Physical Education Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article reports research that critically examined our teacher education outdoor education pedagogy. The purpose was to use visual ethnography to critique our teaching over twenty years of annual five-day bush-based residential camps.... more

This article reports research that critically examined our teacher education outdoor education pedagogy. The purpose was to use visual ethnography to critique our teaching over twenty years of annual five-day bush-based residential camps. The bush camps were situated in an outdoor education programme contributing to a four-year undergraduate teacher education Bachelor of Physical Education in Aotearoa New Zealand. The research method involved photo-elicitation of selected photographs representing students’ experiences and our practices. We each wrote about the photographs using introspection and recall to create a layered narrative analysis reflecting on the educative focus of the images. We responded to one another’ s narratives, challenging and/or supporting the reflexivity, to interpret our joint perspectives about the learning context, pedagogic rationale and outcomes. The research highlights our teacher educator perspectives about experiential learning. Some of this learning was directly attributed to our intentional pedagogy and some to the unpredictable, incidental, situated experience made possible by engagement in the outdoor environment.

This study used a human resource management (HRM) approach to examine the efficacy of volunteer management practices in predicting perceived problems in volunteer retention. Participants were a sample of 375 Australian Rugby Union clubs... more

This study used a human resource management (HRM) approach to examine the efficacy of volunteer management practices in predicting perceived problems in volunteer retention. Participants were a sample of 375 Australian Rugby Union clubs from across the country. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the properties of a hypothesised reflective measurement model with seven volunteer management constructs (planning, recruitment, screening, orientation, training and support, performance management, and recognition). The efficacy of volunteer management practices was tested using regression analysis.

For medieval Icelanders, horses were among the most important animals. It should come as no surprise, as they were used for transport, in pagan rites (hippomancy, funerals, sacred horses), eating, and also for sports. These sports were... more

For medieval Icelanders, horses were among the most important animals. It should come as no surprise, as they were used for transport, in pagan rites (hippomancy, funerals, sacred horses), eating, and also for sports. These sports were the horse-fights (hestavígs) and horse-racing (skeið). Reading the sagas, one can find a lot of references to horse-fighting. This sport was considered of such importance among medieval Icelanders that laws have been written down regarding this entertainment, yet there is no exact description of how such events were organized. Only by putting all the references together can one endeavor to explain what these horse-fights may have actually been like. In my paper I would like to present the basis for these horse-fights. Their terminology has been frequently misinterpreted, and no critical investigation yet exists into the staging and organization of such events, which would shed light on the meaning and role of this sport to medieval Icelanders. It will be shown that horse-fighting functioned not only as brutal entertainment in itself, but also played a social role in the broader context of inter-district assemblies.

The goal of present study was to analyze and compare the viewpoint of university professors and managers that holding Federations' sports matches, regarding the competencies of sports events' managers. This study was descriptive and... more

The goal of present study was to analyze and compare the viewpoint of university professors and managers that holding Federations' sports matches, regarding the competencies of sports events' managers. This study was descriptive and scaling survey, and has been conducted as a field research. Statistical society includes 39 university professors with more than a three-year experience in teaching, in courses related to the management of sports events, and 64 managers that were involved in holding Federations' sports events and the statistical model was equals to statistical society. The COSEM questionnaire of the competencies of sports events' managers (Toh, 21) was our means for collecting data. The liability of the questionnaire content was confirmed by university professors, and its reliability ratio was 0.87. In order to determine the important factors in the competency of sports events' managers, the agential-conformational analysis with Varimax rotation was used. Also, to compare professors' views with those of sports events' managers, we used T test for independent groups. The results showed the most important competencies for sports events' managers include; planning techniques, event management, sports sites and sport facilities management, and event's research & marketing management. Also, there was not a meaningful difference between the viewpoints of university professors and the managers who hold Federations' sports events, about competencies of sports events managers.

