requisitos para deferimento da medida e para a sua prorrogação. Muito embora a investigação jurídica tenha focado uma decisão do início dos anos 2000, a temática segue atual em 2015.
Schedule 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 introduced Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) into the English legal system. On the 30th of November 2015 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited entered into the first-ever... more
Schedule 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 introduced Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) into the English legal system. On the 30th of November 2015 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited entered into the first-ever deferred prosecution agreement in the U.K. with the Serious Fraud Office. It represents a historic turning point for the English legal system as well as an innovation that has the potential to revolutionise the approach to corporate criminal liability traditionally adopted in the United Kingdom. This paper analyses the legislative provisions under Schedule 17 of the 2013 Act dealing with its most problematic aspects and drawing comparisons with the corresponding legal instruments developed in the U.S. It also investigates the reasons behind the DPA implementation in England and Wales focusing on the growing pressure that was exerted on the authorities to carry out successful investigations against corporations involved in criminal activities. Finally, the paper offers an analysis of the first-ever DPA concluded in the U.K. highlighting the most controversial legal issues arising from such an agreement. This can be considered a landmark decision not only because the SFO's first application for a DPA was approved by the judiciary, but also because it was the first time in which a legal entity was charged in England and Wales with the offence of "failure of commercial organisations to prevent bribery" as provided by section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010.
When addressing the burdens borne by victims of police wrongdoing, we often overlook moral harms in focusing on the physical and psychological harms that they suffer. These moral harms undermine the moral status of the victim, her ability... more
When addressing the burdens borne by victims of police wrongdoing, we often overlook moral harms in focusing on the physical and psychological harms that they suffer. These moral harms undermine the moral status of the victim, her ability to consistently pursue the values she endorses, and her character. Victimhood is a morally significant social role. Vic-timhood imposes normative standards that measure the moral or political status of victim. Conforming to these standards affects our assessment of the conduct of the victim and her moral standing. Considering the victims' role provides important insights into contemporary practices of policing in the United States. The physical and verbal acts of the police often force race-based degradation upon racially subordinated groups. There is often no morally good way out of racially discriminatory encounters when the choice is to degrade oneself or suffer violence or even death. Worse, how we respond to the threat of police violence morally undermines our relationships with those we would keep safe from police violence.
Il contributo prende in esame le regole e i princìpi che disciplinano le modificazioni dell'accusa - in fatto e in diritto - nel corso del dibattimento di primo grado. Ad un'analisi statica dei concetti di "fatto diverso" e "fatto nuovo",... more
Il contributo prende in esame le regole e i princìpi che disciplinano le modificazioni dell'accusa - in fatto e in diritto - nel corso del dibattimento di primo grado. Ad un'analisi statica dei concetti di "fatto diverso" e "fatto nuovo", dei limiti al potere di nuova contestazione e delle garanzie riconosciute alle parti in caso di modifica dell'addebito, segue un'analisi dinamica del dovere di controllo sull'identità tra accusa e sentenza e del potere officioso di riqualificazione giuridica del fatto da parte del giudice. Infine, vengono esaminati i casi di invalidità derivanti dall'inosservanza delle disposizioni approfondite e il loro regime giuridico.
Crimes are usually defined by legislature specific acts performed with certain states of mind, usually termed as “mens rea” that must account for a punishment under law. But the question is about the psychology and sociolgy behind crimes... more
Crimes are usually defined by legislature specific acts performed with certain states of mind, usually termed as “mens rea” that must account for a punishment under law. But the question is about the psychology and sociolgy behind crimes and appropriate punishments. Measures to check crimes and human behaviour by way of punishments is the subject matter of this paper.
