Information Operations Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The paper presents a generic model for designing re-configurable C4ISR systems. The paper recognizes that despite the detailed guidelines provided ,by the Department ,of Defense ,Architecture Framework (DODAF) for designing... more

The paper presents a generic model for designing re-configurable C4ISR systems. The paper recognizes that despite the detailed guidelines provided ,by the Department ,of Defense ,Architecture Framework (DODAF) for designing systems-of-systems (SOS), DODAF may not be appropriate for creating adaptive C4ISR systems. Most importantly, DODAF lacks any theoretical foundation for designing not only C4ISR systems, but also for creating any SOS such as the Department of Defense’s (DOD) visionary Global Information Grid (GIG) that requires integration of coalition partners. Using axiomatic theory, the scientific concepts for creating Integrated Manufacturing Production Systems (IMPSs), the value system model, and borrowing from Martin’s work [Martin Book II 1990] for creating information-based enterprises, we have,constructed the generic model ,that could serve as a template ,for designing an adaptive ,C4ISR. More importantly, the paper recognizes that future DOD systems-of-systems must foll...

The U.S. Army is studying ways to apply its cyber power and is reconsidering doctrinally defined areas that are integral to cyberspace operations. An examination of network operations, information operations, and several other, more... more

The U.S. Army is studying ways to apply its cyber power and is reconsidering doctrinally defined areas that are integral to cyberspace operations. An examination of network operations, information operations, and several other, more focused areas across the U.S. military found significant overlap and potential boundary progression that could inform the development of future Army doctrine.

This White Paper describes a DARPA SBIR Phase I project to develop an innovative decision-based system that will provide for a common Digital Operating Picture for Information Operations (DICOP- IO) in coordination with systems currently... more

This White Paper describes a DARPA SBIR Phase I project to develop an innovative decision-based system that will provide for a common Digital Operating Picture for Information Operations (DICOP- IO) in coordination with systems currently being used for Kinetic Operations. Whereas in the past IO was considered by many to be a mere augmentation to operational planning, emerging thought realizes

The digital age has permanently changed the way states conduct political warfare—necessitating a rebalancing of security priorities in democracies. The utilisation of cyberspace by state and non-state actors to subvert democratic... more

The digital age has permanently changed the way states conduct political warfare—necessitating a rebalancing of security priorities in democracies. The utilisation of cyberspace by state and non-state actors to subvert democratic elections, encourage the proliferation of violence and challenge the sovereignty and values of democratic states is having a highly destabilising effect. Successful political warfare campaigns also cause voters to question the results of democratic elections and whether special interests or foreign powers have been the decisive factor in a given outcome. This is highly damaging for the political legitimacy of democracies, which depend upon voters being able to trust in electoral processes and outcomes free from malign influence— perceived or otherwise. The values of individual freedom and political expression practised within democratic states challenges their ability to respond to political warfare. The continued failure of governments to understand this has undermined their ability to combat this emerging threat. The challenges that this new digitally enabled political warfare poses to democracies is set to rise with developments in machine learning and the emergence of digital tools such as ‘deep fakes’.

Ukraine’s civilians can provide crowdsourced geolocated target information to the Ukrainian Army. This has the effect of creating a more resilient targeting process but also implies that anyone with a smartphone may become a target of... more

Ukraine’s civilians can provide crowdsourced geolocated target information to the Ukrainian Army. This has the effect of creating a more resilient targeting process but also implies that anyone with a smartphone may become a target of enemy action. Now the question is whether raising a smartphone to photograph an enemy column constitutes a hostile act. There is already video evidence online showing how people using smartphones to record Russian military activity have found themselves under fire. In addition, The Economist reporter Tim Juddah observes that, ‘The Russians arrested people and shot them in the street to make an example because what they were really frightened of was the Ukrainians using their phones to report to Ukrainian forces their positions’. This does not justify the atrocities committed by the Russians but it remains an open question as to how the spiral of violence was triggered given the evidence so far accumulated.

