Protected areas Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Nel tentativo di gestire quel delicato equilibrio tra capitale naturale e sviluppo socioeconomico, le aree fragili si ritrovano oggi investite da profondi cambiamenti che le collocano nel limen del "non più e non ancora". Soggette a... more

Nel tentativo di gestire quel delicato equilibrio tra capitale naturale e sviluppo socioeconomico, le aree fragili si ritrovano oggi investite da profondi cambiamenti che le collocano nel limen del "non più e non ancora". Soggette a transizioni di crescente complessità e quasi liberate dallo stereotipo della marginalità, non alimentano più soltanto immaginari legati al degrado e all'abbandono, ma iniziano a porsi come luoghi del possibile. Come spazi a partire dai quali si può sperimentare un modo altro di "fare sviluppo". Le sfide giungono dall'economia leggera, dalla riqualificazione dei patrimoni, dalla conservazione attiva del paesaggio, dal turismo lento, dalle filiere alimentari di qualità. Coglierle appieno dipende dalla capacità delle persone di fare comunità di progetto dentro, fuori e oltre i confini territoriali.
A partire da questo scenario, il volume può rappresentare uno strumento di analisi e di lettura delle dinamiche insite nel cambiamento e di come queste stiano incidendo sulla percezione dei luoghi, sulla loro fruizione, sulle risorse che possono mobilitare, sulle interconnessioni che possono sviluppare.

„ Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să analizeze aspecte teoretice, practice și juridice ce ţin de ariile naturale protejate, aplecându-ne mai cu seamă asupra studiului unei subramuri a materiei protecţiei mediului, şi anume conservarea... more

„ Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să analizeze aspecte teoretice, practice și juridice ce ţin de ariile naturale protejate, aplecându-ne mai cu seamă asupra studiului unei subramuri a materiei protecţiei mediului, şi anume conservarea biodiversităţii în ariile naturale protejate.
Vom prezenta atât aspecte teoretice, dar şi juridice, ce ţin de regimul ariilor naturale protejate, cât şi aspecte practice, prin prezentarea concretă a unor speţe soluţionate în instanţele din România.
Motivul alegerii acestei teme derivă din dorinţa de a apropia ştiinţa mediului, în speţă domeniul conservării naturii, de ştiinţele juridice, prima neputându-se aplica în mod optim fără concursul celei de-a doua.
... ”

Actions directed at saving the remaining natural resources, be it forests, biodiversity, or whole ecosystems should be expected to increase as levels of environmental degradation increase. This expectation is consistent with the comment... more

Actions directed at saving the remaining natural resources, be it forests, biodiversity, or
whole ecosystems should be expected to increase as levels of environmental degradation increase. This expectation is consistent with the comment of Dudley et al(1999) that there is an excellent outlook for protected area increases; and with information indicating that since 1962 protection of public areas has increased tenfold(Molnar 2005). For example, most countries have already protected or are planning to protect a percentage of their resource base, and pressures from NGOs seeking maximum protection are right now strong. Conservation International reports that in 2005 it has projects in 40 countries(Seligmann 2005). Also, the conflict between social goals and preservation goals should be expected to increase as the levels of natural resources available for traditional social uses decrease. For example, as environmental stakeholders press for more resource protection, social stakeholders will press for their right to exploit their available resources, especially, sustainably. This should not be a surprise as the conflict between conservation and the people or communities affected by it is known(Wright1996; Stolton and Dudley 1999) and it is now more widely recognized(Molnar 2005).

RESUMO: Este estudo discute a importância das áreas naturais protegidas para o Rio de Janeiro, no que concerne ao aporte de benefícios econômicos, serviços ambientais e valores intangíveis, que contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade... more

The survey examines the historical development of forestry legislation in the protected areas in Bulgaria and its impact on the conservation of forest resources in different periods. It has made an analysis and evaluation of the existing... more

The survey examines the historical development of forestry legislation in the protected areas in Bulgaria and its impact on the conservation of forest resources in different periods. It has made an analysis and evaluation of the existing legislation and the recent amendments in it. The threats in some amendments connected with the management and the build of infrastructure in agricultural lands, private and state forests and their impact in the protected areas have been analyzed and proposals have been given. Based on the studies the adverse effects, the emphasis of some problems and perspectives related to the forestry legalization have been given as threats for the sustainable development. The instruments for the improvement of the management in protected areas through the forestry legislation have been proposed.

Dissecting complex institutional webs and the roles they play (or should play) in development is an ongoing endeavor. To better understand the relationships between local and external institutions in small communities—specifically,... more

Dissecting complex institutional webs and the roles they play (or should play) in development is an ongoing endeavor. To better understand the relationships between local and external institutions in small communities—specifically, whether these two sets of institutions act as complements or substitutes—we analyze subjective assessments of organizations and development indicators in nine rural Costa Rican towns. We expect to find that attitudes toward both local and external institutions are positively related to perceptions of development indicators. While the regression model we present yields a relationship between the perceived strength of local institutions and development indicators, we fail to find such a relationship with the importance respondents place on the presence of external organizations in their community. The results of a second regression model suggest that individuals may link the importance of external institutions with the specific services they provide. We con...

