European Labour Law Research Papers (original) (raw)

This manual covers all the essential areas in labour law.

REPRODUCEREA ESTE INTERZISĂ FĂRĂ CITAREA SURSEI / REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT CITING THE SOURCE The concept of ”European posting of workers” mainly covers the situation where a company located in one EU country posted an employee... more

The concept of ”European posting of workers” mainly covers the situation where a company located in one EU country posted an employee to work in another country, when it has to provide a service in that state. Such a situation is circumscribed to the principle of free movement of persons and services, which is one of the foundations of the European Union. In the context of the Iron Curtain fall, a shift of workers from East to West was predictable, including through the posting mechanism. This kind of evolution has also been faced by the EU in previous enlargements. In the last decade, this posting of workers was considered by West European countries as ”social dumping”. But is this „social dumping” real? Does the current ability of companies from lower-wage and lower living standards countries to post their workers in richer European countries even causes to the last ones a social dumping effect for their national economies? Or, on the contrary, social dumping is just a pretext, behind which is hidden their desire to ensure economic protectionism for their own country, which also implies a blocking of the access of workers of other states to their labor market?

To tackle undeclared work, a voluntary disclosure initiative was implemented for a 6-month period in 2019 to enable those voluntarily disclosing to the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (STI) their past undeclared work to have the... more

To tackle undeclared work, a voluntary disclosure initiative was implemented for a 6-month period in 2019 to enable those voluntarily disclosing to the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (STI) their past undeclared work to have the penalties waived that would have applied if they are compliant in the future. The outcome was that 42 million euros extra tax was collected.

The focus of this paper will be on industrial democracy model existed in former SFRY, as one of the pioneer countries in realising the concept of workers’ participation to achieve the democratic working conditions. In order to understand... more

The focus of this paper will be on industrial democracy model existed in former SFRY, as one of the pioneer countries in realising the concept of workers’ participation to achieve the democratic working conditions.
In order to understand better the model itself, I will provide a necessary short overview on the legal situation preceding it, considering the economic, social and political factors that were present in the countries entering the Monarchy of Serbians, Croatians and Slovenian (later the Monarchy of Yugoslavia) and general situation that Yugoslavia has been in that influenced creation of workers’ collective bodies following the timeline of different levels of industrial level and state systems that SFRY has passed through till becoming socialist country. In doing so, I will highlight the most important legal documents that played pivotal role in introducing industrial democracy in Yugoslavia, that were not always necessarily in direct relationship with collective workers’ participation, but rather have a role on explaining the conditions under which this type of participation was developing.

L'articolo analizza la recente lettura delle corti di merito della normativa in materia di licenziamenti collettivi alla luce della Carta Sociale Europea, ed evidenzia la discriminazione rimediale tra lavoratori assunti prima e dopo il 7... more

L'articolo analizza la recente lettura delle corti di merito della normativa in materia di licenziamenti collettivi alla luce della Carta Sociale Europea, ed evidenzia la discriminazione rimediale tra lavoratori assunti prima e dopo il 7 marzo 2015, data di entrata in vigore del d.lgs. 23/2015.

Full-text version of my PhD Dissertation in Hungarian.

Перед вами первый учебник «Европейское право» для бакалавриата, подготовленный представителями двух сильнейших отечественных школ международного права — уральской и казанской — и получивший одобрение от европейских правовых... more

Перед вами первый учебник «Европейское право» для бакалавриата, подготовленный представителями двух сильнейших отечественных школ международного права — уральской и казанской — и получивший одобрение от европейских правовых исследователей. Емкий по содержанию, учебник отражает основные направления в изучении права Европейского Союза и европейского правопорядка, выводя их понимание на качественно новый уровень. В числе традиционных глав — структура, история, компетенция, наряду с которыми представлены главы, нетипичные для учебных изданий — европейское трудовое право, Россия и европейский правопорядок, шенгенское право.