The concept of feminism, which discusses the difficulties and oppression experienced by women just because of their gender, is an approach that defends all kinds of economic, political, and socio-cultural equality between the opposite... more

The concept of feminism, which discusses the difficulties and oppression experienced by women just because of their gender, is an approach that defends all kinds of economic, political, and socio-cultural equality between the opposite sexes by opposing the discrimination between men and women. The concept of cryptofeminism which was used for the first time in the press in the 1960s, was referring to some cryptic and unnamed problems experienced by women. However the concept discussed as cryptofeminism within this study is different, the main starting point is similar as it points to a problem that cannot be named. Cryptofeminism as a concept which refers to the blockchain technology is being discussed and added to the academic literature for the first time with this article. Crypto assets are technology products that take their name from the science of cryptography. Crypto assets can store and transfer any kind of data and information with encryption and confidentiality principle. Crypto assets, which entered our lives with blockchain technology and spread very quickly in different areas, have created their own ecosystem and industry. The crypto ecosystem draws attention not only with its players, but also with its unique culture. The culture that develops in this ecosystem is at risk of being knitted around the ideas that feminism has been fighting for years. The perception of technology in the historical process has spread to the field of software, which is a new type of machine, by being built with mainly production equipment and machines after the industrial revolutions. The relatively pessimistic early literature and debates on technology and gender focus heavily on women's inability to develop their technical knowledge and skills. In the following period, discussions about the exclusion of women with higher technical education from the business world and its cultural basis follows. The masculine construction of the language and symbolism of technology carries inclusiveness to a point far away from competence and skills. From this point of view, it would be correct to discuss the cryptofeminism debate over the spread of a male-dominated culture in crypto. The gender of the crypto industry is encoded by symbolic conceptualization and male-dominated. The image of Bitcoin, the first blockchain network and cryptocurrency, is masculine. The fact that almost all of the images produced about the inventor of Bitcoin, whose real identity is unknown today, are male, is an extension of the maledominated culture that has begun to take root. On the other hand, blockchain technology, which provides secure anonymity, allows the construction of gender-neutral virtual identities. The positive reflections of the anonymity and trust issue, which reinforces its place in our lives with crypto through new communication forms, are candidates to open up space for the capture of gender equality in the focus of cryptofeminism.

Physical fitness is a key indicator of health in children and adolescents and can predict the health status in the later phases of an individual's life. Physical fitness has a multidimensional structure and can be assessed through its... more

Physical fitness is a key indicator of health in children and adolescents and can predict the health status in the later phases of an individual's life. Physical fitness has a multidimensional structure and can be assessed through its different components: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, motor fitness, and flexibility. There are more than fifteen health-related physical fitness test batteries which are used worldwide. The aim of this study was to analyse the most widely implemented field-based test batteries for assessing physical fitness and their ability to represent the relationship between the physical fitness components and the health of children and adolescents. The analyses of the literature showed that the test batteries 'Eurofit', 'FitnessGram' and 'Alpha-fit' are the most widely applied. The components and the tests which are included in these batteries were presented in detail, as well as the applicability of the implementation of these tests within the framework of a school programme. The newly proposed test battery 'PREFIT' appears to be the only one for assessing preschool children between the ages of three and five. Conclusion: the physical fitness assessment of children and adolescents presents us with vital information which can be utilised to maintain and improve children's health. Therefore, it is of particular importance for schools to implement health-related physical fitness test batteries which are in accordance with the age of the participants and best reflect the relationship between physical fitness and their health.

The main aim of this paper is to provide some practical guidance to researchers on how statistical power analysis can be used to estimate sample size in empirical design. The paper describes the key assumptions underlying statistical... more

The main aim of this paper is to provide some practical guidance to researchers on how statistical power analysis can be used to estimate sample size in empirical design. The paper describes the key assumptions underlying statistical power analysis and illustrates through several examples how to determine the appropriate sample size. The examples use hypotheses often tested in sport sciences and verified with popular statistical tests including the independent-samples t-test, one-way and twoway analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Commonly used statistical packages allow researchers to determine appropriate sample size for hypothesis testing situations listed above.

