ISBN Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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El presente trabajo acomete la tarea de investigar las construcciones vernaculas del municipio de Vega de San Mateo, en la comarca de las Medianias (Gran Canaria). Un conjunto de ejemplos de la arquitectura y la ingenieria historica, que... more
El presente trabajo acomete la tarea de investigar las construcciones vernaculas del municipio de Vega de San Mateo, en la comarca de las Medianias (Gran Canaria). Un conjunto de ejemplos de la arquitectura y la ingenieria historica, que conformaba sin duda el pasisaje tradicional de su municipio, y de los que aun se cuenta con un numero importante de testimonios.
- by Miguel Carvajal and +2
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- ISBN, Relation, Theater
Contemporary residential developments seem to represent several various directions: very few are truly sustainable and represent relatively gigh level of urban design, most of them just follow the contemporary trends and some of them stay... more
Contemporary residential developments seem to represent several various directions: very few are truly sustainable and represent relatively gigh level of urban design, most of them just follow the contemporary trends and some of them stay behind and just copy standard layouts. Althought there are several outstanding examples of high quality housing developments – there are many which form most of contemporary urban fabric. Most of contemporary publications on housing estates show great interest in density, as it is one of the most important issues for urban planning. These publications seem to be very helpful in quantitative urban analyses and architectural researches however they don’t show the wider urban perspective. Since 2000 in Poland many new housing developments were built while in 2003 new planning system were implemented. Between 2000 and 2010 housing development in Poland changed dramatically. Increasing demand for houses and flats caused growth in the construction sector...
- by Tomasz Bradecki
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This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four countries: Ghana, India, Philippines and Zambia, and across two common sectors: Staple Food and Bus Transport with the support from DFID (UK) and BMZ (Germany) facilitated by GIZ (Germany). The aim of the project was to highlight the relevance of competition reforms for social and economic welfare in developing countries, and motivate other countries, governments and development partners to accord greater attention to the subject of competition reforms. In view of this overall aim of the project, with inputs from the project advisers CUTS designed the final conference of the CREW project on a broader theme to talk about ‘Relevance of Competition & Regulatory Reforms in Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries’. The theme w...
meaning: “... the ‘vulgate’ text may mean the collectivity not just of majority readings but of all readings in subsequent (after the stabilization of the text in the 2nd century B.C.) general circulation, as distinct from the different... more
meaning: “... the ‘vulgate’ text may mean the collectivity not just of majority readings but of all readings in subsequent (after the stabilization of the text in the 2nd century B.C.) general circulation, as distinct from the different textual instantiations of the early Ptolemaic manuscripts”. Ancient Homeric Scholarship and the Medieval Tradition 481 or commented copies, where the marginal parallels or explanations were not meant to enter the text81. This is something that the corrector of 2 has very probably seen: the scribe (or the person to whom the paradosis of his copy was due) had included in the text at l. 133 theAristarchean “reading” [Ilion82, but this has been changed by the second hand into the actual reading of the textAristarchus was working on, namely ÉIl¤ou. Certainly, what later came to be the vulgatemust have existed prior to the time ofAlexandrian scholarship, and it must have been thought to be a good copy of the text, too, for among the exemplars available to ...
- by Alberto Nodar
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- Art, ISBN
Este artigo reflecte sobre o projecto interactivo" Invisível aos olhos"-uma instalação interactiva que procura reflectir sobre a história passada dos mendigos de rua. O artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento da ideia inicial e os... more
Este artigo reflecte sobre o projecto interactivo" Invisível aos olhos"-uma instalação interactiva que procura reflectir sobre a história passada dos mendigos de rua. O artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento da ideia inicial e os resultados obtidos numa primeira apresentação, passando pela fase de descrição, definição e implementação do trabalho. Faz-se um breve resumo sobre o estado da arte na área da narrativa interactiva e procuram-se alternativas para conseguir uma imersão efectiva do participante na obra.
- by Inês Petiz and +1
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- by Bart Jaski
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- Medieval, ISBN
- by Fabrizio Dabbene
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- Statistics, ISBN
For the past few decades, compounds from natural sources have been gaining importance because of the vast chemical diversity they offer. This has led to phenomenal increase in the demand for herbal medicines in the last two decades and... more
For the past few decades, compounds from natural sources have been gaining importance because of the vast chemical diversity they offer. This has led to phenomenal increase in the demand for herbal medicines in the last two decades and need has been felt for ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of herbal drugs. Phytochemical evaluation is one of the tools for the quality assessment, which include preliminary phytochemical screening, chemoprofiling, and marker compound analysis using modern analytical techniques. High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) has been emerged as an important tool for the qualitative, semiquantitative, and quantitative phytochemical analysis of the herbal drugs and formulations. This includes developing TLC fingerprinting profiles and estimation of biomarkers. This review has an attempt to focus on the theoretical considerations of HPTLC and some examples of herbal drugs and formulations analyzed by HPTLC.
