Criminal Profiling of Serial Killers Research Papers (original) (raw)
Aileen Wuornos was an infamous female serial killer who had robbed and killed 7 men in Florida between year 1989 and 1990. The current paper looks into the biography of Aileen Wuornos to provide possible factors and cause such as... more
Aileen Wuornos was an infamous female serial killer who had robbed and killed 7 men in Florida between year 1989 and 1990. The current paper looks into the biography of Aileen Wuornos to provide possible factors and cause such as developmental factors, biological factors and mental disorders that may have contributed to her committed crimes and violent behaviors. Moreover, this paper also discuss about the process of capturing Aileen Wuornos and the sentences that were sentenced to her during the trial for her serial killing, which eventually led to her execution in year 2002.
Case studies were conducted on eight serial killers in India who were inmates in central prisons of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The study is a pioneering one on serial killers in the locale of the study. All available information about the... more
Case studies were conducted on eight serial killers in India who were inmates in central prisons of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The study is a pioneering one on serial killers in the locale of the study. All available information about the lives of offenders were collected through multiple sources, including in-depth interviews with serial killers in the prisons, interviews of relatives of the killers, surviving victims, Investigators, crime scene studies, etc. The collected data have been chronologically arranged to construct biographies of the offenders. The rich biographies were carefully analyzed to construct an inclusive motivation model that can explain the process of individuals evolving into serial killers from a life-course approach. The motivation in each of the eight cases was explained with the proposed motivation model. The constructed motivation model is unique from the existing models, which were mostly rigid, therefore, not applicable to cases outside the studies. The model proposes three critical determinants for explaining the evolution of a person into a serial killer, 'nature,' 'Deep Resting Life Factor' and 'key Incidents.' The study found a relatively short incident named 'trigger' in the lives of six serial killers, which played a significant role in bringing out the dormant killer instinct and push the subjects towards the first murder. The comparative analysis of the motivation in different cases revealed that though there were recurring factors in the lives of serial killers, their interactions were more important than standalone factors. The study also found that there are no predetermined recipes for the making of a killer like some past researchers claimed.
El concepto de asesino en serie, es algo relativamente reciente, se pueden distinguir tres grandes tipos diferentes de asesinos, los asesinos de masa o asesino itinerante y el asesino en serie. Muchos autores han querido saber el por qué... more
El concepto de asesino en serie, es algo relativamente reciente, se pueden distinguir tres grandes tipos diferentes de asesinos, los asesinos de masa o asesino itinerante y el asesino en serie. Muchos autores han querido saber el por qué o el cómo han llegado a ello, centrando su investigación en la infancia. Presentan tres características esenciales ligadas entre si como el sadismo sexual, las fantasías y la compulsión por cumplir la fantasía de matar y suele cometer homicidio por tres motivos como la justificación, el poder o la vitalidad. Hay diversas clasificaciones de los asesinos en serie, aunque la más sonada es asesinos en serie organizados y desorganizados, y algunos autores añaden uno mixto. Eliminando la falta de información se hizo una clasificación de la tipología de asesinas en serie, donde principalmente destaca la distinción de si actúan solas o en asociación a otros. El perfil criminológico utilizado para atrapar estos asesinos se compone por diferentes elementos incluidos en el profiling. En cuanto a los psicópatas hay diferentes opiniones en lo referente a su definición, el DSM-V y la CIE- 10 lo incluyen en el Trastorno Antisocial y el Trastorno Disocial de la personalidad respectivamente. Se caracteriza principalmente por la carencia de empatía, seguimiento de su propio interés para la satisfacción de sus necesidades y deseos, desafío ante las reglas, inestabilidad, diferenciándose entre psicópatas no integrados, impulsivos y los integrados, con mas autocontrol. La Escala de Calificación de la Psicopatía Revisada (PCL-R) se ha convertido en un instrumento necesario en la evaluación de la psicopatía entre la población criminal. La psicopatía tiende a ir unida a la violencia tanto violencia reactiva o violencia instrumental y el tratamiento es un tema con diferentes opiniones por parte de los profesionales. Por último, tanto los asesinos en serie como los psicópatas podrían estar influidos por factores biológicos y ambientales.
