Hinterlands Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Il y a quarante-quatre ans que le projet d’une grande réalisation urbanistique est sortie de terre dans un quartier au nord de Naples, il y a dix ans que la Scampia est devenue une plaque tournante de trafic de drogue tenu par la maffia... more

Il y a quarante-quatre ans que le projet d’une grande réalisation urbanistique est sortie de terre
dans un quartier au nord de Naples, il y a dix ans que la Scampia est devenue une plaque tournante de
trafic de drogue tenu par la maffia et il y a six ans que le roman de Roberto Saviano, Gomorra, a été
publié et traduit en plusieurs langues. Ces trois phénomènes, plus ou moins liés, peuvent être réunis
sous le nom des Vele.

Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic... more

Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic States originates from their importance as new markets within the European Union, and their transit function for trade with Russia. Rising trade volumes and increasing freight transport are forecasted in the near term for the region. This study aims at developing an understanding of the regulatory, structural and developmental conditions and trends affecting the transport infrastructure in a region in economic transition, namely the Baltic States, in the light of its current economic development. Comparisons are made with Buchhofer’s [Buchhofer, E., 1995. Transport infrastructure in the Baltic States during the transformation to market economies. Journal of Transport Geography 3(1), 69–75] assessment of transport infrastructure in the Baltic States in the early years of transformation to market economies.

First results of the archeological research project on the track of the highway A05 from Areuse to Vaumarcus, canton Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

In Southeast Asia, archaeological research has recently shown that the earliest centralised polities qualifying as incipient States emerged by the late 5th and early 4th c. BCE (Kim, 2013; Stark, 2015; Bellina, 2017, 2018). Understanding... more

In Southeast Asia, archaeological research has recently shown that the earliest centralised polities qualifying as incipient States emerged by the late 5th and early 4th c. BCE (Kim, 2013; Stark, 2015; Bellina, 2017, 2018). Understanding of their hinterland is still very limited. This essay presents the results of a regional study conducted since 2005 in the Isthmus of Kra in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, a narrow piece of land located between the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. It argues that in this region, Maritime Silk Road incipient trading states' emergence went along economic specialisation, cultural differentiation and cooperation between different groups participating in local and long-distance networks. Amongst these so-called "marginal" groups emerge "sea nomads". Like those described in historical and ethnographic sources some of which are referred to here, these early sea nomads appeared to have already played a crucial economic and political role as part of these maritime trading polities hinterland. Along with an archaeology of sea nomadism, this study opens perspectives on reconstructing a more complete narrative of Southeast Asia and beyond of the Maritime Silk Road, a narrative that integrates marginal groups.

'Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca.... more

'Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca. 60 km south of Rome. Starting with the earliest traces of human presence in the Palaeolithic, the book deals in depth with the settlement dynamics in the area from the Middle Bronze age to the medieval period.
Systematic archaeological surveys, studies of existing site inventories and relevant artefact studies are all combined in this well-illustrated volume that provides a detailed account of the appearance of the first permanent dwellings during the Bronze and Iron Ages, of the rise of Archaic and Roman rural and maritime settlement and of the gradual process towards incastellamento during the Middle Ages.

Rivers have always been a magnet for human settlement, providing resources, such as water, food, and energy, and communication and travel routes. Climate- and human-made changes to the environment can easily affect the fragile balance... more

Rivers have always been a magnet for human settlement, providing resources, such as water, food, and energy, and communication and travel routes. Climate- and human-made changes to the environment can easily affect the fragile balance between the 'natural' and the 'urban', causing droughts, floods, and other changes in riverine systems that challenge economic, environmental, and social sustainability. This is especially true in semiarid regions and in times of rapid climate change and human-driven deterioration of the environment. Therefore a deeper understanding is needed of the evolution of urban-riverine relationships within long-term historical frameworks. This article presents an integrative and interdisciplinary programme for research, which although exemplified by one case study-the city of Gerasa/ Jerash and its hinterland in modern Jordan-can be applied to other locations and regions with benefits.

This report summarizes the activities of the 2013 and 2014 season of the Medicinal Trail Hinterland Communities Archaeological Project (MTHCAP) which is located between the La Lucha uplands and the Rio Bravo Escarpment atop a ridge, and... more

This report summarizes the activities of the 2013 and 2014 season of the Medicinal Trail Hinterland Communities Archaeological Project (MTHCAP) which is located between the La Lucha uplands and the Rio Bravo Escarpment atop a ridge, and best characterized as a terraced community. Medicinal Trail is a dispersed hinterland community of a few formal courtyard groups, numerous informal clusters of mounds and multiple landscape modifications such as terraces, depressions, and linear features. It is located in the Belize portion of the Three Rivers Region in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, owned and operated by the Programme for Belize (PfB) and is approximately 6 to 8 km east of the major site of La Milpa.