Administration of Physical Education and Sport Programs, Fifth Edition offers an overview of the theoretical and practical methods and techniques of the administration of physical education and sport programs in an easy-to-read,... more

Administration of Physical Education and Sport Programs, Fifth Edition offers an overview of the theoretical and practical methods and techniques of the administration of physical education and sport programs in an easy-to-read, easy-to-use presentation. With a strong background in history, Administration of Physical Education and Sport Programs, Fifth Edition encompasses actual themes and developments in management and administration while investigating the future of athletic administration. Special emphasis is placed on diversity, ethics, standards, conflict resolution, and transparency needs in all organizations. Each chapter begins with a case study and contains attractive end-of-chapter workouts. Critical thinking scenarios strengthen key terms and theories. From the basics of management and administration to more topic-specific chapters discussing public relations, communications, law, and financial planning and budget restrictions, the text covers everything students need for administration courses.

Recent years have witnessed a growing number of published reports that point out the need for reporting various effect size estimates in the context of null hypothesis testing (H0) as a response to a tendency for reporting tests of... more

Recent years have witnessed a growing number of published reports that point out the need for reporting various effect size estimates in the context of null hypothesis testing (H0) as a response to a tendency for reporting tests of statistical significance only, with less attention on other important aspects of statistical analysis. In the face of considerable changes over the past several years, neglect to report effect size estimates may be noted in such fields as medical science, psychology, applied linguistics, or pedagogy. Nor have sport sciences managed to totally escape the grips of this suboptimal practice: here statistical analyses in even some of the current research reports do not go much further than computing p-values. The p-value, however, is not meant to provide information on the actual strength of the relationship between variables, and does not allow the researcher to determine the effect of one variable on another. Effect size measures serve this purpose well. While the number of reports containing statistical estimates of effect sizes calculated after applying parametric tests is steadily increasing, reporting effect sizes with non-parametric tests is still very rare. Hence, the main objectives of this contribution are to promote various effect size measures in sport sciences through, once again, bringing to the readers’ attention the benefits of reporting them, and to present examples of such estimates with a greater focus on those that can be calculated for non-parametric tests.

So you want to know the right breathing exercises for singing. Well, you are in luck because this article reveals some highly effective breathing exercises for singing. Correct inhaling and exhaling will make your singing voice sound... more

The reassuring belief that “sport builds character” is firmly entrenched in popular opinion despite repeated examples of athlete misbehavior and widespread disagreement over just what character is and how it can be measured. Scholarly... more

The reassuring belief that “sport builds character” is firmly entrenched in
popular opinion despite repeated examples of athlete misbehavior and widespread
disagreement over just what character is and how it can be measured. Scholarly
claims that sport can and should be a form of moral education are usually greeted
with skepticism by philosophers and physical educators alike. Such proposals have a
long and venerable pedigree, however, one that might originate with a foundational
document of western philosophy: Plato’s Republic. In our modern quest to understand
how sport might contribute to moral education, of children in particular, and
to design and implement athletic programs that do in fact “build character,” it seems
worthwhile to look back at what Plato thought on the subject. In Plato’s Republic
sport serves the educational objectives of personal virtue, intellectual achievement,
and political harmony. But to understand and perhaps apply Plato’s insight today,
we must revisit our conceptual dichotomies of mind versus body, academics versus
athletics, and individual versus community. Plato’s historical reality and his ideal
city might seem impossibly distant from today’s concerns. But understanding the
contrasts as well as the similarities might enlighten our efforts to fulfill the hollow
promise that sport may function as moral education.

