School violence Research Papers - (original) (raw)

For many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, intolerance and prejudice make school a hostile and dangerous place. This study examined simultaneously the effects of a negative school climate on achievement and the role... more

For many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, intolerance and prejudice make school a hostile and dangerous place. This study examined simultaneously the effects of a negative school climate on achievement and the role that school-based supports—safe school policies, supportive school personnel, and gay–straight alliance (GSA) clubs—may have in offsetting these effects. Data were drawn from a survey of a diverse sample of 5,730 LGBT youths who had attended secondary schools in the United States. Results from structural equation modeling showed that victimization contributed to lower academic outcomes and lower self-esteem; however, school-based supports contributed to lower victimization and better academic outcomes. Moderating effects of supports on esteem and academic outcomes were also examined through hierarchical linear regression. Results suggested that a hostile school climate has serious ramifications for LGBT students but institutional supports can play a s...

Bu ölçek, okullardaki eğitim öğretim ortamını olumsuz yönde etkileyen şiddet olaylarının azaltılması/önlenmesi amacıyla eğitim yöneticilerinin pratik olarak kullanabilecekleri araç konumundadır. Okul Güvenliği Ölçeği, beraberinde şiddet... more

Bu ölçek, okullardaki eğitim öğretim ortamını olumsuz yönde etkileyen şiddet olaylarının azaltılması/önlenmesi amacıyla eğitim yöneticilerinin pratik olarak kullanabilecekleri araç konumundadır. Okul Güvenliği Ölçeği, beraberinde şiddet davranışı türleri, öğrenci profili özellikleri, şiddetin yaşandığı yerler ve zamanlar, destek alınan kişiler boyutlarını kapsayan anket de eklendiğinde, okullar tarafından kullanılabilecek bir ölçek olduğu düşünülmektedir.

Research on violence and culture highlights the presence of a street code that governs interpersonal communication and behavior in impoverished communities. I contribute to this literature by exploring how the social norms embedded within... more

Research on violence and culture highlights the presence of a street code that governs interpersonal communication and behavior in impoverished communities. I contribute to this literature by exploring how the social norms embedded within the Code of the Street influence violence in the academic setting. In this study, I explore the relationship between out-of-school suspension and social status in primarily black high schools (PBHSs). I also explore black students' and parents' perceptions of school discipline. Using qualitative methodology, I interview 60 black students and parents of black students who were suspended from a PBHS in southeast Michigan in the 2016-2017 school year. My findings suggest the informal social norms that are embedded within the Code of the Street pervade PBHSs to create the 'code of the school', which encourages students to seek physical altercations and out-of-school suspension as a strategy for earning respect, toughness, and elevated social status. Additionally, my findings suggest most parents are aware of the 'code' and instruct their children to engage in physical altercations when it is necessary to defend themselves. As a result, the code of the school renders out-of-school suspension as an ineffective deterrent to school violence. ARTICLE HISTORY

La convivencia es un tema fundamental en la educación escolar, ya que la forma en que las personas se relacionan, tiene consecuencias en el tipo de cultura que la comunidad construye, por lo que se ha decidido investigar las experiencias... more

La convivencia es un tema fundamental en la educación escolar, ya que la forma en que las personas se relacionan, tiene consecuencias en el tipo de cultura que la comunidad construye, por lo que se ha decidido investigar las experiencias escolares, familiares y comunitarias de violencia en escolares de octavo año básico que tienen comportamientos violentos en la clase de Educación Física. La investigación responde a una metodología cualitativa, con un enfoque de estudio narrativo. Los resultados indican, que los escolares han presenciado o han sido parte de situaciones de violencia en su familia, en sus colegios y en su entorno social. Dentro de este contexto, los escolares han aprendido a resolver sus problemas con violencia física o psicológica, mientras que las instituciones educativas actúan principalmente con medidas punitivas.