In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades... more

In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades (N.M.P.A.N.S.). At first accessible information material to the Information Center of the N.M.P.A.N.S. Management Body is examined. The findings and recommendations raised during the research process gave rise to the construction of information materials concerning the N.M.P.A.N.S. and react to the needs of people with visual impairments. Then, an evaluation of the material of the individuals surveyed and approved its suitability. The most informative material exhibits the Information Center of the Management Body, being an important means of visually impaired visitors. This action is a first step toward the realization of the difficult goal of accessibility for people with disabilities in N.M.P.A.N.S.

Resumo Inspirado na Teoria dos Sítios Simbólicos de Pertencimento de Zaoual, este trabalho exploratório e descritivo, contribui de duas formas para a produção do conhecimento sobre a interface turismo, ferrovia, meio ambiente no contexto... more

Resumo Inspirado na Teoria dos Sítios Simbólicos de Pertencimento de Zaoual, este trabalho exploratório e descritivo, contribui de duas formas para a produção do conhecimento sobre a interface turismo, ferrovia, meio ambiente no contexto do slow travel: (1) conceitualmente para o desenho do que pode ser denominado como Slow Rail Travel envolvendo relações com áreas protegidas (no Brasil denominadas Unidades de Conservação-UC); e (2) analiticamente com a identificação do potencial do Slow Rail Travel a partir do uso de locomotivas a vapor no Brasil. Os resultados apontam que as regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil, notadamente os estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo (no Sudeste) apresentam cenários propícios ao desenvolvimento do Slow Rail Travel em associação às áreas protegidas.

The numerical growth of the population, together with the exponential growth of the consumer desire for specific consumption on the background of raising the standard of living, necessarily requires the identification of new solutions for... more

The numerical growth of the population, together with the exponential growth of the consumer desire for specific consumption on the background of raising the standard of living, necessarily requires the identification of new solutions for the reconciliation of man-nature. On this background, the present study aims to analyse water quality within the Nature 2000 sites, viewed as strategic reserves, roles and functions in preserving and protecting biodiversity. The data required for the spatial analysis of water quality were obtained following the collecting and analysis of water samples by the Cris Basin Waters Administration from the relevant monitoring network. The spatial analysis implied the use of the ArcGis system in order to obtain spatial images, as well as the evolutionary tendencies of the water quality in the Nature 2000 sites, in Bihor County, Romania.

Ekološki turizam u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima zahteva odgovorniji način ponašanja turista nego na drugim turističkim destinacijama, zatim visok stepen svesti o važnosti zaštite I održivog korišćenja životne sredine i znanje o... more

Ekološki turizam u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima zahteva odgovorniji način ponašanja turista nego na drugim turističkim destinacijama, zatim visok stepen svesti o važnosti zaštite I održivog korišćenja životne sredine i znanje o osnovnim ekološkim procesima i prirodnim vrednostima posećenog mesta. Iskustvo je pokazalo da je blagovremena implementacija adekvatnih preventivnih mera najefikasnije sredstvo za sprečavanje ugrožavanja i uništavanja prirodnih staništa. Međutim, pojedini oblici nemarnog ponašanja zahtevaju primenu represivnih mera - sankcija propisanih odredbama krivičnog i prekršajnog prava, kao i uvođenje inovativnih zakonskih i praktičnih rešenja. U nastojanju da doprinesu smanjenju negativnog antropološkog pritiska na zaštićena prirodna područja, autori razmatraju mogućnost uvođenja novog, proširenog i redefinisanog pojma ekoturiste - "ekoturista zaštićenih prirodnih područja", koji bi, kao subject specifičnih prava i obaveza, posedovao posebnu dozvolu nadležnih organa za obavljanje pojedinih aktivnosti na ovim područjima.
Ključne reči: ekoturizam, ekoturista zaštićenih prirodnih područja, zaštićena prirodna dobra, propisi, dozvola

As mudanças climáticas atuais representam uma ameaça ubíqua à biodiversidade, com potenciais impactos mesmo em áreas bem preservadas como as unidades de conservação. Aqui quantificamos a exposição do Parque Nacional do Iguaçuàs mudanças... more

As mudanças climáticas atuais representam uma ameaça ubíqua à biodiversidade, com potenciais impactos mesmo em áreas bem preservadas como as unidades de conservação. Aqui quantificamos a exposição do Parque Nacional do Iguaçuàs mudanças climáticas segundo as projeções do modelo HADGEM2-ES para 2070, fornecendo previsões para 19 variáveis bioclimáticas. Os resultados apontam para uma alta exposição do parque, com um grande aumento na temperatura média anual variando de 3 a 4,3 oC e um aumento moderado na precipitação anual total variando entre 133 a 183 mm.

