Cyberbullying Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Workplace bullying continues to be a prevalent workplace conflict issue in organizations around the world. The organizational reliance of communication technologies and digital media have enabled workplace bullying to evolve into... more

Workplace bullying continues to be a prevalent workplace conflict issue in organizations around the
world. The organizational reliance of communication technologies and digital media have enabled
workplace bullying to evolve into workplace cyberbullying. Workplace bullying impacts individuals,
relationships, organizations, and societies. For this reason, this chapter reviewed the transdisciplinary
workplace bullying literature to conceptualize key constructs such as workplace bullying and workplace
cyberbullying. This chapter also reviews the prevalence of workplace bullying, antecedent behaviors of
workplace bullying, the consequences of workplace bullying, and the intervention approaches. Lastly,
this chapter offers several recommendations for the future trends of workplace bullying scholarship.

Around the world, the use of the Internet and social media has increased exponentially, and they have become an integral part of daily life. It allows people to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas with their loved ones through the... more

Around the world, the use of the Internet and social media has increased exponentially, and they have become an integral part of daily life. It allows people to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas with their loved ones through the Internet and social media. But with social networking sites becoming more popular, cyberbullying is on the rise. Using technology as a medium to bully someone is known as Cyberbullying. The Internet can be a source of abusive and harmful content and cause harm to others. Social networking sites provide a great medium for harassment, bullies, and youngsters who use these sites are vulnerable to attacks. Bullying can have long-term effects on adolescents' ability to socialize and build lasting friendships Victims of cyberbullying often feel humiliated. social media users often can hide their identity, which helps misuse the available features. The use of offensive language has become one of the most popular issues on social networking. Text containing any form of abusive conduct that displays acts intended to hurt others is offensive language. Cyberbullying frequently leads to serious mental and physical distress, particularly for women and children, and sometimes forces them to commit suicide. The purpose of this project is to develop a technique that is effective to detect and avoid cyberbullying on social networking sites we are using Natural Language Processing and other machine learning algorithms. The dataset that we used for this project was collected from Kaggle, it contains data from Twitter that is then labeled to train the algorithm. Several classifiers are used to train and recognize bullying actions. The evaluation of the proposed Model for cyberbullying dataset shows that Logistic Regression performs better and achieves good accuracy than SVM, Ransom forest, Naive-Bayes, and Xgboost algorithm.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cyberbullying terhadap perilaku reaktif sebagai pelaku sekaligus sebagai korban cyberbullying pada siswa. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan... more

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cyberbullying terhadap perilaku reaktif sebagai pelaku sekaligus sebagai korban cyberbullying pada siswa. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 40 orang dari SMP Nasional Kota Makassar. Siswa yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP kelas VII sampai kelas IX karena tanggap terhadap teknologi dan pada masa ini terjadi perubahan secara fisik dan psikis yang membawa siswa pada suatu fase yang disebut masa transisi, labil, mencari identitas dan mencari public figure. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terbuktinya hipotesis bahwa ada pengaruh antara perilaku pelaku cyberbullying dengan perilaku reaktif siswa Kristen korban cyberbullying dengan signifikansi 0,037<0,05. Dengan demikian jelas bahwa bila makin tinggi perilaku reaktif pelaku maka makin tinggi pula perilaku reaktif korban. Semakin rendah perilaku reaktif pelaku maka makin rendah pula perilaku reaktif korban cyberbullying.

Since it was invented, we spend more and more of our time on the internet. And who can blame us? On the Internet, the possibilities are endless: you can read everything, see and say what you want. This freedom is an enormous wealth, but... more

Since it was invented, we spend more and more of our time on the internet. And who can blame us? On the Internet, the possibilities are endless: you can read everything, see and say what you want. This freedom is an enormous wealth, but she also has a less pleasant, dark side. And the dark side of the Internet, we must dare to face. That will already Professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor, who was a guest in December at the University of Antwerp to present his book Confronting the Internet's Dark Side. It used to be called the first book on social responsibility on the internet.
Cyber Terrorism, cyberbullying, racist chat forums, child pornography ... The Internet should our lives might have improved in many ways, no better people made us. Also on the web, we face our most evil and sinister traits. Yet our moral sense does not seem as sensitive as we are with this evil come into contact from behind the computer screen, says Professor Cohen-Almagor fixed.

