Especies Exóticas Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities... more
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities inhabited the landscape, related to each other and were affected by macro-regional trends. Many methods, such as archaeomorphological analysis and Least Cost Route modelling (LCR), have been devised and are routinely employed for the reconstruction of ancient routes. Their analysis in terms of communication, trade or historical significance, however, has usually been left unexplored. This is probably due to the connected nature of routes, which form communication networks: these are shaped by interconnected nodes and extend over territories surpassing the regional scale in such a way that even a change in a single node or link can affect the whole network. Consequently, the partial reconstruction of communication networks provided by the aforementioned m...
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities... more
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities inhabited the landscape, related to each other and were affected by macro-regional trends. Many methods, such as archaeomorphological analysis and Least Cost Route modelling (LCR), have been devised and are routinely employed for the reconstruction of ancient routes. Their analysis in terms of communication, trade or historical significance, however, has usually been left unexplored. This is probably due to the connected nature of routes, which form communication networks: these are shaped by interconnected nodes and extend over territories surpassing the regional scale in such a way that even a change in a single node or link can affect the whole network. Consequently, the partial reconstruction of communication networks provided by the aforementioned methods does not usually allow a holistic analysis. In this paper the relatively well understood British Roman road network is employed to explore the analytical possibilities offered by a combination of Social Network Analysis, Spatial Network Analysis and spatial interpolation-based distribution analysis. The British road network has been reconstructed using published data but also a variation of LCR in which cost surfaces are derived from cultural data obtained from large-scale cultural inventories. The distribution of introduced food plants during the Roman period serve as an excellent proxy for the study of trade along the network and its historical consequences. This multi-period archaeobotanical dataset has some evident advantages to other types of material remains: archaeobotanical remains are not reused as, for example, amphorae and, accordingly, they reflect a distribution pattern based on consumption or commerce. Some of them are imported (as they cannot be produced locally) and, consequently, their distribution would be applied through usage of the main routes. The results suggest a continuous inflow of exotics but highlight their changing transport routes, their differential access and the particular weight of certain nodal sites in the development of this commerce with direct impact on urbanisation and the overall economy of Britannia. The Roman road network acted as a major factor in the distribution of sites, their political and economic importance and their permanence or disappearance as global economic trends changed over time.
Understanding the amount of impact and distribution of invasive species is important for both basic ecological research and making management decisions. Because of their extensive impacts in southern Patagonia, invasive North American... more
Understanding the amount of impact and distribution of invasive species is important for both basic ecological research and making management decisions. Because of their extensive impacts in southern Patagonia, invasive North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are considered both a scientific and conservation priority. However, little is known about the landscape-scale effects of these exotic ecosystem engineers. Using satellite imagery, we estimated the impact of beavers in the Argentine portion of Tierra del Fuego Island and determined the habitat factors (vegetation cover, forest type, stream presence and topography) related to their presence using both non-parametric statistical and information-theoretic approaches. Results indicated that more than 31,000 ha (1.6 % of the study area) were impacted by beavers and that the presence, but not the amount, of beaver impacts were spatially clustered. Impacts were greater in the Mountain ecoregion (2.8 % of the ecoregion) and lower in the Steppe (0.1 %). The best model for predicting beaver presence included variables related to water availability (presence of peat-lands and streams), forage availability (forest type cover), and topography (slope and elevation). These findings support previous assertions that this invasion is the largest alteration to the sub-Antarctic forests in the Holocene. They also serve as a foundation for the development of maps based on habitat-and landscape-scale conditions to assist with the orientation of control, eradication, and restoration efforts currently being planned.
Background and aims: The genus Matthiola W. T. Aiton comprises between 50 and 60 species native to the Mediterranean, Central Asia and South Africa. M. incana (L.) W. T. Aiton, indigenous to southern Europe, is naturalized in other... more
Background and aims: The genus Matthiola W. T. Aiton comprises between 50 and 60 species native to the Mediterranean, Central Asia and South Africa. M. incana (L.) W. T. Aiton, indigenous to southern Europe, is naturalized in other regions of the world. In Argentina it is cultivated as ornamental. From floristic observations, a naturalized population was found, which self-perpetuates without human intervention, on the coasts of the Patagonia Argentina. The objective of this work is to report for the first time the naturalization of M. incana in Argentina. M&M: For the identification of the species, the classic methods of taxonomy were followed, specific bibliography was consulted and the collected material was contrasted with digital images of the lectotype. Seeds were collected from the naturalized population and the germinative power was evaluated through a germination test. The collected material that documents the present work was deposited in the ARC herbarium of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Results: Matthiola incana is described. The common names and data on distribution, habitat, ecology and uses are included. Photographs are presented to complement the description. The germination test showed that 95% of the seeds germinated after 24 hours at 25°C. Conclusions: The naturalization of Matthiola incana is reported for the first time in Argentina, the only species of the genus in the country until now.
Introducción y objetivos: El género Matthiola W. T. Aiton posee entre 50 y 60 especies originarias del Mediterráneo, Asia central y Sudáfrica. M. incana (L.) W. T. Aiton, nativa del sur de Europa, se encuentra naturalizada en otras regiones del mundo. En Argentina es cultivada como ornamental. A partir de observaciones florísticas se halló una población naturalizada, que se autoperpetúa sin intervención del hombre, en las costas de la Patagonia Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar por primera vez la naturalización de M. incana en Argentina. M&M: Para la identificación de la especie se siguieron los métodos clásicos de taxonomía, se consultó bibliografía específica y se contrastó el material recolectado con imágenes digitales del lectotipo. Se recolectaron semillas de la población naturalizada y se evaluó el poder germinativo a través de un ensayo de germinación. El material recolectado que documenta el presente trabajo fue depositado en el herbario ARC de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Resultados: Se describe a Matthiola incana. Se incluyen nombres vulgares y datos sobre distribución, hábitat, ecología y usos. Se presenta una serie de fotografías de campo y bajo microscopio estereoscópico para complementar la descripción. El ensayo de germinación demostró que el 95% de las semillas germina a las 24 hs a 25 °C. Conclusiones: Se reporta por primera vez para Argentina la naturalización de Matthiola incana, única especie del género en el país hasta el momento.
El axolote es una especie de origen mexicano, la cual, pertenece a la categoría de las salamandras. De acuerdo a expertos y científicos mexicanos, es una especie con tendencia a extinguirse, debido a diversos factores que la acercan cada... more
El axolote es una especie de origen mexicano, la cual, pertenece a la categoría de las salamandras.
De acuerdo a expertos y científicos mexicanos, es una especie con tendencia a extinguirse, debido a diversos factores que la acercan cada vez más a su posible y trágico destino.