Il saggio esamina i limiti all'utilizzo dei social network del lavoratore nel contesto della re-lazione di lavoro e nella vita privata. Nella prima parte ci si sofferma sulla questione del monitoraggio tecnologico dei dipendenti, alla... more

Il saggio esamina i limiti all'utilizzo dei social network del lavoratore nel contesto della re-lazione di lavoro e nella vita privata. Nella prima parte ci si sofferma sulla questione del monitoraggio tecnologico dei dipendenti, alla luce della disciplina in tema di privacy e con-trollo a distanza dei lavoratori. Nella seconda parte l'attenzione è concentrata sulle condot-te extra lavorative e sulla loro possibile incidenza sulla relazione lavorativa. Filo condutto-re dell'analisi è la verifica degli spazi di tutela dei diritti della personalità, alla luce dell'ap-plicazione giurisprudenziale più recente. Parole chiave: libertà di espressione-diritto di critica-riservatezza-potere di controllo-social network. The current work examines the boundaries to the use of social networks by workers within the contexts of employment relationship and private life. In its first section it deals with the remote control of employees in the light of personal data protection legislation. In its second section the essay analyses the impact of extra-work behaviours on the employment relationship. The fil rouge of the analysis is to verify the extent of protection of work-ers'personal rights according to most recent law cases. * Pur essendo il saggio frutto di una riflessione comune, i paragrafi 1, 3, 4, 5 sono imputabi-li ad Alessandro Riccobono; il paragrafo 2 è imputabile a Silvio Bologna.

Seit Jahren fordern die Arbeitnehmer:innenvertretungen, darunter auch die AK, einen Rechtsrahmen für Arbeitskräfte, die über Online-Plattformen berufstätig sind, um Mindeststandards hinsichtlich der rechtlichen und sozialen Absicherung... more

Seit Jahren fordern die Arbeitnehmer:innenvertretungen, darunter auch die AK, einen Rechtsrahmen für Arbeitskräfte, die über Online-Plattformen berufstätig sind, um Mindeststandards hinsichtlich der rechtlichen und sozialen Absicherung sicherzustellen. Daher begrüßt die AK, dass die Kommission einen Richtlinienvorschlag zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Plattformarbeit vorgelegt hat.
Positiv ist unter anderem die Beweislastumkehr, nach der die Arbeitsplattform es belegen muss, wenn kein Arbeitsverhältnis vorlegt. Jedoch sind in einigen Bereichen auch Nachschärfungen notwendig: Die Kriterien für die gesetzliche Vermutung sind zu restriktiv und es brauchte eine klare Definition der Person, die die rechtlich verantwortliche Dienstgeberin ist.

Il lavoro analizza il mutato scenario delle relazioni industriali moderne dopo l'avvento del modello Fiat che ha stravolto e rivisto i principi e le regole sino a quel momento "vigenti" nel sistema sindacale italiano. A partire dalle... more

Il lavoro analizza il mutato scenario delle relazioni industriali moderne dopo l'avvento del modello Fiat che ha stravolto e rivisto i principi e le regole sino a quel momento "vigenti" nel sistema sindacale italiano. A partire dalle classiche elaborazioni dottrinali e giurisprudenziali sul contratto collettivo tout court, nel lavoro si approfondisce la tematica oramai nota della contrattazione aziendale alla luce degli accordi stipulati negli stabilimenti Fiat, alla luce delle contemporanee modifiche agli assetti negoziali indotti con la sottoscrizione degli accordi sindacali del biennio 2009-2011. Il lavoro termina con un approfondimento dell'impatto che l'art.8 della famigerata legge sulla contrattazione di prossimità ha avuto sulla stabilità sistemica delle relazioni industriali nonchè sulle sue reali prospettive applicative.

