Trade Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This study presents an investigation of 19 obsidian artifacts recovered from Southern Sinaloa, as well as obsidian samples recovered from the deposits at Teuchitlán and La Joya (both in Jalisco State) and at Abasolo (Guanajuato). Chemical... more

This study presents an investigation of 19 obsidian artifacts recovered from Southern Sinaloa, as well as obsidian samples recovered from the deposits at Teuchitlán and La Joya (both in Jalisco State) and at Abasolo (Guanajuato). Chemical analyses were carried out by means of PIXE (proton induced X-ray emission), obtaining the concentration of the following elements: sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, chlorine, potassium, calcium, titanium, manganese, iron, zinc, arsenic, rubidium, yttrium, and zirconium. The statistical analysis of the results, together with data from the literature, allowed for an identification of the obsidian deposits used in the manufacture of pre-Hispanic artifacts, namely: Las Navajas-2 (Nayarit), Teuchitlán (Jalisco), Sierra de Pachuca (Hidalgo), and Abasolo (Guanajuato). The first deposit mentioned was most popular in Southern Sinaloa, though the range of sources went all the way from relatively nearby ones, like those around the Tequila volcano, to the Bajío region and Central Mesoamerica. This study proposes the obsidian trading routes that could have reached Southern Sinaloa.

From the Contents: François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat,... more

From the Contents:
François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat, Origine orientale et diffusion des cépages grecs; André Tchernia, Le vin et l' honneur; André Tchernia, Les dimensions de quelques vignobles romains; André Tchernia, Maesanius Celsius et Caedicia Victrix surdes amphores de campanie; André Tchernia, Le cercle de L. Licinius Crassus et la naissance de la hiérarchie des vins à Rome; André Tchernia, Acre Falernum: Juvenal, XIII, 213-216; Archéologie expérimentale et got du vin romain: la valorisation du got de madérisé; François Salviat, André Tchernia, Les appellations d' origine dans l' antiquité grecque et romaine; André Tchernia, La formule pane et vino adjecto et l' inscription du college d' Esculape et d' Hygie (CIL, VI, 10234)

This book is the edited proceedings from the conference 'The Art of Stesichorus' held at St John's College, Oxford, on June 29–30 2012. Contributors include: Ewen Bowie (Oxford), Chris Carey (London), Patrick Finglass (Nottingham),... more

This article discusses material culture and European history during the time span between AD 400 and 800. During this and many other phases of history, Scandinavia was separated from other parts of Europe in more than one way. Its regions... more

This article discusses material culture and European history during the time span between AD 400 and 800.
During this and many other phases of history, Scandinavia was separated from other parts of Europe in
more than one way. Its regions and countries have almost always been at a distance from the main conflicts
on the continent (though not necessarily remaining unaffected). There is no evidence that parts of
Scan dinavia were conquered by any of the big empires or were in the path of major migrations. In the long
his torical perspective, the Scandinavians instead were either spectators or plunderers and conquerors. But
whether they were active on the continent or not, there have always been contacts of some sort with the
continent. Archaeologically this is reflected in imported goods and domestic objects influenced by foreign
cultures. These contacts have continuously affected the religion, economy and social life of people in Scan -
This paper focuses upon imported goods found primarily in present-day Sweden, and dated between the
5th and 9th centuries AD. The nature of this trade and exchange is a very broad subject, which is hard to
cover in a single article. Here I shall present an overview of different types of imports that reached Scan -
dinavia in the period concerned. There is a need for a broad view, as different materials may provide different
answers or perhaps strengthen earlier interpretations. I will also try to develop previous researcher’s
views upon distinct changes in the trading patterns around the middle of the 6th century.