This paper briefly describes the mathematics of a discontinuous Bayesian command decision model. The model uses the principle of minimisation of expected loss and is based on two basic elements: the uncertainty in the decision-makers’... more

This paper briefly describes the mathematics of a discontinuous Bayesian command decision model. The model uses the principle of minimisation of expected loss and is based on two basic elements: the uncertainty in the decision-makers’ belief in outcome; and, his perception of loss (or penalty) associated with all possible actual outcomes (measured with respect to the desired or planned outcome). The belief function is combined with the perceived loss function to give an expected loss function. Minimisation of the expected loss function results in a cusp catastrophe. The two control parameters of the cusp cubic equation are defined by the width of the belief in outcome function (i.e. uncertainty) and the shape of the perceived loss function (i.e. criticality of decided action). In summary, the paper proposes that two main factors drive military decision-making and offers qualitative appreciation of their impact, which is useful, in particular, for Information Operations and C2W. The ...

In this paper, we consider cognitive maps as an additional tool for building a knowledge base of the DSS. Here we present the problem of choosing the optimal scenario of the impact between nodes in the cognitive maps based on of the... more

In this paper, we consider cognitive maps as an additional tool for
building a knowledge base of the DSS. Here we present the problem of choosing the optimal scenario of the impact between nodes in the cognitive maps based on of the introduced criteria for the optimality of the impact. Two criteria for the optimality of the impact, which are called the force of impact and the speed of implementation of the scenario, are considered. To obtain a unique solution of the problem, a multi-criterial assessment of the received scenarios using the Pareto principle was applied. Based on the criteria of a force of impact and the speed of implementation of the scenario, the choice of the optimal scenario of
impact was justified. The results and advantages of the proposed approach in comparison with the Kosko model are presented. Also we calculate rank distribution of nodes according to the degree of their impact on each other to reveal key and the most influential components of the cognitive map that corresponds some subject domain.

One goal of the NATO SAS-105 Symposium is to develop strategies to influence capabilities of military and civilian organizations in order to better harmonize ways to achieve desired strategic effects and outcomes. The paper describes how... more

One goal of the NATO SAS-105 Symposium is to develop strategies to influence capabilities of military and civilian organizations in order to better harmonize ways to achieve desired strategic effects and outcomes. The paper describes how the complexity of current and future security environments is best addressed through civil-military collaboration. However, given that industrial age assumptions and organizational defensive routines often impede effective interagency planning, the paper outlines how Open Systems Theory (OST) is an effective approach for active adaptation planning combined with Action Research (AR) as a form of Campaign Experimentation. AR is designed to solve complex problems by involving those responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation of an initiative while generating scientific knowledge to inform doctrine and policies. The unique position of the Centre for Intercultural Learning as a practitioner in strengthening multi-stakeholder processes will complement the theoretical basis for recommendations.

This paper uses public diplomacy and strategic communication to describe an instrument of statecraft that embraces diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, international broadcasting, political communication, democracy building, and open military... more

This paper uses public diplomacy and strategic communication to describe an instrument of statecraft that embraces diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, international broadcasting, political communication, democracy building, and open military information operations. Each element is instrumental in its core, but each imports discourse norms requiring limited firewalls to be successful. Because U.S. public diplomacy is characterized by episodic commitment, organizational stovepipes, tribal

Social media platforms such as Twitter pose new challenges for decision-makers in an international crisis. We examine Twitter's role during Iran's 2009 election crisis using a comparative analysis of Twitter investors, US State... more

Social media platforms such as Twitter pose new challenges for decision-makers in an international crisis. We examine Twitter's role during Iran's 2009 election crisis using a comparative analysis of Twitter investors, US State Department diplomats, citizen activists and Iranian protesters and paramilitary forces. We code for key events during the election's aftermath from 12 June to 5 August 2009, and evaluate Twitter. Foreign policy, international political economy and historical sociology frameworks provide a deeper context of how Twitter was used by different users for defensive information operations and public diplomacy. Those who believe Twitter and other social network technologies will enable ordinary people to seize power from repressive regimes should consider the fate of Iran's protesters, some of whom paid for their enthusiastic adoption of Twitter with their lives.