Den umenneskeligt menneskelige ondskab -seriemorderen som paradoksal graensefigur Anders Draeby Sørensen SLAGMARK -Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie, 65, Den umenneskeligt menneskelige ondskab: Seriemorderen som paradoksal graensefigur Vi... more
Den umenneskeligt menneskelige ondskab -seriemorderen som paradoksal graensefigur Anders Draeby Sørensen SLAGMARK -Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie, 65, Den umenneskeligt menneskelige ondskab: Seriemorderen som paradoksal graensefigur Vi seriemordere er jeres sønner, vi er jeres aegtemaend, vi er overalt. Og i morgen vil flere af jeres børn vaere døde (Ted Bundy, amerikansk seriemorder, Rippo 2007:1) Vi er alle mordere og prostituerede. Uanset hvilken kultur, hvilket samfund, hvilken klasse og hvilken nation, vi tilhører. Uanset hvor normale, moralske eller modne, vi tror vi selv er. (Ronald Laing, engelsk psykiater, Laing 1969: 12) Anders Draeby Sørensen Indledning I vor tids samfund har seriemorderen indtaget en saerlig plads i den sociokulturelle orden som en paradoksal graensefigur:
This document contains my investigation into the representations of serial killers and their crimes in both fictional TV series and in non-fiction documentaries and interviews. The two genres are compared by their language use to be able... more
This document contains my investigation into the representations of serial killers and their crimes in both fictional TV series and in non-fiction documentaries and interviews. The two genres are compared by their language use to be able to deduct what differences and similarities there are in the presentation of murder. This investigation is a part of my A-Level English Language Coursework and I was given the freedom to choose a topic I was very passionate about and was in relation to what I am going to study at university - Forensic Psychology.
The psyche of Dr Frankenstein's creature is analyzed and compared to the psyche of serial killers.
Zodiac (2007) Movie Analysis Zodiac Killer is one the most well-known criminals in modern history. He is never caught officially and left so many question marks. This complicated and incomplete case inspired many books, movies, and... more
Zodiac (2007) Movie Analysis Zodiac Killer is one the most well-known criminals in modern history. He is never caught officially and left so many question marks. This complicated and incomplete case inspired many books, movies, and documentaries, Zodiac Killer is still not forgotten and remain one of the greatest mysteries in criminal history. Zodiac (2007) movie by David Fincher is also one of the artworks that refer to this case. The movie is an adaptation from the Robert Graysmith's own book (IMDB, Zodiac, 2007), he is the caricaturist of Zodiac Killer's favorite newspaper and also one of the researchers of the case. In this paper, the portrayal of the Zodiac killer in this 2007 movie is analyzed in terms of forensic psychology. In order to specify and narrow down the analysis; the paper is separated into three main subjects. At the first part of the paper the two FBI approach steps (data assimilation, crime scene classification) are anchored, and at the second part also the UK approaches of location (locatedness, centrality, systematic choice) are used as the skeleton of the analysis. The last two parts of the FBI approach is not used because it requires physical reconstruction. In the third section, the other forensic psychology related terms (psychological profiling and additionals) are analyzed. Personal commentation also has sprinkled in the parts accordingly. Data Assimilation Data assimilation refers to the data collection, evidence collection from every possible useful source. In the movie, the data assimilation was pretty complex. Each police department of different states have their own pieces of evidence and data, but usually, they were not willing to share the data with each other. Even between the police and justice departments, there was some kind of competition occurred between investigators even though the data collection is one of the
Profil analizi özellikle 1970 den itibaren özellikle suçlu profili çıkartmak üzere Amerika' dan başlayarak dünya da kabul bir gören bir multidisiplindir. Psikoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji gibi sosyal bilimler ile biyoloji, kriminoloji... more
Profil analizi özellikle 1970 den itibaren özellikle suçlu profili çıkartmak üzere Amerika' dan başlayarak dünya da kabul bir gören bir multidisiplindir. Psikoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji gibi sosyal bilimler ile biyoloji, kriminoloji genetik ve tıp gibi pozitif bilimleri kullanır. Bireylerin profil analizlerinen elde edilen bilgiler; insan kaynaklarından güvenliğe, satış pazarlamadan eğitime kadar insani ilişkilerin yer aldığı tüm mecralarda kullanılır. Bireylerin profil analizleri, beden dili, jest, mimik, ses, koku, kıyafet, dövme, aksesuvar gibi unsurları ile birlikte; psikolojik durumu, karakter özellikleri, anlık gelişen refleksleri, alışkanlıkları, bağımlılıkları gibi birçok özelliklerinin bir arada değerlendirildiği bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ortaya koyulur.