ÖZET Sermaye piyasası, fon arz edenler ile fon talep edenleri doğrudan bir araya getirerek ekonomik değer üretimine önemli katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu sebeple, sermaye piyasasının adil, etkin ve şeffaf şekilde işlemesinin sağlanması ve piyasa... more
ÖZET Sermaye piyasası, fon arz edenler ile fon talep edenleri doğrudan bir araya getirerek ekonomik değer üretimine önemli katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu sebeple, sermaye piyasasının adil, etkin ve şeffaf şekilde işlemesinin sağlanması ve piyasa aktörlerinin haklı menfaatlerinin korunması gerekmektedir. Kamu otoriteleri, Amerika Birleşik Devletler'inde meydana gelen Enron skandalı (2001) ve yüksek faizli konut kredile-ri krizinden (2008) sonra sermaye piyasaları üzerinde denetimlerini artırma eğilimi içine girmişlerdir. 30.12.2012 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu, dünyadaki bu gelişmeler ve özellikle Finansal Araçların İşlem Yaptığı Piya-salara İlişkin Avrupa Birliği Direktifi dikkate alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Kanun, sermaye piyasasını olumsuz yönde etkileyecek bazı fi illerin işlenmesini engellemek amacıyla sermaye piyasasına münhasır hukuki yaptırımlar öngörmektedir. Bu çalışmada, bu yaptırımlardan biri olan piyasa dolandırıcılığı suçu, sermaye piyasası kurallarının özgün yapısı da dikkate alınarak ceza hukuku ilkeleri çerçevesinde incelenecektir. ABSTRACT Capital market contributes signifi cant economic value production by directly bringing together fund suppliers and fund demanders. Therefore, it is required that capital market performed by equitably, effectively and transparently and capital market actors' rightful interest protected. After the Enron Scandal (2001) and the subprime mortgage crisis (2008) were experienced in United States of America, public authorities have tended to increase the level of supervision over capital markets. Capital Market Act No 6362 entering into force on 30.12.2012 was prepared to be taken those developments in the world and particularly " The Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments " (The MiFID) into consideration. The Act provides exclusive legal sanctions for capital market with the intent of preventing some actions, which may affect negatively capital market. In this study, one of the legal sanctions, marketmanipulation crime is examined having regard to original context of capital market
regulations in the light of criminal law principles.
Preliminary inquiry in criminal procedure of Uzbekistan: observation and proposals. The article analyzes legal norms related to the preliminary inquiry as s form of pretrial proceedings and provides several proposals to eliminate... more
Preliminary inquiry in criminal procedure of Uzbekistan: observation and proposals. The article analyzes legal norms related to the preliminary inquiry as s form of pretrial proceedings and provides several proposals to eliminate shortcomings observed in law enforcement practice.
Il processo alle società, a vent'anni dalla sua introduzione, ancora non ha acquisito una precisa fisionomia costituzionale. Molteplici sono i principi che, nella quotidiana applicazione del sistema, sono sovente disattesi. Qui... more
Il processo alle società, a vent'anni dalla sua introduzione, ancora non ha acquisito una precisa fisionomia costituzionale. Molteplici sono i principi che, nella quotidiana applicazione del sistema, sono sovente disattesi. Qui focalizziamo lo sguardo sull'obbligatorietà dell'azione penale. Occorre preliminarmente affrontare la questione circa la sua effettiva applicabilità al processo penale de societate, e affermarne l'operatività, per poi individuare i punti di frizione e le possibili soluzioni.
The legal field constitutes both an advantageous and restrictive tool for social struggles. Current movements trust law and litigation as beneficial instruments. Nevertheless, legal strategies are deployed against protestors too. This... more
The legal field constitutes both an advantageous and restrictive tool for social struggles. Current movements trust law and litigation as beneficial instruments. Nevertheless, legal strategies are deployed against protestors too. This article stems from processes of criminalization and unsuccessful "struggle for law" towards cases where legal strategies are embraced by social movements to demonstrate the Janus-faced nature of the legal field. The focus is on Italy, and is based on two-year judicial ethnography on the No TAV movement and fieldwork as well as documental analysis on the anti-Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) mobilization. Hence, the analysis focuses on a "positive" case selection, namely the most relevant climate litigation strategies pursued worldwide, with a special focus on Giudizio Universale, the first Italian action. The goal is to grasp both the conflicting aspects and the resourceful nature of law through empirical cases and case law to evaluate potential successful practices for current social movements. Resumen El campo del derecho constituye una herramienta tanto ventajosa como restrictiva para las luchas sociales. Los movimientos actuales confían en el derecho y el litigio como instrumentos favorables. Sin embargo, las estrategias jurídicas también se despliegan en contra de quienes protestan. Este artículo se origina en procesos de criminalización y "luchas por el derecho" infructuosas en casos en los que movimientos sociales han abrazado estrategias jurídicas para demostrar la naturaleza de Jano bifronte del derecho. El centro de atención es Italia, y nos basamos en la etnografía jurídica de dos años del movimiento en contra del Tren de Alta Velocidad y en trabajo de campo,
Indictable criminal offences are generally more serious offences that can only be dealt with by higher courts of law because of the higher sentences such courts can impose. This article deals discusses which indictable offences in... more
Indictable criminal offences are generally more serious offences that can only be dealt with by higher courts of law because of the higher sentences such courts can impose.
