Geoparks Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The Vikos-Aoos Geopark is located at the northwestern part of the Pindus Mountain Range at the Region of Epirus, northwest Greece. Since 2010, it is part of the European and Global Geopark Networks of UNESCO. The Geopark extends in an... more

The Vikos-Aoos Geopark is located at the northwestern part of the Pindus Mountain Range at the Region of Epirus, northwest Greece. Since 2010, it is part of the European and Global Geopark Networks of UNESCO. The Geopark extends in an area of 1,200 km2 near the Greek-Albanian border also covering a large area of the Northern Pindus National Park. The area is characterized by a mountainous and rugged terrain, which is interrupted by steep gorges, elongated narrow valleys, and alluvial plains. Smolikas (Geros peak: 2,637 m asl) and Tymfi (Gamila peak: 2,497 m asl) Mountains host the highest peaks of the Geopark, while Vikos and Aoos Gorges, and Konitsa plain are ascribed to the lower relief morphology (Chatzipetros & Stergiou 2016). Besides the geological, geomorphological and natural aspects, distinct cultural aspects also characterize the Vikos-Aoos Geopark. Sixty-one traditional settlements, culturally and architecturally protected, are located within the Geopark and form the municipalities of Zagori and Konitsa. In this publication, we present a review of some of the recent advances in geoscientific research regarding the Vikos-Aoos Geopark. The Gamila peak spherical concretions were first described by Telbisz et al. (2019). They are found on the pathway (approximately at 2,100 m a.s.l.) to Gamila peak. They have spherical to elongated elliptical shapes (0.10 to 1 m in diameter) and concentric zones. Telbisz et al. (2019) suggest that their diagenesis was characterized by an early and imperfect carbonate cementation and by a simultaneous massive precipitation of SiO2 in the intergranular space. The dissolution of siliceous bioclasts could be assumed as the major producer and supplier of SiO2-rich solutions resulting in silicification, however other external fluids enriched in SiO2 could not be excluded (Telbisz et al. 2019). The Boila Rockshelter is located at the edge of the Voidomatis river valley. The site was in use for around 4000 years (14,000 to 9,500 BP, Elefanti et al. 2021). The geoarchaeological investigation documented that black chert from the Vigla limestone outcrops found in Vikos gorge was extensively implemented by the inhabitants of the rockshelter in tool making. Red and reddish-brown chert from central and coastal Epirus was also in use. The study held by Elefanti et al. (2021) suggests the deliberate selection of the most suitable local chert, changes in the scale of settlement and mobility, and a gradual emphasis on the manufacture and repair of hunting gear during the Late Upper Paleolithic and Early Mesolithic. The researchers state that "high mountain hubs such as the Tymfi and drainage systems like the Voidomatis and Aoos provide clues in the same way as coastal environments do; to the ways and rhythms through which human societies negotiated palaeoecological and other changes during the critical final phase of hunting and gathering before the advent of the Neolithic” (Elefanti et al. 2021).

La sierra de Las Navajas, entre Mineral del Monte y Singuilucan, comprende los ejidos de El Nopalillo, El Guajolote y El Zembo. En el geositio Cerro de Las Navajas y sus alrededores abunda la obsidiana, especialmente en la falda... more

La sierra de Las Navajas, entre Mineral del Monte y Singuilucan, comprende los ejidos de El Nopalillo, El Guajolote y El Zembo. En el geositio Cerro de Las Navajas y sus alrededores abunda la obsidiana, especialmente en la falda occidental de la peña de El Jacal, en la barranca llamada Milagro y en el cerro de La Cruz de El Milagro o de Las Navajas.
La obsidiana es un vidrio natural de origen volcánico, de aspecto particular por su brillo, variedad de colores y tonalidades, dureza, fragilidad y fractura de tipo concoidea; por esta última propiedad es fácil producir formas especiales con filos agudos y cortantes. Las características físicas de la obsidiana fueron ampliamente
aprovechadas en la evolución de la humanidad, antes del descubrimiento del acero, para la elaboración de instrumentos y armas; además, por su bella apariencia, se utilizó en la manufactura de preciados objetos mágico-religiosos.

This paper reports the perceptions and ideas expressed by students about geological heritage and geoparks and learning results within the framework of a research in science education focussed on students from two classes of 11th grade... more

This paper reports the perceptions and ideas expressed by students about geological heritage and geoparks and learning results within the framework of a research in science education focussed on students from two classes of 11th grade (ages 16 to 18) of a secondary school in Portugal. Considering that geoparks can be assumed as territories with educational resources of great importance in promoting education for sustainable development, mobilizing knowledge inherent to the Earth Sciences, and to geoconservation in particular, the activities with the students were held in the classroom and in the field, the latter within a field trip to the Arouca Global Geopark (Portugal). In this context, resorting to strategies of fieldwork in small groups, we sought to explore with students, geodiversity elements recognizable in five of its geosites. The results of this work show that educational interventions involving both cooperative work and practical work, using the Arouca Global Geopark as a resource for the implementation of fieldwork activities, can contribute to promote significant and relevant learning on geology and on geoconservation, as well as to stimulate curiosity and interest for visiting other geoparks and for learning more about Earth Sciences.

