Criminal profiling Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Prolongeant ses travaux sur la répression, Vanessa Codaccioni analyse et dénonce les ressorts de « la société de vigilance ». Surveillance massive, appel à la délation, légitimation de la répression : une nouvelle servitude volontaire est... more

Prolongeant ses travaux sur la répression, Vanessa Codaccioni analyse et dénonce les ressorts de « la société de vigilance ». Surveillance massive, appel à la délation, légitimation de la répression : une nouvelle servitude volontaire est insidieusement imposée aux citoyens qui deviennent des acteurs incontournables de cette dynamique sécuritaire.

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more

People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The aggressive personality may feel weakened by having guidelines or boundaries for anger. Anger is a normal human emotion, and these guidelines can help express anger in a healthy way.

Το ποινικό αδίκημα του βιασμού προστίθεται στην κυπριακή έννομη τάξη ως ένα παραδοσιακό όπλο στο οπλοστάσιο των αδικημάτων κατά προσώπου στον Κυπριακό Ποινικό Κώδικα. Ωστόσο ακόμη και σήμερα η ερμηνεία και η πρακτική εφαρμογή του... more

Το ποινικό αδίκημα του βιασμού προστίθεται στην κυπριακή έννομη τάξη ως ένα παραδοσιακό όπλο στο οπλοστάσιο των αδικημάτων κατά προσώπου στον Κυπριακό Ποινικό Κώδικα. Ωστόσο ακόμη και σήμερα η ερμηνεία και η πρακτική εφαρμογή του αδικήματος διχάζει τους σχολιαστές. Το παρόν άρθρο πραγματεύεται την προβληματική της απουσίας του συστατικού στοιχείου της συναίνεσης, ενώ προβαίνει στη διαπίστωση ότι ενίοτε το στοιχείο αυτό αξιολογείται λανθασμένα από τα Δικαστήρια. Στην συνέχεια αναλύονται ειδικότερα ζητήματα σχετικά με το εν λόγω αδίκημα.

This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more

This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study challenges long-held assumptions that the Jungian concept of individuation is a purely healthful drive. Serial killers are unable to form insight after projecting untenable material onto their victims. Criminal profilers must therefore effect that insight, using active imagination, informed by their own reactions, on violent crime scene imagery. This book posits sexual homicides as irrational shadow images in our rationalistic modern culture. Consequently, profilers bridge conscious and unconscious for both inexorably splintered killers and the culture at large.
After establishing the dark fictional and non-fictional landscape of criminal profiling, Jungian Crime Scene Analysis examines how two experts, John Douglas and Robert Ressler, tacitly apply imaginal techniques in order to gather evidence about their quarries. Jungian approaches to active imagination and countertransference help to define this forensic project, grounded in the archetypal psychology concept of image.

Depuis le milieu des années 1980, l’introduction des tests ADN dans un contexte médico-légal, a contribué de manière importante au bon déroulement de la justice criminelle en aidant à la condamnation des coupables et a l'exonération des... more

Depuis le milieu des années 1980, l’introduction des tests ADN dans un contexte médico-légal, a contribué de manière importante au bon déroulement de la justice criminelle en aidant à la condamnation des coupables et a l'exonération des innocents. Aussi, leur apport dans l’identification des personnes disparues et des victimes de catastrophes de masse a été possible sur les bases d’analyses anthropologiques tout en liant les restes récupérés à des échantillons de référence. Les nouvelles technologies sont régulièrement introduites et validées pour élargir les capacités des laboratoires qui travaillent à récupérer les résultats de l'ADN avec une sensibilité et une information améliorées. Le typage en tandem court (STR) continue d'être le principal moteur de l'analyse de l'ADN médico-légal, bien que d'autres marqueurs génétiques soient utilisés pour des applications spécifiques. L’Algérie a introduit dans son arsenal légal le recours aux test ADN, loi 16-03 du 19 juin 2016 (journal officiel), de ce fait nous proposons une revue globale de l'évolution du domaine au cours des 30 dernières années, afin de dégager un comparatif et des propositions a explorer sinon des rappels sur les possibilités a engager pour l’Algérie dans ce domaine dans les années a venir en terme de défis techniques et éthiques : Les tests rapides d'ADN sont sur le point de permettre de nouvelles applications ; Le séquençage de nouvelle génération a le potentiel de fournir une plus grande profondeur de couverture pour l'information sur les allèles STR ; La recherche d'ADN familial a élargi les capacités des bases de données d'ADN dans certaines parties du monde où cela est autorisé. Les défis et les opportunités qui auront un impact sur l'avenir de l'ADN médico-légal sont explorés, y compris le besoin d'éducation et de formation pour améliorer l'interprétation des résultats. La réflexion juridique dépasse le cadre propre de la sphère de la justice et le débat est lancé sur les plans de la protection de la vie privée et du non établissement de pratiques discriminantes basées sur la démocratisation des tests génétiques, parfois à quelques cliques sur Internet.