Currently, container shipping development is directly associated with an increase of warehouse areas for containers' storage. One of the most successful types of container terminal is an intermodal terminal called a dry port. Main... more

Currently, container shipping development is directly associated with an increase of warehouse areas for containers' storage. One of the most successful types of container terminal is an intermodal terminal called a dry port. Main pollution sources during the organization of intermodal transport are considered. A system of dry port parameters, which are recommended for the evaluation of different scenarios for a seaport infrastructure development at the stage of its strategic planning, is proposed in this paper. The authors have developed a method for determining the optimal values of the main dry port parameters by simulation modeling in the programming software Any-Logic. Dependencies that were obtained as a result of mod-eling experiments prove the adequacy of main selected dry port parameters for the effective scenarios' evaluation of throughput and handling capacity at existing seaports at the stage of strategic planning and a rational dry port location , allowed ensuring the improvement of the ecological situation in a port city.

The study takes a comparative approach by investigating the situation in the hinterlands of two different port areas in Europe: Antwerp (Belgium) and Gdansk-Gdynia agglomeration (Poland). Both port centres have an important road... more

The study takes a comparative approach by investigating the situation in the hinterlands of two different port areas in Europe: Antwerp (Belgium) and Gdansk-Gdynia agglomeration (Poland). Both port centres have an important road hinterland connection that faces competition from other alternative modes of freight transport. However, the Port of Antwerp is already one of the leading ports of the continent while the ports of Gdansk and Gdynia are at the stage of building their competitive position. In the paper the results for both ports obtained using different methodologies are compared. Existing spatial analogies allow making conclusions that are valid for both environments.

Rébellion et limites de la consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine Cet article examine le cycle de rébellion dans lequel est tombée la République centrafricaine (RCA) au cours de la décennie écoulée, et les faiblesses des... more

Rébellion et limites de la consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine Cet article examine le cycle de rébellion dans lequel est tombée la République centrafricaine (RCA) au cours de la décennie écoulée, et les faiblesses des initiatives internationales de consolidation de la paix mises en oeuvre pour y répondre. Plus qu'un État unifié, l'espace cartographié comme constituant la RCA est parcouru par deux grandes catégories d'acteurs, chacune s'intégrant dans des dynamiques régionales plus larges : les rentiers de la capitale d'une part, et les bandits de l'hinterland, régis par des mécanismes non-centralisés, d'autre part. Les rébellions constituent une instrumentalisation des seconds par les premiers, mais ces alliances temporaires n'ont pas unifié les deux modes de gouvernement. Un cercle toujours plus resserré autour du président contrôle la politique dans la capitale, et les résidents des zones rurales restent marginalisés. Cet article soutient que, pour comprendre l'insécurité et les rébellions en RCA, il convient d'analyser les dynamiques spécifiques qui ont favorisé leur création. Or les structures de consolidation de la paix soutenues par les bailleurs internationaux sont fondées sur une conception idéale-typique de l'État qui ignore les rouages de la politique sur le terrain. Ainsi, des leaders basés dans la capitale ont pu sans être inquiétés souscrire du bout des lèvres aux idéaux étatiques tout en renforçant leurs propres prérogatives. L'exemple du processus de Désarmement, démobilisation et réinsertion (DDR) fournit un cas éclairant pour étudier la manière dont fonctionnent ces processus.

Abstract In Southeast Asia, archaeological research has recently shown that the earliest centralised polities qualifying as incipient States emerged by the late 5th and early 4th c. BCE (Kim, 2013; Stark, 2015; Bellina, 2017, 2018).... more

Abstract In Southeast Asia, archaeological research has recently shown that the earliest centralised polities qualifying as incipient States emerged by the late 5th and early 4th c. BCE (Kim, 2013; Stark, 2015; Bellina, 2017, 2018). Understanding of their hinterland is still very limited. This essay presents the results of a regional study conducted since 2005 in the Isthmus of Kra in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, a narrow piece of land located between the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. It argues that in this region, Maritime Silk Road incipient trading states’ emergence went along economic specialisation, cultural differentiation and cooperation between different groups participating in local and long-distance networks. Amongst these so-called “marginal” groups emerge “sea nomads”. Like those described in historical and ethnographic sources some of which are referred to here, these early sea nomads appeared to have already played a crucial economic and political role as part of these maritime trading polities hinterland. Along with an archaeology of sea nomadism, this study opens perspectives on reconstructing a more complete narrative of Southeast Asia and beyond of the Maritime Silk Road, a narrative that integrates marginal groups.

