Human Movement Science Research Papers (original) (raw)

In order to investigate which kind of information is coupled to which part of the prehensile action, subjects reached for and picked up a tube of 15 mm in diameter. The following tubes were used: one transparent and one black tube both 20... more

In order to investigate which kind of information is coupled to which part of the prehensile action, subjects reached for and picked up a tube of 15 mm in diameter. The following tubes were used: one transparent and one black tube both 20 grams in weight, and one transparent and one black tube both 200 grams in weight. The transparent tubes gave a fragile impression in contrast to the black tubes. Weight of the tubes was not visually accessible. The prehension movement was divided into a free-motion phase and an in-contact phase. The free-motion phase refers to the period between the moment of initiation of the reaching movement and the moment of first contact with the object. The in-contact phase refers to the period between the moment of contact and the moment the tube is lifted. The results showed that fragility information influenced the duration of the free-motion phase: the deceleration phase was significantly longer and the appearance of the peak closing velocity of the fingers occurred significantly later. The weight information influenced the in-contact phase: for the 200 grams tube this phase was significant longer in comparison to the 20 grams tube. The findings imply that the movement towards the object, and in particular the closing of the fingers, is controlled by visual (fragility) information, while the in-contact phase is coupled to weight information. Furthermore, the experiment showed that previous haptic information about fragility is actually used in the visual regulation of a subsequent prehensile movement, because after contact with a fragile looking, but in fact solid tube, the free-motion phase of the subsequent prehensile action is shortened.

Quality teaching is inseparable from the learning strategies applied in delivering material in theory and practice. However, implementing learning strategies that will provide meaningful learning and a learning atmosphere for students is... more

Quality teaching is inseparable from the
learning strategies applied in delivering material in theory
and practice. However, implementing learning strategies
that will provide meaningful learning and a learning
atmosphere for students is not an easy matter because
students are unique individuals, different from one another,
especially in their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
aspects. Based on this, lecturers must have sufficient
initiative, knowledge, competence, and adequate
conceptual power to implement an effective lecture
strategy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of
learning freestyle swimming by using the ISLAMT2E
learning strategy for students. This study used an
experimental method with a randomized pretest-posttest
control group. The research subjects were 40 people in the
experimental group and 40 people in the control group. The
conclusion of this study proves that learning to swim
freestyle using the ISLAMT2E strategy on static swimming
tools has been proven to be effective in improving students'
swimming skills. The magnitude of the increase in
students' swimming skills in the experimental group was
seven people (17.5%) in the low category, 33 people
(82.5%) had the moderate category, and 0% high category.
In the control group, the increase in swimming in the low
category was 31 people (77.5%), nine people (22.5%) in
the moderate category, and the high category 0%. This
means that there are differences in learning outcomes of
freestyle swimming skills between the experimental group
and the control group.

Optimal control models of biological movements introduce external task factors to specify the pace of movements. Here, we present the dual to the principle of optimality based on a conserved quantity, called “drive”, that represents the... more

Optimal control models of biological movements introduce external task factors to specify the pace of movements. Here, we present the dual to the principle of optimality based on a conserved quantity, called “drive”, that represents the influence of internal motivation level on movement pace. Optimal control and drive conservation provide equivalent descriptions for the regularities observed within individual movements. For regularities across movements, drive conservation predicts a previously unidentified scaling law between the overall size and speed of various self-paced hand movements in the absence of any external tasks, which we confirmed with psychophysical experiments. Drive can be interpreted as a high-level control variable that sets the overall pace of movements and may be represented in the brain as the tonic levels of neuromodulators that control the level of internal motivation, thus providing insights into how internal states affect biological motor control.

The present study focuses on the intricate relationship between human body movement and music, in particular on how music may influence the way humans walk. In an experiment, participants were asked to synchronize their walking tempo with... more

The present study focuses on the intricate relationship between human body movement and music, in particular on how music may influence the way humans walk. In an experiment, participants were asked to synchronize their walking tempo with the tempo of musical and ...