The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid... more

The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid but becomes more efficient. The paper commences by exploring the concept of the fragment from various facets, including historically, especially from the modernist point of view, and goes forth to investigate various techniques from practices both adjunct and outside of the field of art in order to inform the portraiture process itself on how information can be collected, optimised and presented to the viewer.

A finales de este año José Antonio Rodríguez Vega hubiese cumplido 60 años de no ser porque, hace casi 14, murió apuñalado a manos de dos reclusos en la cárcel de Topas, Salamanca, donde se hallaba cumpliendo condena. Apodado El... more

A finales de este año José Antonio Rodríguez Vega hubiese cumplido 60 años de no ser porque, hace casi 14, murió apuñalado a manos de dos reclusos en la cárcel de Topas, Salamanca, donde se hallaba cumpliendo condena. Apodado El Mataviejas, José Antonio fue un popular asesino en serie español, quien acabaría con la vida de, al menos, 16 ancianas con edades comprendidas entre los 60 y los 93 años en Santander, entre agosto de 1987 y abril de 1988.

Criminal profiling is a technique that is used within the criminal justice field to interpret evidence of a crime scene and/or aspects of a crime in order to determine possible psychological and physical characteristics of the unknown... more

Criminal profiling is a technique that is used within the criminal justice field to interpret evidence of a crime scene and/or aspects of a crime in order to determine possible psychological and physical characteristics of the unknown perpetrator. Since this is a fairly new method it has undergone a lot of speculation, which is making it difficult for this technique to become generally accepted. Just like any other scientific method, criminal profiling has its flaws. However, the difference is that these flaws can have a major impact on the reliability, validity and accuracy of the evidence which could result in harmful consequences. This is why it is seen

By rephrasing and reshaping specific criminal justice and security policies, the Dutch government has been struggling for a while in trying to find its course on how to address crime problems in its multicultural society in a politically... more

By rephrasing and reshaping specific criminal justice and security policies, the Dutch government has been struggling for a while in trying to find its course on how to address crime problems in its multicultural society in a politically correct – non discriminatory – way. In this article we focus on government selectivity by examining the development of criminal justice policy in the Netherlands. To what extent does the government take a stand in favor of or against special – and therefore selective – attention for people with a minority background?

ABSTRACT. Typological studies are common in sciences related to criminological profiling. Sex offenders, such as serial killers, are among the most studied profiles. The typological classifications of sexual offenders are multiple and... more

ABSTRACT. Typological studies are common in sciences related to criminological profiling. Sex offenders, such as serial killers, are among the most studied profiles. The typological classifications of sexual offenders are multiple and diverse, depending on the element on which they are articulated. This chapter offers a global vision of the most commonly used typologies, both generically and for certain specific types of aggressors. | RESUMEN. Los estudios tipológicos resultan un clásico dentro de las ciencias afines a la perfilación criminológica. Los agresores sexuales, junto con los asesinos en serie, se encuentran entre los perfiles más estudiados desde los inicios. Las clasificaciones tipológicas de agresores sexuales son múltiples y diversas, en función del elemento central sobre el que se articulen. El presente capítulo ofrece una visión panorámica de las tipologías más empleadas, tanto de forma genérica, como para determinados tipos concretos de agresores.

This article explores the intricacies of modus operandi, signature and fantasy as distinctive behaviour in stranger rape cases involving child victims that were reported in Port Elizabeth, which were analysed by means of a rape matrix.... more

This article explores the intricacies of modus operandi, signature and fantasy as distinctive behaviour in stranger rape cases involving child victims that were reported in Port Elizabeth, which were analysed by means of a rape matrix. The authors identified distinctive behaviour of offenders in two possible rape series’ involving child victims. Consequently, the authors probe whether a more comprehensive investigation, which reflects an understanding of modus operandi, signature and fantasy behaviour, could have determined if both rape series were perpetrated by the same offender. The article, furthermore, explores examples of reported cases to illustrate how modus operandi, signature or fantasy can manifest amongst offenders, and, should this behaviour recur in a subsequent case, could be indicative of the same offender committing the crime. The findings suggest that the presence of these distinct behaviours in conjunction with aspects such as the geographic location and time of t...

My paper seeks to locate Thomas Dekker's handling of underworld jargon at the interface of oral and literary cultures. The paper briefly looks at a play co-authored by Dekker and then examines two ''coney-catching pamphlets " by him to... more

My paper seeks to locate Thomas Dekker's handling of underworld jargon at the interface of oral and literary cultures. The paper briefly looks at a play co-authored by Dekker and then examines two ''coney-catching pamphlets " by him to see how he tries to appropriate cant or criminal lingo (necessarily an oral system) as an aesthetic/commercial programme. In these two tracts (namely, The Bellman of London, 1608; Lantern and Candlelight, 1608) Dekker makes an exposé of the jargon used by criminals (with regard to their professional trappings, hierarchies, modus operandi, division of labour) and exploits it as a trope of radical alienation. The elusiveness and ephemerality of the spoken word here reinforce the mobility and deceit culturally associated with the thieves and vagabonds – so that the authorial function of capturing cant (whose revelatory status is insistently sensationalized) through the intrusive technologies of alphabet and print parallels the dominant culture's project of inscribing and colonizing its non-conforming other. Using later theorization of orality, the paper will show how the media of writing and print distance the threat inherent in cant and enable its cultural surveillance and aesthetic appraisal.