RESUMO Apesar do crescimento do número de RPPNs no Brasil é notória a falta de incentivo à essas iniciativas, especialmente por parte do poder público. O desenvolvimento de programas eficientes de incentivo a conservação voluntaria em... more

RESUMO Apesar do crescimento do número de RPPNs no Brasil é notória a falta de incentivo à essas iniciativas, especialmente por parte do poder público. O desenvolvimento de programas eficientes de incentivo a conservação voluntaria em terras privadas requer um extenso conhecimento sobre as motivações dos proprietários para conservação, suas dificuldades e o grau de aceitação sobre os benefícios oferecidos. Dessa forma, esse trabalho pretendeu avaliar as motivações para o estabelecimento de RPPNs nos estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo, as dificuldades enfrentadas para seu reconhecimento, os incentivos recebidos para sua criação e gestão e as ações prioritárias segundo a percepção dos proprietários ou gestores dessas áreas. O trabalho discute, ainda, a necessidade de consolidação e algumas possibilidades de ampliação dos benefícios oferecidos. Para isso, foram entrevistados 84 proprietários ou gestores de RPPNs, sendo 34 do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, entre 2008 e 2009 e 50 do estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2013. Os resultados demonstram que a conservação e proteção dos recursos naturais estão entre as principais motivações para criação destas áreas. A maioria dos proprietários alegaram dificuldades para o reconhecimento das áreas e a minoria contou com apoio nesse processo. A existência de parcerias ocorre em ambos estados, porém com maior frequência no Mato Grosso do Sul, sendo que o terceiro setor apresenta um papel de destaque. O estudo também demonstrou que a maioria dos benefícios aos proprietários de RPPNs previstos pela legislação não vem sendo adequadamente implementados e que o poder público tem tido uma participação pequena no apoio a essas iniciativas, segundo a percepção dos proprietários. Entre as prioridades de gestão dessas áreas estão: a elaboração de planos de manejo, captação de recursos, estabelecimento de parcerias, aumento da proteção, implementação do plano de manejo, apoio a pesquisas, monitoramento e educação ambiental. Destaca-se que são urgentes os esforços para consolidação e efetivo cumprimento dos benefícios já previstos pela legislação Brasileira, no entanto, considerando a importância que a conservação em terras privadas representa para a manutenção da biodiversidade e recursos naturais, e como forma de valorizar essas iniciativas, outras possibilidades de incentivos poderiam ser exploradas. Palavras-chave: mata atlântica. ABSTRACT Despite the growing number of private reserves in Brazil is notorious the lack of incentive for these initiatives, especially by the government. The development of efficient programs to encourage voluntary conservation on private land requires an extensive knowledge of the motivations of owners for conservation, its difficulties and the acceptance of the benefits offered. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the motivations for the establishment of private reserves in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo, the difficulties of recognition, incentives received for its creation and management and priority actions as perceived by the owners or managers of these areas. The work also addresses the need for consolidation and some enlargement of the possibilities offered benefits. For this, were interviewed 84 owners or managers of RPPNs, 34 of Mato Grosso do Sul, between 2008 and 2009 and 50 of São Paulo, in 2013. The results show that the conservation and protection of natural resources are among the main reasons for creating these areas. Most owners complain of difficulties for the recognition of areas and the minority was supported in this process. The existence of partnerships occurs in both states, but more often in Mato Grosso do Sul, and the third sector has an important role. The study also showed that most of the benefits to the owners of private reserves by the lagislation has not been properly implemented and the government has had a small role in supporting these initiatives, according to the owners. The management priorities of these áreas are: the development of management plans, fundraising, partnerships, increased protection, management plan implementation, support research, monitoring and environmental education. It is noteworthy that are urgent efforts to consolidation and effective implementation of the benefits already provided by the Brazilian legislation, however, considering the importance of conservation on private land has for the maintenance of biodiversity and natural resources, and as a way to value these initiatives, other incentives possibilities could be explored through new incentive programs.

EnArbolar: BIGTREES4LIFE, is a communication project of Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation cofinanced by the Provincial Council of Valencia / IMELSA and the LIFE + program, dedicated to the preservation of large trees and mature... more

EnArbolar: BIGTREES4LIFE, is a communication project of Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation cofinanced by the Provincial Council of Valencia / IMELSA and the LIFE + program, dedicated to the preservation of large trees and mature forests of the Natura 2000 network in Spain and their areas of influence. The dissemination
of the natural, scenic, tourist and educational importance of the yews, whether old relict formations or isolated specimens, is the best tool to ensure their effective protection.

The paper presents a model solution of determination of a functional effects dynamics on forest stands, and a significance of the functional effect in terms of the ecosystem services evaluation. The ecosystem approach to a quantification... more

The paper presents a model solution of determination of a functional effects dynamics on forest stands, and a significance of the functional
effect in terms of the ecosystem services evaluation. The ecosystem approach to a quantification of forest functions as a base for social utilization of forest benefits and its economic expression are presented. To determine the functional effect – the real effect of forest stands – the method “Quantification and evaluation of all–society forest functions” (Vyskot et al. 2003) was used. A chronological development of forest stands and their functional effects were modelled on the stands of a certain stand type at one locality in different age class. The research itself was conducted on the territory of forest administration Plešný and Stožec (Šumava National Park, Czech Republic). A combination of value degrees classification and percentage expression of real effects of forest functions seems to be an adequate approach to the evaluation of functional effects of forest stands for decision-making at forest management level. Social requirements for forest benefits cannot be actually (and sustainably) implemented without knowledge of their ecosystem bases (forest functions).