- by Alice Landskron
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- Archaeology, ISBN
- by Malcolm Choat
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- Art, ISBN
Los fósiles despertaron admiración y curiosidad en los naturalistas durante siglos, confiriendo al estudio de la vida del pasado uno de los temas más apasionantes de las Ciencias Naturales. Reconstruir ese pasado se ha convertido en la... more
Los fósiles despertaron admiración y curiosidad en los naturalistas durante siglos, confiriendo al estudio de la vida del pasado uno de los temas más apasionantes de las Ciencias Naturales. Reconstruir ese pasado se ha convertido en la meta de numerosos científicos, quienes se ocupan de descubrir y rescatar evidencias, aportando pequeñas piezas a un gran rompecabezas y cada nueva pieza ofrece nuevas respuestas, aunque también nuevos interrogantes... Caminando… invita a despertar el interés por las Ciencias Naturales, a través de la paleontología y la evolución faunística en la región Pampeana. La guía está organizada en cuatro módulos, incluyendo actividades, que nos introducen en el mundo de la paleontología y su historia en Argentina. Recorremos los millones de años de historia de la vida en la Tierra. Conocemos la megafauna pleistocena pampeana y las hipótesis sobre su extinción. Finalmente, discutimos la relación e importancia de los museos y las comunidades locales y el valor pat...
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four countries: Ghana, India, Philippines and Zambia, and across two common sectors: Staple Food and Bus Transport with the support from DFID (UK) and BMZ (Germany) facilitated by GIZ (Germany). The aim of the project was to highlight the relevance of competition reforms for social and economic welfare in developing countries, and motivate other countries, governments and development partners to accord greater attention to the subject of competition reforms. In view of this overall aim of the project, with inputs from the project advisers CUTS designed the final conference of the CREW project on a broader theme to talk about ‘Relevance of Competition & Regulatory Reforms in Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing Countries’. The theme w...
- by Karl Reinhard Krierer
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- Archaeology, Art, ISBN
The Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14) is based on the IPCC structure and process; it consists of three volumes that present the existing knowledge on climate change in Austria, and on the needs and possibilities for mitigation and... more
The Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14) is based on the IPCC structure and process; it consists of three volumes that present the existing knowledge on climate change in Austria, and on the needs and possibilities for mitigation and adaptation. The report aims to present the scientific knowledge pertaining to Austria in a coherent and complete manner to submit this in the form of policy-relevant information to the Austrian Federal Government and political decision-making bodies at all levels, and thereby providing a decision-making basis for the private sector and a knowledge base for academic institutions. Similar to the IPCC assessment reports, the AAR14 is based on the principle of being policy-relevant, but not policy-prescriptive. In a joint, three-year effort approximately 240 Austrian scientists have developed this first progress report on climate change in Austria, and thus summarized the current state of knowledge on the characteristics of climate change in Austria, its...
The presented monograph refers to the issues related to bridge structures located in areas with the ground deformations with particular emphasis on its kinematics. The causes of terrain deformation may be different geodynamic phenomena... more
The presented monograph refers to the issues related to bridge structures located in areas with the ground deformations with particular emphasis on its kinematics. The causes of terrain deformation may be different geodynamic phenomena which include: effects of mining, tunneling, karst processes, floods and flooding and landslides. The most common forms of these deformations are continuous in the form of depression called subsidence trough. Their size is described by indexes such as depression, horizontal displacement and deformation, surface inclination and curvature. Compact structures, such as houses and public buildings, are usually taken to be point models and then influences given by the above-mentioned de-formation indexes are clearly defined. Bridges are classified as linear structures, the length of which clearly dominates the size of the cross section. They are also often distinguished by the high elevation of the main structural elements over the ground level and a very c...
- by Marek Salamak
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- by David Mirhady
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- Jurisprudence, Philosophy, ISBN
- by Gudrun Klebinder-Gauss
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- Egyptology, Art, ISBN
The handmade burnished pottery appears in the late 13th and early 12th centuries BCE at many palatial centres of the Greek mainland and is particularly frequent in the Argolid. In the southeastern Peloponnese, Ayios Vasileios is, next to... more
The handmade burnished pottery appears in the late 13th and early 12th centuries BCE at many palatial centres of the Greek mainland and is particularly frequent in the Argolid. In the southeastern Peloponnese, Ayios Vasileios is, next to the Menelaion, the second site where this peculiar pottery class was found . The ongoing excavation in the newly found palatial centre may add valuable information for the interpretation of handmade pottery of the early 12th century BCE. The handmade pottery from Ayios Vasileios reflects shapes and decoration of Italian impasto pottery traditions that were common in many other sites of the Greek mainland and on Crete. The new finds seem to support the hypothesis of a foreign – in this case most probably Italian – population segment present in major centres, especially during the period that followed the severe destruction of the palaces in the Argolid . In the light of the typological connections between the Laconian and the Argolidan handmade burni...