Cursul Descoperirea Naturii îşi propune ca obiectiv major familiarizarea elevilor cu resursele şi patrimoniul specific. Elevii au posibilitatea să conştientizeze particularităţile şi valorile locale, precum şi modul în care pot contribui... more

Cursul Descoperirea Naturii îşi
propune ca obiectiv major familiarizarea
elevilor cu resursele şi patrimoniul specific.
Elevii au posibilitatea să conştientizeze
particularităţile şi valorile locale, precum şi
modul în care pot contribui şi acţiona,
individual sau în grup, pentru conservarea
ariilor protejate din zonă.
Pachetul educaţional Descoperirea Naturii poate fi folosit ca suport educational sau poate fi introdus in
curriculumul la decizia şcolii pentru aria curriculară Matematică şi ştiinţe ale naturii. Este dedicat elevilor clasei a VI-a şi beneficiază de un buget de timp de 1oră / săptămână.

The subject of this paper is to determine the geotourism potential in Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı, and Iğdır Provinces. Geotourism has defined as a sustainable tourism with geological and geomorphology heritages and cultural values based on... more

The subject of this paper is to determine the geotourism potential in Ardahan, Kars,
Ağrı, and Iğdır Provinces. Geotourism has defined as a sustainable tourism with
geological and geomorphology heritages and cultural values based on scientific,
educational and touristic activities. It is very important in terms of protecting of natural
and cultural values, to be transferred to future generations of its, and to increase the
tourism potential of region. Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı and Iğdır provinces are located in the
Northeast Anatolia of Turkey has an important geotourism area. The geographicsituations of the survey area, which is outstanding geological and geomorphologic
values,has enabled to live together of people from different cultures. There are many
natural and cultural main items in related to geotourism in the study area such as Ağrı
(Ararat) Mountain, Doğu Bayazıt Meteor Hole, localhot springs, caves,rock salt, dried at
Çıldır lakes, the ruinsof Ani, Kars CastleandIğdırGenocideMuseum. In this study, it is to
determine four geotourism regions as Ardahan, Kars, Ağrı and Iğdır, and the tourism
potential of these provinces. It has discussed their needs what kind of plans the near

Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently,... more

Madagascar natural heritage is known primarily for its outstanding biodiversity that are mainly protected by diverse natural conservation programs, which are predominantly restricted to the protection of fauna and flora. Recently, many countries have adopted new conservation strategies, which extended the biodiversity conservation to the conservation of geotopes (including geosites, paleosites and geomorphosites) currently known as geoconservation. Protected areas already having a well-developed legal and regulatory frameworkis the best mechanism to jumpstart geoconservation. However, merely knowing about geconservation and geosites did not of itself guarantee that local governments would do anything about them. The potentiality of geoheritage was highlighted by field works in several National Parks and Special Reserves such as the Ankarana and Montagne d’Ambre in the north, the Isalo National Park and the marine Nosy Ve National Park in the south. Despite the lack of strong geoconservation programs and weak protection of natural heritage, spectacular landscapes and other types of magnificent geotopes are unintentionally protected within the National Parks. Identified geosites could be used to promote awareness, local educational and scientific programs as well as to build various special geosites for tourism purposes.This work highlights the need for
intensive systematic inventory and evaluation of geotopes within the National Parks..Procedures are mainly based on typology followed by the identification and selection of geotopes.. Moreover, the action plans will ensure the protection of environment and to promote conservation on natural resources within and around Madagascar`s protected areas.

The continuous and cooperative work of specialists and enthusiasts from universities, research institutions and non-governmental bodies has for more than 60 years allowed identification and formal recognition of protected areas for 200... more

The continuous and cooperative work of specialists and enthusiasts from universities, research institutions and non-governmental bodies has for more than 60 years allowed identification and formal recognition of protected areas for 200 geological sites and for more than 250 of geomorphological, speleological and landscape areas. 25 of these are considered to be of international importance and to characterize the geological heritage of Romania.