Histórico da pesquisa na área no país Atualmente, várias instituições no país estão desenvolvendo pesquisas e programas vol- tados para a prevenção e controle de espécies exóticas marinhas. Recentemente, a Marinha do Brasil estabeleceu a... more
Histórico da pesquisa na área no país
Atualmente, várias instituições no país estão desenvolvendo pesquisas e programas vol- tados para a prevenção e controle de espécies exóticas marinhas. Recentemente, a Marinha do Brasil estabeleceu a NORMAN 20/DPC (Norma da Autoridade Marinha) para o gerenciamento da água de lastro no país, que representou um passo importante para o con- trole de novas invasões através deste vetor de transporte. Entretanto, apesar destas iniciati- vas, a pesquisa e a gestão de espécies invasoras na costa brasileira ainda são incipientes, comparada a outros países. Apenas muito recentemente a preocupação com espécies invaso- ras foi estendida para o ambiente marinho, antes restrita ao ambiente terrestre e dulcícola. Até o ano 2000, foram poucas as publicações nesta área do conhecimento, geralmente tra- tando de registros de espécies exóticas na costa brasileira. Deve-se ressaltar que apenas em 1998 foi publicado o primeiro capítulo de livro com menção a espécies exóticas
Resumo O rio Doce drena os estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo e representa a maior bacia de um conjunto denominado genericamente como “leste brasileiro”. Está inserido no bioma Mata Atlântica, formação vegetal que foi quase toda... more
Resumo O rio Doce drena os estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo e representa a maior bacia de um conjunto denominado genericamente como “leste brasileiro”. Está inserido no bioma Mata Atlântica, formação vegetal que foi quase toda suprimida no ...
Con el objetivo de evaluar el reconocimiento de componentes y atributos de la biodiversidad en estudiantes de nivel medio de Córdoba (Argentina) se elaboró un cuestionario en el que se le solicitó a 338 alumnos (8 cursos de escuelas... more
Con el objetivo de evaluar el reconocimiento de componentes y atributos de la biodiversidad en estudiantes de nivel medio de Córdoba (Argentina) se elaboró un cuestionario en el que se le solicitó a 338 alumnos (8 cursos de escuelas públicas y 6 de privadas, con orientación en Ciencias Naturales), que reconocieran en una serie de gráficos esquemáticos (cuestionario de opción múltiple) el ambiente con mayor biodiversidad. Los datos se analizaron en función de las frecuencias de elección de cada opción, realizando gráficos y pruebas estadísticas de Chi-cuadrado. Los resultados muestran que: (a) la mayoría de los alumnos (55.9 %) reconoció la diversidad funcional como un factor importante para la conservación de la biodiversidad; (b) al 46.5 % de los estudiantes les resultó indiferente el número de individuos de cada especie o grupo funcional; (c) el 51.7 % no consideró la distribución espacial de las especies como un atributo de la biodiversidad; y (d) la mayoría de los alumnos (52.3 %) no reconoció la “equitatividad”; es decir, en qué medida el total de individuos se encontraba igualmente repartido entre las especies representadas. Para superar estas dificultades se sugiere el estudio en profundidad de todos los componentes y atributos de la biodiversidad.
Con el objetivo de evaluar el conocimiento de especies nativas de plantas y animales, el reconocimiento de componentes y atributos de la diversidad biológica, y la influencia de la gestión escolar y el género de los estudiantes en la... more
Con el objetivo de evaluar el conocimiento de especies nativas de plantas y animales, el reconocimiento de componentes y atributos de la diversidad biológica, y la influencia de la gestión escolar y el género de los estudiantes en la mención de especies nativas en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina), se tomó una cuestionario a una muestra de 338 alumnos/as de entre 15 y 18 años. También se analizó el concepto de biodiversidad desarrollado en 22 manuales escolares de los primeros tres cursos de la escuela secundaria de Argentina. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes poseen un buen conocimiento general de la flora y fauna autóctonas aunque fuera frecuente la mención de especies domésticas, ornamentales y adventicias como nativas. Además, la gestión escolar y el género de los estudiantes influyeron en el conocimiento de algunos vegetales y animales. Tanto los alumnos como los manuales escolares analizados se centraron en considerar el número de especies como componente y atributo principal de la biodiversidad. En base a estos resultados, concluimos que enseñar la diversidad biológica lleva implicados una serie de saberes docentes que se discuten en función del conocimiento didáctico del contenido.
Javalis e javaporcos ameaçam invadir a planície e acabar com 200 anos de convivência pacífica dos monteiros com a fauna pantaneira. Pode o Pantanal se transformar em repositório de porcos híbridos de javalis invasores? O que isso... more
Javalis e javaporcos ameaçam invadir a planície e acabar com 200 anos de convivência pacífica dos monteiros com a fauna pantaneira.
Pode o Pantanal se transformar em repositório de porcos híbridos de javalis invasores? O que isso significa para os monteiros residentes e para a fauna nativa?
Dicho de esta manera la fauna es el conjunto de especies animales que habitan en una región geográfica, que son propias que se pueden encontrar en un ecosistema determinado en este caso en Ecuador . Tiene una distribución espacial y... more
Dicho de esta manera la fauna es el conjunto de especies animales que habitan en una región geográfica, que son propias que se pueden encontrar en un ecosistema determinado en este caso en Ecuador . Tiene una distribución espacial y depende tanto de factores abióticos (temperatura, disponibilidad de agua) como de factores bióticos. Entre éstos sobresalen las relaciones posibles de competencia o de depredación entre las especies. Muchos animales suelen ser muy sensibles a las perturbaciones que alteran su hábitat.
Este documento aun esta en preparación y constara de 820 paginas aproximadamente , pero adjunto el adelanto de 619 como tema de consulta
By historical reasons, public policies related to native and exotic fauna management in Brazil have been responsible for several processes of biological invasion by promoting incentives to exoticism in expressing opposition to the... more
By historical reasons, public policies related to native and exotic fauna management in Brazil have been responsible for several processes of biological invasion by promoting incentives to exoticism in expressing opposition to the benefits of the Convention on Biodiversity Diversity (CBD), which Brazil is one of the main protagonists during the Eco-92 Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 1992). I describe what Brazilian government has made since then for natural resources management, especially on sustainable uses from wildlife to avoid and restrict the commercial exotic animal production. I use specific cases of invasive exotic fauna, including the feral hog and wild boar (Sus scrofa) invasions at national scale, to evaluate the Brazilian government's commitments and responsibilities in relation to the demands from society related to the management and use of fauna, especially from the socio-economic and environmental point of view. I discuss the causes, consequences and challenges to the public managers for wildlife use and conservation, and its particular socio-economic and environmental conflicts that are disastrous and compromising the biological megadiversity in Brazil. Considering the national and regional scenarios presented, I also deal with ecological issues concerning the distribution and occupation of invasive wild boar in Mato Grosso do Sul state, starting with the occurrence survey and the mapping of the conflicts related to the presence of wild boar (javali/javaporco) and also of the feral hog (porco-monteiro) in the Pantanal plain in recent years. I present the spatiotemporal evolution of the process of invasion of feral pigs, especially regarding the most recent cycle of invasion involving wild boars and their hybrids (javalis/javaporcos). I identify some factors that have influenced this dynamic, showing the localities where the encounter between these populations and the oldest population of the feral hog (porco-monteiro) in the Pantanal has been taking places. It is also estimated the frequency of detection and occupation of the feral pigs in the state, as well as the percentage of the area invaded by wild boars/hybrids (javalis/javaporcos) in the state and their local relative abundance. The detection and occupation (invasion area) of feral pigs are tested between both, and also in relation to the effect of socioeconomic and environmental variables that could be associated to the occurrences of feral pigs as habitat types detected in the landscape and land uses identified in the state. In addition, I present feral pig population estimative all over the MS state, considering the current frequency and also population size predictions, if the abundance reaches their thresholds of environmental saturation, modeling the feral pigs distribution and occupation. Finally, the relative frequency of detection between the three species of suiforms, Sus scrofa and the two native species, Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu, is presented and discussed, as well as the possible relationships among them and the implications for the conservation of native biodiversity. These aspects were related to the management policies of invasive feral pigs and the conservation of regional biodiversity, in the light of what has already been discussed in all chapters. At the end, I critized the current model of extremely protectionist management of wildlife by the Brazilian State, which repels investments in research and development, and propose a new management model for fauna based on scientific and technological knowledge and supported by free market initiatives.