La conduite de la vigne en hautain, qui consiste à faire grimper le cep et les sarments sur un arbre porteur, est une technique mentionnée par les agronomes antiques, notamment pour la Gaule (Columelle, Les arbres, XVI, et De... more

La conduite de la vigne en hautain, qui consiste à faire grimper le cep et les sarments sur un arbre porteur, est une technique mentionnée par les agronomes antiques, notamment pour la Gaule (Columelle, Les arbres, XVI, et De l’agriculture, V, 7 ; Pline H.N. XVII, 35 ; Palladius, L’économie rurale, III, 10). La pratique du hautain est encore couramment employée en France à l’époque moderne, très répandue en Espagne et en Italie au XXe s., et on la trouve encore aujourd’hui en Haute-Garonne dans le piémont pyrénéen, et en Haute-Savoie, au bord du lac Léman : il s’agit des fameuses « crosses » dont il reste quelques exemplaires sur la commune de Marin, près d’Evian.
Les archéologues français recherchent depuis longtemps en Narbonnaise et dans le reste de la Gaule des traces matérielles permettant de corroborer les descriptions des auteurs antiques.
P. Boissinot disait en 2001 à propos de cette technique : « on imagine dans ce cas une profusion de fosses autour d’un réseau régulier de creusements plus volumineux. On ne connaît pas pour l’instant une telle configuration de fosses (espacements, emboîtements) dans les décapages archéologiques effectués dans le Midi ». Or il se trouve que pour l’heure seule la plantation du Grand Palais à Châteauneuf-du-Rhône, peut évoquer une telle configuration : des emboîtements de fosses d’un module de 4 pieds et de fosses de 3 pieds, ainsi que des espacements entre les autres fosses s’avérant souvent inférieurs à 2 pieds. Ce site a naturellement soulevé la question de la conduite en hautain.
Récemment, dans Archéopages, nos collègues bretons ont interprété des traces agraires mises au jour sur le site de la villa du Quiou dans les Côtes d’Armor, comme les preuves de cultures en hautain. Ces traces, qui s’organisent en une trame régulière de fosses circulaires, s’apparentent précisément à l’état le plus précoce (Ier s. av. J.-C.) des plantations du Grand Palais. Nous essaierons lors de cette présentation de livrer les arguments permettant d’accréditer ou de réfuter une telle hypothèse d’interprétation.

This research aims to analyze the dynamic impact of international trade openness on poverty in Indonesia. Previous research shows different effects in every country. The data used are export import value, gross domestic product, income... more

This research aims to analyze the dynamic impact of international trade openness on poverty in Indonesia. Previous research shows different effects in every country. The data used are export import value, gross domestic product, income per capita, open unemployment rate (OUR), and poverty rate (POVR) during 1978-2015. Vector error correction model analysis shows that in short run, trade openness does not have any significant impact on poverty. However, in long run, it has significant impact in reducing poverty. Impulse respond function analysis concludes that POVR gave a positive response in the first 2 years, but negative in the third to every trade openness variable shock. Poverty rate shows the biggest negative response in the fifth year. According to forecast error variance decomposition analysis, trade openness does not give big contribution in affecting POVR during the first 3 years, but starts to show effect in the following seven, with the biggest in the ninth year.

Least developed countries beset with poverty are liberalizing trade policies with growth objectives. Trade contributions to economic growth are established, but impacts of liberalized trade policies on poverty have not been fully... more

Least developed countries beset with poverty are liberalizing trade policies with growth objectives. Trade contributions to economic growth are established, but impacts of liberalized trade policies on poverty have not been fully assessed. The impacts can be assessed at the micro-level through identifying the linkages between trade and poverty alleviation. In this paper the export-oriented Bangladesh apparel sector, the phenomenal growth of which came about through unilateral liberalized trade policies and quota-driven market access to developed countries under multilateral Multi Fiber Arrangement, has been studied as a case to observe if it contributed to poverty alleviation. The study revealed that the apparel sector has been very effective in reducing poverty by creating income-earning employment for unskilled workers, particularly women. However, the demise of the Multi Fiber Arrangement next year will severely affect the apparel sector’s ability for poverty reduction unless pro...