This research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020), which was commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee.... more

This research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020), which was commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee. The report aims to contribute to the debates on platform workers’ risks and regulatory solutions. The report explores the defining features of platform work in terms of prevalence, socio-demographic characteristics, algorithmic management and working conditions; substantiated by a comparison of four national responses to the emergence of platform work (Finland, Germany, Hungary and Spain). The report concludes by proposing a legal response aiming to improve labour rights and social protections for platform workers and other non-standard workers, based on the development of an EU definition of worker.

"The most recent European employment law saga arising from Viking, Laval, and subsequent decisions has commonly been understood as perpetuating the infiltration of economic provisions into labor legislation. It has also been asserted,... more

"The most recent European employment law saga arising from Viking, Laval, and subsequent decisions has commonly been understood as perpetuating the infiltration of economic provisions into labor legislation. It has also been asserted, however, that these cases contain contradictory arguments, which offer a multifaceted narrative. The new construction of Article 151 TFEU (ex Article 136 EC) is of particular interest. Considered to be the cornerstone of European employment policy, this provision had generally been regarded as programmatic. During the past few years, however, it has progressively metamorphosed into a substantive rule and now plays a latent, but crucial, role in the court's reasoning. In combination with the new social clause introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, these elements provide normative arguments that can create an opening in the material constitution of the EU. This article contends, for the most part, that they provide tools that may be applied towards embedding employment rights in Europe."

Wszystko, co składa się na prawo do zabezpieczenia społecznego – wynikające z niego uprawnienia główne i szczegółowe – stanowią postulaty polityki prawa. Trudno oczekiwać ich zrealizowania. Różne są uwarunkowania społeczne i kulturowe, a... more

Wszystko, co składa się na prawo do zabezpieczenia społecznego – wynikające z niego uprawnienia główne i szczegółowe – stanowią postulaty polityki prawa. Trudno oczekiwać ich zrealizowania. Różne są uwarunkowania społeczne i kulturowe, a nawet przy najlepszych chęciach może brakować możliwości ekonomicznych. Bardzo realistycznie nie wskazuje się uniwersalnego punktu dojścia. Postulaty są natomiast do realizowania. Jan Paweł II lubił zresztą przypominać, że to, co człowiekowi dane – każde dobro, jest mu także zadane. Z pewnością można tak powiedzieć o pracy. Z papieskiego nauczania przebija głęboka nadzieja, że przedmiotowy i podmiotowy wymiar pracy będzie prowadzić do rozwijania w każdym pracowniku człowieczeństwa przez właściwe układanie stosunków między zatrudnianym a pracodawcą bezpośrednim, w warunkach stwarzanych przez pracodawcę pośredniego. Ich miernikiem i kryterium będzie promocja prawdziwego postępu, który polega na czynieniu pracy bardziej ludzką.

Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα: Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019, σελίδες ΧII + 156 Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα... more

It is highly surprised that casual workers in some of countries’ labour legislations are treated as of no values despite experiencing the same constitutional rights as permanent employees. They work hard as a normal employee and sometimes... more

It is highly surprised that casual workers in some of countries’ labour legislations are treated as of no values despite experiencing the same constitutional rights as permanent employees. They work hard as a normal employee and sometimes if not most of the time more than some normal employees but experiencing low coverage of wages. Although sometimes they are paid well according to the working hours spent, this mostly depends on the nature and background of their employers.
Employers are not obligated to offer casual workers with an employee reimbursements compendium that full-time, permanent employees receive. This entails that most of them do not obtain paid vacations, retreats, breaks, holidays, or sick leave, and employer's annuity and health protection strategies do not customarily embrace them. It is rarely seen for labour legislations in Tanzania to include a casual worker as an employee.
This manuscript intends to make an analysis on the position of casual workers in Tanzania, by looking at a number of labour legislations so as to make a determination as to how does these employment legislations have provided for the recognition and protection of casual workers in Tanzania. It also entails at estimating possible reasons for the recruitment of casual workers, disadvantages of recruitment of casual workers, and the challenges facing casual workers before, during and after being recruited by the employers. In the end it is the conclusion whereby the position of casual workers in Tanzania is seen and the possible solutions to suppress violations of casual worker’s rights.

all about labour law, covering contracts, resolution, principles of law, etc.