Geoconservation evolved very rapidly in the last decade and now its basic concepts, structure, tools and activities are well defined. Main areas of activity are focused around few basic concepts like: geodiversity, geological heritage,... more

Geoconservation evolved very rapidly in the last decade and now its basic concepts, structure, tools and activities are well defined. Main areas of activity are focused around few basic concepts like: geodiversity, geological heritage, geotopes / geosites, geopark, geoeducation. The potential for interaction between natural conservation and socio-economic activities made
geoconservation a new area of applied geology aiming to assure a sustainable use of natural resources for sustainable development and requiring a new type of specialist: geoconservationist

Kula Volcanic Geopark is the one of the areas that are rarely seen in Turkey’s young volcanics. Kula Volcanic Geopark is distinguished from other areas in the geopark nature in Turkey with its membership of the Global Geoparks Network.... more

Kula Volcanic Geopark is the one of the areas that are rarely seen in Turkey’s young volcanics. Kula Volcanic Geopark is distinguished from other areas in the geopark nature in Turkey with its membership of the Global Geoparks Network. Although the geopark has a global visibility on the World, it isn’t well known in Turkey. The
lack of a legislation covering the entire area and a planning work to provide field management have prevented the sustainable use of Kula Volcanic Geopark. The geo-park, which is in a position to provide the conditions required for the network to become a member of the Global Geoparks Network, will be able to fulfill these requirements with this planned management. In this study, some proposals will be brought in order to ensure the planned management and sustainability of the Kula Volcanic Geopark’s in protection-use balance.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir jeopark düzenlemesi kapsamında kalan doğal ve kültürel varlıkların belirli standartlarda gösterimi için öneriler geliştirmektir. İçinde jeositlerin de bulunduğu doğal varlıklar ile kültürel varlıkların bulunduğu... more

Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir jeopark düzenlemesi kapsamında kalan doğal ve kültürel varlıkların belirli standartlarda gösterimi için öneriler geliştirmektir. İçinde jeositlerin de bulunduğu doğal varlıklar ile kültürel varlıkların bulunduğu alanlarda Ulusal kanun ve yönetmelikler ile Uluslararası sözleşmelere uygun olarak yürütülen bilimsel tanımlama işlemleri halen devam eden dinamik bir süreç olup her bir alanda konunun uzmanları tarafından ayrıntılı çalışmalar yapılmış ve yapılmaktadır. Bu makalede, belirli bir sayıda doğal ve kültürel varlığı kapsayan bir alanda yürütülecek bir jeopark projesi hazırlama sürecinde, proje grubunun veri birleştirme, ziyaretçi merkezi oluşturma, rota planlama ve etkinlik düzenleme çalışmalarında belirli bir ortak düzlem/ortak dil oluşturmak için kullanılacak standart kimlik kartları hazırlanması önerilmektedir. Söz konusu kimlik kartları, bu doğal ve kültürel varlıklar hakkında kısa, öz ve ilgi çekici olduğu kadar bu varlıkların karakteristik özelliklerini de içeren, diğer bilgi, broşür, harita materyali ile birlikte kullanılabilecek nitelikte ve onlarla uyumlu bir şekilde hazırlanmış olmaları gerekir. Ayrıca söz konusu kimlik kartlarının farklı yaş gruplarının ilgi ve algı düzeyine uygun olarak birden fazla kademeli olarak hazırlanmaları da olanaklıdır. Bu sayede, aynı zamanda her yaşta ve ilgi düzeyindeki (profesyonel, amatör) ziyaretçilerin de kullanabilecekleri, rahatça taşıyabilecekleri, içinde güvenlik uyarılarının da bulunduğu doğal/kültürel varlık kimlik kartları elde edilecek, söz konusu kimlik kartları bir taraftan eğitim materyali olarak da kullanılabilecektir.
Bu çalışmada ayrıca, hem mevzuattaki tanım ve kavramlar hem de dünyada uygulanan diğer ölçütler ışığında jeositler için yeni bir sınıflama ve değerlendirme sistemi önerisi geliştirilmiş ve tartışmaya açılmıştır. Bir sınıflama sistemi geliştirmek, çok uzun ve sabırlı çabaların ürünüdür ve sistemin olgunlaşması için tartışmalar uzun yıllar sürebilir. Hatta uzun yıllar kullanılan bazı sınıflama sistemleri, bilimsel gelişmeler ışığında zamanla gereksinimi karşılayamaz hale gelir ve tekrar düzenlenmeleri gerekir. Bu, bilimsel aklın yoludur. Ülkemizde olduğu kadar Dünya’da da oldukça yeni olan bu olgular üzerinde kavramsal tartışmaların gelecekte de devam edeceği şüphesizdir. Ancak, kültürel varlıklar konusunda koruma bilinci ve yasal önlemler belirli bir noktaya gelmiş olsa da, doğal varlıklar ne yazık ki aynı şansa sahip değildir. Bu makale, bu alanda yürütülen her türlü çalışmaya bir katkı sunabilmek amacıyla yürütülmüş olup hem doğal ve kültürel varlıklara ait standart kimlik kartları hem de jeosit sınıflama sistemi önerileri açısından ilk çalışma niteliğindedir.