ABSTRACT. The behavioral analysis of crime encompasses a set of knowledge and techniques related to criminal investigation. In the present book are exposed concepts such as modus operandi, ritual, signature, etc., basic for the... more
ABSTRACT. The behavioral analysis of crime encompasses a set of knowledge and techniques related to criminal investigation. In the present book are exposed concepts such as modus operandi, ritual, signature, etc., basic for the development of methodologies such as the criminological profile and its different variants. In addition, several chapters are dedicated to the study of some of the most common criminal modalities in the articulation of analysis of criminal behavior, such as homicide, sexual violence or terrorism, among others, providing information regarding their forms of expression, the profile of the delinquents and their typologies. | RESUMEN. El análisis conductual del delito engloba un conjunto de conocimientos y técnicas relacionadas con la investigación criminal. En el presente libro se exponen conceptos como el de modus operandi, ritual, firma, etc., básicos para el desarrollo de metodologías como el perfil criminológico y sus diferentes variantes. Además, se dedican diversos capítulos al estudio de algunas de las modalidades delictivas más habituales en la articulación de análisis de la conducta criminal, como son el homicidio, la violencia sexual o el terrorismo, entre otras, aportando información respecto a sus formas de expresión, el perfil de los delincuentes y sus tipologías.
An Insight into the world's most renowned notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper
This paper is an example of applying modern day investigative techniques and behavioural evidence analysis to a well known and highly discussed cold 'serial' case, from an honest and objective perspective. The crime linkage techniques... more
This paper is an example of applying modern day investigative techniques and behavioural evidence analysis to a well known and highly discussed cold 'serial' case, from an honest and objective perspective.
The crime linkage techniques utilise the Jaccard co-efficient to produce comparisons between individual offences in a quantifiable format. The results question the established and accepted findings of the true number of victims.
Actualmente no existe ninguna definición que represente la totalidad del concepto de asesino serial. Aún así, han existido y existen varias visiones alrededor del concepto. Según varios estudiosos de la materia, se considera serial el... more
Actualmente no existe ninguna definición que represente la totalidad del concepto de asesino serial. Aún así, han existido y existen varias visiones alrededor del concepto. Según varios estudiosos de la materia, se considera serial el homicidio de tres o más eventos separados en tres o más localizaciones alejadas con período de enfriamiento emocional entre los sucesos. Cabe destacar, que, para otros autores, se considera serial el que cometiere o cometiese dos o más asesinatos. Para poder entender el concepto lo más ampliamente posible, vertientes como la psicológica, la social y la biológica, se vuelven elementales. Gracias a sus teorías, se puede acercar el investigador a la realidad más veraz. There is currently no definition that represents the entire concept of a serial killer. Still, there have been and there are various views about the concept. According to several experts in the subject, it is considered serial killing of three or more events separated in three or more separate locations with emotional cooling period between events. Notably, for other authors, it is considered serial who committed two or more killing. In order to understand the concept as widely as possible, aspects such as psychological, social and biological, become elementary. Thanks to his theories, the researcher can approach the most truthful reality.