In this paper, I address cross-ethnic and transnational economic transactions between traders of different nationality in Bolivia and Chile. Their interactions over time have prepared the way for Bolivian traders to directly engage with... more

In this paper, I address cross-ethnic and transnational economic transactions between traders of different nationality in Bolivia and Chile. Their interactions over time have prepared the way for Bolivian traders to directly engage with Chinese factories and for Chinese transnational companies to become interested in the Bolivian market. I argue for seeing the distribution network of consumer electronics into Bolivia as a dynamic regional economy. This regional exchange system has provided extraordinary opportunities of upward mobility for some Bolivian traders who have used credit from providers as a source with which to upscale business. The tracking of this cultural economic world between the Pacific-port town of Iquique and Highland Bolivia aims at historicising our understanding of popular commerce as it becomes increasingly connected to China-centred international markets, commodity chains and corporations. Such a narrative that looks at different moments of time in a spatially extended trade network enables us to apprehend changes in commercial dynamics and power relations among the actors involved. It sheds new light on popular commerce in the Andes as existent research focuses on persistent economic and cultural patterns instead of addressing transformations.

Numerous articles have been written on economic sanctions over the past few decades. Most papers take an overall approach, focusing on the utilities and disutilities of sanctions in general or on a specific sanction. While this paper also... more

Numerous articles have been written on economic sanctions over the past few decades. Most papers take an overall approach, focusing on the utilities and disutilities of sanctions in general or on a specific sanction. While this paper also looks at general aspects of sanctions, it goes beyond the usual focus and also examines some particular aspects of economic sanctions that are often overlooked in both the economic and ethical literature. Rather than limiting itself to utilitarian aspects of sanction policy, the paper also applies other ethical approaches to evaluate whether sanctions pass the ethical test. The possibility of compensation for losses caused by the imposition of sanctions is also discussed. A bibliography with links to more than 100 articles on trade is also included. BIO Robert W. McGee is an accounting professor and best-selling novelist who has published 58 nonfiction books and more than 700 scholarly articles. He is an attorney and CPA who has lectured or worked in more than 30 countries, and has earned 13 doctorates from universities in the United States and four European countries. The Social Science Research Network has ranked him as high as #2 in the world All-Time among accounting professors and #30 in the world All-Time

Assessments of Singapore’s history invariably revolve around Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival in 1819. Before this date – we’ve been earlier told – “nothing very much appears to have happened in Singapore”. Pre-1819 Singapore was a sleepy,... more

Assessments of Singapore’s history invariably revolve around Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival in 1819. Before this date – we’ve been earlier told – “nothing very much appears to have happened in Singapore”. Pre-1819 Singapore was a sleepy, historically insignificant fishing village, little more than the “occasional resort of pirates”.
This ambitious book, co-written by four of Singapore’s foremost historians, offers an assertive re-evaluation of that view, firmly situating Singapore’s starting point seven hundred years ago. Drawing on a multi-disciplinary range of archival, textual and cartographical records, as well as the latest archaeological discoveries, the authors cast a singular historical trajectory for Singapore over the past seven centuries, animating its history like never before.
Written in a compelling and accessible manner, and richly illustrated with more than 200 artefacts, photographs, maps, art works and ephemera, this volume builds upon the foundations of an earlier book, Singapore: A 700-Year History. Extensively rewritten to incorporate ground-breaking research findings, Seven Hundred Years: A History of Singapore widens the historical lens and offers a vital new perspective on the story of Singapore.

This is an attempt to highlight the indo-pak trade relation in the light of SAARC. SAARC becomes the bridge to develop the number of relations between these two countries, and number of big international issues were discussed in... more

This is an attempt to highlight the indo-pak trade relation in the light of SAARC. SAARC becomes the bridge to develop the number of relations between these two countries, and number of big international issues were discussed in different meetings of SAARC having positive impact on their trade relations yet number of issues are to discussed but it need a bit of political understanding between the two countries which may open the past road links to tighten the trade relation These land routes were closed during the partition, If these routes are open for trade, it will strengthen and promote pacific relation between the two countries and also employment opportunities would be generated. Key words: SAARC, Indo-Pak, Trade, Employment

New powers, such as China, India and Brazil, are challenging the traditional dominance of the US in the governance of the global economy. It is generally taken for granted that the rise of new powers is simply a reflection of their... more