For nearly two and a half decades now the Protected Area Update (PAU) has religiously presented a consolidated account of India’s wildlife and protected area (PA) network. Published six times a year, it carries in a tightly edited format,... more

For nearly two and a half decades now the Protected Area Update (PAU) has religiously presented a consolidated account of India’s wildlife and protected area (PA) network. Published six times a year, it carries in a tightly edited format, news and information of what is happening in, to and around these national parks and sanctuaries that have been at the core of India’s wildlife conservation strategy.
In the second of a series of edited books that synthesis this huge body of information on geographical lines The State of Wildlife and Protected Areas in Maharashtra - News and information from the Protected Area Update 1996–2015 presents a consolidated historical account of developments in the PA network in Maharashtra over two decades. While the primary unit still remains the individual protected area, the time line has changed from two months of one issue to 20 years that this publication covers.
In following one news item after another about any particular PA we see what happened month after month, year after year; what developments recurred at what periodicity; what were the issues that were important and what was done about them – it’s an important glimpse into the contemporary history of a place (many places) marked on the map as a protected area.
Published 2019 ISBN:9788192326931 Price Rs. 400.
Order at a 20% discount by writing to; also on amazon at

Protected areas are established for the conservation of unique and pristine environment. Although protected, they are subjected to possible environmental and social impacts due to increasing tourism activities. This study aims to evaluate... more

Protected areas are established for the conservation of unique and pristine environment. Although protected, they are subjected to possible environmental and social impacts due to increasing tourism activities. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Kinabalu Park's environmental interpretation in mitigating these impacts through the assessment of visitors' knowledge. Visitors' knowledge was compared between those who were exposed (post-visit) and not exposed to the interpretive programs (pre-visit). Overall, environmental interpretation in Kinabalu Park contributed to the visitors' knowledge related to general facts as post-visit samples indicated higher level of knowledge. However, there were no differences in their knowledge related to scientific aspect.

This study attempted to examine how conservation and development projects are increasingly being critiqued for having failed to meet their objectives. The study was a qualitative study. The present study was focused on the goal of... more

This study attempted to examine how conservation and development projects are increasingly being critiqued for having failed to meet their objectives. The study was a qualitative study. The present study was focused on the goal of combining biodiversity conservation with the promotion of local economic development to create a win-win situation for both endangered species and marginalized peoples. Numerous recent studies have questioned the effectiveness of the conservation and development projects in the Municipality of Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines. This present study is based on in-depth interview with the Officer of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources and other stakeholders of Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines. The findings revealed that the community development and conservation programs in the local community of the Municipality of Janiuay, Iloilo, Philippines, were developed in response to uncompromising confrontations between local people and nature reserve managers whe...

Networks of protected areas (PAs) form the backbone for biodiversity conservation worldwide. The effectiveness of protected areas has been studied and it has been shown that confounding factors, such as remoteness and accessibility ,... more

Networks of protected areas (PAs) form the backbone for biodiversity conservation worldwide. The effectiveness of protected areas has been studied and it has been shown that confounding factors, such as remoteness and accessibility , correlated with both presence of protection and extractive behaviors, affect the outcomes. We investigated the effectiveness of Madagascar's PA network in decreasing deforestation pressures, using a novel counterfactual methodology, accounting for distance to roads, rivers, major cities and altitude, slope and annual rainfall. The assessment was independently conducted for two different time periods, 1990–2000 and 2000– 2010, and for Madagascar's three major forest types. We found that PAs were effective to some extent in reducing deforestation and that some of this decrease can be attributed to the presence of PAs, not just to the confounding factors rendering the land assigned for protection less likely to be deforested. We found differences in PA effectiveness between the two time periods, and in general lower deforestation in the later time period has meant that the PAs have less pressures to resist. However, in the spiny forest, even if deforestation had overall diminished, the pressure on reference areas used to compare PAs seemed to have increased showing that PAs have indeed a mitigation effect and thus increased in effectiveness in the second time period. Our study highlights the alarming trend of what happens once enough forest has been lost in easily accessible areas and the pressures starts to spread to also more remote areas and lands comparable to PAs (remote and inaccessible).

Effective management of large protected conservation areas is challenged by political, institutional and environmental complexity and inconsistency. Knowledge generation and its uptake into management are crucial to address these... more

Effective management of large protected conservation areas is challenged by political, institutional and environmental complexity and inconsistency. Knowledge generation and its uptake into management are crucial to address these challenges. We reflect on practice at the interface between science and management of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (GBMWHA), which covers approximately 1 million hectares west of Sydney, Australia. Multiple government agencies and other stakeholders are involved in its management, and decision-making is confounded by numerous plans of management and competing values and goals, reflecting the different objectives and responsibilities of stakeholders. To highlight the complexities of the decision-making process for this large area, we draw on the outcomes of a recent collaborative research project and focus on fire regimes and wild-dog control as examples of how existing knowledge is integrated into management. The collaborative research project achieved the objectives of collating and synthesizing biological data for the region; however, transfer of the project's outcomes to management has proved problematic. Reasons attributed to this include lack of clearly defined management objectives to guide research directions and uptake, and scientific information not being made more understandable and accessible. A key role of a local bridging organisation (e.g., the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute) in linking science and management is ensuring that research results with management significance can be effectively transmitted to agencies and that outcomes are explained for nonspecialists as well as more widely distributed. We conclude that improved links between science, policy, and management within an adaptive learning-by-doing framework for the GBMWHA would assist the usefulness and uptake of future research.