El concepto de asesino en serie, es algo relativamente reciente, se pueden distinguir tres grandes tipos diferentes de asesinos, los asesinos de masa o asesino itinerante y el asesino en serie. Muchos autores han querido saber el por qué... more

El concepto de asesino en serie, es algo relativamente reciente, se pueden distinguir tres grandes tipos diferentes de asesinos, los asesinos de masa o asesino itinerante y el asesino en serie. Muchos autores han querido saber el por qué o el cómo han llegado a ello, centrando su investigación en la infancia. Presentan tres características esenciales ligadas entre si como el sadismo sexual, las fantasías y la compulsión por cumplir la fantasía de matar y suele cometer homicidio por tres motivos como la justificación, el poder o la vitalidad. Hay diversas clasificaciones de los asesinos en serie, aunque la más sonada es asesinos en serie organizados y desorganizados, y algunos autores añaden uno mixto. Eliminando la falta de información se hizo una clasificación de la tipología de asesinas en serie, donde principalmente destaca la distinción de si actúan solas o en asociación a otros. El perfil criminológico utilizado para atrapar estos asesinos se compone por diferentes elementos incluidos en el profiling. En cuanto a los psicópatas hay diferentes opiniones en lo referente a su definición, el DSM-V y la CIE- 10 lo incluyen en el Trastorno Antisocial y el Trastorno Disocial de la personalidad respectivamente. Se caracteriza principalmente por la carencia de empatía, seguimiento de su propio interés para la satisfacción de sus necesidades y deseos, desafío ante las reglas, inestabilidad, diferenciándose entre psicópatas no integrados, impulsivos y los integrados, con mas autocontrol. La Escala de Calificación de la Psicopatía Revisada (PCL-R) se ha convertido en un instrumento necesario en la evaluación de la psicopatía entre la población criminal. La psicopatía tiende a ir unida a la violencia tanto violencia reactiva o violencia instrumental y el tratamiento es un tema con diferentes opiniones por parte de los profesionales. Por último, tanto los asesinos en serie como los psicópatas podrían estar influidos por factores biológicos y ambientales.

In the Islamic context, "fitrah" refers to humanity's innate disposition toward virtue and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. A common quote regarding fitrah, from the Prophet is "The fitrah consists of 5 things:... more

In the Islamic context, "fitrah" refers to humanity's innate disposition toward virtue and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. A common quote regarding fitrah, from the Prophet is "The fitrah consists of 5 things: circumcision, trimming the moustache, cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs, and shaving the pubic hairs."In this study, our aim was to determine the status of axillary and pubic shaving in medicolegal death cases that took place in the Konya Province of Turkey and to evaluate the relationship with the origin of suicide. Of 2850 medicolegal death cases, 206 (7.2%) were of suicidal origin. It was observed that the average age in the cases of suicidal origin was 36.76 +/- 17.72 years, and 146 of 206 cases (70.9%) were men. As a method of suicide, hanging was the chosen method in 100 cases (48.5%), whereas firearm injuries occurred in 54 cases (26.2%), and intoxication was involved in 37 cases (18.0%). Daily axillary and pubic shaving was observed in 26 of 2644 (1.0%) death cases that occurred with nonsuicidal reasons, but in 65 of 206 were (31.6%) suicidal cases. Because suicidal notes were present in 25 (12.1%) of all of the suicidal cases, the ratio of daily axillary and pubic shaving was significantly higher than that of the suicidal notes.In investigating the cases of suicidal origin for medicolegal purposes, evidence showing that this action was committed by the victim, the presence of a suicide note at the death scene and, a history of a previous suicidal attempt, it was thought that the presence of daily axillary and pubic shaving on external examination of the victim's body, when of Muslim faith, could also be considered a feature of suicide.

As society we live in today is evolving very quickly, it has become more complex and more difficult to cope with problems that stem from society's fluctuating social conditions. Since problems related to the society are complicated and... more

As society we live in today is evolving very quickly, it has become more complex and more difficult to cope with problems that stem from society's fluctuating social conditions. Since problems related to the society are complicated and interactive in nature, they influence other members of the society in a way that requires an immediate governmental action. According to Kingdon (2003), agenda is a list of public issues which are given a close importance by people and tried to gain the attention of governmental officials at any given time. By approaching from the political perspective, Shafritz and his friends (2005) defines agenda setting as an interactive process in which ideas or important issues are gathered by society through using a number of political channels in order to catch the attention of both official and unofficial political figures such as courts, mass media and legislative branch. Agenda setting process includes three very important streams of activity which provide enough room to open policy windows. These policy windows present an opportunity for public entrepreneurs to couple and bring their social issues on to the institutional agenda status (Kingdon, 2003). At an even more complex level of analysis, firearms policy reflects cultural, normative structural forces that are shared with other visible systemic policies. Although opponents have not kept the issue entirely off the agenda, they have been able to restrict the options considered and impact implementation strategies.

