Design and Implementation Research Papers (original) (raw)

The purpose behind this article is to describe the features of Ftklipse, an extendable platform for computer forensics. This document designed to provide a detailed specification for the developers of Ftklipse. Ftklipse is a thick-client... more

The purpose behind this article is to describe the features of Ftklipse, an extendable platform for computer forensics. This document designed to provide a detailed specification for the developers of Ftklipse. Ftklipse is a thick-client solution for forensics investigation. It is designed to collect and preserve evidence, to analyze it and to report on it. It supports chain of custody

This experience paper summarizes the key lessons we learned throughout the design and implementation of the Aurora stream-processing engine. For the past 2 years, we have built five stream-based applications using Aurora. We first... more

This experience paper summarizes the key lessons we learned throughout the design and implementation of the Aurora stream-processing engine. For the past 2 years, we have built five stream-based applications using Aurora. We first describe in detail these applications and their implementation in Aurora. We then reflect on the design of Aurora based on this experience. Finally, we discuss our initial ideas on a follow-on project, called Borealis, whose goal is to eliminate the limitations of Aurora as well as to address new key ...

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to serve as an introduction to neural networks and to sug-gest that neural network architecture can be used for design and application of intelligent control systems [ 11. The neural network... more

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to serve as an introduction to neural networks and to sug-gest that neural network architecture can be used for design and application of intelligent control systems [ 11. The neural network ap-proach is introduced by defining the problem ...

Passive means of vibration attenuation have been employed successfully and efficiently in machining systems such as turning and milling. Traditional approach to controlling vibration in a milling system is to develop control mechanisms... more

Passive means of vibration attenuation have been employed successfully and efficiently in machining systems such as turning and milling. Traditional approach to controlling vibration in a milling system is to develop control mechanisms for cutting tools or machine spindles. However, due to the nature of milling operations where the cutting tools rotate at high speed, the passive vibration control methods

Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a valuable, non-invasive method for quantifying autonomic cardiac control in humans. Frequency-domain analysis of HRV involving myocardial ischaemic episodes should take into account its... more

Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a valuable, non-invasive method for quantifying autonomic cardiac control in humans. Frequency-domain analysis of HRV involving myocardial ischaemic episodes should take into account its non-stationary behaviour. The wavelet transform is an alternative tool for the analysis of non-stationary signals. Fourteen patients have been analysed, ranging from 40 to 64 years old and selected from the European Electrocardiographic ST-T Database (ESDB).

In this paper, a new algorithm for Automatic License Plate Localisation and Recognition (ALPR) is proposed on the basis of isotropic dilation that can be achieved using the binary image Euclidean distance transform. In a blob analysis... more

In this paper, a new algorithm for Automatic License Plate Localisation and Recognition (ALPR) is proposed on the basis of isotropic dilation that can be achieved using the binary image Euclidean distance transform. In a blob analysis problem, any two Region of Interest (RoIs) that is discontinuous are typically treated as separate blobs. However, the proposed algorithm combine with Connected Component Analysis (CCA) are coded to seek for RoI within a certain distance of other RoI to be treated as non-unique. This paper investigates the design and implementation of several pre-processing techniques and isotropic dilation algorithm to classify moving vehicles with different backgrounds and varying angles. A multi-layer feed-forward back-propagation Neural Network is used to train the segmented and refined characters. The results obtained can be used for implementation in the vehicle parking management system.

This paper discusses the design and implementation of frequency offset estimation algorithms for DOCSIS upstream channels. A cost-effective estimator which approaches the Cramer-Rao bound for high SNRs is derived. The effect of ISI... more

This paper discusses the design and implementation of frequency offset estimation algorithms for DOCSIS upstream channels. A cost-effective estimator which approaches the Cramer-Rao bound for high SNRs is derived. The effect of ISI generated by upstream micro-reflections in typical cable networks is considered, and a condition upon the transmitted preamble sequence which guarantees unbiased estimation is presented. It is shown

Multimodal interaction is becoming common in many kinds of devices, particularly mobile phones. If care is not taken in design and implementation, there may be latencies in the timing of feedback in the different modalities may have... more

Multimodal interaction is becoming common in many kinds of devices, particularly mobile phones. If care is not taken in design and implementation, there may be latencies in the timing of feedback in the different modalities may have unintended effects on users. This paper introduces an easy to implement multimodal latency measurement tool for touchscreen interaction. It uses off-the-shelf components and