Nëpërmjet këtij punimi kam vlerësuar të rëndësishme të trajtoj nga pikëpamja teorike disa çështje dhe problematika në lidhje me juridiksionin dhe kompetencën në mosmarrëveshjet e punës sipas Kodit të Punës, të cilat i kam konstatuar në... more

Nëpërmjet këtij punimi kam vlerësuar të rëndësishme të trajtoj nga pikëpamja teorike disa çështje dhe problematika në lidhje me juridiksionin dhe kompetencën në mosmarrëveshjet e punës sipas Kodit të Punës, të cilat i kam konstatuar në praktikën gjyqësore, në punën si ndihmësmagjistrat pranë Kolegjit Civil të Gjykatës së Lartë.
Kam vlerësuar të trajtoj në veçanti, interpretimin e nenit 7 të Kodit të Punës; fushën e veprimit të tij; kushtet e vlefshmërisë së marrëveshjes së palëve në marrëdhënien e punës, për të përcaktuar juridiksionin apo forumin gjyqësor kompetent për zgjidhjen e konflikteve; çështjen se cilat janë pasojat e marrëveshjeve për juridiksion dhe/apo kompetencë, në kundërshtim me nenin 7/3 të Kodit të Punës; debatin juridik se çfarë lloj pavlefshmërie shkakton shkelja e nenit 7/3 të Kodit të Punës, në kuptimin e nulitetit relativ apo absolut dhe gjithashtu edhe çështje të tjera derivative të tyre.
Sigurisht që qëllimi që kam është dhënia e një dimensioni të ri të interpretimit të ligjit mbi çështjet objekt i drejtpërdrejtë analize të këtij punimi, që në të ardhmen këto koncepte të mund të reflektojnë apo diktojnë edhe në ndryshimin e prakikës gjyqësore të autoritetit më të lartë në vend.

he increase of ixed-term work has led to diminished job security. It appears that the diferent types of employees do not evenly work on this basis. Young employees, women and poorly educated employees relatively often have a temporary... more

he increase of ixed-term work has led to diminished job security. It appears that the diferent types of employees do not evenly work on this basis. Young employees, women and poorly educated employees relatively often have a temporary labor contract. he role of the unions has proved to be important in this respect, consolidating the interests of their members. hey have little to gain from increased lexibility in the dismissal legislation; ixed-term workers, by contrast, beneit from such changes as their chances to be employed on a permanent basis increase. he various interests can only properly be balanced by changing the law in such a way that employees' contracts depend on their capabilities rather than on irrelevant factors.

Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labour market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers in the... more

Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labour market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers in the context of cross-border provision of services. Finalizing the project, this volume presents penetrating analyses on the genesis of the Posting of Workers Directive, its scope of application and conjoint issues from a private international law perspective, and on the conundrum of conflicts with international and national law ensuing from the ‘Laval Quartet’ case law of the CJEU. The role of the social partners in Europe's multilevel governance and responses to wage setting issues are discussed in-depth from industrial relations perspectives. Novel studies of temporary agency work and EU regulation on third country nationals in the context of the single market are included, as well as cross-cutting studies on enforcement, sanctions and public procurement. Perspectives on national response to developments at the European level are integrated in the individual contributions, primarily with regard to the countries covered by the FORMULA project, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK.

Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labor market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers, as indicated... more

Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labor market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers, as indicated by its full title ‘Free movement, labour market regulation and multilevel governance in the enlarged EU/EEA – a Nordic and comparative perspective’. This volume presents up-dated contributions from the project’s second phase focusing on national responses to EU regulation and ECJ case law concerning posting of workers, spearheaded by an in-depth, comprehensive study of case law developments at the EU level pertaining to cross-border movement and posting of workers. This penetrating study is followed by country studies on national responses in seven countries, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK. An in-depth study of the exceptional political process resulting in the EU Services Directive added to by a legal analysis of that Directive in a labour law context round off a set of novel studies adding new perspectives to the European and international debate on the issues concerned.