Una mirada al conocimiento de los ecosistemas de México
La existencia de especies invasoras acuáticas ha sido reconocida durante siglos en diferentes áreas costeras del mundo. Hay regiones donde la diversidad litoral cuenta con registros científicos de largo plazo que permiten dar cuenta... more
La existencia de especies invasoras acuáticas ha sido reconocida durante siglos en diferentes áreas costeras del mundo. Hay regiones donde la diversidad litoral cuenta con registros científicos de largo plazo que permiten dar cuenta histórica detallada de todo tipo de invasiones. Desafortunadamente, este no es el caso de un vasto número de regiones menos estudiadas, ubicadas en latitudes cálidas, y a menudo poseedoras de una inmensa riqueza biológica.
La falta de información y los problemas de identificación que percibimos en una variedad de grupos taxonómicos, en especial de invertebrados, sin lugar a dudas han retrasado
el desarrollo de bases de datos sobre su diversidad biológica. La existencia de estos vacíos no ha hecho más que oscurecer el estudio de especies invasoras acuáticas; hasta estudios relativamente recientes, muchas de estas especies ni siquiera eran consideradas “exóticas” o “invasoras”. La investigación de especies invasoras acuáticas es, por lo tanto, esencial para el correcto desarrollo de estudios de diversidad a escalas regional y mundial, y por ende, resulta una prioridad. Sin estos estudios es imposible evaluar nuestra diversidad y los cambios y pérdidas que hemos experimentado en este ámbito como producto del cambio climático y de una serie de alteraciones antropogénicas.
Las especies invasoras acuáticas han llegado al ámbito de la opinión pública, particularmente
en las últimas tres décadas. Esto no es sorprendente considerando los impactos que algunas de estas especies tienen en la biodiversidad local, en los recursos costeros, y en actividades económicas tan importantes como tradicionales: la pesquería y la acuicultura, por ejemplo. Que la opinión pública esté consciente del problema que representan algunas especies invasoras es relevante. Sin embargo, no se puede ignorar que muchas especies invasoras, algunas de ellas voluntariamente introducidas, han acarreado también beneficios económicos a determinadas comunidades y regiones.
Esta dicotomía de perjuicios y beneficios no es más que otro ejemplo de la consecuencia de la intervención humana en los procesos naturales. Un clima cambiante, que
producto del calentamiento global ha modificado los rangos de distribución de muchas especies, se ha asociado a un incremento en el tráfico de bienes y servicios entre regiones
y continentes, rompiendo las barreras naturales que controlaban la dispersión de
muchas especies acuáticas. Esto ha resultado en un crecimiento casi exponencial en el número de especies invasoras que ahora regularmente aparecen no solo en estudios científicos sino también en los medios de comunicación.
Este volumen es una compilación de estudios que reflejan ese creciente interés por las especies invasoras acuáticas, y que geográficamente se concentra en los cuerpos de agua de México. El país, dueño de una inmensa riqueza biológica, ha experimentado los mismos problemas que otras naciones de esta y otras regiones, y esto ha precipitado un creciente interés por parte de su comunidad científica.
Este libro es el resultado de una convocatoria abierta a la comunidad científica de México que el Instituto Nacional de Ecología realizó a fines del año 2011. Más de
cuarenta propuestas de publicación fueron recibidas en el curso de 2012; cada una de ellas fue revisada por un mínimo de dos árbitros de diferentes nacionalidades y con experiencia en el estudio de especies invasoras acuáticas. Una lectura de estos
estudios sugiere el amplio interés que este tema concita, la gran diversidad de hábitats y enfoques que hemos logrado compilar y la enorme cantidad de trabajo que actualmente se realiza en el campo de las especies invasoras acuáticas. Los editores de este volumen no podrían sino tener palabras de gratitud hacia el gran número de autores y revisores que han contribuido a que este volumen sea hoy una realidad. En la misma línea, agradecemos el prólogo preparado para esta edición por el Dr. James Carlton, una autoridad mundial en el estudio de invasiones acuáticas.
Agradecemos ademas a Raúl Marcó del Pont Lalli por el diseño, formación y la coordinación editorial de esta obra, y también a Silei Peng y Shane Gilbert (UPEI) por su colaboración en la revisión de bibliografía.
Como editores, vemos este volumen como un ejemplo de colaboración entre investigadores que esperamos estimule y fortalezca el desarrollo de más estudios en una disciplina tan importante como el de las especies invasoras acuáticas.
- by Antonio M . Low Pfeng and +1
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- Especies Exóticas, Aliens species
Esta publicação é produto final do Projeto “Estudos biológicos e ambientais como base à prevenção e ao controle do mexilhão-dourado, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), em rios e reservatórios brasileiros”, que foi financiado pelo... more
Esta publicação é produto final do Projeto “Estudos biológicos e
ambientais como base à prevenção e ao controle do mexilhão-dourado,
Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), em rios e reservatórios brasileiros”,
que foi financiado pelo Programa de P&D ANEEL/FURNAS, tendo
como sede das pesquisas o Centro de Ecologia da Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e a Fundação Luiz Englert como administradora
junto à citada Universidade. Está subdividido em 13 seções,
dentro das quais estão distribuídos 43 capítulos, redigidos por diversos
especialistas de projeção no Brasil e no exterior além dos pesquisadores
envolvidos diretamente no projeto. Sua importância é singular, devido
ao somatório de pesquisas direcionadas à compreensão do comportamento
e do ciclo de vida do mexilhão-dourado, como base aos diferentes
métodos testados para a prevenção e ao controle do mesmo.