Nowadays, nearly all people utilize the device which is connected to Internet. People are accustomed to the use information technology devices in their daily life to interact with other people. Currently, many social media platforms such... more

Nowadays, nearly all people utilize the device which is connected to Internet. People are accustomed to the use information technology devices in their daily life to interact with other people. Currently, many social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are becoming popular. This study selected Twitter platforms, which is started to gain popularity. By the rapid growth of users signing up for Twitter accounts, at the same time, cybercrime started to bloom each year in social media platforms. Cyberbully is one of the cybercrime practices which had caused a significant impact on the targeted victims. The victims experienced social pressure, which they need to bear each day while the bullies stayed free behind the veil of anonymity. This study aims to identify the common vulgar words used by the cyberbullies on Twitter. Also, this study is subject to produce essential features of Twitter based on the collected tweets. The evaluation in this study includes the occurrences of the vulgar word perpetrated by the cyberbullies from Twitter. This study detected the usage of vulgar words in cyberbully activities on Twitter platform. A list of vulgar words were extracted and evaluated from a corpus of 50 Twitter users who posted a various number of tweets. The vulgar words detection in the tweets enable the tracking process of the cyberbully activities. In the evaluation section, we discussed how the usage of the vulgar words would define the user's earnestness in doing the cyberbully activities in the Twitter. This study shows there are users with a low number of tweets have a high number of vulgar words occurrences, while other users with high numbers of tweets but less number of vulgar words occurrences. The information collected in this study is expected to assist marking users with a high number of vulgar words occurrences who tend to have high possibilities in doing cyber-bully activities.

In 2008, Jessica Logan committed suicide after her nude photo circulated throughout her Ohio town (Celizic, 2009). The case focused international attention on the possibility that nude pictures could be sent electronically. Since 2008,... more

In 2008, Jessica Logan committed suicide after her nude photo circulated throughout her Ohio town (Celizic, 2009). The case focused international attention on the possibility that nude pictures could be sent electronically. Since 2008, digital behaviors in general have not decreased in frequency; in fact, digital technology use among youth has dramatically increased to become a primary method of communication. A number of more recent studies have found that a large majority of teens continually use digital devices and social media (Englander, 2011; Lenhart, Madden, Smith, Purcell, Zickuhr, & Rainie, 2011). Heavy digital use is found among all social classes (Rainie, Lenhart, & Smith, 2011). The ubiquitous use of text messaging does not seem to be a passing fad; in 2010, 44% of teens studied in Massachusetts listed “text messaging” as their preferred type of communication, and by 2014, that proportion had risen to 65% (Englander, In Progress). Digital communications are largely used for positive interactions but are also, without dispute, one vehicle for harassment and threat between youth. Compounding the complexity of this is the fact that the same digital behaviors can represent little threat or can alternatively be a mechanism for emotional and social trauma.

This chapter focuses on the social media vulnerabilities due to excessive usage among the youth in developing countries like India. The increasing psychological dependence and ubiquitousness in the availability of technological gadgets... more

This chapter focuses on the social media vulnerabilities due to excessive usage among the youth in developing countries like India. The increasing psychological dependence and ubiquitousness in the availability of technological gadgets make interaction possible at any time to anyone making the act of cyberbullying easier. The vulnerable sections of every society, especially the children, youth, and women, face incremental psychological health issues due to the negative impact of ever-increasing cyberbullying in one way or another. The chapter reports descriptively the extensive damages that are inflicted by social media platforms on the productivity of the developing countries due to the negative influence on the youth and working population of the developing countries including India.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti dell’incontro di studio dal titolo “Nodi virtuali, legami informali: Internet alla ricerca di regole”, organizzato dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Pisa nel 2016. La ricorrenza dei trenta... more

Il volume raccoglie gli atti dell’incontro di studio dal titolo “Nodi virtuali, legami informali: Internet alla ricerca di regole”, organizzato dal Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Pisa nel 2016.
La ricorrenza dei trenta anni dalla nascita di Internet e dei cinque lustri del web in Italia, evocata dal sottotitolo del convegno, ha offerto agli organizzatori (che sono anche i curatori del volume) l’occasione per creare un momento di confronto e di condivisione di esperienze, con l’idea di contribuire a segnare una tappa della faticosa costruzione di quello che con una certa approssimazione può essere definito il “diritto della Rete”.
Al convegno hanno partecipato relatori di diversa estrazione, a testimonianza anzitutto della necessità di abbandonare in questo orizzonte vecchi steccati, interni ed esterni alla scienza giuridica; la nutrita partecipazione di giovani cultori, insieme con alcuni dei più insigni studiosi della materia, ha permesso di individuare traiettorie comuni di indagine che hanno generato fertili scambi di riflessione; la presenza di operatori ha confermato l’esigenza di non abbandonare la Rete all’anomia ma di individuare e di condividere le sue essenziali basi organizzative.
L’intento che ha animato l’ideazione dell’incontro è lo stesso che ha sorretto la decisione di avviare una nuova collana, destinata ad ospitare contributi che indaghino le complesse problematiche sollevate dalla pervasività dell’uso della Rete in una chiave di reale interdisciplinarietà e di dialogo con le altre scienze sociali e con l’informatica, indispensabile per la comprensione di fenomeni complessi e tra loro strettamente interrelati.