Profilowanie to standardowa metoda kryminalistyczna, która ma ułatwić pracę służbom policyjnym. Człowiek w każdym swym działaniu przejawia indywidualne cechy psychiczne, społeczne i fizyczne. Profil nieznanego sprawcy przestępstwa to... more

Profilowanie to standardowa metoda kryminalistyczna, która ma ułatwić pracę służbom policyjnym. Człowiek w każdym swym działaniu przejawia indywidualne cechy psychiczne, społeczne i fizyczne. Profil nieznanego sprawcy przestępstwa to rodzaj charakterystyki zostawionych przez niego śladów behawioralnych, czyli śladów jego zachowania przed dokona− niem przestępstwa, w jego trakcie oraz po jego dokonaniu. Ślady behawioralne są unikatowe dla konkretnej jednostki. Symptomy psychopatologiczne uważa się za skutek zacho− wań wyuczonych, nabytych i nieprzystosowanych (Cierpiał− kowska, 2007). Miejsce zdarzenia może ujawniać wiele śla− dów behawioralnych sprawcy i odzwierciedlać jego indywi− dualne, bardziej bądź mniej stałe cechy, które składają się na strukturę osobowości. Profilowanie skupia się na psycholo− gicznych cechach sprawcy, np. na stopniu kontroli emocji i zachowania. Za każdą czynnością stoi jakiś proces psychicz− ny . Według Resslera (1986) profilowanie pole− ga na badaniu nierozwiązanych zbrodni w celu wyjaśnienia najbardziej prawdopodobnych cech osobowości nieznanego sprawcy przestępstwa. Można więc stwierdzić, że profilowa− nie kryminalistyczne koncentruje się wokół szeregu czynności związanych z analizą śladów kryminalistycznych pozostawio− nych na miejscu zdarzenia, a także zachowania sprawcy i ofia− ry . Cel profilowania, poza ograniczeniem kręgu GOSPODARKA ABSTRAKT Celem pracy jest przeanalizowanie i usystematyzowanie dotychczasowych badań oraz doniesień dotyczących uwarunkowań psychospołecznych i etiologicznych sprawców popełniających przestępstwa gwałtu. W artykule przedstawiono typologie gwałcicieli i gwałtów oraz problematykę obejmującą profilowanie nieznanego sprawcy, jako tworzenie opisu jego cech psycho− logicznych, społecznych oraz fizycznych na podstawie śladów behawioralnych pozostawionych na miejscu zdarzenia. Modus operandi odnosi się do charakterystycznego zachowania sprawcy w trakcie czynu zabronionego. W pracy ukazano także pro− ces sporządzania profili kryminalistycznych nieznanych sprawców zgwałceń, uznając przy tym za punkt wyjścia jedno z naj− ważniejszych pytań -na jakie każdy profiler powinien szukać odpowiedzi -dotyczące relacji sprawcy z ofiarą. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: kryminologia; psychologia; profilowanie; przestępstwa zgwałcenia; nieznani sprawcy przestępstwa; za− chowania seksualne PROFILOWANIE NIEZNANYCH SPRAWCÓW ZGWAŁCEŃ NA PODSTAWIE MODUS OPERANDI 54 ABSTRACT The aim of the paper is to analyse the existing studies and reports concerning the psychosocial and aetiological conditions of rape perpetrators. Typologies of rapes and rapists developed as a result of research in the field are presented. Profiling an un− known perpetrator consists in describing their psychological, social, and physical features on the basis of behavioural traces left at the crime scene. Modus operandi refers to the characteristic behaviour of the perpetrators. The paper depicts the process of developing forensic profiles of unknown rape perpetrators. One of the most significant questions that the profiler should try to answer applies to the relation between the perpetrator and the victim.

This article concerns the separate deaths of two unrelated Travellers. The first case is the killing of Traveller boy Fred Barras by farmer Tony Martin in England in 1999. The second is the killing of the Traveller John Ward by farmer... more

This article concerns the separate deaths of two unrelated Travellers. The first case is the killing of Traveller boy Fred Barras by farmer Tony Martin in England in 1999. The second is the killing of the Traveller John Ward by farmer Pádraig Nally in Ireland in 2004. Throughout, the author explores the potential for social learning as a consequence of instruction via the media, and penal signification. Theoretically the idea that the media may play an influential part in the civilising process, considered here as being more akin to a decivilising offensive, is also addressed in order to reflect on, and incite further debate as to the impact of stereotyping on minority groups, in this instance Travellers and the Roma (both groups commonly referred to as ‘Gypsies’). Elsewhere the Tony Martin case has been covered in depth, as has the media’s (RTÉ’s) influence on the Nally case. This paper adds to knowledge by further deconstructing public responses towards these communities prior to (and following) both deaths.