Tesi di laurea magistrale in Diritto e Politiche Comunitarie del Lavoro, discussa nella sessione di Aprile 2014. L'elaborato tratta il tema dell'aziendalizzazione della contrattazione collettiva in Italia ed in Europa. All’interno del... more

Tesi di laurea magistrale in Diritto e Politiche Comunitarie del Lavoro, discussa nella sessione di Aprile 2014.
L'elaborato tratta il tema dell'aziendalizzazione della contrattazione collettiva in Italia ed in Europa.
All’interno del primo capitolo viene analizzato il fenomeno aziendalizzazione nel suo complesso. A partire cioè dalla rottura delle tradizionali comunità di riferimento imperniate sul ruolo dello Stato e sulla centralità della legge con i suoi rinvii al contratto collettivo nazionale; rottura causata anzitutto dalla globalizzazione. La nuova comunità di riferimento – visti i tentennamenti nel processo di integrazione europea – è così diventata l’azienda con la sua ragione, il suo interesse e la sua libertà. Tale mutamento è stato assecondato anche dalle tradizionali comunità di riferimento e dall’analisi economica del diritto.
Nel secondo capitolo si prende in considerazione l’evoluzione storica della contrattazione collettiva in Italia. A partire dagli anni ’90 il legislatore ha iniziato un lungo processo teso a valorizzare e incentivare la contrattazione decentrata della retribuzione di produttività. Il protocollo de 23 luglio 1993, infatti, per la prima volta, seppur nell’ambito di una centralizzazione della struttura negoziale, ha formalmente assegnato alla contrattazione decentrata “il compito essenziale, se non esclusivo, di collegare la retribuzione agli andamenti della produttività e redditività” .
Sono intervenuti in seguito una serie di Accordi volti a modificare la struttura contrattuale:
• l’Accordo quadro di riforma degli assetti contrattuali del 22 gennaio 2009 seguito dall’Accordo interconfederale attuativo del 15 settembre 2009;
• l’Accordo interconfederale del 28 giugno 2011;
• l’Accordo interconfederale del 21 novembre 2012, contenente le “Linee programmatiche per la crescita della produttività e della competitività in Italia”;
• Il Protocollo d’intesa del 31 maggio 2013 che introduce regole ad hoc su rappresentanza e rappresentatività sindacale in applicazione dell’Accordo del giugno 2011, a cui ha fatto seguito il Testo Unico sulla rappresentanza del 10 gennaio 2014.
Tali intese hanno visto al loro interno la rottura dell’unità sindacale in diverse occasioni , ma tutte sono state caratterizzate dal costante collegamento fra crescita della produttività e livello decentrato .
Nel terzo capitolo viene analizzata brevemente l’evoluzione del diritto del lavoro dell’Unione Europea e l’influsso che tale evoluzione ha avuto sul nostro Paese. In particolare vengono prese in considerazione le direttive in tema di orario di lavoro e il loro recepimento attraverso il d.lgs. n. 66 del 2003. Infine, viene analizzato una forma di influenza da parte dell’UE, difficilmente inquadrabile sotto un profilo puramente giuridico, come la lettera che la BCE inviò all’Italia il 5 agosto 2011.
Nel quarto capitolo – dopo aver delineato gli aspetti generali del fenomeno aziendalizzazione, l’evoluzione del sistema di contrattazione collettiva in Italia e l’influsso della legislazione europea – verrà esaminato il caso FIAT, che di quanto analizzato nei primi tre capitoli è il frutto, rappresentando il caso di un’azienda che a seguito di un processo di internazionalizzazione aveva la necessità di dare vita ad un proprio organization-based employment system, e lo strumento per realizzare ciò è rappresentato dall’utilizzo di un contratto aziendale, definito “contratto specifico di primo livello”.
Nel quinto ed ultimo capitolo, invece, trovandoci in un contesto completamente differente – cioè il Nord-est, tradizionalmente caratterizzato da una moltitudine di piccole e medie imprese -, ma comunque segnato da una forte crisi e da un vistoso calo della produzione industriale, viene in luce la necessità da parte dell’associazione confindustriale della provincia di Pordenone di mettere in piedi una proposta di accordo territoriale per provare a rendere nuovamente competitività sul piano nazionale e internazionale l’area del pordenonese. In questo caso, quindi, sarà il contratto territoriale a dettare le linee guida a cui i contratti aziendali dovranno adattarsi.