New powers, such as China, India and Brazil, are challenging the traditional dominance of the US in the governance of the global economy. It is generally taken for granted that the rise of new powers is simply a reflection of their growing economic might. In this article, however, I challenge this assumption by drawing on the case of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to show that the forces driving the rise of new powers are more heterogeneous and complex than suggested by a simple economic determinism. I argue that these countries have in fact taken different paths to power: while China's rise has been more closely tied to its growing economic might, the rise of Brazil and India has been driven primarily by their mobilization and leadership of developing country coalitions, which enabled them to exercise influence above their economic weight. One important result is that Brazil and India have assumed a more aggressive and activist position in WTO negotiations than China and played a greater role in shaping the agenda of the Doha Round. Thus, although the new powers are frequently grouped together (as the ‘BRICs’, for example), this masks considerable variation in their sources of power and behaviour in global economic governance.

The vast majority of the books and articles that have been written over the past few centuries about trade policy in general and protectionism in particular have been written from a utilitarian perspective. Indeed, it would only be a... more

The vast majority of the books and articles that have been written over the past few centuries about trade policy in general and protectionism in particular have been written from a utilitarian perspective. Indeed, it would only be a slight overstatement to say that the only works written about protectionism have been written from a utilitarian perspective. The reason for this fact is that most analyses on protectionism are written either by economists or by people who adopt the ideas of economists to support their positions. And economists tend to be utilitarians. Those who have political agendas will tend to incorporate only those sources that support their own view and ignore or downplay opposing views, but even biased commentators use utilitarian arguments to support their positions. This paper takes a distinctly different approach. Rather than starting from a utilitarian premise, it begins from the premise that conduct that violates human rights is improper, then examines whether protectionism violates human rights. Part II presents an overview of the utilitarian approach to the examination of protectionism. Part III points out the deficiencies in the utilitarian approach and offers an alternative approach based on property, contract and association rights. The author concludes that the only trade policy that does not violate human rights is a policy of total, immediate and unilateral free trade. An extensive bibliography with links to more than 100 trade articles is also included.

Giao dịch tương lai và giao dịch, hoàn hảo và quan trọng Nhà ở của chúng tôi có khả năng Phần còn lại. Phần mềm này có thể có một phần của họ. Chỉ phạm đối với giao dịch và chỉ những người có đủ vốn rủi ro mới nên xem xét giao dịch. Hiệu... more

Giao dịch tương lai và giao dịch, hoàn hảo và quan trọng Nhà ở của chúng tôi có khả năng Phần còn lại. Phần mềm này có thể có một phần của họ. Chỉ phạm đối với giao dịch và chỉ những người có đủ vốn rủi ro mới nên xem xét giao dịch. Hiệu suất trong quá khứ không nhất thiết chỉ ra kết quả trong tương lai. Tiết lộ hiệu suất giả thuyết Kết quả thực hiện giả thuyết có nhiều hạn chế cố hữu, một số trong đó được mô tả dưới đây. Không có đại diện nào được thực hiện mà bất kỳ tài khoản nào sẽ hoặc có khả năng đạt được lợi nhuận hoặc thua lỗ tương tự như các tài khoản được hiển thị; trong thực tế, thường có sự khác biệt lớn giữa kết quả thực hiện giả thuyết và kết quả thực tế sau đó đạt được bởi bất kỳ chương trình giao dịch cụ thể nào. Một trong những hạn chế của kết quả thực hiện giả thuyết là chúng thường được chuẩn bị với lợi ích của nhận thức muộn. Ngoài ra, giao dịch giả định không liên quan đến rủi ro tài chính, và không có hồ sơ giao dịch giả định nào hoàn toàn có thể tính đến tác động của rủi ro tài chính của giao dịch thực tế. ví dụ, khả năng chịu lỗ hoặc tuân thủ một chương trình giao dịch cụ thể mặc dù thua lỗ giao dịch là những điểm quan trọng cũng có thể ảnh hưởng xấu đến kết quả giao dịch thực tế. Có rất nhiều yếu tố khác liên quan đến thị trường nói chung hoặc việc thực hiện bất kỳ chương trình giao dịch cụ thể không thể được tính toán đầy đủ trong việc chuẩn bị các kết quả hoạt động giả định và tất cả những gì có thể ảnh hưởng xấu đến kết quả giao dịch. Cuốn sách này chỉ dành cho mục đích giáo dục và các ý kiến được đưa ra chỉ dành cho tác giả. Tất cả các ngành nghề trình bày nên được coi là giả thuyết. Tất cả các giao dịch không được giao dịch trong một tài khoản trực tiếp. Lời chứng thực Lời chứng thực xuất hiện trong ấn phẩm này có thể không đại diện cho các khách hàng hoặc khách hàng khác và không phải là sự đảm bảo cho hiệu suất hoặc thành công trong tương lai.