The article discusses the concept of cyberbullying and its most common symptoms. The article also presents the possibilities of legal prosecution of such behavior. Polish police statistics will be used to show the level of risk of... more

The article discusses the concept of cyberbullying and its most common symptoms. The article also presents the possibilities of legal prosecution of such behavior. Polish police statistics will be used to show the level of risk of cyberbullying among adolescents. The paper will evaluate the awareness of secondary school students on behaviors associated with cyberbullying.

For centuries, issues of civil discourse only arose concerning written and oral communication. but now, new technologies for communication and social interaction, particularly social media, have dramatically expanded the potential for... more

For centuries, issues of civil discourse only arose concerning written and oral communication. but now, new technologies for communication and social interaction, particularly social media, have dramatically expanded the potential for human interaction. they generate significant challenges for institutional policies and practices to encourage and sustain civil discourse for the critical social and personal issues we and our students face. to address this challenge, we review emerging trends in social media, discuss problems that arise with their use, and provide recommendations for helping students use social media in civil and productive ways.

In the last decade, a new form of bullying as emerged in society and is becoming more and more prevalent. This new form of bullying is known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves the same aggressive behavior and verbal taunts of... more

In the last decade, a new form of bullying as emerged in society and is becoming more and more prevalent. This new form of bullying is known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves the same aggressive behavior and verbal taunts of traditional bullying but through technology such as internet, text messages, and social media. With cyberbullying, the bullies do not have to physically see their victims. Cyberbullying is more prevalent in schools. Recent studies have shown that cyberbullying has been happening at the university and college level as well as in work places. Current state laws focus on cyber bullying in the K-12 environment but there is no laws focusing on cyber bullying in the higher education environment or the work environment. Laws are in place to protect victims of cyberbullying but with rapid changes frequently occurring in technology, these laws are out dated. With cyberbullying appearing on college and university campuses as well as work places, administrators, employers, and researchers should work with law enforcement and legislators to develop training and policies that prohibit cyberbullying and protect victims.

Many studies have examined xenophobia in South Africa, particularly its black-onblack narrative and violent consequences. But what happens when xenophobic attacks are not directed at immigrants but those associated with them? A new form... more

Many studies have examined xenophobia in South Africa, particularly its black-onblack narrative and violent consequences. But what happens when xenophobic attacks are not directed at immigrants but those associated with them? A new form of xenophobia, proxy xenophobia, is emerging in South Africa. Using digital ethnography, this study explores reactions to an online story in the Mail & Guardian newspaper about United Nigerian Wives in South Africa (UNWISA). This is a support
group of South African women married to Nigerian immigrant men; their aim is to combat the stigma they experience and the xenophobic attitudes toward Nigerians. The inherent nature of social media and computer-mediated communication allows for disinhibition and de-individuation that permit the cyber bullying of these women. This proxy xenophobia portends a troubling repercussion, as bullying online may
lead to real-life consequences. For Nigerians, the cultural caricature of a criminal persists in their representation.

The article focuses on engagement of young people in online risk behaviours. Such engagement is analyzed from the perspective of two main socialization environments – school and a family. The overview of existing research data confi rms... more

The article focuses on engagement of young people in online risk behaviours. Such engagement is analyzed from the perspective of two main socialization environments – school and a family. The overview of existing research data confi rms the importance of those environments as factors infl uencing involvement in various online risk behaviours through two mechanisms: general quality of schools and families (relations with adults, confl icts, etc.) and specifi c measures in the fi eld of media education. The article presents conclusions on general directions in media education conducted in schools and

El internet y las redes sociales virtuales son herramientas esenciales para la comunicación y tareas cotidianas en una época marcada por la inmediatez. Los adolescentes, situados en un proceso de identificación y cambios, encuentran un... more