Resumen La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las plantas presentan numerosos obstáculos como la "ceguera hacia las plantas", fenómeno que refiere a la incapacidad que tenemos para ser conscientes de ellas. Por otro lado, algunas... more
Resumen La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las plantas presentan numerosos obstáculos como la "ceguera hacia las plantas", fenómeno que refiere a la incapacidad que tenemos para ser conscientes de ellas. Por otro lado, algunas características de las flores o inflorescencias, como el tamaño, color y aroma, constituyen caracteres ecológicamente conspicuos que podrían disminuir nuestra frecuente "desatención hacia las plantas". En un estudio realizado en la provincia de Córdoba se encontró que alum-nos de escuela secundaria, al solicitarles un listado de plantas nativas, nombraron una mayoría de especies exóticas. Muchas de éstas son in-vasoras de los ecosistemas de Córdoba, tales como el "siempre verde". Sin embargo, las especies que más menciones recibieron fueron el "al-garrobo" (nativa), el "sauce" (origen mixto) y el "espinillo" (nativa). También se halló que los estudiantes de escuelas públicas del interior provincial nombran más cantidad de especies y de nativas de Argentina, a la vez que los varones de estos contextos mencionan más plantas na-tivas de Córdoba que sus compañeras mujeres. Conceptos clave: diversidad vegetal, especie nativa, especie adven-ticia, especie exótica, ceguera hacia las plantas, visibilidad ecológica, caracteres ecológicamente conspicuos. En G.M.A. Bermudez, & De Longhi, A.L. (Coordinadores), Retos para la ense-ñanza de la biodiversidad hoy. Aportes para la formación docente (pp. 293-325). 293 Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. 2015. ISBN: 978-987-707-003-3
La introducción de especies exóticas es considerada entre las principales causas de pérdida de biodiversidad nativa a nivel global. Los resultados sinérgicos de este fenómeno con otros cambios globales afectan la conservación de los... more
- by Antonio M . Low Pfeng and +1
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- Especies Exóticas
Monitoramento de áreas em recuperaçāo. Esta publicação reporta indicadores de restauração ecológica para plantio total, sistemas de nucleação da biodiversidade, sistemas agroflorestais, bem como indicadores universais aplicáveis a... more
Monitoramento de áreas em recuperaçāo. Esta publicação reporta indicadores de restauração ecológica para plantio total, sistemas de nucleação da biodiversidade, sistemas agroflorestais, bem como indicadores universais aplicáveis a qualquer situação de restauração.
1 Historically, humans have translocated some species of Leporidae (order Lagomorpha) around the world as an introduced food source and as game species. This family is now cosmopolitan and occupies areas where it did not previously... more
1 Historically, humans have translocated some species of Leporidae (order Lagomorpha) around the world as an introduced food source and as game species. This family is now cosmopolitan and occupies areas where it did not previously exist. With the exception of European rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, evidence of the effects of these introduced species is scattered and in many cases anecdotal, though they share many biological traits with Oryctolagus cuniculus, one of the most harmful invasive species worldwide.
2 We review available studies on the 12 leporid species that have been introduced by humans to areas beyond their native ranges. Our aim is to describe and compare the species’ ecological roles in their native geographic ranges and in their exotic ranges. We review the species’ effects on the ecosystem at different levels of the trophic chain. We also evaluate the consequences of introductions for animal and human health, and their economic consequences, and we consider control measures.
3 In their native ranges, the 12 leporids are known to provide resources for other species, act as seed dispersers and ecosystem engineers, function as primary prey items for several predator species, and have many other functions. The effects of the leporids in their exotic geographic ranges are also conspicuous, and in many cases strongly negative, due to competition with native fauna and the facilitation of the presence of other invaders. Nonetheless, they constitute a food resource for native and exotic predators. As game species for humans, their hunting may indirectly impact the ecosystems by increasing the amount of lead in the environment. Moreover, they may be carriers of zoonotic diseases.
4 Conservation biologists should carefully consider the contrasting effects of the introduced leporids species in the ecosystem before developing any management strategy including these species.
Are cats really the problem?
- by jeremiah davis
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- Cats, Animal domestication, Dogs, Birds
Background and aims: The genus Pyracantha has about ten species, widespread as ornamental, naturalized and considered invasive in different parts of the world. Historically, the identification of taxa has been difficult. Three species... more
Background and aims: The genus Pyracantha has about ten species, widespread as ornamental, naturalized and considered invasive in different parts of the world. Historically, the identification of taxa has been difficult. Three species were reported as naturalized in Argentina, however, no genus revision has been carried out in the country until now. In order to make new contributions to the Argentinean Flora, given the complexity of the genus and the lack of an integral work in this regard, the objective of this contribution is to present a synopsis of the Pyracantha species naturalized in Argentina.
M&M: Specimens of each species from different national and international herbaria were studied, and were contrasted with the type specimens. The original descriptions and specific bibliography of each taxon was reviewed.
Results: A summary of the five naturalized species is presented. Distribution maps in Argentina are presented in addition to descriptions, a key, diagrams of the main leaf morphological characters and a series of images that allow the identification of the species. Lectotypes for four names are designated.
Conclusions: Five species are naturalized in Argentina. P. fortuneana and P. koidzumii constitute new records for the flora of the country. Up to this moment, P. fortuneana represents the species with the most austral distribution and, together with P. angustifolia, are the most distributed species in Argentina. P. koidzumii is restricted mainly to the center-east of Argentina. P. atalantioides and P. coccinea are the less represented species. -
Introducción y objetivos: El género Pyracantha posee alrededor de diez especies, difundidas como ornamentales, naturalizadas y consideradas invasoras en diferentes partes del mundo. Históricamente, la identificación de los taxones ha sido dificultosa. Tres especies fueron reportadas como naturalizadas en la Argentina, sin embargo, no se ha efectuado una revisión del género en el país hasta el momento. Con el fin de realizar nuevos aportes a la Flora Argentina, dadas la complejidad del género y la falta de un trabajo integral al respecto, el objetivo de esta contribución es presentar una sinopsis de las especies de Pyracantha naturalizadas en la Argentina.
M&M: Se estudiaron ejemplares de cada especie de diversos herbarios nacionales e internacionales, y se contrastaron con los ejemplares tipo. Se revisaron las descripciones originales y bibliografía específica de cada taxón.
Resultados: Se presenta un resumen de las cinco especies naturalizadas. Se proveen mapas de distribución en la Argentina, además de descripciones, una clave, esquemas de los principales caracteres morfológicos foliares y una serie de imágenes que permiten la identificación de las especies. Se designan lectotipos para cuatro nombres.
Conclusiones: Cinco especies se encuentran naturalizadas en la Argentina. P. fortuneana y P. koidzumii constituyen nuevos registros para la flora del país. Hasta el momento, P. fortuneana representa la especie con distribución más austral y, junto a P. angustifolia, son las especies más distribuidas en la Argentina. P. koidzumii se encuentra restringida principalmente al centro-este del país. P. atalantioides y P. coccinea son las especies menos representadas.