"Private land conservation is becoming a popular policy approach, given the constraints of increasing public protected areas, which include reduced availability of land for purchase, insufficient budgets for acquisition, and escalating... more

"Private land conservation is becoming a popular policy approach, given the constraints of increasing public protected areas, which include reduced availability of land for purchase, insufficient budgets for acquisition, and escalating management costs of small, isolated reserves. Conservation covenants represent a common policy instrument, now prominent in the United States, Canada and Australia, employed to compliment the protected area network. When ‘topsoil’ and subsoil, or ‘mineral’ use rights are decoupled,
however, the security of covenants can become threatened if the country’s economic policies take priority over conservation policies and mining is permitted where covenants exist. We discuss this issue on a theoretical level, examining four potential scenarios in which use rights are decoupled or coupled. We demonstrate that decoupled use rights can create an imbalance in the costs and benefits, to landholders and the government, from conservation and mining activities on private properties. We then present a case study in Queensland, Australia, in which the discrepancy of biodiversity and mining policies is directly threatening the ecological outcomes of conservation covenants on private land. We also reflect on our own personal research with landholders in Queensland to highlight the social consequences of
such a policy position on the ability of State and Federal governments to meet their policy commitments. The conflicts we identify can be used to improve the transparency of private land conservation."

Abstract Background: Kutai National Park (KNP) is a national park of lowland tropical rain forest that rich with biodiversity and conservation area comprising of terrestrial and coastal areas. It is one among those 50 national parks in... more

Background: Kutai National Park (KNP) is a national park of lowland tropical rain forest that rich with biodiversity and conservation area comprising of terrestrial and coastal areas. It is one among those 50 national parks in Indonesia that has been muted, degraded, and encroached due to road built across the park connecting and transporting oil and gas, intermittent forest fires and local plus immigrant people. Since the existence of the national park, conflict of interest involved many stakeholders. Based on the current data, during 63 years from 1934 until 1997, this area has been drastically reduced from approximately 2 million ha into only above 200 thousand hectares This reduction was due to the change their land appropriation from park into partially mining concessions, settlement and agriculture. Objective: the aims of study were to analyze the needs of the future management of KNP and make a management model that can guarantee the existence of KNP in the future. Result: Prospective analysis result showed that the factors of institutional strengthening and partner engagement were determinant factors for civil-military based management model of KNP, while the driving factors to succeed the model were re-organization, law enforcement, and area security patrol. The result of combined scenario applied with intervention and tested with sustainable socio-economy aspect, protection and area security as well as management aspect and sustainable financing. Thus, the KNP management model used civil-military scenario. This model could ensure sustainable socio-economic of the community, protection, and security of KNP as well as the
management and sustainable funding for the future of the National Park.
Conlusion: the result of prospective analysis showed that the future needs for the existence of KNP were with setting the factors of institutional strengthening and engagement of Kutai Partner as the determinant factors; and factors of institutional re-organization, security patrol, and law enforcement as the driving factors for KNP civil-military based management model.
Keywords: Kutai National Park, Eastern Borneo, Civil–Military Based Model

It is necessary to assess whether the management of protected areas is achieving the objectives set for them. In particular, changes and trends in wildlife populations should be documented. We compared the 1990 abundance of mammals in two... more