El internet y las redes sociales virtuales son herramientas esenciales para la comunicación y tareas cotidianas en una época marcada por la inmediatez. Los adolescentes, situados en un proceso de identificación y cambios, encuentran un espacio para la libertad de expresión personal, compartiendo intereses, opiniones, sentimientos y otros elementos propios de la subjetividad. El uso indiscriminado de este tipo de tecnología trae consigo una nueva modalidad para el ejercicio de la violencia denominado ciberacoso o cyberbullying. Siendo un fenómeno que opera bajo el anonimato y en espacios sin mediador, el problema puede pasar desapercibido o de forma silenciosa entre el afectado y personas cercanas a este solo siendo a veces evidenciado en repercusiones del autoestima, aislamiento, enfado o tristeza.
Ante el interés de tener un mayor acercamiento hacia este fenómeno se realiza una investigación de carácter exploratoria y descriptiva cuyo propósito es determinar la prevalencia y modalidades del ciberacoso en un grupo de 391 jóvenes de una institución escolar secundaria pública del estado de Campeche, México; se aplicó el instrumento “cuestionario cyberbullying” de Ortega, Calmaestra y Mora-Merchán (2007), el cual fue adaptado para ser enfocado al contexto contemporáneo de las redes sociales.
A pesar de que se han realizado algunos estudios en el país, el sureste de México actualmente es un sector con escasas investigaciones al respecto denotando la relevancia de esta tesis. Respecto a los resultados, el 18.3% de los encuestados ha sido víctima de ciberacoso y un 10.2% ha informado realizarlo. Existe mayor tendencia a conocer al acosador (16.9%) frente al 5.4% que lo desconoce; la mayoría prefiere ignorar el acto (14.3%) y un 9.9% decidió informar a terceros. Facebook y WhatsApp son las plataformas más empleadas para el ciberacoso por medio de publicaciones y mensajería inmediata.

Bullying and cyberbullying have negative consequences on adolescents’ mental health. The study had two objectives: 1) to analyze possible differences in sexual orientation (heterosexual and non-heterosexual) in the percentage of victims... more

Bullying and cyberbullying have negative consequences on adolescents’ mental health. The study had two objectives: 1) to analyze possible differences in sexual orientation (heterosexual and non-heterosexual) in the percentage of victims and aggressors of bullying/cyberbullying, as well as the amount of aggressive behavior suffered and carried out; 2)
to compare the mental health of adolescent heterosexual and non-heterosexual victims, aggressors, cybervictims, and cyberaggressors. Participants included 1,748 adolescents from the Basque Country, aged between 13 and 17 years (52.6% girls, 47.4% boys), 12.5% non-heterosexuals, 87.5% heterosexuals, who completed 4 assessment instruments. A descriptive and comparative cross-sectional methodology was used. The results confirm that: 1) the percentage of victims and cybervictims was significantly higher in non-heterosexuals, but the percentage of heterosexual and non-heterosexual
aggressors and cyberaggressors was similar; 2) non-heterosexual victims and cybervictims had suffered significantly more aggressive bullying/cyberbullying; 3) non-heterosexual victims and aggressors of bullying exhibited significantly more depression, social anxiety, and psychopathological symptoms (somatization, obsession-compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity…) than heterosexuals; 4) non-heterosexual cybervictims and cyberaggressors displayed more depression and
more psychopathological symptoms, but no differences were found in social anxiety. The importance of intervening from the family, school, and society to reduce bullying/cyberbullying and enhance respect for sexual diversity is discussed.

What are the borders of risk? How is the perception of risk related to new technologies and digital changing? This book discusses these topics, moving from theories to research data, looking for concrete answers now, or taking a picture... more

What are the borders of risk? How is the perception of risk related to new technologies and digital changing? This book discusses these topics, moving from theories to research data, looking for concrete answers now, or taking a picture of reality. The volume is divided into three main sections: Exploring the Edges of Risk, according to sociological, psychological and artificial intelligence perspective; Technological and Digital Risks, exploring social media, cyberbullying, hate speech, social bots on digital platforms; Risk in the Cities, working with risk and deviance, risk communication, environmental and nuclear risks. Inside, research data from Europe, USA and Mexico are discussed.

Este trabalho teve como proposta apresentar os conceitos e características de um fenômeno conhecido como cyberbullying ou bullying digital, a partir da evolução de algumas das principais tecnologias que possibilitam sua prática. A... more

Este trabalho teve como proposta apresentar os conceitos e características de um fenômeno conhecido como cyberbullying ou bullying digital, a partir da evolução de algumas das principais tecnologias que possibilitam sua prática. A internet como
meio de integração das sociedades, utilizando-se das redes sociais virtuais, potencializa um método frequente de violência contra a honra e dignidade das suas vítimas. O cyberbullying é conhecido como crime virtual, e suas singularidades, emcomparação ao bullying convencional, o tornam um fator de risco que deve serprevenido e combatido de forma eficaz. Com base em uma extensa bibliografiapretendeu-se expor a evolução do bullying para o cyberbullying descrevendo suasformas de ataque, seus “remédios jurídicos”, a necessidade de uma mobilização
geral, bem como a adoção de algumas das soluções disponíveis e uma revisão daspolíticas e práticas do uso das tecnologias. Portanto, o trabalho buscou através do confronto entre casos de cyberbullying e uma visão simplificada do cenário atual,uma perspectiva de reflexão acerca deste fenômeno, despertando uma maioratenção, compreensão e sensibilidade para com o tema.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Internet. Redes Sociais. Tecnologia. Traumas. Ambiente Virtual.