In a world where invasive alien species (IAS) are recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity, leading scientists from five continents have come together to propose the concept of developing an international association for... more
In a world where invasive alien species (IAS) are recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity, leading scientists from five continents have come together to propose the concept of developing an international association for open knowledge and open data on IAS—termed " INVASIVESNET ". This new association will facilitate greater understanding and improved management of invasive alien species (IAS) and biological invasions globally, by developing a sustainable network of networks for effective knowledge exchange. In addition to their inclusion in the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, the increasing ecological, social, cultural and economic impacts associated with IAS have driven the development of multiple legal instruments and policies. This increases the need for greater coordination , cooperation , and information exchange among scientists, management, the community of practice and the public. INVASIVESNET will be formed by linking new and existing networks of interested stakeholders including international and national expert working groups and initiatives, individual scientists, database managers, thematic open access journals, environmental agencies, practitioners, managers, industry, non-government organisations, citizens and educational bodies. The association will develop technical tools and cyberinfrastructure for the collection, management and dissemination of data and information on IAS; create an effective communication platform for global stakeholders; and promote coordination and collaboration through international meetings, workshops, education, training and outreach. To date, the sustainability of many strategic national and international initiatives on IAS have unfortunately been hampered by time-limited grants or funding cycles. Recognising that IAS initiatives need to be globally coordinated and ongoing , we aim to develop a sustainable knowledge sharing association to connect the outputs of IAS research and to inform the consequential management and societal challenges arising from IAS introductions. INVASIVESNET will provide a dynamic and enduring network of networks to ensure the continuity of connections among the IAS community of practice, science and management.
Bob Wetzel died from cancer at his home on April 18, 2005, at the age of 68. It is hard to write about somebody admired and respected, both professionally and personally. Bob Wetzel has left a tremendous void in our hearts. The complete... more
Bob Wetzel died from cancer at his home on April 18, 2005, at the age of 68. It is hard to write about somebody admired and respected, both professionally and personally. Bob Wetzel has left a tremendous void in our hearts. The complete personality of this enthusiastic man, committed to excellence, was reflected in the many facets of science he touched in the near 30 books and 400+ publications, as well as in the wonderful paintings he created in his spare time (I was always intrigued how could he find spare hours), his select musical taste, or his love for flowers, wild blossoms included. Bob used to smile with his eyes as well. He was kind, although demanding. His lab was exemplar in the sense that it was very well equipped and there was always this productive atmosphere created by him, showing up often to help and see how things were going. His habit of calling meetings to discuss work to his home (with total connivance of Carol, his wife, who would prepare delightful brownies and "disappear" for the whole evening, allowing us to discuss for hours experimental designs or the latest papers on several ongoing research topics) was motivating and much more relaxing than if the meetings were held in the department. Extremely careful in preparing his talks in conferences or his classes, advising students and young colleagues and always helping in both their personal and scientific lives; when writing his masterpiece text book ("the book" for many of us) he was thoroughly looking for bibliography and concerned about citing young scientists having done good, sound work because this would help and encourage them. His permanent concern for helping young scientists full of value but scarce in resources is reflected by the request of his family: In lieu of flowers, friends and colleagues should make donations to the Robert G.
Invasive introduced mammals (IIMs) have ecological and social dimensions that require holistic research to integrate academic disciplines with basic and applied sciences. We assessed current knowledge of IIMs to determine trends in their... more
Invasive introduced mammals (IIMs) have ecological and social dimensions that require holistic research to integrate academic disciplines with basic and applied sciences.
We assessed current knowledge of IIMs to determine trends in their study and management in southern South America.
A keyword search was used to select indexed papers in the Web of Science. These were reviewed to assess each study's objective, methodology, country, publication year, and taxa. Unpublished ‘grey’ literature was added to evaluate further each species’ native range, year of introduction, the reason for its introduction, its distribution, dispersal pathways, impacts, and management.
Most of the 190 peer-reviewed publications were focused on autecology and impacts of IIMs; less than 4% addressed management or social topics. Twenty-three IIMs have been documented in the study area. The southern Magellanic subpolar forest was the most invaded ecoregion (17 spp.), and the most studied orders, from 440 records in 190 papers, were Artiodactyla (35%) and Rodentia (28%). Together, livestock and commensals brought during early European colonisation constituted 44% of this assemblage, but hunting was the major reason behind the introduction of IIMs (30%).
To enhance policies and institutional frameworks pertaining to biological invasions, we highlight the importance of: 1) recognising the presence and spread of IIMs in ‘pristine’ or protected areas; 2) improving controls to prevent new introductions and escapes; 3) including social and cultural aspects of biological invasions in research and management plans; 4) reinforcing hunting regulations; 5) establishing long-term programmes to monitor distribution and dispersion; 6) creating mechanisms for scientists and managers to co-produce research and policy programmes oriented towards applied issues; 7) developing pilot management projects in critical areas; 8) achieving societal involvement in management programmes to ensure public acceptance; and 9) developing prioritisation tools, as resources needed to manage IIMs are often limited.
Three adult males and two females collected alive. Lithobates catesbeianus is native from southeastern Canada, much of the central and eastern United States, and northeastern Mexico, and has also been reported in another 41 countries... more
Three adult males and two females collected alive. Lithobates catesbeianus is native from southeastern Canada, much of the central and eastern United States, and northeastern Mexico, and has also been reported in another 41 countries throughout the world, where it has been introduced for commercial purposes. Previouslyknown in Argentina from Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta, and San Juan provinces. Second province record, extending the known range for the species 270 km from previously known closest record.
El concepto de diversidad biológica ha ganado importancia tanto en el ámbito científico como público debido a que resulta clave su conservación para la subsistencia de las diferentes especies. Además, las causas y consecuencias dela... more
El concepto de diversidad biológica ha ganado importancia tanto en el ámbito científico como público debido a que resulta clave su conservación para la subsistencia de las diferentes especies. Además, las causas y consecuencias dela pérdida de la biodiversidad generalmente se basan en problemáticas sociales como ladesigualdad de acceso a los recursos naturales. En el ámbito educativo son escasos los estudios que releven el conocimiento cotidiano de los estudiantes sobre la diversidad biológica. Por esta razón, nos propusimos investigar el grado de conocimiento de especies animalesnativas dealumnosde nivel medio de la provincia de Córdoba. Los participantes asistían a los últimos cursos de la escuela secundaria (cuarto, quinto y sexto) de escuelas públicas (ocho) y privadas (6) de la ciudad de Córdoba y del interior provincial. Se elaboró un cuestionario cerrado en el que se solicitó a los 338 participantes que completaran una lista de diez espacios con especies animales nativas. Los nombresdados se analizaron en función de las frecuencias de aparición de los nombres vernáculos y categorizando las especies mencionadas según sean nativas (de Argentina), exóticas (introducidas), mixtas (nombre vernáculo que agrupa tanto especies nativas como exóticas) y domésticas (mascotas y animales de granja). Se tuvo en cuenta al sexo de los estudiantes y al tipo de gestión de la escuela (pública o privada) como factores que pueden explicar la variación de las especies mencionadas. Se realizaron pruebas estadísticas de Chi-cuadrado para determinar si existen diferencias estadísticas entre los factores de análisis para la variable respuesta. Los resultados muestran que se nombraron 217 especies, siendo las más frecuentes (en orden decreciente): puma (nativa), cóndor (nativa), liebre (mixta), gato montés (nativa), vizcacha (nativa), zorro (nativa), quirquincho (nativa), cuis (nativa), vaca (doméstica) y yarará (nativa). A su vez, considerando el rango completo de especies mencionadas, existen diferencias significativas entre el sexo de los estudiantes y la gestión de la escuela en la distribución de frecuencias. Los resultados se discuten en función de las representaciones sociales, el conocimiento ecológico tradicional y su papel didáctico en clases de ciencias naturales.