The aim of this report is to compare social identity (ID) card schemes in the construction sector in different European countries to make recommendations for the design of a social ID card scheme in the construction sector in Romania.... more

The aim of this report is to compare social identity (ID) card schemes in the construction sector in different European countries to make recommendations for the design of a social ID card scheme in the construction sector in Romania. Social ID cards provide information on the employer and employee to confirm if workers on a construction site should be on the site or not as well as other information about the worker (e.g., health and safety certificates, training successfully undertaken, driver licences). To understand social ID cards, it is useful to view them as a certification tool for a worker containing visible and secure electronic information. They are an example of the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This report evaluates in detail the social ID card schemes in 11 European countries, namely: Belgium, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.

Περιεχόμενα Συγγραφείς τόμου (με αλφαβητική σειρά) ............................. 5 Συντομογραφίες περιοδικών ................................................... 7 Πρόλογος... more

Συγγραφείς τόμου (με αλφαβητική σειρά) ............................. 5
Συντομογραφίες περιοδικών ................................................... 7
Πρόλογος .................................................................................... 9 Εισαγωγή.................................................................................... 11
Πρώτο μέρος: Δημόσιο Δίκαιο και Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα
Kyriaki Topidi - Religious visibility and non-discriminaiton in Europe:
Towards a paradigm shift?....................................................... 19
Μιχάλης Πικραμένος - Απαγόρευση των διακρίσεων και δημόσια λειτουργήματα:
Το Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας και η ερμηνεία των εθνικών
και ενωσιακών κανόνων ....................................................... 34
Δημοσθένης Λέντζης - Οι πολλαπλές διακρίσεις στο δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής
Ένωσης: Status quo και προοπτικές μεταβολής του..................... 53
Στέργιος Κοφίνης - Η ιθαγένεια ως ύποπτος λόγος διάκρισης:
Επεκτείνοντας την προστασία κατά των διακρίσεων στους πολίτες τρίτων χωρών (πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες) ........................... 67
Δεύτερο μέρος: Εργατικό και εν γένει Ιδιωτικό Δίκαιο
Lisa Waddington - Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities:
Part of the Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination .............. 89
Δημήτρης Γούλας - Οι διακρίσεις σε βάρος εργαζομένων με προβλήματα
ψυχικής υγείας........................................ 98
Παναγιώτης Μπουμπουχερόπουλος - Η (ηθική) παρενόχληση στην εργασία
ως προσβολή της αξιοπρέπειας και ως διάκριση........................... 127
Kyriaki Pavlidou - Religious Expression in the Workplace Before the European
Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Discriminating Against a Fundamental Right?........................... 146
Ευάγγελος Αγγελόπουλος - Η οικονομική ανάλυση του δικαίου των διακρίσεων – Δικονομικές εκφάνσεις ..................................... 164
Τρίτο Μέρος: Οι διακρίσεις στην πράξη
Despoina Anagnostopoulou - Intercultural dialogue (ICD)
as a tool against racism..................................................... 181
Κωστής Παπαϊωάννου - Καταπολέμηση των διακρίσεων σε χώρα υπερηφάνως ομοιογενή και δημοσιονομικώς ασφυκτιώσα ............. 200
Joanna Tsiganou - Acute Discrimination in the Field of Entrepreneurship:
The case of Muslim Migrant and Roma Entrepreneurs in Contemporary
Greece under Crisis................................................... 207