Travaux de recherche sociologique de 1ere année sur le cyberharcèlement, de ses dynamiques interactionnelles à son encadrement institutionnel. Le mémoire comprend un cadre conceptuel de découpe interactionnelle du cyberharcèlement, les... more

Travaux de recherche sociologique de 1ere année sur le cyberharcèlement, de ses dynamiques interactionnelles à son encadrement institutionnel. Le mémoire comprend un cadre conceptuel de découpe interactionnelle du cyberharcèlement, les résumés des entretiens semi directifs, et ouvre des pistes d'analyses du cyberharcèlement depuis une sociologie pragmatique. (les adultes, les harceleurs, les interactions)

The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and... more

The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics
Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve
awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.

That internet is developing fast and its cost is becoming cheaper rapidly increases the number of people using this technology. Although internet provides miscellaneous benefits for the users, it also causes them to encounter certain... more

That internet is developing fast and its cost is becoming cheaper rapidly increases the number of people using this technology. Although internet provides miscellaneous benefits for the users, it also causes them to encounter certain difficulties. Particularly, those young people, who leave their families to study at a university spend most of their time on the internet because of such personal and social problems as having low satisfaction from life, having social anxiety, not being able to communicate or establish relationships and feeling lonely. And this could lead to internet addiction in young people. The aim of this study is to discuss the internet addiction levels of freshmen and sophomores at university within the scope of educational theories and to predict addiction according to various variables. Survey method is used in the study. The study was carried out on 329 freshmen and sophomores studying at economics, science teaching, primary school mathematics education, primary school teaching and social sciences teaching departments of Bartın University in the second term of 2012-2013 academic year. As an end of the study, factors that cause to internet addiction and what can be done to remove these factors are discussed within theoretical framework.

The aim of the current study was to investigate cyberbullying among Saudi’s higher-education students. It also aimed to identify possible factors that may impact cyberbullying. A quantitative approach was implemented using an online... more

The aim of the current study was to investigate cyberbullying among Saudi’s higher-education students. It also aimed to identify possible factors that may impact cyberbullying. A quantitative approach was implemented using an online survey questionnaire distributed to 287 students. The descriptive results indicated that students mainly avoid cyberbullying. However, about 27 % of the students reported that they have committed cyberbullying at least once or twice. Furthermore, 57 % of the students observed at least one student being cyberbullied. Students encounter cyberbullying usually by people whom they do not know and who contacted them over the Internet. In addition, students perceive cyberbullying as a serious issue. Thus, students seem to prefer asking cyberbullies to stop, but avoiding fighting back. Gender was found to impact on how often did students commit cyberbullying. Male students were involved in cyberbullying more than female students. In addition, single students mor...

Cyberbullying has been a concern among adolescents, parents and educators for years for its seemingly boundless reach and potential harm it can cause. Aggressors are often masked with anonymity and targeted individuals may feel powerless... more

Cyberbullying has been a concern among adolescents, parents and educators for years for its seemingly boundless reach and potential harm it can cause. Aggressors are often masked with anonymity and targeted individuals may feel powerless over what others do online. While such issues and concerns are prevalent among adolescent ages, college students are not invulnerable from parallel experiences. In the US, Macdonald and Roberts-Pittman (2010) found less than ten percent of college students were cyberbullies but over one-fifth reported as cybervictims. This study explored prevalence of cyber victimization and perpetration as well as evidence of damaging effects and impact. Among the college student sample of 1,921, participants were 18-25 years (mean age 20.1), just over half Caucasian (55.5%) and female (67.9%). Results indicated victimization most often occurred through phones (19.9%) and social networks (20.4%). For perpetration, prevalence was low across all platforms, however phone use was the preferred means of attacking others (6.5%). Low self-esteem was a significant predictor for victimization and perpetration. For males only, social capital was a significant predictor of victimization. Future directions and recommendations for follow-up studies are discussed as well as the importance of this study in relation to college student activities and behaviors.