Understanding the individual factors that predispose persons to criminal behaviour is vital to reducing offending and rehabilitating those who have been sentenced to prison. This study examined the roles of narcissism (at both clinical... more

Understanding the individual factors that predispose persons to criminal behaviour is vital to reducing offending and rehabilitating those who have been sentenced to prison. This study examined the roles of narcissism (at both clinical and subclinical trait levels) and empathy, by comparing levels in young adult males currently serving a prison sentence to those with no history of criminal convictions. Prison participants had significantly higher levels of narcissism—in particular entitlement—than control participants, and this link was sequentially mediated by lower perspective–taking and subsequently lack of empathic concern. Trait narcissism showed stronger effects than narcissistic personality disorder symptoms. Narcissistic young men's feelings of entitlement and ensuing lack of empathy for others may account for their greater likelihood of criminal behaviour. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The Forensic Psychologist’s Casebook explores the complexities surrounding offender profiling and police investigations. The book contains 16 chapters divided into two parts, with Chapters 1–8 dealing with the context of criminal... more

The Forensic Psychologist’s Casebook explores the complexities surrounding offender profiling and police investigations. The book contains 16 chapters divided into two parts, with Chapters 1–8 dealing with the context of criminal investigations and Chapters 9–16 providing practical advice to investigators. The editor, Laurence Alison, identifies several purposes of this casebook, including: (1) to expose current misconceptions surrounding offender profiling, (2) to develop a reference for practitioners and researchers in the field, and (3) to encourage a more systematic approach to police investigations. Overall, Alison envisions that this book will be accessible to the forensic community as a whole – including practitioners, researchers, investigators, and students.The first chapter, written by the editor, is effective in setting the scene for the entire book. While it is not an introductory chapter, it manages to clearly explain key concepts and assumptions of profiling. For instance

Crimes which contain vampiric attributes have existed throughout history. It is estimated that several criminal acts incorporating elements associated with the vampire archetype are committed each year in the United States. One of the... more

Crimes which contain vampiric attributes have existed throughout history. It is estimated that several criminal acts incorporating elements associated with the vampire archetype are committed each year in the United States. One of the most widely studied investigations is the Rod Ferrell case. This paper suggests that Ferrell’s fascination with vampiric imagery provided the content for his delusional belief system and subsequent violent actions. If his obsession was with an alternative mythology, his crimes would most likely still have happened, but the context surrounding them may have been different. It is additionally proposed that identifying the specific source of imagery an offender adopts is a priority when establishing a criminal profile of the vampiric offender.

The paper focuses on the methods of identification of potentially aggressive persons. The results are based on studies of the signals from facial expressions and other relationships between human behavior and hostile intentions. The... more

The paper focuses on the methods of identification of potentially aggressive persons. The results are based on studies of the signals from facial expressions and other relationships between human behavior and hostile intentions. The author of this article shows the issue of profiling offenders based on behavioral traces under analysis.

Un agresor sexual es aquel que psicológicamente se muestra una personalidad heterogénea en el que puede mostrar motivaciones de diversa índole-no solo sexual-y en su gran mayoría buscan humillar y dominar a sus víctimas. Por lo que hace... more

Un agresor sexual es aquel que psicológicamente se muestra una personalidad heterogénea en el que puede mostrar motivaciones de diversa índole-no solo sexual-y en su gran mayoría buscan humillar y dominar a sus víctimas. Por lo que hace que la motivación se acorde a cada agresor sexual per se. No obstante, las motivaciones más reiteradas entre los distintos agresores se concentran en la impulsividad por deseo-en los cuales no suele ser visible una planificación-, oportunistas o instrumentales-divididas entre aquellas que son por satisfacción y las que, en cambio, son por justificación-. Por su parte, las instrumentales pueden contar con un rasgo planificador diferente a los anteriores buscando sentir poder y control. A sex offender who is psychologically a heterogeneous personality which can show such diverse motivations shown-not only sexual-and mostly seek to humiliate and dominate their victims. So it makes the motivation according to each sexual offender per se. However, the motivations most repeated between different aggressors focus on impulsivity by desire-in which not usually visible planning-opportunistic or instrumental-divided between those who are satisfied and that, instead, they are justification-. Meanwhile, instrumental planner may have a feature different from previous ones looking to feel power and control.

This theoretical paper explores some prevailing discourses surrounding serial murder and that the existing debates surrounding serial murder, which adopted a singular theoretical focus, have offered one... more

This theoretical paper explores some prevailing discourses surrounding serial murder and that the existing debates surrounding serial murder, which adopted a singular theoretical focus, have offered one dimensional conceptualisations of the phenomenon. This singular focus has also permeated through to offender profiling practices which have been found to have limited empirical value. Within this discourse the argument is made that a clearer, integrated understanding of the personality development of serial murderers as well as the influence of the situational and environmental context on individual behaviour would be more consistent with contemporary conceptualisations of personality and behaviour. A psychosocial perspective is discussed which approaches the individual and exhibits behavioural patterns as being a product of both internal psychological processes and multiple situational, contextual, and environmental points of connection.