School social workers frequently face ethical quandaries about which student disclosures to keep confidential and which ones to divulge for the student's or the school's best interests. A seven-step process is recommended for working... more

School social workers frequently face ethical quandaries about which student disclosures to keep confidential and which ones to divulge for the student's or the school's best interests. A seven-step process is recommended for working through this decision. These steps include: knowing yourself, analyzing the dilemma, seeking consultation, identifying courses of action, managing clinical concerns, enacting the decision, and reflecting on the process. The boundaries between ethics and the law is also clarified as well as issues in recordkeeping. A checklist for confidentiality is included.

A B S T R A C T Violent forms of discipline in schools continue to be widespread across the globe despite their damaging effects. Since little is known about factors influencing the extent of violence applied by teachers, this study aimed... more

A B S T R A C T Violent forms of discipline in schools continue to be widespread across the globe despite their damaging effects. Since little is known about factors influencing the extent of violence applied by teachers, this study aimed to investigate the influence of teachers' stress, work satisfaction, and personal characteristics on their disciplining style. Using structural equation modeling, associations between violent discipline, burnout symptoms, and job perceptions (pressure and difficulties in class) reported by 222 teachers from 11 secondary schools in Tanzania in 2015 were analyzed. Results indicated a direct association between perceived stress and emotional violent discipline (β = .18, p < .05) as well as physical violent discipline (β = .37, p < .001). Perceived stress also mediated the association between job perceptions and both forms of violent disciplining. The model showed good model fit (χ 2 [44, n = 222] = 67.47 (p = .013), CFI = .94, TLI = .91, IFI = .94, RMSEA = .049 [90%-CI = .02–.07, PCLOSE = .50], SRMR = .06). Our findings suggest that teachers' personal perceptions of their work as well as their stress burden play a role in their disciplining styles. Our findings underline the importance of integrating topics, such as stress and coping as well as positive, nonviolent discipline measures into the regular teacher's training and in addition to develop and evaluate school-based preventative interventions for teachers.

Les cyberviolences font régulièrement la Une des faits divers et de nombreux acteurs éducatifs s'inquiètent de l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques qui les dépassent. Sans céder aux clichés ni aux fantasmes sur un sujet sensible, cet... more

Les cyberviolences font régulièrement la Une des faits divers et de nombreux acteurs éducatifs s'inquiètent de l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques qui les dépassent. Sans céder aux clichés ni aux fantasmes sur un sujet sensible, cet ouvrage prend le parti d'affronter directement les pratiques des jeunes et, à partir d'une enquête de terrain, de les mettre en perspective avec des enjeux plus larges. Il éclaire sous un jour original les relations entre filles et garçons à l'heure du tout numérique et ouvre des pistes de réflexion précieuses pour mieux comprendre l'emboitement entre le monde physique et digital dans les espaces éducatifs.

RESUMÉ Comment expliquer la présence bien moins importante des filles dans les actes de violences à l 'école ? Une lecture essentialiste amène à penser que le masculin est par nature violent. Or la socialisation sexuée en tant... more

RESUMÉ Comment expliquer la présence bien moins importante des filles dans les actes de violences à l 'école ? Une lecture essentialiste amène à penser que le masculin est par nature violent. Or la socialisation sexuée en tant qu'intériorisation des rôles de sexe offre des clés de lecture à l'égard de ces proportions très disparates mais aussi par rapport aux « spécialisations » des filles et des garçons dans les formes de violence. Trois temps structurent le propos de cet article : nous examinons précisément la place des filles dans les conduites violentes commises dans l'enceinte scolaire. Nous interrogeons la part des socialisations sexuées différenciées dans la structuration des violences à l'école, ce faisant nous appréhendons comment un régime de genre actualise dans l'enceinte scolaire les rapports sociaux de sexe et consacre les conduites déviantes féminines en les soumettant à un régime d'exceptionnalité. Nous terminons en observant à partir des exclusions temporaires la lecture faite par l'institution scolaire de ces conduites et au traitement différencié qu'elle met en oeuvre.

Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more

Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep understanding of the culture and group processes of bullying and the participants’ perspectives on peer harassment as well. It gives participants opportunities to discuss their own understanding and experiences of bullying in their own words. This article reviews qualitative studies on bullying or peer harassment in school (including some studies in which qualitative and quantitative methods — so-called mixed methods — have been used).