Het traditionele pesten heeft een nieuwe elektronische gedaante gekregen: cyberpesten. Kinderen en tieners gebruiken het internet en de gsm niet alleen om contacten te leggen en te onderhouden, maar soms wordt ICT ook ingezet om elkaar... more

การวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการรับรู้ของเยาวชนต่อการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ในแง่ของความหมาย รูปแบบ สาเหตุ ผลกระทบ และวิธีการจัดการกับปัญหาการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์... more

การวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการรับรู้ของเยาวชนต่อการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ในแง่ของความหมาย รูปแบบ สาเหตุ ผลกระทบ และวิธีการจัดการกับปัญหาการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ เก็บรวบรวมข้อมูลจากกลุ่มเยาวชนที่อยู่ในช่วงอายุระหว่าง 15-24 ปี ในภาคกลาง โดยใช้วิธีการสนทนากลุ่มๆ ละ 4-6 คนจำนวน 22 กลุ่ม และสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึกจำนวน 26 คน รวมทั้งสิ้น 136 คน ผลการศึกษาพบว่า เยาวชนให้ความหมายต่อการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ว่าหมายถึง การใช้โทรศัพท์มือถือหรืออินเทอร์เน็ตในการทำร้ายกัน ซึ่งการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์มีมิติที่สำคัญคือต้องสร้างความเสียหาย และสร้างความรำคาญต่อผู้ถูกกระทำ ทั้งนี้ขึ้นอยู่กับเจตนาของผู้กระทำ และความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างผู้กระทำกับผู้ถูกกระทำ รูปแบบของการรังแกที่รับรู้ประกอบด้วยการโจมตีหรือใช้วาจาหยาบคายผ่านนเทอร์เน็ตและโทรศัพท์มือถือ การคุกคามทางเพศออนไลน์ การแอบอ้างชื่อหรือตัวตนของผู้อื่นเพื่อให้ร้าย รวมไปถึงการสร้างกลุ่มขึ้นมาเพื่อโจมตีบุคคลอื่น ส่วนสาเหตุของการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์นั้นเยาวชนรับรู้ว่าเกิดจากความเป็นนิรนามของพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ ความง่ายและสะดวกในการรังแกกัน และเป็นผลที่ต่อเนื่องมาจากการเกิดความรุนแรงในพื้นที่จริง ผลกระทบจากการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ก็จะส่งผลกระทบทั้งในระดับบุคคล และระดับปฏิสัมพันธ์ทางสังคม ในแง่ของการจัดการปัญหาดังกล่าวพบว่าเยาวชนมีการรับรู้ว่าจะจัดการปัญหานี้ด้วยตัวของตัวเอง หรืออาจมีการปรึกษาเพื่อนๆ บ้าง แต่จะไม่ปรึกษาผู้ปกครอง และประเด็นที่ต้องตระหนักคือปัญหาเกี่ยวกับการรังแกในพื้นที่ไซเบอร์ถูกมองว่าเป็นเรื่องปกติธรรมดาในสายตาของเยาวชน

Cyberbullying refers to the behaviour of inflicting harm upon a certain individual or group by using information or communication technologies. Although it originally became a topic of discussion in Europe and North America, it has now... more

Cyberbullying refers to the behaviour of inflicting harm upon a certain individual or group by using information or communication technologies. Although it originally became a topic of discussion in Europe and North America, it has now become a worldwide issue. Bullying is not a new phenomenon but 'conventional bullying' is now being replaced by cyberbullying. With the increasing use of the Internet, mobile devices and particularly the spread of social media, the number of individuals vulnerable to cyberbullying is on the rise. In this context, angry or offensive messages, those mocking, teasing, intimidating, acquiring private information by means of fake accounts or attempts to spread such information may all be considered as examples of cyberbullying. While conventional bullying may occur at a certain place or time, cyberbullying emerges anytime and anywhere people may have access to the Internet. Additionally, factors such as cyberbullying's capacity to spread more quickly and simultaneously to a larger number of people, its long-lasting effects and the perpetrator's perception of concealing his/her identity enhance the need for multidimensional scholarly studies on this subject.

This paper addresses the concepts of moral and social responsibility on the Internet in considering the most troubling phenomenon of cyberbullying that results in loss of life. Specifically, I probe the moral and social responsibilities... more

This paper addresses the concepts of moral and social responsibility on the Internet in considering the most troubling phenomenon of cyberbullying that results in loss of life. Specifically, I probe the moral and social responsibilities of Internet users (agents), of the education system in fighting cyberbullying, and of Internet intermediaries. Balance needs to be struck between freedom of expression and social responsibility. The tragic story of Megan Meier serves as an illustrative example and some further incidents in which this ugly phenomenon of cyberbullying had cost young life are mentioned. It is argued that all relevant stakeholders need to think of the consequences of their conduct, that Internet abusers should be accountable for their wrongdoing, and that people who have the ability to stop or at least reduce the risk of cyberbullying should take proactive steps, exhibiting zero tolerance to cyberbullying.