ABSTRACT. The application to scientific research of some of the concepts established to date by leading authors in the field of Criminal Profiling, led us to the need to adapt and expand some of these typologies. In this way, it is... more
ABSTRACT. The application to scientific research of some of the concepts established to date by leading authors in the field of Criminal Profiling, led us to the need to adapt and expand some of these typologies. In this way, it is intended to achieve a more exhaustive and detailed analysis of the criminal phenomenon from an academic perspective of the analysis of criminal behavior. Throughout this article, some concepts of great importance for the subject are delimited and different classifications are presented, some classic that have been modified as well as others of new creation. | RESUMEN. La aplicación a la investigación científica de algunos de los conceptos establecidos hasta la fecha por autores de referencia en el campo de la Perfilación Criminal, nos condujo a la necesidad de adaptar y ampliar algunas de estas tipologías. De esta manera, se pretende logar un análisis más exhaustivo y minuciosos del fenómeno criminal desde una perspectiva académica del análisis de la conducta delictiva. A lo largo del presente artículo se delimitan algunos conceptos de gran importancia para la materia y se presentan distintas clasificaciones, algunas clásicas que han sido modificadas así como otras de nueva creación.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Perfilación criminal, escena del crimen, modus operandi, método de aproximación, método de ataque
El alma de las muñecas. Sobre la construcción de un cuerpo simbólico a través de una dialéctica del simulacro en la novela Érase una vez el amor y tuve que matarlo de Efraím Medina. Primera versión recibida: marzo 15 de 2006; versión... more
El alma de las muñecas. Sobre la construcción de un cuerpo simbólico a través de una dialéctica del simulacro en la novela Érase una vez el amor y tuve que matarlo de Efraím Medina. Primera versión recibida: marzo 15 de 2006; versión final aceptada: abril 26 de 2006
The zodiac and the cryptograms that remain unsolved
Norman Bates in the movie portrayal became his overly punitive homicidal mother and kept her in her bed for years after she was deceased. He would "talk" to her as a manifestation of his guilt. He would respond to her by dressing up to... more
Norman Bates in the movie portrayal became his overly punitive homicidal mother and kept her in her bed for years after she was deceased. He would "talk" to her as a manifestation of his guilt. He would respond to her by dressing up to look like her and then killing his unsuspecting victims. His mother's punitive nature would make him feel guilty about his identity and he would kill women that excited him sexually because in his mother's eyes if he didn't he would be like a pervert and a bad person. Once he killed the female sexual object he would return to his male identity as the innkeeper and be quite helpful and rather charming. Norman was a taxidermist and had an obsession with stuffing birds for "power" and keeping them around him in his favorite room called the parlor. The parlor was a rather formal room where he could think, be with his birds and perhaps be away from his punitive mother. He and his mother were sophisticated liars to the police when they would investigate the disappearance of people who checked into the Bates Motel. His mother's punitive remarks about him were internalized and ultimately became his conscience and his "self-talk." He would see himself as "all bad" and
This article is about violence, media and their relations with serial killers. Much has already been written on serial killers, but here I'll aim at making it clear that the serial killings phenomenon cannot be restricted to the realms of... more
This article is about violence, media and their relations with serial killers. Much has already been written on serial killers, but here I'll aim at making it clear that the serial killings phenomenon cannot be restricted to the realms of fantasy and grotesque.
Nonetheless, it is part of the Evil that grows within the very same society that insists on suppressing it. This work brings to the realm of "real" the discussions on media coverage and the identification, by the public, of the serial killers. Is would not come as a surprise that societies would try to understand phenomena such as the serial killers using supernatural explanations or one that is not part of them, to be able to deal with the repugnancy and fascination for characters that cannot fit into this
society's rules. It is only by doing this that one would accept Evil, not as a part of the whole, but as an exterior force that ought to be eliminated. That would be the only possible scenario where Evil would exist these days. To be denied, persecuted and eliminated, as said by Maffesoli and Baudrillard. Thus, serial killers would be the perfect archetype of the monster, in modern/ post-modern times. We have known assassins since Cain and Abel, but these would have characteristics that provoke in us feelings such as indignation, repugnancy and curiosity. One cannot comprehend nor understand the serial killer and rather creates a grotesque aura, within which grows fear, fascination and hate, among other oxymoronic and conflictual feelings, that would generate a new social scheme.
Keywords: serial killers, media, grotesque, myth, violence.