L’intento di questo elaborato consiste in un’analisi dello sviluppo nella storia recente dell’hinterland vicentino, e in un tentativo di disegnarne la morfologia urbana attuale, la struttura sociale e il suo funzionamento economico. Il... more

L’intento di questo elaborato consiste in un’analisi dello sviluppo nella storia recente dell’hinterland vicentino, e in un tentativo di disegnarne la morfologia urbana attuale, la struttura sociale e il suo funzionamento economico.
Il desiderio è quello di delineare l’evoluzione socioeconomica di quel periodo storico - il “miracolo economico italiano” del secondo Novecento - che più di tutti ha segnato fisicamente lo sviluppo dell’hinterland vicentino sul territorio, sino a determinarne l’immagine attuale. Una volta compreso lo sviluppo economico e sociale sul territorio, si avranno le basi necessarie per poter comprenderne gli attuali caratteri fondamentali.
L’elaborato sarà quindi diviso in tre momenti principali, attraverso i quali si giungerà gradualmente, partendo da una scala più territoriale, al punto di vista diretto della vita dell’abitante dell’hinterland.

BURJUVA TEMSİL SİYASETİ YERİNE PROLETER GÜÇ SİYASETİ Hinterland''da yazılanlardan hareketle şöyle bir çıkarımda bulunabiliriz: Kent merkezlerinde yaşayıp, ağırlıkla temsil siyasetiyle meşgul olan, Hinterland’da ya da kentin çeperlerinde... more

Hinterland''da yazılanlardan hareketle şöyle bir çıkarımda bulunabiliriz: Kent merkezlerinde yaşayıp, ağırlıkla temsil siyasetiyle meşgul olan, Hinterland’da ya da kentin çeperlerinde yaşayan emekçileri en fazla Trump’ı, neo-faşist partileri desteklediğinde damgalamak için hatırlayan, Fransız bayraklarıyla akaryakıttan alınacak çevreci vergileri protesto eden “Sarı Yelekliler”i gördüğünde ateş püsküren tuzu kuru solculuk dışında bir bakış geliştirilmeye çalışılıyor. Çoğu zaman burjuva-küçük burjuva normlara çağrı üzerinden işleyen “temsil siyaseti” yerine, yoksullaştırılmış işçi-işsiz ama her şeyden çok mülksüz emekçilerin sokak çeteleri-taraftar grupları vb. içinde devinen toplulukçu öfkelerinin, yeni bir komünist siyasetle örgütlenip, yol kesme, işgal, grev, blokaj gibi etkili eylemlerle hayatın gündelik akışını durduracağı güç siyasetine dönülmesi önerildiği anlaşılıyor.

This paper presents some preliminary results of the study of the pottery finds found in an early Roman building discovered in the settlement at Acic Suat (Caraburun, com. Baia, Tulcea county), in the 2015 campaign. The focus is on the... more

This paper presents some preliminary results of the study of the pottery finds found in an early Roman building discovered in the settlement at Acic Suat (Caraburun, com. Baia, Tulcea county), in the 2015 campaign. The focus is on the ceramic materials as the building has not yet been fully uncovered and its functionality is still uncertain. Still, the ceramic fragments can lead to a hypothesis to this end and, moreover, can help date the edifice and point towards relations of the settlement with neighboring centers. Rezumat: Acest articol prezintă unele rezultate preliminare ale studiului materialelor ceramice descoperite într-un edificiu roman timpuriu, cercetat parțial în aşezarea de la Acic Suat (Caraburun, com. Baia, jud. Tulcea) în campania din anul 2015. Edificiul nu a fost cercetat complet, urmând a fi decopertat în campania viitoare şi în funcţie de elementele noi să fie stabilită funcţionalitatea. Descoperirile ceramice pot contribui la determinarea funcţionalităţii, la datarea edificiului şi pot indica relaţiile dintre aşezare şi centrele învecinate.