The continued use of criminal profiling, despite the lack of empirical evidence to support the practice, has been dubbed the Criminal Profiling Illusion. This study applies cultivation theory in an attempt to explain the popular... more

The continued use of criminal profiling, despite the lack of empirical evidence to support the practice, has been dubbed the Criminal Profiling Illusion. This study applies cultivation theory in an attempt to explain the popular misconceptions around criminal profiling. Participants were assigned to separate viewing conditions in a lab and exposed to an episode of Criminal Minds, CSI, or House MD. A weak but significant correlation was found between crime-related television consumption and endorsement of criminal profiling and pro-investigative attitudes. Exposure to the television shows was effective in increasing attitudes towards forensic science and medical investigations, however results were mixed for the effects on criminal profiling. No cultivation effect was observed between the Criminal Minds condition and the CSI condition; however this may be attributed to the questionable validity of the measures used to assess criminal profiling attitudes. A short educational video explaining the empirical evidence for criminal profiling was highly effective in curbing attitudes. Further research is required using refined measures for attitudes toward criminal profiling to draw any strong conclusions.

The drug court innovation has had a major impact upon low-level judicial attitudes to drug crime. The drug court’s success is primarily achieved through suppressing the larger political debates surrounding drug policy through the... more

The drug court innovation has had a major impact upon low-level judicial attitudes to drug crime. The drug court’s success is primarily achieved through suppressing the larger political debates surrounding drug policy through the therapeutic emphasis on a politics of personal responsibility. Bipartisan agreement has, however, come at the cost of precluding a discussion of the relation of drug crime to race and class in the urban setting, and ignoring the manner in which the state has exacerbated the problems of drug addiction for those caught in the criminal justice system. Perhaps courts are the wrong place for such policy discussions. Nonetheless, they remain essential to addressing the social causes of drug use in the inner cities. As an alternative, I have suggested reformulating the grand jury to take over some of the duties of the drug court judge. My goal is to generate empowered deliberative democracy at the local level, and mitigate some of the effects of the drug court’s therapeutic use of discipline, while including more partners in the discussion of urban drug policy. Few people have recognized that the drug court’s therapeutic methodology is not a repudiation of politics but one that takes sides by embracing a coercive vision of justice based on a version of positive liberty. In particular, the court’s rejection of due process in favor of treatment expresses the now-classic opposition between positive and negative liberty; that is, the freedom to be left alone and the freedom to “determine someone to be...this rather than that.” Most critics who oppose the drug court’s methodology simply call for a return to a courtroom practice centered around due process protections as a form of negative liberty to protect vulnerable defendants against intrusive state power. I suggest a third concept of freedom, one that emphasizes a mutual respect for members of the community as peers sharing diverse values. That form of freedom can only emerge through non-coercive interaction in the public sphere through low-level political organizations. Accordingly, as an alternative to the current structure of drug courts, I propose both a more radical and a more natural structure for court-based drug rehabilitation: a grand jury model rather than a judicial one. Adopting the grand jury structure replaces the hierarchical relation between judge, on the one hand, and community and offender, on the other, with a horizontal relationship between community, offender, and law enforcement. The grand jury model envisages a reciprocal relationship between the community, addicts, and service providers, in which those serving on these drug-dedicated grand juries would be educated about the range of problems faced by and resources available to the drug-addicted and would, in turn, educate service providers and law enforcement officials about community needs. Properly constituted, the grand jury may both supervise addicts within a rehabilitation program and redirect others out of the system or onto a more traditional form of court disposition.

The resurgence of support for offender rehabilitation has led to an increased emphasis on correctional program integrity. Treatment programs are now being evaluated and tailored in accordance with the principles of effective... more

The resurgence of support for offender rehabilitation has led to an increased emphasis on correctional program integrity. Treatment programs are now being evaluated and tailored in accordance with the principles of effective intervention, which are rooted primarily in methods of individual behavior modification through a social learning approach. The problem with this exclusive focus on the individual is that it fails to recognize the importance of certain ecological factors that have been shown to be significant predictors of recidivism. The purpose of the current research, therefore, is to examine the impact of structural characteristics on both treatment program quality and effectiveness of halfway house programs in Ohio. Our results reveal that ecological context influences the magnitude of program treatment effects largely indirectly though its influence on program quality. The implications of these findings for correctional theory and practice are discussed.