– A system is described for applying hierarchical unsupervised neural networks (self organizing feature maps) to the intruder detection problem. Specific emphasis is given to the representation of time and the incremental development of a... more

– A system is described for applying hierarchical unsupervised neural networks (self organizing feature maps) to the intruder detection problem. Specific emphasis is given to the representation of time and the incremental development of a hierarchy. Preliminary results are given for the DARPA 1998 Intrusion Detection Problem.

Information Warfare (IW) is expected to play an increasingly dominant role in twenty first century conflict, wherein military superiority is a composite function of combat, electronic and information superiority. Various armies are... more

Information Warfare (IW) is expected to play an increasingly dominant role in twenty first century conflict, wherein military superiority is a composite function of combat, electronic and information superiority. Various armies are continuously evolving their concepts, doctrines and roadmaps for operationalising IW concepts. This two-part write-up attempts to introduce the concept of IW/ Information Operations (IO). Here in Part II of the write-up, some well-accepted IW taxonomies are first given out, followed by a brief overview of the notion of Information Superiority. Finally, some comments are made on the status of IW in the Indian context.

The modern armed forces use the electromagnetic field in a wide range for communication, weapon control, intelligence, navigation and force protection. The electronic devices used in these fields increase significantly the application... more

The modern armed forces use the electromagnetic field in a wide range for communication, weapon control, intelligence, navigation and force protection. The electronic devices used in these fields increase significantly the application possibilities of military forces. As a result of this the commanders controlling military operations have to pay accentuated attention to the use of the electromagnetic spectrum in their area of responsibility and their area of operations.

The potential for cyberwarfare is vast and is of concern to all nations, and national security defence. It appears that many countries are actively trying to protect their computer networks, whilst looking for ways that might bring down... more

The potential for cyberwarfare is vast and is of concern to all nations, and national security defence. It appears that many countries are actively trying to protect their computer networks, whilst looking for ways that might bring down the networks of other countries, although this is not officially acknowledged. Bringing down another nations computer networks could give the attacking national intelligence and control. These kinds of interactions are now a part of the way in which international relations are played out, and the internet is also a place in which international relations are contested. As such the internet plays a role in the visualisation and articulation of international relations both officially and unofficially, via official pronouncements and the activities of private citizens. What makes the internet different to other media forms is that the internet also represents a space in which international relations are contested in terms of cyber attacks and information...

This article describes and analyzes a little understood Afghan Taliban propaganda tool: chants or taranas. These melodic refrains effectively use historical narratives, symbology, and iconic portraits. The chants are engendered in... more

This article describes and analyzes a little understood Afghan Taliban propaganda tool: chants or taranas. These melodic refrains effectively use historical narratives, symbology, and iconic portraits. The chants are engendered in emotions of sorrow, pride, desperation, hope, ...

Much attention has been focused on the potential consequences of cyber attacks against critical infrastructure and the use of cyber weapons as an asymmetric equalizer. However, as a capability considered to be under the larger umbrella of... more

Much attention has been focused on the potential consequences of cyber attacks against critical infrastructure and the use of cyber weapons as an asymmetric equalizer. However, as a capability considered to be under the larger umbrella of an information operations (IO)/information warfare (IW) campaign, how significant a weapon is cyber for the strategist in an information environment? As observed in recent IO/IW campaigns targeting U.S. elections in 2016 and 2020, lack of any discernable disruptive cyber attacks may have provided an answer to this, as a cyber power purposefully elected not to implement attacks. Instead, cyber espionage was used, and even at that, played a minor complementary role in the larger effort. This calls into question the efficacy of cyber as an instrument of IO/IW, and the true nature of its role in more strategic soft-power operations. This paper argues that cyber is at best a supportive enabler of campaigns where information is the catalyst to achieve st...

Robert Popp, Ph.D. Executive Vice President, Aptima, Boston, MA 01801 781-935-3966 ... Stephen H. Kaisler, D.Sc. Senior Associate, SET Corporation, Arlington, VA 22203 571-218-4606 ... David... more

Robert Popp, Ph.D. Executive Vice President, Aptima, Boston, MA 01801 781-935-3966 ... Stephen H. Kaisler, D.Sc. Senior Associate, SET Corporation, Arlington, VA 22203 571-218-4606 ... David Allen, Ph.D Senior ...