ABSTRACT. The application to scientific research of some of the concepts established to date by leading authors in the field of Criminal Profiling, led us to the need to adapt and expand some of these typologies. In this way, it is... more
ABSTRACT. The application to scientific research of some of the concepts established to date by leading authors in the field of Criminal Profiling, led us to the need to adapt and expand some of these typologies. In this way, it is intended to achieve a more exhaustive and detailed analysis of the criminal phenomenon from an academic perspective of the analysis of criminal behavior. Throughout this article, some concepts of great importance for the subject are delimited and different classifications are presented, some classic that have been modified as well as others of new creation. | RESUMEN. La aplicación a la investigación científica de algunos de los conceptos establecidos hasta la fecha por autores de referencia en el campo de la Perfilación Criminal, nos condujo a la necesidad de adaptar y ampliar algunas de estas tipologías. De esta manera, se pretende logar un análisis más exhaustivo y minuciosos del fenómeno criminal desde una perspectiva académica del análisis de la conducta delictiva. A lo largo del presente artículo se delimitan algunos conceptos de gran importancia para la materia y se presentan distintas clasificaciones, algunas clásicas que han sido modificadas así como otras de nueva creación. PALABRAS CLAVE: Perfilación criminal, escena del crimen, modus operandi, método de aproximación, método de ataque
Este trabalho foi redigido pela Samantha Verônica Vieira e teve apenas alguns apontamentos meus. O presente trabalho visa analisar o tratamento jurídico dado aos serial killiers e realizar uma investigação acerca da possibilidade de... more
Este trabalho foi redigido pela Samantha Verônica Vieira e teve apenas alguns apontamentos meus.
O presente trabalho visa analisar o tratamento jurídico dado aos serial killiers e realizar uma investigação acerca da possibilidade de revisão das normas jurídicas frente as contribuições da neurociência. Conta-se inicialmente com um breve apanhado histórico acerca termo serial killers, onde aponta-se alguns casos famosos que deram aportes para o uso do termo. Aborda-se também, as contribuições advindas da neurociência, com o intuito de melhor compreender a anatomia do cérebro desses indivíduos, de modo a contribuir para a ciência jurídica, de modo que se possa discutir se o tratamento jurídico dado a eles adequado. Por fim, aponta-se o objetivo central deste contexto trazendo a possibilidade e a necessidade da revisão das normas jurídicas sobre o tema, já que para esses casos a legislação brasileira é deficiente. O método de procedimento utilizado na elaboração desse artigo foi o indutivo e o método de procedimento foi o monográfico. O levantamento de dados foi realizado através da técnica da pesquisa bibliográfica. Nas considerações finais, tratou-se das principais questões examinadas neste trabalho/estudo, sobretudo traçando os pontos mais importantes das contribuições neurocientíficas a fim de apontar/salientar/identificar as implicações jurídicas pelas ações de serial killers. Palavras-Chave: Direito. Serial Killers. Investigação. Neurociência. Abstract The present work aims to analyze the legal treatment given to serial killiers and to carry out an investigation about the possibility of revision of the legal norms against the contributions of neuroscience. It is initially told with a brief historical overview about the term serial killers, where some famous cases that gave contributions to the use of the term are pointed out. The contributions of neuroscience are also approached in order to better understand the anatomy of the brain of these individuals, so as to contribute to legal science, so that one can discuss whether the legal treatment given to them is appropriate. Finally, it is pointed out the central objective of this context, bringing the possibility and the necessity of the revision of the legal norms on the subject, since in these cases the Brazilian legislation is deficient. The procedure method used in the elaboration of this article was the inductive one and the procedure method was the monographic one. The data collection was performed through the bibliographic research technique. In the final considerations, we dealt with the main issues
Insight into the Psyche, Drive, Typology of Theo. Cowell, a/k/a Ted Bundy.