Before Columbine, people tended to look at school violence in fragmented ways, which reflected a disciplinary analysis of social problems. Explanations about the causes of school violence tended toward psychological and developmental... more

Before Columbine, people tended to look at school violence in fragmented ways, which reflected a disciplinary analysis of social problems. Explanations about the causes of school violence tended toward psychological and developmental explanations about why school-age children become violent and social control theory about the lack of attachment and involvement by youth in conventional culture. Corresponding policies to deal with the problem focused on better detection, preemptive intervention, closer supervision, zero tolerance, and peer mediation. This narrow microanalytical framing of the issue failed to consider the multiple causal components of this complex problem, which includes the interrelated role of teachers, school administrators, educational practices and effective pedagogy, school district policy, cultural framing, gendered educational expectations, and the changing state of family and community relations in a postmodern “heartless” society. Taking an interdisciplinary approach suggests simultaneous considerations of the interrelated components constituting the problem from micro to macro and the multiple levels in which the problem is manifest.

Utilizing data from news media accounts, this study investigates 11 incidents of averted school rampage threats that involved female perpetrators as conspirators or co-conspirators in plots to attack their schools. While the vast majority... more

Utilizing data from news media accounts, this study investigates 11 incidents of averted school rampage threats that involved female perpetrators as conspirators or co-conspirators in plots to attack their schools. While the vast majority of both attempted and completed school rampage attacks have been committed by boys and men, there are in fact cases that have involved females. In this study, we provide descriptive information about the largely unstudied phenomenon of school rampage threats involving females and analyze how the multifaceted role of gender impacts these events in terms of their level of threat, group dynamics, and relative lack of news coverage.

Factors related to Violence in Schools in Jerusalem Prof. Taisir Abdallah, 2016 The phenomenon of school violence is not only an educational issue, but a major social issue. School violence is a partial phenomenon that includes different... more

In recent decades, highly-publicized school rampage attacks with multiple victims have caused widespread fear throughout the United States. Pulling from in-depth interviews with school officials (administrators, counselors, security and... more

In recent decades, highly-publicized school rampage attacks with multiple victims have caused widespread fear throughout the United States. Pulling from in-depth interviews with school officials (administrators, counselors, security and police officers, and teachers), this article discusses officials’ perceptions of fear and risk regarding rampage shootings and how this relates to their justification for and acquiescence to the expansion of punitive discipline and increased security. Data collected in this study provide additional understanding of the causes of enhanced discipline and security from the perspective
of those tasked with administering school safety in the wake of recent mass attacks. Utilizing insight from moral panic theory, the findings suggest that, when the genuinely high potential cost of school massacres fused with an exaggerated perception of their likelihood and randomness, school rampage attacks came to be viewed as a risk that could not be tolerated and must be avoided at nearly any cost.

Актуальность (контекст) тематики статьи. Массовые убийства в школах и колледжах первоначально осуществлялись в США, однако в последние десятилетия данный феномен распространяется и на другие страны, в том числе Россию. Трагедии,... more

Актуальность (контекст) тематики статьи. Массовые убийства в школах и колледжах первоначально осуществлялись в США, однако в последние
десятилетия данный феномен распространяется и на другие страны, в том числе Россию. Трагедии, затрагивающие детей и подростков, привлекают особый
интерес политиков, общественности и специалистов.
Целью проведенного исследования стало обобщение накопленного в зарубежной литературе опыта осмысления феномена массовых школьных убийств,
выделение структуры, этапов развития и факторов, влияющих на его возникновение. Была сделана попытка интеграции разных научных подходов к диагностике
угрозы и профилактике массовых школьных убийств.
Описание хода исследования. Методология исследования включала в себя поиск и обобщение выводов из научных и прикладных публикаций по проблеме.
Поиск осуществлялся с использованием библиографических систем и научных сетей Web of Knowledge, Scopus, ResearchGate, Google Scholar,,
Mendeley. Были отобраны 55 научных публикаций, посвященных рассмотрению конкретных случаев, содержащих мета-анализ данных, направленных на
рассмотрение социально-психологических факторов школьных расстрелов и их предупреждения.
Результаты исследования. Описаны основные методологические подходы к анализу школьных расстрелов, представлены теории, предлагающие системное
понимание этого феномена, определены этапы социальных и личностных предикторов школьных расстрелов. Сформирован обобщенный портрет преступника,
который, хоть и не позволяет осуществлять точную диагностику угрозы, тем не менее, содержит важные для профилактики и диагностики признаки.
Выводы. Анализ литературы по проблеме позволяет интерпретировать массовые убийства в школах как самостоятельный феномен, реконструировать логику
событий, определить основные механизмы этого явления и этапы его развития, предложить эффективные способы обнаружения и предупреждения угрозы.