Geological heritage inventory procedures and templates have been principally emerged from Eu-ropean countries. Each of these countries has developed its proper method of inventory based on its natural heritage, recognized on local and/or... more

Geological heritage inventory procedures and templates have been principally emerged from Eu-ropean countries. Each of these countries has developed its proper method of inventory based on its natural heritage, recognized on local and/or regional scales. Natural sites were mainly identified and characterized in a particular geological context, which is usually very unique, valuable and impressive; resulting in the protection of the sites. Madagascar is known internationally as a beautifully landscaped island, but the impressive sites were not cataloged. We carried out a series of field inventory of potential geological sites within the Isalo National Park in southern Madagas-car. We invented several inventory sheets in order to record the most detailed information about the sites identified within the park. This is to aid in organizing the park and to establish a sustainable base for the creation of a geopark, and also they help us to build a database for geosites and their classifications. This article suggests a prototype model for inventorying intangible geo-sites, paleosites and geomorphosites. Our inventory sheets help to identify and to promote geological importance of any sites, not only for academia but also for other sectors such as tourism and conservation.

"Evangelia Kyriazi and Nickolas Zouros from the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest explain how getting volunteers involved has helped them in the task of conserving Lesvos’ vast petrified forest, as well as assisting... more

"Evangelia Kyriazi and Nickolas Zouros from the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest explain how getting volunteers involved has helped them in the task of conserving Lesvos’ vast petrified forest, as well as assisting the training of student
conservators from all over the world."

Percorsi nel territorio dell´Emilia Romagna Apennine Geopark project

El patrimonio geológico es una parte importante del patrimonio natural y posee valor por sí mismo, por lo que debe ser conservado. Muchos elementos geológicos poseen interés científico y/o didácti-co, que los hace singulares y destacar... more

El patrimonio geológico es una parte importante del patrimonio natural y posee valor por sí mismo, por lo que debe ser conservado. Muchos elementos geológicos poseen interés científico y/o didácti-co, que los hace singulares y destacar del resto. De su estudio se encargan las investigaciones de geodiversidad y de patrimonio geológico, áreas de investigación recientemente incorporadas al ámbito de la Geología. Este cuadernillo muestra las claves para entender el alcance y significado del estudio de la geodiversidad y del patrimonio geológico, como documento de referencia para todos aquellos que quieran iniciarse o saber más sobre esta temática. Edición Parques Nacionales, Noviembre 2014

El Geopark Naturtejo, desde 2006, miembro de las Redes Europea (REG) y Global de Geoparks (RGG) de la UNESCO se localiza en la zona central de Portugal, limitado al Este por la frontera con España. Ocupa un territorio de 4.617 km2, que... more

El Geopark Naturtejo, desde 2006, miembro de las Redes Europea (REG) y Global de Geoparks (RGG) de la UNESCO se localiza en la zona central de Portugal, limitado al Este por la frontera con España. Ocupa un territorio de 4.617 km2, que abarca seis municipios. El año lectivo 2007/2008 lanzó un Proyecto Educativo destinado a alumnos de las escuelas del Geopark, de las restantes portuguesas y con potencial de aplicación para extranjeras. Este proyecto se desarrolla en tres etapas. En la primera fueron creados y divulgados dos tipos de Programas Educativos, “La escuela va al Geopark” y “El Geopark va a la escuela”, destinados principalmente al 3º Ciclo de Enseñanza Básica (12-15 años). En la segunda etapa del Proyecto serán elaborados más recursos pedagógicos y se aumentará el número de propuestas de salidas de campo con el fin de incluir más puntos de interés geológico. En la tercera etapa se desarrollarán los Programas Educativos específicos para los restantes Ciclos de las Enseñanzas Básica, Secundaria y Superior, así como los respectivos recursos pedagógicos. La filosofía inherente a la concepción del Programa “La escuela va al Geopark” le confiere grandes potencialidades para ser implementado en el contexto Ibérico. Sin embargo, los programas podrán ser aplicados, con las debidas adaptaciones por otros Geoparques de las Redes Europea y Global de la UNESCO y de Parques Naturales que incluyanpuntos de interés geológico.

Studiul de faţă urmăreşte identificarea arealelor naturale şi analizarea aspectelor socio-culturale şi economice din Obcina Mestecăniş, pentru constituirea unui geoparc în Bucovina. Obiectivele studiului constau în: analiza... more

Studiul de faţă urmăreşte identificarea arealelor naturale şi analizarea aspectelor socio-culturale şi economice din Obcina Mestecăniş, pentru constituirea unui geoparc în Bucovina. Obiectivele studiului constau în: analiza caracteristicilor fizico-geografice pentru reliefarea geodiversităţii masivului, identificarea siturilor naturale de interes şi analiza dispunerii spaţiale a acestor areale, analiza potenţialului uman, precum şi a posibilităţilor de dezvoltare durabilă. Articolul analizează resursele geospaţiale, bibliografice şi datele economice şi demografice referitoare la zonă, cu ajutorul platformei ArcGIS 9.3, folosind metode de geoprocesare specifice. Rezultatul studiului constă în reliefarea zonelor de interes şi a oportunităţilor Obcinei Mestecăniş de a deveni geoparc.