With the growth of the Web 2.0, online communication and video sharing websites has started emerging. This evolution on internet is now allowing users to share their information and collaborate with each other easily. In addition, video... more

With the growth of the Web 2.0, online communication and video sharing websites has started emerging. This evolution on internet is now allowing users to share their information and collaborate with each other easily. In addition, video sharing websites are helping users to establish new connections between people and promote their views, ideas etc. As a result, various malignant users are getting attracted towards these social networks. Among several video sharing websites (with social networking features), YouTube is the most popular & widely used website. Due to anonymity of content uploaded and low publication barriers, YouTube is misused by some users as a platform to post videos promoting cyberbullying, harassment and online abuse. In this research work, we employ a Naïve Bayes Classifier to identify cyberbullying and misdemeanor videos, users on YouTube by mining video metadata. We frame the problem of YouTube cyberbullying detection as a search problem. We conduct study of training dataset by downloading considerable videos & related discriminatory features using YouTube API. Our evaluation of performance results on test dataset reveal that accuracy of proposed approach is more than 67% which significantly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Cyberbullying could be an upsetting on-line wrongdoing with disturbing consequences. It seems in several forms, and in most of the social networks, it's in text format. Automatic detection of such incidents needs intelligent systems. Most... more

Cyberbullying could be an upsetting on-line wrongdoing with disturbing consequences. It seems in several forms, and in most of the social networks, it's in text format. Automatic detection of such incidents needs intelligent systems. Most of the prevailing studies have approached this drawback with typical machine learning models and therefore the majority of the developed models in these studies are applicable to one social network at a time. In recent studies, deep learning primarily based models have found their means within the detection of cyberbullying incidents, claiming that they will overcome the restrictions of the standard models, and improve the detection performance. Cyberbullying is that the use of technology as a medium to bully somebody. Though it's been a difficulty for several years, the popularity of its impact on teenagers has recently inflated. Social networking sites offer a fertile medium for bullies, and youths and young adults UN agency use these sites are susceptible to attacks. Through machine learning, we are going to realize language patterns utilised by bullies and their victims, and develop rules to automatically realize cyberbullying content. We find that our approach is with success able to determine vital variations between cyberbullying and regular media sessions, and supply a performance increase in cyberbullying detection. This paves the means for a lot of nuanced work on the utilization of temporal modelling to find and mitigate the incidence of cyberbullying. I. INTRODUCTION Day to day life is entirely or in a way dependent on the advent of internet. Thus, cyberbullying has been a major worry. With the advancement in technology, the internet has been a safe and secure sphere of communication, though the arena of social media has been prone to cybercrimes. Since the social lifestyle surpass the physical barrier of human interaction and affords inappropriate interaction with unknown people, it is important to analyse and study the domain of cyberbullying. Moreover, a well-specified law framework for cyberbullying has not been enforced in majority of the countries, therefore the data to defend the matter is unsure. Cyberbullying are often outlined because the use of a web communication to bully or harass an individual World Health Organization doesn't have potential to react [1], usually by causation messages of a threating or discouraging nature. It is evident that around 87 percent of the today's youth have witnessed some form of cyberbullying [2]. One of the rare reports [3] on cyberbullying states that 60 percent of Gulf Countries' youth overtly admit the presence of cyberbullying amongst their peers. This study conjointly states that solely quarter the predators on-line do bully their victims offline. This means that net have impressed three quarters of the predators to bully others, whereas they wouldn't have thought-about bullying physically. Cyberbullying can take various forms like Sexual Harassment, Hostile Environment, Racism, Revenge, and Retaliation. Since the offender is hidden to the victim, the problem statement gets complex. Effects of cyberbullying can range from temporary anxiety to suicide [6]. This is the reason cyberbullying is an interesting field of research. The adverse result of a cybercrime are often drastic-Cyberbullying was powerfully connected dangerous thinking compared with ancient bullying (JAMA pediatrics, 2014) [4], Hence, the requirement for a good system to spot cyberbullying and relieve the plight of distressed users. Since, cyberbullying can take place without the direct confrontation of the perpetrator, it is lot more vulnerable. Moreover, the most vicious state of bullying is that it can take place across social networks which were previously unreachable. Thus, with the proliferation of social media and web access, the act of cyberbullying too has inflated manifold. Twitter is one amongst the foremost lauded and widespread social media existing. It allows users to send and browse 140-character message. It is astonishing that about 330 million active users access the platform and nearly 500 million tweets are exchanged a day. Since about 80 percent of the user's access with their mobile phones, it has been an arena of real-time communication. A study determined that Twitter is turning into a cyberbullying playground (Xuetal, 2012). In this analysis, we tend to tend to utilize this important information and knowledge within the kind of tweets to enhance the prevailing cyberbullying detection performance. Since, Twitter is very user-friendly it enables the use of extended features like network, activity, user and tweet content, to train our detection model and improve its performance.