El presente artículo se propone elaborar un estado del arte sobre los estudios que abordan el tema de la violencia en las escuelas, especialmente desde las percepciones de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Sin pretensión de ser un... more

El presente artículo se propone elaborar un estado del arte sobre los estudios que abordan el tema de la violencia en las escuelas, especialmente desde las percepciones de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Sin pretensión de ser un relevamiento exhaustivo se realizará un recorrido crítico sobre las principales líneas de investigación, enmarcándolas en tres perspectivas de análisis diferentes. En primer lugar, se desarrollará el enfoque criminológico; en segundo lugar, se abordará la perspectiva del Bullying y; en tercer lugar, se expondrán los estudios con una mirada socioeducativa.
Se han sistematizado tres tipos de trabajos: relevamientos y pesquisas coordinadas por organismos gubernamentales o multilaterales, estudios realizados por equipos de investigación de universidades o centros especializados y tesis de posgrado. Concluiremos con algunas reflexiones que nos permitan plantear un marco interpretativo fértil para estudiar el fenómeno en cuestión.

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at school. Twenty-one individuals;who all had prior experiences of being bullied in school for more than one year;were interviewed. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by methods from grounded theory. The research identified a basic process of victimising in school bullying;which consisted of four phases: (a) initial attacks;(b) double victimising;(c) bullying exit and (d) after-effects of bullying. Double victimising refers to a process in which there was an interplay between external victimising and internal victimising. Acts of harassment were repeatedly directed at the victims from their social environment at school – a social process that constructed and repeatedly confirmed their victim role in the class or the group. This external victimising affected the victims and initiated an internal victimising;which meant that they internalised the socially constructed victim-image and acted upon this image;which in turn often supported the bullies’ agenda and confirmed the socially constructed victim-image. The findings also indicate the possible positive effect of changing the social environment.

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at school. Twenty-one individuals;who all had prior experiences of being bullied in school for more than one year;were interviewed. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by methods from grounded theory. The research identified a basic process of victimising in school bullying;which consisted of four phases: (a) initial attacks;(b) double victimising;(c) bullying exit and (d) after-effects of bullying. Double victimising refers to a process in which there was an interplay between external victimising and internal victimising. Acts of harassment were repeatedly directed at the victims from their social environment at school – a social process that constructed and repeatedly confirmed their victim role in the class or the group. This external victimising affected the victims and initiated an internal victimising;which meant that they internalised the socially constructed victim-image and acted upon this image;which in turn often supported the bullies’ agenda and confirmed the socially constructed victim-image. The findings also indicate the possible positive effect of changing the social environment.

Μιχαήλ, Η. (Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνη) (2015). Οδηγός Διαχείρισης Περιστατικών Σχολικής Βίας και Εκφοβισμού. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων της Ελλάδος, έργο «Εκπόνηση επιμορφωτικού εκπαιδευτικού ενημερωτικού υλικού και προγράμματος... more

Μιχαήλ, Η. (Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνη) (2015). Οδηγός Διαχείρισης Περιστατικών Σχολικής Βίας και Εκφοβισμού. Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων της Ελλάδος, έργο «Εκπόνηση επιμορφωτικού εκπαιδευτικού ενημερωτικού υλικού και προγράμματος σπουδών επιμόρφωσης», Πράξεις «Ανάπτυξη και Λειτουργία Δικτύου Πρόληψης και Αντιμετώπισης των Φαινομένων Σχολικής Βίας και Εκφοβισμού», των Αξόνων Προτεραιότητας 1 & 2 του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση», Ανάδοχος: Κέντρο Ευρωπαϊκού Συνταγματικού Δικαίου – Ίδρυμα Θεμιστοκλή και Δημήτρη Τσάτσου.