Apesar da crescente popularidade no Brasil e na Espanha, o desenvolvimento do Geoturismo ainda está numa fase incipiente. Enquanto a preocupação com o Patrimônio Natural na sociedade tem experimentado um crescimento significativo nos... more

Apesar da crescente popularidade no Brasil e na Espanha, o desenvolvimento do Geoturismo ainda está numa fase incipiente. Enquanto a preocupação com o Patrimônio Natural na sociedade tem experimentado um crescimento significativo nos últimos anos, ainda há uma falta de percepção pela população a respeito do Patrimônio Geológico. Deste modo, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar aspectos ligados ao geoturismo e como ele vem sendo entendido atualmente e apresentar exemplos de utilização do Patrimônio Geológico no Estado do Paraná (Brasil) e na Comunidade Autônoma de Aragón (Espanha). A metodologia envolveu saídas à campo, pesquisas bibliográficas e observação participativa. Conclui-se que em ambos os países, há a necessidade de um melhor reconhecimento do Patrimônio Geológico como uma atração geoturística e que deve ser mais utilizado em atividades interpretativas e educativas.
Palavras-chave: Geoturismo, Aragón, Paraná, Geodidática, Patrimônio Geológico.

Os arquipélagos de Fernando de Noronha (Brasil) e Açores (Portugal) são lugares singulares do ponto de vista geológico, pois apresentam importantes evidências de parte da história geológica das ilhas oceânicas de origem vulcânica. Com o... more

Os arquipélagos de Fernando de Noronha (Brasil) e Açores (Portugal) são lugares singulares do ponto de vista geológico, pois apresentam importantes evidências de parte da história geológica das ilhas oceânicas de origem vulcânica. Com o surgimento dos geoparks, novas perspectivas sobre a sustentabilidade e o patrimônio geológico passaram a ser consideradas, o que trouxe benefícios para as comunidades locais e para o meio ambiente. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar ações de sustentabilidade passíveis de serem aplicadas nos arquipélagos de Fernando de Noronha e dos Açores. Deste modo, conclui-se que ações específicas no âmbito da proteção da geodiversidade e do patrimônio geológico, como o incentivo a criação de novos produtos, a promoção de cursos e eventos, bem como o desenvolvimento de projetos de educação e sensibilização podem contribuir com a sustentabilidade destes destinos insulares.

El uso de fotogrametría para la reconstrucción 3D, de forma rápida y efi caz, de elementos del patrimonio cultural se ha convertido en una herramienta de uso cotidiano en el mundo de la arqueología. La mejora en las técnicas de... more

El uso de fotogrametría para la reconstrucción 3D, de forma rápida y efi caz, de elementos del patrimonio cultural se ha convertido en una herramienta de uso cotidiano en el mundo de la arqueología. La mejora en las técnicas de adquisición de datos y el uso de herramientas informáticas de última generación para el procesado de los mismos, permite la obtención de imágenes 3D de alta resolución. En este trabajo presentamos la documentación de dos zonas de interés arqueológico y arquitectónico muy dispares, mediante el uso de tecnología VANT, para la obtención de información tridimensional de la necrópolis neolítica de La Cabaña y el castillo de Úrbel, ambos situados en la provincia de Burgos y enmarcados dentro del Proyecto Geoparque de las Loras. En este trabajo analizamos los benefi cios y difi cultades que presenta el estudio de elementos del patrimonio, caracterizados por diferentes grados de conservación, geometría y dimensiones. La obtención rápida y precisa de modelos 3D mediante fotogrametría con drones de bajo coste facilita, además, la difusión al público general y promueve la
protección del patrimonio, constituyendo una herramienta efi caz para la toma de datos con interés arqueológico.

Altai republic is a small piece of multinational Russia where one can still find living culture that has been saved for centuries thanks to remote location and mountainous landscape. Today social anthropologists note that Altai woman has... more

Altai republic is a small piece of multinational Russia where one can still find living culture that has been saved for centuries thanks to remote location and mountainous landscape. Today social anthropologists note that Altai woman has more freedom and independence. Significant social role of woman as mother, hearth keeper is still recognized as the most important mission in her life that is reflected in the rites. Nevertheless while working hard women continue to play a significant role in transmission of culture values which is carried out through folklore, crafts, engagement in the household activities.

Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is located in a dynamic region where the combination of tectonics... more

Over the last decades, Costa Rica became established as a world-leading ecotourism destination due to its environmental policies and environmental awareness. The country is located in a dynamic region where the combination of tectonics and volcanism, and tropical climate and vegetation have molded its landscapes. Our aim is to carry out a review of the geodiversity, geoconservation, and geotourism status in Costa Rica. We analyzed different geomorphic environments (volcanic, coastal, karstic, glacial, and fluvial), prospecting the importance of environmental policies and the Conservation Areas National System for the promotion of national geoheritage through geotourism. Our results are critical for the promotion of geosciences to the wider public throughout geotourism and conservation decision-makers. In dynamic, geomorphic, tropical, and developing countries with strong anthropic pressures over their geo-and biodiversity, geoheritage studies might be a priority for increasing their revenues through geotourism and reducing the pressure on their natural resources.

Geodiversitatea unui teritoriu, reprezentată în principal prin tipurile de roci, resursele minerale, sol şi caracteristicile morfologice ale reliefului, a jucat un rol important în dezvoltarea socială şi economică a comunitatilor umane... more

Geodiversitatea unui teritoriu,
reprezentată în principal prin tipurile
de roci, resursele minerale, sol şi
caracteristicile morfologice ale reliefului,
a jucat un rol important în dezvoltarea
socială şi economică a comunitatilor
umane tradiţionale. De la această
interacţiune continuă dintre om şi
materie, de la ceea ce oamenii şi-au
făurit din materialele extrase din subsol
s-au născut meşteşugurile, cultura şi
măiestria, s-a construit specificul locului.
Specificul locului este ca o marcă uşor
de identificat. Oare vinul de Bordeaux şi
cel de Murfatlar se aseamănă? A fabrica
porţelan sau cărămizi este acelaşi lucru?
Masivul Central Francez, Alpii, Carpaţii
au ei o geologie comună?

Fernando de Noronha é um arquipélago localizado na Região Nordeste do Brasil que possui geodiversidade e biodiversidade especiais. Visando valorizar principalmente sua singularidade geológica, estudos e ações estão sendo realizados tendo... more

Fernando de Noronha é um arquipélago localizado na Região Nordeste do Brasil que possui geodiversidade e biodiversidade especiais. Visando valorizar principalmente sua singularidade geológica, estudos e ações estão sendo realizados tendo em vista a possibilidade de seu reconhecimento como um UNESCO Global Geopark. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é relacionar os geossítios com as atividades de turismo em áreas naturais oferecidas atualmente no arquipélago, buscando contribuir com uma futura estratégia de planejamento do Projeto Geopark Fernando de Noronha. A abordagem desta pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva, explicativa e quali-quantitativa e como método de pesquisa foram utilizadas as pesquisa bibliográfica e in loco, que teve como base a observação participante. Conclui-se que é possível realizar atividades em áreas naturais em quase todos os geossítios do arquipélago e apesar de atividades turísticas enfocando o patrimônio geológico ainda não serem efetivamente desenvolvidas, há potencial para a implantação deste novo produto.

A new volcano erupted in the eleventh century AD in the San Francisco volcanic field, which has as many as 80 old volcanoes and 600 eruption cones all centered around Flagstaff, Arizona. This volcanic landscape has been a cultural center... more

A new volcano erupted in the eleventh century AD in the San Francisco volcanic field, which has as many as 80 old volcanoes and 600 eruption cones all centered around Flagstaff, Arizona. This volcanic landscape has been a cultural center for Native American spiritual activities for up to 23,000 years. During that time, they have come to perceive volcanoes as earth navels and thus places where the earth is reborn. For this reason, the emergence of an active volcano, called Sunset Crater, drew pilgrims and resulted in the construction of ceremonial and support communities surrounding a place called Wupatki. This paper is partially based on a 2004 study funded by the U.S. National Park Service, which produced 80 ethnographic interviews with representatives of six Native American ethnic groups composed of 12 tribes and pueblos. The analysis is informed by a total of 23 ethnographic studies of volcanoes conducted with Native Americans by the authors. In all studies, Native American participants conveyed that they have cultural connections with volcanoes that derive from their Creation-based knowledge of the Earth as being alive and volcanoes being its rebirth. Traditional cultural information is critical to park management and compliance with various laws, regulations, executive orders, and policies so that park managers can better address tribal requests for continued access, use, and interpretation of park natural resources. Native Americans involved in our NPS ethnographic studies agreed that it is not necessary for the NPS to accept as true what Native Americans believe, but it is essential to tell in park interpretative settings both stories side by side with equal accuracy.