New question and answer websites and Formspring have brought highly specific and personal abuse to a new level amongst young people by providing easy anonymity to users within a circle of offline friendship groups culled from... more

New question and answer websites and Formspring have brought highly specific and personal abuse to a new level amongst young people by providing easy anonymity to users within a circle of offline friendship groups culled from Facebook. Relatively unknown due to their unattractiveness to adults, these sites are growing rapidly and have already been associated with at least eight suicides amongst teenagers.
Media educators at school level encouraging self-awareness of social media use need to be aware of this new trend. At higher levels, these sites provide a fascinating current case-study of online disinhibition, and fit into ethical and legal debates on the responsibilities of platform providers, and of individuals as media producers.
This paper is based on an anonymous online survey of 302 13- to 16-year-olds at a British state girls’ school. Results showed abuse levels were significantly higher than on Facebook or Twitter. The girls felt using the Q&A sites with their real names felt more real than when asking questions anonymously, but receiving anonymous abuse felt significantly more real than either. Opinions as to the acceptability of “sending hate” were mixed, with some users feeling victims had no right to complain if they had entered the forum.

Research and analyze cyber security incidents Background / Scenario

This study aimed at identifying cyberbullying among youths in Jordan community from students' perspectives at the Faculty of Education in Al-Hussein bin Talal University. In order to achieve the study objectives, the quantitative approach... more

This study aimed at identifying cyberbullying among youths in Jordan community from students' perspectives at the Faculty of Education in Al-Hussein bin Talal University. In order to achieve the study objectives, the quantitative approach was deployed. A questionnaire was developed for data collection. The study sample was randomly selected. There were (185) respondents. The results revealed that the most common types of cyberbullying among youths in the Jordanian community were respectively as follows: ridicule and discredit (M=4.02, SD= 0.89), slander, cursing and contempt (M=4.01, SD= 1.01), publishing misleading messages, images and news about others (M=4.00, SD= 0.85), and publishing jokes that violate general manners (M=3.60, SD= 0.99). The average for the responses of the study sample individuals towards the level of cyberbullying among youth from the perspective of the study sample individuals was high with a mean of (3.81) and the standard deviation value was (0.97). In addition, the results revealed that the most common effects of cyberbullying among youths in the Jordanian community were respectively: The increased levels of violence and individual and group quarrels (M=4.00, SD= 0.88), the low level of manners and the system of social values (M=3.99, SD= 1.33), then the loss of cultural identity and substituting it with the global culture (M=3.97, SD= 0.91), and finally low skills of personal interaction (M=3.60, SD= 0.99). In the light of the results, the study recommended the necessity of activating the role of media and educational institutions in educating youths about the risks of practicing cyberbullying as well as activating sanctions and taking the necessary legal measures against those practicing cyber bullying.

El objetivo de este estudio se centra en conocer el punto de vista y comportamiento de los maestros y maestras de educación infantil y primaria en situaciones de acoso escolar. Un total de 220 docentes han participado en el estudio (182... more

El objetivo de este estudio se centra en conocer el punto de vista y comportamiento de los maestros y maestras de educación infantil y primaria en situaciones de acoso escolar. Un total de 220 docentes han participado en el estudio (182 mujeres y 38 hombres; edad media = 42.24 años), respondiendo a un cuestionario en línea sobre algunos aspectos relacionados con el acoso escolar. Los resultados muestran que solo un 24.1 % se consideran preparados para afrontar situaciones de acoso o ciberacoso. Además, un 45.2 % afirma haber observado situaciones de acoso o ciberacoso en las aulas donde ha realizado docencia. En estos casos, las acciones que más frecuentemente llevan a cabo implican hablar con el agresor y la víctima, los compañeros de clase, el equipo directivo y las familias del agresor y de la víctima. Los comportamientos menos frecuentes implican castigar al agresor y hablar con los profesionales del centro, como por ejemplo, el psicólogo. Finalmente, los maestros y maestras con...