This report summarizes the activities of the 2015-2017 seasons of the Medicinal Trail Hinterland Communities Archaeological Project (MTHCAP) which is located between the La Lucha uplands and the Rio Bravo Escarpment atop a ridge, and best... more

This report summarizes the activities of the 2015-2017 seasons of the Medicinal Trail Hinterland Communities Archaeological Project (MTHCAP) which is located between the La Lucha uplands and the Rio Bravo Escarpment atop a ridge, and best characterized as a terraced community. Medicinal Trail is a dispersed hinterland community of a few formal courtyard groups, numerous informal clusters of mounds and multiple landscape modifications such as terraces, depressions, and linear features. It is located in the Belize portion of the Three Rivers Region in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area, owned and operated by the Programme for Belize (PfB) and is approximately 6 to 8 km east of the major site of La Milpa.

Assago has remained stagnated until the construction of second motorway that intersected the highway on Assaghese ground. The intersection turned the village into a node of interchange, and a pole of attraction, and led to the rapid and... more

Assago has remained stagnated until the construction of second motorway that intersected the highway on Assaghese ground. The intersection turned the village into a node of interchange, and a pole of attraction, and led to the rapid and unplanned settlement of an edge-town and a dormitory-town, each on one side of the highway. Each of the two urban typologies account for their own set of problematics, imbedded in the geometry and density of the urban tissues. In addition, the radical idiosyncrasy of their functions, the divergence of the austerity and opulence of the quarters, and the different provenance of its social milieus, left little the room for halfway bridges, that could lead to an harmonious, efficient and fully exploited urban system. However, the recent expansion of the edge-city, the arrival of alternatives to the individual means of transport, and investments that are enhancing the public space, are portraying a long-term picture of merger for the two hubs. The tertiary hub and the residential village, will have to integrate that vision into the planing of the future urbanisations and its public infrastructure. Index.

Currently, container shipping development is directly associated with an increase of warehouse areas for containers’ storage. One of the most successful types of container terminal is an intermodal terminal called a dry port. Main... more

Currently, container shipping development is directly associated with an increase of warehouse areas for containers’ storage. One of the most successful types of container terminal is an intermodal terminal called a dry port. Main pollution sources during the organization of intermodal transport are considered. A system of dry port parameters, which are recommended for the evaluation of different scenarios for a seaport infrastructure development at the stage of its strategic planning, is proposed in this paper. The authors have developed a method for determining the optimal values of the main dry port parameters by simulation modeling in the programming software Any- Logic. Dependencies thatwere obtained as a result of modeling experiments prove the adequacy of main selected dry port parameters for the effective scenarios’ evaluation of throughput and handling capacity at existing seaports at the stage of strategic planning and a rational dry port location, allowed ensuring the imp...

The Medicinal Trail Commtmity in northwestern Belize is a dispersed hinterland community. Throughout the community is a landscape extensively modified, in part, by a complex and interconnected series of terraces, linear berms, and... more

The Medicinal Trail Commtmity in northwestern Belize is a dispersed hinterland community. Throughout the community is a landscape extensively modified, in part, by a complex and interconnected series of terraces, linear berms, and depressions. These featr,tres, in turn, are believed to be related to an intensive subsistence economy likely overseen by the inhabitants of the large formal household designated the Tapir Group (Group B). In this paper we will present the results of preliminary mapping of these features and attempt to provide some discussion as to their function and relation to the socio-political dynamics of the community.

Numerous quantified site ranking systems have been developed to produce a settlement hierarchy for Maya sites. The assumption behind these ranking methods is that the size and internal configuration of a site is related to the size of its... more

Numerous quantified site ranking systems have been developed to produce a settlement hierarchy for Maya sites. The assumption behind these ranking methods is that the size and internal configuration of a site is related to the size of its population and, by extension, the size of the population is a reflection of the political authority that a site possesses. These methods of ranking sites are based on numerous features including the number of courtyards and acropolises present, as well as the presence of ballcourts, stelae, large monumental buildings, plazas with temples. Most of these features are not found at small commoner hinterland sites and therefore are not applicable. The purpose of this paper is to present a ranking system that will provide insight into the relationship that exists between residential architecture and social status for non-elites settlements. Individual residential groups will be analyzed using a dual approach: construction method and settlement location. The construction method will focus on the energy and labor expended, materials used, roofing, flooring, platforms, and layout. The settlement location will focus on the physical and social landscapes. A point value system will be applied to these architectural features and will provide an estimation of a specific group’s social status within the community.