O Criminal Profiling é ferramenta auxiliar no combate à criminalidade e relacionado estritamente com a segurança jurídica do direito, pois ainda permite sua aplicação ontológica (positivista) e deontológica (filosófica de direito ideal à... more

O Criminal Profiling é ferramenta auxiliar no combate à criminalidade e relacionado estritamente com a segurança jurídica do direito, pois ainda permite sua aplicação ontológica (positivista) e deontológica (filosófica de direito ideal à sociedade). Portanto, a matéria abordada, deveras complexa, assim como o objeto de seu estudo (psique humana), é festivamente aplicada no direito penal americano pelo FBI. Razão pela qual, inspira a presente pesquisa a promover estudo que visa disseminar essa tecnologia investigativa no sistema presente no Brasil. Neste diapasão, visa-se explorar as personalidades humanas, contrastando-as com os crimes violentos, com os crimes hediondos e a técnica obtida pelo estudo da matéria do Criminal Profiling.
A metodologia utilizada para a pesquisa foi a de revisão bibliográfica, bem como o método dedutivo, porquanto se parte de observação geral para explicar características de um objeto específico.
Por fim, o estudo foi dividido em três partes: na primeira busca-se familiarizar o leitor com uma prévia apresentação da figura do Criminal Profiling. Após, ingressa-se na construção teórica desse instrumento, para na última parte demonstrar sua possível aplicação prática, inclusive como modelo para o sistema inquisitório brasileiro.

London: Academic Press (1999) ISBN 0-12-705040-X (504 pages (including index), £49.95 hardback) Review published in Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 2001, 3/2, pp.81-82. The last five years have seen a literal flood of books on the... more

London: Academic Press (1999) ISBN 0-12-705040-X (504 pages (including index), £49.95 hardback) Review published in Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 2001, 3/2, pp.81-82. The last five years have seen a literal flood of books on the topic of offender profiling (with many more promised). This flood has been largely the result of a constant high public interest in the area, fuelled steadily by television dramas and Hollywood movies. With such a background driving publication, it is not surprising that the quality of the books has varied enormously. Turvey's book, Criminal Profiling, probably holds something of a middle-ground between the truly excellent and the truly awful. The book is aimed at a general, non-specialised audience and has the flaws and advantages of any book with such targets. It is readable, accessible, user-friendly and it attempts to paint a broad picture. On the down side, it lacks depth in many places, it tends to over-emphasise the more sensationalist elements and -with a few notable exceptions -unless research has been carried out in the USA it tends not to be mentioned or discussed in the book. This last is a great pity as some of the best research on the subject has been conducted outside the US.

Profil analizi özellikle 1970 den itibaren özellikle suçlu profili çıkartmak üzere Amerika' dan başlayarak dünya da kabul bir gören bir multidisiplindir. Psikoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji gibi sosyal bilimler ile biyoloji, kriminoloji... more

Profil analizi özellikle 1970 den itibaren özellikle suçlu profili çıkartmak üzere Amerika' dan başlayarak dünya da kabul bir gören bir multidisiplindir. Psikoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji gibi sosyal bilimler ile biyoloji, kriminoloji genetik ve tıp gibi pozitif bilimleri kullanır. Bireylerin profil analizlerinen elde edilen bilgiler; insan kaynaklarından güvenliğe, satış pazarlamadan eğitime kadar insani ilişkilerin yer aldığı tüm mecralarda kullanılır. Bireylerin profil analizleri, beden dili, jest, mimik, ses, koku, kıyafet, dövme, aksesuvar gibi unsurları ile birlikte; psikolojik durumu, karakter özellikleri, anlık gelişen refleksleri, alışkanlıkları, bağımlılıkları gibi birçok özelliklerinin bir arada değerlendirildiği bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ortaya koyulur.

ABSTRACT. The behavioral analysis of crime encompasses a set of knowledge and techniques related to criminal investigation. In the present book are exposed concepts such as modus operandi, ritual, signature, etc., basic for the... more

ABSTRACT. The behavioral analysis of crime encompasses a set of knowledge and techniques related to criminal investigation. In the present book are exposed concepts such as modus operandi, ritual, signature, etc., basic for the development of methodologies such as the criminological profile and its different variants. In addition, several chapters are dedicated to the study of some of the most common criminal modalities in the articulation of analysis of criminal behavior, such as homicide, sexual violence or terrorism, among others, providing information regarding their forms of expression, the profile of the delinquents and their typologies. | RESUMEN. El análisis conductual del delito engloba un conjunto de conocimientos y técnicas relacionadas con la investigación criminal. En el presente libro se exponen conceptos como el de modus operandi, ritual, firma, etc., básicos para el desarrollo de metodologías como el perfil criminológico y sus diferentes variantes. Además, se dedican diversos capítulos al estudio de algunas de las modalidades delictivas más habituales en la articulación de análisis de la conducta criminal, como son el homicidio, la violencia sexual o el terrorismo, entre otras, aportando información respecto a sus formas de expresión, el perfil de los delincuentes y sus tipologías.