Con el objetivo evaluar el conocimiento de especies nativas de plantas en estudiantes de nivel medio de la provincia de Córdoba se elaboró un cuestionario en el que se le solicitó a 338 alumnos, distribuidos en 8 cursos de escuelas... more
Con el objetivo evaluar el conocimiento de especies nativas de plantas en estudiantes de nivel medio de la provincia de Córdoba se elaboró un cuestionario en el que se le solicitó a 338 alumnos, distribuidos en 8 cursos de escuelas públicas y 6 de privadas, con orientación en Ciencias Naturales (polimodal), que completaran una lista de diez espacios con especies vegetales nativas. Los datos se analizaron en función de las frecuencias de aparición de los nombres vulgares dados y categorizando las especies mencionadas según tres niveles de análisis: (1) en especies nativas, exóticas y mixtas (cuando un nombre vulgar refiere a varias especies, siendo éstas de origen tanto autóctono como foráneo); (2) nativas, adventicias (especies exóticas que se propagan espontáneamente), exóticas propiamente dichas, y mixtas; y (3) a cada categoría de (2) se identificó a su vez si el nombre vulgar dado se corresponde con uno (unívoco), dos (bívoco) o más de dos nombres científicos (polívoco). Los resultados muestran que los alumnos nombraron una mayoría de especies vegetales exóticas. Si bien especies nativas como el “algarrobo” y el “palo borracho” fueron mencionadas frecuentemente, se evidencia el desconocimiento de la biología de las especies mencionadas y de las especies adventicias de Córdoba.
This paper presents a list of the exotic fish species introduced in Mexican aquatic systems. This list is the result of the systematized information contained in several databases of ichthyological collections around the world and... more
This paper presents a list of the exotic fish species introduced in Mexican aquatic systems. This list is the result of the systematized information contained in several databases of ichthyological collections around the world and different publications. A total of 104 species were found, distributed in 19 families and 51 genera. The most species-rich were Cyprinidae with 22 species, Poeciliidae (19 species), Cichlidae (15 species) and Centrarchidae (13 species). A map and an electronic database were created based on the knowledge of the species, showing the known introductions of exotic fishes in the country. The information was obtained from a database stored in the Colección Nacional de Peces IBUNAM, which can be accessed online. This study has a high importance for the knowledge of the exotic fish fauna of Mexico and its current status.
The importance of exotic plants in European botany of the 18th-century concerned not only the species of edible plants but also the abundant vegetal species used for therapeutic purposes. Italian pharmacies also made sure to have... more
The importance of exotic plants in European botany of the 18th-century concerned not only the species of edible plants but also the abundant vegetal species used for therapeutic purposes. Italian pharmacies also made sure to have available plants with certified therapeutic properties. In many pharmacies of that time, we can find pharmacopoeias, medical formularies and recipes where these exotic plants were mentioned as ingredients of brews and decoctions in which their healing properties were celebrated. Some pharmacies had full collections of vases to store these medical products. In this view, the literary sources from the Emilian pharmacies of the 18th-century are particularly rich. Emilian pharmacists could also take advantage of the studies of the University of Bologna, one of the leading medical universities in Europe, whose tradition dates back to the Medieval period. In the 18th century, famous physicians and scientists lectured at Bologna, such as Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), Ferdinando Marsili (1658-1730), Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771), and Antonio Maria Valsalva (1666-1723). At that time, the inclusion of the new exotic drugs in the Hippocratic-galenic tradition was not an easy task. It was also not easy to bring together the different approaches that the introduction of these new plants brought to medical science. Thanks to this material, it is possible to reconstruct its significant practical and theoretical contribution to the Italian medical culture of the 1700s.
Per conèixer els trets principals de la cuina palamosina del segle XVIII s’ha d’acudir a la valuosa informació que ens proporcionen les fons documentals del convent dels agustins de Nostra Senyora de Gràcia. La vida en comú practicada... more
Per conèixer els trets principals de la cuina palamosina del segle XVIII s’ha d’acudir a la valuosa informació que ens proporcionen les fons documentals del convent dels agustins de Nostra Senyora de Gràcia. La vida en comú practicada pels frares implicava un patró alimentari uniforme i una complexa gestió de la intendència, que ha quedat anotada al llibre de despeses del convent conservat a l’arxiu de la Província Agustiniana de Castilla (Madrid). Així, els frares, sense saber-ho, van preservar la rica herència de la gastronomia empordanesa. Gràcies a les seves anotacions coneixem la seva dieta, les viandes, les begudes, els ingredients i fins i tot algunes receptes. La divulgació i interpretació d’aquestes dades pot ser molt útil per a la gent interessada en la història culinària de l’Empordanet, atès que ens permeten de reconstruir la base de la cuina palamosina de l’època i fins hi tot l’actual.
The wild boar is one of the worst invasive species in the world. This study records the presence of the species in fragments of the Atlantic forest in Southeastern Brazil. These records extend the distribution of this... more
The wild boar is one of the worst invasive species in the world. This study records the presence
of the species in fragments of the Atlantic forest in Southeastern Brazil. These records extend the distribution
of this species in the country and provide the first record in the wild, in Rio de Janeiro State. The potential
impacts on the native biodiversity caused by the invasion of this exotic species are briefly discussed.