In this talk I use three spatial points of entry – the road, the town and the mountain – in order to ask if and how the concept of the hinterland helps to see beyond the colonially inflected triad of the South African rural as sublime... more

In this talk I use three spatial points of entry – the road, the town and the mountain – in order to ask if and how the concept of the hinterland helps to see beyond the colonially inflected triad of the South African rural as sublime wilderness, a place of failed service delivery, or as an agricultural setting, in all of which racially sorted access to the rural as idyll has dominated for so long. The hinterland is not a neutral descriptor and refers to a situation that is itself always already skewed. It is not a rehabilitative or reparative term, but rather a concept that seeks to describe and sharpen for analysis situations of discursive, economic, material and political disavowal that are associated with a spatial remove or demarcation of specific places from what metaphorically counts as civilization or the good life. By offering readings of the pastoral in Henriette Rose-Innes short story “Poison” (2010), of death worlds in Michael Matthew’s film Five Fingers for Marseilles (2017), and of personhood in John Trengrove’s Inxeba (2017), I seek to explore how the hinterland can be thought and represented in South Africa and beyond, and what kind of extractions, genres and affects the concept makes visible, particularly in comparison to related terms like rural, countryside and periphery.

The monograph presents an alternative view of the phenomenon of roadlessness as a space of new opportunities for designing locally appropriate all-terrain vehicles. By exploring DIY means of transportation created by inhabitants of the... more

The monograph presents an alternative view of the phenomenon of roadlessness as a space of new opportunities for designing locally
appropriate all-terrain vehicles. By exploring DIY means of transportation created by inhabitants of the Russian hinterland, the book
provides insights into local practices of physical development and expansion of geographical space. These means and practices are
presented as innovatory resources for designing customized small-sized vehicles. To use this resource efficiently, the authors have
developed a unique set of design methods that combines sensitivity to socio-cultural aspects with artistic and aesthetic tools. The
monograph can be used as a practical manual: it is intended for vehicle design professionals, design students, and for a wider audience
interested in the practicalities of living in conditions of underdeveloped infrastructure and remoteness from economic centers.

Hinterland studies demonstrate the capacity to highlight nuance in regional and temporal variation in the Polynesian past. This Special Issue highlights a group of papers which focus on recent topics and themes drawn from case studies... more

Hinterland studies demonstrate the capacity to highlight nuance in regional and temporal variation in the Polynesian past. This Special Issue highlights a group of papers which focus on recent topics and themes drawn from case studies situated in different parts of the Polynesian region. In this article, we summarize the history of hinterland studies, introduce the articles and themes from the Special Issue, and, finally, consider the future of hinterland studies, providing thoughts on a compelling but under-studied avenue of inquiry.

Abstract of a talk at the Sixteenth Century Society & Conference, Bruges, 20-22 August 2016

Welsh television crime drama Hinterland/Y Gwyll (2013) has enjoyed popular success as an example of the burgeoning genre of Nordic Noir. However, it can also be sited within a neglected tradition of Welsh Gothic. Hinterland's narratives,... more

Welsh television crime drama Hinterland/Y Gwyll (2013) has enjoyed popular success as an example of the burgeoning genre of Nordic Noir. However, it can also be sited within a neglected tradition of Welsh Gothic. Hinterland's narratives, often inspired by specific locations and by local stories and legends, circle around the hidden, traumatic histories of individual characters and of the nation. These stories are told by and through a Gothicised Welsh landscape of louring skies, desolate hills, and ruins. The sublime beauty of the natural landscape is juxtaposed against images of decay signified by the crumbling stone farm buildings and rusted remnants of industry that litter the coast and hinterland. Wales's complex history of subjugation and resistance is played out across this landscape and the characters who inhabit it. The resulting stories, according to series co-creator and producer Ed Thomas, " belong to the landscape, the hinterland, and belong to that history and sense of place " 1.

The concept of the Ecological Footprint has become a popular and increasingly used approach in environmental policy and planning, for western cities in particular. The concept is useful not least as a metaphor that effectively... more

The concept of the Ecological Footprint has become a popular and increasingly used approach in environmental policy and planning, for western cities in particular. The concept is useful not least as a metaphor that effectively communicates the message that environmental impacts extend beyond the built area of cities. However, the use of Ecological Footprint analysis as a measuring tool is problematic, particularly when it is used as a tool for comparisons between jurisdictions. This paper sets out the benefits of the concept, indicates its history and use, and offers a sympathetic critique of both the theory and practice of Ecological Footprints. We believe this is necessary so that policy makers thinking of adopting this approach are aware of its strengths and limitations, and avoid using the concept in a manner that may be misleading.