The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more

The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in age from 10 to 14 years completed a questionnaire. Findings revealed that boys expressed significantly higher levels of moral justification, euphemistic labeling, diffusion of responsibility, distorting consequences, and victim attribution, as compared with girls. Whereas boys bullied others significantly more often than girls, age was unrelated to bullying. Moral justification and victim attribution were the only dimensions of moral disengagement that significantly related to bullying. Furthermore, younger children and girls were more likely to defend victims. Diffusion of responsibility and victim attribution were significantly and negatively related to defending, while the other dimensions of moral disengagement were unrelated to defending.

Le rapport est la synthèse d’une enquête de victimation et de climat scolaire de grande ampleur qui concerne les personnels des établissements du second degré. Mis en ligne durant un mois, le questionnaire a été renseigné par 18 114... more

Le rapport est la synthèse d’une enquête de victimation et de climat scolaire de grande ampleur qui concerne les personnels des établissements du second degré. Mis en ligne durant un mois, le questionnaire a été renseigné par 18 114 personnes au moment où nous réalisons ce premier rapport. Un tel échantillon est totalement inédit en France. L’enquête a été réalisée du 24 janvier au 24février 2013 par voie électronique.

The aim of this study was to test the direction of effect in the relationship between bullying and empathy. The participants were 205 sixth-grade students, randomly selected from urban and rural schools in Cyprus. A six-month,... more

The aim of this study was to test the direction of effect in the relationship between bullying and empathy. The participants were 205 sixth-grade students, randomly selected from urban and rural schools in Cyprus. A six-month, two-timepoint longitudinal design was used in which the participants completed the bullying subscale of the Revised Bullying and Victimization Questionnaire (BVQ) and the Basic Empathy Scale. The results of this study showed that bullying at time 1 negatively predicted the affective component of empathy at time 2. Moreover, children’s affective empathy at time 1 negatively predicted bullying at time 2. The results of this study indicate towards a reciprocal model of understanding the relationship between bullying and empathy.

The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more

The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with students. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by methods from grounded theory. The analysis of the student voices of being a bystander in bullying reveals a complexity in which different definition-of-situation processes are evoked (a) relations (friends and social hierarchy), (b) defining seriousness, (c) victim’s contribution to the situation, (d) social roles and intervention responsibilities, and (e) distressing emotions. There are often conflicted motives in how to act as a bystander, which could evoke moral distress among the students. Our analysis is unique in that it introduces the concept of moral distress as a process that has to be considered in order to better understand bystander actions among children The findings also indicate bystander reactions that could be associated with moral disengagement, such as not perceiving a moral obligation to intervene if the victim is defined as a non-friend (‘none of my business’), protecting the friendship with the bully, and blaming the victim.

The aim of the present study was to explore how teenagers explain why bullying takes place at school, and whether there were any differences in explaining bullying due to gender and prior bullying experiences. One hundred and seventy-six... more

The aim of the present study was to explore how teenagers explain why bullying takes place at school, and whether there were any differences in explaining bullying due to gender and prior bullying experiences. One hundred and seventy-six Swedish students in Grade 9 responded to a questionnaire. Mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative methods) were used to analyze data. The grounded theory analysis generated five main categories and 26 sub categories regarding accounts of bullying causes. Results indicated that youth tended to explain bullying in terms of individualistic reasons (bully attributing and victim attributing) than in terms of peer group, school setting, or human nature/society reasons. Girls were more likely to attribute bullying causes to the bully and much less to the victim, compared to boys. Moreover, youth classified as bullies were more likely to attribute the reason for bullying to the victim and much less to the bully, compared to victims, bystanders, and victims/bullies.

This article discuss the case of Jacobs v Chairman, Governing Body Rhodes High School, and Other 2011(1) SA 160 (WCC).