This article aims to introduce in the scientific debate on the future of EU labour law and its relationship with human and fundamental rights, a redefinition of the collective labour rights in terms of 'collective labour freedoms'. This... more

This article aims to introduce in the scientific debate on the future of EU labour law and its relationship with human and fundamental rights, a redefinition of the collective labour rights in terms of 'collective labour freedoms'. This redefinition is undertaken in different steps and initiates from the so-called 'Laval doctrine' that has emancipated the economic freedoms (mainly referred to the freedoms of the employers) from the social rights (mainly referred to the rights of workers and trade unions): collective labour freedoms do not question the outcome of the balance made by the CJEU but the possibility of balancing per se. In order to do so, this contribution proposes a different methodology that synthesises a socio-historical analysis of social rights as materially considered and acted by social partners with a positive reading of fundamental charters and constitutions in which the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and industrial actions are recognised as tools to regulate the interests of social and economic nature (in form of an inseparable hendiadys) pursued by both sides of the labour market, employers and employees. Collective labour freedoms underline the inherent economic nature of labour law and, in line with the theoretical framework (but opposite in terms of political goals) with the German ordoliberals, they do not deny the freedom of market; moreover, they are valuable entitlements to achieve the social market economy as enshrined in Art. 3(3) of TEU. The article finally presents a possible outcome of the proposed methodology with an example taken from a pivotal case from the Italian Supreme Court on the limits to the exercise of the right to strike in non-standard forms.

Jedan od važnih zadataka zemalja kandidata za članstvo u EU jeste implementacija administrativnih principa, procedura, vrednosti i standarda EU. Ključni elemenat koji treba da bude implementiran jesu standardi statusa državnih službenika,... more

Jedan od važnih zadataka zemalja kandidata za članstvo u EU jeste implementacija administrativnih principa, procedura, vrednosti i standarda EU. Ključni elemenat koji treba da bude implementiran jesu standardi statusa državnih službenika, te su u radu ti standardi analizirani. Ovo je vrlo bitno zbog veze koja postoji između države i službenika, te ovlašćenja i obaveza koja imaju. Ovi standardi su, takođe, bitni ukoliko želimo da razvijamo efikasan i profesionalan službenički sistem. Da pomenemo neke od njih: zakonitost, stručno usavršavanje, napredovanje, ocenjivanje. Istovremeno, naša zemlja, kao članica Saveta Evrope, ima obavezu da prihvati određene standarde definisane u pravnim aktima Saveta Evrope, a posebno Kodeksu postupanja javnih službenika, kao što su: zakonitost u radu, profesionalizam, depolitizacija, javnost rada.

Prawa podstawowe, stanowiące ogólne zasady prawa Wspólnoty, pojawiają się w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunał Sprawiedliwości od końca lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku . Bez wątpienia Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwosci (ETS) odgrywa... more

Prawa podstawowe, stanowiące ogólne zasady prawa Wspólnoty, pojawiają się w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunał Sprawiedliwości od końca lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku . Bez wątpienia Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwosci (ETS) odgrywa szczególną rolą w kształtowaniu aksjologicznych podstaw europejskiego porządku prawnego . Trybunał odwołuje się w szczególności do praw wynikających z tradycji i praktyk konstytucyjnych Państw Członkowskich, praw zawartych w Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka, jak również w Karcie Praw Podstawowych (KPP). Pytania prejudycjalne sformułowane przez wnioskodawców w sprawach Viking i Laval rozstrzygniętych w niedalekiej przeszłości przez ETS, odnosiły się do prowadzenia rokowań zbiorowych, podejmowania akcji zbiorowych, w tym organizowania strajków przez związki zawodowe.
Jednym z ważniejszych problemów uwidaczniających się w omawianych orzeczeniach jest zagadnienie wzajemnych relacji pomiędzy podstawowymi swobodami obowiązującymi we Wspólnocie (swoboda przepływu towarów, usług, kapitału i pracowników) a prawami fundamentalnymi, do których z pewnością należy wolność zrzeszania się oraz prawo do prowadzenia negocjacji i akcji zbiorowych.

The Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) in this issue 2/2018 of IUSLabor is dedicated to the labor impact of technological devices. We have had the collaboration of internationally renowned academics and professionals from Belgium, El... more

The Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) in this issue 2/2018 of IUSLabor is dedicated to the labor impact of technological devices. We have had the collaboration of internationally renowned academics and professionals from Belgium, El Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) de este número 2/2018 de IUSLabor está dedicado al impacto laboral del uso de dispositivos tecnológicos. Se ha contado con la participación de académicos y profesionales de prestigio

This thesis answers the question if the CJEU legal practice concerning labour clauses in the Public Procurement strike a fair balance between social and economic considerations. In particular, it deals with the EU Public Procurement... more

This thesis answers the question if the CJEU legal practice concerning labour clauses in the Public Procurement strike a fair balance between social and economic considerations.
In particular, it deals with the EU Public Procurement Directives (2004 and 2014) , the Rüffert and the Bundesdruckerei case and the ILO Convention No. 94. It depicts the contradiction between the ILO Convention No. 94 and the EU law and thus the possible incompability of the Convention with EU law in terms of Art. 351 TFEU.

The purpose of this article is to assess the status of collective labour rights in the EU legal order, in the shadow of the current economic crisis. In sharp contrast to the key position granted to collective social rightsin the New Deal... more

The purpose of this article is to assess the status of collective labour rights in the EU legal order, in the shadow of the current economic crisis. In sharp contrast to the key position granted to collective social rightsin the New Deal programs which contributed to bring the US out of the Great Depression, today the EU appears to be less and less protective of workers’ collective rights. Following the infamous Laval and Viking judgments, recent developments at EU level have undermined any legal certainty regarding trade unions’ rights. Such an uncertainty results in a “chilling effect” upon collective action, as the recent British Airlines dispute has shown. Against this judge-made framework the analysis is developed around two main themes. On the one hand, we set forth and criticise the interpretation both of trade unions as such and of their rights delivered by the CJEU, taking into account the recent judgments dealing with the right to collective bargaining. On the other, we analyse the evolutions of the relationship between fundamental social rights and economic freedoms. In particular, the assessment of the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on the right to take collective action in the context of economic freedoms comes as an interim conclusion on the topic. The study proceeds to approach the issue in the light of the accession of the EU to the ECHR, with regard to the ECtHR recent jurisprudence which appears as more respectful of the right to bargain collectively and the right to strike

To tackle participation in unregistered employment, the conventional policy approach has been to deter such work by increasing the penalties and risk of detection. Recently, an alternative preventative approach has emerged that tackles... more

To tackle participation in unregistered employment, the conventional policy approach has been to deter such work by increasing the penalties and risk of detection. Recently, an alternative preventative approach has emerged that tackles participation in unregistered employment by improving citizens vertical trust (in the state) and horizontal trust (in each other). To evaluate these competing policy approaches across different European regions, Eurobarometer survey data collected in 2019 is analysed. The finding is that in the EU as a whole, the likelihood of participating in unregistered employment is not significantly associated with the perceived penalties and likelihood of being caught, but there is a strong significant association between the likelihood of participating in unregistered employment and the level of vertical and horizontal trust, suggesting the need to moved beyond a deterrence approach. However, one approach does not fit all European regions. A variegated approach is required. In SouthEast Europe, East-Central Europe and the Nordic nations, it is only horizontal trust that is significantly associated the likelihood of engaging in unregistered employment, whilst in Southern Europe it is vertical trust and the risk of detection. The implications for theory and policy are discussed.