It is necessary to assess whether the management of protected areas is achieving the objectives set for them. In particular, changes and trends in wildlife populations should be documented. We compared the 1990 abundance of mammals in two Costa Rican protected areas, Corcovado National Park (CNP) and Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (GDFR), with similar environmental characteristics but different hunting restrictions and levels of protection. We also monitored the abundance of mammals in CNP over a 4-year period. We also devised an inexpensive method of monitoring tropical rainforest mammal populations in a timely and efficient manner. The method is based on the use of mammal track records and arboreal mammal sightings and requires little effort. With this method 20 mammal species were recorded at CNP and 15 at GDFR. Species were consistently less abundant in GDFR than in CNP, principally those species preferred by hunters. Species were grouped according to whether or not they are used as food and whether they are locally or globally threatened or not threatened. The abundance of all these groups of species in GDFR was 6–28% the abundance in CNP. During 1990–1994, overall mammal abundance in CNP remained relatively stable, but there was considerable variability among species. As a group, both species used for food and globally threatened species declined in abundance during that period in CNP. The abundance of all groups of species declined from 1992 to 1994, coinciding with a reduction in hunting vigilance at CNP. Evidence suggests that the main factor differentiating the abundance of mammals in the two protected areas, and at CNP during the study period, was the level of hunting. Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve seems to be achieving only partial success in protecting wildlife, whereas Corcovado National Park seems to be considerably more effective, although not entirely successful. Monitoreo de Poblaciones de Mamíferos en Áreas Protegidas de Costa Rica con Diferentes Restricciones de Cacería Resumen: Es necesario evaluar si el manejo de áreas protegidas está cumpliendo con sus objetivos estableci-dos. En particular, se deben documentar los cambios y tendencias de las poblaciones de vida silvestre. En este estudio comparamos la abundancia de los mamíferos durante 1990 en dos áreas protegidas de Costa Rica con características ambientales semejantes, pero con diferentes restricciones en cuanto a la cacería y difer-entes niveles de protección: el Parque Nacional Corcovado (PNC) y la Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce (RFGD). También comparamos la abundancia de los mamíferos en el PNC durante un periodo de cuatro años (1990-1994). Además desarrollamos un método barato, basado en el registro de huellas de mamíferos y en avista-mientos de mamíferos arborícolas. Este método requiere de poco esfuerzo y se puede usar para dar seguimiento a las poblaciones de mamíferos selváticos de manera rápida y eficiente. Con este método registramos la abun-dancia de 20 especies en el PNC y de 15 en la RFGD. Todas las especies fueron consistentemente menos abundan-tes en la RFGD que en el PNC, principalmente aquéllas preferidas por los cazadores. Agrupamos las especies según su uso o no como alimento y según si se consideran amenazadas o no, a nivel local o mundial. La

In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness... more

In this paper (originally written for the European Wilderness Academy Days, 2014), wilderness conservation issues in Italy are discussed and some examples coming from Emilia-Romagna Region are given. Topics are as follows: 1. Wilderness into existing protected areas, 2. Wilderness in unprotected semi-natural areas and anthropogenic landscapes, 3. Types of wilderness, and their different roles, 4. Wilderness as land planning / management tool, 5. Current difficulties to promote and create wilderness areas in Italy, 6. Proposals and conclusion.

In 2019 Brazil recorded the highest wildland fire occurrence South America has seenfor the last 15 years. Added to the Amazon, the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) faces changes in fire regimes. Climatic changes and the recent weakening of... more

In 2019 Brazil recorded the highest wildland fire occurrence South America has seenfor the last 15 years. Added to the Amazon, the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) faces changes in fire regimes. Climatic changes and the recent weakening of environmental law enforcement are factors, but historic and large-scale trends and drivers of fire regimes must be analyzed. We discuss ecological and policy drivers of recent changes in fire regimes in the Cerrado, in order to highlight management strategies. The Cerrado has evolved with natural fires and anthropogenic fires are also common for millennia. In the past 50 years, wildfires tend to be concentrated in the late dry season and to occur every two / three years, causing serious damage in fire-sensitive vegetation. Apart from climatic variations, the drivers of wildfires are deforestation and fire suppression policies. Nearly half of the original vegetation of the Cerrado biome has disappeared largely due to agribusiness expansion. Fire is associated with deforestation in two ways: vegetation conversion to monocultures, and lack of fire management in the remaining native vegetation. Indeed, the attempts to exclude fires from this fire-prone ecosystem disrupted traditional fire management. Fire suppression policies lead to increased wildfire risks due to fuel load and the multiplication of sources of ignition (conflicts, roads). The recent advances in Integrated Fire Management in protected areas in the Cerrado are evident. However, the recent budget cuts by the Brazilian government in environmental management and research undermine the chances of decreasing occurrences of wildfires in this biodiversity hotspot.

Методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи магістрів з дисципліни «Режим охорони природно-заповідного фонду» спеціальність 101 «Екологія» спеціалізація «Заповідна справа» / Савіних-Пальцева Л.В., ст. викладач  Одеса, ОДЕКУ, 2017 р., 22 с.,... more

Методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи магістрів з дисципліни «Режим охорони природно-заповідного фонду» спеціальність 101 «Екологія» спеціалізація «Заповідна справа» / Савіних-Пальцева Л.В., ст. викладач  Одеса, ОДЕКУ, 2017 р., 22 с., укр. мова.

Co-management is a developing field of protected area management. Increasingly, the practice is to involve local communities and other stakeholders in protected area planning and management. In many countries, management boards,... more

Co-management is a developing field of protected area management. Increasingly, the practice is to involve local communities and other stakeholders in protected area planning and management. In many countries, management boards, co-management structures and other participatory mechanisms are being created. This paper reports on promoting co-management involving participatory management planning at Kuiburi National Park, Central Thailand, through the establishment of two working groups, namely a core management planning team comprising park personnel (charged with leading plan implementation), operating in parallel with a park management board working group (local people and other stakeholders). These institutional bodies participated in a park management planning process, which was fuelled by socio-economic data focusing on the high profile human-elephant conflict in the buffer zone. The initiative led to a major rethink on participatory management planning by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. The process also led to some valuable recommendations for human-elephant conflict mitigation, both at Kuiburi and the international context.