Palavras-chave Key words.-Este trabalho é o resultado de um esforço coletivo de grupos de pesquisa no nordeste do Brasil, articulado na rede LEPEL do grupo/ENFRENTADO/UFBA-grupo do estudo e da pesquisa na instrução física, esportes e... more

Palavras-chave Key words.-Este trabalho é o resultado de um esforço coletivo de grupos de pesquisa no nordeste do Brasil, articulado na rede LEPEL do grupo/ENFRENTADO/UFBA-grupo do estudo e da pesquisa na instrução física, esportes e lazer, faculdade da instrução, universidade federal de Bahía-Brasil). O texto discute as possibilidades de trabalho que ensinam as oficinas da instrução física organizadas na construção do conhecimento sobre o corpo da cultura. Tem a necessidade de relacionar o trabalho que ensina a instrução física do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) com a teoria do materialismo histórico e dialética do conhecimento-, e o projeto além do capital histórico, sem que funcionamento o risco de contribuir mais para a venda do que para o emancipação da classe de funcionamento do campo. Elementos recuperados que mostram o índice da luta de classes e o centralismo da pergunta da terra no Brasil quando vier a desenvolver uma política cultural (instrução) que pe...

The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) back injury prevention program (IPP) is an evidence-based injury prevention exercise designed to prevent back pain and other related injuries. The aim of this study was to assess the... more

The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) back injury prevention program (IPP) is an evidence-based injury prevention exercise designed to prevent back pain and other related injuries. The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of the OSTRC Back IPP among professional basketball, handball, soccer, and volleyball players in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The survey was developed by the study authors and it consisted of two sections: the socio-demographic and questionnaire assess the implementation of OSTRC Back IPP. A total of 360 athletes responded to the survey (response rate was 93.75%). The mean (±SD) of the total implementation score was 6.6 (±1.8) out of 13. Jumping lunges exercise was the highest implemented exercise, making up 56.1% of the participated players, followed by the side plank and jump turns 53.3% and 53.1%, respectively. In contrast, the lowest implemented exercise was the rotational strength exercise which accounts for 46.4%. There were no statistically significant differences between the GCC countries in the implementation of all exercises except for the side lunges exercise. The rate of implementation of the OSTRC Back IPP among players was low in the GCC countries.

This session highlights The Check-in Check-out mentoring program, which has been found to be effective in decreasing students' disruptive behavior and increasing academic achievement. This research-based intervention provides support for... more

This session highlights The Check-in Check-out mentoring program, which has been found to be effective in decreasing students' disruptive behavior and increasing academic achievement. This research-based intervention provides support for students who are at-risk of dropping out. Results indicated that participants were able to increase accurate completion of the checklist and two out of three participates showed an increase in class grades. All of the participants had significant decreases in school disciplinary actions.

The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physical performance parameters among female university players. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight female participants (14 netball + 14... more

The purpose of this study was to analyse netball and volleyball players for differences in physical performance parameters among female university players. Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight female participants (14 netball + 14 volleyball players) participated in this study voluntarily. Any player with lower extremity musculoskeletal injury or a record since the last three months was excluded from the study. The average age of players was 19.54±0.69 years, body weight 52.99±10.51 kg., height 156.71±5.34 cm., and body mass index 21.57±4.09. Anthropometrical characteristics were measured with the help of a bioelectrical impedance analyser, while physical performance parameters (Muscular endurance, lower extremity power, dynamic stability, agility, speed) were determined by the numerous functional tests. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in physical performance parameters except agility (p=.041) and speed (p=.015) variables between netball and volleyball university female students. A significant positive relationship was also found in some of the physical performance parameters irrespective of the sports. Conclusion: The study's findings show that physical performance parameters do not differ significantly in female netball and volleyball players. Team coaches and physiologists must consider functional test outcomes while preparing players for competition. The individual training program should also be established on test outcomes, which is more likely to improve performance.