Table of Contents for Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2021
This paper reviews experimental methods for the study of the responses of people to violence in digital media, and in particular considers the issues of internal validity and ecological validity or generalisability of results to events in... more
This paper reviews experimental methods for the study of the responses of people to violence in digital media, and in particular considers the issues of internal validity and ecological validity or generalisability of results to events in the real world. Experimental methods typically involve a significant level of abstraction from reality, with participants required to carry out tasks that are far removed from violence in real life, and hence their ecological validity is questionable. On the other hand studies based on field data, while ...
This article studies how seriation and repetition, characteristics known to serial killings, are also the reason behind the spectacularization of the news coverage of violent crimes. Very much like a fiction series, news stories are... more
This article studies how seriation and repetition, characteristics known to serial killings, are also the reason behind the spectacularization of the news coverage of violent crimes. Very much like a fiction series, news stories are consumed daily as they were part of a true reality show, or a soap-opera, only in real life.
Serialisation and repetition are common threads to this article, but not only in rituals that make part of serial killers’ modus operandi, but also the one that takes place in every common men’s homes, while they watch the news, follow them, react to them and feel a mix of emotions.
The news shows are also serialised, in a format that allows the use, abuse and misuse of journalistic faits-divers and whatever is needed to catch the attention of the viewers - even if there are no news to print or broadcast. Or if there are indeed news, then the focus is to entice the public to fight the monster on the screen.
A myth of violence, grotesque, and surrealism, on how the sole denying of Evil can transform flesh-and-bone beings into believable monsters. It has been once said that Serial Killers were our time’s minotaurs, because only by creating a distance between them and us, would we be able to hate them and, in an oxymoron, accept them.
However, this “packaging” is only possible because of the média and of how they reach our homes, disguised as tasteless TV shows, with a new language closer to the common people that own TV sets and have, in those, their sole source of leisure and entertainment. Through them, média is able to penetrate the popular imagination, creating monsters and new “enemies” that call for elimination. Or, as the old journalistic motto used to say, “if it bleeds, it leads”.
Profiliranje agentice i psihologinje Clarice Starling izazov je kojem teško može odoljeti ijedan stručnjak iz oblasti kliničke psihologije/psihijatrije. Nesumnjivo primamljiv poduhvat, u sebi krije mnoge kontroverze, zamke i pitanja, ne... more
Profiliranje agentice i psihologinje Clarice Starling izazov je kojem teško može odoljeti ijedan stručnjak iz oblasti kliničke psihologije/psihijatrije. Nesumnjivo primamljiv poduhvat, u sebi krije mnoge kontroverze, zamke i pitanja, ne ostavljajući prostora za ad-hoc improvizacije bilo koje vrste. Tako je teško ne pogledati odraz Starlingove u očima dr. Hannibala Lectera, notornog kanibala, briljantnog psihijatra iz Baltimorea, smještenog u američkoj saveznoj državi Maryland. Isto tako, potrebno je biti svjestan da postoje izvjesna razilaženja u portretiranju njenoga lika u knjigama Thomasa Harrisa i filmovima Jonathana Demmea (''Kad jaganjci utihnu'') i Ridleyja Scotta (''Hannibal''). Mi ćemo se bazirati na sličnostima.
Criminalii… un subiect mult dezbatut si totusi inepuizabil. Vorbim despre placere sau despre disfunctii ale creierului? Sau este placerea rezultatul unei disfunctii a creierului? Este de notorietate faptul ca fiecare dintre noi sufera de... more
Criminalii… un subiect mult dezbatut si totusi inepuizabil. Vorbim despre placere sau despre disfunctii ale creierului? Sau este placerea rezultatul unei disfunctii a creierului? Este de notorietate faptul ca fiecare dintre noi sufera de o deviatie comportamentala, care, incurajata de diverse experiente negative, se poate dezvolta pana la infractiune. Insa, noi auzim in fiecare zi vorbindu-se despre criminali tot mai greu de identificat sau care nu sunt la prima abatere de acest gen. Este evident vorba de un progres (specializare) a lor in comiterea acestui gen de violente. Dar care sunt motivele pentru care ei au nevoie sa se dezvolte, (specializeze) ca si criminali? Care este raportul intre numarul criminalilor de ocazie si cei in serie, diferentele dintre ei, motivele pentru care comit astfel de infractiuni?