Since their introduction to southern Patagonia in 1946, North American beavers (Castor canadensis) have become a major impact to streams and forests. Scientists and managers now call for their eradication, requiring research to orient... more
Since their introduction to southern Patagonia in 1946, North American beavers (Castor canadensis) have become a major impact to streams and forests. Scientists and managers now call for their eradication, requiring research to orient actions. John et al. (2010) showed that predicting beaver presence, which is crucial to plan eradication efforts, varies throughout colonization time (initial = unpredictable occupation of random sites; intermediate = predictable occupation of optimal sites; long-term = unpredictable occupation of sub-optimal locations). Beaver presence/absence and habitat variables (geomorphology, soil, and vegetation) were measured in the field and from satellite images in sites colonized at intermediate (Brunswick Peninsula ~1994) and long-term (Navarino Island ~1960) periods to predict this species' habitat use. Habitat suitability models were constructed using generalized linear models with those variables significantly different between sites with and without beaver. As hypothesized, a significant explanatory habitat model could not be developed for long-term occupation sites. However, beaver presence was predictable at intermediate colonization sites, and the best significant model included only river sinuosity and explained 74% of data variability. The model suggested that beavers used areas with greater river sinuosity, which could be measured from satellite images. Since remotely-sensed information requires less field effort, this approach could be useful in southern Patagonia's remote areas, where access is difficult. Additionally, these findings highlight the overall difficulty of planning a large-scale beaver eradication program and predicting beaver habitat use across a gradient of habitat types and colonization stages.
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities... more
Communication routes are an important subject in the study of the human past. They allowed interactions between communities and the dispersal of goods and ideas. Their study, therefore, can shed light on the way in which communities inhabited the landscape, related to each other and were affected by macro-regional trends. Many methods, such as archaeomorphological analysis and Least Cost Route modelling (LCR), have been devised and are routinely employed for the reconstruction of ancient routes. Their analysis in terms of communication, trade or historical significance, however, has usually been left unexplored. This is probably due to the connected nature of routes, which form communication networks: these are shaped by interconnected nodes and extend over territories surpassing the regional scale in such a way that even a change in a single node or link can affect the whole network. Consequently, the partial reconstruction of communication networks provided by the aforementioned methods does not usually allow a holistic analysis. In this paper the relatively well understood British Roman road network is employed to explore the analytical possibilities offered by a combination of Social Network Analysis, Spatial Network Analysis and spatial interpolation-based distribution analysis. The British road network has been reconstructed using published data but also a variation of LCR in which cost surfaces are derived from cultural data obtained from large-scale cultural inventories. The distribution of introduced food plants during the Roman period serve as an excellent proxy for the study of trade/commerce along the network and its historical consequences. This multi-period archaeobotanical dataset present some evident advantages to other types of material remains: archaeobotanical remains are not reused as, for example, amphorae and, accordingly, they reflect a distribution pattern based on consumption or commerce. Some of them are imported (as they cannot be produced locally) and, consequently, their distribution would be applied through usage of the main routes.
The results suggest a continuous inflow of exotics but highlight their changing transport routes, their differential access and the particular weight of certain nodal sites in the development of this commerce with direct impact on urbanisation and the overall economy of Britannia. The Roman road network acted as a major factor in the distribution of sites, their political and economic importance and their permanence or disappearance, as global economic trends changed over time.
The objective of this study was to characterize the morphometric relationships of the shell of the invasive gastropod Melanoides tuberculata collected in the Banana Lagoon, Ceará coast, in February 2016. In all, the external measurements... more
The objective of this study was to characterize the morphometric relationships of the shell of the invasive gastropod Melanoides tuberculata collected in the Banana Lagoon, Ceará coast, in February 2016. In all, the external measurements (length, width and height) and the aperture (length and width) of the shell of 381 individuals were obtained, with subsequent simple regressions between the external measurements, measurements of the shell opening and in both, applying Student's t-test to evaluate the existence of statistical dependence among the variables at a level of significance of 95 % (α = 0.05). The classification of the morphometric relationships of the M. tuberculata gastropod presents "extremely strong positive" correlations (r > 0.9) among all relationships. However, it is suggested further study of the dynamics of growth and pet morphometric the use of the measured width or height of the shell, since adult M. tuberculata usually present broken protoconch, which may lead to possible estimation errors.
Resumen La presencia del caracol gigante africano Achatina fulica (Bowdich 1822) fue confirmada en Colombia en 2008. Debido a las implicaciones económicas y sanitarias que representa esta especie, así como las dificultades de su control y... more
Resumen La presencia del caracol gigante africano Achatina fulica (Bowdich 1822) fue confirmada en Colombia en 2008. Debido a las implicaciones económicas y sanitarias que representa esta especie, así como las dificultades de su control y el alto costo que esté representa, se ha generado la necesidad de cuantificar la efectividad de los protocolos implementados para su control y el uso de sustancias alternativas de bajo costo. En la presente investigación se analizó la eficacia de la remoción manual y la remoción manual con aspersión de cal (óxido de calcio). Ambas técnicas presentaron eficacias similares, por lo cual se recomienda que la cal solo sea implementada para la disposición final de los individuos colectados, disminuyendo costos y repercusiones en la artropofauna. Adicionalmente, se evaluó la actividad molusquicida del hipoclorito de sodio comercial y el extracto vegetal de Tabebuia rosea y Jatropha curcas, comparándose con una sustancia molusquicida comercial (metaldehído). Las tres sustancias alternativas presentaron actividad molusquicida, con una eficacia menor a la sustancia comercial. La implementación del uso de los extractos de T. rosea y J. curcas en los programas de control del caracol africano podría ser relevante, debido a su bajo costo y la ausencia de efectos ambientales negativos. Palabras clave. Control de especies. Hipoclorito de sodio. Jatropha curcas. Molusquicida. Tabeuia rosea. Abstract The presence of the giant African snail Achatina fulica (Bowdich 1822) was confirmed in Colombia in 2008. Due to economic and health implications of this species and the difficulties in controlling it, it is essential to establish the relevance of protocols and alternative inexpensive substances used to control the snail. In this research, the effectiveness of manual removal and manual removal with spray of calcium oxide was analyzed. Both techniques had similar efficiencies, so it is recommended that calcium oxide should be implemented only for the disposal of the collected individuals in order to reduce costs and decrease the impact on arthropofauna. In addition, we evaluated the molluscicide ability of commercial sodium hypochlorite, two plant extracts (Tabebuia rosea and Jatropha curcas), and commercial molluscicide (metaldehyde). We found that the three alternative substances were effective as molluscicides, but with lower effectiveness than the commercial substance. Implementation of the extracts of T. rosea and J. curcas is recommended because they have low cost, and do not present negative effects on the environment.