En el estado de Hidalgo se ubica la Comarca Minera, región geográfica de gran importancia social y cultural, célebre por su riqueza geológica, minera y belleza natural que, desde por lo menos hace cuatro siglos, ha cautivado a sus... more

En el estado de Hidalgo se ubica la Comarca Minera, región geográfica de
gran importancia social y cultural, célebre por su riqueza geológica, minera y belleza natural que, desde por lo menos hace cuatro siglos, ha cautivado a sus visitantes e inspirado descripciones y representaciones en los ámbitos científico, literario, económico y artístico. Históricamente es una de las regiones más representativas de la cultura minera nacional que se ha mantenido activa desde hace 600 años, primero en la producción de la obsidiana y más tarde de metales, como el oro y la plata.

El presente artículo es el inicio de una serie de documentos en los que se describe las características geológicas y culturales de diferentes áreas geográficas ubicadas en la Región La Libertad, las cuales poseen las condiciones naturales... more

El presente artículo es el inicio de una serie de documentos en los que se describe las características geológicas y culturales de diferentes áreas geográficas ubicadas en la Región La Libertad, las cuales poseen las condiciones naturales para ser consideradas geoparques nacionales gestionados por el Estado, con miras a ser propuestos como geoparques globales.

Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of conservation and sustainable use geoheritage. Grounded potential geopark’s network in Ukraine on the basis of existing protected areas with... more

Presented methodological and methodical approaches to creation of geoparks – a new category of conservation and sustainable use geoheritage. Grounded potential geopark’s network in Ukraine on the basis of existing protected areas with rich geoheritage. The scheme of structural and territorial organization designed to geoparks in western Ukraine as an example Carpathians region and Podillia. Grounded main designing and organizational aspects of the category geopark national system of protected areas in Ukraine.
Подано методологічні та методичні підходи до формування геопарків – нової категорії збереження та сталого використання геоспадщини. Обґрунто-вано мережу потенційних геопарків в Україні на базі існуючих природоохо-ронних територій з багатою геоспадщиною. Репрезентовану схему структурної і територіальної організації для проектованих геопарків на заході України на прикладі Карпатського регіону та Поділля. Обґрунтовано головні проекту-вально-організаційні аспекти впровадження категорії національних геопарків у систему заповідних територій України. Ключові слова: геопарк, геоспадщина, мережа національних геопарків України. На початку ХХІ ст. геопарк – нова міжнародна категорія збереження геоспадщини, що активно впроваджують у різних регіонах світу. Їх створюють на природоохоронних територіях (резервати, ландшафтні і національні парки) та охоронних історико-культурних місцевостях (парки культури, історичні цент-ри). Науковою підставою для створення низки європейських геопарків стала реалізація програми Міжнародного Геологічного Союзу та Європейської Асо-ціації зі збереження геологічної спадщини (ProGEO) щодо виділення геоло-гічних місць (геотопів) міжнародного значення для різних регіонів Європи. Мета геопарків як нової форми охорони природи – привернути увагу громад-ськості до цінності Землі та її ресурсів, наголосити на важливості охорони і збереження геологічної спадщини. Геопарк – це територія з визначною геоло-гічною спадщиною і розробленою програмою (стратегією) сталого розвитку [18–20]. В Україні останнє десятиліття характеризується активізацією робіт з вив-чення і збереження геоспадщини, які виконують дослідники з геолого-гео-морфологічних дисциплін та практики геологічних і природоохоронних служб. Зокрема, геологічні служби провели паспортизацію заповідних геологічних об'єктів спочатку у чотирьох Карпатських областях, а згодом в інших обла-стях України, а також комплексну характеристику цінних геоморфологічних об'єктів, розпочали роботи з виділення об'єктів до Європейського списку гео-________________________________________

Fernando de Noronha é um arquipélago formado por 21 ilhas e ilhotas, que apresenta um patrimônio geológico singular, de importância científica, educativa e turística. Assim, o objetivo desse artigo foi realizar uma análise preliminar dos... more

Fernando de Noronha é um arquipélago formado por 21 ilhas e ilhotas, que apresenta um patrimônio geológico singular, de importância científica, educativa e turística. Assim, o objetivo desse artigo foi realizar uma análise preliminar dos conceitos das categorias de áreas protegidas presentes no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, bem como as classificações da Organização das Nações Unidas para Educação, Ciência e Cultura (UNESCO) visando responder a questão “Por que Fernando de Noronha deve ser um geopark? Para isso, foi utilizada a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e in loco no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha. Conclui-se com esse trabalho que apesar do arquipélago ser protegido por duas unidades de conservação federais e possuir reconhecimento internacional da sua importância, é necessário uma proteção mais efetiva quanto aos aspectos da sua geodiversidade, e que a criação de um geopark poderá trazer benefícios socioeconômicos para a comunidade local.