This paper makes a noble contribution to the literature and estimates the size of the shadow economy in Bangladesh, applying a “the multiple indicator multiple cause model” or MIMIC to time series data from 1975-2010. The paper also gives... more

This paper makes a noble contribution to the literature and estimates the size of the shadow economy in Bangladesh, applying a “the multiple indicator multiple cause model” or MIMIC to time series data from 1975-2010. The paper also gives a brief critical review of relevant socioeconomic and political events in Bangladesh. Analyses reveal that Bangladesh has admirable achievements in the key socioeconomic sectors during the initial stage of current democratic process, despite the prevalence of corruption and the persistent absence of good governance. The paper shows that taxes are the one of key causes or “drivers” of the shadow economy in Bangladesh. Contrary to the exiting literature, it is argued that monetization reduces the size of the shadow economy in Bangladesh. Our estimated size of the shadow economy ranges from 13.47% in 1984 to 37% in 2010 and it has been on an upwards trend since 1984. Our investigation suggests the government should introduce a policy package which includes instruments to simplify tax structure, facilitate good governance and monetization of the economy in order to control the shadow economy in Bangladesh.

This dissertation is a systematised and thematic study of Friedrich List’s economic approach, showing: 1) The fundamental importance of immaterial production factors, and 2) How ‘mental capital’ binds a multitude of issues together into... more

This dissertation is a systematised and thematic study of Friedrich List’s economic approach, showing:

  1. The fundamental importance of immaterial production factors, and
  2. How ‘mental capital’ binds a multitude of issues together into a coherent system.
    List’s system is simple in principle: ‘Spirit creates wealth’, and yet it is complex; the human spirit creates culture which creates wealth:
    Mental capital creates innovation, constitutes and reshapes collaboration, which constitutes and reshapes nations and (defines and) creates wealth. Using List’s terminology:
  3. The task of political economy is to contribute to individual and social progress: The goal is elevation of global civilisation by moral and material improvement.
  4. Mental capital, individual and collective, is the prime source of wealth and constitutes the essence of;
  5. The Confederation of Labour, which both constitutes and continuously reshapes the nation, both its civic institutions and the State.
  6. The nation is the main vehicle for the individual person’s quest for freedom, happiness and wealth.
  7. The ultimate confederation of Labour lies in global free trade, making the selfish colonial system as well as navies obsolete.
    Ad 2) ‘Mental capital’ is the founding stone of List’s system. It alone can utilise the resources given by nature. List’s inspiration lies in contemporary German Idealism, and in a tradition with roots in Cameralist- and Renaissance statecraft, and the ancient Greeks.
    Ad 3) Mental capital is the essence of the intergenerational ‘Confederation of Labour’: Knowledge, innovation, education, morality, trust, credit, social networks, traditions and institutions. Mental capital is fragile and needs to be wisely nurtured and protected against the gusts of the world markets, payment imbalance and economic crises. Physical capital move and perish less easily. According to List, this Confederation of Labour constitutes the nation as a market and as a national system of innovation and production, which reaches its furthermost potential in an urban-industrial civilisation or as List termed it: The Industrial System.
    Ad 4) The Nation delivers collective services that an individual cannot – such as traditions, arts, freedom, security, and major investments. The nation resembles a large company, constituted by the Confederation of Labour.
    It can only develop well through a carefully balanced development of all vital sections of agriculture, trade, and industry, and furthermore their efficient interconnection through state of the art institutions, standards, communications, and communication hubs: towns.
    According to List, Adam Smith’s materialism led him to gross and fatal generalisations and to misunderstand the nature of capital. List claims that because intangible capital largely was ignored by the English Classical School, it therefore focused on increased division of labour through free trade; on increased accumulation of material capital through austerity and saving; and on curtailing population growth. Smith and the English Classical School largely ignored immaterial factors and therefore the roles of stability; - social cohesion; -co-operation; -civil society; - institutions; (such as the nation); and - economic regulation. Ironically, England was the nation that more than any had used every trick in the book of government intervention to promote industrialisation, and then prevent other nations from doing the same.