Moral education is determined by the social phenomenon, which confers its content and represents a component of general education; it contributes to the formation and development of moral conscience and behaviour, to shaping the moral... more

Moral education is determined by the social phenomenon, which confers its content and represents a component of general education; it contributes to the formation and development of moral conscience and behaviour, to shaping the moral profile of the personality, and to the elaboration of social–moral behaviour. In many European countries, there are educational policies that promote the social and moral development of young people. According to the provisions of the National Curriculum currently into effect in our country, all the areas in the curriculum have the obligation of contributing to the social and moral development of young people. In this sense, researchers in the field pinpoint that physical education and sport - mostly physical education and sport teachers - have an important role in reaching this objective. Nonetheless, there is only scanty conclusive evidence to support this theory. In addition, scientists consider the social and moral field differently. Currently, the...

The main purposes of the present study were to substantiate the existence of the four types of performance categories (i.e., optimal-automatic, optimal-controlled, suboptimal-controlled, and suboptimal-automatic) as hypothesised in the... more

The main purposes of the present study were to substantiate the existence of the four types of performance categories (i.e., optimal-automatic, optimal-controlled, suboptimal-controlled, and suboptimal-automatic) as hypothesised in the multi-action plan (MAP) model, and to investigate whether some specific affective, behavioural, psychophysiological, and postural trends may typify each type of performance. A 20-year-old athlete of the Italian shooting team, and a 46-year-old athlete of the Italian dart-throwing team participated in the study. Athletes were asked to identify the core components of the action and then to execute a large number of shots/flights. A 2 × 2 (optimal/suboptimal × automated/controlled) within subjects multivariate analysis of variance was performed to test the differences among the four types of performance. Findings provided preliminary evidence of psychophysiological and postural differences among four performance categories as conceptualized within the MA...

During the late 1960s and into the 1970s game-based approaches to sport teaching and coaching emerged in scholarly literature on sport and physical education teaching. Game based pedagogical approaches for games and sport teaching have... more

During the late 1960s and into the 1970s game-based approaches to sport teaching and coaching emerged in scholarly literature on sport and physical education teaching. Game based pedagogical approaches for games and sport teaching have been distinguished by some authors through the more prominent emphasis on guided discovery teaching and student/athlete reflective thinking than what occurs in the more historically common sport-as-sport techniques approach typified by a demonstration-replication, or 'transmission', method of instruction. However, guided discovery is also associated with another teaching approach that emerged in the 1960s, Style F of Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles. In this paper we posit that rather than be seen as competing approaches, game-based approaches and The Spectrum of Teaching Styles should be seen as complementary as both are governed by a fundamental proposition – pedagogical decision making. In particular, due to the Spectrum of Teachin...

In the Aviation Field, safety is important and numerous steps had been taken to alleviate safety or retain it. The graduates from aviation institutions were trained to be efficient, skillful, and knowledgeable so that mistakes during jobs... more

In the Aviation Field, safety is important and numerous steps had been taken to alleviate safety or retain it. The graduates from aviation institutions were trained to be efficient, skillful, and knowledgeable so that mistakes during jobs could be minimized or maintained at zero. In order for these graduates to have those characteristics, their lecturers or academicians should be at their bests in order to train these graduate efficiently. Being at their bests require the lecturers to be fit and healthy. We had investigated the health and fitness of these academicians and the results varies.

An increasing number of studies are evidencing relationships between physical activity and the mathematical performance of early school students. This is not surprising due to the fact that children grow in all areas simultaneously and... more