The article presents the character of the city of Enna, a city more than "in the mountains" "on the mountains". The narration describes the landscape of one of the most particular cities of the Mediterranean, important in ancient and... more

The article presents the character of the city of Enna, a city more than "in the mountains" "on the mountains". The narration describes the landscape of one of the most particular cities of the Mediterranean, important in ancient and medieval times and today enriched by not only built vestiges of its own past.

Sicilian geodiversity is a natural wealth that is almost legendary among insiders. On a single island you can find extremely different aspects, volcanoes, sedimentary masses, Permian rocks, vast deposits of evaporites, other rare... more

Sicilian geodiversity is a natural wealth that is almost legendary among insiders. On a single island you can find extremely different aspects, volcanoes, sedimentary masses, Permian rocks, vast deposits of evaporites, other rare phenomena such as the "Maccalube".
On this geodiversity in 2001 the road to the creation of two Geoparks began to be traced, it was then at the beginning of the journey when the idea of basing a park and its development engine on geology was still a thing for few.

Purpose-This study aims to provide an overview of the current socio-political geopark situation in Australia and set this into a global context. In addition, the authors consider this information to be useful for all stakeholders involved... more

Purpose-This study aims to provide an overview of the current socio-political geopark situation in Australia and set this into a global context. In addition, the authors consider this information to be useful for all stakeholders involved in geopark research and development. An analysis of constraints is set alongside stakeholder views collected from remote rural Western Australia. The authors also place Australia in a global context in regard to the future of geoparks. Design/methodology/approach-Vital contextual information regarding the tourism significance of geoparks is sourced from key literature. The authors analyse and report on the situation surrounding the current lack of enthusiasm for the geopark concept by the federal government and states in Australia. The authors also report positive rural community stakeholder views on geopark development from regional Western Australia. Findings-While Australian federal, as well as state governments have yet to accept geoparks, stakeholder research in Western Australia supports the idea of geopark development. Learnings articulated in this viewpoint are relevant to any country pursuing and initiating the geopark concept. The authors posit that global geopark development can become a vital strategy in post-COVID-19 tourism recovery planning. Originality/value-Australia currently does not have a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)-recognised geopark. Accordingly, the authors present a case for geopark development, while at the same time exploring the socio-political reasons behind the lack of geopark implementation in Australia. The authors consider the future of geoparks in the global context and reiterate the point that geoparks are important for COVID-19 recovery of tourism and in regard to UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Currently there are no Geoparks in the United States, the pre-aspiring Appalachian Geopark is proposed to fill this gap in the Global Geopark Network (GGN). The Appalachian Geopark (AG) will be formed from three southern West Virginia... more

Currently there are no Geoparks in the United States, the pre-aspiring Appalachian Geopark is proposed to fill this gap in the Global Geopark Network (GGN). The Appalachian Geopark (AG) will be formed from three southern West Virginia counties: Fayette, Greenbrier and Raleigh. These three counties are the heart of the Geopark region within West Virginia, and include the critical components of rivers, caves and coal; as well as transportation modes, including river, rail, and meandering country roads.
A preliminary geosite inventory exposes nearly 100 geosites focusing on these and other themes. The heritage of the people living in the Appalachians is well-known, both domestically and internationally, through its unique Bluegrass music and the three national parks units of southern WV (New River Gorge, Gauley River, and Bluestone National Parks). In addition, the Greenbrier Resort is a well-known large-scale lodge offering hot springs, first class lodging and restaurant opportunities, and an underground labyrinth designed to shelter the US President and the US Congress in times of national crisis (now inactive). Now a tourism focal point, and a historical geosite, the Greenbrier is an anchor within Greenbrier County. Additional, internationally acclaimed geosites include numerous other hot springs, karst, caves, rail and coal heritage, water and geological formations of international significance.
The newly build Bechtel Summit Reserve is a leadership, adventure and Scout camp that provides lodging for nearly 50,000 youth adventurers. This world-class leisure infrastructure is one of the critical hubs within the AG, and is located just minutes from the New River Gorge National River. Also, West Virginia State Parks, high adventure activities, such as geo-rafting tours, climbing opportunities and more are scattered throughout the three counties. West Virginia University is currently the responsible agency—the organization that is “priming the pump” and will hand over the leadership to local grass roots entities. WVU holds steadfast to its mission of delivering high-quality education, excelling in discovery and innovation, modeling a culture of diversity and inclusion, promoting health and vitality, and building pathways for the exchange of knowledge and opportunity between the state, the nation and the world. The scope of the Appalachian Geopark advances the University’s land-grant mission, as well as service, collaboration and economic enrichment of the state. In summary, West Virginia University is committed to leading the way and stimulating great things in the state – and we firmly believe this is a great concept that will strengthen West Virginia state in a multitude of ways.
The Appalachian Geopark will be an economic stimulus that will allow tourism to take a front seat in the state’s economy.