This article deals discusses which indictable offences in Queensland Courts can or must be dealt with in the Magistrates Court, and in what circumstances. This article concerns criminal law practice and procedure in the Queensland jurisdiction.
Con il presente contributo si propone un’analisi dello stato dell’arte della giurisprudenza di legittimità riguardo alla questione dell’incidenza del dubbio rispetto all’integrazione del dolo diretto nel delitto di calunnia. Prendendo le... more
Con il presente contributo si propone un’analisi dello stato dell’arte della giurisprudenza di legittimità riguardo alla questione dell’incidenza del dubbio rispetto all’integrazione del dolo diretto nel delitto di calunnia. Prendendo le mosse da una recente pronuncia della Sesta Sezione Penale, si è esaminata, in termini critici, l’interpretazione restrittiva della Corte di cassazione con la quale esclude il dolo della calunnia solamente nel caso in cui il dubbio sulla colpevolezza assuma i connotati di ragionevolezza e serietà: si introduce, infatti, per tale via, un canone di valutazione dell’elemento soggettivo sostanzialmente riconducibile ai requisiti tipici della colpa.
Este livro deseja contribuir com a reflexão sobre a crise de legitimidade que assola os hodiernos sistemas penais, e em particular o italiano, com respeito aos seus fundamentos filosóficos, políticos e jurídicos; A palavra "razão" que... more
Este livro deseja contribuir com a reflexão sobre a crise de legitimidade que assola os hodiernos sistemas penais, e em particular o italiano, com respeito aos seus fundamentos filosóficos, políticos e jurídicos; A palavra "razão" que aparece no título deste livro é entendida em três sentidos diversos, que correspondem às três ordens de fundamento do direito penal: no sentido de razão no direito, no sentido de razão do direito e no sentido de razão de direito penal; Direito e razão é a conclusão de uma vastíssima e devotada exploração continuada por anos nas mais diversas disciplinas jurídicas, de modo especial no direito penal, e de uma longa e apaixonada reflexão nutrida de estudos filosóficos e históricos, sobre os ideais morais que inspiram ou deveriam inspirar o direito das nações civis.
El trafico de seres humanos y la moderna esclavitud existen. Espana tipifico expresamente como delito esta conducta en el ano 2010 (art. 177 bis CP), en cumplimiento de sus compromisos internacionales. Mucho se ha hecho desde entonces,... more
El trafico de seres humanos y la moderna esclavitud existen. Espana tipifico expresamente como delito esta conducta en el ano 2010 (art. 177 bis CP), en cumplimiento de sus compromisos internacionales. Mucho se ha hecho desde entonces, aunque fundamentalmente en el ambito de la trata con fines de explotacion sexual. Este es, sin embargo, solo uno de los aspectos del problema. Este articulo aborda el trafico de seres humanos como una cuestion mucho mas compleja, un gigantesco negocio internacional relacionado fundamentalmente con el trabajo forzado, definiendo algunos conceptos clave y ofreciendo algunos datos fiables sobre la realidad del trafico con fines de explotacion laboral en Espana.
Gabriela, devidamente qualificada nos autos da ação em epígrafe, vem, muito respeitosamente diante de Vossa Excelência, através de seu advogado infra afirmado, com procuração em anexo, oferecer: RESPOSTA À ACUSAÇÃO, com base nos arts. 396... more
Gabriela, devidamente qualificada nos autos da ação em epígrafe, vem, muito respeitosamente diante de Vossa Excelência, através de seu advogado infra afirmado, com procuração em anexo, oferecer: RESPOSTA À ACUSAÇÃO, com base nos arts. 396 ou 396-A do Código de Processo Penal, pelos fatos e fundamentos jurídicos a seguir expostos: DOS FATOS Narra a denúncia que no dia 24/12/2010 Gabriela, então com 20 anos de idade, ingressou em um grande supermercado da região e escondeu na roupa dois pacotes de macarrão, cujo valor totalizava R$ 18,00 (dezoito reais). Ocorre que a conduta de Gabriela foi percebida pelo fiscal de segurança, que a abordou no momento em que ela deixava o estabelecimento comercial sem pagar pelos bens, e apreendeu os dois produtos escondidos. Em sede policial, Gabriela confirmou os fatos, reiterando a ausência de recursos financeiros e a situação de fome e risco físico de seu filho. Juntado à Folha de Antecedentes Criminais sem outras anotações, o laudo de avaliação dos bens subtraídos confirmando o valor. Por tais razões, Gabriela foi denunciada pelo Ministério Público pela prática do crime do Art. 155, caput, c/c Art. 14, inciso II, ambos do Código Penal.