An increasing number of studies are evidencing relationships between physical activity and the mathematical performance of early school students. This is not surprising due to the fact that children grow in all areas simultaneously and their motor and intellectual development determine each other. Nevertheless, such an approach of combining mathematics education with physical exercises, in addition through play, which is the basis of children's activity and the preferred way of spending time, it is still rare at schools. In response to this problem "Eduball" has been created, which are educational balls with printed letters, numbers and other signs, used for team mini-games. Surprisingly, despite the studies on general usefulness of Eduball in preschool and early-school education and the effects of physical exercise classes carried out using these balls, still little is known about their impact on mathematical development. Here we investigate the relationships between the use of Eduball and the acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills by children. We used a quantitative approach in the form of an experiment in natural settings in which seven-year-old students (first grade) took part (N=25). For the purposes of this experiment we created scenarios of physical exercise classes integrated with mathematical contents that used Eduball. Mathematical knowledge and skills were assessed by one of the commonly used tests. The results were compared with the data from the control group of traditional physical education classes (N=22). As assumed, after a one-year experiment students from both groups improved their results, but we found a greater progress in terms of mathematical knowledge and skills in the experimental class compared to the control one. Eduball particularly affected competences related to such mathematical categories as: sets and their elements, multiplication and division, geometric shapes and measuring length, measuring volume and mass. In sum, our results show that physical exercise classes that used Eduball stimulate the acquisition of mathematical competences by students, and, consequently, confirm that there is a strong relation of physical and mathematical development. Therefore, there is a need to review children's educational models, as well as primary school curricula, to combine physical and cognitive activities.

Pennington, C. G., McEntryre, K., Ivy, V., & Brock, J. (2020, February). Physical Education Preservice Teachers’ Perspective on Teaching Health-Related Fitness. The Southwest Educational Research Association Conference, Arlington, TX.... more

Pennington, C. G., McEntryre, K., Ivy, V., & Brock, J. (2020, February). Physical Education Preservice Teachers’ Perspective on Teaching Health-Related Fitness. The Southwest Educational Research Association Conference, Arlington, TX. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18263.62882

Changes in body composition parameters can be used as a mean of tracking an athlete's health. Athletic performance relative to fat mass should be evaluated as an increase may be detrimental to physical activities by increasing energy... more

Changes in body composition parameters can be used as a mean of tracking an athlete's health. Athletic performance relative to fat mass should be evaluated as an increase may be detrimental to physical activities by increasing energy demands and decreasing performance. Body composition, is an important indicator of nutritional status, water homeostasis and the specific adaptations to different physical training regimens. Similarly, assessment of the thigh muscles can provide adequate information on functionality and injury vulnerability. Knowledge garnered from biometric analysis using ultrasound and bio-impedance analysis technology, may be used to gauge the health status of future elite athletes. Assessing the body composition and muscle characteristics of young athletes, allow for early detection of weak areas that may negatively affect the performance of these athletes in the future. In addition, knowledge of how these parameters vary with performance provides an athlete with data that may be used to optimize performance.

Due to increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 virus, athletes were unable to train optimally. This study aimed to determine the differences in aerobic capacity, body mass, and body mass index in soccer players as the effect of lockdown due... more

Due to increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 virus, athletes were unable to train optimally. This study aimed to determine the differences in aerobic capacity, body mass, and body mass index in soccer players as the effect of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: Fourteen male participants were recruited from the university soccer team. Anthropometric characteristics were as follows: age = 20.75 ± 1.48 years, height = 174.35 ± 5.59 cm, body mass = 68.95 ± 6.17 kg, and body mass index = 21.92 ± 0.94 kg/m 2. Single-group pretest and posttest designs were selected to conduct this study. A multistage fitness test determined aerobic capacity. ANOVA test was used to identify aerobic capacity, body mass, and body mass index differences between pretest and posttest on university soccer players. Results: The pretest and posttest were similar in anthropometric characteristics, and there were no significant differences in age (P = 0.382), height (P = 0.106), and body mass (P = 0.068). Our findings showed significant differences between pretest and posttest for aerobic capacity (P = 0.042) and body mass index (P = 0.037) in university soccer players. Conclusion: We conclude that there was a significant effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the soccer player's aerobic capacity and body mass index. These findings may have implications, namely, as functional test's organization, administration, and outcomes while testing the players. Team coaches, trainers, and physiologists must consider the effects of lockdown on the players' performance while preparing players for competition. Further researchers should be established to modify other types of tests, conduct studies with a larger sample and population, and add other variables.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the communication and problem solving skills of the program supervisors who responsible for youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of several variables. Material and... more