Study on the effects of the so-called Tulipmania on the seventeenth-century Dutch society

The necessity for prostheses was as apparent in antiquity as it is today. There are two primary considerations for these devices; form and function. Form is both the aesthetics of the appliance in its own right and also how accurately the... more

The necessity for prostheses was as apparent in antiquity as it is today. There are two primary considerations for these devices; form and function. Form is both the aesthetics of the appliance in its own right and also how accurately the appliance replicates its natural counterpart. Function refers to how effectively the device performs its assigned task(s). With these in mind, it be will discussed whether the examples of ancient prostheses available to us today shared such considerations, and if so, in what way did benefit the physically impaired.

This paper examines the question of whether it is ethical for company officials to use the force of government to reduce or eliminate foreign competition, using the antidumping laws as a case study. This paper begins with a brief... more

This paper examines the question of whether it is ethical for company officials to use the force of government to reduce or eliminate foreign competition, using the antidumping laws as a case study. This paper begins with a brief examination of the U.S. antidumping laws, then examines several ethical questions related to the antidumping laws. The main question to be addressed is whether, and under what circumstances, it is ethical for domestic producers to ask government to launch an antidumping investigation against a foreign competitor. Related questions to be examined include (1) Whether it is ethical to ask the government to launch an antidumping investigation even when the domestic company making the request knows that dumping has not occurred; (2) Whether it is ethical to ask for an antidumping investigation in cases where dumping (according to the definition of dumping) has occurred, where the effect is to help domestic producers at the expense of the general public. This paper will examine these questions by applying both utilitarian and non-utilitarian approaches. A bibliography with links to more than 100 articles on trade is also included. The full paper may be downloaded here. BIO Robert W. McGee is an accounting professor and best-selling novelist who has published 58 nonfiction books and more than 700 scholarly articles. He is an attorney and CPA who has lectured or worked in more than 30 countries, and has earned 13 doctorates from universities in the United States and four European countries. The Social Science Research Network has ranked him as high as #2 in the world All-Time among accounting professors and #30 in the world All-Time among all social scientists. Various studies have ranked him #1 in the world for both business ethics and accounting ethics scholarship. He has won 19 gold medals in

Described extensively in Appendix 1, JP Morgan’s "Eye on the Market" by Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy “in our opinion the China case has no equal in terms of scope, breadth and impact” (2014, Appendix 1, p.... more

Described extensively in Appendix 1, JP Morgan’s "Eye on the Market" by Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy “in our opinion the China case has no equal in terms of scope, breadth and impact” (2014, Appendix 1, p. 44).

In recent years, two giant countries China and India, are taking attention from the world due to fast economic developments. China is the first-largest economy and India is the third-largest economy in terms of gross domestic product... more

In recent years, two giant countries China and India, are taking attention from the world due to fast economic developments. China is the first-largest economy and India is the third-largest economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) on purchasing power parity (PPP) basis. China has a dominating position in international trade, whereas India's trade has shown sluggish growth. In this research, we analysed socioeconomic relations between India and China and deliberated to understand socioeconomic relations between both the countries, mainly emphasising on trade. We used data such as GDP trends, bilateral trade trends, relative competitive advantage index, the complementarity index to explain the trade complementary of bilateral trade and reasons for trade confliction between India and China. It is found that cooperation, competition, and confliction coexist in the socioeconomic relations potential economic collaborations are possible between India and China to bring a bright future for both countries.