Las dimensiones ecológicas, sociales, institucionales y políticas de los problemas ambientales abarcan escalas espaciales y temporales que exceden a la mayoría de las investigaciones científicas. Una alternativa que crece con el tiempo a... more
Las dimensiones ecológicas, sociales, institucionales y políticas de los problemas ambientales abarcan escalas espaciales y temporales que exceden a la mayoría de las investigaciones científicas. Una alternativa que crece con el tiempo a nivel mundial es la aproximación Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) o Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER), pero que presenta vacíos temáticos y geográficos. Uno de estos vacíos es la Argentina, sin embargo, existe una gran cantidad de experiencia para poder integrar potencialmente al país a dicha red. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el marco general de la investigación ecológica a largo plazo que se realiza en Argentina, y particularmente en la Patagonia Austral, tomamos dos líneas de trabajo como estudios de caso: (i) la ecología y conservación de los bosques nativos a través del manejo forestal y silvopastoril sostenible, y (ii) la ecología y el manejo de las invasiones biológicas. Se presenta una reseña de las investigaciones realizadas (en el pasado y al presente), sus resultados, las estrategias aplicadas en el pasado y las lecciones aprendidas. Esta reseña permite inferir acerca de la factibilidad de implementar esta aproximación en la Argentina, y que el mismo pueda ser sostenidos en el tiempo y que sea integrados entre distintas disciplinas y tomadores de decisiones. Se concluye que existe un potencial actual y grandes oportunidades a futuro para poder consolidar una red del tipo LTER/LTSER en Argentina.
Se registraron quince especies de plantas invasoras en el Santuario Playa El Verde Camacho, sitio más importante de arribo, desove y anidamiento de tortuga golfina (Lepidochelys olivacea) en Sinaloa, México. Tamarix ramosissima, Arundo... more
Se registraron quince especies de plantas invasoras en el Santuario Playa El Verde Camacho, sitio más importante de arribo, desove y anidamiento de tortuga golfina (Lepidochelys olivacea) en Sinaloa, México. Tamarix ramosissima, Arundo donax, Phragmites australis y Cryptostegia grandiflora, fueron de mayor riesgo por su cobertura e interactúan con Laguncularia racemosa.
It is widely known that disturbed areas favour plant species invasion. However, the presence and impacts of introduced plants at rubbish dumps and landfills are less clear. We conducted a literature review to evaluate current knowledge on... more
It is widely known that disturbed areas favour plant species invasion. However, the presence and impacts of introduced plants at rubbish dumps and landfills are less clear. We conducted a literature review to evaluate current knowledge on introduced plants species at these sites to assess their potential role as invasion epicentres. Most of the studies we found (91%) were observational and only described plant species presence in multiple landscapes, including rubbish dumps or landfills. A minority of studies (\ 20%) specifically focused on plant species at these sites but did not evaluate their potential as invasion epicentres. The 215 introduced plant species belonging to 57 families recorded at rubbish dumps or landfills underestimates true numbers given that most studies do not report the full list of species. Most species are invasive ([ 95%) and included in the Global Invasive Species Database or the DAISIE list. One species, Arundo donax, is among the 100 worst invasive species in the world and eight more are listed among the 100 worst invasive species in Europe. Invasive species present at these sites may alter fire regimens, produce toxic and allergen effects, outcom-pete native species, act as agricultural pests, and lead to economic losses. Our results are a first step to include rubbish dumps and landfills in the agenda of ecologists and managers that study invasive species, especially since compost from these sites are now being used in agricultural practices, thus possibly spreading invasive species propagules to distant locations.
Se reporta por primera vez en Venezuela la presencia de Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anders. subsp. micrantha (Nees) Ensermu (Acanthaceae), una especie nativa de África que se ha naturalizado en varias regiones del Paleotrópico. La muestra... more
Se reporta por primera vez en Venezuela la presencia de Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anders. subsp. micrantha (Nees) Ensermu (Acanthaceae), una especie nativa de África que se ha naturalizado en varias regiones del Paleotrópico. La muestra se colectó en una plantación de cacao ubicada en la zona sur del lago de Maracaibo, estado Mérida. La naturalización de esta especie exótica representa una amenaza potencial para varios cultivos y para la vegetación nativa, ya que en otras regiones ha demostrado ser una planta invasora muy agresiva.
Hallazgo de una población naturalizada de Neocaridina davidii Bouvier, 1904 en las islas Canarias RAMOS MELO, J. J., D. GONZÁLEZ & P. GONZÁLEZ DEL CAMPO (2017). Found of a wild population of Neocaridina davidii Bouvier, 1904 in the Canary... more
Hallazgo de una población naturalizada de Neocaridina davidii Bouvier, 1904 en las islas Canarias RAMOS MELO, J. J., D. GONZÁLEZ & P. GONZÁLEZ DEL CAMPO (2017). Found of a wild population of Neocaridina davidii Bouvier, 1904 in the Canary Islands. VIERAEA 45: 397-398.
- by Juan José Ramos Melo and +1
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- Especies Exóticas
Kamele und Dromedare können in der europäischen Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit aufgrund ihrer exotischen Herkunft auf den Vorderen Orient, das osmanische Reich, Persien und generell ferne Länder des Morgenlandes verweisen. 1 Dies wird auch in... more
Kamele und Dromedare können in der europäischen Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit aufgrund ihrer exotischen Herkunft auf den Vorderen Orient, das osmanische Reich, Persien und generell ferne Länder des Morgenlandes verweisen. 1 Dies wird auch in Claes Jansz. Visschers (1587-1652) und Pieter Basts (1570-1605) "Ansicht Amsterdams" deutlich (Abb. 1). und einem Elefanten. Das Kamel trägt auf seinem Rücken eine Truhe, in der Münzen und Edelsteine zu sehen sind, wobei weitere Handelsware noch im Verborgenen bleiben. Die danebenstehenden Männer halten Stoffe in den Händen. Eine weitere Gruppe von drei Männern exotischer Herkunft nähert sich der Stadtmagd zusätzlich. Der Mann mit Turban, der wohl zur Gruppe neben dem Kamel zählt, präsentiert eine kleine Truhe mit Münzen, Ketten und einem Weihrauchschwenker. 3 Der begleitende Text beschreibt die Männer neben dem Kamel genauer als "17. der Tartar 18. und der Perser bringen mit einem vollbeladenen Kamel Edelsteine, orientalische Perlen, den medizinisch wirksamen Bezoarstein, vielerlei Arten von Seide, Balsamöl und Räucherwerk." 4 Mit Verweis auf diese Szene unterstreicht Claudia Swan die Bedeutung der gehandelten Exotika und der fremdländischen Tiere. Swan verweist zudem auf
Amatitlania nigrofasciata is a small freshwater fish species native to Central America. Is a popular ornamental fish that has been traded and cultivated for the aquarium industry, introduced into temperate and tropical regions across the... more
Amatitlania nigrofasciata is a small freshwater fish species native to Central America. Is a popular ornamental fish that has been traded and cultivated for the aquarium industry, introduced into temperate and tropical regions across the world. Two specimens of A. nigrofasciata were collected from two small creeks draining into the Guavio River, upper Meta River in Mambita, Ubalá, Cundinamarca, Colombia in the Piedmont Orinoco ecoregion. This is the first record of A. nigrofasciata in natural freshwaters of Colombia and the Orinoco River basin. Diagnostic characters of species and updated distribution at country level are provided.
- by Guido Herrera and +1
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- Colombia, Freshwater Biology, Ornamental Fish, Fishes