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the communication and problem solving skills of the program supervisors who responsible for youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of several variables. Material and Method: The study group consisted of 103 participants 45 of whom were female and 58 of whom were male and who were in charge of the youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2015-2016 period. The “Communication Skills Evaluation Scale (CSES)” was made use of in determining the communication skills of the people who were in charge of youth camps; and the “Problem Solving Inventory (PSI)” was made use of in determining the problem solving skills. The Findings: It was determined upon the analyses that there were no significant differences between the groups in the communication and problem solving skills of the people responsible for running the program in terms of gender, age, marital status, educational status and in-service training v...

Physical and Athletic Education (PAE) provide students with knowledge and skills and contributes to their Health Education (HE). Its effects are to be invested outside the school in daily or professional activities and in the practice of... more

Physical and Athletic Education (PAE) provide students with knowledge and skills and contributes to their Health Education (HE). Its effects are to be invested outside the school in daily or professional activities and in the practice of physical activities. Health Education is part of a variety of health intervention strategies such as disease prevention and health promotion. In schools, it is presented in several forms and is articulated with several school disciplines. This research focuses on the inclusion of Health Education in Physical and Athletic Education in schools, particularly in secondary schools. It focuses on studying the representations that the teachers of the Physical and Athletic Education in this cycle convey about Health Education and Physical and Athletic Education. It aims to: (1) identify and describe those representations; (2) identify the objectives of the Physical and Athletic Education according to those teachers, and (3) identify the pedagogical approach...

This was a prospective cohort study at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a large multispecialty hospital in New Delhi, India. From January 2001 to July 2004, 1,552 consecutive inpatients and outpatients who presented with clinically suspected lower... more

This was a prospective cohort study at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a large multispecialty hospital in New Delhi, India. From January 2001 to July 2004, 1,552 consecutive inpatients and outpatients who presented with clinically suspected lower limb DVT were enrolled in the study. ...

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the structural validity and reliability of a student’s behaviors’ self-evaluation scale (SBSS) in the physical education class. The SBSS was created in order to evaluate the effect of a... more

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the structural validity and reliability of a student’s behaviors’ self-evaluation scale (SBSS) in the physical education class. The SBSS was created in order to evaluate the effect of a physical education program in the context of the multicultural composition of the student population in the Greek elementary schools. First, the face validity of items was evaluated, second, the pool of the items selected was factor analyzed. Two hundred and thirty six (N = 236) students, aged 10 to 12 years old (M = 11, SD = 1.38) participated in this study. The participation consisted of 110 (46.6%) boys and 126 (53.4%) girls who attended the 5 th and 6 th grade of primary school. From the participants, 133 (56.4%) were Greeks and 103 (43.6%) were foreigners. Exploratory factor analysis yielded five factors (goals ‐ acquaintances ‐ reward ‐ help ‐ irresponsibility) accounting for 65.2% of the variance. The internal reliability index of the questi...

Entering middle school can cause apprehension for young adolescents who face many cognitive, physical, social, and emotional changes. A quantitative, descriptive study was designed to identify and explain the concerns of rising sixth... more

Entering middle school can cause apprehension for young adolescents who face many cognitive, physical, social, and emotional changes. A quantitative, descriptive study was designed to identify and explain the concerns of rising sixth graders (n = 225) regarding their transition to the middle grades. Survey data were analyzed with regard to gender, race, and school type (i.e., inner city, urban, suburban, and rural). Undressing in front of others for P.E. was the most frequently rated area of high concern. There was a significant effect of gender on the level of concern for getting lost, changing clothes for P.E., peer pressure, being bullied, and academic performance. There was a significant effect of race on the level of concern for using a locker, having enough time to eat lunch, and going to the restroom. There was a significant effect of school type on the level of concern for making friends, belonging to the right clubs and groups, getting lost, having enough time to eat lunch,...