Wrongful imprisonment as the name suggests best describes a legal situation where a person is convicted and incarcerated in connection with a crime that he or she has not committed. While statistics and surveys have shown a significant... more
Wrongful imprisonment as the name suggests best describes a legal situation where a person is convicted and incarcerated in connection with a crime that he or she has not committed. While statistics and surveys have shown a significant rise in the trend in the past two decades, not much has been discussed on the adverse psychological impact the victims face after they are exonerated.
This paper reviews existing literatures and examines content of surveys conducted on exonerees by the Innocence project and other researchers, and draws a substantive background with available information on their life and mental experiences, post-prison. The research also identifies other notable factors that contribute to the challenge of wrongful convictions and imprisonment in the criminal Justice System.
Accessing contents of various interviews and personal accounts, the research draws to the conclusion that psychological challenges are a significant problem for exonerees; and the outcomes are highly devastating. Proper Legislation is also proposed to create guidelines and establish clear policies on the issues that have been identified to mar the accuracy of the judicial system in delivering just judgments and reduce the risk of wrongful imprisonment.
В монографии рассматриваются актуальные проблемы крайней необходимости как обстоятельства, исключающего преступность деяния. Раскрывается социально-правовая характеристика этого института и его роль в борьбе с преступностью на современном... more
В монографии рассматриваются актуальные проблемы крайней необходимости как обстоятельства, исключающего преступность деяния. Раскрывается социально-правовая характеристика этого института и его роль в борьбе с преступностью на современном этапе. Значительное внимание уделяется вопросам реализации нормы о крайней необходимости в оперативно-розыскной деятельности органов внутренних дел, широко используются материалы судебно-следственной практики, обосновываются предложения о дальнейшем совершенствовании законодательства в этом направлении. Рекомендуется для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов, сотрудников правоохранительных органов и судов.
In criminal proceedings across the U.S., rap music lyrics are being introduced as evidence of a defendant’s guilt. In this essay we draw attention to this disturbing practice, what we call “rap on trial,” and explore its context, describe... more
In criminal proceedings across the U.S., rap music lyrics are being introduced as evidence of a defendant’s guilt. In this essay we draw attention to this disturbing practice, what we call “rap on trial,” and explore its context, describe its elements and contours, and consider its broader significance. We first offer historical context, demonstrating that although the widespread use of rap lyrics in criminal trials may be a relatively recent phenomenon, it resides within a long tradition of antagonism between the legal establishment and hip hop culture, one that can be traced back to hip hop’s earliest roots. We then offer examples of recent cases in which rap music has been used as evidence in trials against amateur rappers, almost all of whom are young men of color, in order to illustrate the specific ways that prosecutors present the music to judges and juries, as well as to highlight the devastating effects it can have on defendants. In the final section, we consider the elements of rap music that leave it vulnerable to judicial abuse, as well as the artistic, racial, and legal ramifications of using this particular genre of music to put people in jail. We conclude with recommendations for further research in this area, pointing out specific areas where scholarship would most effectively expose what it means to put rap on trial.
Zakoni nastali u staroj Mesopotamiji predstavljaju najstarije poznate pisane izvore prava, od kojih je najstariji Zakon Ur-Nammu (oko 2100. godine pr.n.e), zatim Lipit Ištara (oko 1930. pr.n.e); Ešnune (oko 1770. pr.n.e) i Hammurabija... more
Zakoni nastali u staroj Mesopotamiji predstavljaju najstarije poznate pisane izvore prava, od kojih je najstariji Zakon Ur-Nammu (oko 2100. godine pr.n.e), zatim Lipit Ištara (oko 1930. pr.n.e); Ešnune (oko 1770. pr.n.e) i Hammurabija (oko 1750. pr.n.e). Najobimniji i najrelevantiji za oblast krivičnog prava je poznati Hummurabijev zakon koji sadrži najveći broj krivičnih djela od navedenih zakona. U radu se izvršava izvođenje osnovnih načela i instituta prisutnih u pomenutim zakonima a koji imaju krivičnopravni karakter i kategorizacija istih u logičku cjelinu. S tim u vezi tretira se ukratko i procesni dio krivičnog prava ove stare civilizacije.