Answering the most debatable question in the world of criminology, how people turn to a criminal is quite difficult. Many arguments were established; many researches were conducted; many criminologists have tried countless ways to... more

Answering the most debatable question in the world of criminology, how people turn to a criminal is quite difficult. Many arguments were established; many researches were conducted; many criminologists have tried countless ways to determine the causes of delinquency but still, remain questionable. In the search for how people become criminal, the author becomes interested in William Sheldon's theory, a theory that associates the physique to delinquency. Does size really matter?, this study aims to reexamine the claim of Peralta (2014) that common violators of crime are the mesomorphs' physique, and to determine whether the crime committed by the mesomorph detainees fits to Peralta (2014) claims. A documentary analysis research design was applied in the study conducted in Marinduque Provincial Jail. Records of detainees specifically Body Mass Index (BMI) to identify the detainee's somatotype and offenses committed were gathered. The Percentage frequency distribution was used to identify the type of somatotype of the detainees, and a Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test to determine whether the crime committed of mesomorph detainees fits or matches to the claim of Peralta (2014) was used as statistical treatment. Based on the findings presented, the result of the study is almost the same with the theory of William Sheldon and the claim of Peralta (2014) which states that the common violators of law are in the mesomorph type and less in the ectomorph type. It is also, therefore, concluded that the crime committed of the mesomorph detainee's matches/fits to the result of Peralta (2014) study. The result of the study in the related literature is therefore concluded that somatotype or physique can be an indication of future criminal behavior. In the end, this study proves and supported the claim that mesomorph can be one of the factors on how people become criminals. Therefore the Provincial Jail Management may be recommended to include the William Sheldon classification of body type in their profile or record to easily distinguish the type of somatotype of a person, which could be the indication of their future behavioral actions. The future researcher may have a study about the nature of a person with a mesomorph body type to determine the possible factors or to have a clear understanding of why most detainees who commit an offense have a mesomorph body type.

Durante muchos años se ha intentado dar una explicación clara sobre una ciencia denominada criminología y de un modo general se puede decir que esta es una ciencia multidisciplinaria que se fundamenta en otras ciencias para lograr su... more

Durante muchos años se ha intentado dar una explicación clara sobre una ciencia denominada criminología y de un modo general se puede decir que esta es una ciencia multidisciplinaria que se fundamenta en otras ciencias para lograr su objeto de estudio. En este caso el estudio de la criminología ha tenido varias falencias sobre todo en países hispanohablantes sobre todo en Sudamérica, donde aún se confunde esta ciencia con la criminalística, ambas teniendo relación pero un enfoque distinto y un área distinta.
Cuando hablamos de criminología, la mayor parte de la población asocia este término con las series televisivas: CSI y el mundo de la investigación criminal.
Ahora bien porque sucede esto, cual es la razón fundamental para que la criminología no llegue a ser identificada como realmente lo es; es decir una ciencia de carácter social con esencia multidisciplinaria.
Existen varias razones que fundamentan sobre esta confusión y una de ellas es que la criminología propiamente dicha, tiene sus orígenes en los países anglosajones. Europa sobre todo por la influencia de la escuela clásica Italiana a finales del siglo XVIII. Donde la expansión sobre el conocimiento de esta nueva ciencia se hizo de forma paulatina, países de habla hispana fueron conociendo la criminología posteriormente a través de las traducciones del contenido criminológico. Este primer acontecimiento termina influyendo sobre todo en la conceptualización de la criminología. Ya que en diversos textos se tradujo la criminología como criminalística, de igual manera sucedió con la criminalística al traducirse como criminología, comenzando aquí con el primer problema.
El segundo problema deviene en la profundización de los estudios a nivel pregrado de la criminología. En Sudamérica escasamente tenemos escuelas de pregrado en universidades donde se otorguen titulaciones a criminólogos propiamente. La primera escuela de criminología en Sudamérica se fundó en el año 1995, en la Universidad de los Andes de Venezuela, ubicada en la ciudad de Mérida. Luego Argentina comienza en la última década a formar licenciados en criminología y ciencias forenses, así como también en países de centroamérica, tal es el caso de Costa Rica y Guatemala en el año 2014.

Suicide by ligature strangulation, which gives the initial impression of a homicide, is very rare. In this article, 3 suicidal death cases caused by ligature strangulation in Konya between 2001 and 2006 are presented. The first victim was... more

Suicide by ligature strangulation, which gives the initial impression of a homicide, is very rare. In this article, 3 suicidal death cases caused by ligature strangulation in Konya between 2001 and 2006 are presented. The first victim was a 68-year-old man who suffered from depression and lived alone in a cottage house. He terminated his life by applying a tourniquet to his neck after leaving a suicide note. The second victim was a 70-year-old woman who was found dead on the floor of the living room in her house. After she cut the vessels in her wrist, she tied pantyhose with 3 knots around her neck. It was reported that she had been intermittently receiving treatment for bronchial asthma and depression for 20 years. The third victim was a 30-year-old woman who suffered from schizophrenia for 6 years. She tied a scarf around her neck with 3 knots and died in the hospital after 1 day due to "hypoxic brain syndrome." As a result of the death scene investigations, autopsies, and judicial inquiries, it was concluded that death was by suicide in all 3 cases. Because the use of the ligature strangulation method, and particularly the tourniquet method, in suicidal cases is extremely rare in the literature, our aim is to present and discuss these cases.