An analysis of a school shooting that took place in the small town of Jokela, Finland, in 2007. The perpetrator, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, pursued a clear and sophisticated media strategy and wrote a manifesto that underlined nihilism, hate,... more

An analysis of a school shooting that took place in the small town of Jokela, Finland, in 2007. The perpetrator, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, pursued a clear and sophisticated media strategy and wrote a manifesto that underlined nihilism, hate, and disillusion with society and his peers. Auvinen was a shy, lonely young man who found his peer group in internet communities that glorify school shootings. The data used included investigation reports, a two-wave survey conducted in Jokela 6 and 18 months after the shooting, and interviews with local residents and involved professionals. Our analysis reveals the social roots of the tragedy. Auvinen was bullied and felt ostracized in the small community. Both school and family failed to integrate him socially. In the local community, young people became increasingly worried about his talk and behavior, especially in the year immediately preceding the shooting. Auvinen’s parents tried without success to get psychiatric help for their son, who became increasingly radical in his thoughts and obsessed with terrorist violence. A lack of meaningful social ties magnified the effect of online communities that indirectly encouraged Auvinen to carry out his “Main Strike.” The shooting was a traumatic event for the whole community since the perpetrator had lived there most of his life. Social support and solidarity enhanced the prospects for coping.

Although school violence has been a topic of substantial research and analysis, the potential of a mass hostage crisis in a school setting is still a relatively rarefied topic in the literature. Recent incidents such as the Virginia Tech... more

Although school violence has been a topic of substantial research and analysis, the potential of a mass hostage crisis in a school setting is still a relatively rarefied topic in the literature. Recent incidents such as the Virginia Tech shooting have been perpetrated by single shooters. Well-trained, multiple shooters present a range of substantially different problems for responders, which require serious consideration in all emergency planning. This article uses the 2004 school attack in Beslan, which resulted in over 300 deaths, as a case study for emergency responders at all levels. The article provides policy recommendations specific to schools, first responders, and city emergency management planners.

A research project submitted to the department of English in partial fulfillement for BA degree in English studies. Indeed school violence in Morocco has increased substantially in the last decades. It becomes a serious problem... more

A research project submitted to the department of English in partial fulfillement for BA degree in English studies.
Indeed school violence in Morocco has increased substantially in the last decades. It becomes a serious problem especially where weapons such as knives are involved. Major reason for this is the failure of education. As a result of the lack of communivation in the country, violence becomes more prevalent

Այս ենթագլուխն ամփոփում է 2019 թ. օգոստոս-հոկտեմբեր ամիսներին իրականացված հետազոտության արդյունքները։ Հետազոտությունն իրականացվել է հիմնավորված տեսություն մեթոդաբանությամբ և բացահայտում է Երևանի հանրակրթական դպրոցներում բռնության... more

Այս ենթագլուխն ամփոփում է 2019 թ. օգոստոս-հոկտեմբեր ամիսներին իրականացված հետազոտության արդյունքները։ Հետազոտությունն իրականացվել է հիմնավորված տեսություն մեթոդաբանությամբ և բացահայտում է Երևանի հանրակրթական դպրոցներում բռնության առաջացման պատճառները,
դրսևորման ձևերը, սուբյեկտները, օբյեկտները և հետևանքներն ու կանխարգելման
մեխանիզմները։ | This chapter covers the findings of a research conducted in August-October 2019. This grounded theory research looks at the causes, manifestations, subjects, objects, as well as the consequences and prevention mechanisms of violence in the public schools of Yerevan.

In every institution in the country, there are countless stories of children being bullied, abused, or maltreated. This can happen inside a school or outside its premises. A child protection policy is a must to protect these children.... more

In every institution in the country, there are countless stories of children being bullied, abused, or maltreated. This can happen inside a school or outside its premises. A child protection policy is a must to protect these children. This study assesses the child protection policy awareness of teachers and the responsiveness of the schools. It also wanted to know the relationship and program implications. The researchers used a descriptive-correlation research design with the survey as the primary data-gathering tool. 146 teachers from seven different schools in a city in Bulacan, Philippines took part in the survey. The study also adopted an instrument from Macatimpag (2018). To analyze the data, the proponents used mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson-r. The results showed that teachers were aware of the Child Protection Policy program of the Department of Education. However, the responsiveness of the schools is not very high. There were significant differences in the results observe...