Conservationists often advocate for landscape approaches to wildlife management while others argue for physical separation between protected species and human communities, but direct empirical comparisons of these alternatives are scarce.... more

Conservationists often advocate for landscape approaches to wildlife management while others argue for physical separation between protected species and human communities, but direct empirical comparisons of these alternatives are scarce. We relate African lion population densities and population trends to contrasting management practices across 42 sites in 11 countries. Lion populations in fenced reserves are significantly closer to their estimated carrying capacities than unfenced populations. Whereas fenced reserves can maintain lions at 80% of their potential densities on annual management budgets of 500km−2,unfencedpopulationsrequirebudgetsinexcessof500 km−2, unfenced populations require budgets in excess of 500km2,unfencedpopulationsrequirebudgetsinexcessof2000 km−2 to attain half their potential densities. Lions in fenced reserves are primarily limited by density dependence, but lions in unfenced reserves are highly sensitive to human population densities in surrounding communities, and unfenced populations are frequently subjected to density-independent factors. Nearly half the unfenced lion populations may decline to near extinction over the next 20–40 years.

Extractive capitalism has long been the driving force of settler colonialism in Canada, and continues to threaten the sovereignty, lands and waters of Indigenous nations across the country. While ostensibly counterposed to extractivism,... more

Extractive capitalism has long been the driving force of settler colonialism in Canada, and continues to threaten the sovereignty, lands and waters of Indigenous nations across the country. While ostensibly counterposed to extractivism, state-led conservation has similarly served to alienate Indigenous peoples from their territories, often for capitalist gain. Recognizing the inadequacy of the colonial-capitalist conservation paradigm to redress the biodiversity crisis, scholars in political ecology increasingly call for radical, convivial alternatives rooted in equity and justice. Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) are one such alternative, representing a paradigm shift from colonial to Indigenous-led conservation that reinvigorates Indigenous knowledge and governance systems. Since the Indigenous Circle of Experts finalized a report in 2018 on how IPCAs could contribute to Canada's conservation targets and reconciliation efforts, an increasing number of Indigenou...

By reflecting on how agricultural development and conservation policies have greatly changed in focus, methods, goals and sensibility in the last decades, and through the analysis of the implementation of recent programme Sembrando Vida... more

By reflecting on how agricultural development and conservation policies have greatly changed in focus, methods, goals and sensibility in the last decades, and through the analysis of the implementation of recent programme Sembrando Vida in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico, this dissertation reflects on the aims, narratives and limits of a contemporary rural development programme. The insights of this writing stem from an understanding of agricultural production and conservation as two aspects of the same issue: the sustainable management of the territory. This is coupled with a conception of the indigenous farmers’ condition that rejects essentializing characterization and dichotomies, and tries to expose how local attitudes towards agricultural innovation, government intervention and conservation are situational and ultimately reflect a strive for prosperity in a set of asymmetric dynamics through which they have historically been penalized. In this framework, I will show how the premises and success of the programme Sembrando Vida are closely related to state subsidies and adaptation to new agricultural technologies, as well as to pressure of environmental conservation and processes of environmentality.

Resumen: El sistema socioecológico (SSE) de la microcuenca de la quebrada San Cristóbal está en medio de un área protegida en el límite urbano-rural de Bogotá, donde se genera una constante degradación del ecosistema, y se encuentra... more

Resumen: El sistema socioecológico (SSE) de la microcuenca de la quebrada San Cristóbal está en medio de un área protegida en el límite urbano-rural de Bogotá, donde se genera una constante degradación del ecosistema, y se encuentra rodeado por barrios que han sido construidos hacia los cerros orientales. A partir de fuentes primarias y secundarias se hace una aproximación a la caracterización del SSE mediante elementos del método PARDI (Problema, Actores, Recursos, Dinámicas, Interacciones), incorporando la visión de diferentes actores sobre el estado del sistema. La comprensión de las dinámicas socioecológicas que tienen lugar en la SSE proporciona elementos para entender su estado actual, abordar la gestión de servicios ecosistémicos (SE) de aprovisionamiento de agua, y destacar la importancia de considerar el papel de las decisiones que toman los actores en diferentes escalas relacionadas con la prestación de este servicio cuando el SSE microlocal entra en crisis.
Palabras clave: sistema socioecológico, PARDI, microcuenca, límite urbano-rural, área protegida.
Abstract: The socio-ecological system (SSE) of the micro basin of the San Cristobal creek is located at the urban-rural boundary of Bogotá capital district of Colombia. It is surrounded by neighbourhoods that have been built towards the Eastern hills of the city, and it is placed within a protected area where permanent ecosystem degradation is taking place. Based in both primary and secondary sources, a characterization of the socio ecological system is undertaken by applying the elements of the PARDI method (Problem, Resources, Dynamics and Interactions) which incorporates the visions of different actors at different scales. The understanding of the socioecological dynamics that take place in SSE provides elements to address the management of ES of water supply, and the importance of considering the role of the decisions taken by the actors in different scales related to the provision of this ES when the SSE at the micro local scale is in crisis.
Keywords: socio-ecological system, PARDI, micro basin, urban-rural boundary, protected area.
Resumo: O sistema socioeconómico (SSE) da microcirurgia de San Cristóbal se encuentra em uma área protegida no passo urbano-rural de Bogotá, a capital de Colômbia, por isso é uma constante degradação do ecossistema e está rodeado de barrios que han sido construidos hacia los cerros orientales. A partir de áreas secundárias e primárias pode-se obter uma caracterización da SSE por elementos da modalidade PARDI (Problema, Actores, Recursos, Dinâmicas, Interacciones), incorporando a visão dos actores sobre o estado do sistema, que são ubican en distintas. escalas. A compreensão das condições sociológicas que mostram o lugar na SSE depende de seu estado e também é importante para a gestão do SE de aprovisionamento de água, e a importância de considerar o papel das decisões que afetam os atores em diferentes escalas relacionadas com a prestação de este ES, tendo o SSE micro crise local hace.
Palavras-chave: sistema socioecológico, PARDI, microcuenca, límite urbano-rural, área protegida.