- by Adamantia Vasilogamvrou
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- Art, Pottery, ISBN
Saat buku ini dalam penyusunan, tengah berputar informasi tentang Revolusi Industri 4,0. Dalam benak penulis momentum ini sangat tepatmembawa generasi era 1960-1990, dan generasimilenium 2000-2020, ke iklim Revolusi Industri... more
Saat buku ini dalam penyusunan, tengah berputar informasi tentang Revolusi Industri 4,0. Dalam benak penulis momentum ini sangat tepatmembawa generasi era 1960-1990, dan generasimilenium 2000-2020, ke iklim Revolusi Industri 4,0.Bagaimanapun logikanya, konsekwensi peradabansudah menggiring kita ke pertarungan baru dalamera kekinian yang tak terelekkan. Hal ini pula yangmungkin saja menginspirasi banyak penulis bukumelepas pemikirannya, guna melakukan kritikmendalam atas peradaban manusia sejak awalkehadirannya, kemashuran hingga kepunahan,atau menyisakan jejak bagi manusia yang hidup diabad berikutnya, tentang masa lalu manusia danperadabannya. Buku ini menggambarkan bagaimana pers melewati proses pertumbuhan bersama peradaban manusia di berbagai belahan bumi.<br>
- by david machera
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- Law, Art, Political Science, Derecho
- by Stefan Hagel
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- Philology, ISBN
- by Christian Gastgeber
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- Byzantine, ISBN
Per circa una trentina d'anni la "morte cerebrale" ha costituito una certezza scientifica indiscussa. Dal 1968, anno in cui un gruppo di medici statunitensi l'ha proposta come nuova definizione di morte, un paziente poteva essere... more
Per circa una trentina d'anni la "morte cerebrale" ha costituito una certezza scientifica indiscussa. Dal 1968, anno in cui un gruppo di medici statunitensi l'ha proposta come nuova definizione di morte, un paziente poteva essere dichiarato morto non più dopo la cessazione del battito cardiaco e della respirazione, bensì quando il suo cervello aveva irreversibilmente smesso di funzionare. Sin da allora, i medici avevano connesso a questa nuova definizione della morte la possibilità di prelevare gli organi "a cuore battente". A che giova riaprire una discussione su un tema sul quale, a prima vista, sembra essere stato raggiunto un ampio e consolidato consenso? Il fatto è che la definizione di morte cerebrale ha avuto _ come tutte le bugie _ una vita piuttosto corta. Già negli anni Novanta esperti neurologi di fama internazionale, nonché filosofi, anche di opposto orientamento, sono giunti alla conclusione che la morte cerebrale sia stata un'abile finzione introdotta strumentalmente soprattutto per cercare di risolvere il problema dei trapianti. La presente antologia vuole portare alla conoscenza del pubblico italiano questo dibattito, che nel nostro paese si vuole invece continuare a tabuizzare.
- by Rosangela Barcaro
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In Kosovo, domestic violence is among the most prevalent forms of gender-based violence. Institutions, organizations and a recently revised legal framework exist towards preventing domestic violence; protecting victims; prosecuting... more
In Kosovo, domestic violence is among the most prevalent forms of gender-based violence. Institutions, organizations and a recently revised legal framework exist towards preventing domestic violence; protecting victims; prosecuting perpetrators; and rehabilitating victims, perpetrators and their children. Implementation requires resources and thus an accurate assessment of the costs affiliated with domestic violence. This research seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the costs for the state to implement the LPADV, PADVAP and broader relevant legal framework.
- by Gerhard Markart
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- Geography, ISBN
- by Alice Landskron
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- Archaeology, ISBN
From the beginning of the Shaft Grave period, leading people on the mainland were in the position to acquireforeign luxuries and valuable raw materials in growing quantities. Some of these prestige goods clearly served as cultequipment in... more
From the beginning of the Shaft Grave period, leading people on the mainland were in the position to acquireforeign luxuries and valuable raw materials in growing quantities. Some of these prestige goods clearly served as cultequipment in Minoan Crete; others display a complex system of religious figurative scenes and motifs of undoubtedlyMinoan inspiration. Such scenes and motifs were virtually unknown in the preceding periods of MH Greece. Despitetheir foreign background, these objects had some impact on the formation of Mycenaean cult practices. It is arguedthat within this process of appropriation mainland inhabitants made a deliberate choice of the available ceremonialequipment and cult symbols. It seems that only those cult implements such as rhyta and tripod offering tables wereborrowed from Crete, which could be incorporated in indigenous MH religious traditions. Significantly, such objectswere produced until the end of the Palatial period. Correspondingly, Mycenaeans were i...
- by evangelia malapani
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- History, Iconography, Cult, ISBN
- by Fred Harrison
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- by Lukas Kranzl
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- Geography, ISBN
- by Priscilla Laws and +1
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- by Areti Pentedeka
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- Egyptology, ISBN