This study examined muscular activity patterns of extensor and flexor muscles and variability of forces during static and dynamic tracking tasks using compensatory and pursuit display. Fourteen volunteers performed isometric actions in... more

This study examined muscular activity patterns of extensor and flexor muscles and variability of forces during static and dynamic tracking tasks using compensatory and pursuit display. Fourteen volunteers performed isometric actions in two conditions: (i) a static tracking task consisting of flexion/pronation, ulnar deviation, extension/supination and radial deviation of the wrist at 20% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), and (ii) a dynamic tracking task aiming at following a moving target at 20% MVC in the four directions of contraction. Surface electromyography (SEMG) from extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles and exerted forces in the transverse and sagittal plane were recorded. Normalized root mean square and mutual information (index of functional connectivity within muscles) of SEMGs and the standard deviation and sample entropy of force signals were extracted. Larger SEMG amplitudes were found for the dynamic task (p<.05), while normalized mutual information between muscle pairs was larger for the static task (p<.05). Larger size of variability (standard deviation of force) concomitant with smaller sample entropy was observed for the dynamic task compared with the static task (p<.01 for both). These findings underline a rescaling of the muscles' respective contribution influencing force variability relying on feedback and feed-forward control strategies in relation to display modes during static and dynamic tracking tasks.

The height of the net scaling accordance with the physical size is important to improve performance and produce optimal shot kinematic characteristics in children. This study aimed to identify the average rate of optimal net height... more

The height of the net scaling accordance with the physical size is important to improve performance and produce optimal shot kinematic characteristics in children. This study aimed to identify the average rate of optimal net height scaling among children aged seven to nine years. This study uses an experimental design with a total of 48 children randomly selected as study participants. Participants were divided into 24 pairs (boys = 12 pairs, female = 12 pairs) which were equivalent in terms of skill level and gender. All participants played against their respective pairs using four net height situations namely JP (155 cm), JM100 (127 cm), JM92 (117 cm) and JM82 (104 cm) situations reciprocally. All matches are conducted using a singles competition system with 11 points which is two sets per match situation. Data collection was done through video recordings and questionnaires. Shot performance was analysed from the aspects of serve success, shot chances and rally length. Participants' satisfaction with the four paired match situations was obtained through a questionnaire. Study data were analysed using SPSS version 16.0 program. The results of one-way ANOVA test for repeated measurements showed that there was significant mean score differences (p <.05) for performance and satisfaction between the JP, JM100, JM92 and JM82 situations. The findings of the study showed that scaling the net height of 92% of the average height of children aged seven to nine years was the optimal net height. Therefore, this study suggests that the use of standard net heights among children should be reviewed.

Aggression is one of the significant types of feeling and emotion, which is exceptionally fundamental for sports execution. It is ordinarily propelled conduct at any rate for that specific purpose of time in the genuine play, which drives... more

Aggression is one of the significant types of feeling and emotion, which is exceptionally fundamental for sports execution. It is ordinarily propelled conduct at any rate for that specific purpose of time in the genuine play, which drives a player brimming with his energies towards his point. 150 School National Handball female players aged 14-17 years who were concentrated in higher optional schools of Andhra Pradesh Rural and Urban were haphazardly chosen as subjects. An aggression scale is used to contemplate the degree of aggression in any age gathering (over 14 years). The scale comprises 55 articulations. It is a Likert type 5-guide scale toward locating the aggressive conduct among Handball players. The premise of the discoveries is that the shooters have phenomenal aggression conduct than the all-rounders and defenders and shooters have more physical fitness than the all-rounders and defenders. In the examination, the Shooter would have a more aggressive inclination and physical fitness when contrasted with all-rounders and defenders. It is very different on the grounds that the Shooter alone for example independently will confront the adversary gathering of players because of body contact and the battle for greatness will lead the shooter to more aggressive than others.

Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder demonstrate a lack of automaticity in handwriting as measured by pauses during writing. Deficits in visual perception have been proposed in the literature as underlying mechanisms of... more

Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder demonstrate a lack of automaticity in handwriting as measured by pauses during writing. Deficits in visual perception have been proposed in the literature as underlying mechanisms of handwriting difficulties in children with DCD. The aim of this study was to examine whether correlations exist between measures of visual perception and visual motor integration with measures of the handwriting product and process in children with DCD. The performance of twenty-eight 8-14year-old children who met the DSM-5 criteria for DCD was compared with 28 typically developing (TD) age and gender-matched controls. The children completed the Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI) and the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS). Group comparisons were made, correlations were conducted between the visual perceptual measures and handwriting measures and the sensitivity and specificity examined. The DCD group performed below the TD group on ...

The purpose of this study was to identify the movement characteristics associated with positive and negative emotions experienced during walking. Joy, contentment, anger, sadness, and neutral were elicited in 16 individuals, and motion... more

The purpose of this study was to identify the movement characteristics associated with positive and negative emotions experienced during walking. Joy, contentment, anger, sadness, and neutral were elicited in 16 individuals, and motion capture data were collected as they walked while experiencing the emotions. Observers decoded the target emotions from side and front view videos of the walking trials; other observers viewed the same videos to rate the qualitative movement features using an Effort-Shape analysis. Kinematic analysis was used to quantify body posture and limb movements during walking with the different emotions. View did not affect decoding accuracy except for contentment, which was slightly enhanced with the front view. Walking speed was fastest for joy and anger, and slowest for sadness. Although walking speed may have accounted for increased amplitude of hip, shoulder, elbow, pelvis and trunk motion for anger and joy compared to sadness, neck and thoracic flexion with sadness, and trunk extension and shoulder depression with joy were independent of gait speed. More differences among emotions occurred with the Effort-Shape rather than the kinematic analysis, suggesting that observer judgments of Effort-Shape characteristics were more sensitive than the kinematic outcomes to differences among emotions.

The design of effective archery skills of archers for the excellence of international games was analyzed. The time taken for each shot between an arrow scored 10 points, and compared an arrow scored under 10 points with a sample size of... more

The design of effective archery skills of archers for the excellence of international games was analyzed. The time taken for each shot between an arrow scored 10 points, and compared an arrow scored under 10 points with a sample size of 31 archers with international competitions’ experiences for 6 times on Actual Form (scoring of 79% before their participation) and Preferred Form (scoring of 86% after they trained and practiced) Skills for the Archer Performance Skill (APA) Form, differently. The adaptation of the Archery Skill Analysis Assessment Form (ASAAF) was assessed. Assessing associations between the archery skill and the abilities of archers in their actual and preferred forms, their efficient archery posture training with archery performances for the excellence achievements is related to two variables, relatively. The efficient predictive R2 values indicate that 51% and 69% of the variances in archery abilities are related to their archery performance skills’ achievements. Analysis of archery skills comprises 10 skills, such as, stability, hooking, drawing, anchoring, loading/transfer to hold, physical strength and stability, developing intense focus and concentration, aiming, releasing, and following through skills that are trained and practiced by professional archery expert. The study is very important, which is one of only a handful of studies in archery sport in Thailand, and represents one of the only studies worldwide that has focused on archery sport to improve the analysis of efficient archery posture training for excellence achievements. It may solve problems that have been accumulated for a long time.

A model was developed for cross-country skiing where locomotive power depends on speed and slope as variables, and further depends on snow friction, gravitation, mass, air drag, wind, and air density. Model parameters were estimated... more

A model was developed for cross-country skiing where locomotive power depends on speed and slope as variables, and further depends on snow friction, gravitation, mass, air drag, wind, and air density. Model parameters were estimated experimentally. Two differential equations were developed for how locomotive power depends on speed and slope. The equations are of the logistic form with a threshold determined by the skier's technique, intensity, mass, metabolic rate, gross efficiency, and lactate threshold. Three parameters were estimated by minimizing the average summed square difference between the simulated speed, using the model, and experimental speed of an elite male skier in a 4218 m track. Distance and height along the track were measured using a measuring wheel and an inclinometer generating 52 datapoints. Research assistants measured time from start at 14 different positions. Parameter values were determined from the literature. We illustrated how speed and slope impact ...

Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more parameters.... more

Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more parameters. Success in sports dance competitions depends not only on natural skills but also to a greater extent on a sportsman's practical training. The analysis of the biomechanics of sports dance and the characteristics of the sportsman's dynamic data suggest assessing the feasibility, efficiency, improvement of the technique of the performed motor action, which determines the goals of the development of the motor abilities of young sportsmen at an early stage. Based on knowledge of biomechanics, it is easier for a teacher to teach his pupils. But for this, it is necessary to be able to analyze motor activity and indicate the direction of active search, form a motor task and, based on the foundations of biomechanics, the necessary fundamentals of technology. Information about the biomechanical structure of the movement is used both in the formation of the technique of motor actions of beginner dancers and in its improvement in qualified dancers. This is what determines the relevance of the study; therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the features of movements in sports dances using their biomechanical analysis. The authors carried out a theoretical and methodological analysis of special literature on biomechanical analysis of sports dance, which allowed them to analyze the movements of two dances. The analysis made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the performance of these dances, which means that making adjustments to special preparatory exercises with a similar amplitude of the knee joints will lead to better training of sportsmen. Also, this analysis effectively improves the skill level of performing dance steps by experienced dancers because it clearly shows all the features of the movement at a particular moment.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic parameters of the body for the preparation phase of the free throw to improve the efficiency and sport performances. The study includes a total twenty elite basketball players from... more

The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic parameters of the body for the preparation phase of the free throw to improve the efficiency and sport performances. The study includes a total twenty elite basketball players from the Kosovo Super League teams: K.B. Prishtina, K.B. Kerasani and K.B. Lipljan. Basketball shooting measurements were conducted during the training of the 2018 year. Filming of the basketball shooting techniques is done with three Canon HD cameras, set at 90-degree angles, which can reproduce sixty pictures per second. 12 variables of kinematic parameters of body were selected for analysis. Only one successful shot from each player was taken for analysis. Analysis is done with Kinematic Analysis System (APAS), outputting the required results and values of the kinematic indicators. The data collected were processed by statistical analysis software "IBM SPSS 20", and statistical parameters were determined using the methods: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, minimum score, maximum score, Skewness and Kurtosis. The confirmation of the mutual influence of the variables was done by the Pearson's coefficients correlation method. The findings of this study show that in the preparation phase for a free throw shot in basketball, variables such as knee angle, wrist angle, thigh angle, and elbow angle have shown to be the kinematic parameters that have the greatest impact on finalizing a successful free throw in basketball. The scientific contribution of this research also provides new insights into the optimal model of basketball player performance during free-throw.

This experiment investigated the relationship between motivation, engagement, and learning in a video game task. Previous studies have shown increased autonomy during practice leads to superior retention of motor skills, but it is not... more

This experiment investigated the relationship between motivation, engagement, and learning in a video game task. Previous studies have shown increased autonomy during practice leads to superior retention of motor skills, but it is not clear why this benefit occurs. Some studies suggest this benefit arises from increased motivation during practice; others suggest the benefit arises from better information processing. Sixty novice participants were randomly assigned to a self-controlled group, who chose the progression of difficulty during practice, or to a yoked group, who experienced the same difficulty progression but did not have choice. At the end of practice, participants completed surveys measuring intrinsic motivation and engagement. One week later, participants returned for a series of retention tests at three different difficulty levels. RM-ANCOVA (controlling for pre-test) showed that the self-controlled group had improved retention compared to the yoked group, on average, ...