"Le Ginestre" area is a small protected oasis nested in the Ticino Valley Regional Park, sited in Piemonte, Italy. This paper provides a short history and motifs for its settlement, as well as an analysis on how well it adhere to the... more

"Le Ginestre" area is a small protected oasis nested in the Ticino Valley Regional Park, sited in Piemonte, Italy. This paper provides a short history and motifs for its settlement, as well as an analysis on how well it adhere to the regional INFEA guidelines for biodiversity conservation.
The aim of this work is to show how can be possible to convert an old polluting pit into a naturalistic oasis.

The social-environmentalism can be described as a hybrid conceptual current between the environmentalism –mostly based on ecology and economics– and, the humanism, rooted on social sciences, especially sociology and anthropology. The... more

The social-environmentalism can be described as a hybrid conceptual current between the environmentalism –mostly based on ecology and economics– and, the humanism, rooted on social sciences, especially sociology and anthropology. The social-environmentalism calls itself "environmentalism with social awareness." At present, socio-environmentalism has largely replaced environmentalism and its techniques that, in many cases, even came to be seen as retrograde, as in the case of natural protected areas. But, this hybrid, as usual, is not fertile. It does not work well for society nor for the environment. In addition, socio-environmentalism is growingly very alike current radical anthropocentrism, which does not consider that the natural is transcendent. Both are equivalent to the ancient myth of the inexhaustible nature.
Keywords: Environment, environmentalism, social-environmentalism, nature conservancy, anthropocentrism, protected areas, indigenous people.

Triglav National Park is the only national park (NP) in Slovenia. Its protection measures have always been publicly disputed and its impact questioned. This paper identifies and assesses the impact of the park on regional development. It... more

Triglav National Park is the only national park (NP) in Slovenia. Its protection measures have always been publicly disputed and its impact questioned. This paper identifies and assesses the impact of the park on regional development. It compares two kinds of data: the municipal development coefficient based on statistical data and residents' attitudes toward the park, based on analysis of a survey, newspapers, and public debates. Triglav NP is located in two regions: Goriška and Gorenjska. Our results show that the municipalities in Gorenjska are better developed; however, the development trends in these municipalities are decreasing, whereas in the Goriška region they are increasing, overall reducing the regional differences between the two parts of the park. Text analyses reveal that lack of clarity in the management, boundaries and funding of the park, as well as inconsistency with existing legislation and international standards, have resulted in constant conflicts, which have impeded regional development. We argue that, once the conflicts are solved and local communities perceive positive changes as a result of implementing the law, progressive effects developing the protected area will follow. Triglav NP has the potential for long-term positive impacts on regional development if there is sound legislation, if this legislation is effectively implemented and if an active participatory process is put in place.

O presente trabalho busca investigar as chamadas áreas sujeitas a restrição de uso, para fins de proteção dos recursos hídricos, referidas no inc. X do art. 7o da Lei 9.433/1997. Discorre sobre a importância da proposta de criação dessas... more

O presente trabalho busca investigar as chamadas áreas sujeitas a restrição de uso, para fins de proteção dos recursos hídricos, referidas no inc. X do art. 7o da Lei 9.433/1997. Discorre sobre a importância da proposta de criação dessas áreas nos Planos de Recursos Hídricos, para assegurar os usos múltiplos da água, integrando os Sistemas de Recursos Hídricos, de Meio Ambiente e de Unidades de Conservação, notadamente a partir da noção de infraestrutura natural. Conclui que as áreas em questão têm natureza de espaço territorial especialmente protegido, abrangendo suas mais variadas modalidades.
The present paper intend to investigate the restricted areas, aimed to water protection, referred to in Brazilian Law n. 9.433/1997. It discusses the importance of the proposals to create this areas in the Water Resources Plans and to ensure the multiple uses of water, integrating the Brazilian Water Resources System, with the Environment and the Protected Areas systems, mainly from the notion of natural infrastructure. It concludes that this restricted areas are a kind of protected areas, as instituted by Brazilian Federal Constitution, encompassing a wide variety of protected areas modalities.