Environmental provisions in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are increasing in terms of their number and variety. The economic effects of these environmental provisions remain largely unclear. It is, therefore, necessary to determine... more

Environmental provisions in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are increasing in terms of their number and variety. The economic effects of these environmental provisions remain largely unclear. It is, therefore, necessary to determine whether the trend to incorporate environmental provisions in PTAs counteracts the goal to spur economic development through trade via these PTAs. This is the first article in which the trade effects of environmental provisions in PTAs are thoroughly investigated. The
spotlight is put on developing countries for which the assumed trade-off between economic development and environmental protection is particularly acute. This article uses a new fine-grained dataset on a broad range of environmental provisions in 680 PTAs, combined with a panel of worldwide bilateral trade flows from 1984 to 2016. We show that environmental provisions can help reduce dirty exports and increase green exports from developing countries. This effect is particularly pronounced in developing countries with stringent environmental regulations. By investigating how environmental provisions in PTAs affect trade flows, this article contributes to the literature on the following topics: international trade and the environment; design and impacts of trade agreements; and greening the economy in developing countries. It also shows that the design of trade agreements matters. Environmental provisions can be used as targeted policy tools to promote the green transformation and to leverage synergies between the economic and environmental effects of including environmental provisions in trade agreements.

Frontier Tibet addresses a historical sequence that sealed the future of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. It considers how starting in the late nineteenth century imperial formations and emerging nation-states developed competing schemes of... more

Frontier Tibet addresses a historical sequence that sealed the future of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. It considers how starting in the late nineteenth century imperial formations and emerging nation-states developed competing schemes of integration and debated about where the border between China and Tibet should be. It also ponders the ways in which this border is internalised today, creating within the People's Republic of China a space that retains some characteristics of a historical frontier. The region of eastern Tibet called Kham, the focus of this volume, is a productive lens through which processes of place-making and frontier dynamics can be analysed. Using historical records and ethnography, the authors challenge purely externalist approaches to convey a sense of Kham's own centrality and the agency of the actors involved. They contribute to a history from below that is relevant to the history of China and Tibet, and of comparative value for borderland studies.

Venice and Austria were once powerful European empires. While both still exist today, they are not nearly as large or powerful as they once were. In comparing these two empires, there are quite a few similarities in their downfalls.... more

Venice and Austria were once powerful European empires. While both still exist today, they are not nearly as large or powerful as they once were. In comparing these two empires, there are quite a few similarities in their downfalls. Both had nobles and rulers that resisted change, and both were weakened by wars with their neighbors. In addition, they both did not decline and fall overnight; it was a slow and gradual process that lasted at least a century. Both empires also were at one point connected, as Austria ruled over Venice for just over fifty years. When comparing these two empires, one can find many similarities and also some striking differences in their decline as centers of power within the European continent.

Resumen. En el presente artículo se traza una breve semblanza del linaje de los Abnuba-el patriarca, Menahem, y sus hijos Abraham y Simuel-, radicado en Barbastro (Huesca), gran parte de cuyos integrantes son mercaderes de équidos,... more

Resumen. En el presente artículo se traza una breve semblanza del linaje de los Abnuba-el patriarca, Menahem, y sus hijos Abraham y Simuel-, radicado en Barbastro (Huesca), gran parte de cuyos integrantes son mercaderes de équidos, ele-mento estratégico no solo en el transporte de personas y mercancías, sino también como tracción en las tareas agrícolas. Se analiza, a través de los protocolos notariales, su actividad económica, canalizada mediante una compañía mercantil mixta, cuyo radio de acción se extiende por el Somontano de Barbastro y de Huesca. Así mismo se reflexiona sobre su habitus y su mentalidad pues, en cuanto negotiatores, la familia y los lazos de sangre discurren paralelos de su trayectoria profesional.