Community participation was identified as one of the key components of Primary Health Care as articulated in the Alma Ata declaration of 1978 and is enjoying a renewal of interest in both low and high income countries. There remains,... more

Community participation was identified as one of the key components of Primary Health Care as articulated in the Alma Ata declaration of 1978 and is enjoying a renewal of interest in both low and high income countries. There remains, however, an on-going challenge in how to assess its role in achieving health improvements. This is largely due to the multiplicity of definitions of community participation, which has made it difficult to evaluate its impact on desired programme outcomes, such as uptake and sustainability, as well as broader health improvements. This paper addresses this challenge by first defining a continuum of community participation that captures its many forms, and then incorporates this into an evaluation framework that enables an analysis of the process of participation and links this with health and programme outcomes. The continuum of participation and framework is based upon the spidergram of Rifkin, Muller, and Bichmann (1988), but modified in the light of the growing literature on community participation and also in relation to our original requirements to evaluate the role of community participation in nutrition-related child survival programmes. A case-study is presented to provide a worked example of the evaluation framework and its utility in the evaluation of community participation. While this is a literature-based and retrospective analysis, it demonstrates how the evaluation tool enables a nuanced analysis of the different ways in which communities can participate in the delivery of health-related interventions. It could be used prospectively by those involved in programme design and implementation to further our understanding of community participation and its relationship with health outcomes, as well as key programme outcomes, such as sustainability.

This paper describes the use of problem-based Learning (PBL) in the delivery of a level 3 unit: Design and Implementation of VLSI Systems. A “hybrid ” approach has been taken with lectures being interleaved with floating facilitator, PBL... more

This paper describes the use of problem-based Learning (PBL) in the delivery of a level 3 unit: Design and Implementation of VLSI Systems. A “hybrid ” approach has been taken with lectures being interleaved with floating facilitator, PBL sessions. A series of four problems were presented during the course of the unit, each problem

The use of software-intensive solutions for industrial automation and control systems has been a promising trend due to the flexibility, interoperability, and cost savings provided by such an approach. This paper presents a... more

The use of software-intensive solutions for industrial automation and control systems has been a promising trend due to the flexibility, interoperability, and cost savings provided by such an approach. This paper presents a component-based framework for the development of industrial supervision and control systems, which provides reusable solutions for data acquisition, control, and supervision activities. Interoperability and real- time issues are handled by the implementation of the DAIS (Data Acquisition for Industrial Systems) standard, in conjunction with the use of CIAO, a real-time implementation of the CCM (CORBA Component Model) standard. We present the design and implementation of the proposed framework, as well as two application examples built atop our software platform: a chemical reactor supervisory and a cruise control system simulation.

Description/Abstract In this paper we present our A/V collaboration system based on our XGSP collaboration framework and NaradaBrokering messaging middleware. Using publish/subscribe event model, this system can provide videoconferencing... more

Description/Abstract In this paper we present our A/V collaboration system based on our XGSP collaboration framework and NaradaBrokering messaging middleware. Using publish/subscribe event model, this system can provide videoconferencing services to heterogeneous endpoints such as H. 323, SIP and Access Grid. This paper discusses the common a/v collaboration model shared by all kinds of A/V conferencing clients and introduces the details about how to implement such a model based on publish/subscribe ...

Abstract: Higher Education is increasingly relying on e-learning as a means of providing students with teaching and learning resources. Almost inevitably, this means that students interact with these learning resources through the medium... more

Abstract: Higher Education is increasingly relying on e-learning as a means of providing students with teaching and learning resources. Almost inevitably, this means that students interact with these learning resources through the medium of the computer screen. Although there have been significant advances in the design and implementation of online resources, exactly how students interact with these resources is a relatively new field of research. In this feasibility study students were asked to interact with a virtual learning environment, i.e. Blackboard, as well as Internet based resources, i.e. Ingenta and Wikipedia. Specifically, the students were asked to find the answer to a question provided, e.g. “what is classical conditioning?”orto locate a body of research related to a given topic, e.g. “theories of forgetting”. As they searched for the information the eye movements of the students were recorded using a Tobii X50 eye tracking system. The data gathered was analyseddynamic...